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Full text of "Atwater history and genealogy : comprising the results of seventy-seven years research by Rev. E.E. Atwater and the compiler"

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Atwater History and Genealogy 

Comprising the Results of Seventy-Seven 

Years Research by Rev. E. E. 

Atwater and the Compiler 

Information Not Found in This Volume Should 
be Sought in Volumes I, II and III 


Published by 

The- Horton Printing Company 

Meriden, Conn. 



Ex-Senator Francis Atwati.r. 

Printer, Publisher, Editor, Author of Several Histories and 

( lenealogies, Founder of Newspapers, Railroad Builder, 

Organizer of Banks and Industrial Companies; 

Extensive Traveler and Compiler of This 


<■ i * . ' » 

* * « * I * t 4 



(From Who's Who in America.) 

Atwater, Francis, capitalist; b. Plymouth, Conn., Dec. 3, 1858; 
s. Henry and Catherine (Fenn) A.; ed. Plymouth and Southing- 
ton, pub. scli.; m. Helena J. Sellew, 1879. Learned printers' 
trade, was foreman composing room Meriden Recorder, at 16; 
founder and publisher Windemere Weekly Forum, Wallingford, 
Conn., 1877-78 ; asst. foreman Hartford Courant, 1880; later mgr. 
Red Bluff (Cal.) Sentinel; founder and publisher Meriden Sun- 
day News; founded Meriden Daily Journal, 1880, and retired ;.s 
president Journal Publishing Co., 1913; founded, 1 ( K)1, Havana 
Journal (now Havana Post), first ail-American journal in Cuba; 
bought and sold the New Britain Daily News: bought and sold 
Waterbury Daily Republican ; ex-president Meriden, Southington 
& Compounce Tramway ; president Washington State Colonization 
Co. since 1905; ex-president Meriden, Middletown &• Cuilford 
Electric Railway Co., 1909; ex-president Silver City Realty Co. 
1911; founder, 1912, Puritan Trust Co.; elected director Broad- 
way Rank and Trust Co., New Haven, 1913; organizer, 1914, 
American Rank & Trust Co.. New Haven; organizer. East Hamp- 
ton Bank & Trust Co., and director American Rank & Trust Co.. 
Wallingford Trust Co., and Torrington (Conn.) Trust Co. Mem 
her Conn. Senate. 1906; tax collector, 1 ( 07, ex-president Meriden 
Board of Trade; ex-member executive com. Am. Xat. Red Cross; 
founder R'12. and president Clara Barton Memorial Association. 
Author: Histories of Plymouth and Kent. Conn.. 1896; Atwater 
History and Genealogy, 1901, Vol. II. 1906; Vol. HI, 1919; 
Meriden Centennial Proceedings, \ l K)7 ; Personal Memoirs 1924; 
History of Southington. 1925. Now retired. Address: 492 
Whitney Ave., New Haven, Conn. 



The history of David Atwater and his descendants cannot be 
Lold in a few words. The first Atwaters to come to America 
were David and Joshua and their sister Ann. Joshua became 
prominent in Connecticut and Massachusetts affairs, was married, 
had several children, but none to perpetuate the family name. 
The sister Ann, who probably attended to the household duties 
until the brothers married, is not mentioned afterwards. David, 
the ancestor of all Atwaters in this country until a comparatively 
recent date, left England in lo37. He was twenty-two years old 
when he landed in America. He had buried his father in Novem- 
ber, 1636, and his mother the following January, and thus being 
liberated from filial duty joined the expedition of Kentish men 
who had become "infected with distemper for the authorized 
church." Their emigration is to be attributed to the discomfort 
experienced by the English Puritans in their native land, rather 
than to any attractiveness in this wilderness. It is impossible 
for those who have been surrounded with the security, beauty 
and plenty enjoyed by the posterity of these colonists, to conceive 
of the same territory as it was seen by their ancestors when they 
arrived, or as it presented itself to the eve of imagination when 
Lhey decided to emigrate. This country is to its present inhabi- 
tants their pleasant home; but the Englishmen in the seventeenth 
century were uncomfortable in England, loved England as their 
dear native land, and thought of America as a foreign country, 
and as such, destitute of the attraction and charm which apper- 
tains to the ideal of home. 

Moreover, emigration to the new world was not mere exile 
from a land they were reluctant to leave; it was exposure to suf- 


fering by cold and hunger, to peril of death by shipwreck, by wild 
beasts, and by treacherous savages. Such liabilities are, indeed. 
not unattractive to men whom love ol adventure predominates; 
but the English Puritans were in general as free from that resl 
lessness of mind which seeks relief in excitement as any people 
in the world, Religion, inclining them to sobriety and industry, 
fostered the love of borne, of security and of comfort. Individ 
uals among them may have been susceptible to love of adventure; 
but as a class, the planters of New England were men not natur- 
ally inclined to desert their homes, and expo.se themselves to 
hardships and perils of the ocean and in the wilderness. On tne 
contrary their training bad been such as inclined them to remain 
in their native land. This is true of even the unmarried men, 
like David and Joshua Atwater. but the reluctance to emigrate 
was far greater when one must expose sister, wife and children 
to hardships they were less able than the men to bear. 

It was a great undertaking to prepare for a voyage across the 
Atlantic and a permanent residence in the new world. The min- 
isters could embark perhaps, with their books and household stuff, 
but merchants and owners of real estate needed several months, 
after deciding to emigrate, for the conversion of their assets into 
money, or into merchandise suitable for the adventure in which 
thev were engaging. Yet these young men, Joshua, who was a 
mercer, disposed of his goods, while David sold the real estate to 
which they had only been in possession of a short time, when the;, 
joined a company which projected something more than emigra- 
tion. They were not to scatter themselves when they disembarked, 
among the different settlements already established in Mew Eng- 
land, but to remain together anil lav the foundation for a new 
and isolated community. lor this reason a more comprehensive 
outfit was necessary than if they had expected to become incorpo 
rated individually or collectively, in communities already planted. 
In addition to the stores shipped by individuals, there must be 
many things provided for the common good, by persons acting in 
behalf of the whole company. There is evidence, that after the 
expedition arrived in New Haven, its affairs were managed like 
those of a joint stock association and. therefore, some ground for 


believing that from the beginning, those who agreed to emigrate 
in this company, or at least some of them, associated themselves 
together as partners in the profit and loss of the adventure. 

These early emigrants were advised to have victuals with them 
for a "twelve-month," to bring good stores of clothing and bed- 
ding; paper and linseed oil for the windows, with cotton yarn for 
the lamps. They were taught to ballast the ships with iron, steel, 
lead, nails, and other heavy articles of utility ; also bricks. One 
Atwater house, supposed to have been built by Thomas, a son of 
David, the emigrant, when torn down nearly 200 years later, had 
bricks taken from it with "London" stamped upon them. The 
bulk of the cargo carried consisted of wearing apparel, bedding, 
food, tools, arms, ammunition and seed. Neat cattle and goats 
were usually taken, sometimes horses. Two months was perhaps 
the average time consumed in sailing from London to Boston in 
the vessels of that day. A passage was, indeed, sometimes made 
in less time, but in other instances was protracted to three months. 
A vessel made but one round trip a year, leaving England in the 
spring and arriving home in the autumn. Crowded cabins rend- 
ered the passage uncomfortable, even when speedy ; but a pro- 
tracted voyage often induced not only discomfort but disease. 

It was in the summer of 1&37 that the Atwaters landed on the 
coast near Boston. With others Joshua and David had heard 
from the Pequot Indian war of the land west of the Connecticut 
river. It was known in modern orthography as Quinnipiac. 
Joshua was included in an exploring party to look this over. It 
was too late in the year to send a report back to Boston and 
build houses in sufficient numbers to shelter women and children, 
so Joshua and six others remained through the winter, being 

sheltered by a hut situated near a creek. We may imagine they 
spent their time in hewing, clearing and sawing, in hunting and 
trapping, and in collecting by means of barter with the natives, 
beavers and other furs for the European market. What com- 
munication they had that winter with those in Boston" must have 
been by Indian runners who could easily perform such service. 
It is probable they had commenced negotiations with the Indians 
for their land, built huts and made all possible provision for the 


arrival oi those who were to come in the spring, which included 
David Atwater and his sister Ann. 

It was on Friday when they left Boston, and. as they are said 
to have spent a fortnight on the voyage, it was the latter pari of 
the week when they arrived. On the Sabbath they worshiped 
under an oak tree near the landing place. The purchase of the 
land had probably been perfected in April though no written <\evd 
was signed until the following November. The natives were, 
therefore, expecting the large re-enforcement received by the six 
Englishmen, one having died in the winter, with whom they w 
now well acquainted. They welcomed the newcomers and were 
pleased to have in their neighborhood a plantation of Englishmen, 
to which they might retreat when molested by their enemies and 
where they might barter their venisons, pelts and furs, for the 
much admired tools and trinkets of the English. They, now for 
the first time, saw English women and children and admired them 
with great curiosity. The planters brought with them or pro 
cured from Massachusetts, plants and seeds which soon yielded 
what they had been accustomed to enjoy in England. Grains, 
especially wheat, rye and peas were sown, and the reward was 
most bountiful. Then came the fencing in of land, pounds and 
pound keepers. David Atwater was appointed on a committee 
to see that swine were not allowed to stray from home and to 
provide penalties. Subsequently he appeared before the general 
court to explain why his own hogs were allowed to run around 

This was the beginning of what was termed for many years the 
colon_\- of Xew Haven, The Quinnipiac river flowed through 
meadow land, and for three miles were salt meadows on both 
sides. It was near this river in whal was known as the Cedar 
Hill district that David, the emigrant, took up his abiding place, 
a farm oi some lot) acres. He was rated at this time as being 
worth 500 pounds, which for those days was a good sized fortune. 
The temporary shelters, which the first planters of Xew England 
provided for their families till they could ered permanent dwell- 
ings were of different kinds. Some planters carried tents with 
them to the place chosen for the new home; sunn- built wigwams 


like those of the natives. Either specie would suffice for sum- 
mer, but for winter they usually built huts, as they called them, 
similar to the later log cabins in the forests of the west, though, 
in some instances, if not in most, they were roofed after the Eng 
lish fashion of thatch. It was a peculiarity of New Haven that 
cellars were used for temporary habitations. They were, as the 
name suggests, partially underground and perhaps in most cases 
on the hillside. Rev. Michael Wiggles worth, who came to Quin 
nipiac with his parents in October, 1638, when he was seven year:, 
old, describes the cellar in which the family spent the first winter, 
as covered with earth on the roof. Such a covering might be 
effectual to exclude the cold winter winds, but it was a poor pro 
tection from heavy rains. When an old man he remembered how 
he had, while asleep, been drenched with water permeating the 
muddy roof and had been afflicted in consequence with a danger 
ous illness. 

The diet of the planters consisted chiefly of domestic products, 
though it was only a short period before commerce with the West 
Indies was started, when the tables of the wealthy were supplied 
with sugar and foreign fruits. Indeed, there were many Atwaters 
who engaged in trading with these islands, bringing rum and mo- 
lasses in their own ships and exchanging commodities raised at 
home and later mules and manufactured goods. These same At- 
waters traded clocks in the south for the mules which the}' drove 
north and held until ready to ship. Only a short time ago an old 
barn in New Haven was pointed out to me as the place where the 
mules were sheltered. Kine and sheep were few during the 
early years of the Atwaters, but there was such an abundance of 
game that the scarcity of mutton and beef was but a small incon- 
venience. In towns venison brought in by English or Indian 
hunters was usually to be obtained, and at the farms wild geese, 
turkeys, pigeons, moose and deer were so plentiful that no house- 
hold was without a bountiful supply. The rivers were full of 
fish, while at the sea shore clams, oysters and mussels -could be 
obtained for the gathering. 

A brew house was an early requisite demanded by the settlers 
and beer was as regularly on the table as bread. It is unnecessary 


to state that it was not of the 2.7? variety, but had a good stiff 
kick in it. Indeed, as late as my boyhood, it was customary to 
serve a hot toddy (cider brandy, sugar and hot water") to the 
minister when he made a friendly call. I well remember one 
stately old gentleman, who wore the old fashioned stock instead 
of a collar, when he came to our house one afternoon. It was 
after he had been entertained by several parishioners when it 
was noticed that it was not a reverential but another kind of 
"spirit" that prompted his performance. I have no evidence that 
a New England Atwater ever distilled spirits. The nearest ap 
proach to one was a cider mill owned by my grandfather, the 
product, a good share of which went to a still owned by a nearby 
neighbor. The Atwaters, as old time merchants, sold both cider 
brandy and West India rum. I do not believe they were teetol- 
talers, but always had in the house and used liquor moder- 
ately and with good judgment. There was no comparison in 
quality of those days with the adulterated product of the present 

It must have been some years after David settled in New- 
Haven before he married Damaris Sayre, daughter of Thomas 
Say re of Southampton, L. I. There is no tradition as to how or 
when he met her. Indeed, it was not until 1881 that it was dis 
covered who she was. A gentleman in looking over the probate 
records of Southampton reading the will of Thomas Sayre, found 
that he left forty shillings to his daughter "Damaris, wife of 
David Atwater, of New Haven." Thomas Sayre was a native 
of Bedfordshire, England. Two houses built by him and his son 
Thomas about lo48 were still standing until a few years ago, 
when' they were demolished. The Sayre family were of high 
principles and as prominent as any on Long Island. David and 
Damaris were the parents of ten children. The whole ten took 
part in the early history of New Haven. The daughters married 
men of prominence. The first child married when she was twen 
tv years old, John Austin. Most of their children died young. 
David, Joshua and John, however, had families whose descendants 
are numerous. 

The second daughter, named after her mother, also married in 


her twentieth year. Her husband was John Punderson, only son 
of Deacon and Margaret Punderson. The father was an early 
immigrant. From him descended all the Pundersons in the country. 
There were three John Pundersons deacons of the First church 
in New Haven in succession. 

David Atwater, the first son, married some one by the name of 
Joanna, which to this day is all that is known of her. It is sup- 
posed that he lived upon and cultivated a portion of the land orig- 
inally assigned to his father. There was a two-story brick house 
standing until burned ten years ago, which according to tradition, 
this David built. The land is still in possession of his descend- 
ants. He had two daughters who married Bradleys. His son 
Joshua continued to cultivate the farm after his father's death. 
The next son, Joshua, married Sarah Rockwell and settled in 
\\ allingford. He died a comparatively young man. leaving no 

John, the third son, married Abigail Mansfield. Pie took over 
the farm left by his brother Joshua. Before doing so he had 
learned to be a weaver and probably earned his living in New 
Haven working at his trade. At any rate, he was ever after called 
"Weaver." All of his children married except Mercy, whom I 
found no record of except her birth. Xot one of them left 
their native town, but all raised families that were an honor to 
their community. 

The fourth son was Jonathan. He married Ruth, daughter of 
Rev. Jeremiah Peck. He had eleven children. He was the mer- 
chant prince of Xew Haven, and his profits must have satisfied 
his ambition. The inventory of his estate found in the probate 
records, covers over eight closely written pages, and gives a var- 
iety of objects, great and small, suggestive not only of wealth but 
of the processes of its acquisition. There were several farms 
with tracts of land amounting to four thousand acres; province 
bills and interest bearing notes, a stock of merchandise for a re- 
tail store, indicating barter in local produce and in manufactures 
from beyond the seas, such as fine cutlery, broadcloth, Turkish 
wrought cushions; a wardrobe containing a number of coats with 
silver buttons; a gold seal ring, an ivory-headed cane and a gold 


watch, and finally three negroes. I lis whole estate was appraised 
at 15,323 pounds, which was nearly half as much as the official 
valuation of all estates in New Haven. This inventory is full of 
suggestions concerning the life of those early times. [ts lisl tells 
of energy, industry and thrift. He lived to the ripe old age of 
ninety-four years. 

Abigail, the third daughter, married Nathaniel Jones, son of 
Deputy Governor William Jones, who, like his brother-in-law . 
John Punderson, was one of the prominent men of Xew Haven. 
They had two daughters and one son. 

Alary, the fourth daughter, married Ichabod Stow, son of Rev. 
Samuel Stow and Hope Fletcher, and for her second husband 
David Robinson. One daughter of Ichabod Stow married Jehiel 
Hawley, whose daughter Esther married David Reecher, grand- 
father of Henry Ward Beecher, the famous preacher. 

The fifth son, Samuel, married Sarah Ailing. He was a farm- 
er and cultivated a portion of the land which had belonged to his 
father. He had a family of ten children. He was my projenitor. 
My line was Samuel, Daniel, Samuel, Timothy, Wyllys, and Hen- 
ry. The}' were all farmers, except my father who had learned 
the trade of a stone mason and later became a contractor. 

The youngest son of David was Ebenezer, who married Abigail 
Heaton. The}' had three daughters and one son. He was a 
tailor and lived in Xew Haven. 

We have now accounted for the ten children of David Atwater. 
He lived to see them all happily married and established as good 
citizens, upright, honest and respected. 

In the list of names of "Proprietors, Xew Haven, Conn., in 
year 1685," appear the names of David Atwater, Senior; David 
Atwater, Junior; John Atwater and Jonathan Atwater, the lasi 
three being sons of David Atwater. Senior. 

Besides the town lot assigned to him, as to each of the original 
settlers, the plantation assigned to David Atwater in the original 
division of lands among the planters was in the Neck, between 
Mill and Quinnipiac rivers, at the north side of what is now the 
city of Xew Haven. The general name of Cedar Hill has been 
given to this region. Descendants of David Atwater still reside 


there. The eldest male representative in each succeeding gener- 
ation was born, and for a time, at least, resided there. 

David Atwater died October 5, 1692. His wife died April 7. 
1691. His will is dated a week later, April 14, 1691, with an 
Appendix dated December 9, 1691. Examination of the will, in 
connection with knowledge obtained from other sources, affords 
information of interest to all bis descendants. One of his six 
sons, Joshua, had removed to \\ allingford. One of his four 
daughters, the eldest child, Mercy, who married John Austin, 
appears not to have been then living by the terms of the will in 
relation to her children. 

There are special bequests of lands to each of the surviving rive 
sons, David, John, Jonathan. Samuel and Ebenezer, determined 
in relation to the portions of the estate already received by each. 

Two of the sons had already been established in business in 
New Haven, namely Jonathan, whose name appears in the list of 
"Proprietors of New Haven, Conn., in year 1685." the bequests 
to him being, in the words of the will, "besides what also he hath 
already received," and the youngest son and child, Ebenezer. 

The portions of the estate already received by these two sons 
may be conjectured to have been the requisite money capital for 
business, and possibly the town lot assigned to David in the orig- 
inal division of the lands, with its improvements and the house 
and land formerly owned and occupied by Joshua, on what was 
known as Fleet street, bought by David from Joshua 19th June, 
1665, after the removal of Joshua to Boston — which house is said 
to have been occupied by the descendants of David more than two 
hundred years — neither of these properties appearing in the in- 
ventory of his estate in 1692. To each of the three remaining 
sons there is a specific bequest of a homestead. 

To David Atwater, Jr., whose name was in the list of Proprie- 
tors in 1685, as follows: 

"Item. 1 doe Ratify and Confirm to David Attwater, Junior, 
my eldest son, my old House, Barn and Orchard, which he already 
possesseth, and twelve acres, lying on both sides ye creek, ad- 
joining to meadow of Isaac Turner's, and twenty acres of upland, 
ten in ye Cornfield and ten in ye Neck, south of that peese of land 
fensed in on ye west side of Road and ye Rock." 


"Item. I doe give and bequeath unto my son, John An water, 
ye House and accommodations at Wallingford, with ye Rights 
and Privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which I 
bought formerly Kphraim Young's land, and one acre more ol 
silt marsh of Samuel Potter, with two acres of meadow 1 had of 
John Dod, next ye River, lying near my son David's." 

To Samuel Atwater, whose name was not in the list of Pro- 
prietors in 1685, as follows: "Item. For all the rest of my land: - , 
both uplands and meadow, with my dwelling house, barn and 
other buildings, with the Orchard, privileges and appurtenances, 
I give to my son, Samuel, to be to him and to his Heires foreve? . 

"And for these lands and meadows, above mentioned, given to 
my other sons, my will is that it be to them and to their Heirs 
forever. And my further will is, if any sons see cause to sell 
any of their lands, they shall first offer it to their Brothers, that 
the_\- may have ye first refusal." 

It would appear that there had been three divisions of lands to 
the planters, according to their original agreement, the third di- 
vision, as indicated in the inventory, being about one hundred 
acres to him : 

"Item: From my owne 3d Division, and what I had of my 
son John, I give and bequeath unto my four sons, David, Jona- 
than, Samuel and Ebenezer, to be equally divided between them. 

"And for all ye Rest of my personal estate, movables and stock 
of cattle, my will is it be equally divided between all my children, 
at least to ye value of it, my Grandchildren, sons of my daughter 
Austin, to be included for one share." 

On the day of the marriage of Ebenezer, the youngest son and 
child, to Abigail Heaton, which was the last of the marriages of 
his ten children, David Atwater could doubtless relied that, upon 
the execution of his will, each of his eight surviving children 
would be established in life with a place of residence. On that 
day, December 9, 1691, he recorded his great thoughtfulness and 
equal care for all his children in an Appendix to his will, without 
the formality of witnesses, in these words: 

"Know all men whom it may concern, that I. David Attwater. 
Senior, Doe, upon further consideration, and from a desire to 


promote love and peace among my children, and to make, as 
nee re as 1 can, an equal distribution of that estate which God 
hath given me, I do hereby, as my will, give to each of my 
children, out of Samuel's part, five pounds, to be paid out of ye 
stock of cattle or as he may think best." 

These extracts from the will of David Attwater, of Roy ton in 
Lenham and Cedar Hill, New Haven, of natural interest to all 
who trace their lineage to him, whether they bear his name or not, 
may appropriately end with its opening and closing words : 

"Know all ye men by these presents, that 1, David Attwater, 
Senior, of New Haven, in ye Colonv of Connecticut in New 
England, though weak of body, yet of competent, sound under- 
standing and memory, do make and ordain this as my last will 
and testament, in manner and form following: 

"Imprimis. 1 commend my soul unto the hands of Cod, through 
Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, and my body to the earth, to be 
buried in a comely and decent manner, according to the discis- 
sion of my executors hereafter named. 

"Lastly. I do hereby constitute and appoint my loving son-in- 
law, John Punderson, and my son, Samuell, to be klxecutors of 
this, my last will and testament. And Capt. Moses Mansfield, 
I 'verseer. And doc order my son-in-law. John Punderson, and 
my son Samuell, to pay him twenty shillings for his trouble. And 
1 doe hereby revoke and make void all former will or wills. And 
declare this to be my last will and testament." 

The early Atwaters who descended from David, with the ex- 
ception of Jonathan, who was called the merchant prince, and 
1 .benezer, who was a tailor, were nearly all farmers, living peace 
ful and frugal lives. They mostly settled near the old homestead, 
but finally began to scatter, the first one to leave settling in Wall- 
ihgfOrd some miles away. One farm acquired at this time still 
remains in the family, belonging to a descendant of the ninth 

Jeremiah, son of Jonathan, was also a merchant and, like his 
father, a man of a great deal of enterprise. It is a tradition that 
upon one occasion he ordered a keg of nails from some distant 
place. Upon opening the keg he found a top layer of nails and 
underneath all silver dollars. He remonstrated to the seller he 


had boughl nails not silver dollars, but the reply came he had 
ordered nails and nails they musl be. Therefore, inasmuch as 
the dollars had come to him in the mysterious providence ol God. 
and were not gained by any labor or forethoughi of hi-- own, he 
gave a portion in the form of a baptismal basin for the service 
and worship of God. Whether the story is true or not he did 
present a silver howl to the First Church of Christ in Xew Haven 
and it is still in existence. 

In 1718 Jeremiah was called a "brazier." lie with two other- 
were authorized by the General Assembly of Connecticut to set 
up a mill to improve linseed and rape oil. The law protected 
them for a period of twenty years under a penalty of fifty pounds 
for any violation against others starting in that line of business. 
In 1721 he was master of a sloop from Boston. Smallpox pre- 
vailed at that time. He was ordered to have the goods he ship- 
ped wed aired before being exposed for sale. 

The spirit of adventure broke out in Caleb, a grandson ol 
David, about 1749 when he took his family and moved to Duch 
ess County, New York. It was Caleb's grandson, Stephen, who 
apparently made the first break from the orthodox church. At 
any rate he became a Quaker. His grandson, Hon. Richard 
Mead Atwater, said it was the pretty ewes of Ids grandmother. 
Huldah Mead, which not only captivated Stephen, hut changed 
his religious conviction. Huldah did a good job for I have 
known many of her descendants and no better citizens exist. 

In the fourth generation family ties became shattered very gen- 
erally. Caleb Atwater. of Wallingford, a very successful mer- 
chant, bought from the state of Connecticut several thousand 
acres of land in the Western Reserve, or later the state of Ohio. 
< >f one township named Atwater. another named < Granger and also 
Geneva, Ohio, he was proprietor of all the land, lie had fifty- 
five grandchildren to whom he gave KK) acres apiece and then 
divided the balance of his land among his children. He carried 
on the manufacture of gunpowder during the revolutionary war. 

Ambrose Atwater settled in Vermont where he brought up a 
large family. 

Jeremiah was steward of Yale college for twenty years. He 

1 1 . ATWATEE ( JEN KAUh.Y . 

seems to have been the first Atwater to have anything to do with 
that college. We are not informed if he was educated there, but 
presume from his holding office that he was. 

Freeman Atwater became one of the first settlers and founders 
of Canandaigua, N. Y. His brother Elihu, became a lawyer, 
who migrated to Florida where he left a long line of descendant.-.. 

Abigail, daughter of Caleb, married Dr. John T. Andrews, and 
removed to Atwater, Ohio. Two of her sons became distin- 
guished lawyers. 

Merab, daughter of Reuben, married Stephen Rowe Bradley, 
who settled in Vermont. lie was United States senator and 
served several sessions. 

Elizabeth Mary Ann, another daughter of Reuben, married 
Gen. Andrew Hull, of Cheshire, Conn., who was elected to the 
Legislature for twenty sessions. 

Noah Atwater was a Congregational minister in Westfield, 
Mass., having graduated with first honors of his class. Jason 
was another minister who settled in Branford. 

Moses Atwater was probably the first one of the family to 
study for medicine. He graduated from Yale college. He was 
the first doctor in Canandaigua, N. Y., where he enjoyed for a 
long period an extensive practice. His brother Jeremiah located 
in the same town but became blind before his death in 1861. 

Jeremiah Atwater was the first president of Middlebury col- 
lege, Vermont. Lyman Atwater was acting president of Prince- 
ton college for many years, if he had not had a mind of his own 
and been subservient to others he could have been its president. 
He no doubt was the most able man who ever filled a chair in 
Princeton. He was spoken of as having a "prodigious versatility 
of mind." Another college president was John Milton Atwater, 
who succeeded President Garfield as president of Hiram college ; 
his brother Amzi was vice-president of the University of Indiana, 
while another brother, Orris, was a professor in Hiram college. 
A sister was teacher in the Fisk university of Tennessee. Some 
of the sons were ministers. 

Jotham Atwater was one of the first surveyors to lay out the 
state of Ohio. He afterwards settled in Mantua, Ohio. His 


brother Amzi, who had previously settled in the same town, was 
an elder in the newly- formed Disciple church. A sister who 
married David Pond about the same time, joined the Mormon 
movement. She, with five of her children, followed the Prophet 
Joseph Smith, to Missouri, but finally straggled back to her 
brother's home, who provided for her as long as she lived. 

We have in the family several Episcopalian ministers ; some 
Baptists, some Methodists and one Catholic priest. Many At- 
waters were educators, professors in colleges, principals of acad- 
emies and teachers in seminaries. Others were eminent writers. 
Judge Caleb Atwater was the early historian of Ohio. He was 
also an author of innumerable essays. His works are often 
quoted to-day. Some turned to fiction. No doubt many of you 
have read the interesting books of Mrs. Anne Caroline Mason. 
She is a sister of the late Richard Mead Atwater. His sons 
were educated in mining and scientific lines, and, I am proud to 
say, have been very successful in their chosen fields. 

The family, as a rule, have not been blessed with extreme 
wealth, although three or four have disgraced themselves, ac 
cording to Andrew r Carnegie, having died millionaires. T have 
visited' our people from Nova Scotia to Florida on the eastern 
coast, through the middle states and up and down the Pacific 
slope. I found nearly all in comfortable circumstances ; very 
few in extreme poverty. They are an ambitious lot; hard work 
ers ; few shirkers. 

As the historian of the family, I may say I have given as much 
time as I could spare for thirty-five years, to endeavor to perpet- 
uate unto posterity the characteristics of the family. Every 
member has had a standing invitation to send as much of family 
lore and statistics as he or she desired. What has been sent in 
1 have carefully edited, but very seldom curtailed. So, if the 
families are not properly represented in the histories, they have 
only themsehes to blame. I have spent many dollars in prepaid 
envelopes sent to kindred who never had the grace lo return an 
answer. However, let some minor mistake occur and pande- 
monium reigns. In the second volume is printed the date of 
birth of a boy before the parents were married. It was a regret- 
table error. Twelve years afterwards the grandmother called 


me on the telephone. Her voice trembled with rage. She had 
just discovered the mistake, and insisted I must call in every 
hook at once. She said the subject of this error was a man 
grown and she did not know what he would do to me if he ever 
discovered his disgrace. I am praying that six feet of earth will 
be over me when that time comes. 

I called upon John \\ . Atwater, of Thomaston, Ga., in .March, 
1906. He had been a Methodist exhorter for over half a century. 
He was in bed, and his brother told me he was worn out, a victim 
of the old-fashioned shouting and ranting preaching, which I 
hoped had passed away. It was only natural he should ask wdiat 
church 1 attended, but when informed I did not attend any, thai 
the Golden Rule was my guide, though 1 confessed I did not al- 
ways live up to it, he said he was sorry, and his expression was 
truly pathetic. He had lived a narrow life, spent in a small 
sphere, which was as painful for me to comprehend as my liberal 
ideas were for him to tolerate. 1 cannot help but believe his 
teachings brought more fear than comfort. 

Prof. W. ( ). Atwater was one of the leading scientific men of 
his day. He was connected with Wesleyan college. Middletown, 
Conn. He experimented for a long period to ascertain what 
would best maintain the human system. He proved to himself 
at least, that four ounces of alcohol used daily was beneficial. He 
was a very temperate man, if not a teetotaller. Yet the W. C. 
T. U. denounced him from one end of the country to the other. 
However, being an Atwater. and as stated before about others, 
having a mind of his own. I do not believe it disturbed him one 

Colonel James R. Atwater, of Thomaston, Ga., is another en 
terprising Atwater. Although his grandfather left North Caro- 
lina to migrate further south he developed the old Atwater trait 
of being an early settler in new territory. Like every other one 
of his name he made good and became one of the leading citizens 
of Georgia. He left a good sized family with many descendants. 
I knew and honored his son James \\ '., whom I visited on two 
occasions. He told me much of his career. Of course, his 
fortune was swept away during the Civil war, but his energy pre- 
dominated, and I found him oxer eighty years old situated in a 


large roomy house, surrounded with luxury and comfort and a 
devoted family. His son James, of whom I speak, made his 
success in business life as a banker. His city honored him with 

the office of mayor, his district as senator, and his state as quar- 
termaster general, with the rank of major; he was ten years cap- 
tain of the Upson Guards, Co. 11. Second Infantry, and is now 
retired with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. He also has had 
considerable experience as a manufacturer. He stands high in 
the Masonic ranks. 

My own brother, Dorence, was a Union prisoner and after 
passing through other prisons landed at Andersonville where some 
of the family reside to-day. He spent twenty-two months there. 
He was a gifted penman. The Confederate officer told him if 
he would keep the list of the prisoners who died there it would 
be exchanged with the federal government. Believing this would 
never be carried out, he kept a secret list in his coat lining. It 
numbered nearly 14,000. When he was released he notified the 
government what he had. Arrangements were made to copy it 
and Dorence again enlisted as a soldier and was detailed as a 
clerk in Washington. While the government had copied his rolls 
it refused to give them back. He notified the war department 
that if the work was done immediately, it was then June. 1865, 
he could identify all the graves. With forty letterers and join- 
ers he was sent to Andersonville to do this work. He had to have 
his own rolls to work from. When he. returned the government 
demanded the rolls and he refused to give them up, claiming 
them as his own property. He was arrested, court-martialed and 
sent to states prison at hard labor for eighteen months and stand 
committed until the rolls were returned. lie was there two 
months when the government, fearing a Congressional investiga- 
tion, he was discharged without the grace of a pardon. He had 
been a prisoner of both the south and the north. I may add, 
years afterward 1 succeeded in having the court-martial set aside 
by Congress. Subsequently he said the word soldier made him 
mad while the sight of a uniform made him froth at the mouth. 
Becoming disgusted with the United States he spent his life in 
far-off southern seas and his remains are now buried in his island 
home of Tahiti. 


Many of the family were and are doctors. John Phelps Atwater ; 
who lived in Poughkeepsie, X. Y., was a practitioner there. He 
had foresight and sagacity. Years ago he invested a few thousand 
dollars in Chicago land. When he died he was reputed to be a 
millionaire. Dr. David F. Atwater of Springfield, Mass., lived 
to the ripe old age of 98 years. Resides a comfortable fortune 
accumulated by himself, his brother bequeathed him over half a 
million dollars, out of an estate that inventoried over $1,000,000. 

Many of the At waters lived to be from 90 to over 100 yeais 
old, and nearly all so far as 1 can learn were well preserved at 
their advanced age. 

During the invasion of New Haven by the British in L779 Rus- 
sell Atwater was wounded and left for dead, but recovered and 
was afterward employed by the Emperor Napoleon after the bat- 
tle of Waterloo, to purchase a tract of land in New York as a 
refuge, should he escape. 

Among our pioneer friends, we find Judge Amzi Atwater who 
began his career in the dreary wilderness of Ohio. He made a 
small clearing and put up a little log cabin, struck his axe in a 
stump and told it to stay there till he brought home a wife, and, 
Hiawatha like, he posted off through the woods to the next clear- 
ing, and tradition says that the bridegroom went on foot through 
the woods to the little cabin. Soon after this marriage he was 
elected judge, which position he held for many years. Judj;e 
Amzi had quite a passion for rhyming. He made addresses and 
wrote letters in rhymes, and even put his duns in verse, and found 
it a successful plan to collect his debts. 

A little later on, we find another Judge Atwater, from the south- 
lands, Uncle Edmund, of whom it was >aid that he touched the 
earth only in the high places, and he was called the halest, heart- 
iest, and holiest man of his day and generation. 

There was dear cousin Thankful, with her Puritan name and 
Dorcas propensities, who gave to Lois Atwater, her son's wife, 
a little tape needle, engraved with the initials of her maiden name, 
with the request that it be handed down to the oldest daughtet. 
Lois gave the needle to her oldest daughter Rhoda. and Rhoda to 
Julia, and Julia to Annis, who is now Mrs. Frank Pardee, and 
she has passed on the heirloom to Annis Matilda, in whose pos- 

■N 1 


session it is at this time. This one little act of cousin Thankful 
gives her a personality, and makes her seem a little nearer than 
most of our relatives of a hundred years ago. The passing down 
of the tape needle, as an heirloom, calls to mind the old powder 
gourd owned by Titus Atwater. in 1750. Moses in 17' '0. then it 
came into Jehiel Atwater's hands in 1X25, and into Edmund W. 
Atwater's in 1875, and is now owned b) Mrs. Mattie Atwater 
Jenkins, at the venerable age of 169 years — the gourd, not Mrs. 

Mary Atwater Spalding, a woman of large and far-reaching 
ideas, a friend of literary culture, and who has read and traveled 
much in this country and in Europe. Lucy Atwater Bishop, who 
was a beautiful type of an ideal New England wife and mother. 

( )ther characters were Myron L. Atwater, who was blind from 
birth, hut who, with help from Helen Keller, made such wonder- 
ful success as an editor. Of Henry L. Atwater, who during the 
Civil war, shod horses for a whole regiment of cavalry. < >f 
William Cutler Atwater. who was appointed hearer of dispatches 
to the army at New London, going from Mew Haven on 
horseback with dispatches hidden in his hoots. Asaph .Atwater. 
the pioneer schoolmaster, who taught the young ideas to shoot 
in the log cabin schoolhouse, and ruled the youngsters with an 
iron rod. hut to his credit he it said he taught them something. 
< u" Henry Harrison Atwater, who was at one time leading oper- 
ator of the great Western Union Telegraph Co., through whose 
hands passed many of the messages relating to President Lincoln's 
assassination. ( If Caleb, the historian and antiquarian, who i:- 
said to have had almost an encyclopedic mind, and who was sent 
by I 'resident Jackson as a commissioner to the Winnebago In- 
dians. Of Ernest Atwater, who gave his young life to the miss- 
ionary work and who. with his entire family, were massacred 
during the Boxer rebellion. Wilson, son oi Moses, a man oi 
such piety that it was said he walked with God. And such men 
as George, David Fisher, and James Chaplin Atwater. all emin- 
ently successful in business, and who at their deaths made public 
bequests amounting to many thousands of dollars. 

The compiler of the Atwater History has for many years 
searched far and near to learn something of the career of Enos 


Atwater, who some time in the latter part of the seventeenth 
century left his father's farm in Cheshire, Conn., to locate in Vir- 
ginia and North Carolina. He came of good stock. His brothers, 
Asaph and Heman, served in the Revolutionary war. His sister, 
Mehitable, married Eli Bronson of the neighboring town of 
Waterbury and raised a distinguished family. His brother, He- 
man, acquired from his father 100 acres of land in the town of 
Southington. This was in 1784, the price being 251 pounds. 
Here were established the "Atwater Mills," which have been in 
continuous operation up to 1924, although not in the same loca- 
tion. His sister Keziah married Amos Rice, while Anne married 
Nathan Gaylord, both farmers who lived and died in Cheshire, 

Asaph married Ann Dibble. He went to Torrington. Conn., 
some thirty miles from his father's home. Here he reared a 
large family. He evidently had inherited some of the pioneer 
blood of his ancestry for he started for the sparsely settled west 
in its earliest days. In this connection the writer has never been 
able to trace his movements. By mere accident he learned of 
the existence of some of his descendents now living in Pennsyl- 

Moses was of the fifth generation. His father was Enos, who 
married Hannah Moss and had the military rank of captain of 
militia in 1776. His grandfather was John, who married Eliza- 
beth Mix. They settled upon a farm in Cheshire, Conn., where 
they lived all their lives. The writer knows its location, but ail 
evidence of the buildings thereon have long since been obliterated. 

His great grandfather was also John, who married Abigail 
Mansfield. He left New Haven to settle in Wallingford on a 
farm owned by his brother Joshua. This John was a son of the 
pioneer David. 

This shows that Moses had the mpst substantial ancestry New 

England afforded. The best blood of the nation was in his veins. 

I have tried in vain to find some reason why Enos should have 

gone to the then far off south. Possibly he may have joined some 
sailing expedition that landed in Virginia. I have read carefully 

and studied conditions in Cheshire to find if there was any conceit- 


ed movement of the young men to leave home, but only found 
scattering incidences, few and tar between. It may be a fad 
that Enos was given a horse, and with his few belongings rolled 
up journeyed leisurel) through the states ol Connecticut, New 
York, Xew Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland into 
Virginia, where no doubt he found employment on some farm. 
Possibly it was the daughter of his employer that made it an at- 
tractive proposition to settle nearby, where his children were born. 
This was undoubtedly in Virginia for it is a matter of tradition 
that Titus, with his wife riding the same horse, came from Vir 
ginia to make their home in North Carolina. 

Who did Titus marry? We are told there was an Elaphalet 
Atwater. and who knows what became of him: Me was, no 
doubt, a brother of Titus. 

I have found some satisfaction in the years of search and >;tudy. 
When I first took up untying the ramifications of die family the 
only clue I had was that Enos went south and located in Orange 
County, North Carolina. At that time I had never heard of any 
Atwater south of Washington. Then 1 learned of the election to 
Congress of John Wilbur Atwater. Correspondence followed 
and I was told the descendants all traced back to Moses. 1 con- 
fess not much progress has keen made since, except I have prac- 
tically gathered as a unit nearly all of the progeny of Moses. It 
is possible Enos' grave and that of his wife might be found with 
a stone telling dates of death, dates of birth, and her maiden name. 
The forefathers of Enos were very particular to erect headstones 
to departed members, and this reverence of family was a I rait of 
nearly all of his brothers and sisters as 1 have witnessed in visit- 
ing the cemeteries where their kindred are buried. 

Enos was baptised in the Congregational faith. This was true 
of all of the Atwaters in the first century of their establishment 
in this country. David, Joshua and Ann. the immigrants, ! 
their home because of religious persecution. Net a- soon as ihey 
reached these friendly shores they helped establish a c\w>\ of in 
tolerable hardships. Everybody was obliged to contribute and 
participate in its success. This yoke of oppression may have been 
a factor in driving Enos to seek relief if he did not believe in its 


At any rate, the Atwaters have never been followers of tradi- 
tions. They have had minds of their own and have followed the 
bent of their convictions, even if it were against popular senti- 
ment and peril to life and fortune. So we find them associating 
themselves with new creeds as they developed, repudiating the old 
established church that the first settlers adopted, while many are 
believers in the golden rule and have cast aside both church and 

The southern branch, as a rule, are regular attendants of their 
chosen religion. We learn they are mostly of the Methodist per- 
suasion. This is probably more true of the women than men. 
Credit for this is given to the wife of Moses Atwater. Her name 
was Amy Wilson and it is said she was of Irish parentage. How- 
ever, it is told she was a woman of great patience, piety and 
persuasion and by instilling into the minds of her children and 
grandchildren her deep religious convictions sent them out into 
the world to preach her doctrines to mankind. We shall not take 
from Amy Wilson anything due her. She undoubtedly was as 
good as gold. But, before she married into the family, there had 
been molded and inherited a foundation that, as it matured, must 
have developed the best thought and moral character of its sub- 




By Margaret Atwater Jones. 

I went to Lenham, England, from London on July 6, 1926 
It was an in and out day, which added charm to the beautiful 
country we went through. The rolling Kentish country with its 
larms, its great hop fields, its little villages, each with its stone 
church and picturesque cottages with the lovely cottage garden-- 
gave one a succession of beautiful pictures long to be remembered. 
The "hedgerows of England" are so often spoken of — there is 
a "finished" look to the country which impresses one. Now and 
then we passed superb great oaks with perhaps a Hock of sheep 
or cattle resting in the shade. It was poppy time and occasionally 
we passed a field which was a blaze of color. 

The Square, Lenham. Kent. 

Upon reaching Lenham I went directly to the Vicarage. I 
was received with not too much cordiality for I soon discovered 
that Atwaters or representali\e< of the \tuater family had ini 



posed in times past upon the Vicar's hospitality and he was rathet 
"fed up" with them. There was a family by the name of Thomp- 
son the Vicar could not say enough against. They had dined 
with him and supped with him and taken up a great deal of his 
valuable time and they had not even left with him a "contribution 
for his parish." He soon discovered that I had no idea of im- 
posing upon him and he thawed and was most cordial. He got 
out the old records which he kept at the Vicarage and showed 
me the inscriptions of births, baptisms, marriages and deaths of 

Ye Olde High House, Lenharn Kent. 

Atwaters. On the first page of one book was the record of the 
baptism of Robert Atwater in 1588. He took me over the beauti- 
ful garden and told me 1 should go to "Chapel Farm" where the 
Atwaters were said to have lived, but warned me that the Scotch 
family by the name of Barr now living there would probably not 
receive me very cordially as they too had been "bored to death.". 
1 took luncheon, and a very good luncheon it was, at the "Dog 
and Bear." Then I visited the church and spent some time there 
and in the church yard. The pulpit was interesting. I found 



The Church, Lenham, Kent. 

Lenham Church. 



no grave stones bearing" the Atwater name, but many were so 
worn by time and weather that the inscriptions could not be read. 
There may be Atwaters buried there. 

Later I took a taxi to "Chapel Farm." It is quite a little dis- 
tance from Lenham center. Upon arriving and going through 
the walled gardens to the front door, I rang the bell and I asked 

A Corner of Church Interior, Lenham, Kent. 

for Mrs. Barr of the maid who came to the door. She soon ap- 
peared and I said, "I understand that you have been bored to 
death with Atwaters." She said, "Who told you so? Come 
right in." She claimed that I was the first rightfully bearing the 
name of Atwater by birth who had been there since they owned 


the farm. She certainly was most cordial and showed me every 
thing of interest about the place. The oak doors, folded linen 
pattern, fire place, beams, etc., Mack with age. The lovely view 
off over the valley from the side door. The old house itself mel- 
low with age outside and in. I was interested in the lovely old 
tiles on the outside of the ell. 1 had a really delightful call. 

I drove hack to the center and went into several simps trying to 
get all the local color I could. 1 called on Mr. James Hatch who 
was said to know Lenham history, but I discovered very little of 
interest. I could not find that there were any Atwaters or At- 
water descendants in Lenham at the present time. 

Lenham, in the, old coaching days, was a place of some im- 
portance. Horses were changed there on the way to Dover. 
Then with the incoming of railroads it dwindled. Now it is 
coming hack to prosperity again because of the automobile. 

1 had a delightful day at Lenham and a very interesting one. 
seeing with my own eyes the scenes looked upon and probably 
loved by my ancestors. I wanted very much to stay and make 
sketches all around Lenham and I intend to do so before I die. 



Those who died without issue are omitted. 


1. David Atwater was one of the first planters of New Haven ; settled, 
lived and d. in the district now known as Cedar Hill. He m. Damaris, 
dau. of Thomas Sayre. of Southampton. L. I. He d. Oct. 5, 1692. She 
(1. April 7, 1691. 

2. Mercy, b. Feb. 29, 1647; m. John Austin. 

3. Damarias, b. Nov. 12, 1648; m. John Punderson. 

4. David, b. July 13, 1650. 

5. Joshua, b. Tan. 11, 1652. 

6. John, b. Nov. 1, 1654. 

7. Jonathan, b. July 12, 1656. 

8. Abigail, b. March 3, 1660; m. Nathaniel Jones. 

9. Mary, b. March 31, 1662; m. Ichabod Stow; 2d, David Robinson. 

10. Samuel, b. Sept. 17, 1664. 

11. Ebenezer. b. Jan. 13, 1666. 


2. Mercy, dau. of David, m. Nov. 5, 1667, John Austin. He was one 
of the Greenwich petitioners in favor of New Haven, 1650. She d. April 
14, 1683. He m. (2) Jan. 21, 1684, Elizabeth Brockett, and d. Feb. 22, 

3. Damaris, dau. of David, m. Nov. 5, 1667, John Punderson, only son 
of Deacon John and Margaret Punderson. The first John was among the 
early immigrants of New Haven Colony. From him descended all the 
Pundersons of this country. There were three John Pundersons deacons 
of the First church in New Haven in succession. John 2d, d. Jan. 23. 1729. 
His wife d. Dec. 14, 1711. 

4. David, son of David, lived in New Haven; d. Jan. -10, 1736. It is 
supposed that he lived upon and cultivated a portion of the land originally 
assigned to his father. All that can be ascertained regarding his wife is 
from the tombstone, which states her name was Joanna, and that she d. 
Dec. 5, 1722. 


12. Johanna, 1>. Feb. 29. 1682; m. Ebenezer Bradley. 

13. Abigail, b. Jan. 18, 1684; m. Samuel Bradley. 

14. Joshua, b. Jan. 20. 1687. 

.">. Joshua, son of David, moved to Wallingford ; m. Jan. 24, 1680, 
l.ydia. dau. of John and Sarah Rockwell; b. Nov. 27. 1656, and d. Nov. 
27. 1681, leaving no children. 

<j. John, sun of David; m. Sept. 13, 1682, Abigail, dan. Moses and 
Mercy (Glover) Mansfield; b. Feb. 7. 1664, and settled in Wallingford 
upon a farm which belonged to his brother Joshua. He was called 
"Weaver." She d. Sept. 24, 1717; (2) Nov. 27, 1718, Widow Mary Beach. 
He d. 1748. 

15. John, b. Aug. 17. 1683. 

16. Abigail, b. Oct. 17, 1685; m. Thomas Hall. 

17. Eunice, b. Feb. 6, 1687; m. Samuel Curtis. 

18. Hannah, b. Dec. 17, 1690; m. Thomas Beacb. 

19. Joshua, b. Sept. 18, 1693. 

20. Moses, b. July 17, 1696. 

21. Phineas, b. Sept. 23, 1699. 

22. Caleb, b. Oct. 9. 1705. 

23. Benjamin, b. Dec. 8, 1706. 

24. F.benezer, b. Feb. 6, 1709. 

7. Jonathan, son of David, lived in New Haven; m. June 1, 1681. 
Ruth, dau. of Rev. Jeremiah and Joanna (Kitchel) Peck, b. April 3, 1661; 
d. June 3, 1726. He d. June 7, 1699. 

25. David, b. Aug. 5, 1683. 

26. Jeremiah, b. Jan. 31, 1685. 

27. Mary, b. Dec. 31, 1686; m. Isaac Dickcfman. 

28. Ruth, b. Dec. 31, 1688; m. Samuel Ives. 

29. Jonathan, b. Xov. 4, 1690. 

30. Joseph, b. Dec. 9, 1694. 

31. Damaris, b. Oct. 9, 1698; m. Caleb Hall. 

S. Abigail, dau. of David; m. Oct. 7. 1684, Nathaniel Jones. He d. 
Aug. 21, 1691. His estate inventoried £305. 

!>. Mary, dau. of David; m. Oct. 22, 1688, Ichabod Stow (son of Rev. 
Samuel and Hope Fletcher Stow), b. Feb. 20, 1653; d. Jan. 25, 1694-5. 
(2) David Robinson (son of Thomas and Mary Robinson), b. 1666; .1. 
Jan. 1, 174X. 

10. Samuel, >on of David; lived in New Haven and cultivated a por- 
tion of the html which bad belonged to his father. He m. July 7, 1691. 


Sarah, dau. of John and Ellen (Bradley) Ailing, b. Nov. 25, 1656. He d. 
Sept. 17, 1742. She d. Sept. 26, 1742. 

32. Daniel, b. Sept. 29, 1694. 

33. Damaris, b. May 21, 1700; m. Eliphalet Parker. 

34. Caleb, b. Oct. 16, 1702. 

35. Stephen, b. Dec. 5, 1705. 

36. Mabel, m. 1738, Isaac Beecher. (Her birth is not recorded, but 

in 1743 she, with Daniel, Caleb and Stephen, sell land that was 
our father's, Samuel Atwater.) 

11. Ebenezer, son of David; lived in New Haven; m. Dec. 9. 1691, 
Abigail, dau. of James and Sarah (Street) Heaton, b. Jan. 1, 1663. He is 
(iescribed in a deed as a tailor. She m. (2) Nov. 27, 1712, John Gilbert 
and d. Nov. 19, 1731. 

37. Sarah, b. April 6, 1693; m. James Humiston, (2) Timothy Tuttlc. 

38. Mary, b. March 12, 1695; m. Ebenezer Ives. 

39. James, b. March 15, 1698. 

40. Abigail, b. Tune 1. 1700; m. Samuel Bishop. 


12. Johanna, dau. of David; m. Aug. 19, 1719, Ebenezer, sun of Abra- 
ham and Hannah (Thompson) Bradley; b. Nov. 9, 1689. He d. Oct. 10, 

13. Abigail, dau. of David; m. Dec. 25, 1705, Samuel, son of William 
and Alice (Prichard) Bradley. Samuel was grandson of Major William 
Bradley, of North Haven, the friend and soldier of Cromwell. In the 
old burying ground in North Haven, on a tombstone, is the following: 
"Here lies ye body of Mrs. Abigail, wife of Mr. Samuel Bradley; died 
January ye 23, 1742-3, aged 57 years. (Maiden name Atwater.)" He d. 
1757. He m. (2) Anna, dau. of Daniel and Deborah (Peck) Sperry, 
w idow of John Wolcott. 

14. Joshua, son of David, cultivated a portion of the original farm in 
New Haven. He m. Nov. 22, 1721, Anna Bradley. He d. Jan. 29, 1773. 
She d. Sept. 8, 1760, in her 59th year. 

41. David, b. Sept. 15, 1723. 

42. Eunice, b. Aug. 7, 1730; m. Jabez Munson. 

13. John, son of John; m. Aug. 4, 1713, Elizabeth Mix, b. Feb. 18, 
1681. He lived in Cheshire, and there d. March 11, 1765. His wife d. 
Feb. 20, 1758. 

43. Enos, b. Dec. 3, 1716. 

44. John, b. June 27. 1718. 

45. Stephen, b. Feb. 2, 1720. 


46. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 17. 1721; m. Ephraim tves. 

47. Hannah, b. Dec. 2K. 1722; m. Bela Hitchcock. 

48. Sarah. I). 1724; m. Bela Hitchcock. 

4". Titus, b. , 1720. 

Hi. Abigail, dau. of John; m. April 26, 1711, Thomas Hall, of Wall- 
ingford, b. July 17, 1676. He <1. Aug. 27, 1741. 

IX. Hannah, dau. of lolm ; m. May 9, 1711. Thomas Beach, of Wall- 
ingford, b. Feb. 14, 1680; d. , 1752. 

19. Joshua, son of John; lived in Wallingf ord ; m. Jan. 17, 1723, Mary, 
dau. of John and Susannah Street Peck; b. Feb. 3, 1695; d. Feb. 26, 1740; 
(2) Sept. 4, 1740, Sarah, dau. of Theoohilus and Sarah (Street) Yale; d. 
July 13. 1784. He d. Nov. 29, 1757. 

50. Mary; 1>. Feb. 12, 1727, m. 1743, Thomas Johnson; (2) Ozias 

Wilcox. She d. 1780. 
Issue by second marriage: 

51. Caleb, b. Sept. 7. 1741. 

?1. Abigail, b. . 1743; m. Sept. 20, 1760, Timothy Bates; (2) 

Lathrop Tyler. 

53. Sarah, h. , 1745; m. Charles Hull. 

20. .Moses, sou of John; lived in Wallingford'; m. Dec. IS, 1722, Sarah 
Merrimau. h. Feb. 17, 1702; d. Feb. — , 1733; (2) April 11, 1734, Mary 
Hotchkiss, who d. July 12, 1763. He d. May 19, 1786. 

54. Abigail, b. Sept. 13. 1725; m. Jason Hotchkiss, 

55. Sarah, b. Oct. 29, 1727; m. Daniel Hall 3rd. 

56. M<.ses, b. Nov. 11, 1729. 

Issue by second marriage : 

57. Elihu, b. Jan. 18, 1735. 

58. David, b. Feb. 13. 1736. 

59. Mary, b. Aug. 1, 1737; m. dad Pond. 

60. Hannah, b. Ma> 1, 1739; m. July 30. 1761, Joseph Hotchkiss. 

21. Phineas, son of John; resided in Cheshire; m. Nov. 9, 1727, Man- 
Ward, b. July 17. 1705; d. June 11. 1767; (2) June 15, 1768. Hannah Moss, 
widow of Benjamin Ives, of Goshen, b. Nov. 11, 1706; d. Jan. 20, 1787. 
He d. Oct. 1781. 

61. Reuben, b. Oct. 13, 1728. 

62. William, b. March, 1730. 

63. Thomas, b. Aug. 14, 1733. 

64. Damaris, b, Oct. 1738; m. Samuel Tyler, Jr. 

65. Ambrose, b. Dec. 19, 1743 


22. Caleb, son of John; resided in Wallingford; m. Nov. 10, 1720, 
Mehitable, dau. of John Mix. He d. about 1736. Sbe afterwards m. 
Mar. 18, 1739. John Peck. 

66. Sarah, b. Nov. 28, 1727; m. Samuel Strict. 

67. Eunice, b. Sept. 10, 1737; m. Phineas Cook. 

23. Benjamin, son of John; resided in Wallingford; m. Nov. 28, 1732. 
Elizabeth Porter. She d. Jan. 13, 1774. aged 66 years; (2) May 5, 1774. 
Elizabeth Benham, widow David Merriman, b. 1721; d. May 24, 17S4; (3) 
July 13, 1784, Man Saxton, widow Joseph Bartholomew, b. Sept. 25, 1719; 
d. 1814. He was called "Deacon." 

US. Mary. h. Dec. 30, 1735; m. Abel Cook. 

24. Ebenezer, son of John; resided in Wallingford; m. Dee. 30. 1737, 
lane Andrews lie d. Oct. 2^, 1758. She m. (2) Moses Bradley and d. 
Mar. 20. 1806. 

69. Caleb, b. Sept. S, 1738. 

70. Samuel, b. Jan. 30, 174-0. 

71. Ephraim, b. Nov. 27. 1743. 

72. Elizabeth, h. April 13, 174S; m. Joseph Hough. 

73. Abigail, b. Sept. 19. 1754; m. Thomas Walker. 

25. David, son of Jonathan; m. June 2^. 1712. Ruth Bradley, b. Jan. 
23, 1690; d. July 12. 1717. (2) Dec. 2. 1718. Tabitha Holt, widow Samuel 
Whitehead, b. Jan. 30, 1683; d. Del. 4. 1743. He d. May 1, 1727. His 
house was in that part of Stale street formerly called Fleet street, New 

I lax en. 

74. Stephen, h. Nov. 15. 1715. 
7'?. Jonathan, b. March 10, 1722. 

76. David, b. June 4, 1725. 

20. Jeremiah, son of Jonathan; resided in New Haven; m. April 9, 
1713. Lydia, dan. of Richard Rosewell, b. Aug. 21. 1687. He d. Oct. 27, 
1732. She d. Max 21, 1732. 

77. Lydia, b. Oct. IS. 1715; m. John Elliott. 

27. Mary, dau. of Jonathan; m. June 30, 1709, Isaac Dickerman, b. 
Nov. 7. 1677. She d. Aug. 31. 1753. He d. Sept. 7. 1758. 

2X. Ruth, dau. of Jonathan; m. Jan. 3. 1705. Deacon and Ensign Sam- 
uel, son of Joseph and Mary Vale Ives. He was b. in 1677. and was one 
of the first two deacons in the First Church at New Haven. He was 
commissioned as ensign in 1718 and d. Nov. 24. 1726. She d. May 17. 


21). Jonathan, son of Jonathan; resided in New Haven, his house 
Standing near the intersection of Crown and College streets, and was 


torn down in 1893 and a grand apartment house built on the site; m. Dec. 
IS, 1713, Abigail (dan. of Nathaniel and Ruth Dickerman) Bradley, who 
(1. March 19, 172,2-2,. (2) Dec. 5, 1733, Martha, dan. of Thomas and Mary 
(Sanford) Tuttle, (Widow of Benjamin Bradley), b. April 26, 1697; d. 
Sept. 9, 1776. He d. Dec. 27, 1760. 

78. Phebe, b. Oct. 20, 1714; m. Caleb Hotchkiss. 

79. Abraham, b. Nov. 10, 1716. 

80. Isaac, b. Oct. 21, 1718. 

81. Jacob, b. Tan. 22, 1721. 

82. Jonathan, b. Oct. 12, 1723. 

83. Jonah, b. Oct. 2, 1726. 

84. Joel, b. Dec. 12, 1728. 

85. Abigail, b. May 4. 1731; m. Stephen Ball. 

I --lie by second marriage: 

86. Jeremiah, b. Dec. 5, 1734. 

30. Joseph, sou of Jonathan; m. Sept. 10, 1722, Hannah Doolittle, 1>. 
in 1699; d. Feb. 27, 1769. He d. Jan. 9, 1766. Lived in Wallingford. 

87. Sarah, b. Aug. 12. 1723. 

8& Hannah, b July 15, 1725; d. Nov. 6, 1771; m. Nov. 4, 1760, Joel 

89. Benjamin, b. April 7, 1727. 

90. Joseph, b. Aug. 29, 1729. 

91. Thankful, b. May 14, 1733; m. Captain Elisha Hall. 

31. Damaris, dan. of Jonathan; m. May 15, 1721, Caleb Hall, b. Sept. 
1-4, 1699. He d. July 27, 1749. She d. July 29, 1762. They resided in 

32. Daniel, son of Samuel; resided at Cedar Hill, New Haven; m. 

July 23, 1717, Abigail, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Newman) Tuttle b. 
April 4, 1692. She d. Jan. 9, 1769. He d. April 30. 1765. 

92. Samuel, 1.. June 1. 1718. 

93. Sarah, b. Sept. 12, 1719; m. Ebenezer Ailing. 

94. John, 1.. March 14, 1721. 

95. Mary, 1.. Dec. 22, 1723; m. possibly Edward Little of North 


96. Ann, b. June 4. 1725; m. Joshua Munson. 

97. Damaris, b. Die. 30, 1727: m. Janus Ives. 

98. Daniel, b. Jul} 8, 1730. 

33. Damaris, dau. ol Samuel; m. June l >. 1742, Henry Bristol; (prob- 
abh his second wife); .!. June -. 1750; 'J) Dec. 27. 1751, Eliphalet 
Parker. She d. Dec. 27, 177(1. Resided in Wallingford. 


:J4. Caleb, son of Samuel; resided in New Haven; m. April 6, 1727, 
Lydia, dau. of Nathan and Sarah (Beecher) Benliam. He d. Jan. 11. 1775. 
He removed to Dutchess County, New York. 

99. Lydia, b. April 3. 1729; m. Jude Tuttle. 

100. Hannah, b. Dec. 31, 1730; m. Feb. 22, 1748-9, Daniel Smith. She 

d. Oct. 24, 1795. 

101. Dorcas, b. Aug. 26, 1733; m. July 14, 1753, James Humiston. 

She d. Sept. 15, 1759. 

102. James, 1,. Sept. 1, 1734. 

103. Sarah, b. June 19, 1739; m. April 27. 1763, Samuel Street, l>. May 

10, 1724; d. June — , 1769. 

104. Lois. b. April 2, 1742; m. Titus Tuttle. 

105. Eunice, b. July — , 1748; m. John Pease. 

106. Stephen, b. June 2, 1751. 

:;.">. Stephen, son of Samuel; lived at Cedar Hill; m. Dec. 18, 1729. 
Abigail Bradley. She d. Feb. 3. 1795, in the eighty-eighth year of her age. 
II.- d. Jan. 3. 1759. 

107. Mary. b. March 7. 1730; m. Ebenezer Ives, Jr. 

108. Abigail, b. Aug. 2, 1742; m. Sept. 3, 1794, Daniel Huminslon; 

(2) Sept. 10. 1804, William Denslow. She d. Jan. 20, 1806. 

109. Sarah, b. July 14. 1745; m. April 27. 1763, Jesse Ailing, d. June 

. 1769. (2) May 26, 1774, Philsuebus Treat. 

;5T. Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer; m. Jan. 7, 1719, James Humiston, b. May 
7, 1696; prominent in Wallingford, Conn.; m. (2) June 28, 1749, Deacon 
Timothy Tuttle, of Cheshire, his fourth wife, and d. his widow, May 28, 

;«*. Mary. dau. of Ebenezer; m. Jan. 17, 1714, Ebenezer Ives, b. April 
6, 1692; d. Jul) 7, 1757. She d. in North Haven, Feb. 3, 1772. 

.JJ). James, son of Ebenezer; lived in New Haven; m. July 12, 1722, 

Dinah, dau. of John and Dinah (Thomas) Sherman; d. Dec. 29, 1739. (2) 

March 4. 1740. Elizabeth Ailing, d. May 17, 1792. He d. July 10, 1766. 
His house was in State street, between Crown and George street-. 

111). Ebenezer, b. March 27. 1723. 

111. Abigail, b. Nov. 19. 1727; m. Nov. 12. 1753. Nicholas Peck. 

112. Rachel, b. April 26, 1737; m. Aug. 12. 1759. Jonah Bradley. She 

d. Oct. 21. 1809. 

113. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 3, 1745; m. David Mix. 

114. Phebe, b. Nov. 24, 1747; m. Stephen Gorham. 

115. Timothy, b. Nov. 2, 1749. 

116. Lydia, b. April 10. 1752; m. Hezekiah Augur. 

40. Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer; m. Dec. 3, 1722, Deacon Samuel Bishop, 


son of Samuel and Hannah Yale; d. 1780. He 1 i \ «.<1 in Nev* Haven, 
where he was deacon of the First Church, 1756-1774. He was magistrate, 
town clerk and clerk of probate. The father, Samuel, and sons, Samuel 
and Isaac, were all deacons in the church. Site d. Dec. 12, 1782. 


41. David, son of Joshua; lived at Cedar Hill; in. Nov. 2?. 1740, 
Elizabeth, dan. of John and Elizabeth (Thompson) Bassctt, b. Nov. 9, 
1726, d. Jan. 2, 1783, who was mother of all his children, and afterwards, 
m. June 10, 1 784. Ahiah, dan. of John and Ahiah (Bradley) Barnes, widow 
of John Cooper, 1,. March 14, 1739; d. Oct. 17, 1824. Me d. March 4. 1806. 

117. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30, 1748; m. Jonah Hotchkiss. 

118. Medad, b. March 23, 1751. 

119. Eldad.h. March 23, 1751. 

120. Joshua, b. May 13, 1753. 

121. Anna, b. May 3, 1755; m. Gen. John Hubbard. 

122. David, b. Dec. 8, 1756. 

123. Jared, b. Sept 24. 1758. 

124. Rebecca, b. April 27, 1761); m. James Prescott. 

125. Eunice, b. Tunc 2, 1762; m. Eli Hotchkiss. 

126. Phebe, b. Max 5. 1764; m. Elnathan Tyler. 

127. Uhoda, b. May 13, 1766; m. rsaac Townsend. 

42. Eunice, dan. of Joshua; m. Jabez Mnnson. b. Dec. 17. 1728. lie 
was a farmer and lived in Hatnden. 

43. Enos, son of John; m. July ( >. 1741, Hannah, dan. of Isaac and 
Hannah (Royce) Moss, b. March 7, 1722. He lived in Cheshire, having 
the military rank of captain of militia. 1776, and d. May 24, 1784. She 
d. Feb. 27, 1787. 

128. Asaph, b. Aug. 1. 1745. 

129. Mehitable, 1». Jan. 23. 1747; m. Eli Brownson. She .1. Inly 30, 


130. F.nos, b. Oct. 2'^. 1748. 

131. Eunice, b. Sept. — , 1750; m. Isaac Atwater; (2) Ephraim Ter- 


132. 11 eman. b. Aug. 29, 1752. 

133. Keziah, b. Oct. 1(1. 1754; m. Dec. 2i<, 1789, Amos Rice. 

134. Anne, b. Nov. 17, 1756; m. Nathan Gaylord. 

135. Titus, b. Jan. 6, 1761. 

44. John, son of John; lived in Cheshire; m. Feb. 22, 1744. Hannah. 
dau of Joseph and Hannah (Clark) Thompson, b, Sept 10. 1723; d. Mar 


23, 1790; (2) Lydia Parker, widow of Daniel Humiston and Samuel Hall, 
d. Tan. 1, 1809. He d. Dec. 14, 1807. 

136. Jeremiah, b. Nov. 10, 1744. 

137. Phebe, b. Aug. 11, 1747; m. Daniel Dutton. 

138. Hannah, b: Feb. 17, 1749; m. Samuel Hull. 

139. John, b. Sept. 5, 1751. 

140. Abgail, b. Oct. — , 1758; m. Jedediah Hull. 

141. Mary. b. , 1759; m. Roger Peck, of Waterbury. 

142. Jesse, b. Jan. 11. 1771. 

45. Stephen, son of John; m. Feb. 22, 1744, Hannah, dan. of Deacon 
Stephen and Elizabeth (Sperry) Hotchkiss, b. Feb. 23, 1722; d. Oct. 9, 
1779; m. (2) Anna (lark. d. Nov. 23, 1801; (3) Jan. 21, 1802, Patience 
( widow) Squires. Lived in Cheshire. He d. Nov. 26, 1806. 

143. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 12, 1746; m. Ephraim Tuttle. 

144. Lois, b. Sept. 17, 1747; m. Dec. 14, 1768, John Upson. 

145. Sarah, b. Nov. 25. 1751 ; m. Nov. 19, 1767, Enos Johnson. 

146. Hannah, b. Nov. 27, 1754; m. Jan. 22, 1778, John Hall; (2) Feb. 

5, 1800, Caleb Merriman, b. Sept. 30, 1754; d. April 7, 1816. 

147. Naomi, b. Aug. 17, 1756; m. June 1, 1780, Enos Bunnell. 

148. Ruth, b. Aug. 17, 1756; m. Feb. 14. 1783. Jonathan Hall. 

149. Stephen, 1>. May 13. 1758. 

40. Elizabeth, dan. of John; m. March 12. 1741, Ephraim Ives (son 
of Deacon Joseph and Mary Benedict), b. Jan. 4, 1717. 

48. Sarah, dan. of John; m. Nov. 24, 1747, Bela Hitchcock (son of 
Captain Benjamin and Elizabeth Ives), b. Oct. 27, 1719. She d. Oct. 23, 
1746. (2) Nov. 24, 1747, Hannah, (sister of first wife), d. June 2S, 1805. 
He d. in Cheshire. Oct. \2, 1796. 

49. Titus, son of John; m. Dec. 14, 1749, Margaret, dan. of Samuel 
Scott, of Southington. He lived in the north part of Cheshire, and d. 
there Dec. 26, 1758. His widow m. Immer Judd, Sen., of Southington, as 
her second husband, and d. Sept. 8, 1794. He d. July 30, 1801. 

150. Chloe, 1). Sept. 29, 1750; m. Samuel Cook. 

151. Amos, 1). June 12, 1752. 

152. Miriam, b. 1754; m. April 14, 1774, Calvin Cowles. 

153. Rhoda, 1>. May 15, 1756; tn. Immer Judd, Jr. 

51. Caleb, son of Josuua; m. March 12, 1766, Abigail dan. of Nathaniel 
and Sarah (Merriman) Jones, b. Sept. 26, 1744; d. Jan. 11, 1775. (2) Jan. 
22, 1776, Ruth Wadsworth, d. June 20, 1813, aged 71. He d. Dec. 19, 1831. 
Lived in Wallingford. 

154. Sarah, b. July 19, 1767; m. Aug. 10, 1786, Capt. Jonathan Mer- 




L55. Mary, 1>. Apnl 23, 1769; in. Rev. David L. Beebe. 

156. Lucy, b. Dec. 8, 1770; m. Ira May. 

157. Joshua, b. Feb. 8, 1773. 

158. Abigail, b. Dec. 13, 1778; m. Dr. John Andrews. 

159. Catherine, b. May 24, 1781; m. Thomas Cook. 

160. Ruth, h. April 11, 1788; m. Apollos Cook. 

.">:>. Sarah, dan. of Joshua; m. Charles Hull (son of Dr. Benjamin and 

Hannah) b. May 1, 1744; d. Max 4. 1819. He owned what is known as 
the Ruggles farm at Yalesville in Wallingford. (2) Dec. 11, 1820, Aaron 
Hull, ,,!' Wallingford. He was b. Nov. 4, 1760; .1. Sept. 30, 1839. 

.">4. Abigail, dan. of Moses; m. Dec. 27. 1744, Jason Hotchkiss (son of 
John and Miriam Wood), b. Max 12, 1710; d. Max ]<), 1770. in Cheshire. 
She d. Feb. 22. 1773. 

.->.->. Sarah, dan. of Moses; m. Oct. 7, 1761, Daniel Hall. b. Nov. 17, 
1740; d. Jan. 27.- 1789, of Wallingford. She d. May — , 1749. 

56. Moses, son of Moses; lived in Wallingford; m. Dee. 18, 1754, 
Eunice, dan. of Thomas and Sarah (Leete) Newton; d. Oct. 2. 1805. He 
d. March 7, 1801. 

161. Sarah, b. Nov. 10, 1755; m. Abner Bunnell. 

162. Lyman, b. , 1759. 

57. Blihu, son of Moses; lived in Wallingford; m. Max 1. 1765, Abiah 

Tryon; d. Dec. 2. 1778. (2) Jan. 0, 1783, Anna, dau. of Jonathan and 

Elizabeth (Thompson) Prindle, widow of Lot Hudson; b. Dec. 30, 1740. 
He d. Oct. 9, 1816. 

103. Freeman, b. Feb. 10, 1766. 

104. Mary, b. March 2, 1707; m. Ambrose Hull. 

165. Abiah, b. Nov. 3, 1769; m. Theophilus DoolittTe 

166. Sally, b. Jan. 23. 1773; m. Mr. Hudson. 
107. Elihu, b. June 9, 1776. 

168. Jesse, b. - . 1770. 

.">». David, son of Moses, was "a noted apothecary" in New Haven; 

m. Nov. 15, 1770, Eunice, dau. of Andrew and Sarah (Nichols) Thompson, 
of Stratford; b. Sept. — , 1750. She m. (2) July Id. 1770. John Goodrich. 
He was killed in a skirmish with the British troops when they destroyed 
the stores at Danbury, April 2H, Mil. Had four sons who died without 

(il. Reuben, son of Phineas; resided in Cheshire; m. April 29, 1752. 

Sarah, dau. of Caleb Hull, b. April 2'?. 1725; d. April 19. 1754. (2) Jan 
28, 1755. Mary Russell, b. Oct. 10. 1726; '1. Max 6, 1807. He d. at Blan- 
ford, Mass., Aug. 10, 1801. He was a major of the Tenth regiment of 
militia, and resigned m 1777. 


169. Sarah, b. June 14, 1753; m. Feb. 11. 1777, Stephen Royce. 
Issue by second wife: 

170. Merab, b. June 19, 1757; m. Stephen R. Bradley. 

171. Elizabeth Man,- Ann, b. Sept. 7, 1760; m. Andrew Hull, Jr. 

172. Russell, b. June 20, 1762. 

173. Abigail, b. April 2, 1764; m. Dr. Elnathan Beach. 

174. Amaryllis, b. April 2, 1764; m. Titus Street. 

175. Reuben, b. May 11, 1768. 

62. William, son of Phineas ; resided in Cheshire; m. Jan. 3, 1754, 
Esther, dau. of Ephraim and Hannah (Pangburn) Tuttle, b. Feb. 10, 1736. 
He d. in Nova Scotia, Aug. 2, 1787. 

176. Rufus, 1). Nov. 29, 1754; rem. to Nova Scotia. 

177. William, b. Feb. 16, 1759; rem. to Nova Scotia. 

178. Abel Ward, b. , 1761. 

179. Chloe, b. Sept. 21, 1763; m. John (lark. 

180. Ira, b. June 21, 1765. 

181. Esther, b. Oct. 4, 1771; m. March 13, 1788, George Whitman. 

63. Thomas, son of Phineas; m. Dec. 8, 1757, Love, dau. of Capt. 
Samuel Hull, b. Aug. 27, 1738. He d. June 2, 1805. 

64. Damaris, dau. of Phineas; m. April 21, 1763, Samuel Tyler (son 
of Samuel and Jerusha Sedgwick), b. Dec. 14, 1735; d. March 13, 1823. 
She d. April 24. 1810. 

65. Ambrose, son of Phineas; m. Oct. 2, 1766, Sarah Tryon, and was 
the father of eleven children, — six sons and five daughters. He d. at the 
age of ninety-one years and two months. He moved to Shelhurne, Yt. 
She d. Dec. 23, 1812. 

182. Amelia, b. July 3, 1767; m. Thaddeus Tuttle. 

183. Linus, b. Feb. 23, 1769. 

184. Jonathan, b. Oct. 18, 1770. 

185. Thomas, b. April 19, 1775. 

186. Sarah, b. Feb. 11, 1777; m. Asa Lyon. 

187. Mary, b. Oct. 17, 1778; m. Peter B. Smith. 

188. Phineas, b. July 12, 1780. 

189. Merab, b. April 17, 1782 ; m. J. P. Wetmore. 

190. Clara C, b. May 6, 1786; m. Joshua Fuller; d. May 23, 1814. 

191. William, b. May 9, 1789. 

66. Sarah, dau. of Caleb; m. Samuel Street, of Wallingford, b. May 
10, 1707; d. Oct. 15, 1792. She d. Oct. 1, 1795. 

67. Eunice, dau. of Caleb; m. March 24, 1757, Phineas Cook. (2) 
Mar. 18, 1768, Ebenezer Townsend. He d. May 26, 1838. She d. July 25, 


OK. .Mary, dau. of Benjamin; m. Nov. 15, 1757, Abel Look (son of 
Aaron and Ruth Burrage), b. Pel.. 23, 1732; d. Aug. 10, 1776; (2) Ben 
jamin Hall. She d. Jan. 13. 1774. Resided in Wallingford. 

Hi). Caleb, son of Ebenezer ; lived in Wallingford; m. Nov. 22, \7(A, 
Phebe, dau. of Josiah and Hannah Talmage; b. Aug. 4, 1744. She d. Tan. 
27, 1776. 

192. Anne, 1>. Nov. 17, 1765. No information. 

193. Sarah. 1». July 19, 1767. No information. 

194. Ehenczer, b. Feb. 16, 1769. No information. 

70. Samuel, son of Ebenezer; lived in Wallingford ; m. May 5, 1768, 
Hannah, dau. of Amos and Joanna (Parker) Bristol, b. March 20, 1745; 
d. Jan. 31, 1826. He d. Aug. 15, 1788. 

195. Sylvia, b. Feb. 21, 1769; m. Daniel Winchell. 

196. Samuel, b. Oct. 29, 1775. 

197. Ebenezer, bap. Sept. 2, 1781. 

198. Eouisa, h. June 20, 1784; m. Oct. 14. 1X22, Levi Smith. 

71. Bphraim, son of Ebenezer; lived in Wallingford; m. Dec. 25, 1771, 
Abigail Rowe ; b. July 29, 1746. He d. at camp, Danbury, Conn., Oct. 22, 
1776. She m. (2) March 20, 1783, Elnathan Connor. 

199. Lowly, 1). Oct. 16, 1772; m. Noah Andrews. 

200. Eunice, b. Sept. 18, 1774; m. Levi Matthews, of Bristol, Conn. 

201. Ephraim, b. March 5. 1777. 

72. Elizabeth, dau. of Ebenezer; m. Nov. 8, 1770, Joseph Hough, b. 
Sept. 12, 1745; d. Sept. 11, 1811. 

73. Abigail, dau. of Ebenezer; m. June 8, 1778, Thomas Walker, two 
children: Ebenezer Atwatcr, b. Aug. 31, 1780; Nancy, b. Aug. 24, 1782; 
m. Humphrey Smith. There were other children. He d. in Cayuga 
County, N. Y. She m. (2) Houghton, d. in 1834. 

74. Stephen, son of David; moved to Mcriden, then in the town of 
Wallingford; m. June 6, 1739, Elizabeth, dau. of John and Sarah Payne 
\ ale. He d. March 7, 1784. She d. July 2, 1793, aged 80. 

202. Ruth, h. June 6, 1740; m. May 4, 1789, John Miles, d. Oct. 2, 1796. 

(2) Thomas Merriman. He d. April 1, 1811. She d. April 
6, 1827. 

203. Eunice, b. Sept. 28, 1744; m. William Johnson. 

204. David, b. Aug. 31, 1747. 

205. Mary, b. Jan. 25, 1750; m. Dec. 4, 1777. Marshall Merriam. She 

d. Fel>. 20, 1780. 

206. Elizabeth, 1>. July 27, 1752; m. Jonah Hotchkiss 

207. Christopher, b. Jan. 6, 1755 
208 Isaac, b. Dec 4, 1758 


75. Jonathan, son of David; lived in New Haven; m. Jan. 23, 1745, 

Sarah Beach, of Wallingford, 1). Mar. 25, 1727. He d. Aug. 24, 1764. His 
house was in that part of State street formerly called Fleet street. She 
m. (2) Dec. 19, 1765, Ephraim Goldsmith; (3) July 29, 1789, Ashael Hall. 
She d. July 18, 1803. 

209. Thomas, b. Dec. 16, 1747. 

210. Sarah, b. June 21, 1752; m. Oct. 27, 1771, Willard Brintnall. (2) 

William Atvvater. She d. Sept. 6, 1800. 

211. Lois, b. Mar. 7, 1756; m. Oct. 9, 1778, Stephen Dunwell. (2) 

Aug. 7, 1784, John Ronticou. 

7<>. David, son of David; m. June 2'^, 1744, Hannah, dau. of James and 
Hannah (Harrison) Talmadge; b. Feb. 7, 171°. His house was in Mead- 
ow street, New Haven. She d. April 13. 1757. 

212. William, b. Oct. 18, 1745. 

213. Elisha, b. Dec. 4, 1740. No information. 

214. Mary, b. Mar. 3, 1749; m. Jan. 2, 1769. Lemuel Benham. 

215. Hannah, b. May 24, 1750; m. Nov. 6, 1771, Charles Butler. 

77. Lydia, dau. of Jeremiah; m. Dec. 4, 1732, Alexander Wolcott, but 
separated from him. (2) Oct. 22, 174!), John Fliot, son of John and Mary 
(dau. of John Wolcott) Fliot, b. Jan. 21, 1717; graduated H. C. 1737; re- 
sided in New Haven until his removal to Spencer, Mass., where he was 
for ten years a gentleman of wealth and distinction. He d. Nov. 20, 1790. 
She d. Jan. 28, 1776. 

7X. Phebe, dau. of Jonathan; m. Jan. 0. 1736, Caleb Hotchkiss, b. June 
6, 1712. In 1714 Ik is called Caleb 3d and Caleb, Jr. He was killed in 
New Haven, July. 1779, by a British soldier. She d. Feb. 19, 1795. 

79. Abraham, son of Jonathan; settled in Cheshire, Conn., and d. 
there Jan. 4, 1786, on a farm of 118 acres bought of Henry Cook by Jon- 
athan Atvvater, his grandfather, in February, 1702. From Jonathan it 
descended to Abraham, to Samuel, to Flamen, and is now held by the heirs 
of Flamen, in all seven generations. He m. in 1738, Alan- Ball (dau. of 
John and Mary Punderson), b. Aug. 11, 718; d. May 15, 1811, aged 93. 

216. Esther, b. Sept. 19, 1738, m. Jan. 10, 1759, Timothy Moss; d. 

June 29, 1763. 

217. Mary, b. April 2>>, 1741; m. May 10. 1761, Titus Moss. 

218. Chloe, b. Oct. 27, 1743; m. March 24, 1703. Thomas Newton. 

219. Isaac, b. June 15, 1746. 

220. Lois, h. June 12, 1749; m. Jan. 8, 1778, Thomas Gaylord. 

221. Timothy, b. Oct. 30, 1751. 

222. Abigail, b. Oct. 26. 1754; m. David Hotchkiss. 


223. Samuel, b. July 5, 1757. 

224. Esther, b. Dec. 10, 1763; d. Sept. 26, 1840, aged 77; m. Feb. 12, 

17S9, Bowers Moss. 

80. Isaac, son of Jonathan; resided in New Haven in a house in 
Broadway; m. Dec. 9, 1742, Dorothy, dan. of Caleb and Rebecca (Thomp- 
son) Mix, h. Oct. 27. 1718; d. Aug. 11, 1769. He d. Oct. 7, 1770. 

22?. Hannah, b. Sept. 8, 1743; m. ("apt. Francis Brown. 

226. Sarah, b. Sept. 21, 1746; m. Isaac Oorham. 

221. Abigail, b. May 4, 1752; in. June 27, 1773, Samuel '.ill. 

228. Sibel, b. Jan. 2?, 1755; m. Daniel Trowbridge. 

229. Eunice, b. March 3, 1757; d. Sept. 4, 1834; m. Dec. 18, 1775. 

John Pease, d. Sept. 5, 1794; (2) Sept. 5. 1796. Abraham 
Bradley, b. June 13, 1741 ; d. Mar. 6, 1817. 

230. Esther, b. July 16, 1759; d. Aug. 16, 1836; m. April 10, 1788, John 


HI. Jacob, son of Jonathan; m. Feb. 10, 1748, Miriam, dau. of Eben- 

ezer and Man- (Atwater) Ives; d. Nov. 11, 1792. (2) Aug. — , 1794. 

Thankful Goodyear, widow of John Cotter. Jacob d. Dec. 11. 1799. 
Thankful d. Jan. 21. 1801, aged 67 years. 

231. Enos, b. April 10, 1750. 

232. Xoah, b. Jan. 3, 1752. 

233. Mabel, b. Aug. 31, 1753; m. Levi Bassett. 

234. Lydia, b. Feb. 11, 1756; m. Theophilus Bassett. 

23'?. Jotham, b. Nov. 17, 1757; d. Oct. 28, 1776. Killed at the battle 
of White Plains, N. V. 

236. Jason, b. May 5, 1759. 

237. Elisha, b. July 8, 1761. 

238. Mary, b. Feb. 7, 1763; d. Sept. 30, 1840; m. Davenport Willian:s 

239. Asa, b. Aug. 8, 1764. 

240. Miriam, b. Sept. 2. 1768; d. Nov. 0. 1787; m. Calvin Mallory. 

H'2. Jonathan, son of Jonathan; settled in Bethany; m. Miriam, dau. 
of Thomas and Abigail (Smith) Canfield, b. 1729; d. April 8. 1807. He 
d. Feb. 24, 1794. He probably served in Captain Moulton's company in 
the Revolution, enlisting Aug. 13. 1781. 

241. Moses, b. 1751. 

242. Eunice, b. Aug. 24, 1753; d. Aug. 18. 1838; m. Elias Ib.tchkiss; 

(2) April 19, 1827, Uri Sperry. 

243. Joanna, b. 1756; m. Uri Sperry; d. Feb. 2H. 1832. 

244. Amos, b. 1757. 

245. Abigail, b. 1759; m. Eldad Hotchkiss. 

246. Rhoda, m. Lemuel Sperry. She d. Oct. 2. 1813 
247 Miriam, m. Reuben Oshorn 


248. David, b. 1762. 

249. Jesse, b. 1764. 

250. Jonathan, b. June 20, 1765. 

83. Jonah, son of Jonathan; lived in New Haven; in. Dec. 25, 1753, 
Lydia Holebrook. (2) Rachel - — . He d. Nov. 10. 1811. He served 
in the revolutionary war. 

251. Holebrook, b. Aug. 20, 1758. 

252. Esther, b. Sept. 8, 1765. Xo information. 

253. Huldah, b. Oct. 20, 1768. Possibly identical with Hnldah, in. 

Jesse Peck, who d. April 21, 1830, aged 61. 

S4. Joel, son of Jonathan; lived in New Haven; m. Dec. 28, 1763. 
Abiah, dan. of Timothy and Zerviah (Johnson) Baldwin, b. Dec. 26, 1833. 
He d. Nov. 30, 1794. She d. Oct. 20, 1792, aged 60. 

254. Abiah, b. Oct. 6, 1764; m. Abel Ward Atwater. 

255. Rebecca, b. March 21, 1766; m. Captain John Peck. 

256. Joel, b. Nov. 1. 1769. 

2?7. Polly, b. July 10, 1774; m. Luther Bradley. She d. Sept. 25, 

8i>. Abigail, dan. of Jonathan (and sister of Abraham, who m. Mary 
Ball), m. Stephen Ball. b. 1727; d. Oct. 10, 1799, aged 72. She d. Nov. 
10, 1800. 

86. Jeremiah, son of Jonathan ; steward of Yale College, 1778-98; m. 
April 20, 1757. Anna, dau. of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Lines) Mix, b. April 
2, 1735, who d. Dec. 23, 1778. (2) April 6, 1780, Catherine, dau. of Dr. Ben- 
jamin and Hannah, dau. of Rev. Dr. Jared Elliott Gale, of Killingworth, 
Conn., b. June 21, 1742; d. s. i. June 1Q, 1794; (3) Mary Saltonstall ; d. 
Aug. 14, 1820. He d. Nov. 12, 1811. 

258. Stephen, 1.. July 27, 1758. 

259. Anna, b. Sept. 28, 1764; m. Jeremiah Townsend. 

260. Jeremiah M., b. Eeb. 15, 1767. 

261. Joseph, b. May 27. 1770. 

262. Rebecca Lydia, b. March 2, 1778; m. Rev. James Murdock. 

8J). Benjamin, son of Joseph; lived in Cheshire; m. June 19, 1755, 
Phebc, dau. of Joseph and Lydia (Jones) Moss, b. Jan. 9, 1736; d. March 
1, 1799. He d.Feb. 6, 1799. 

263. Sarah, b. April 26, 1756; m. Daniel Hughes. 

264. Benjamin, b. Sept. 26, 1757. 

265. Titus, b. Aug. 29, 1759. 

266. Moses, b. May 12, 1765. 

267. Joel, h. April 22, 1769. 


2b8. Jeremiah, b. Aug. 21, 1771. 

269. Phebe, b. April 2, 1774; d. Sept. 5, 1828; m. Max 1, 17%, John 

Bassett.. b. Oct. 5, 1761; d. Aug. 9, 1821. 

270. Mary Arm, b. July 14, 1779; m. Stephen Jarvis. 

90. Joseph, son of Joseph; lived in Wallingf ord ; m. Aug. 18, 1756, 
Phebe, dau. of David and Alice (Bates) Mall, b. Tunc 4, 1739; d. March 
23, 1767. He d. Aug. 22, 1769. 

271. Joseph, b. 1759. 

91. Thankful, dau. of Joseph; m. June 14, 1755, Sergeant Elisha Hall 
(son of John and Elizabeth Royce), b. Sept. 15, 1730; d. Tan. 19, 1800. 
She d. Jan. 28, 1792. 

92. Samuel, son of Daniel; m. Dec. 26, 1744, Sarah, dau. of Caleb and 
Abigail (Ashburn) Ball, 1.. Nov. 25, 1723; d. March 11, 1796. He d. May 
9, 1793. Three children d. in infancy. Joseph Newton testified that when 
the militia was called to march for the defense of U. S. that at that time 
Samuel Atwater and several others had lately come home in the militia 
from New York much out of health and had not been able to labor since 
and continued unwell for some time afterward. For that reason they 
were not able to go a second time in the militia. Made oath Tan. 5. 1778. 

272. Abel, 1.. April 15, 1746. 

273. Abigail, 1>. Nov. 17, 1749; m. Titus Goodyear. 

274. Stephen, 1». Dec. 29, 1752. 

275. Samuel, b. Sept. 23, 1754. 

276. Timothy, b. May 6, 1756. 

277. John, b. Dec. 24, 1757. 

278. Caleb, b. Dec. 28, 1759. 

279. Richard Newman, 1». May 3. 1762. 

280. Susannah, b. Dee. 29, 1766; m. March 31, 1791, Joseph Goodyear. 

She (1. 1814. 

93. Sarah, dau. of Daniel; m. Dec. 19, 1742, Ebenezer, son of James 

and Abigail (Peck) Ailing, of Walling ford, h. April 8, 1713; d. Nov. 3, 
1760. She d. 1814. 

94. John, son of Daniel; lived in rlamden; m. Jan. 5, 1749. Mary, dau. 
of James and Abigail (Peck) Ailing, b. Mar. 5, 1708, of Wallingford. He 
u. May 18, 1781. She d. Feb. 14, 1790. 

96. Ann, dau. of Daniel; in. M a\ 17, 1753, Joshua Munson, b. Jan. 3D, 
1712, d. Aug. 3. 1772; (2) Sept. 29, 1773, Oliver Hitchcock. She d. Jan. 
16, 1804. 

J)7. Dainai-is, dau of Daniel; in. Nov. 20, 1750, James [yes, b. Oct. 19, 
1718; d. at Centerville, Conn., Ma\ 14, 1804. She d. Oct. 26. 1751. 


})8. Daniel, son of Daniel; m. Feb. 26, 1756, Sarah, dan. of John and 
Sarah (Potter) Harris, b. Nov. 14, 1730; d. Feb. 2S, 1761. (2) Aug. 13, 
1761, Lois Mansfield. He d. April 30. 1765. 

281. Zophar, b. June 28, 1756. 

282'. Enos, b. Nov. 22, 1758. 

283. Ichabod, b. Feb. 11, 1761. 

284. Simeon, h. Sept. 11, 1763. 

285. Sarah, 1). Jan. IS, 1767. 

99. Lydla, dan. of Caleb; m. July 14, 1747, Jude Tuttle, b. Aug. 16, 
1724. He lived in Hamden, Conn., and d. there Dec. 13, 1762. The widow 
m. June 25, 1767, Abel Smith, whose will wa< proved in New Haven in 
1708. She d. Oct. 22, 1807. 

102. James, sun of Caleb; lived in Hillsdale, Columbia County, N. Y.. 
m. Dec. 5, 1756, Luis, dan. of Ezekicl and Susannah ( Merriman) Tuttle, 
widow of Benjamin Todd, b. Feb. 14, 1738. Last heard of in Tyringham, 

286. Benjamin Todd. 

287. James. 

288. Daniel. 

289. Lois; m. Michael Sherman. 

290. Eunice ; m. E. Young. 

291. Stephen, b. Jan. 31. 1782. 

103. Sarah, dan. of Caleb; m. Samuel Street. He d. in Wallingford, 
1792, aged 85 years. In 1754 he was appointed in right of his wife guardian 
to Eunice Atwater, a minor daughter of Caleb Atwater. 

104. Lois, dan. of Caleb; m. 1757. Titus Tuttle, b. Sept. 18, 1731. He 
was drafted at New Haven, Conn., into the Revolutionary arm}', but his 
eldest son, Caleb, was accepted as a substitute ; enrolled as a minute-man ; 
removed to West Springfield, Mass., (Ireland Parish, now Holyoke), and 
d. there Jan. 17, 1820, in his 89th year. His wife Lois d. in a fit May 
31, 1790. 

106. Stephen, son of Caleb; m. July 18, 1771. Hannah Mead. He d. 
March 4, 1831. He was a farmer and lived in Conesville, N. Y. 

292. Reuben, b. Nov. 27, 1779. 

293. Lydia, b. Feb. 17, 1782; d. July 12, 1816; m. A. Thompson. 

294. Esther, b. Oct. 31. 1785; m. John Albertv. 

295. Mead. b. Jan. 24, 1790. 

296. Titus, b. July 5, 1792. 

297. John, b. Oct. 8, 1795. 


107. Mary, dan. of Stephen; m. May 17, 1753, Ebenezer Ives, Jr., d. 
about 1760. (2) April 10, 1705. Gilead Gregory. 

110. Ebenezer, SO n of James; m. April 9, 1747, Mehitable, dau. James 

Ailing and Abigail Peck. He wenl to Nine Partners, X. Y. lit- d. pre- 
vious u> 1782, when his sons, Benjamin and John, quit claimed their in- 
terest in the estate of their grandfather, James. 

298. Jesse, b. June 22. 1749. 

299. Benjamin, b. 1756. 

300. John. 

301. Ebenezer. 

302. Levi. 

303. Caleb, b. 1767. 

304. Reuben. 

113. Elizabeth, dan. of James; m. March 7, 1771, David Mix of X(\\ 

114. Phebe, dau. of James; m. Aug. 29, 1774. Stephen Gorham, son of 
John and Lydia Dorman, b. Feb. 1, 1747. She d. July 24, 1822. He d. 

115. Timothy, son of James; lived in New Haven; m. Feb. 3, 1773, 
Chloe, dau. of Abraham Augur and Elizabeth Bradley, d. Sept. 11, 1774. 
(2) Aug. 27, 1770, Susan Macumber; d. Jan. 11, 1X31. He d. March 
5, 1824. 

305. Betsey, b. Jan. 27. 1777; m. John Hunt. 

300. Sarah, b. Nov. 23, 1779; d. March 15, 1807; m. Jesse Hunt. d. 

Sept. 2'?, 1810, aged 3'?. 

307. Susan, b. Jul}' 22. 1781; m. William Cutler. 

308. James, b. July 1. 1783. 

309. Charles. 1.. Aug. 23, 1785. 

310. Harriet, b. March 9, 1790; m. Oct., 1809, Rev. James W. Tucker, 

311. Robert, b. Feb. 26, 1793. 

312. Julia, b. Feb. 24, 1795; m. Leonard A. Daggett. 

313. Jennette, b. March 2, 1799; d. in 1882; m. George Raymond; 

(2) Leonard Daggett. 

1 Hi. Lydia, dau. of James; m. Oct. 2X, Mil, Hezekiah Augur, b. in 
175(1; d. Nov. 7. 1818. She d. March 9, 1837. 

Elizabeth, b. Oct. 11. 177^; m. Eli Osborn. 
Lydia, b. Jan. 2?, 1782; m. Benjamin Thompson. 
Minott, b. May 20, 1784; m. Sarah Osborn. 
Chloe, b. Auk. 10, 1786; m. Joseph Barber. 



117. Elizabeth, dan. of David; m. March 18, 1772, Jonah Hotchkiss, 
b. June 12. 1745; d. Nov. 15, 1811. She d. April 16. 1827. He was a house 
joiner, a horticulturist, and originated the Jonah pear. 

118. Medad, son of David; lived at Cedar Hill, New Haven; m. May 
8, 1776, Lowly, dau. of Stephen and Esther ( Barnes) Goodyear, b. Tune 
12, 1758; d. Sept. 27, 1776, aged 38; (2) Sept. 9, 1778, Rhoda, dau. of 
Samuel and Mary (Ailing) Dickerman ; b. Nov. 24, 1748; d. May 19, 1806. 
(3) Nov. 27. 1806. widow Sarah Hubbard, d. Feb. 18, 1834. He d. Feb. 
15. 1832. 

314. Lowly, b. July 9, 1779; m. Hezekiah Bassett. 

315. Lucy, b. Jan. 31, 1781; m. F.li Brocket. 

316. Lyman, b. March 3, 1783. 

317. Medad, b. Oct. 18, 178X. 

119. Eldad, son of David; lived in New Haven; m. Nov. 27, 1776, 
Lydia, dau. of James and Sarah (Bassett) Heaton, b. Dec. 28, 1751; d. 
Feb. 18, 1784, aged 32; (2) Oct. 15, 1786, Sally Lucas, d. April — , 1835. 
aged 82. He d. Sept. 25, 1793. She m. (2) John Langdon. 

318. Sally, b. Feb. 7, 1778; m. George Benham, d. Oct. 8. 1854. aged 

319. Eunice, b. Dec. 16, 1781; m. Jacob Townsend. 

320. Heaton, b. Tune 10, 1787. 

321. Fldad, b. March 19, 1793. 

12(>. Joshua, .son of David; m. Tan. 20, 1778; Betsey Goodyear, dau. 
of Asa and Mehitable Sackett; b. Tan. 2, 1756; d. Dec. 22, 1808. (2) 
Esther Hull, d. Oct. 17, 1849, aged 76 years. He moved to Homer, N. Y., 
and d. July' 31, 1814. 

322. Ezra, b. Dec. 14. 1778. 

323. Betsey, b. Feb. 28, 1781 ; m. Eber Stone. 

324. Ira, b. Jan. 17, 1783. 
32^. Eli, b. Jan. 20, 1785. 

326. Amos Augustus, b. Jan. 3, 1788. 

327. Mary, b. April 30, 1790; m. William Miller. Lived in Canby, 

X. Y. 

328. Asa Goodyear, b. July 9, 1793. 

329. Thomas Gold, b. July 3, 1796. 

330. Joseph, b. Aug. 31, 1813. 

121. Anna, dau. of David; m. April 4, 1775, General John Hubbard, 
b. in Meriden, Conn. They bail one son. John, b. in 1778. She d. Feb. 
2. 1778. 


122. David, son of David; m. Tan. 30, 1783, Rachel, dau. of William 
Abdiah and Sarah (Gilbert) Hubbard; moved to Trumansburg, N. Y., in 
1803. He d. Nov. 16, 1803. 

331. William, b. June 10, 1786. 

332. Elijah, b. April 4, 1789. 

333. Anna, b. Tune 15, 1792; m. July 9, 1812, Jeremiah Clark Mande- 


334. Rebecca, b. Oct. 12, 1795; m. Joseph Crawford. 

335. David, b. March 14, 1801. 

336. Betsey, b. Sept. 5, 1803; m. William Morgan. 

123. Jared, son of David ; lived at Cedar Hill, New Haven ; m. Sept. 

7, 1785, Eunce, dau. of Stephen and Eunice (Tuttle) Dickerman, b. 

1763. He d. Feb. 28, 1813. She d. July 30, 1830, aged 67. 

337. Elihu, b. Dec. 1, 1786. 

338. Stephen, b. Dec. 25, 1788. 

339. James, b. Feb. 14, 1793. 

340. Jared, b. May 27, 1795. 

341. George, b. Sept. 27, 1797. 

342. Amelia, b. Sept. 30, 1801; m. March 30, 1825, Silas Beckley. 

343. Maria, b. Sept. 30, 1801 ; m. Harvey Bradley. 

344. William, b. June 17, 1805. 

345. David, b. Jan. 29, 1807. 

346. Joshua, b. Jan. 29, 1807. 

124. Rebecca, dau. of David; m. Feb. 16, 1796, James Prescott, b. 
March 15, 1745; d. May 25, 1842. She d. July 17, 1834. 

125. Eunice, dau. of David; m. Feb. 24, 1783, Eli Hotchkiss, of New- 
Haven, b. Sept. 18, 1758 ; d. May 13, 1813. She d. Feb. 13, 1817. 

126. Phebe, dau. of David; m. March 8, 1786, Elnathan Tyler of 
Northford, Conn., d. Oct. 19, 1817. She d. Jan. 2, 1852. 

127. Rhoda, dau. of David; m. April 11, 1795, Isaac Townshend, b. 
Feb. 4, 1765, who lived in New Haven. She d. April 10, 1840. He d. 
Nov. 5, 1841. 

128. Asaph, son of Enos, m. May 17, 1772, Lucy Ann Dibble. He 
went west and settled near Ashtabula, Ohio. 

347. Thomas,, b. March 7, 1774. 

348. Mehitable, b. Sept. 11, 1775; m. Joseph Wildman. 

349. Asaph, b. Aug. 15. 1776. 

350. Lucy, b. Jan. IX, 1778; m. Meacham. 

351. Benaroy, b. March 20, 1770. 

352. Enos, b. Feb. 14, 17X3. 

353. Evelina, b. Aug. 4, 1785; m. Ludwin Grove. 


132. Henian, son of Enos ; m. Patience, dau. Daniel and Lydia 
(Parker) Humiston, b. Nov. 28, 1756; d. April 25. 1793. He lived in 
Southington at the South End. He inherited from his father one-fifth 
part of Atwater Mills, and bought the right of the rest of the heirs. He 
was in the Revolutionary army from 1777 to 1778; m. (2) May 11, 1795, 
Huldah, dau. of John and Mary (Dennison) Woodward, widow. Tames 
Hemingway, b. Tune 15, 1754, d. Nov. 4, 1821. He d. Aug. 1, 1831. 

354. Arnold, b. March 1, 1778. 

355. Urania, b. 1782; m. Ebenezer Lewis, d. April 16, 1822. 

134. Anne, dan. of Enos; m. March 19. 1778, Nathan Gaylord, of 
Cheshire, who was owner of the old Mill in the lower part of the town. 
She d. Aug. 11, 1822. He d. Jan. 24. 1826. 

135. Titus, son of Hnos ; m. Abigail, dau. of Jonathan and Mehitable 
i Maltbie) Osborn, but left no children. He d. June 26. 1791. She d. 
July 21, 1788. They resided in Cheshire. 

136. Jeremiah, () f New Haven, son of John; m. Aug. 14, 1771, Lois 
Nurd, b. 1748. He lived at the corner of Chapel and Orange streets. 
He d. Oct. 1, 1835, aged 91. She d. July 23. 1821. 

356. Jeremiah, b. Dec. 17, 1773. 

357. John. b. Sept. 10, 1777. 

358. Lois, b. Feb. 16, 1780; m. Janus Chaplain. 

359. Charles, b. Aug. 18, 1786. 

360. Frances, b. Sept. 17. 1789; m. Zebul Bradley. 

137. Phebe, dau. of John; m. March 21, 1764, Daniel Dutton, of 
Cheshire, Conn. Shi d. May 10, 1807. He d. Dec. 17, 1821, aged 80. 

138. Hannah, dau. of John; m. Jan. 1, 1777, Capt. Samuel Hall, 3d, 
of Wallingford; 1». 1707; d. Jan. 17. 1789; (2) Feb. 5, 1800, Caleb 
Nft-rriman. She d. April 4, 1811. 

139. John, son of John, first of New Haven and afterwards of West- 
Held, Mass.; m. Dolly Clapp, by whom he had three childern ; (2) Anne 
Ingersoll, who d. without issue; (3) Martha Call, b. June, 1762; d. Time 
17, 1824. He d. Sept. 8, 1823. 

361. John, b. April 26, 1774. 

362. Joshua, b. Aug. 3, 1776. 

363. Dolly Ann, b. May 27, 1796; m. Alfred Stearns. 

364. George, b. Sept. 2, 1800. 

140. Abigail, dau. of John; m. Sept. 9, 1780, Jedediah Hull. (2) Oct. 
8, 1786, Edward Goodyear; (3) Solomon Alcott, of Wolcott. She d. in 
Camden, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1825. 


142. Jesse, son of John; m. Pollj Tuttle, but left no children. He d 
July 24. 1804. 

14:i. Elizabeth, dan. of Stephen; m. Ephraim Tuttle, b. March 20. 
1739; resided in Cheshire. He d. Ian. 26, 1811, aged 72. She d. June 10, 

1*7. Naomi, dan. of Stephen; m. June 1, 1780, Enos Bunnell, b. May 
15, 1753; d. March 17. 1834. Sin- d. Jan. 16, 1843. They lived in Cheshire, 

I nun. 

149. Stephen*, son of Stephen; m. March 23, 1780, Anna, dau. of 
Barnabas and Anna (Hollingsworth) Moss; b. Nov. 29, 1757, d. Nov. 23, 
1801; moved to Crawford Comity. Pa. He d. Nov. 26, 1836. 

365. Hannah Hotchkiss, b. Feb. 18, 1781. 

366. Anne Maria, b. Any. 28, 1789; m. May 28, 1809, Leonard Doo- 

3t>7. Betsey, b. Dec. 9, 1794; m. Truman Post. 

368. Merab, b. June 22. 1797. No information. 

150. Chloe, dan. of Titus; m. Samuel Cook (son of Asaph and Sarah 
Parker) ; b. Aug. 18, 1744; d. 1823. He went with his father to Granville. 
Mass., thence to Granville, Washington County, X. Y. 

(Copied from Government Records.) 

•Stephen Atwater, Conn. S12014. Born May 13, 1758, Cheshire, Conn. Applica- 
tion for Pension Nov. 14, 1832, Crawford Co., Pa. Moved from Cheshire in 1811 to 
Granville, N. Y., and in Oct., 1824, to Oil Creek, Crawford Co., Pa. In 1829, Janu- 
ary, he moved to the farm in Troy township, his present residence (1832). 

Service — 1776 — Capt. Jesse Moss, Col. Benjamin Baldwin, 10th Regt. Conn. Militia. 
Ordered to N. Y. Aug. 9, 1776, and were in New York City when Gen. Washington 
retreated from Long Island. Atwater was one of the oarsmen who spent the night 
bringing the army over the river. "It was excessively dark and a very thick fog." 
Our regiment was ordered to Harlem a few days later, and there Stephen was taken 
sick. He was discharged there and carried home. Between two and three months 
actual service. In April, 1777, the Regt. was ordered out when Danbury was burned. 
Went to Fairfield, where a considerable battle with the British had taken place. The 
British left and the Regiment returned home, after about ten or more days. 

October, 1777. Went to West Point, same officers. "My company" were scoutiiiK 
most of the time. He lost the end of his right forefinger on this tour, by a felon. 
Being unable to care for it properly because of frequent changes of location. (Over 
two months.) 

1780. Drafted under Capt. Amos Hitchcock. Mostly engaged in building breast- 
works at Winthrop Point. Atwater was Orderh Sergeant. (Two months or mere.) 
Was also on duty ten or twelve days in 177'' when Gen. Arnold attacked New Haven, 
and on several other short tour- 
Aaron Hitchcock of Cheshire Co., Conn., served with Atwater in Capt. Jesse Moss' 


151. Amos, son of Titus; m. April 30, 1772, Martha, dau. of Timothy 
( Civvies and Mary Scott, of Farmington, b. Aug. 23, 1751 ; d. Jan. 11, 1786; 
(2) April 19, 1786, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel and Mary (Dorchester) Moss, 
Avho d. Oct. 24, 1796, aged 31; (3) Feb. 19, 1797, Mehitable, dau. of John 
and Mary (Cook) Smith, widow Ebenezer Brooks, b. April 28, '. '61. He 
was a soldier in the revolution; joined the Fifth Battalion, Waasworth's 
brigade, raised June, 1776, to reinforce Washington's army in New York. 
Served in the city of Brooklyn, being at the right of line during the battle 
of Long Island, Aug. 27. Engaged in retreat to New York, Aug. 29th and 
30th. With militia at Kip's Bay in East River at time of Attack by British 
in New York, Sept. 15th. His term expired in Dec. 1776. He d. May 8, 

369. Sophronia, b. Aug. 8. 1777; m. John Bryan. 

370. Nathan Lewis, b. 1784. 

371. Lucius, b. 1774. 

153. .Miriam, dau. of Titus; m. Apr. 14, 1774, Calvin Cowles, b. Nov. 
13, 1749; d. Dec. 19, 1801. She d. March, 1798. Lived in W'olcott. 

153. Bhoda, dau. of Titus; m. March 16, 1774. Immer Judd, Jr. She 
d. May 28, 1832. He d. May 13, 1828, aged 71. Lived in Southington. 

155. Mary, dau. of Caleb; m. Feb. 29, 1792, Rev. David L. Beebe, who 
was b. in 1761. His father was Rev. James Beebe, who was called the 
"soldier and preacher." She d. Oct. 18. 1845. 

156. Lucy, dau. of Caleb; m. Jan. 31. 1790, Ira Day, of (atskill, N. Y. 
He d. Nov. 17, 1818. 

John, b. Oct. 26, 1790. 

Caleb, b. April 7, 1798. 

Delia, b. March 28, 1800; m. Rev. Samuel ( '. Aikin, of Cleve- 

Henrietta, b. Feb. 2?, 1802; m. Rev. Samuel C. Aikin, of Cleve- 

William, b. March 13, 1804. 

Ira Ransom, b. March 1, 1807. 

Emeline, b. Nov. 14. 1811; m. Flavel W. Bingham, of Cleveland. 

157. Joshua, son of Caleb; lived at Wallingford ; m. Oct. 22, 1793, 
Elizabeth, dau. of Aaron and Elizabeth (Taintor) Cook. He d. April 19, 
1862. She d. April 4, 1842, aged 64. 

372. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 4, 1794; m. John Barker. 

373. Caroline, b. June 17, 1796; m. Dr. Jared P. Kirtland. 

374. Emily, b. Feb. 7, 1798; m. Friend Cook. 

375. Caleb, b. July 11, 1804. 

376. Joshua, b. Aug. 26, 1806. 


377. Thomas ('., b. Aug. 20. 1808. 

378. Edgar, b. Oct. 12, 1812. 

379. John, b. Jan. 19, 1813. 

380. William, b. Aug. 5, 1817. 

381. Mary Ann, b. May 29. 1819; m. Lieut. Garret Barry. 

158. Abigail, dau. of Caleb; m. Sept. 7, 1800, Dr. John, son of Dr. 
Aaron and Sarah (Whiting) Andrews, b. lime 13, 1777. She d. Sept. 
3, 1834. 

139. Catherine, dau. of Caleb; m. Nov. 2Z, 1799, Thomas B. Cook, 
son of Aaron and Lucretia (Dudley) Cook. Lived in Catskill, N. Y, 
where he died. 

ltt(). Ruth, dau. of Caleb; m. Nov. 22, 1813, Apollos Cook, brother of 
Thomas B. Lived in Catskill. X. Y. He d. July 6, 1832, aged 46. 

161. Sarah, dau. of Moses; m. Feb. 10, 1774, Abner Bunnell, Jr., b. 
Nov. 18. 1749. Lived in Cheshire. Conn. 

162. Lyman, son of Moses; m. May 2. 1785, Dorothy, dau. of Elijah 
and Elizabeth (Kellogg) Hotchkiss, b. May 22, 1759; d. Aug. 7. 1829. 1! 
d. March 24, 1831. His will mentions wife, Florinda. 

382. Elizabeth, b. March 5. 1791 ; m. April 21. 1812, Ebene/er Atwater. 

165. Abiah, dau. of Elihu ; m. Dec. 29, 1792, Theophilus Doolittle, who 
<1. March 19, 1804. She d. Nov. 23, 1817. 

167. Elihu, son of Elihu; m. Scott. He left Connecticut scon 

after or before 1800. He went south, stopping two years in the Carolines 
before going to Florida where lie settled. He drew land from the govern- 
ment and located at St. Mary's, Camden Co., Ga. ; from there he moved 
to Quincy, Fla., and practiced law. He was given a certificate from 
Samuel Wyllys, secretary of the state of Connecticut, dated May 22, 1801, 
that he had been admitted to the New Haven county bar and resided in 
Wallingford, Conn. He accumulated some wealth and owned quite a 
number of slaves. He d. Oct. 17, 1828. 

383. Martha; m. A. Larrier; d. when young. 

384. William Jesse; b. Sept. 2, 1814. 

385. Laura Maria; b. March 30, 1813; m. Kol.t. R. Towers. 

386. Elizabeth Harriet; b. 1819; m. Joseph Seabrook. 

387. Anna Julia; b. May 24, 1824; m. Rev. Wm. H Crane. 

168. Jesse, son of Elihu; postmaster in New Haven; in. Widow Hud- 
son. He left no children. He d. March 30. 1814 


170. Merab, dan. of Reuben ; m. Ala} 16, 1780; Stephen Rowe Bradley, 

U. S. senator, b. in Wallingford (now Cheshire), Conn., Oct. 20, 1754; 
d. in Walpole, N. H., Dec. 16, 1830. 

171. Elizabeth Mary Ann, dau. of Reuben ; m. General Andrew, son 
of Andrew and Lowly Hull, a prominent and influential citizen of Cheshire, 
from where he was sent to the Legislature for twenty sessions and eleven 
different years. She d. Dec. 25, 1838. He d. April 24, 1857. 

172. Russell,* son of Reuben; lived at Wallingford; m. Oct. 24, 1790, 
Clarissa Chapman, b. Nov. 23, 1762. Removed to Bland ford, Mass., and 
engaged in mercantile pursuits. 

388. Phineas, b. Nov. 10, 1791. 

389. Henry S, b. Sept. 21, 1798. 

173. Abigail, dau. of Reuben ; m. Dr. Elnathan Beach, who was a 
physician in Cheshire. He removed and settled in Marcellus, N. Y , in 
1795-6. He erected the first frame house there. He was sheriff of Onon- 
daga County in 1799, and held the office to the time of his death in 18C1 
at the age of forty years. 

171. Amaryllis, dau. of Reuben; m. 1750, Titus Street, of Cheshire, 
b. June 4, 1750, (son of Samuel and Keziah Munson). She d. June 20, 

(From Government Report.) 

* Russell Atwater, Conn. S 28238. Resident of Norfolk, St. Lawrence Co., N. V.. 
in 1832. Pensioned by Act of Congress, July 14, 1832. 

Wounded at New Haven, July 5, 1779, during engagement when Gov;. Tryon at- 
tacked that place. Was struck in the breast by a musket tall and was presumed to be 
mortally wounded. The wound healed in 18 months. Service in the company of 
Capt. Lucius Tuttle, of Cheshire, near New Haven. 

A letter from Russell Atwater to the Commissioner of Pensions reveals that an ap- 
plication was made in 1829 and certain papers were sent to the President who for- 
warded them to the War Office. These papers could not be found in 1832. One was 
from "an officer commanding the Company in which he served when wounded" and the 
other from Dr. Munson of New Haven, the first Surgeon attending after the wound 
was received. 

1832, Feb. 10, Lucius Tuttle, Ensign of Militia belonging to Cheshire July, 1779, 
deposed to the landing of the British at New Haven, July 5, 1779, and that he with his 
company proceeded to New Haven. Russell Atwater was a member of the company, 
and as remembered, was about 17 years old. "He was severely wounded by a ball 
which struck him on the lower part of the collar bone," etc. "I was standing next 
to him when he was wounded and the circumstance is vivid and fresh in my recollec- 
tion." Tuttle "will be 83 years old in 2 months from this time." 


17o. Reuben, son of Reuben; lived at Wallingford ; m. Elizabeth 
Willard; b. 1767; d. June 8, 1794. (2) Sarah, dan. of Gen. John Lamb 
and Catherine Jandine. He d. Feb., 1831. 

390. Clinton Edward, 1). Dec. 18, 1793. no issue. 

391. Catherine, b. Oct. 9, 1797. 

17«. Rufus, son of William; no. Dec. 18, 1777, Mary Tuttlc, b. March 
11, 1761; she m. (2) Elisha Randall, d. July 13, 1822. Rufus was killed 
by rolling of a log, Aug. 2, 1787. 

392. Sabrina; m. Feb. 9, 1797, John Dunn; (2) m. Morgan Connor, 

and had 8 children. 

393. Luman. 

394. Adolphus. 

395. William, b. Nov. 2^, 1785. 

3%. Esther, b. Dec. 25. 1787; m. Aug. 26, 1827, Wm. Strople. He 
had 8 children. 

177. William, son of William, went to Boylston, Guysboro Co., Nova 
Scotia. He m. Sarah Andrews, b. March 16, 1758. He d. July 23, 1846. 

397. Alvarous, b. Dee. 25, 1789. 

398. Abner, b. May 22, 1792. 

399. Dennison, b. Nov. 10, 1795. 

400. Ward, b. June 21, 1798. 

401. John. 

402. Asenath, m. Aug. 13, 1806, Henry Baker, of Boylston, N. S. 

403. Sabrina, b. April 6, 1787; m. Aug. 29, 1808, John K. McKeon. 
■U)4. Abigail, b. June 15, 1794; m. Mr. McKay, of Intervale, N. S. 

405. Charlotte Ann, b. March 12, 1803; m. Jan. 23, 1826, Joseph Hart. 

of Guysboro, N. S. 

178. Abel Ward, son of William; m. Abiah, dau. <>t" Joel Atwater and 
Abiah Baldwin; b. Oct. 6, 1764; d. March 15, 1823. He lived in New 
Haven; was a seafarer, also vestryman in Trinity Church. Ili< schooner 
was taken by the French and his heirs should be paid the French spolia 
lion claims money. He d. Sept. 8, 1822. 

406. Richard, b. Mar. 25, 1802. 

407. Charlotte, b. Sept. 1. 1804; m. I EC. Atwater. 

179. Chloe, dau. of William; d. about 1824; in. Rev. John (lark, b. in 
Haddam, Conn.; a farmer in comfortable circumstances; residence New 
Marlboro, Mass. 

180. Ira, son of William; m. Louisa Ives. IK was a shoemaker in 

Yalesville, Conn. He d. April 4. 1838. She d Sept. (>. 1837, aged id 


408. Mary, m. Hickox, and removed to Bethany; 3 children. 

409. Martha, m. Feh. 8, 1835, Samuel Frisbie ; 3 children. 

410. Luman, b. Nov. 17, 1810. 

411. Esther, b. 1820; m. March 10, 1849, John Butler; lived in 

Meriden ; no children. 

412. Clarissa, m. Henry Sutliff, Southington ; 3 children. 

413. Harriet, m. Henry Hough. 

182. Amelia, dau. of Ambrose; m. June 22, 1794. Thaddeus Tuttle 
(son of Moses and Sibyl Thomas), b. Aug. 18, 1757, (captain of militia) ; 
he was of Wallingford, Conn., 1783, but soon removed to Vermont. 

183. Linus, son of Ambrose; d. in Shelburne, Vt., April 2, 1824; m. 
Esther, dau. of Giles and Esther Hotchkiss, d. Dec, 1806; (2) Mary 
Hotchkiss (sister of first wife), d. at Williston, Vt., in 1820. He was a 
shoemaker and resided at Williston. 

414. Albert, b. Oct. 28, 1800. 
Issue by second wife: 

415. Edwin, b. Sept. 14, 1808. 

416. Amelia, b. Aug. 6, 1815; m. Zimri Root. 

417. Isaac H., b. Jan. 31, 1817. 

184. Jonathan, son of Ambrose ; d. May. 1842 ; m. Clara, dau. of David 
and Mehitable (Hull) Badger, b. 1744; d. Oct. 4, 1804; (2) Sarah 
Shaw; d. in 1860. He d. May 27, 1842 in Williston. Vt., where he was a 

418. Hiram, b. Jan. 1. 1802. 

185. Thomas, son of Ambrose; d. Feb. 15, 1858; m. Nov. 26, 1797, 
Betsey Boyden, b. Jan. 25, 1774; d. April 15, 1854. He learned the shoe- 
maker trade when young, but after keeping hotel finally settled on a farm 
near Burlington, Vt. He d. Feb. 15, 1858. 

419. Ambrose, b. Jan., 1800. 

420. Almira, b. Aug. 17, 1802; d. Dec. 23, 1857; m. J. Y. Drew. 

421. Luman R., b. June 23, 1810. 

422. William W., b. Feb. 15, 1814. 

186. Sarah, dau. of Ambrose; m. Asa Lyon. The}' had two sons and 
three daughters. She d. Sept., 1813. 

187. Mary, dau. of Ambrose; d. October, 1864, in Rochester, N. Y. ; 
m. Peter Benedict Smith, of Burlington, Vt., d. in 1831; (2) about 1838, 
Asa Lyon, her brother-in-law. Mr. Smith was a tailor. * 

188. Phineas, son of Ambrose; d. Jan. 9, 1860; m. May, 1817, Nancy 
Fairchild (dau. of Stephen and Sarah Hubbell, of Georgia, Vt.), d. in 


1825; (2) Mrs. Lorain Hadley. He resided at Burlington, Vt. He was 
a farmer; also a constable and collector. He d. Oct. 1781. 

423. Sarah, b. April 14, 1815; d. in 1882; m. Silas Holloway. 

424. Louisa, b. Sept. 4, 1819; m. Lemuel S. Drew. 
Issue by second marriage: 

425. Lucius, b. July 20, 1829; d. in California. 

426. Cornelia, b. Aug. 13, 1832; m. William Moore, lived in Lyons. 

N. Y. ; (2) Marcus Ansley. of Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y. 

189. Merab, dan. of Ambrose; m. John P. VVetmore. Delia Wetmore, 
wife of William, was the dau. of John P. Wetmore, who m. Merab for 
his second wife. In other words, sister and brother married father and 
dau. She d. June 23, 1873. 

191. William, son of Ambrose; m. June 20, 1820, Delia Wetmore, of 
Norfolk, N. Y., b. July 29, 1793; d. June 23, 1873. He d. July 27, 1853. 

427. Frances M., b. March 20, 1821 ; m. Sidney Lawrence. 

428. George E., b. Feb. 8, 1824. 

429. Hiram H., b. Feb. 17, 1828. 

430. Frederick A., b. July 17, 1830. 

431. Edward D, b. Aug. 17, 1833. 

432. Lyman W., b. May 30, 1835. 

196. Samuel, son of Samuel ; m. Aug. 5, 1817, Lydia How ; d. April 
5, 1847, aged 64. He lived in Cheshire, Conn., and d. May 3, 1854. 

433. Sarah, b. Jan. 28, 1824; m. Lyman Nettleton. 

197. Ebenezer, son of Samuel; m. Apr. 21, 1812, Elizabeth, dau. 
of Lyman and Dorothy (Hotchkiss) Atwater.d. Jan. 20, 1820; m. (2) 
Hannah Gaylord, d. April 6, 1866, aged 78. He d. Nov. 21, 1852. They 
lived in Cheshire, Conn. 

434. Eunice, m. Isaac Taylor. 

435. Sarah, m. Mitchell Lombnt. 

204. David, son of Stephen; m. Sarah Wing, of Guilford. Lived in 
Meriden, Conn. Will probated March 1, 1823. 

436. Joel, b. 1781. 

207. Christopher, son of Stephen ; m. April 30, 1776, Lydia, dau. of 
David and Prudence (Cole) Roys. He served in the Revolutionary 
Army, and d. at Harlem, Sept. 12, 1776, after the battle of Long Island 

437. Christopher, b. Sept 11, 1776; m Betsey Mitchell 


208. Isaac, sun of Stephen; lived in Bristol, where he removed from 
Meriden, Conn., in 1796; m. Aug. 22, 1792; Lucy, dau. of Joseph H. Mer- 
riam and Sarah Austin. He served in the Revolutionary Army with his 
brother Christopher, at the age of eighteen. He d. July 20, 1839. She 
d. April 25, 1849. 

438. Olive, b. Feb. 8, 1799; m. Willis Hinman. 

439. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 8, 1807; m. Enos Royce. 

209. Thomas, son of Jonathan; lived in New Haven; m. May 28, 1772, 
Margaret Macomber, b. Feb. 4, 1753. He d. Sept. 13, 1815. She d. Sept. 
2, 1834, aged 8.2 years. 

440. Elnathan, b. Jan. 31, 1773. 

441. Jonathan, b. April 30, 1776. 

442. Thomas, b. April 15, 1778. 

443. Elisha, b. July 15, 1780; lost at sea, July, 1810. 

444. Nancy, b. Jan. 15, 1783; m. Elihu Mix. She d. April 19, 1837. 

445. Sally, b. April 14, 1785; m. David Smith. 

446. Margaret, 1). June 15, 1787; m. Lucius Smith. 

212. William, son of David; lived in Mil ford; deacon in Second Con- 
gregational Church; m. Mehitable, dan. of Gamaliel and Elizabeth (Cary) 
Clark; d. Nov. 30, 1784, aged 31; (2) Mrs. Sarah( Atwater) Brintnall, 
d. Sept. 6, 1800; (3) Esther Northrop, wid. Elias Carrington, b. Sept. 30, 
1744, d. April 14, 1817. He d. Aug. 8. 1816. 

447. William, b. May 28., 1774. 

448. David, b. 1776. 

449. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 25, 1779; d. Oct. 28, 1836; m. May 23, 1799, 

Jireh Bull. 

450. Mehitable, b.. 1781 ; m. July 4, 1802, Wm. Cogswell. 

451. Susan, b. 1783; d. Feb. 21, 1822; m. Oct. 12, 1807, David Smith 

452. Charity T„ b. April, 1786; m. Dca. Truman Pitkin. 

210. Isaac, son of Abraham ; m. May 16, 1771, Eunice Atwater. He 
<1. Sept. 13, 1776. She m. (2) Ephraim Terrell. She d. June 10, 1807. 

453. Pamelia. b. March 28, 1772; m. Oct. 4, 1795, Reuben Page. 

454. Abraham, b. March 8, 1774. 

455. Hannah, b. Oct. 15, 1775. No information. 

221. Timothy, son of Abraham; m. Dec. 8, 1772, Lucy Rice; residence, 
Cheshire. She d. Sept. 20, 1820, aged 67. He d. Sept. 8, 1820. Four 
chil. d. young. 



456. Lucy Ann, b. Aug. 8, 1775; d. March, 1858; m. Jan. 5, 1797. 

Samuel Ives. 

457. Lucinda Myra, 1». March 4, 1782; d. 1842 ; m. Levi Hull. 

458. Timothy Glover, b. July 10, 1784. 

459. Charlotte, b. Aug. 22, 1786; m. Hiram Johnson; d. July 11, 1864. 

460. Phineas, b. Jan. 20, 1789. 

461. Aaron, b. March 11, 1793. 

222. Abigail, dau. of Abraham ; m. at Cheshire Church, Feb. 27, 1788, 
David Hotchkiss. He was Deacon David, of Woodbridge, b. Oct. 26, 
1754; d. June 5, 1823, aged 69. He m. (1) May 15, 1777, Lydia Beechor, 
who d. June 28, 1785, aged 29. Abigail d. October 17. 1845, aged 91. 

Mary, b. Feb. 19, 1790. 
Martha,* b. Jan. 12, 1792. 

Harriet, b. March 29, 1798; m. May 1. 1816. Carry Johnson, of 
Derby or Seymour. 

223. Samuel, son of Abraham, settled in Cheshire; m. Dec. 6, 1781, 
Patience, dau. of John and Jerusha (Hall) Peck. He d. Jan. 12, 1848 
She d. Jan. 22, 1837, aged 79.' 

462. Flamen, b. March 30, 1783. 

463. Nancy, b. Sept. 13, 1789. 

464. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 4, 1792; m. in 1814, Capt. William Peck, b. 

Dec. 9, 1788. 

465. Patience, b. March 13, 1794; m. Isaac R. Sanford. 

466. Abigail Ann, b. Oct. 17, 1800; m. Levi Bradley. 

467. Lois Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1806; m. Augustus Hitchcock. 

225. Hannah, dau. of Isaac; m. Jan. 9, 1767, Capt. Francis Brown. 
She d. Nov. 28, 1823. He d. July 5, 1810. 

226. Sarah, dau. of Isaac; m. Nov. 20, 1774, Isaac (iorham. She d. 
Sept. 8, 1822. 

228. Sibyl, dau. of Isaac; m. Jan. 1778, Daniel Trowbridge, b. Oct. 23, 
1750; d. Aug. 7, 1818. They lived in New Haven. She d. July 14. 183!. 
aged 76. 

231. Enos, son of Jacob; m. Lois Ailing in tiamden, Conn., Dee _ )( '. 
1773. He d. Dec. 23, 1802, in Hamden. Lois, b. 1752; d. June 7. 1838, 
at home of her son Amzi at Mantua. Ohio. 

* No dau. Martha is named in the will of David Hotchkiss. hut he does name a dau. 
Keturah, who could not very well be a child of the fir-t wife. Possibly Martha's name 
was changed to Keturah 


468. Rhoda, b. Oct. 16, 1774; m. Samuel San ford. 

469. Amzi, b. May 23, 1776. 

470. Jotham, b. Oct. 15, 1779. 

471. Lois, b. June 23, 1784; m. Samuel Judson. 

472. Miriam, b. Tan. 7, 1788; in. David Pond. 

473. Mary, b. Nov. 5, 1792; m. Hezekiah Hine. 

232. Noah, son of Jacob; m. Oct. 16, 1783, Mrs. Rachel Lyman, b. 
Nov. 22, 1752; d. Sept. 16, 1784; (2) Anna Lockwood. He d. Jan. 25, 

474. William, b. Jan. 30, 1786. 

233. Mabel, dau. of Jacob; m. in 1772, Levi Bassett, son of John and 
Sarah, dau. of Theophilus and Sarah (Earl) Heaton. He d. Sept. 6, 18P>. 
Mabel, d. July 20, 1828. 

234. Lydia, dau. of Jacob; m. March 7, 1783, Theophilus Bassett. She 
d. March 24, 1837. He d. Jan. 14. 1829. 

236. Jason, son of Jacob; graduated at Yale College in 1781 and set- 
tled in the ministry at Branford ; m. Anna Williams. He d. June 10. 

475. Anna, m. Sept. 12, 1X13, James Peck. 

237. Elisha, son of Jacob, lived in Plymouth, where he m. May 15, 
1800, Eunice, dau. of Daniel Bartholomew and Hannah Sutliff, b. Aug. 4, 
1755, and d. in Mendon, 111., about 1861. He d. Feb. 9, 1813. 

476. Edward, b. Nov. 8, 1801. 

239. Asa, son of Jacob; m. Dec. 24, 1794, Betsey Cotter. He d. March 
3, 1814. Betsey d. Feb. 1, 1837, aged 79. 

477. Jason, b. June 8, 1801. 

241. Moses, son of Jonathan, lived at Bethany ; m. Jane, dau. of Tim- 
othy and Ruth (Ives) Goodyear, b. May 24, 1761; d. Aug., 1844. He 
d. May 5, 1827. 

478. Rebecca, b. 1786; d. Feb. 12, 1845; m. Reuben Williams. 

479. Belah, b. 1787. 

480. Mabel, b. March, 1792; m. David M. Payne. 

242. Eunice, dau. of Jonathan; m. Elias Hotchkiss (son of Joel). 
She d. Aug. 18, 1838. They lived in Prospect, Conn. . 

244. Amos, son of Jonathan; lived in Bethany; m. Hannah, dau. of 
Abel and Martha (Sperry) Ives. He d. Jan. 12, 1822. 


481. Miriam, m. ; — Andrews. 

482. Ira, b. Oct. 25, 1787. 

483. Lucy, m. Button. 

484. Rhoda, b. 1791; m. Dec. 25, 1811, Isaac Hotchkiss. She d. 

Feb. 2, 1851. 

485. Nancy, m. Eldad Hotchkiss. 

486. Amos, b. 1798. 

£45. Abigail, dau. of Jonathan: m. Kldad Hotchkiss (son of Joel). 
She (1. Jan. 2, 1826. He d. Sept. 5, 1826. Lived in Prospect, Conn. 

248. David, son of Jonathan ; m. Lydia Brown. He lived in Bethany 
and was a farmer. He d. Tune 15, 1829, aged 67 years. She d. Feb. 10, 
1850, aged 87 years. 

487. Sally, m. George Todd; (2) Rev. Marks. 

488. Eunice, d. March 23, 1861; m. April 5, 1827, Uri Wooding. 

489. Olivia, b. Oct. 27, 1793; d. April 6, 1880; m. Samuel Andrews. 

490. Anna, b. Aug. 15, 1796. 

491. Lydia, b. March, 1800; d. April 30, 1880; m. Robert K. Beach. 

492. Anna. b. 1801 ; d. 1895 ; m. Leverett Downs, of Oxford, Conn 

230. Jonathan,* son of Jonathan; lived in Naugatuck; m. Eunice, 
widow of Adda Downs. Lived in Coventry, N. Y. He d. Feb. 10, 1849 
She d. May 7, 1849, aged 78. 

493. Amanda, m. Larkin Packard. 

494. Polly, bap. Sept. 9, 1804; m. Aaron Winslow. 

495. Garret, b. June 2, 1800. 

( From Government Report.) 

'Jonathan Atwater, Conn. R. 298. Born June 20, 1765, YV'oodbridge, N. H. Co., 
Conn., and lived there during the war. After the war removed to Waterbury, and 
nine years later to Coventry, N". Y. 

Applied for pension Jan. 18, 183", Chenango Co., X. Y. Resident of Coventry. 

Entered service 1781, Capt. Lazarus Tolles at New Haven. 3 mos., 12 ds. Next 
year, about Sept., in Capt. Mansfield's Company, and went to West Haven, 3 months. 
Rev. John B. Hough and Samuel Martin testify credence, etc. 

Comptroller's Office, Hartford. L840, reports that tin- name of Capt. Tolles is found in 
the "Pay Table Book." "1783. To order on Treas. in favor of Capt. Lazarus Tolles. 
Pay Roll his Company. Alarm at West Haven in the year 1781, 21. 18. 8." 

No pay rolls of the Company were found nor any record of Capt. Mansfield in 1782. 


251. Holebrook,* son of Jonah; lived in New Haven; m. Aug. 2, 1781, 
Mehitable Allen. He d. Oct. 8, 1826. He was in the Revolution, serving 
in the Tenth Company, Seventh Regiment. He enlisted July 12, 1776, and 
was discharged Dec. 10, 1776. He was a pensioner in 1818. She d. Oct. 
22, 1847, aged 81. 

496. Huldah ; m. Hezekiah Thompson; (2) Elijah Thompson. 

497. Jonah, b. 1804. 

498. Amelia ; m. Benjamin Candee. 

499. Mary ; m. Frisbee. 

500. Hetty; m. Nov. 29, 1812, James Thompson. 

501. Lydia ; m. Parker. 

502. Susan, h. 1809 ; m. Burdick. 

255. Rebecca, dan. of Joel; m. (apt. John Peck, son of Joseph and 
Ame Perkins, 1». 1756; d. March 8, 1825. She d. April 24. 1788. 

256. Joel, son of Joel; lived hi New Haven; m. Sept. 29, 1798, Sarah, 
dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth (Hitchcock) Townsend. She d. May, 1844, 
aged 68 years. He d. May 8, 1832. 

503. Grace Augusta ; m. Sept. 2, 1880, John F. Barnes. 

504. Elizabeth Ann. b. Feb. 11. 1806; m. George E. Blakeslee. 

258. Stephen, son of Jeremiah; m. Aug. 3, 1780, Rebecca Gorham, b. 
Jan. 19, 1761; d. Jan. 28, 1791. (2) June 2, 1791, Elizabeth Gorham, b. 
June 18, 1768. They were sisters; daughters of Hezekiah Gorham and 
Abigail Dickerman, and descendants of John How-land, the "Mayflower" 
Pilgrim. He d. Dec. 27, 1815. 

505. Thaddeus, b. July 5, 1782. 

506. Lucius, b. Nov. 15, 1784. 

507. Catherine, b. May 14, 1787; m. Amos Trowbridge. 

508. Anna Mix, b. July 2, 1789; m. Feb. 5, 1811. Horace Beach; (2) 

Laban Smith. She d. Oct. 5, 1877. 

509. Rebecca Gorham, b. Oct. 27, 1802, m. James H. Mulford. 

(From Government Records.) 

* The deposition of Holebrook Atwater, dated New Haven, Conn., 1820, gives his 
age as 62, his occupation as carpenter, and his dependent family as wife, aged 59; 
daughter Susan, aged 11; and son Jonah, aged 16. 

Mehitable Atwater, widow of Holebrook, applied for pension in 1839 in Madison Co., 
N. Y., where she was then residing. Her deposition shows that Holebrook died Oct. 
9, 1826, Her maiden name was Mehitable Allen, and the date of her marriage to 
Holebrook Atwater was Aug. 2, 178E 

Mehitable died Oct. 22, 1847, and her heirs made application for balance due. in 
order to settle the estate. The names given were Huldah Scoville, Mary Frisbee, 
Emily Clark, Phebe Woodin, Hetty Thompson, Lydia Parker, Susan Burdick. 


259. Anna, dau. of Jeremiah; d. Aug. 10. 1852; m. June 4. 1784, Jere- 
miah Townsend, 3d, b. June 27, 1764; Y. C. 1779; d. July 11, 1805; mer 


2«o. Jeremiah M., son of Jeremiah, called "Major Jerry"; d. Feb. 
17, 1832, aged 65; m. Feb. 4, 1789, Elizabeth, dau. of Napthalia and Sarah 
(Smith) Daggett, who d. May 20, 1790; (2) Feb. 15, 1793, Mary (dau 
of Richard Cutler and Hannah Howell), 1>. June 15, 1770; d. Nov. 8, 
1861. He graduated from Vale, 1785. He resided on York street, near 
Chapel, New Haven. 

510. William Cutler, b. Nov. 24, 1793. 

511. Hannah Cutler, b. Sept. 20, 1795; m. Stephen Bishop. 

512. Susan Howell, b. March 1?, 1801; d. 1872, aged 71; m. Sidney 

M. Leete. 

261. Joseph, son of Jeremiah; lived in New Haven; m. Aug. 2, 1791, 
Sarah, dau. of James and Sarah (Mansfield) Thomas. He d. Sept. 27, 
1805, She d. April 7, 1836. 

513. Sarah, b. May 22, 1792; m. J. D. Brown. 

514. Eliza, b. June 2, 1794; m. Zelotes Day. 

515. Joseph, b. Feb. 22, 1796. 

516. Nathaniel Mix, b. Feb. 27, 1798. 

517. Job Mansfield, b. March 25, 1801. 

518. John Starr, b. Aug. 17, 1803. 

262. Rebecca Lydia, dau. of Jeremiah, d. Dec. 27, 1832; m. Oct. 8, 
1799, Rev. James Murdock, b. Feb. 16, 1776; d. at Columbus, Miss., Aug. 
10, 1856, aged 80; Y. C. 1797. 

263. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin, m. Dec. 25, 1795, Daniel Hughes, b. 
June 19, 1759. He was a farmer and lived in Fast Haven. She d. Jan. 
14, 1817. He d. Nov. 8, 1842. 

2(>4. Benjamin, son of Benjamin; lived in Russell, Mas-.; m. Mary 
Harris, d. March 18, 1843. He d. Feb. 1, 1849. 

519. Stephen Harris, b. Nov. 15, 1788. 

520. Roxanna, b. Dec. 6, 1790; d. Dec. 25, 1864; m, Riley Loomis. 

521. Sarah, 1>. Jan. 13, 1793; m. Porter Fowler. 

522. Sylvia, 1.. Sept. IS. 1794; d. 1864; m. Orrin Bat< s 

523. Titus, 1). July 1, 1801. 

524. ' Noah, b. Max 5. 1804. 

525. Mary, b. June, 1807; m. Almon Lloyd; <2) Rev. Charles 


2(>r>. Titus, sou of Benjamin; tn. March 12. 1797, Eunice Hitchcock. 

He d. in Cheshire, Jan. 7. 1837. She d. Sept. 15, 1826. X- children. 


266. Moses, son of Benjamin; graduated at Yale College in 1787; m. 
Panthia Tyler; d. March 23, 1850; removed to Canandaigua, N. Y., in 
1789. He d. Nov., 1847. 

526. Eliza, m. Feb. 24, 1816, Lewis Jenkins. 

527. Jane, b. Aug. 23, 1797; d. April 28, 1831 ; m. Robert Pomeroy 

528. Moses, b. Sept. 15, 1804. 

529. Samuel Tyler, b. Nov. 26, 1806. 

267. Joel, son of Benjamin; lived in Russell, Mass.; m. Sept. 20, 1802. 
Lydia Sackett. He d. Sept. 6, 1834. He was a tailor and farmer. She 
d. Dec. 5, 1877, aged 97. 

530. Eliza, b. Sept. 21, 1803; m. Eli Fowler. 

531. Jeremiah, l». Aug. 25, 1805. 

•>32. Laura, b. Oct. 10, 1807; m. Nehemiah Edson. 

533. Lydia, b. Oct. 1, 1809; m. Charles Gaylord. 

534. Fanny, b. May 15, 1811; m. Orrin Hotchkiss. 

535. Joel, b. June 12, 1813. 

536. Sarah, b. July 31, 1815; m. Milton Brookins ; (2) John Edson. 

537. Leonard, b. Oct. 23, 1817. 

538. Joseph, b. Aug. 3, 1820. 

268. Jeremiah, son of Benjamin; lived in Canandaigua, N. Y. ; m. 
Maria Thompson. He d. Oct. 16, 1861 ; no children. 

270. Mary Ann, dau. of Benjamin; m. Oct. 20, 1803, Stephen, son of 
Hezekiah Jarvis; b. at Nonvalk, Nov. 13, 1774; d. Oct. 26, 1825. He was 
a carpenter and cabinet-maker and lived in Cheshire, Conn. She d. Aug 
29, 1858. 

271. Joseph, son of Joseph; lived in Cheshire; m. Sept. 17, 1783, Han- 
nah, dau. of Bela and Hannah (Atwater) Hitchcock. He d. Dec. 17, 1813. 
She d. May 29, 1831, aged 78. 

539. Joseph Hall, b. Feb. 29, 1784. 

540. Hannah, b. April 20, 1790; m. Oct. 22, 1812, Billina Clark, b. 

Nov. 25, 1787 ; d. May 25, 1866. 

541. Truman, b. April 17, 1796. 

272. Abel, son of Samuel ; m. Elizabeth, dau. Cornelius and Bethiah 
(Beebe) Peck. He d. in Sheffield, Ashtabula County, Ohio, about 1821. 

542. Cornelius, b. Sept. 21, 1777. 

543. Chauncey, b. Dec. 4, 1788. 

544. Samuel, bap. Feb. 15, 1795. 

545. Lyman, b. 1801. 


273. Abigail, dau. of Samuel; m. Jan. 25, 1781, Titus Goodyear. They 
lived in Hamden. He d. April 13, 1798. She d. March 9, 1836, aged 87. 

274. Stephen, son of Samuel; m. Nov. 15, 1775, Eunice, dau. of James 
and Mabel (Potter) Grannis, b. Dec. 8, 1753. He d. May, 1791. 

546. Marquis Lafayette, b. March 13, 1784. 

547. Nancy, b. July 2, 1786; m. March 15, 1847, Chester Balch. She 

(1. Sept. 11, 1860. 

548. Esther, b. May 24, 1789; m. Ezra Cushman. 

549. Eunice, bap. March 19, 1780; m. Uri Mansfield. 

275. Samuel, son of Samuel, lived in Hamden; m. Ruth, dau. of 
Samuel and Mary (Ailing) Dickerman ; d. Oct. 2, 1820, aged 66. (2) 
Jane, dau. of Thomas and Anna (Merriam) Berry, widow of Isaac Hub- 
bard, of Meriden. He d. March 21, 1827. She d. March 25, 1842, aged 82. 

550. Jared, b. Jan. 4, 1780. 

551. Catherine, b. Dec. 21, 1784; m. Joel Dickerman of North Haven. 

552. Samuel, b. Nov. 30, 1786. 

553. Obedience, b. Dec. 12, 1788; m. Amos W. Sanford. 

554. Stephen Wooster, b. June 17, 1792. 

555. Mary, b. Aug. 14, 1795; m. Ambrose Baldwin. 

276. Timothy, son of Samuel removed to Plymouth, Conn. ; m. Nov. 
14, 1781, Lydia, dau. of David and Ruth (Bassett) Humiston, b. June 5, 
1756; d. June, 1843. He was a large landholder. He d. May 6. 1830. 

556. Ruth, b. July 30, 1782; m. Randal Warner. 

557. Elam, b. July 7, 1785. 

558. Wyllys, b. Oct. 6, 1790. 

559. Lydia, b. 1798; m. Elam Fenn. 

560. Timothy, b. Oct. 16, 1799. 

277. John, son of Samuel, removed to Genoa, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 
where he d. June 2, 1838. He m. Nov. 4, 1784, Susannah, dau. of Timothy 
and Ruth (Ives) Goodyear, b. Aug. 19, 1762, of Hamden. She d. about 
1800. (2) July — , 1807, Lucy, dau. of Nathan Davis. She was b. in Lee, 

Mass., , 1809; d. , 1865. He served in the Revolutionary War 

three years, enlisting in New Haven. He received a pension of $80 per 
year from May 2, 1833. 

561. James, b. Feb. 27, 1785. 

562. John, b. May 18, 1788. 

563. Horace, b. Oct. 30, 1790. 

564. Willis, b. April 14, 1800. 

565. Goodyear, b. Sept. 4, 1793. 

566. Laura, b. Dec. 7, 1796; m. Joseph MeWhorter. 


Issue by second marriage: 

567. Susan, b. , 1810; m. Gordon Gillett. 

568. Sarali Ball, b. Sept. 24, 1821; m. Alfred Ward. 

569. Richard Newman, b. April — , 1816. 

570. Lewis, b. — , 1817. 

571. Samuel, b. Jan. 17, 1823. 

572. John, b. Max- 29, 1826. 

278. Caleb, son of Samuel, m. Dec. 25, 1783, Thankful, dan. of John 
and Thankful (Goodyear) Cotter; b. Nov. 3, 1761; removed to Genoa 
Cayuga Co., N. Y. He d. Sept. 20, 1817. She d. Dec. 29, 1820. 

573. Jasan, b. April 20, 1787. 

574. Jeremiah, b. April 12, 1788. 

575. John G., b. Sept. 25, 1789. 

576. Abigail, b. Jan. 26, 1792. 

577. Betsey, b. Jan. 8. 1798; m. Alfred Hart. 


279. Richard Newman, son of Samuel, lived in the northwestern part 
f Plymouth, Conn. ; m. Dec. 30, 1785, Susannah, dan. of Gamaliel and 
Hannah (Deau) Bradley; d. Nov. 26, 1802, aged 40; (2) May 8, 1803, 
Bede, dau. of Caleb and Ruth (Bassett) Humiston ; d. Nov. 1, 1843. He 
d. Feb. 15, 1816. 

578. Anna, b. May 9, 1786; m. David Warner. 

579. Esther, b. Jan. 11, 1788; m. Hall Dunbar. 

580. Gamaliel Bradley, b. July 23, 1797. 

581. Newman, b. Oct. 17, 1804. 

281. Zophar, son of Daniel, lived in Hamden ; m. April 27, 1780, Lucy, 
dau. of Zehiel and Rebecca (Sperry) Osborne, b. March 4, 1758; d. — •-, 
1849. He d. , 1811. He served in the Revolutionary Arm} in Cap- 
tain Russell's company in 1770. 

582. John Osborne, b. Feb. 17, 1781. 

583. Betsey, b. - — , 1780; m. Rev. Mr. Kinsbury. 

584. Sally, b. Jan. 24, 1782; d. Feb. 19, 1855; m. Erastus Hoadley. 

585. Polly, b. , 1785; m. before 1811, Miller; (2) ; Erastus 


586. Lucy. b. - — , 1787; m. May 19, 1805, Simeon Jones. 

587. Charles, b. -, 1797. 

588. Fanny, b. , 1801 ; m. Leveret Allen. 

589. Marcus, b. Sept. — , 1802. 

283. Ichabod, son of Daniel; m. Feb. 2, 1783, Bethia Richards and 
lived in Riga, N. Y. He served in Captain Bryant's company, Colonel 
Thompson's regiment of militia from Peekskill, October 5, 1777. He was 


a pensioner in 1840, aged 80 years. He m. (2) Feb. 2, 1786, Amy Ailing ; 
(3) June 1, 1843. Electa Frazier, d. 1856. He d. June 9, 1845. 

590. Leverett, b. April 2, 1785. 

591. Lyman. 

592. Amy, d. Sept. 9, 1848 ; m. Samuel Hawk) 

593. Nancy, m. Prince Gorum, of Sharon, Conn. 

594. Jared, b. July 22. 1801. 

284. Simeon, SO n of Daniel, moved to Wells, Vermont, where he lived 
until his death. 

595. Daniel, b. Oct. 27, 1785. 

596. Jonathan, b. Feb. 8, 1793. 

597. Stephen, b. July 13, 1800. 

598. Hannah, m. Aug'. 23, 1826, Ira George. 

599. Nellie, m. John Davis. He d. about 1860, aged 100. 

600. Abigail, m. James Moody, of Wells, Vt. Had four husbands, 

the last one being Ransom Bateman, of Poultney, Vt. 

286. Benjamin Todd, son of James ; m. March 1, 1778, Hannah Rey- 
nolds. He d. at Cherry Valley, N. Y., May 6, 1833. 

601. John, b. Feb. 16, 1779. 

602. Zereviah, b. May 10, 1781 ; m. Kcrley Johnson. 

603. Lois, b. Nov. 29, 1783. No information. 

604. Hannah, b. April 23, 1786. 

605. Dorcas, b. July 17, 1788; m. Walter K. Farmin. 

606. James, b. April 29, 1791. 

607. Elnathan, b. Aug. 23, 1793. 

608. Mercy, b. Dec. 5, 1796; m. Samuel Shepard. 

609. Malinda, b. Sept. 10, 1799. No information. 

610. Sally, b. May 19, 1801. No information. 

287. James, son of James ; m. Polly Benton, widow Simeon Boughton. 
He lived in Egrcmont, Mass. He d. - — , 1808. He was a farmer. 

611. Philo JUdson, b. May 6, 1801. 

612. James Young, b. April 11, 1808. 

288. Daniel, son of James, d. in Alps, X. V., as did his wife. Her 
name cannot be ascertained. 

613. Tuttle. 

614. Daniel, went to Mexico, joined army and was killed. 

615. Michael, m. Kate ; two children, Priscilla and Ann. 

616. Sarah, b. , 1798; m. Joseph Manning 

617. Jane, m. John Hogeboom. 

618. Lois, d. in Troy, X. Y. 


291. Stephen, son of James; m. Mary Lewis. Lived near Binghamp- 
ton„ N. Y. They had triplets, two sons and a daughter, who did not 

619. Arlovv Nelson. 

620. Eliza. 

621. Uriah. 

622. Charles. 

623. Emma. 

624. James Lewis, b. Sept. 5, 1808. 

625. Daniel Eber, b. Sept. 5, 1808. 

292. Reuben, son of Stephen; m. AJbertina Alberty. No children. 
Settled in McHenry County, 111., where they died and are buried. 

294. Esther, dau. of Stephen; d. July 13, 1870; m. Feb. 24, 1811, John 
llherty, of Lockport, N. Y. He was b. Oct. 15, 1780; d. June 3. 1855. 

Hannah, b. Time 9, 1812; d. Aug. 5, 1895; m. Dec. 14, 1845. Moses 

Esther Ann, b. Jan. 24, 1814; d. Oct. 3, 1871; m. June 23, 1858, 

George B. Macy. 
Bernard Peter, b. Tune 10, 1815; d. Nov. 16, 1881; m. Jan. 1. 

1846, Ann J. Kingslev. 
John William, b. June 19, 1817; m. Nov. 1. 1853, Elizabeth C. 

dau. of Isaac Soper and Phelie Remington. 

Homer M., b. Dec. 9, 1857; m. April 13, 1880, Jennie Borst. 

Loren S., b. Sept. 6, 1859; m. May 31, 1882, Ada Tice. 

Hattie E., b. May lo. 1865; m. Nov. -'5. 1890, Albert B. Webb. 

Reuben Titus Atwater, b. April 16, 1819; d. Dec. 27, 1892; m. 
April 28, 1844, Jane Buchanan; d. Aug. 30. 1848. (2) Nov. 
12, 1857, Rebecca H. Veirs ; d. Dec. 31, 1887. 

Catherine M., b. Feb. 19, 1821 ; d. July 23, 1863; m. June 15, 1843, 
Marmaduke D. Hoy, of Woodstock, 111. 

Stephen, b. Nov. 2, 1822; d. Dec. 29, 1898; m. May 15, 1845, Mar- 
garet A. Buchanan ; d. April 4, 1892. 

Helen, b. Feb. 20, 1849; m. Dec. 9, 1869, Oscar E. Waggoner; 

b. Oct. 5, 1846; d. Nov. 11, 1922. 
Myron, b. June 1, 1850; d. March 16, 1909; m. Margaret Janni- 

son in 1874. 
Elbert W., b. Aug. 7, 1855; m. Delia Blandon. 

Thomas Barrett, b. Feb. 3, 1825; d. Aug. 3, 1890; m. April 19, 
1854, Hannah Jennings Clark ; d. May 27, 1916. 
Clark, b. Feb. 18, 1855. 
Burton Cook, b. May 3, 1868. 
Jessie, b. Nov. 19, 1882. 

Sarah J., b. April 7, 1829; d. Oct. 21, 1874; m. Oct. 26, 184*v 
Harry O. Gregory; d. Sept. 27, 1871. 


295. Mead, son of Stephen; b. in Noblestown, Columbia Co., N. Y. ; 

d. in the spring of 1787; m. March 28, 1812, Huldah, dan. of Levi and 
Hannah Hoag, b. Oct. 16, 1793; d. in Chicago, March 16, 1X70. 

626. Stephen, b. Nov. 26, 1815. 

627. Levi Hoag, b. Sept. 25, 1818. 

628. Joseph Hoag, b. Feb. 27, 1825. 

629. Sarah Alma, b. Oct. 31, 1824; m. Asa Kelsey. 

630. John, b. Nov. 8, 1827. 

631. Hnldah Hoag, b. June 3. 1831; m. Thomas K. Hartley. 

296. Titus, son of Stephen; m. Dec. 11, 1X17, Jane. dan. of David Haj 
and Catherine Rider, b. Inly 13, 1796; d. Dec. 1X76. He d. .Inly 3, 1874; 
was a farmer and lived at Lockport, N. Y. 

632. Catherine, b. Feb. 26, 1820; m. Adolphus Craw. 

633. James, b. Aug. 29, 1821. 

634. Emily M., b. Sept. 8, 1823; m. X. Hoxson ; d. Feb. 17, 1898. 

635. Esther, b. Feb. 20. 1833: m. Marmaduke Hov. 

297. John, son of Stephen; m. Jemima Richmond. No children. He 
d. Oct. 25, 1825. 

298. Jesse, son of Ebenezer; m. Rachel Blakley; d. Dec. 14, 1831, 
aged 79. They removed from Granville, in 1821, to Lisle, N. Y., where 
they bought a farm of between 200 and 300 acres in the woods, paying a 
linshel of silver dollars for it. He d. May 23, 1829. 

636. David, b. July 14, 1777. 

637. Jesse, b. March 29, 1784. 

638. Stephen. 

639. Eunice, m. Royal Shapley. Chil. : David, Uriah. Philetus, Hetty, 

Zylphia, Rachel, Mary. 

640. Rebecca, b. March 29, 1786; d. May 1, 1837; m. John Rairdon. 

Chil.: Levi, Fnos, George, Charles, Irene, Margaret. 

641. Lydia, m. Isaiah Martin. Chil.: William, Jesse, Hiram. George, 

Stephen, Mary, Ann, Dinah, Caroline, and others. 

642. Rachel, m. David Sutherland. Chil. : John, William. Rnrr. 

George, Bushrad, Amanda, Lazetta, Candace, Harriet. 

643. Sybil, m. Huttleston George. Chil.: Jesse, Lewi-, fonathan, 

Sophia, Mary. 


299. Benjamin,* son of Ebenezer; m. Huldah Pettibone, b. Aug., 1749; 
(2) Hannah Harding, b. Jan. 25, 1753; d. Sept. 11, 1841. He d. June 11, 
1825. He located at Wilkesbarre, Penn., and afterwards removed to 
Williamson, N. Y., wbere be lived on what was called the Ridge road. 

644. Phebe, m. James Connor. 

645. Luther. 

646. William, b. 1783. 

647. Mehitable, m. Stephen Vaughn. 

648. Zimri, b. June 11, 1784. 
Issue by second marriage : 

649. Benjamin, b. Aug. 20, 1799. 

301. Ebenezer, son of Ebenezer, lived in North Adams, Mass. ; m. 
Rachel Parker, b. Dec. 28, 1749; d. 1785. He was a carpenter. He served 
in the Revolutionary war in Captain Hopkins' company from Duchess 
county, N. Y. 

650. Ebenezer, a physician at Steubenville, Ohio. 

651. Caleb, b. Dec. 25, 1778. 

303. Caleb, son of Ebenezer, lived in Lenox, X. V., but his subsequent 
career cannot be traced. He had one daughter. 

(From Government Records.) 

* Benjamin Atwater. N. Y. Service. S 14931. Born 1756, Nine Partners, N. Y., 
;md lived there until after the War. Removed to Hillsdale, Columbia Co., and later 
to Canajoharie, Montgomery Co., where he applied for pension Oct. 8, 1833. 

Enlisted as Minuteman in a Company of N. Y. militia about first of Sept., 1775. 
His officers were Capt. Hugh Ray, Lt. Nathaniel Mead, Col. Cornelius Humphries. 
Terra of service 8 months. Was called to actual service Jan. 1, 1776, stood sentry, 
on scout duty, etc., until about March 1. Then to place opposite Hell Gate and erected 
Fort Minute. Was discharged about fore part of May, 1776; after 4 months, 7 days, 
of active service. 

About Sept., 1 776, went as substitute for Stephen Atwater for two months in Capt. 
Ebenezer Husted's Co., Lt. John Wilson. Went to Ft. Constitution on east side of 
North River, about forty miles from Nine Partners. It was reported that the British 
were enlisting men on the opposite side of the river. 

Caleb Atwater, brother of Benjamin, deposed Jan. 17, 1834, in Montgomery Co., N. 
Y. Was in his 67th year. He relates living with his father when Benjamin went to 
war, etc., and his mother's concern about Benjamin. 

John Atwater, physician and surgeon, son of Benjamin, deposed that he had often 
heard his father talk with other soldiers of the War, of the events in the war in which 
they had taken part. 

Hannah Atwater, widow of Benjamin Atwater, drew a pension on the service of 
her first husband, Henry Harding of Pennsylvania. 

Hannah Searle, daughter of Constant Searle, was, perhaps, born at Preston, Conn., 
about 1754. She married Henry Harding, Feb 29, 1776, in Kingston, Pa. He died 
Sept., 1794, in his 42nd year. On Dec. 3, 1797, Hannah married Benjamin Atwater 
and in 1805 removed to Williamson, N. Y. Benjamin died Tune 11, 1825. 


652. Lydia, b. Aug. 27. 1792; m. Feb. 26, 1812. Sylvester Kimball; l I) 

Dea. Waitstill Crumb, of Plainfield, Otsego County, X. Y 
She d. at Cherry Creek, May 24, 1881. 

305. Betsey, dau. of Timothy; m. June 8, 1796, John Hunt, b. Aug. 

22, 1772; d. Inly 9, 1841. She d. Sept. 28, 1828. 

307. Susan, dau. of Timothy; m. May 4. 1800, William Cutler. He d. 
June 8, 1811. She d. July 22, 1867 

308. .lames, son of Timothy; lived in New Haven; m. Sept. 5, 1805, 
Nancy, dau. of Stephen Ailing and Lydia Thompson, b. Sept. 9. 1783; d. 
March 23, 1873. He d. Sept. 24, 1869. 

653. Henry C, b. Aug. 20, 1806. 

654. Harriet, b. Feb. 2, 1810; m. Dan. Collins Curtis. 

655. Julia, b. Feb. 6, 1814; m. Aug. 29. 1837. Amos. II. Trowbridge. 

656. Edward M., b. Jan. 29, 1820. 

657. Albert T., b. March 10, 1828. 

658. Francis J„ b. March 10, 182S. 

309. Charles, son of Timothy; d. Dec. 31, 1865; m. Jan. 8, 1808, Lucy 

Curtis (dau. of Joel Root and Eleanor Strong of Southington), b. Maj 
7, 1790; d. Dec. 10, 1821. (2) Aug. 14. 1822. Mary Denman Tenbrook, 
of Newark, N. J., d. March 21. 1877, aged 88. He was president of the 
Iron and Steel Works, a banker and West India merchant, a Republican 
and Congregational i st. 

659. Sarah, b. Nov. 29, 1808; m. April 0. 1825, Matthias B. Denman. 

660. Charles, b. Jan. 2, 1815. 

661. Elizabeth B., b. March 11. ISIS; m. William S. Charnley. 

662. Henry, b. Oct. 7, 1819. 

663. Lucy Root, 1>. March 11. 1821; m. Thomas [•.Inns 

311. Kobeit; son of Timothj ; m. March 14, 1814. Esther Knott, b 
March 5, 1794. He d. Aug. 14, 1857. 

664. Jennett, b. Feb. 15, 1816; m. Edwin Street. 

665. George (Raymond), b, Jan. 11, 1818. 

666. Leonard Daggett, b. Jan. 19, 1820. 

667. Elizabeth Hunt, b. Nov. 23, 1823; m. John T. Cowing. 

668. Robert Henry, b. Feb. 8, 1827. 

669. Sarah Southmayd, b. June 9, 1830; m. Joseph B, Brush. 

312. Julia, dau. of Timothy; m. April 27, 1867, Leonard Augustus 
Daggett, b. April 30, 1790, d. April 27, 1867. She d. June 19, 1825 He 
m. (2) May 13, 1853, Jennette Atwater Raymond, sister of Julia 

David L., b. June 24, 1820. 
Susan Dwight, b. Sept. 5, 1822. 
Mary Jennette, b. Oct. 14, 1823. 



314. Loly Atwater, dau. of Medad, of New Haven, lived and d. in 
Hamden. Her grave is to be found in the cemetery just north of Center- 
ville village. She m. Feb. 11, 1805, Deacon Hezekiah Bassett, d. Sept. 21, 
1850. She d. Mar. 16, 1839. 

315. Lucy, dau. of Medad ; m. April 15, 1801, Eli, son of Isaiah Brock- 
ett and Sarah Cooper, b. Sept. 15, 1776; d. Oct. 26, 1826. She d. Oct. 19, 

316. Lyman, son of Medad; m. Jan. 10, 1808, Clarissa, dau. ofj. 
Punderson Hotchkiss and Rhoda Wooding, b. Dec. 18, 1786; d. Sept. 17, 
1846; (2) April 1, 1847, Emelinc Sophia, dau. of David Lyman and Soph'' a 
Park, b. April 25, 1804; d. Sept. 10, 1872. He was usually called "Major," 
because of an office held for some time in the militia in Connecticut. He 
d. March, 1862, at Bennington, Vermont. 

670. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 29, 1808. 

671. Lyman Hotchkiss, b. Feb. 23, 1813. 

672. Grace Clarissa, b. April 4, 1814; m. Elias B. Bishop. 

673. Susan, b. July 14, 1817; m. Richard Bagg. 

674. Wyllys, b. Dec. 9, 1821. 

317. Medad, son of Medad: lived in Cedar Hill; m. Dec. 12, 1813, 
Anna Hotchkiss, dau. of Joshua and Rhoda Wooding, b. Nov. 5, 1795; d. 
Feb. 26, 1836; (2) Sept. 27, 1838, Harriet Warren. He d. Dec. 8, 1854. 

675. Elizabeth Ann, b. Feb. 19, 1815; m. Sept. 18, 1836, Hiram C. 


676. Frances Jane, b. May 8, 1817; m. Ezra Rowe, of Fair Haven. 

677. Mary Louisa, b. Dec. 13, 1820; m. George P. Mimson, 

678. Elizur Punderson, b. Oct. 10, 1822. 

679. George Medad, b. July 19, 1826. 

319. Eunice, dau. of Eldad ; m. Jacob Townsend, of New Haven, 
Conn. He was 1). Apr. 10, 1769; d. May 7, 1852. 

320. Heaton, son of Eldad ; lived in Pleasant Mt, Wayne County, 
Pa.; m. Feb. 8, 1808, Clarissa Bishop; d. Feb. 29, 1858. He d. July 29, 

680. Marvin, b. Jan. 3, 1809. 

681. Lydia, b. Jan. 6, 1811; m. Avery Bailey, of Abington, Penn. 

682. Charles Townsend, b. March 2, 1813. 

683. John Bishop, b. Sept. 6, 1815. Left home and never heard from. 

684. Clarissa Frances, b. Aug. 7, 1820; m. R. Wm. Southworth. 

685. Sarah Maria, b. March 9, 1827; m. Goodman. 



321. Eldad, son of Eldad ; lived in Wayne County, Pa.; m. Feb. 22, 
1815, Elizabeth, dau. of Hanover and Phebe (VVolcott) Barney; b. Dec. 
24, 1794; d. Aug. 3, 1825; (2) Oct. 20. 1826, Mrs. Amanda Reeve; d. Apr. 
8, 1876. He d. Dec. 13, 1887. 

686. Charles Augustus, b. Aug. 30, 1816. 

687. Anna Townsend, b. Aug. 16, 1818; m. J. M. Alexander. 

688. Juliette Elizabeth, b. July 20, 1820; m. Wm. Wright. 

689. Edward Mortimer, b. Jan. 19, 1823. 

322. Ezra, son of Joshua ; lived in Homer, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 16, 1803, 
Esther Learning. His estate probated Aug. 25, 1856. She d. April 9, 1827. 

He d. May 28, 1855. 

690. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 18, 1804; d. Dec. 21, 1898; m. March 12, 1840 

William Brewster, d. Feb. 16, 1876. 
091. Joshua, b. Alar. 25, 1806; d. unm. 

692. Horace Cowles, b. March 14, 1811; m. March 9, 1851, Helen Mac 

Bourne, b. Dec. 12, 1833. He d. Feb. 7, 1879. 

693. Lucy, b. March 24, 1816; m. Dr. L. R. Richards. 

694. Isaac, b. May 3, 1818. 

695. Julia, b. May 24, 1820 ; m. Rev. Hinman. 

6%. Jane Isabel, b. Aug. 26, 1822; m. March 13, 1847, Rev. Moses 
C. White, M. D. ; d. in Fuh Chou, China, May 25, 1848. 

323. Betsey, dau. of Joshua; m. March 12, 1800, Eber Stone, b. Sept. 
7, 1773. She d. Oct. 3, 1841. He d. Nov. 3. 1845. Lived at Westfield, 
N. Y. 

324. Ira, son of Joshua; m. May 10, 1807, Philanda Stone; b. Aug. 10, 
1789; d. April 2, 1870. He d. Feb. 2, 1835. Lived' at Green. N. Y. 

697. Sarah, b. Jan. 8, 1811; m. John Balsby. 

698. Nancy, W., b. March 17, 1813; m. George W. Eastman. 

699. Lydia S., b. April 30. 1815; m. Miles Barber Atwater. 

700. John S., b. March 15, 1823. 

701 Asa Goodyear, b. Jan. 24. 1826; d. Mar. 12. 1849 

325. Eli, son of Joshua; lived in Sempronius, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; 
b. Oct. 22, 1809; m. Phebe Hale, b. May 31, 1788; d. Nov. 1, 1849. He 
was a farmer, and d. Jan. 7, 1867. 

702. Louisa, b. Aug. 17, 1811; m. Samuel Babcoik 

703. Lucius, b. June 22, 1812. 

704. William, b. May 14, 1816. 

705. Erasmus, b. June 1, 1820 


706. Betsey, 1». Oct. 13, 1822; m. William Palmer. 

707. Thomas Judson, b. May 7, 1827. 

708. Delia, b. Tunc 29, 1830; m. Charles Van Schaick. 

326. Amos, son of Joshua; m. Feb. 10, 1813, Mary B. Woodside, b. 
July 11, 1791; d. Feb. 9, 1833; (2) Feb. 12, 1839, Abigail Hull. He re- 
moved to Westfield, N. Y., and after death of first wife to Beardstown, 
111., where he died May 7, 1849. He was a carpenter, and held the offices 
in Westfield of justice of the peace and county commissioner. 

709. Juliet, b. Aug. 29, 1815; m. July 24. 1836, '.rant Goodrich. 

710. Isaac Townsend, b. Nov. 26, 1826. 

328. Asa Goodyear, son of Joshua; d. Dec. 29, 1880, in Ganges, Mich. ; 
m. in Homer, N. Y., March 8, 1826; Nancy, dau. of Thomas Gould 
and Nancy Alvord, b. Jan. 25, 1798; d. Dec. 18, 1866, in Arcade, N. Y. 
He was a farmer and resided in Arcade. 

711. Hollis Jacob, b. Dec. 17, 1828. 

712. Phebe E., b. Feb. 24, 1831; m. March Z3, 1854, Monroe I. Skin- 


713. Charles Fenn, b. July 8, 1835; d. in Indianapolis, lud. ; m. Dec. 

28, 1864, Sarah J. Johnson. 

329. Thomas Gold, sou of Joshua; lived in Portland, N. Y. ; m. 1811, 
Polly Hutchins ; had two children, a son and a dau. All dead. 

330. Joseph, son of Joshua; lived in Homer, N. Y. ; m. April 9, 1834, 
Lucy Brown. He was a teacher, county superintendent of schools, super- 
visor of the town of Scott. She was b. Sept. 13, 1813; d. April 11, 1897 
He d. March 8, 1874. Both are buried in Atwater cemetery, Homer. 

714. Lucy Aurelia, 1>. Feb. 2, 1835; m. Feb. 13, 1853, Seymour Z. 


715. J. Clayton, b. March 8, 1837. 

716. M. Antoinette, b. Jan. 30, 1834; d. Oct. 7, 1889; m. John W. 


717. H. Ursula, b. Sept. 29, 1845; m. Dwight D. Clark. 

331. William, son of David; lived in Trumansburg, N. Y. ; m. Julia 
Hammer. No children. Both d. about 1859. 

332. Elijah, son of David; m. April 3, 1814, Sallie Coe, b. Jan. 2, 1795; 
,1. June 19, 1871. He d. Nov. 10, 1851. 

718. Caroline D., b. Sept. 26, 1815; m. Benjamin Lansing. 

719. Sarah 1... 1.. Sept. 3. 1822; d. Oct. 6, 1907; m. William Miller 


720. William G., b. May 4. 1828; d. Aug. 31, 1883; m. Urania Holmes. 

No children. 

721. Rachel, b. March 24. 1831; m. William Hazlitt. 

722. Martha M.. b. Jan. 3d. 1834; d. Feb. 5, 1870; m. John Van Duyn. 

335. David, son of David; in. Nov. 21, 1823, Harriet Doolittle ; (2) 
April 5, 1835, Amanda Perrigo, b. May 16, 1811; d. Dec. 6, 1895. He d. 
Feb. 5, 1864. 

723. Louisa Maria, b. Nov. 16, 1824; m. Joseph Cramer. 

724. Mary Ann, b. May 14, 1825; m. Truman Daggett. 

725. Orminda Elvira, b. Dec. 11, 1826; d. Jan. 6, 1894; m. Peter Hat- 


726. Addison Norton, b. Aug. 2X, 1828. 
Issue by second marriage: 

727. Irvin, b. Jan. 8, 1840. 

728. Manning, b. Feb. 22, 1844. 

729. David H., b. Sept. 6, 1847. 

730. Elijah Sanford, b. June 13, 1850. 

730. Charles Madison, b. June 24, 1853; m. June 10, 1907, Jennie B. 
Haverly. No children. 

337. Elihu, sou of Jared, was in the lumber business in New Haven; 
m. Oct. 20, 1811, Julia, dau. of Jared and Lydia (Hotchkiss) Thompson, 
l.ap. Aug. 27, 1787; d. 1818; (2) Sept. 22. 1819, Betsey, dau. of Elnathan 
Taylor, of Northford, b. 1787; d. 1867. He d. Jan. 3. 1875. 

732. Edward Elias, b. May 2>i, 1816. 

MiH. Stephen, son of Jared; m. Mary Bassett ; d. Aug. 18, 1813, aged 
26; (2) Sally Barker, d. Mar. 5, 1841. aged 54; (3) Oct. 29, 1843, Abigail 
CBradlej ; d. Feb. 4, 1880, aged 82. He d. Jan. 16, 1866. 

733. Edgar Foster, b, Nov. 20, 1818. 

734. Sarah, b. Nov. 9. 1822; m. Charles Smith. 

735. Emily. b. March 17, 1824; m. Jeremiah Barnett 

736. Jane. b. July 7, 1827; m. Albert A. Atwater. 

339. James, son of Jared; d. Sept. 11, 1850; m. June 30, 1817, Polly, 
dau. of Amos and Polly (Goodyear) Bassett; resided in Cedar Hill. 
He d. Sept. 11. 1850. She d. Oct. 16, 1857. 

737. Horace, b. July 2'?, 1818. 

738. Charles G, 1, Aug. 20, 1822. 



340. Jared, son of Jared; m. Huldali, dau. of Sdas and Ruth (Parker) 
Ailing; d. Sept. 20, 1820, aged 23; (2) April 25, 1821, Elizabeth, dau. of 
Amos Bassett and Hannah Goodyear; d. April 9, 1825; (3) Sarah Alder- 
man. He d. March 15, 1873. He lived in Twinsburg, Ohio; afterward at 
Hopkins, Mich. 

739. Albert A., b. Dee. 30, 1818. 
Issue by second marriage : 

740. Lewis Bassett, b. July 21, 1823. 

741. Julia Ann, 1.. Aug. 9, 1824; m. William Powell. 
Issue by third marriage : 

742. Mary H., b. Oct. 16, 1828; m. John Baird". 

743. Nathan S., b. Feb. 6, 1831. 

744. David P., b. July 13, 1833. 

745. Lyman A., b. Dec. 25, 1837. 

Jared Atwatkk. 

Sarah Alderman. 
3rd wife of Tared Atwater. 

341. George, son of Jared; lived at Cedar Hill, Hamden ; m. Jan. 21, 
1830, Julia Maria, dau. of Jesse and Kezia (Stiles) Mansfield,, widow of 
David Leek, b. Sept. 26, 1797. He d. Oct. 5. 1867. She d. May 26, 1885, 
aged 87. 

342. Amelia, dau. of Jared; twin with Maria; m. Nov. 30, 1825, Silas 
Beckley. She d. Apr. 8, 1868. Children : William, Cordelia. 

343. Maria, dau. of Jared; m. Nov. 28, 1821, Harvey Bradley; b. 1798; 
d. Jan. 1, 1849. Lived in New Haven. She d. July 5, 1872. 

344. William, son of Jared; m. May 21, 1828, Elizabeth, dau. of Joel 
and Eunice Ford; b. 1808; d. April 7, 1878; (2) Airs. Mary- C. Hem 
ingway; d. Sept. 23, 1888. He d. May 30, 1898. Resided in New Haven. 


746. Henry \ ., b. July 18, 1829. 

747. William Jared, b. Feb. 10, 1831. 

748. Mary Jane, b. Feb. 16, 1833; m. Feb. 4, 1858, Herman D. Clark. 

345. David, son of Jared; m. May 16, 1838, Emily, dan. of Leonard 
Maxwell, b. Sept. 1, 1816; d. June 22, 1866; (2) in 1870. Mary Kitzmiller- 
resided in Nfassillon, Ohio. He d. July 31. 1875. 

749. John M., b. June 7, 1839. 

750. Emma Elizabeth, b. Dec. 19, 1842; m. Augustus J. Kicks. 

751. Harry E, b. June 18, 1845. 

346. Joshua, sun of Jared ; twin with David ; m. Sept. 19, 1830, Dorcas 
Bronson. He d. July 30. 1840. She d. Mar. 1, 1903. 

752. David, b. Aug. 2, 1881. 

753. Eliza Ann. b. June 6, 1833; m. Jacob 1.. Bachtel. 

754. George H, b. April 19, 1835 ; unm. 

347. Thomas, SO n of Asaph; m. Ascha Strickland, b. May 13, 1770; 
d. Sept. 26, 1830. Lived in Sangerfield, X. V., afterward at Rockdail, 
Penn. He d. March 9, 1814. 

755. Samuel Strickland, b. Feb. 24, 1797. 

756. Jonathan W., b. April 9, 1804. 

757. Harriet, b. May 7, 1805; m. Cyrus Sherwood. 

758. Asaph, b. May 20, 1807. 

352. Enos, son Q f Asaph, m. 1811, Elizabeth Bentley, of Kingston, 

Ontario, Canada. Settled in Ashtabula, Ohio. 

759. Lucinda, b. 1811; m. Jas. McCarroll. 

760. Susan, b. July 12, 1812; m. Solomon H. Williams. 

761. Barbara, b. 1814; m. Henry Dudley. 

762. Ulysses, b. May, 1816. 

763. Myron, b. June 12, 1818. 

764. Phoebe Eveline, b. June 11, 1820; m. Norman B. (res.. 

765. Harriett, b. 1822; m. Beebe. 

766. Amelia, b. Sept. 29, 1824; m. Archibald R. Harper. 

767. Samuel, b. Jan. 31, 1830. 

768. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 31, 1830; m. Benj. Schooly; (2) - Pierce. 

354. Arnold, son of Heman, m. Sarah, dan. of Lemuel and Mary 
(Gridley) Lewis. He lived at "Atwater's Mills." Southington, Conn., 

and d. Nov. 26, 184/). She d. Dec. 11. 1845; aged 65. Several chil. d. 

769. Orrin, b. April <>, 1803. 

770. John A., 1). Sept. 24, 1813. 

771. Maria, b. May 19, 1814; m. April 14, 1833, Francis Root; 4 Nov. 

14, 1836. 


356. Jeremiah, son of Jeremiah, the first president of Middlebury 
College, Vt., was born at New Haven, Conn., in 1774. He graduated at 
Yale College in 1793, was the youngest of his class and distinguished him- 
self by his scholarly attainments. He. was tutor at Yale from 1795 to 
1799, when he was appointed Principal of Addison County Grammar 
School on the recommendation of Dr. Dwight, then president of Yale 
College. In 1800 he was appointed president of Middlebury College. He 
was married to Clarissa, dau. of Rev. Eleazer Storrs, who died at New 
Haven, Feb. 9, 1834. He subsequently married Mrs. Susan, dau. of Amos 
and Betsey (Woodward) Morris, widow of Willett Bradley; d. Oct. 17, 
1854. Doctor Atwater continued to reside at New Haven until his death, 
July 29, 1858. 

772. Clarissa, b. May 28, 1803; m. Rev. O. B. Butterfield. 

773. William, b. Nov. 15, 1806. 

774. John Phelps, b. March 4, 1813. 

357. John, son of Jeremiah; m. Olivia Sedgewick ; resided in Middle- 
bury, Vt., where both d. 

35**. Lois, dau. of Jeremiah; m. June 23, 1818, James Chaplain. Lived 
in New Haven. She d. Oct. 28, 1870. 

359. Charles, son of Jeremiah; lived in New Haven; d. Feb. 21, 
1825 ; m. Oct. 4, 1809, Mary Merwin, dau. of Miles and Abigail Ann 
Beach, of Milford, b. Feb. 18, 1785; d. Oct. 13, 1879. He graduated at 
Yale College in 1805, studied theology under the first Dr. Dwight and was 
ordained and installed pastor of the Congregational church, North Bran- 
ford, March 1, 1809. His wife m. June 22, 1827, (2) Abijah Fisher, of 
New York, by whom she had one child, Charles A. Fisher. 

775. George Merwin, b. Oct. 29, 1814. 

776. David Fisher, b. Oct. 29, 1817. 

777. James Chaplain, b. Oct. 18, 1821. 

360. Frances, dau. of Jeremiah; m. Zebul Bradley, a jeweler of New 
Haven. She d. March 11. 1871. No children. 

361. John Henry, son of John; m. April 1, 1798, Martha Ferguson, b. 
Feb. 24, 1783; she d. Oct., 1855. He was a hatter and lived in Phelps, N. 
Y. He d. about 1810. 

778. John, b. Sept. 7, 1799. 

779. Thomas, b. May 14, 1801. 

780. David C, b. June 7, 1808. 

781. Martha, b. June 8, 1810: m. Ellis Pierce. 


360. Joshua, sun of John, lived in Edwardsville, 111.; m. June 1. 1810, 
Rebecca Walker. He d. in 1870, aged 94. 

782. Eliza, b. May 12. 1811. No information. 

793. Frances, b. Sept. 6, 1813 ; m. — - Skidmore. 

784. John, b. Oct. 5, 1815. 

7$?. Julia Ann, b. March 20. 1817; m. Edward M. West. 

786. Emily, b. Dec. 20. 1822. No information. 

363. Dolly Ann, dan. of John; in. 1810, Alfred Stearns. She d. Jan. 
o, 1855. Lived at Edwardsville, 111. 

3(>4. George, sun of John; lived in Westfield, Mass.; m. Nov. 1. 1832, 
Eliza Hough; d. Dec. 7, 1892. He d. Dec. 12, 1878 

787. William Henry, b. June 15. 1835. 

788. John C, b. Sept. 17, 1840. 

789. Edward West, b. Feb. 23, 1854. 

307. IJetsey, dau. i>i Stephen; in. March 10, 1820, Truman Post, 0. 
Dec. 11, 1796, in Cornwall, Vl. He was a farmer at Waverlv, 111., where 
he (1. Oct. 29, 1847. She d. in August, 1861. 

:i(it). Soplnonia, dan. of Amos; m. May 8, 1800, John Bryan. He re- 
moved to Camden, X. Y. She d. Sept. 9. 1819. 

370. Nathan .Lewis, son of Amos; m. NTov. 27, 1811, Eunice Atkins. 
They lived in Southington. He d. Feh. 21, 1843. She d. Nov. 21. 1861, 

aged 70. 

371. Lucius, sun of Amos; m. Mary Churchill, -of South Farms, Mid- 
dletown; settled in Bristol, Conn., and d. in 1834. She was b. July 0. 1773; 
d. Mar. 24, 1868. 

790. Carlos, b. Feh. 2, 1797. 

791. Lucius, Jr., b. April 24, 1798 

792. Rhoda, h. Nov. 16, 1800; m. Allen Bunnell. 

793. Mary, b. Dec. 4, 1805; m. Sheldon W. Twitchell. 

794. Emily, b. June IS, 1808. m. Thomas (\>v Hail. 

795. Julia, b. Dee. 12, 1811; m. John ( randall. 

796. William, b. Oct. 24, 1813. 

373. Caroline, dan. of Joshua; m. May, 1814. Jared Potter Kirtland. 

b. Nov. 10, 1793, in Wallingford, Conn. He removed to Ohito, where n< 

became president of the Ohio Stan- Medical Societj and distinguished 

himself in politics. 


374. Emily, dau. of Joshua; m. Dr. Friend Cook, of Wallingford, who 
removed to Windsor, Conn., and afterward to Atwater, Ohio, where he 
practiced his profession until his death, Feh. 8, 1857. 

375. Caleb, son of Joshua; formerly resided in Atwater. Ohio, but 
returned to Wallingford, Conn.; m. June 1, 1826, Julia A. Rice; (2) Sept. 
10, 1831, Elizabeth L. Clark, d. in 1893. He d. in 1886. 

797. Alary Lyman, b. Sept. 6, 1837; m. Wm. G. Choate. She d. Dec. 

4," 1920. 

798. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Sept. 26, 1838; m. Calvin Goddard. 

799. Caleb Huntington, b. March 7, 1843. Unm. 

800. Edgar, b. Nov. 24, 1850. 

376. Joshua, son of Joshua; lived in Catskill, N. Y. ; m. Mary Hull, 

dau. of Orrin Day and Mary Burr Hull. b. May 15, 1811 ; d. May 10, 1877. 
He was in the insurance business. He d. May 30, 1879. 

801. Henry D., b. May 23, 1835. 

802. Mary E., b. June 5, 1837; m. James Spaulding. 

803. Emily A., b. Oct. 30, 1845; unm. 

377. Thomas C, son of Joshua; m. April 22, 1835, Harriet Louise 
Cook. He d. July 21, 1870, at Mankato, Minn. She d. Aug. 16, 1884. 

804. Catherine E. C, b. May 20, 1837; m. Reuben W. Chadbourn. 

805. Thomas Cooke, b. Feb. 8, 1839. 

806. Joshua, b. April 2, 1846; unm. Lives at Peoria, 111. 

807. Harriet Henrietta, b. June 11, 1851; m. C. M. Fernald. 

378. Edgar, son of Joshua; m. Dec. 24, 1843, Sarah S. Vale. He 
lived at Wallingford, Conn., where he d. Oct. 7, 1850. She d. March 5, 

808. Sarah Kirtland, b. Sept. 25, 1844; m. F. R. Manning. 

809. Eliza \Y., b. April 6, 1848 ; d. unm. 1906. 

810. Edgarine L., b. Sept. 26, 1850; d. unm. 

379. John, SO n of Joshua; m. Oct. 11, 1838, Caroline Diana Hall; 
d. June 23, 1846, aged 31; (2) Eliza Hall, Jan., 1849; d. Nov. 30, 1881, 
aged 64. Both daughters of Russell Hall and Mary Kirtland. He d. 
Dec 24, 1896. He was one of the oldest and most esteemed townsmen of 
Wallingford, Conn. 

811. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1842; unm. d. Sept. 12, 1926. 

380. William, son of Joshua; m. Oct. 5, 1849, Elizabeth Helfenstein. 
dau. of John and Elizabeth Leonard. He was a doctor and d. July 13, 
1882. She d. Jan. 31, 1881. 

812. Elizabeth H. ; m. Lucius C. Ashley. 

813. Laura A. ; m. Walter B. Kirkham. 


381. .Mary Ann, dau. of Joshua; m. Oct. 6, 1842, Lieutenant Garret 
Barry, who removed to Milwaukee, Wis. He and his son William were 
drowned in Lake Michigan when the steamer "Lady Elgin" was losi 
She d. in St. Paul. 

384. William Jesse, son of Elihu ; m. Mar. 20, 1850, Sarah A. Gregory ; 
d. Mar. 12, 1851; (2) Sept. 29, 1853, Georgia Ann Edwards. Lived in 

814. William Edward, b. Mar. 29, 1856. 

815. Charles Robert, b. Nov. 3, 1859. 

816. Francis Barton, b. Nov. 25, 1861. 

385. Laura Maria, dan. of Elihu; m. 1842, Col. Robert R. Towers, of 
Quincy, Fla. 

386. Elizabeth Harriet, dau. of Elihu; m. 1854, Joseph Seabrook of 
South Carolina. 

387. Anna Julia, dau. of Elihu; m. April 3, 1849, Rev. Wm. H. Crane. 
They lived in Quincy, Fla. 

388. Phineas, son of Russell; m. Jan. 9, 1814, Hannah K. Boyd; (2) 
April 14, 1857, Sarah B. Horton. He d. Nov. 14, 1865, having had no 
children. Sarah B. d. 1917. 

389. Henry S., son of Russell; m. April 14, 1831, Sarah L. Leary; 
d. 1851 ; (2) Oct. 5, 1857, Delia V. Tyler. He was a minister of the 
Protestant Episcopal church, serving more than 50 years, and during this 
time labored in the states of New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut. 
He d. June 1, 1880. Four chil. d. young. 

817. Sarah Lane, b. Dec. 6, 1832; m. Chas Seymour Tuttle. 

818. Henry Russell, b. July 4, 1842. 

393. Luman, son of Rufus; m. Dec. 29, 1808, Mary Key. They lived 
in Manchester, Nova Scotia. 

819. James George, b. Nov. 1, 1814; m. Harriet Aver. 

820. Elisha Matthew, b. Mar. 3, 1817. 

821. Elizabeth Jane, b. Feb. 15, 1819; m. Dec. 29, 1879, John G. Teet 

822. Luman, b. Aug. 29, 1824. 

X23. David Graham, b. Mar. 12, 1826. 

824. Rufus William, b. May 20, 1811. 

394. Adolphus, son of Rufus; m. Mary Ann Murphy. They lived in 
Manchester, Nova Scotia. 

825. John Elisha, b. Jan. 14, 1817. 

826. Rufus Win., b. Nov. 28, 1818. 


827. Joseph Adolphus, b. June 27, 1824. 

828. Stephen, b. 1822. 

829. Thomas Henry, b. May 15, 1831. 

830. George A., b. Jan. 28, 1835; d. May 31, 1917. 

395. William, son of Rufus; m. Feb. 12, 1812, Mary Elizabeth Elliott; 
(2) May 20, 1821, Catherine Babson. Went to Manchester, Nova Scotia, 
and settled in Newburyport, Mass. He was a master mariner, but 1>} 
trade a cooper. One son d. in infancy and another, Rufus, d. a bachelor 
She was b. May 13, 1795; d. Aug. 23, 1880. He d. June 28, 1855. 

831. James R., b. Jan. 7, 1817. 
Issue by second marriage : 

832. William Collins, b. Nov. 14, 1825. 

833. Joseph Babson, b. Nov. 23, 1827. 

834. Constant Loyal Turtle, b. Sept. 29, 1830. 

835. Mary Ann, b. Sept. 18, 1832 ; m. Joseph Hall. 

397. Alvarus, son of William; m. Feb. 23, 1812, Margaret McKay 
They lived in Guysboro, Nova Scotia. He d. July 1, 1867. She d. Dec. 

836. James William, b. Jan. 30, 1814. 

837. William R., b. June 30, 1829. 

838. Charles A., b. May 26, 1837. 

839. Amelia Elenor, b. April 19, 1820; d. April 26, 1888; m. Feb. 17, 

1846, James L. Whitman. 

399. Dennison, son of William; m. in 1852, Christena Torrey. They 
lived in Manchester, Nova Scotia. She d. in Salem, Mass., in 1905, aged 
84. He d. June 12, 1868. 

840. William Abner, b. June 19, 1855. 

400. Ward, son of William; m. Jan. 20, 1825, Mary Ann Bigelow, b. 
Feb. 10, 1805. He was brought up in Nova Scotia. He went from there 
to eastern Wisconsin and finally located in Mindoro. He d. June 21, 1873* 
She d. Mar. 21, 1897. 

841. Emma, b. 1827 ; m. Edward Skelton. 

842. Sarah Jane, b. 1829; m. Duncan Kennedy. 

843. Charlotte A., b. 1831 ; m. Henry Cole. 

844. William Bigelow, b. Aug. 4, 1833. 

845. Joseph E., b. May 8, 1837. 

846. Rebecca, b. 1841 ; m. July 10, 1870, Philip Byrns. 

847. Harriet, b. 1845 ; m. Henry Robison. 

848. Milton L., b. 1847; d. Dec. 1911; m. Alice Hull- dau. Edith. 

406. Richard, son of Abel Ward ; m. July 16, 1828, Caroline H. Butler; 
d. Dec. 26, 1828; (2) July 2, 1829, Rita Ann, dau. of David and Mary 


(Barthelme) Morris, b. May 4, 1803 d. Aug. 24, 1867. He was a sea- 
faring man, lived in New Haven, and d. in Staten Island, Oct. 8, 1848 

849. David M., b. Jan. 28, 1834. 

410. Luman, son of Ira; m. in Southington, Aug. 28, 1835, Mary, dau. 
of Samuel Johnson. He lived in Windsor, Conn., and was a shoe manu- 
facturer. He served in the legislature. He d. March 3, 1885. She d. 
June 1, 1902. 

850. Mary Elizabeth, b. Dec. 16, 1840; m. James H. Smith. 

851. Harriet Esther, b. June 2, 1845; m. Nov. 28, 1883, Frank W 


852. Emma Cornelia, b. Aug. 16, 1851 ; m. Theodore W. Freeh. 

853. Alice Eliza, b. Jan. 18, 1853; m. Herbert L. Hubbard. 

854. George Whittlesey, b. Feb. 25, 1858. 

855. Carrie, b. May 23, 1862 ; m. William H. Brooks. 

414. Albert, son of Linus; lived in Montreal ; m. in June, 1827, Abigail 
S. Mitchell. He d. April 22, 1828. 

856. Albert William, b. June 25, 1828. 

415. Edwin, son of Linus; d. June 18, 1874, m. May 24, 1833, Lucy 
Huntington Greene, of Vergennes, Vt. He was a merchant in Montreal. 
Canada, where he is buried. She d. May 29, 1890. 

857. Henry William, b. April 1, 1834. 

858. Sarah Jane, b. Jan. 25, 1836; m. C. S. Blackmail. 

859. Man- Amelia, b. May 20, 1850; num.; d. March 26, 1925. 

416. Amelia, dau. of Linus; m. Jan. 29, 1831, Zimri Root, b. Alay 19, 
1806; d. Oct. 8, 1872. He was a farmer. They resided in Williston, Vt., 
where both are buried. She d. March 5, 1877. 

Henry, b. Nov. 27, 1845. 

Charles Isaac, m. Eliza Marion Ward. Three chil. : Chester 

Ward, b. July 2, 1882; d. March 27, 1922; Marjorie King. b. 

Sept. 20, 1884; Norman, b. July 9, 1888. 

417. Isaac H., son of Linus; m. in Montreal Frances Hibbard. He 
d. Jan. 1, 1848. Lived in Montreal. 

418. Hiram, son of Jonathan ; m. 1830, Hannah Miner, b. April 29, 
1806; d. Feb. 11, 1881. He was a farmer at Williston, Vt., and Norfolk, 
N. Y., where he held offices of town clerk, justice of the peace, supervisor, 
and assessor. He d. June 23, 1871. 

860. Henry Miner, b. Apr. 18, 1832. 

861. Edwin H., b. April 30, 183-1. 
862 Lucius L., b. Sept. 4, 1836. 



419. Ambrose, son of Thomas; d. April 7, 1878; m. Sally L. Drew 
(dau. of Lemuel and Polly Warren), b. July 4, 1831, d. Aug., 1870; (?) 
in 1871, Betsey Drew Connor. He was a carpenter and builder; resided 
in Burlington, where his will is recorded and both are buried. 

863. Edgar \\ ., b. June 15, 1829. 

864. Osborn T.. b. April 2, 1834. 

865. Charlotte Almira. b. March 19, 1836; d. Nov. 20, 1863; m. Dr. 

H. J. Hill. 

866. Elizabeth M., b. June 17. 1838; d. Nov. 20, 1863; m. Dr. P. J. 


867. Henry Harrison, b. Jan. 13. 1840. 

421. Lumaii K., son of Thomas; d. July. 1892; m. July 17, 1834, Ann 
Maria Farnsworth (dau. of Moses and Eunice Mattoon, of Burlington. 

N't.) ; d. June 11, 1835; (2) May '), 1850. Ann Huff Farnsworth. 1>. in 
Dorset, Yt.. March 2?. 1826; d. Jan. 26, 1889; she was a cousin of first 
wife. He was an insurance am! real estate agent in ( /rand Rapids, Mich., 
where he resided, his will is probated and the three are buried. 

868. Man Caroline, b. Feb. 0, 1860; m. Charles Bert Kelsey. 

422. William Warren, son 
of Thomas; m. Dec. 12. 1X42, 
Eliza, dau. of Joshua Barnes 
and Mary Alvord. He resided 
in Burlington, Vt. He d. Aug 
3. 1878. She d. Apr. 21. 1879. 

869. Wilbur Olin, b. M:o 

3, 1844. 

870. Florence Amelia, b. 

May 29, 1852 ; unm 

42:}. Sarah, dau. of I'hin- 

eas; m. Feb. 9, 183^. Silas 

Holloway. She d. in 1882 
He d. in 1894. 

Harriet L., b. Sept. 21, 
1840; m. Harvey Hood. 
They had two chil., Fred 
Holloway. b. in 1870, 
and Sarah Rose. b. in 
1878. Fred H. m. in 
1891, Anna Richer, d. in 
1915; two chil. Harvey, 

b. in 1896, and Catherine, b. m 1898, d. in 1917 
mette Andrix ; one dau., Catherine Rose. 

Sarah Atwater Hoixoway. 

Harvey m. Wil 


William A., b. May 12, 1843; d. 1913; m. Louise A Young, b. 1849; 
d. 1906; four chil., John William, b. 1871; Clara, b. 1868; d. 1909 ; 
Calvin Lucius, b. 1869: Frank Stanley, b. 1874. Clara m. in 189-1 
Edward [llenden ; two chil., Jessie. I). 1897, and Mary , b. 1902. 
Frank S. m. in 1918 Dais> 1 dishing; one son, Paul Cushing, h 
in 1919. 

Mary Z„ b. Aug. 24, 1845; d. Oct. 14. 1921; m. Dec. 27, 1866, Charles 
W. Bradley, b. March 27, 1842; .1. May 24, 1918; two sons, Silas 
Foster, b. Fcl>. 5. 1869; m. May 6, 1923. Lodisa F. Sullivan, b. June 
26, 1888; ("harks W ., Jr., b. Jan. 4, 1874. d. Sept. 5, 1874. 

Sarah Abigail, b. Oct. 4. 1850; d. May 2?. 1895; m. Dec. 11, 1871. 
Daniel Campbell Sinclair, b. May 2'?. 1X49 ; d. Jan. 8, 1911; two 
chil., Lulu Belle, b. April 23, 1877, and Edward Albert, 1>. Nov. 4, 
1881. Lulu Belle, m. June 29. 1898, Albert Blakely Zimmerman, b. 
Dec. 3, 1869; two sons. Albert Edward, b. June 2S, 1905, and Daniel 
Sinclair, b. April 21. 1901; m. June 19. 1923, Francis Pritchet, b. 
Jan. 24, 1899; one dau., Frances Eliza, b. Dec. 1. 1924. 

Lucius Lyon, b. June 3. 1854; d. Feb. 27, 1898; m. Sept. 9, 1880, Aman- 
da C. Baker, b. Aug. 17. 1860. One dan.. Sarah Maud, b. Sept. 16. 

424. Louisa, dau. of Phineas ; m. Oct. 26, 1848, Lemuel S. Drew. 
Burlington, Yt. 

425. Lucius, son of Phineas; m. Jul) 20, 1857. Mrs. Harriet 1!. Whit- 
ney; d. Nov. 26, 1901. He d. Sept. 20, 1870. 

426. Cornelia L., dau. of Phineas; m. Oct. 30. 1855. William I!. Mo. .re: 
d. Jan. 2, 1866; (2) Feb. 20. 1867, Marcus Ansley, a nurseryman in Gen 

eva, X. Y. 

42T. Frances M., dau. of William; m. Jan., 1850, Hon. Sidney Law 
rence, of Moira, X. Y. She d. in 189(1. II, d, May 19, 1892. aged 90 

428. George Edwin, son of William; m. Jan. 1, 18(><>. Francis H.. dau. 
of Isaac Brownell and Abbie Carpenter; b. Feb. 4. 1838. He lived in 

Kansas City. 

871. Jennie Louisa, b. March 17. 1870. 

872. Emma A., b. June 10, 1872 

873. Fannie Harris, b. Sept. 19. 187" 

429. Hiram H., son of William, a physician in Burlington, \t : m 

Margaretta M. Waring. He d. Aim. 19. 1891 


874. Albert \\ '.. b. July 24, 1861. 

875. Clara, b. May 21, 1864; unm. 

876. Bertha, b. April, 1872; unm. 

877. Mary, b. Jan. 28, 1877; m. Charles Buck. 

878. Lawrence W., b. about 1880. 

430. Frederick Augustus, son of William; m. in Norfolk, N. Y., 
June 17, 1857, Anna Naomi, dau. of Aerie G. Bradley and Hovey E. Wins- 
low, b. Sept. 16, 1832. He was a merchant and lived at Clearwater, Cal. 
He was a Major of the Forty-second Illinois Volunteers, 1863 to 1865. 

879. Stella Cornelia, b. April 21, 1858; m. Dr. James Kingbury. 

880. Fanny Maria, b. Dec. 13, 1861; m. Edward F. Gaines. 

881. Hubbard Gale, b. July 25, 1870. 

431. Edward Daniel, son of William; lived in St. Paul, Minn.; m. 
1862, Sarah J. Waring; d. 1863; (2) Jan. 9, 1867, Caroline A. Evarts. He 
d. April 7, 1882. 

882. Ella E„ b. Nov. 20, 1868; m. Nov. 12, 1903, Daniel Parker Kil- 


432. Lyman Wetmore, son of William; d. Dec. 19, 1891; m. May 9, 
1861, Elizabeth A. Turnure (dau. of Robert and Elizabeth Parsons, of 
New York), b. Jan. 18, 1843; d. Nov. 15, 1907. He was an artist (water 
color) and illustrator, and resided in Brooklyn, where he is buried. 

883. Frank Glasgow, b. March 2, 1862. 

884. Lyman William, b. Oct. 12, 1871. 

885. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 20, 1875; m. Chas. Delapierre. 

433. Sarah, dau. of Samuel; m. Dec. 25, 1842, Lyman Nettleton, of 
Orange, Conn. She d. Jan. 1, 1899. 

434. Eunice, dau. of Ebenezer; m. June 15, 1834, Isaac Taylor of 
Cheshire, Conn. 

435. Sarah, dau. of Kbenezer ; m. March 18, 1841, Mitchell Lombra. of 

Cheshire, Conn. 

436. Joel, son of David; m. Apr. 3, 1831, Sally Peck, of Southington. 
No chil. He d. June 9, 1853. 

438. Olive, dau. of Isaac; m. April 9, 1823, Willis Hinman. They re- 
moved to Cambridge, 111., where he was a farmer and carpenter. She d. 
April 23, 1889. 

439. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Isaac; m. Oct. 9, 1831, Enos Royce 
{ Rice). He was a farmer in Bristol, and afterward in business at Hart- 
ford, Conn. He d. July 9, 1874; she d. July 10, 1887. 



440. Ulna than, son of Thomas; lived in New Haven; m. May 21, 
1796, Ruth Caroline, dau. of'Ebenezer and Rebecca Parmelc, b. Nov. 21, 
1774; d. Oct. 11, 1853. He d. Feb. 27. 1845. 

886. Ruth C, b. Apr. 29, 1799; m. George Rowland. 

887. Rebecca Shipman, b. Oct. 1. 1802; m. Peter S. Shaw. 

441. Jonathan, son of Thomas; lived in New Haven; m. Jennette 
Knox. She d. June 5, 1833. aged 56. He d. Jan. 22, 1852. 

888. John K., b. 1800. 

889. Norman N., b. April 20. 1802. 

890. Elisha M., b. 1811. 

442. Thomas, son of Thomas; m. Jan. 15, 1806, Sarah, dau. of Eli 
Beecher and Susannah Kimberly; b. Sept. 3, 1781; d. Jan. 31, 1852, aged 
71 years. He d. Aug. 25, 1828. 

891. Susannah Kimberly, b. April 11, 1807; m. Feb. 12, 1828, George 


892. Mary B., b. Feb. 28, 1809; m. Tune 4, 1833, Theron \ T . Read. 

893. Elisha, b. Dec. 18, 1811. 

894. Nancy R., b. Nov. 9. 1816; m. Amos F. Barm-. 

895. Thomas B., b. Sept. 20, 1818. 

896. Sarah B., b. Sept. 7, 1824; m. ("apt. W. W. dark. 

444. Nancy, dau. of Thomas; d. 1852; m. July 1, 1801, Elihu Mix 
(son of Mehitable Beecher and Elisha Mix), b. 1775; supercargo and part 
owner with Captain Brintnal, of New Haven, on a sealing voyage to the 
Pacific and China. He d. at Owyhee in 1828. She m. (2) John Richards. 
She d. April 19, 1837. 

447. William, son of Deacon William ; m. Lucy, dau. of Jabez and 
Naomi (Bristol) Bull, b. July 21, 178(1, d. Sept. 30, 1843, aged 62. He d 
May 16, 1839. Lived in Mil ford. 

897. James, B., b. April 20. 1843. 

898. William. 

899. Elizabeth; m. W. H. Hammell, 

448. David, son of Deacon William ; m. Sept. 13, 1799, Charlotte Pond, 
d. Eatonton, Ga., Sept. 14. 1847, aged 70. He d. Dec. 7, 1823. 

900. Charles W\, b. Dec. 18, 1800. 

901. Charlotte, b. 1813; m. A. A. Underwood. 

902. Sarah Pond, b. 1819; m. J. M. DeVine. 

452. Charity I., dau. of William; m. 1812, Truman Pitkin, b. Nov. 

22, 1787. She d. June 12, 1825. Truman Pitkin, farmer and deacon of 
the Congregational church, was a prominent figure in the communitv foi 


man\- years. The record of himself, wife and descendants will be found 
in the printed history of the Pitkin family. They lived at Rootstown. 

Elnathan A., b. 1814 ; m. Lucy A. Seymour. 

William T., b. Feb. 11. 1818; d. Apr. 11, 1861; m. Sophia Stilson. 
Caleb A., b. Feb. 11, 1821; m. Anna M. Whitlock. 
Elizabeth Caroline, b. Nov. 11, 1822; d. Sept. 13, 1879; m. June 7, 
1843, Ransom Hobart Clark, b. March 16, 1822; d. Apr. 27, 1898. 
R. H. Clark was a prosperous farmer living between Rootstown and 
Ravenna, Ohio. He d. at his home. Elizabeth Pitkin Clark d. 
from exposure while on a camping trip in Colorado, where she is 
Alpheus G., b. May 4, 1844; d. May 24, 1861, U. S. Army. 
Henrietta Louise, b. July 18, 1845; d. Sept. 21, 1894; m. Sept. 2, 1869, 
George Washington Buell, b. Sept. 2, 1835; d. Apr. 14, 1888. He was a 
teacher for a number of years. He d. in Colorado and she d. at London, 
Ohio, in an accident. 

J. Garfield, b. Nov. 6, 1880; in. June 13, 1908, Ethel E. Peeples, t>. Aug. 
19, 1883. He is an attorney and has many oil interests throughout the 
West. He lives at Tulsa, Oklahoma. 
Betty Jane, b. Oct. 15, 1915. 
Catherine Elizabeth, b. July 17, 1883; m. Aug. 7, 1905, Charles O'Connor, 
b. Oct. 26, 1878. He is a member of the law firm of O'Connor & 
H olden: lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 
Lawrence Buell, b. July 12, 1908. 
J. Buell, b. Apr. 20, 1914. 
Julia Minerva, b. Apr. 1, 1851; d. June 1894; m. Nov. 23, 1871, William 
Leonard Slutz, b. Feb. 22, 1846, d. Apr. 14, 1907. 

Merrill Clark, b. Aug. 19, 1872; m. 1907, Edna Hopkins. He is an 
attorney living at Cincinnati, Ohio. 
Helen Elizabeth, b. Sept., 1908. 
Mabel Henrietta, b. Apr. 27, 1875; d. Sept. 21, 1894. 
Raymond Mahlon. t>. Oct. 6, 1880. He is Professor of English of Ohio 

Earl Ransom, b. June 30, 1883; m. 1910, Edna Lee Davis. He is Dis- 
trict Superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal church and is located 
at Cambridge, Ohio. 

Philip Avery, b. 1911. 
Leonard D., b. 1014. 
Ralph, b. 1917. 
Helen Margaret, b. 1890; d, Sept. 21, 1894. 
WUbert Ransom, b. Jan. 10, 1859; m. Sept. 15, 1886, Gertrude L. Brewer, 
b. Feb. 2S, 1867; d. May 12, 1915. For many years he was a successful 
farmer and shipper living in Colorado. He is now retired from active 
business interests and lives at Long Beach, Cal. 

Isadore Elizabeth, b. Dec. 12, 1887; d. Dec. 21, 1918; m. Dec. 12, 1Q06, 
Elmer Sly. 

Elizabeth Elsie, b. Dec. 8, 1908. 
Clark, b. Sept. 1, 1909. 
Wilbert Ransom, b. Apr. 17, 1911. 
Alfred, b. Aug. 13, 1913. 
Donald, b. Feb. 4. 1915. 
Gertrude L.. b. Dec. 18, 1916. 
George, b. Nov. 29, 1«18. 


Ralph, b. Feb. 1", 1888; in. March 7. 1909, Stella Whisler. He is a 
farmer living near 'Eaton, Colorado 
Thelma Gertrude, b. Sept. 2, 1911. 
Cecil Marjorie, b. Oct. 26, I'M 2. 
Carol Mae, h. Dec. 18, 1914. 
Everett Ransom, b. Oct. 13. 1918. 
Vincel, b. March 9, 1023. 
Vada, b. March 9, 1923. 
Elsie Marjorie, b. Aug. 25, 1890; m. June <>, 1917, .1. W. Cobler. He i- 
employed in a bank and lives at Long Beach, Cal. 
Wilberta Elizabeth, b. Dec. 6, 191-8. 
Jean, b. Apr. 15, 1921. 
Charles Lee, b. June 12, 1925. 
Lester Ivan, b. Apr. 14, 18°2: m. Feb. 25, 1915, Helen Elmer, llr i^ 
employed in Denver Col. 
Colgate, b. July 22, 1920. 
Guy Cameron, b. Sept. 25, 1896; m. Mary Crew. lie is a farmer living 
near Eaton, Col. 

Eula Lee, b. Sept. \7 , 1<M8. 
Harry Ransom, b. Dec. 29, 1898; m. Dec. 5, I'M", [rene Nixon. He is 
a farmer near Eaton, Col. 
Lorree, b. Nov. 12, 1921. 
Elsie Marjorie, b. Aug. 16, 1923. 
Cora L., b. June 8, 1864. Teacher in Baltimore, Md. 
Carrie L., b. June 8, 1864. Teacher in Baltimore. Md. 

454. Abraham, son of Isaac; m. Ruth, dan. Josiah and Jemima (Dick- 
inson) Cowles; b. Ma)- 11, 1766; resided in Poultney, \ "t. 

903. Isaac Punderson, 1). May 12, 1796. 

904. Alanson, b. May 26, 1803. 

905. Franklin Truman, b. June 24, 1805. 

458. Timothy Glover, son of Timothy; m. Nov. 25, 1811, Merab, dan. 
of John Lee Hitchcock and Eunice Hudson. He. was a farmer and lived 
in Cheshire. He d. Dec. 4, 1820. She d. Oct. 30, 1880 

906. William Glover, b. May 22, 1814. 

400. I'hineas, son of Timothy; removed to Chenango County, X. V. : 

m. Sept. 30, 1812, Sarah Flagg, b. July 25, 1793; (2) in 1848, Julia A. 
Mason, d. Sept. 24, 1884. He d. July 30. 1862. Hi- children all d. with- 
out leaving any male descent. 

907. Sylvester, b. Dec. 21, 1813; d. Feb. 14, 1844. 

908. Henry P., b. Feb. 3, 1829; d. May 2. 1853. 

461. Aaron, son of Timothy; m. Betsey Atsom ; removed to Guilford. 
Chenango County, New York, where he d. May 6. 1854 She d. Apr. 13, 


909. Esther Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1821; m. Norris Gridley; d. 1906. 

910. Abigail Ann, b. Oct. 1, 1823; m. Orrin Gridley; d. 1898. 

911. Lncinda Fidelia, b. Jan. 9, 1828; d. Aug. 19, 1878; m. George 


•462. Flamen, son of Samuel; lived in Cheshire; m. Jan. 10, 1810, 
Orella, dan. of Jonathan Gorham and Desire (Brooks) Bristol, b. Aug. 
4, 1791; d. May 13, 1852. He d. May 13, 1863. 

912. Laura Ann, b. March 7, 1811; m. Thomas H. Brooks. 

913. Samuel Augustus, b. 1813. 

914. Emily Mary, b. 1823; d. Nov. 15. 1SX1 ; m. Charles H. Preston. 

465. Patience, dau. of Samuel, m. in Cheshire, Conn., Aug. 30, 1815, 
Isaac R. San ford. They settled in Marion, N. Y., where he held many 
positions of trust, both in church and state. For more than two decades 
he held the office of justice of the peace, and was chosen as representative 
in the general assembly at Albany in 1844. He was a high-minded and 
honorable gentleman and a liberal giver. He d. July 2, 1885. Mrs. San- 
ford (1. Dec. 12, 1865. 

4<>(>. Abigail Aim, dau. of Samuel; m. Sept. 30, 1819, Levi Bradley, 
of Cheshire, Conn. He was b. Nov. 11, 1792; d. March 18, 1877. She d. 
May 5. 1897. 

467. Lois Maria, dau. of Samuel ; m. Oct. 8, 1829, Augustus, son of 
Joseph Hitchcock and Rachel Johnson, b. July 2, 1806; d. April 8, 1842. 
She d. Dec 26, 1866. 

408. Ithoda, dau. of Enos; m. Samuel Sanford, Nov., 1795. Samuel 

(1. Sept. IS, 1857. Rhoda d. July 3, 1860, at Mantua, Ohio. 

4(>J). Amzi, son of Enos; m. Nov. 21, 1801, in Aurora, 111., Huldah 
Sheldon, b. Dec. 28, 1785, in Suffield, Conn. She d. in Mantua, Ohio, Oct. 
9, 1X45. (2) Jan. 29, 1846, Mrs. Rebecca Paine. He d. June 14, 1851. 

915. Cleona, b. Dec. 14, 1802; m. John Rudolph. 

916. Darwin, b. Sept. 11, 1805. 

917. Matilda, b. April 20, 1816; m. Xoble Haven. 

470. Jotham, son of Enos; m. April 3, 1803, Laura Kelloggs, at Hud- 
son, Ohio. He d. Nov. 4, 1828. She d. Aug. 30, 1834. The family home 
was in Mantua, Ohio, a mile north of his brother's farm, on which grew 
up the thriving village of Mantua Station after the Mahoning (Erie) rail 
road was built. 

918. Silvia, b. Dec. 28, 1805; m. Dr. Homer Earl. 

919. Julia, b. Jan. 14, 1813; m. Simon Stough. 


920. Eliza, b. Jan. 16, 1816; m. Anson Bosworth. 

921. Lucinda, b. May 17. 1819; m. Lyman Smith. 

471. Lois, dau. of Enos; m. Jan. 24, 1805, Samuel Judson, at Mantua, 
Ohio. She d. March, 1813. 

*72. Miriam, dau. of Enos; b. Jan. 7, 1788; m. at Mantua, Obi... Jan. 
24. 1805, David Pond. He d. May 31, 1827. Miriam d. Nov. 14, 1X70. at 
Maynard, Iowa. They lived and he d. in Mantua, Ohio. 

47:i. .Mary, dau. of Enos, b. Nov. 5, 1792; m. (1811) Hezekiali Hine. 
She d. May 10, 1846. After her death Hezekiah m. (2) Diantha Goodcll 
Chapman (sister of Carlton Goodell). He d. July, 1869 The residence 
of the lime family was at Shalersville, Ohio. 

474. William, son of Noah; m. Dec. 20, 1810, Harriet, dau. of Lemuel 
Pomeroy and Lucy Lyman, b. May 23, 1787; d. Oct. 17, 1824. He was a 
graduate of Yale, 1807; settled al Westfield, Mass., as a physician, and d. 
Nov. 20. 1833. 

922. Lucy. 1). Sept. 16,' 1813; m. \\m. Wood worth. 

923. William Lyman, b. March 3. 1820. 

l »24. Harriet P.. b. Nov. 26, 1822; m. George W. Campbell. 

475. Anna, dau. of Jason; m. James Peck (son of Capt. Ebenezer R. 
and Rebecca Dickerman), b. March 6, 1793; removed to Jeffersonvilk, 

Ind., where he d. 1865. 

47(>. Edward, son of Elisha; m. Sept., 1843, Almira F. Harrison, 
dau. of Deacon Harrison, of North Branford. Later the) removed to 
Pennsylvania. They finally located in Mendon, 111. 

<>r?. Eunice A., b. Dec. 5, 1848; m. J. R. Cope-lin. 

477. Jason, son of Asa; graduated at Vale, 1825. (studied Theology 
at Yale) ordained to the ministry Aug. 26, 1829, pastor Congregational 
church at Middlebury, Newtown and other places in Connecticut; m. May 
4, 1837, Clarissa Morse, b. 1809. She d. Feb. 13, 1844; (2) June, 1847, 
Susan Arms Wright, b. Dec. 16, 1810; d. Dec. 1. 1897. He d. in W 
Haven, April 1. 1860. 

470. Belah, son of Moses; m. Naomi Johnson; lived in Naugatuck, 

Conn. He d. May 7. 1859. She d. April 2, 1870. aged 80. 

920. Lucinda, 0. April 3, 1820; d. April 26. 1873; m. Emerj D. Mann 
M27 lain, b. 1812; m. 1832, Ansel Spencer. He d. Aug. 7. 1857, 

61. She d. Nov. 8, 1842. 
'■IIS. Clarissa, b. 1815; m. Stephen H. Nichols. 
929 Miriam, b Dec 24, 1831; m William B. Hoadlex 


4K0. Mabel, dau. of Moses; m. David M. Payne. They lived in Nauga- 
tuck. He d. Sept. 30, I860, aged 70. She d. Aug. 12, 1882. Their dau. 
Nancy, d. Sept. 8, 1875, aged 52. 

4K2. Ira, son of Amos; lived at corner of College and Crown streets, 
New Haven; m. Apr. 9, 1817, Roanna, dan. of Ebenezer Buckingham and 
Olivia Woodruff, h. Dec. 20, 1795; d. Sept. 28, 1873. He was a ship 
carpenter and architect. He d. Sept. 6, 1849. 

930. Susan M., b. Aug. 18, 1821; m. Rev. Janus R. Mershon. 

931. Merrit Buckingham, b. Jan. 8, 1823. 

932. William W.. b. Nov. 4. 1824. 

933. Emily, h. Sept. 4, 1828; m. March X, 1859, Samuel E. Baldwin. 

934. ( has. Julius, b. Feb. 13, 1833. 

935. Harriet Frances, b. Aug. 8, 1834; m. Horace Curtis. 

936. Olivia Roanna, b. Feb. 6, 1836; m. William J. Atwater. 

4S.">. Nancy, dau. of Amos; m. Nov. 26, 1823, Eldad Hotchkiss, of 
Waterbury. He d. Sept. 26, 1835. She d. Nov. 8, 1894. 

4K«. Amos, son of Amos; m. Dec. 28, 1820, Julia M. rloadley. He 
d. June 8, 1X34. He owned a grist mill in Naugatuck, Conn., where both 
are buried. 

V37. ( diaries, b. Aug. 22, 1826. 

4*)0. Anan, son of David; m. Rebecca, dau. of Benjamin Peck and 
Lucie Dickerman, b. Jan. 30, 1800; d. Aug. 18. 1868. They lived in 
Bethany. He was a farmer and d. Feb. 21, 1869. 

938. Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 2, 1821; m. William Nichols. 

939. Marshal David, b. May 30, 1826. 

940. Margaret Augusta, b. Nov. 14, 1830; m. Ervin Mix. 

941. Adaline, b. Aug. 15, 1835 ; m. Moses S. Stickney. 

942. Franklin Benjamin, ]>. Aug. 14, 1837. 

4{>r>. Garret, son of Jonathan ; m. Dec. 30, 1827, Lucinda Carter. He 
d. Mar. 10. 1879. She d. Sept. 27, 1893. They lived in Maine, N. Y. 

943. Emily J., b. Dec. 8, 1828; m. Edward Z. Cowles. 

944. Abigail, b. Mar. 2, 1833; m. John Burgess. 

945. Maria L., b. June 5, 1837; m. David Orcutt. 

946. John J., b. Nov. 10, 1840. 

947. Olive A., b. Dec. 23, 1843; m. Marcus Lewis. 

948. (diaries G., b. June 12, 1848. 

496. Huldah, dau. of Holebrook ; m. Hezekiab Thompson, b. Dec. 
16, 1751; (2) Elijah Thompson, b. Dec. 16, 1751; d. Oct. 5, 1825. His 
will, proved 1825, names wife Huldah whom he made jointure before 
marriage. Elijah was uncle to Hezekiah, first husband of Huldah. 


497. Jonah, son of Holebrook, lived in New Haven; m. Abiah 
Macomber, hap. Nov. 13, 1743. He d. in Charleston, S. C, Aug. 26, 1824. 

505. Thaddeus, son of Stephen; m. Sept. 27, 1807, Annie Peck. He 

d. April 16, 1817. 

949. Lucius, b. Nov. 13. 1811. 

507. Catherine, dan. of Stephen; m. Feb. 1, 1808, Amos Trowbridge, 

1.. Nov. 23. 1783; d. .Inly 11, 18-4^. 

500. Rebecca Gorham, dau. of Stephen; d. May 17, 1845; m. March 
14, 1826, James Hervey, son of Hervey and Nancy Bradley Mulford. He 
was graduated from Yale in 1794, and was a merchant of the firm of 
Bradley & Mulford, in New Haven, Conn. 

510. William Cutler, son of Jeremiah M.; d. Feb. 12, 1885; m. in 
New Haven, May 4, 1815, Harriet Hoadley (dan. of John and Elizabeth 
Watrons), b. Dec. 6, 1795; d. Aug. 18, 1873. His early life was spent in 
New Haven ; later he went to Georgetown, D. C, and latterly lived in New 
York, when he was a well-known wholesale commission merchant, his 
firm being known as Atwater, Mulford & Co. 

950. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 19, 1817; m. George Hotchkiss. 

951. John Hoadley. b. Jan. 23. 1824. 

952. Sarah Watrons, I,. Oct. 5. 1826; m. William E. Dickinson. 

953. Harriet, h. Nov. 6, 1829; m. Oct. 28., 1852, William A. Philip. 

954. Jeremiah \\ .. I,. Sept. Id, 1832. 

511. Hannah Cutler, dan. of Jeremiah M. ; d. Nov. 8, 1866, aged 71; 
m. Nov. 13, 1817, Stephen Bishop, son of Daniel and Louisa Hotchkiss, h. 
Nov. 10. 1792; d. March 4, 1845. 

512. Susan Howell, dan. of Jeremiah M. ; m. July 26, 1824, Sidnej 
Washington l.eete. He lived in New Haven and died Aug. 31, 1836, in 
New Orleans, of yellow fever. She d. March 26, 1873. 

51:5. Sarah, dan. of Joseph; m. Nov. 12, 1815, John I). Brown. She 

d. J une 7, 1S54. 

514. Eliza, dau. of Joseph; m. July 23, 1817. Zelotes, son of Joel Daj 

of Xew Haven. He was a manufacturer and was prominent in city affairs 
there. He was b. in Hatfield, Mass., June 24, 1791, and d. in 1870. She 
d. June 4, 1894. 

515. Joseph, -,,n of Joseph; m. Jan. 1, 1823, Rachel Duncan, of South 
Carolina, and removed to La Harpe, 111 . about 1823. She d. Oct. 18, 1871 
He d. Ian. 1, 1875. 


955. Marthena, b. May 5, 1824; m. Isaac Harris. 

956. Thomas, b. Nov. 23, 1827. 

957. James, b. April 17, 1830. 

958. William E., b. July 8, 1833. 

959. Mary, b. Jan. 29, 1836; m. Cosby Duncan. 

960. Lorraine, b. Sept. 3, 1841 ; m. Wm. Duncan. 

961. John J., b. Sept. 29, 1846. 

316. Nathaniel Mix, son of Joseph; m. Dec. 10, 1823, Rhoda Curtis 
He d. Aug. 17, 1825. Lived in New Haven. She prob. m. (2) Dec. 3, 1826, 
Alexander Henry. 

962. Sarah Thomas, b. Nov. 18, 1824; m. May 6, 1843, Paschal Fisher, 

of Sandusky, Ohio. 

517. Job Mansfield, son of Joseph; m. Oct. 10, 1823, Hannah B., dau 
of Munson Peckham and Hannah Thompson, b. July 22, 1805; d. Dec. 23, 
1882. He d. March 26, 1833. They resided in New Haven. 

963. Jeremiah John, b. Feb. 27, 1825. 

964. Jeanette Mary, b. Feb. 28, 1827; m. Edward S. Tuttle. 

965. Lydia Anne, b. April 22, 1831 ; m. J. P. Barker. 

518. John Starr, son of Joseph ; m. Oct. 7, 1829, Man,-, dau. of Joshua 
Miller and Harriet Gouge, b. Jan. 3, 1810. He was a carriage manu- 
facturer and d. in Columbus, Miss., Dec. 4, 1866. She d. Sept. 8, 1893. 

966 Henry Lockwood, b. Nov. 24, 1833. 

967. Alfred E., b. Sept. 26, 1837. 

968. John Starr, b. June 29, 1845. 

519. Stephen Harris, son of Benjamin; d. Nov. 15, 1865; m. Keziah, 
dau. of Theophilus Humphrey; d. 1832; (2) Azubah Brown, b. 1785; d. 
March, 1866. He was a farmer and lived at Canton, Conn. 

969. James b. May 8, 1824. 

520. Roxanna, dau. of Benjamin; m. Nov. 15, 1X15, Riley Loomis. 
She d. March 15, 1870, in Troy, N. Y. 

521. Sarah, dan. of Benjamin; m. Sept. 26, 1816, Porter Fowler, of 
\\ estfield, Mass., where they lived and died. She d. Dec. 25, 1864. They 
had : Wells, Mary, Charles, John and Elizabeth. 

522. Sylvia, dau. of Benjamin; m. Orrin Bates. They lived in Spring- 
field, Mass., where both died. She d. April, 1864. They had William, 
Mary, Sarah, Thomas, Lucius, Almon J., Charles and Adelaide. 


523. Titus, son of Benjamin; lived in Westfield, Mass.; m. Dec. 16, 
1828, Hannah Moseley. He was a farmer and d. Feb. 23, 1861. She d. 
Feb., 1846. 

970. Frances M., b. Apr. 28, 1832; m. Wm. P. Fowler. 

971. Franklin Bliss, b. Jan.. 1834. 

524. Noah, son of Benjamin; m. Feb. 10, 1835, Carolina A. Root. He 
d. Jan. 1, 1877. She d. Dec. 15, 1895. 

„ 972. Wells, b. Sept. 12, 1836. 

973. John Root, b. June 19, 1850; d. June 17, 1871. 

525. Mary, dau. of Benjamin; m. Almon J. Lloyd ; b. April 7, 1803, 
d. Jan. 1, 1857; (2) Chas. J. Hinsdale; d. about 1872. Children by Lloyd, 
Jarvis James, Almon and Caroline. 

528. Moses, son of Moses; lived in Canandaigua, N. Y. ; graduated at 
Yale college ; m. Miss Margaret Weist, 1852. He d. Aug. 8, 1864. She 

' d. Jan., 1857. 

.974. Frederick Tyler, b. Feb., 1853. 

529. Samuel Tyler, son of Moses; m. July 16, 1839, Elizabeth Emei- 
son, b. Aug. 6, 1812; d. April 11, 1878. They lived in Buffalo and Chicago. 
He d. May 1, 1897. 

531. Jeremiah, son of Joel; lived in Westfield; m. May, 1836, Nancy 
Sackett. He d. March 19, 1843. She m. (2) Samuel W. Cook. 

975. Dwight M., b. Dec. 19, 1838. 

976. James H., b. Dec. 31, 1840. 

532. Laura, dau. of Joel; m. Dec. 28, 1834, Nehemiah Edson ; (2) 

McLauder. She d. Dec. 29, 1891. 

533. Lydia, dau. of Joel; m. Dec. 29, 1829, Charles Gaylord ; (2) 

Sperry. She lived in Pennsylvania and d. in 1889. 

534. Fanny, dau. of Joel; m. Nov. 10, 1829, Orrin Hotchkiss. She (1. 
in Milwaukee in 1880. 

535. Joel, son of Joel; lived in Sufficld, Conn.; m. Maria Brown. 

977. Sarah Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1838; d. Apr. 25, 1886; m. Apr. 19, 1879, 

John L. Hubbard. 

978. Mary Eliza, b. July 25, 1850; unm. 

536. Sarah, dau. of Joel ; m. Nov. 3, 1831, Milton Brookins, of Collins- 
ville, Conn.; (2) Feb. 23, 1842, John Edson. 


537. Leonard, son of Joel; m. Oct. 3, 1839, Julia, dau. of D. Sackett 
and Tryphinia Loomis, b. Sept. 6, 1816; d. Oct. 12, 1842; (2) Jan. 3, 1849,' 
Frances H., dau. of Dennis Hedges, b. July 19, 1825. He lived in West- 
field, Mass., and was president of a whip company. 

979. Ellen M., b. July 11, 1843; m. R. M. Chesley. 

980. Albert C, b. March 3, 1846. 
Issue by second marriage: 

981. Dennis H., b. Dec. 17, 1850. 

982. Leonard C, b. July 14, 1853. 

983. James B„ b. July 3, 1858. 

984. Lucy F., b. March 3, 1861; m. Rev. Lyman H. Blake. 

985. Margaret C. b. Nov. 20, 1864 ; m. Dr. Gilbert N. Jones. 

538. Joseph, son of Joel ; m. March 14, 1858, Almira Tiffany, b. Sept. 
12, 1835. He was a farmer and lived at Canandaigua, N. Y. 

986. Lydia Josephine, b. Aug. 4, 1860. 

987. Emma Bell, b. Nov. 4, 1864; m. Max Thaler. 

988. Anna Lovisa, b. Feb. 12, 1867; unm. 

989. George Leonard, b. Oct. 10, 1869. 

539. Joseph Hall, son of Joseph; m. Sarah . He d. Aug. 29, 

1813. in South Carolina, but was buried in Cheshire, Conn. 

990. Joseph William, 1,. July 4, 1813. 

541. Truman, son of Joseph; m. Oct. 10, 1819, Palmyra, dau. oi 
Abijah and Jermima (Cornwall) Beach, b. Apr. 19, 1802; d. Nov. 11, 
1822, aged 20. He d. Oct. 26, 1828. 

542. Cornelius, son of Abel ; m. Eunice Bartholomew, who d. Feb. 25, 
1803, aged 27. They removed to Pompey, N. Y. and returned to Shanes- 
ville, Ohio. He m. (2) Anna . 

991. Miles Barber, b. June 21, 1805, d. Dec. 26, 1878; m. Lydia S. 

Atwater, dau. of Ira and Philanda Stone. His will was pro- 
bated Feb. 3, 1879. They had one son, William Alonzu. 

992. Anna A., bap. 1806. 

1 543. Chauneey, son of Abel ; settled in the northeastern portion of 
Sheffield, Ashtabula County, Ohio, early in the year of 1817. He d. while 
still a young man, but his pioneer pluck, public spirit, and many virtues 
have left their imprint on the town he helped to settle.. He d. May 20, 
1834. He m. Nov. 30, 18i2, Johanna Judd, b. Dec, 1786. Later his wife 
was united in marriage to Wyman Hill, who was father-in-law to her 
oldest son. 


993. John T., b. Nov. 7, 1815. 

994. Lyman Charles, b. Feb. 4. 1X20. 

995. Laura; m. Hiram (."mill. 

544. Samuel, son of Abel; m. June 20, 1820, Vintenlia, dau. of Alex- 
ander Shankland and Vintentia Wilson, b. Feb. 20, 1802 ; d. June 27, 1863. 
He was a farmer and lived in Birmingham, Iowa, and d. Feb. 17, 1840. 
Both buried in Birmingham. 

996. Sarah A. E., b. Nov. 2, 1820; m. Oet. 10, 1839, William Beck. 

997. Selencia V. G., b. Dec. 25, 1827; m. Sept. 16, 1847. Adam Bott. 

998. Laura S. A., b. Sept. 30, 1840; d. Oct. 5, 1882; m. Jan. 21, 1858, 

Goldson Pruett. One dau. m. Harry Price, York, Neb 

999. Athalia M. M., b. April 19, 1848, d. Feb., 1922; m. Sept. 14, 1874, 

John W. Newman. Two daughters : Laura, m. Emerson K. 
Rowley, had two Chil., Iva Margaret, b. 1896; Ivan Ernest, b. 
1898. Dora Newman, m. Curtis Rogers; four chil. 

545. Lyman, son of Abel; m. in New York City, Jane Lockhart. They 
removed to Ashtabula, Ohio, then to Fulton, 111., where they both died. 
He d. in 1862. She d. in 1869. 

1000. Charles Abel, b. Oct. 20, 1824. 

1001. Miles L, b. Oct. 25, 1825. 

1002. Lucius R., b. Feb. 25, 1828. 

1003. Caroline E., b. Mar. 30, 1830; m. Isaac O. Smith. 

1004. Marcus, b. 1831. 

1005. John Wesley, b. 1833; m. Rose Thompson. 

1006. James, b. 1839. 

1007. Eliza J., b. 1838; m. Neal Shogo. 

1008. William H., b. 1841. 

1009. Zilah M., b. 1846; d. 1919; m. ('lay Fusen. 

.">46. Marquis Lafayette, son of Stephen; m. March 12, 1809, Melinda 
Fuller, b. Jan. 31, 1790. He d. in Whitington, Vt., July 2, 1838 She m. 
(2) Elisha Dickinson, d. May 4, 1867. He d. Jan. 11. 1852. 

1010. Hollister, b. Oct. 9, 1820. 

.">47. Nancy, dau. of Stephen; m. Cluster Balch ; b. 1788; d. July 15. 
1847. She d. Sept. 11, I860. 

548. Esther, dau. of Stephen; m. Sept., 1812, Ezra Cushman, b. May 

22, 1785. He was a farmer at Wilmington, Yt. 

549. Eunice, dau. of Stephen; m. I'ri Mansfield, of Hamden Me d. 

Ian. 13, 1813. She d. Max. 1862. 


550. .hired, son of Samuel; m. Oct. 28, 1807, Lucy, dau. of Hczekiah 
and Elizabeth (Merriman) Hall, b. Oct. 9, 1792. He lived in Hamden 
Conn. He d. Oct. 13, 1850. She d. Aug. 30, 1870, 88. 

1011. Laura, b. Dec. 5, 1810; m. Edmund I). Bradley. 

1012. Ruth Dickerman, 1>. April 11. 1812; m. Leverett Hotchkiss. 

1013. Betsey, b. Aug. 22, 1821; m. Charles < 4. Atwater. 

551. Catherine, dau. of Samuel; m. Sept. 19, 1810, Joel Dickerman, 
son of Hezekiah and Hannah Rice. b. May 2?, 1775; d. Eel). 22, 1865, at 
Jewett, N. Y. She d. Sept., 1866. 

552. Samuel, son of Samuel ; moved to Big Hollow, Catskills, Greene 
County, N. Y. ; m. Sept. 11, 1811, Julia, dau. of Joel and Sarah (Rice) 
Hough, b. Dec. 23, 1787; d. 1818; (2) Jan. 3. 1820. Sarah Bronson, b 
July 28, 1795; d. 1866. 

1014. Alfred, b. Sept. 23, 1812. 

1015. Chloe, b. Dec. 3, 1814; m. Lewis W. Baldwin. 

1016. Edwin, h. March 1. 1816. 
Issue by second marriage: 

1017. Julia H.. b. March 31. 1821; m. H. R. Winter; (2) Moses 


1018. Sarah B., b. May 23, 1824; m. Anson Hitchcock. 

1019. Jane H., b. June 21, 1827; m. John Beach. 

1020. Urania, b. June 15, 1832; d. June 10, 1905. 

1021. Emerett, b. June 12. 1830; m. Piatt Hitchcock. 

553. Obedience, dan. of Samuel; m. Sept. 13, 1809, Amos White San- 
ford; b. Dec. 29, 1786; d. Oct. 29, 1850. She d. Apr. 10, 1868. 

Goodyear Asa, b. Aug. 28, 1814; m. Elizabeth Basseit; (2) Harriet 
Austin; (3) Sarah Goodall. 

Albert, b. May 1, 1818; d. Sept. 23. 1854; m. Emily Banner. 

Cynthia, b. Sept. 20, 1822; d. March 25, 1882; m. Julius Gorham. 

Robert Amos, b. Nov. 15, 1825; d. Nov. 24, 1X71; m. July, 1851. Ann 
Gaylord, Cheshire, Conn. No chil. 

Samuel Dennis, b. June 20, 1827; d. March 1, 19(K> ; m. Mary Rogers. 

Catherine O., b. Oct. 20, 1831; d. March 10, 1906; m. Jeremiah Leek. 

John White, b. Nov. 14, 1835: m. Phebe Wooding. 

Evelyn Augusta Babbitt, b. July 23, 1826; m. Richard Newman At- 
water of Ledyard, N. Y. 

554. Stephen Wooster, son of Samuel; m. Oct. 12, 1816, Polly, dau. 
of Benajah Rice and Sara Hough, b. April 18, 1797; d. March 1, 1875 
He d. May 20, 1864. Lived in Jewett, N. Y., a farmer. 

1022. Samuel W., b. June 29, 1832. 

1023. Aurelia H, b. June 29, 1835; m. Samuel Brown. 


555. Mary, dau. of Samuel; m. Sept. 25, 1816, Ambrose, son of 
Samuel Baldwin and Lucinda Hill, b. Tune 1, 1795. Settled in Tewett 
N. V. 

556. Ruth, dau. of Timothy; m. Nov. 28, 1803, Randall Warner. They 
lived in Plymouth, Conn. 

557. Elam, son of Timothy ; lived in Plymouth ; m. Dec. 6, 1804, Chloe, 
dau. of Benajah Camp. He was a farmer. He d. Oct. 16, 1819. She d. 
Sept. 18, 1819, aged 31. 

1024. George Camp, b. Jan. 20, 1810. 

1025. Rutha Chloe, b. Aug. 22, 1815 ; m. N. S. Pond. 

558. Wyllys, son of Timothy; lived in Plymouth, Conn.; m. Feb. 26, 
1813, Fanny, dau. of William Purdy, who d. in 1843; (2) May 27, 184-1, 
widow Julia F. Curtis, b. June 19, 1813; d. Jan. 31, 1896. He was a 
farmer and d. April 18, 1873. 

1026. Henry, b. April 29, 1815. 

1027. Betsey, b. Aug. 11, 1824; m. Stephen Fenn. 

1028. Willis, b. June 12, 1833. 

1029. Martha Richardson, b. Jan. 6, 1843; m. Arthur Dc Wolfe. 

559. Lydia, dau. of Timothy; m. Feb. 13, 1816, Elam Fenn, son of 
Jason and Martha Potter Fenn. She d. Feb. 3, 1873. He lived to a. ripe 
old age and d. Aug. 21, 1884, in the same house where he was l»orn. They 
celebrated their golden wedding Feb. 13, 1866. 

560. Timothy, son of Timothy; lived in Plymouth; m. Dec. 2, 1829, 
Eunice Ives, b. March 9, 1800, sister of Truman D. Ives. He d. Feb. 1-1, 
1853. She d. Sept. 16, 1895. 

1030. Stephen, b. Aug. 29, 1830. 

561. James, son of John; m. April 6, 1806, Thankful, dau. of Ben- 
jamin Avery and Mary Burrows, b. Jan. 31, 1784; d. May 17, 1870. He 
d. Jan. 6, 1866. He was a teacher, farmer and storekeeper, and resided 
at Ithaca and surrounding towns in New York principally. 

1031. Leonard, b. Nov. 25, 1808. 

1032. Nancy, b. Sept. 8, 1811; m. John K. Mitchell. 

1033. Benjamin Avery, b. Sept. 9, 1815. 

1034. Franklin, b. July 10, 1817. 

1035. Dewitt Clinton, b. July 30, 1819. 

1036. Fanny, b. Oct. 6, 1821; m. John Penny. 

1037. David Dennison. b. Sept. 20, 1823. 

1038. Mary, b. July 15, 1825; m. Luther Judson Sanford. 

1039. Edward, b. May 10, 1828. 

1040. Rufus King, b. Feb. 26, 1830. 


5(>2. John, son oi John; d. in Ohio many years since, leaving two 
daughters. He m. Susannah Gifford. 

1041. Susannah, m. John Remer. Both dead; buried in Newark, 

X. J. 

1042. Laura, m. Lemuel Sutherland. Both d. in Newark, Wayne 

County, X. Y. 

563. Horace, son of John; m. Sarah Goodyear. He d. Dec. 15, 1840. 
Lived in Genoa, X\ Y. 

1043. Eliza Sutherland, b. 1821; m. Sylvester Childs. 

1044. Spafford 1... b. 1828. 

.")(}4. Willis, son of John; m. Marilla Bradley. He d. in Genoa, X. 

Y., May 4. 184°. They had two sons; both d. young. 

.">(>.">. Goodyear, son of John; m. Rhoda Tilley. They lived in Genoa, 

N. Y., where he d. April 14, 1869. 

1045. John Romaine, b. Aug. 30, 1817. 

1046. Jerome, b. Dec. 9, 1821; m. Louisa Mallery. 

1047. Julius, b. May 4. 1824. 

1048. Lucy Jane, b. Sept. 19, 1820; m. Elias Dodd 

1049. Mary Anna, b. Dec. 15, 1828; m. James Nichols. 

1050. Timothy J. G, b. 1831. 

.">(»(). Laura, dau. of John; m. Joseph McWhorter. He d. in Ithaca; 
she in Cuba, Allegany County, X. Y. They had one son. 

.">67. Susan, dan. of John and second wife, Lucy Davis (dau. of 
Nathan Davis, of Revolutionary fame) was born 1810; m. Gordon Gillett. 
She d. at the age of 95 in Kenosha, Wis., June 15, 1905. Two daughters 
and one son survived their mother. When she was over 80 she took a 
trip east in company with her husband and a daughter who was a teacher 
in Chicago. Among other places they visited the national capitol — and 
at the Washington monument ( she was a little woman, and spry as a 
cricket) she said, although she could have walked up all right, she knew 
it would be too much for Mr. Gillett and Ann — so she took the elevator. 

Susan, "Original Daughter" and member of the local chapter, D. A. 
R. of Kenosha, and also honored with a membership in the D. A. R. state 
chapter of Wisconsin. 

r>68. Sarah Ball, dau. of John; b. Sept. 4,' 1821; m. Alfred Ward and 
spent her married life in Oshkosh, Wis. She d. April 3, 1917. at the' ag< 
of 96 vears. 


.">(>«). Richard Newman, son of John; m. Evelyn A. B. Sanford; 

b. July 23, 1826; she d. Sept. 12, 1912 He was drowned in Cayuga Lake 
in 1888. They lived in Ledyard, X. Y. 

1051. Eugene I... b. Aug. 17. 1850. 

1052. Ella, h. Mar. 6, 1862; m. Sett Malison. 

1053. William, b. Aug. 28, 1863 ; num. 

1054. Lucy A., I.. Oct. 8. I860; m. Clarence Gale. 

570. Lewis, son of John; m. Ann I'rice; (2) Cornelia Swift. He- 1. 
at his home in Manchester. Iowa. Sept. 17. 1896. He engaged in business 
for several years in Ithaca. X. Y. In 1869 he removed to Iowa where he 
had large landed investments. In 1873 he entered upon the drug husiiu - 
with his son Frank, who was an experienced druggist, as partner. This 
continued until a few years he fore his death, when he withdrew. Always 
an active, energetic, upright business man, he had a well earned name for 
unflinching honesty and fair dealing which made him a much honored 
citizen. His four children — three daughters and one son. were all horn 
in Cayuga Co., X. Y., by his first marriage. 

1055. Mary. b. Jan. 8. 1843; m. Lyman Williams. 

1056. Frank. 

1057. Cornelia; m. James Kelsey. She d. in Gainesville, Ga. Left 

one dau., Susan. 

571. Samuel, son of John; m. April 24, 1851. Charlotte Sarah Carter. 
He d. Jan. 10. 1894. About 18(4 he settled in Xewark. X. I. She d. Mas 
29, 1909. 

1058. Frederick Clay. b. April 7. 1852. 

1059. Lilly Belle, b. Feb. 4, 1S65 ; m. Willis B, Atwatcr 

1060. Samuel Nelson, b. June 24. 1X69. 

572. John, son of John; m. in Angelica. X. Y., Oct. 1, 1873. Eliza 
Starr, dau. of J. C. Arnold and Sophia L. Starr, b. June 19, 1844, d. Feb. 
26, 1921. He was a grocer and lived ai Newark. X I. He d. at Angelica. 
X. Y.. Nov. 9. 1904. 

1061. Sophia Louisa, b. Dec. 7. 1875. 

.">":?. Jason, son of Caleb; m. Feb. X, 1815, Mabel Goodyear, dan of 
Capt. Stephen and Esther Barnes, b. Mar. 2(>. 1788. Lived at Perry, X 

Y. He d. May 23, 1829. 

1062. Lisetta, b. Dec. 3. 1815; m. Dr. James II. Jerome. 

1063. Man G-, b. Jan. 2'?, 1819; m. Sanford P. Allen. 

1064. Stephen Decatur, b. Feb. 27. 1X23 

1065. Jason J., b. April 12, 1825. 


574. Jeremiah, son of Caleb ; m. May 9, 1813, Lucy Tilley, b. May 9. 
1794; d. April 6, 1824; (2) March 22, 1832, Rachel King, b. March 22, 
1800; d. April 6, 1862. He d. Tune 26, 1848. He was a lumberman and 
farmer at Mecklenburg, N. Y. 

1066. Samuel T., b. March 19, 1814. 

1067. Anson A., b. Feb. 28, 1816. 

1068. Dwight, b. Oct. IS, 1817. 

1069. John B., b. Aug. 4, 1818. 

1070. Wilson, b. Nov. 7, 1821. 
Issue by second marriage : 

1071. Willis Goodyear, b. Aug. 8, 1832. 

1072. Darius Adams, b. Oct. 8, 1837. 

1073. Ambrose Cotter, b. April 23, 1839. 

575. John G., son of Caleb ; m. March 26, 1804, Celia Clifford, b. May 
22, 1779. He d. Dec. 7, 1815. She d. March 20, 1865. He lived in Genoa, 
N. Y. 

1074. Alonzo B., b. April 6, 1805. 

1075. Emily, b. Jan. 7, 1811; d. Feb. 6, 1868; m. Isaac Kniffen. 

1076. John G, b. April 21, 1815. 

578. Anna, dan. of Richard Newman ; m. Sept 13, 1809, David Warner, 
b. April 19, 1786; d. May 27, 1858. She d. Oct. 13, 1877. They lived in 
Plymouth, Conn., but afterward removed to Ohio. 

581. Newman, son of Richard Newman ; m. Nov. 24, 1844, Emeline 
Butler. She d. Sept. 8, 1889. They had two daughters ; both dead. 

1077. Eliza E, b. Sept. 15, 1845 ; m. Andrew Rheinhold. 

582. John Osborne, son of Zophar; lived in Hamden ; m. Mary, dan. 
of Ebenezer and Hannah Humiston, b. 1781. He was supposed to have 
been killed during the invasion of Canada in the summer of 1814. 

1078. Abigail Augusta, b. Sept., 1802; m. Chester Atkin. 

1079. Eliza Ann, m. Dr. John Tuttle ; (2) William Peck. 

1080. Emeline, b. June 4, 1807; m. Benjamin Warner. 

1081. Daniel Leonard, b. March 4, 1800. 

1082. George Willard, b. Dec. 25, 1811. 

1083. John Elizur, b. Oct. 16, 1812. 

587. Charles, son of Zophar; m. Mabel, dau. of Amos and Ruth 
(Gilbert) Warner (2) June 11, 1824, Anna Tinker, d. Jan. 27, 1849. He 
d. Aug. 25, 1842. One dau., Mabel, who m. George Way. She d. Aug. 
19, 1901 ; one son, George. 

588. Fanny, dau. of Zophar; m. Leverett Ailing, b. 1797; d. June 12, 
1870. She d. Sept. 29, 1858. Lived in Hamden. 


.">«}). Marcus B., son of Zophar; in. Susan - — . They lived in I'itts- 
field, Mass., where lie was a manufacturer. 

1084. Raymond, m. Man Hicock ; one son. Frederick, b. Apr. 24, 


1085. Lucy, b. Aug. 25, 1831. 

1086. Mary Elizabeth, b. Jan. 27, 1837; m. Michael Connor 

1087. William E., b. 1840. 

1088. Benoni, b. 1846; m. July 4. 1869, Man Hicock. 

590. Leverett, son of Ichabod; m. Abigail Hawley; (2) Mrs. Sarah 
Messenger. He d. Dec. 31, 1854, in Oberlin, Ohio. 

1089. Lucy Cordelia, b. Dee. 26, 1813. 

1090. Allen Hawley, b. Sept. 1, 1817. 

1091. Richard Bloomfidd. b. April 16, 1826. 

1092. Esther Lemira, b. Dec. 16, 1830. 

1093. Sarah Abigail, b. Feb. 24. 1837. 
1004. Edwin Benoni. b. Dec. 10, 1838. 

591. Lyman, son of Ichabod; m. Hannah, dau. of Ephraim Barber, 
who d. at the age of 98 years and 8 months. He wa< a farmer and lived 
at Barkhamsted, Conn. 

1095. Josiah Wolcott, b. April 8, 1814. 

1096. Laura, m. Eli Barnes. 

1097. Sarah Louise, m. Martin Rust. 

.">94. .Tared, son of Ichabod; m. Nancy, dau. of Amos and Ruth 
(Smith) Bowen; b. May 25, 1800; d. May 17, 1850. He d. May 28. 1842 
They lived at Riga, N. Y., where they are buried. 

1098. Ruth Livia, b. Nov. 14. 1827; m. Ira Johnson. 

1099. Tared Allen, b. Aug. 19, 1832. 

1100. Alonzo Edwin, b. July 2'^, 1835.. 

1101. Nancy G., b. June 28. 1837; m. M. II Parmelee. Sin- d. Mar. 

12,' 1915. 

595. Daniel, son of Simeon; in. Nov. 9, 1810, Lois Stevens, b. June 
27, 1795. He d. Nov. 26, 1861. She d. the day before her hnshand. Botli 
were buried in one grave. They lived in Wells, \'t. 

1102. David, b. May 2, 1821. 

1103. Lucius, b. March 3D. 182J. Went west 

1104. Socrates, b. Jan. 12, 1823. 

1105. Louisa C, 1'. May 7. 1825: d. April 22. 1002; m. Aug 30. 1881, 

John H. Park. 

1106. Laura.b. Dec, 1826; m fames Patterson Lived in Iowa 


1107. Nancy L., b. March 11, 1830; m. Sept. 30, 1875, George VV. 

Brown ; d. at Wells, Vt. 

1108. Olive, b. Apr. 3, 1833; m. July 13, 1870, Thomas J. Clark; d. 

at Wells, Vt. 

1109. Royal, b. April 30, 1828. 

1110. Asa, 1,. July 17, 1836. 

596. Jonathan, son of Simeon; m. Dec. 16, 1819, Sabrina Perry. He 
d. May 14, 1868. He lived in Middletown, Vt. She was b. May 23, 1802, 
and d. Feb. 26, 1891. 

1111. Jonathan, b. Dec. 26, 1828. 

1112. Sabrina, 1.. Feb. 23, 1831; m. Feb. 23, 1877, Wm. Robinson, d. 

May 24, 1891. 

507. Stephen, son of Daniel; m. Patience Nichols. Removed to Wells. 
Rutland County, Vt. He d. Jan. 27, 1882. She d. in Middletown, Vt. 

1113. Susan, b. Jan. 7, 1825; m. Orrin Campbell. 

1114. Mary, b. July 18, 1826; m. Orlando Tanner. 

1115. Sarah, b. April 11, 1828; m. George Ware. 

1116. Lyman, b. Mar. 29, 1830. 

1117. Esther, b. Aug. 8, 1837. 

601. John, son of Benjamin Todd; m. Feb. 16, 1809, Nancy Van 
Alstyne, b. May 23, 1788; d. March 13, 1862. He was a physician at Can- 
ajoharie, N. Y., and d. Sept. 1, 1847. 

1118. Elnathan Reynolds, b. Dec. 15, 1815. 

1119. Cornelius Rush, b. July 6, 1819. 

002. Zereviah, dan. of Benjamin Todd; m. Kerley Johnson; 1). Aug. 
5, 1779; d. Feb. 18, 1846. She d. May 27, 1849. 

605. Dorcas, dan. of Benjamin Todd; m. Walter K. Farmin. He d. 
Mar. 4, 1853, aged 58. She d. May 30, 1857. 

607. Elnathan, son of Benjamin Todd; m. Apr. 15, 1815, Mary Bliss - 
b. May 17, 1795; d. Nov. 2, 1872. He d. Feb. 15, 1877. They lived in 
Brownsville, N. Y. 

1120. Hannah Eliza, b. Mar. 20, 1818; m. Joseph Mcfee. 

1121. Nancy, b. May 13, 1820; d. 1880; m. John Mcfee. 

1122. Malinda, 1». May 26, 1822; m. Henry Divendorf. 

1123. Emeline, b. Jan. 18, 1829; m. Henry Divendorf. 

1124. John Bliss, b. Nov. 6, 1835. 

008. Mercy, dan. of Benjamin Todd; m. Samuel Shepard ; b. Nov. 7, 
1793; d. Nov. 8, 1887. She d. Dec. 29, 1863. 


611. Philo Judson, son of James ; m. 1826, Katherine, dau. of [saac 
Race and Aurena Althousc. They lived in New Marlboro, Mass. He 
d. Nov. 2, 1869. She d. Jan. 8, 1867, aged 74. 

1125. Mary Louise, b. Sept. 6, 1827; m. Alfred H. Alexander. 

1126. James, b. Sept. 16, 1828. 

1127. Elias H., b. about 1834. 

(>12. James Young, son of James; m. April 9, 1840, Lucretia, dau. of 
Solomon Fuller and Esther Gehart, b. April 18, 1819. He d. April 9, 1892, 
in Chicopee, Mass. He was a farmer in New Marlboro, Mass. She d. 
May 25, 1902. Two (laughters, Julia H. and Mary S. d. unm. 

1128. Albert A., b. March 18, 1841. 

1129. George P., b. Dec. 10, 1844. 

1130. Frances Louise, b. March 10, 1847; m. Henry C. Gallup. 

1131. Edward C, b. Feb. 5, 1858. 

<>«:?. Tattle, son of Daniel; m. Mary Ann Griffin; b. 1800; d. Sept. 8, 
1864. He was a blacksmith and lived in Williamsburg, N. Y. He d. in 
Troy, N. V. 

1132. Daniel A., b. May 1, 1822. 

1133. Emily, b. Jan. 23, 1834; m. Mr. Reed; (2) Wm. Stillwell. 

1134. Albert, married, had son, George, living in Cohoes, N. Y. 

1135. Silas, reported as a deserter during civil war, m. under assumed 

name, and settled somewhere near Frederickstown, Mo. 

1136. Eliza, m. Mr. Witham, and had several children. When she 

d. he m. her sister, Ruth. 

<il(>. Sarah, dau. of Daniel; m. Joseph Manning, b. July 7, 1800; d 

in 1SS2. She d. Aug. 3, 1880. 

<»17. .lane, dau. of Daniel; in. John Hogeboom, who d. in Sandlake, 
N. Y. She d. Oct. 9. 1893, aged 80, in W. Stephentown, X. Y. 

(i'2i. .lames Lewis, son of Stephen; m. March 26, 1835. Harriet Haz- 
ard, b. Oct. 3, 1808. He lived in Binghamton, X. V.. and d. Nov. 4. 1883 
She d. April 16, 1891. Three chil. d. young. 

1137. Arlow Nelson, b. July 18, 1842. 

1138. Sally Rebecca, b. Aug. 18, 1844; m. James Arnold. 

1139. Janus I rriffin, b. April 28, 1848. 

1140. Edward Payson, b. Sept. 17. 1850. 

<>2.">. Daniel Eber, son of Stephen; m. June 16, 184o, Amanda Mal- 
vina Foster, d. May 2, 1885. He d. June 18, 1901. He lived in Bingham- 
ton and afterwards in Chicago, 111. 


1141. Uriah E., b. June 19, 1847. 

1142. Charles L., b. Apr. 25, 1849; m. July 2, 1881, Anna Henry. No 

chil. Live in Lawrencevillc, Penn. He d. Tan. 13, 1926. 

1143. Edward, b. Feb. 27, 1865. 

1144. Emma, b. Oct. 5, 1867; m. William Cole. 

626. Stephen, son of Mead; m. Oct. 10. 1840, Man L. Weaver. On 
her mother's side — the Miner family — was a lineal descendent of Theo- 
philus Eaton, one of the founders of New Haven Colony (dan. of Zebulon 
and Eunice W. Miner), b. March 5, 1816; d. May 19, 1894, at Batavia, 
N. Y. Remains of both buried in Providence. He was a civil engineer 
in Providence about 1843-5. He d. April 12, 1855. 

1145. Edward Weaver, b. Jan. 5, 1842. 

1146. Richard Mead, b. Aug. 10, 1844. 

1147. Mary Alice, b. Nov. 22, 1851; num. 

1148. Anne Caroline, b. July 10, 1853; m. John H. Mason. 

627. Levi Hoag, son of Mead ; m. Aug. 29, 1841, Mary Matilda Crane, 
dau. of Silas and Beulah Crane. They settled at Lockport, X. V., where 
they lived several years, then on a farm in Somerset, X. Y., where his 
wife d. Feb. 2, 1872. He d. Apr. 9, 1890. 

1149. William L., b. Oct. 8, 1847. 

1150. Elizabeth H., b. April 9, 1849; m. Albert E. Frost. 

1151. Maria L., b. April 26, 1852; m. Horatio Bern,-. 

1152. Myra J., b. Dec. 14, 1855; m. George Balderston. 

1153. Stephen, b. March 21, 1857. 

1154. Sarah E., b. May 30, 1859; m. Elwood Balderston. 

1155. Bertha E., b. May 8, 1862; m. Cyrus Cooper. 

628. Joseph H., son of Mead; lived in Providence, R. I.; m. Jan. 8, 
1852, Elizabeth A. Harkness, b. Sept. 17, 1825; d. Oct. 8, 1883; (2) Oct. 
7, 1886, Ellen M. Babcock. He was a mechanic and manufacturer, and 
minister in Quaker church. 

1156. Ida Dorcas, b. June 20, 1854; m. George Broome. 

1157. Alfred L., b. March 26, 1866. 

629. Sarah Alma, dau. of Mead; m. Oct. 31, 1860, Asa Kelsey (son 
of William and Phebe Hallock), b. May 23, 1839, in Pelham township, 
Canada West. She d. in 1910, at Portland, Oregon. 


680. John, son of Mead, resided in Chicago; m. June 4, 1851, Mar- 
garet Allen, dan. of Lars Larson and Martha G. Peerson, b. Sept. 2, 1825. 
He d. May 25, 1885. She d. Dec. 12, 1916. 

1158. John Larson, b. Aug. 7, 1852. 

1159. Sarah Jane, b. March 3, 1858. Teacher in Chicago public 


1160. Emma Mabel, b. Oct. 4, 1868; m. Charles Harvey Truesdell. 

In the New York Advertiser for October 12, 1825, appeared an article, 
headed "A Novel Sight", which says, in part : 

"A vessel has arrived at this port with emigrants from Norway. The vessel is 
very small, measuring, as we understand, only about 360 Norwegian lasts, or forty- 
five American tons, and brought fifty-three passengers, male and female, all bound 
for Orleans County, where an agent who came over some time since, purchased a 
tract of land." 

The sloop "Restaurationen", the Mayflower of the North, sailed out of Stavanger 
harbor on America's Independence day, July 4th, 1825. Whether the party selected 
that day for their departure by chance or with a full realization of its significance 
we have not been told. After a perilous and romantic voyage through the British 
Channel and by the way of the Island Madeira, they reached New- York on October 
9th, 1825. Every one of the passengers that went on board at Stavanger landed in 
good health and spirits, and their number had been increased on the way by the 
arrival of the "Sloop baby" — a daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Lars Larson. She 
was baptized Margaret Allen in honor of a Quaker lady of London, who had be- 
friended her father. She developed into a ■woman of rare beauty, culture and re- 
finement. In 1851 she married John Atwater, of Rochester, N. Y., who became a 
prominent publisher at Chicago. She died at an advanced ace, loved and respected 
by all who knew her. 

And what were the circumstances that led to the sailing of the famous sloop party? 
In 1807 Lars Larson, who was born at Stavanger, September 23, 1787, and served 
as a ship carpenter in the Danish navy during the Napoleonic wars, was captured by 
the British and confined in a London prison till 1814. After his*, release he entered 
the employ of Margaret Allen, a prominent Quaker lady, who had taken an interest 
in him during his imprisonment and had converted him to the Quaker faith. In 1816 
he returned to Norway, where he, with others who had been captives at London and 
had embraced the Quaker faith, began proselyting among their neighbors, with the 
result that a Society of Friends was organized at Stavanger. This society never 
grew large, but still exists, -with a membership of some two hundred. Great enthu- 
siasm and interest was aroused, but how to get to the land of promise with the limit- 
ed means at their command was a big problem for most of the people. Lars Larson 
solved the problem. He had acquired some property, which he now sold and, with 
some assistance from five others, bought a little sloop for eighteen hundred dollars in 
Norwegian money. The captain, Lars Olson, and the mate, Erickson, were engaged 
by him. 

After the arrival of the sloop at New York, Lars Larson did not accompany the 
party to Kendall, but located at Rochester, N. Y., where he became a prosperous 
builder of canal boats. He died as the result of an accident in 1845. He was a most 
worthy man, whose memory should be revered by all his people in America. His 
home at Rochester was always open to Norwegian immigrants, hundreds of whom 
stopped there and received help and advice. 


631. Huldah Hoag, dau. of Mead; m. Sept. 27, 1849, Thomas E. Hart- 
ley. He was a farmer and lived at Cardington, O. She d. April 24. I860. 

632. Catherine, dan. of Titus; m. Dec. 2.?, 1840. Adolphus Craw. Me 
was a farmer. 

633. .lames, son of Titus; m. July 17, 1851, Jane I.., dau. of Cheney 
Taft and l.ydia Kennedy, 1.. Dec. 26. 1827. He d. Dec. 19, 1903. 

1161. Willard Taft, b. Aug. 20, 1852. 

1162. Charles Nelson, b. June 16, 1857. 

1163. Edwin Charlton, 1.. May 9, 1860. 

1164. Irving Tames, b. April 30, 1863. 

634. Emily M., dan. of Titus; m. Jan. S, 1850, Nathan Hoxson. She 
d. Feh. 17, 1898. 

(>3.">. Esther, dau. of Titus; m. Marmaduke 1). Hoy, of Woodstock, 

111. ; his third wife. 

636. David, son of Jesse; m. Oct. 22, 1801. Mary McKenzy, b. Oct. 
12, 1784; d. Oct. 19, 1859. He d. Feb., 1861. He was a tanner, shoe- 
maker and farmer and lived at Ilaska, N. Y. 

1165. Charles, b. Tan. 28, 1803. 

1166. Philander, h. Mar. 17, 1805. 

1167. Angelina, b. Jan. 2, 1808; m. Noah Billings Spalding. 

1168. Fidelia, b. Oct. 14, 1810; m. Benjamin Rogers. 

1169. Mary Jane, b. Oct. 9, 1818; m. A. Knapp. 

1170. Chester, b. May 31, 1821. 

1171. Sarah Maria, b. July 6, 1825; m. Curtis Mead Butler. 

1172. Orrin, b. June 22, 1829. 

637. Jesse, son of Jesse; m. Lucretia Martin, b. May 20, 1791: d. 
Inly 31, 1868. He d. June 6, 1866. He bought government land and set- 
tled in Klmhurst, 111. 

1173. Betsey, m. - - Dodge. She d. in California. 

1174. Rachel, b. Jan. 7. 1815; d. April 11, 1893; m. - - Eldredge. 

1175. Ann, b. Dec. 25, 1816; d. June 11, 1899; m. - - Reed. 

1176. Rebecca, b. Nov. 11, 1822; d. Dec. 29, 1852; m. - - Whitlock. 

1177. Olive, m. Benjamin Fuller. 

1178. William, disappeared and never heard from. 

1179. George H., b. Feb. 20, 1829. 

1180. Benjamin, m. Lucy J. Black. Chil. ; Elnora, Albert, William. 

638. Stephen, son of Jesse; m. in 1809, Sophia, dau. of David Fuller, 
b. April 6, 1784. They lived in Oshtemo, Mich. He was a farmer and d. 
Sept. 10. 1838. 


1181. Edric, b. Dec 21, 1809.' 

1182. Lydia M.. b Oct. 28. 1813; m. Albert '1'. Pearsall. 

1183. Oliver ('.. 1). Aug. 19, 1811. 

(>44. Phebe, dau. of Benjamin; m. Janus Connor. Lived in Blakeley, 
Penn. She d. in 1810. He d. in 1861. The children were Annis, Alice, 
Bushrod, Harriet, Harmon and lluldah, who was b. Dec. 26, 1800, and m. 
Jan. 2, 1822, Jonathan White. The} lived in E. Williamson. X. V. She 
.1. Nov. 21, 1889. He d. April 0. 1883. 

C>4.~>. Luther, son of Benjamin; m. Mehitahle Sheldon, who d. in 1858. 
He d. about 1857. He lived in Sodus, X. Y. 

1184. Sally, m. David Rogers. Died Adrian, Mich. No issue. 

1185. Thomas S., b. Mar. 2'?, 1808. 

1186. Theron, h. 1813. 

1187. Levi, b. 1814. 

1188. Lucy, m. Emmons Tremaine; d. Adrian, Mich.; 2 chil. 

1189. Eli/a, m. Jermaine Lathrop; d. Adrian, Mich. 

1190. Mary, m. Joseph Wear. 

1191. William, b. May, 1827. 

1192. Benjamin, one dau., Frances, Hillsdale, Mich. 

1193. Harriet, m. VVm. Jordan; d. in Chiwasse Co., Mich. 

1194. Philetus, b. and d. in Williamson, X. Y. Xo issue. 

<>46. William, son of Benjamin; m. Martha Harding. Lived in East 
Williamson. X. Y., where both d. and are buried. No chil. 

(>47. Mehitable, dau. of Benjamin; m. Stephen Vaughn, of E. William- 
son, X. Y. Descendants still live there. 

048. Ziimi, son of Benjamin; m. Yashti Overton, d. April 1, 1857 
He removed from Williamson, X'. Y., to Lima, Ind., where he d. Aug. 
7, 1859. 

1195. Loren, b. Feb. 15. 1821. 

1196. James Harmon, h. Sept. 2. 1822. 

1197. Annis. b. Nov. 18. 1824; m. Ezikiel Johnson. 

1198 Emily Lydia, b. May 17, 1829; m. O. A. Kimball. 
1199. Nancy Cordelia, b. Dec. 29, 1893; m. Silas Boyd. 
1200 Marquis Lafayette, b. May 20, 1840. 

649. Benjamin, son of Benjamin; m. Feb. 24, 1822, Salo llayden; (?) 
Feb, 14, 1850, Mary Skinner; d. Aug. 9, 1854. aged b7. He d. Feb. 9, 
1867. Lived in Williamson, X. Y. One son, Marcus Earle, d. yidung. 

1201. Frank Marion, b. Sept. 26, 1854. 


631. Caleb, son of Ebenezer; lived- at Circleville, Ohio; m. Diana 
Lawrence, by whom he had one daughter, which d. in infancy; (2) Apnl 

3, 1811, Belinda Butler. He d. March 13, 1846. He was born. Dec. 25, 
1778, in North Adams, Mass. He was graduated at Williams College in 
1804, studied law, and became a successful practitioner. He moved to 
Ohio in 1811, where for some years he was a member of the state legis- 
lature and postmaster at Circleville. He was also Indian commissioner 
under Jackson. He published "A Tour to Prairie du Chien" (1831) ; 
"Western Antiquities" (1833) ; "History of Ohio" (1838), and an "Essay 
on Education" (1841). An article on "The Writings of Caleb Atwater" 
is to be found in the Cincinnati "Western Monthly Magazine" for 1834. 

1202. Belinda, b. Nov. 12, 1813; m. Wm. Foster. 

1203. Richard D., b. March 16, 1816. 

1204. Dewitt C, b. March 23, 1819. 

1205. Aurelia P., b. April 7, 1823; m. Henry Coontz. 

1206. Lucy Maria, b. Feb. 23, 1829; m. David M. Brown. 

653. Henry C, son of James; m. Sept. 19, 1831, Marianne Kimberly ; 
d. Apr. 26, 1834, aged 20; (2) Nov. 26, 1842, Catherine T. Pease. He d. 
July 7, 1845. 

1207. Anne B., b. Jan. 16, 1843; m. Edward Ingersoll. 

1208. Edward B., b. Feb. 26, 1845. 

654. Harriet, dau. of James; m. Apr. 12, 1842, Rev. Dan Curtis Collins. 
He d. at Fort Howard, Wis., Aug. 9, 1883. She d. Oct. 11, 1844. 

655. Julia, dau. of James; m. Aug. 3, 1837, Amos Hitchcock Trow 
bridge, son of Amos and Catherine Atwater. He was b. Feb. 11, 1814; 
d. June 26, 1881. 

656. Edward M., son of James ; removed to Buffalo, N. Y. ; m. April 

4, 1854, Marie G. Smith. He d. in 1897. She d. May, 1917. 

1209. Maria, b. Jan. 17, 1855; m. John B. Lyman. 

1210. Julia, b. April 22, 1856; unm. 

1211. James A., b. Dec. 8, 1857. 

1212. Lizzie B., b. Oct. 15, 1861 ; m. Thomas G. Perkins. 

1213. Granger S., b. June 15, 1863. 

1214. Kate B., b. Nov. 2, 1868 ; m. Oct. 10, 1894, Edward Ingalls. 

657. Albert T., son of James; m. Nov. 15, 1845, Susan Bristol. He 
d. April 22, 1865. She d. 1906, in Chicago, 111., in her 87th year. They 
lived in New Haven. 

1215. Henry Charles, b. April 15, 1846. 

1216. William Albert, b. May 2, 1847. 

1217. Ella Augusta, b. Feb. 7, 1849; m. James T. King. 

1218. Carrie T., b. Feb. 28, 1855 ; m. A. C. Simmons. 


658. Francis J., sun of Janus; removed to Buffalo, X. V. ; m. Harriet 
Tweedy Evans, b. Nov. 16, 1831; d. Apr. 5, 1896. He d. April 6, 1867. 

1219. Frances Jennie, b. Oct. 27, 1855; m. William K. Albertson. 

1220. William T.. b. June 20, 1859. 

65?). Sarah, dau. of Charles; m. April 6, 1825, Matthias B., sun of 
Aaron Denman, of Philadelphia, b. in 1803. They lived at Quincy, 111., 
where she d. May, 1883. 

660. Charles, son of Charles; lived in New Haven; m. Sept. 11, 1836, 
Maiy Montgomery, d. July 5, 1855 ; (2) Oct. 3, 1856, Emilie Montgomery. 
Both daughters of Joseph Montgomery and Harriet Howell. Emilie was 
b. Feb. 8, 1832; d. Oct. 30, 1885. He d. Dec. 6, 1891. 

1221. Charles, b. Aug. 8, 1839. 

1222. Howell, b. Sept. 4, 1841. 

1223. Harriet Montgomery, b. Dec. 25, 1843; d. 1918; m. July 8, 1869. 

Henry C. Ward, d. 1916. 

1224. Mary, b. Dec. 23, 1845 ; m. Edward G. King. 

1225. Eleanor Root, b. Aug. 20, 1850; m. Charles Shelton ; (2) Henry 

M. Keyes, of Amherst, N. H. and d. Apr. 13, 1924. 
Issue by second marriage : 

1226. William Montgomery, b. Oct. 1^, 1858. 

1227. Annie Wilcox, b. Jan. 18, 1861; m. David Daggett. 

061. Elizabeth Badger, dan. of Charles; m. Nov. 22, 1836, William 
Slater Charnley, b. July 22, 1815; d. Jan. 24, 1888 (son of James H. 
Charnley and Martha Slater). He was a hanker and manufacturer at 
New Haven, Conn. He d. in Chicago. Sin- d. April 18, 1853. 

062. Henry, son of Charles; d. Jan. 11, 1862; m. April 6, 1841, Martha 
Slater, dau. of James Charnley, and Martha Ann Slater, b. Aug. 3, 1819; 
d. Feb. 14, 1883. They lived and are buried in Derby, Conn., where he 
\\ as a manufacturer. 

1228. William Charnley, b. April 8, 1S42. 

1229. Henry, b. Sept. 14, 1843. 

1230. Martha Charnley, b. March 21, 1847; m. James B. Bassett. 

1231. Charles Elmes, h. Jan. 19, 1849. 

1232. Sarah Denman, b. Oct. 10, 1857. 

663. Lucy Hoot, dau. of Charles; m. June 19, 1839, Thomas, Jr., son 
of Thomas Elmes and Lydia Coles, of Philadelphia, b. Aug. 23, 1818; d. 
Xov. 15, 1880. He was a manufacturer at Quincy, 111., and was a Senator 
and Congressman. She d. Apr. 7, 1905. 

664. Jennett, dau. of Robert; m. Sept. 29, 1834, Edwin Street, oi EtfSl 
Haven. She d. Oct. 13, 1882, in Boonton, N. J. 


665. George (Raymond), son of Robert; m. July 2. 1840, Mary 
Cooke, dau. of Wra. H. Hale and Mary Brown (Cooke). He d. Nov. 
6, 1874. 

1233. Isabel Taylor, b. May 17, 1847; m. H. C. Thatcher. (2) S. G. 


1234. Francis Wyman, b. Oct. 15, 1849. 

. 1235. Helen Frances, b. June 13, 1856; m. Clarence E. Kirby. 

1236. Percy George, b. Feb. 15, 1859. 

123/. Frederick Holland, b. Jan. 1, 1863. 

1238. Ida Wyman. b. March 12. 1866; m. R. H. Carstens. 

666. Leonard Daggett, son of Robert; m. May 27, 1847, Elizabeth W. 
Schoonmaker; d. in Brooklyn, Sept. 23. 1876. No children. 

667. Elizabeth Hunt, dau. of Robert ; m. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Marcb 
20, 1847, John T. Cowing, of Jamestown, X. Y., d. in Jamestown, Dec. 
30, 1896. 

668. Robert Henry, son of Robert; b. in New Haven; m. June 20, 
1850. Jane Weaver. No children. 

669. Sarah Southmayd, dau. of Robert; b. in New Haven; m. May 
14, 1850, Joseph Beale Brush, eldest son of Jarvis Brush of Brooklyn, N. 
Y. ; d. in New York, April 29. 1895. 


670. Charles Henry, son of Lyman ; m. Nov. 13, 1833, Caroline Gor- 
ham, b. 1810; d. 1840; (2) 1842, Elizabeth Ann Thompson (widow of 
Andrew Babcock), b. Aug. 28, 1805. He d. Feb. 5, 1851. Resided in New 

1239. Robert Henry, b. Sept. 12. 1834. 
Issue by second marriage : 

1240. Catherine Clarissa, b. April 22, 1843; mini 

671. Lyman Hotchkiss, son of Lyman; m. Oct. 7, 1835, Susan, eldest 
child of Elihu Sanford and Susan Howell, b. Oct. 17, 1813; d. April 23, 

1241. Lyman Sanford, b. May 24, 1838; d. unm. March 27, 1889. 

1242. David Judson, b. Feb. 18, 1841. 

1243. Edward Sanford, b. Feb. 8, 1843. 

1244. Addison, b. Nov. 30, 1851. 

672. Grace Clarissa, dau. of Lyman; m. Nov. 26, 1838, as her second 
husband, Elias Bradley, son of Ichabod Bishop, b. Aug. 5, 1795; d. June 
18, 1866. He lived in New Haven. 


(>7:J. Susan, dau. of Lyman; living at time of this report at West 
Springfield, Mass., in the same house that she entered in 1840; m. Jan. 3. 
1841, Richard Bagg, b. March 20, 1812; d. Oct. 29, 1852. 

674. Wyllys, son of Lyman; m. July 3, 1855, Harriet, dau. of Elihu 
Sanford and Susan Unwell, b. Aug. 2, 1828; graduated at Yale in '43. 
with fourth rank in a class of ninety-six members; taught school for four 
years at Fairfield, Conn., Brooklyn, X. Y., and Burlington, Yt., was a 
cashier of banks at Southport and Seymour, 1847-55; of the Tradesmen's 
Bank in New Haven. 1855-57. He d. Nov. 28, 1899. No children. She 
d. Feb. 3, 1920. 

670. Frances .lane, dau. of Medad ; m. Nov. 3, 1836, Ezra Chidsey 
R.owe, b. July 2d. 1815; d. Feb. 29, 1850. He was an invalid for many 
years. She d. Dec. 3. 1880. 

($77. Mary Louisa, dau. of Medad.; m. July 7, 1852, George Pardee 
Munson, of Wallingford, Conn. He was an engineer and steam boiler 
builder; d. Oct. 29, 1874. She d. Feb. 26, 1895. 

(>78. Elizur Punderson, son of Medad; m. Oct. 3, 1849, Julia Augusta, 
dau. of Augustus Hemingway and Julia Blakeslee, b. Dec. 23, 1825; d. 
Nov. 25, 1899. He lived in New Haven and Cheshire, Conn., and d. De~. 
9, 1899. 

1245. Juline Louisa, 1>. April 27, 1852; m. Chester C. Lord. 

1246. Hattie Blakeslee, 1.. May 10, I860; m. Charles C. Tyler. 

1247. Nellie Adeline, b. Jan. 21, 1803; m. W. H. Carrier. 

<>7». George Medad, son of Medad: m. Sept. 9, 1863, Marietta, dau. 
of Bera Case and Sarah Humphrey, b. May 17, 1830. He lived in New 

Haven, Conn.; was a farmer, and d. May 28, 1900. 

(>80. Marvin, son of Heaton; m. Dee. 30, 1830, Alzina Brink. He 
had been a resident of Greenwich, Ohio, for many years. He d. De< 
25, 1889. 

1248. Charles Barnes, b. Sept. 8, 1831. 

082. Charles Townsend, S on of Heaton; lived in Providence, Luzerne 
Co., Pa.; m. Oct. 29, 1834, Elizabeth Snyder, b. April 12, 1812; d. Sept. 
23, 1882. He was a merchant, and d. Get. 21, 1852. He was postmastei 
at time of his death. He was a man of sterling honesty and respected 
by all his neighbors, irrespective of their class, creed or nationality. 

1249. Ellen Augusta, b. Sept. 22, 1835; m. Charles Law. 

1250. Henry Heaton, b. April 13. 1837. 

1251. Elizabeth, b. April 22. 1839; m. Solon Woodward. 


1252. Angeline Maria, b. Jan. 16, 1841 ; m. William C. Gurney. 

1253. Charles Landon, b. Feb. 25, 1843. 

1254. Frances Clarissa, b. March 18, 1845; m. George Woodward. 

1255. William Marvin, b. .Inly 27, 1848. 

1256. Mary Cornelia, b. Sept. 9, 1852; m. John J. Ryman, 

Ci8<>. Charles Augustus, son of Eldad ; m. Margaret Kidder. (2) 
\ asie 1.. Canfield, d. Juh 8, 1889, aged nearly 59. Lived in Lawrenceville, 

Penn. They had one child, Emily. All dead. Emily m. Alfred Cardinci ; 
left two sons. He ,1. Feb. 17. 1866. 

087. Anna Townsend, dan. of Eldad; m. Feb. 20, 1845, John Marion 
Alexander, b. in Homer, X. Y.. Dec. 6, 1822. She d. April, 1912. He was 
a lawyer, and lived at Mount Pleasant, Penn. 

Angela Blanche, b. March 14. 1848; m. Oct. 26, 1872, Capt. Frederick 

Emerson Waldron. They live in New York City. Xo children. 
Lizzie Barney, b. July 5. 1861 ; m. Jan. 2, 1878, George A. Rhodes. 
Two children, John A., b. Aug. 26, 1880; Clarence A., b. Oct. 17, 
1882. Lives in Dallas, Tex. 

UHS. Juliette Elizabeth, dan of Eldad; m. William Wright, son of 
Dr. trial Wright. She d May 9, 1882. Two son-, Hosmer Townsend, 
and Edward Augustus, who m. Clio Ba-s. Their children: 

Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 6, 1869; m. Aug. 20, 1896, X. J. Spencer. 

They live in Honesdale, Penn. Two sons, Edmund Wright, b. July 

20, 1895, and Carl Edward, b. June 10, 1897. 
Fdith Bull, h. Oct. 1. 1885; m. Sept. 22, 1908, Edson R. Kreitner. 

They live in Scranton, Penn. Two sons, Elvert W'ripht, b. Apr. 5, 

1910, and Frederick, b. Oct. 10. 1915. 
Anna M., b. Oct. 27. 1886; m. Dec. 28, 1906, Linn M. Spencer. Live 

in Thompson, I'enn. Two chil., Helen, b. Dec. 25, 1911, and George, 

b. Oct. 3, 1914. 
Hosmer Townsend. m. May 4. 1881, Carrie F. Bennedict. One dan., 

Anna M., b. Oct. 27, 1886. 

UHi). Edward Mortimer, son of Eldad; m. May, 1848, Catherine Stone 
dan. of Urial Wright, M. D., and Jerusha Spencer, b. Mar., 1837; d. Sept. 
15, 1880. He d. Nov. 17, 1905. They lived in Pleasant Mt, Penn. 

1257. Katherine. b. Nov. 5, 1852; m. Rudolph Harmes. 

1258. Anna, b. Mar. 27, 1860; m. George W. Phillips. 

1259. Minnie Evelyn, b. Apr. 22, 1862; m. Kessler. 

691. Joshua, son of Ezra; m. Lucy Ann Tucker, b. Dec. 29, 1815; d 
Nov., 1855. He was a farmer; lived at Big Spring, Ind. He d. March 
2, 1857. 

.VI \\ \ II K GENEALOGY. 115 

1260. Charles Isaac, b. Oct. 2, 1844. 

1261. William B., b. Oct. 15, 1845. 

1262. George K.. b. Nov. 10, 1851. 

«f)4. Isaac, son of Ezra; m. Aug. 21, 1849, Permelia A., dan. of John 
Sanborn and Clarissa Bartletl Smith, b. Oct. 16, 1820. He was a residenl 
of Minneapolis, Minn., when he died and was a judge of the Superior 

( 'ourt. 

12Ci3. Isabel, b. May 5, 1853; d. Jan. 3. 1890; m. Apr. 29, 1880, Allen 
C. Reid. 

1264. John Birdsey, b. Mar. 23. 1855. 

700. John Stone, son of Ira; m. Nov. 19, 1855, Urania King, 1). Nov. 
3, 1824; d. Apr., 1888. He d. Aug. 5, 1887. Lived in Green, N. Y. 

1265. Randolph King, b. Mar, 29, I860. 

70:L Lucius, son of Eli; m. Sept. 30, 1840, Mary Buckley. He was 
a Baptist minister; d. at Batavia, N. Y., in 1892. 

1266. Eli, b. Aug. 20, 1847. 

704. William, son of Eli ; m. Sept. 7, 1842, Ann Eliza Fowler, b. Jan. 
25. 1824; d. Mar. 27, 1858; (2) in 1859, Sarah P. Clark. He lived at Point 
Douglas, Minn. Both d. in Nov., 1892. They adopted the dau. of h ; s 
sister, Betsey Atwater Palmer, who was called Bessie May Atwater, m. 
1 lenrv ( '. Wilson. 

1267. Harriet Amanda, b. July 10, 1843; m. May 6, 1891, John Heniy. 

70.">. Erasmus, son of Eli; m. Oct. 13, 1847, Betsea Louesa, b. Sept. 
2?, 1824. He d. Aug. 27, 1872. She d. Mar. 22, 1906. Lived in Throop- 
ville, X. Y. 

1268. Jonathan Squire, 1). Aug. 10, 1848. 

1269. Lucius L.. b. July 3, 1851. 

1270. Henry Erasmus, b. Aug. 29, 1854. 

1271. Allen Eli, b. Aug. 22, 1857. 

1272. Lydia Hlanchard, b. April 26, 1860; m, Louis Fiero. 

70(i. Betsey, dau. of Eli; m. William Palmer. They had one dau, 
Bessie, b. May, 1868. She was brought up by her uncle, William Atwater, 
and was called Bessie May Atwater; m. in June, 1893. Henry C. Wilson, 
a lawyer of Superior, Wis. 

Charles Atwater, b. Aug., 1894. 
[Catherine Martha, b. Jan., 1896. 


Helen Elizabeth, b. Mar., 1898. 
Marion Grace, b. June, 1901. 
Lawrence Henry, b. 1904. 
Evelyn Gertrude, b. 1905. 
Margaret Madelyn, b. 1908. 
John Foster, b. 1910. 

707. Thomas Judson, SO n of Eli; resided at Prescott, Wis.; m. Jul\ 
4, 1850, Delia Van Schaick, b. May 6, 1828; d. Aug. 12, 1898. He was a 
farmer, also town treasurer and chairman county board. He d. April 15, 

1273. Julius Judson, b. April 6. 1851. 

1274. William Henry, b. July 26, 1858. 

1275. Helen Maria, b. Jan. 16, 1860; m. Charles W. West. 

1276. Fred G., b. April 2. 1868. 

709. Juliet, dan. of Amos; m. July 24, 1836, Grant Goodrich, a lawyer 
and judge of Chicago. 

Hiram A., b. July 9, 1837; m. Theodosia Hamlin. 

710. Isaac Townsend, son of Amos; m. Amanda Jane, dau. of John 
Fox and Elizabeth Nimrick, b. Oct. 11, 1834. He was a distiller and 
miller and insurance agent at Canton, 111. He was Mayor and alder- 
man, Canton, 111.; Clerk of City and City Court; also Supervisor Town 
of Canton, 111. She d. Apr. 24, 1921. He d. Oct. 12, 1001. 

1278. Amos Townsend, 1). Jan. 6, 1854. 

1279. Charles Horace, b. Oct. 11. 1858. 

711. Hollis Jacob, son of Asa G. ; m. March 23, 1854, Caroline Eunice, 
dau. of Erastus Skinner and Eunice Wiley. He is a farmer and lives nt 
Ganges, Mich. He d. Apr. 7, 1890. 

1280. Edwin Hollis, b. Sept. 9, 1856. 

1281. Charles Henry, b. May 18, I860. 

713. Charles Fenn, son of Asa Goodyear; m. Sarah Johnson; d. at 
Indianapolis, Ind. 

715. Joseph Clayton, son of Joseph; m. Nov. 7, 1860, Lucy Euretta, 
dau. of Hiram Babcock and Tacy Frink, b. Oct. 31, 1839. He was a 
teacher, and later a druggist in Homer, N. V. He was 2nd lieutenant 
and captain of 157th Vols. Infantry during the rebellion. He d. March 
19, 1905. 

1282. Fred Clayton, b. Nov. 11, 1866; num. 


719. Sarah 1j., dau. of Elijali ; m. Oct. 5, 1843, William, son of Jona- 
than Miller and Man A. Secor, b. June 5, 1809; d. Sept. 7. 1883 He was 
a farmer at Enfield, X. Y. 

722. .Martha M., dau. of Elijah; m. Oct. 2, 1861, John Van Duyn. He 
was a roal dealer in Trumansburg, X. Y. She d. Fob. 5, 1870. 

726. Addison \., son of David; m. Sarah A. Roberts, b. Nov. 5, 1830; 

d. June 9, 1866; (2) July 24, 1870, Susan F. Taylor. He was born in the 
town of Enfield, X. Y., and when about twenty years old married Sarah 
A. Roberts, after which he moved to Bingham, Penn., where be lived nine 
years, thence to Spring Mills, X. Y. Here be enlisted in Civil War, 
served nine months, and was mustered out. His wife died soon after- 
ward. He developed a roving spirit and went to Minnesota. After a 
few years he moved to Kansas, then to South Dakota, took up a home- 
stead and lived there until be died on Jan. 6. 1899. 

1283. Willis D., b. Oct. 29, 1850. 

1284. Mary A., b. Dec. 19, 1856; m. Chet. A. Carpenter. 

1285. Belura A., b. Dec. 22, 1859; m. Horace Phelps, Long Beach, Cal. 

1286. Reuben E., b. Aug. 14, 1863. 
Issue by second marriage: 

1287. Edith A., b. June 24, 1870; m. Edward Mattern. 

1288. Ida Lovena, b. Oct. 27, 1871 ; m. Ole Mattern. 

1289. Julia A., b. Sept. 25, 1878; m. O. C. Harrington. 

1290. Charles Manning, b. Dec. 3, 1880. 

1291. Clara A., b. Jan. 25, 1885; m. Arthur Van Valkenburg, Desmct, 

South Dakota. 

727. Irvin, son of David; m. Jan. 8, 1840, Mary E., dau. of Samuel 
K. Briggs and Emma M. Burghardt. He was a farmer in Franklin, Tenn. 

1292. Eva A., b. Sept. 3, 1865; m. Henry R. Ferris. 

1293. Jennie M.. 1>. June 1. 1872; m. E. A. Sparkman. 

728. Manning, son of David; m. Oct. 8, 1873, O. Louise, dau. cf 
Ephraim S. Pratt and Huldah Williams, b. Feb. 28, 1845. He was a mer- 
chant and lived in Trumansburg, N. Y. She d. Jan. 17, 1916. He d. Dee. 
28, 1918. 

1294. Mabel Amanda, b. Dec. 28, 1879. 

1295. Herbert David, b. April 4. 1882. 

729. David H., son of David; m. May 3, 1897, Susie G. Duslin^. 
probably his second wife. They lived at Ulysses, X. Y. 

1296. Jennie May, b. Nov. 10, 1882. 
12^7. Bernice Pearl, b. Oct. 28. 1898 

118 A ■[ AY AT F. R ( ; E X EA LOGY. 

730. Elijah Sanford, son of David; m. Jan. 26, 1876, Elizabeth, dan. 
of Robert McKeegan and Phebe Meeks, b. Jan. 24. 1858. Lived at Trn- 
mansburg, N. V. He d. May 11, 1922. 

1298. Jennie B., b. Oct. 18, 1876; m. Edward Pearsall. 

1299. Herman David, b. Dec. 16, 1875. 

731. Charles Madison, son of David; m. June 10, 1907, Jennie B. 
Haveiiy. No chil. They live in Elmira, N. Y. 

732. Edward B., son of Elihu; m. Aug. 9, 1844, Rebecca H. Dana, 
He was graduated Erom Yale in 1836. He d. Dec. 2, 1887, and was 
buried in New Haven. 

733. Edgar P., sen of Stephen; m. Oct. 29, 1846, Frances, dan. of A. 
Sanford. He was a merchant and manufacturer. He d. Feb. 6, 1891; 
she d. Feb. 20, 1891. Removed from Hamden, Conn. They resided in 
Cleveland, Ohio. 

1300. Franklin Sanford, 1). Oct. 5, 1847. 

1301. Foster Barker, b. Dec. 18, 1849; m. 1872, Hattie Holcomb. He 

d. Jan. 7, 1873. 

1302. Arthur Stanley, b. Nov. 28, 1858 

1303. Clarence Elwood, b. Dec. 4. 1861. 

734. Sarah, dan. of Stephen; m. Oct. 17, 1840, Charles, son of Sidney 
Smith and Ruth Barker, b. Nov. 9, 1817; d. June 20, 1900. They lived in 
North Haven, Conn. She d. Sept. 2, 1902. 

735. Emily, dan. of Stephen; m. Max 10, 184S, Jeremiah Barnett, b. 
Sept. 28, 1821 ; d. March 6, 1897. She d. Aug. 3, 1898. They lived n 
New Haven. 

737. Horace, son of Janus; m. May 2, 1844, Mary Ann Bassett. He 
always lived near where he was born on State street, in New Haven. He 
was a farmer. He d. Apr. 30, 1907. She d. July 12, 1897. 

1304. James Mitchell, b. Nov. 1, 1846. 

1305. Edwin Bassett, b. April 23, 1850. 

1306. George Bennett, b. Feb. 6, 1858. 

1307. Lewis Elihu, 1.. July 5, 1862. 

1308. Mary Rosalie, b. Feb. 1, 1867; mini. 

738. Charles G., son of James; m. June 13, 1849, Betsey, dau. of Jared 
and Lucy Atwater. He d. Apr. 4, 1874. She m. (2) Ambrose, son of 
Ambrose Baldwin and Pollv Atwater, her first cousin. 



7:$i>. Albert Ailing, son of Jared; m. June 25, 1843. Mary, dau. of 
James W. and Deborah (Tomlison) Herrick; b. Jan. 1. 1822; d. March 
10, 1860; (2) Oct. 4, 1861, Jane, dan. of Stephen Atwater of New Haven. 
b. June 7, 1827. He was a farmer and lived in Cleveland, Ohio. His 
farm contained seventy-five acres, wholly within the city limits. He was 
killed in a runaway accident May 26. 1899. She d. Nov. 23, 1 ( ><h> 

1309. Huldah Deborah, b. Jan. 1, 1844; m. George L. Stanley 

1310. Jared James, b. Aug. 12, 1845. 

1311. Sarah Emma, b. Aug. 4, 1847; m. Seldon Cone. 

1312. Ezra Ailing, b. Sept. 18, 1852. 
Issue by second marriage : 

1313. Schuvler Edgar, b. Dee. 2S, 1867. 

Albert Aixing Atwater. 

I AN v Atw m ! R. 

Daughter of Stephen; 2nd 
wife of Alhei i A. Atw ater. 

740. Lewis li., son of Jared; m. Amanda S. Burham; lived in W w 
Haven. He d. Oct. 15, 1853. She d. Nov. 13. 1894. 

743. .Nathan S., son of Jared; who he married, or when, I have been 
unable to ascertain. 

1314. Andrew Lewis, b. Apr. 8, 1853. 

1315. Arthur Edison, b. Apr. 3. 1858. 

744. David l»., son of Jared; m. Marj Edgell ; d. Dec, 1888; (2) Jan. 
30, 1890, Sarali Bunce. They lived at Hopkins and Lowell, Mich. Hv 
d. Mar. 14, 1916. 

745. Lyman A., son of Jared; m. Jan. 11, 1863, Olive M Round. He 
was a farmer at Hopkins, Mich., and d. Mar 14. 1915, 


1316. Olin Jared, b. Apr. 10, 1866. 

1317. Ida Delia, b. Sept. 9, 1867; m. Otis A. Parmelee. 

1318. Fred Round, b. Oct. 10, 1870; m. June 10, 1894, Jennie Brown. 

He d. Nov. 16, 1917. 

746. Henry Joel, son of William; m. Aug. 18, 1857, Ann Eliza, dan. 
of Anson Barnes and Sarah Jane Sharpe, b. June 2, 1834; d. Nov. 14, 
1912. He d. Sept. 1, 1881. They lived in New Haven. 

1319. May Olivia, b. May 12, 1861; m. Charles L. Morgan. 

1320. Lilla Barnes, b. Jan. 26, 1865 ; m. Frederick S. Calhoun. 

1321. Charlotte Ford, b. July 28, 1868; m. Alonzo R. Weed. 

747. William Jared, son of William; m. 1858, Olivia, dau. of Ira 
Atwater, d. Oct. 20, 1859 (2) Mar. 29, 1862, Harriet M. Barnes, b. Feb. 6, 
1839; d. June 9, 1919. He was a wholesale paper mercbant in New 

1322. Edward Irving, b. April 27, 1864. 

1323. Eliza Barnes, b. Aug. 8, 1867; m. Harry Lardner Sterrett. 

749. John Maxwell, son of David; m. Feb. 21, 1861, Anna Mead, b. 
June 9, 1841; d. Dec. 18, 1893; (2) Feb. 27. 1896, Adaline Palmer Byrd 
He lived in Tampa Fla. He d. Mar. 9, 1919. 

1324. Lucius Bradley, b. June 4, 1868; m. Lydia Thompson; one dan., 

Dorothy; m. W. King Coleman. 

1325. Florence Ames, b. April 4, 1871 ; m. Frederick W. Rutty. 

750. Emma Elizabeth, dau. of David; m. Feb. 21, 1867, Augustus J. 
Ricks, son of Charles F. and Regina Margaret Ricks. They lived in 
Cleveland, Ohio. 

Mary H., b. March 10, 1871 ; m. May 29, 1905, Ralph Stowell Rounds , 
two chil. ; Ralph Stowell, Jr., b. June 9, 1906; Emma Elizabeth, b. 
July 9, 1908. 

731. Harry Elihu, SO n of David; m. Oct. 17, 1867, Catherine Maria, 
dau. of Lucius Bradley and Sarah Ann Van Tine. He w-as a merchant 
in New York City. He is dead. 

752. David, son of Joshua; m. Nov. 8, 1858, Helen M., dau. of William 
Knapp, b. May 10, 1833. He was a merchant at Massilon, Ohio. He d. 
Aug. 16, 1908. She d. July 9, 1915. 

1326. George S., b. Aug. 23, 1859. 

1327. Will K, b. April 13, 1861. 

1328. Charles M., b. Oct. 27, 1864. 


753. Eliza Ann, dau. of Joshua; m. May 17, 1855, Jacob L. Bachtel, 
who d. Aug. 24, 1879. They lived in Massilon, Ohio. 
Edward H., b. March 31, 1857. 

756. Jonathan W., son of Thomas; m. June 10, 1830, Harriet Hull, 
b. Aug. 22, 1800; d. June 24, 1837; (2) Feb. 21, 1839, Delila Anne Brownell, 
b. Sept. 6, 1814. They lived at Waterford. Penn., and at Washington, 

1329. Sara Anne Cimantha, b. Mar. 29, 1831 ; m. Barr. 

1330. Thomas Josiah, b. Oct. 29, 1832. 

1331. Emily H. Matilda, b. Feb. 17, 1837; d. Mar. 3, 1859; m. Phoe- 

Issue by second marriage: 

1332. Marsha Renew, b. 1840. 

1333. Burnett Brownell, b. Sept. 29, 1850. 

1334. Viola Antoinette, b. Feb. 18, 1857; m. Calhoun. 

1335. Edith Eliza, b. Aug. 17, 1844; m. Robert H. Ferry. 

758. Asaph, son of Thomas; b. May 20, 1807, was brought up in 
Rockdail, Crawford County, Pa. He married at McKeesport, Pa., Ann 
Sill, who was b. in 1814, and d. in 1864. He d. in 1856. They are both buried 
in Versailles cemetery at McKeesport, Pa. Had 5 chil. The Atwaters were 
among the very first settlers of McKeesport and the family is still rep- 
resented there. From a book entitled "First One Hundred Years of Mc- 
Keesport, 1794-1894," I have gathered that Asaph Atwater was the third 
schoolmaster in the town where the earliest obtainable record of school 
teaching shows that the profession was engaged in the year 1816, long 
before a school house had been erected. Asaph Atwater taught subse 
quent to the year 1831. 

1336. William, b. 1835. 

1337. Martha E., b. 1839. 

1338. Thomas, b. Jan. 23, 1846; m. Sarah Field. 

1339. Adelaide, b. Mar. 8, 1837. 

1340. Irene, b. Nov. 15, 1836. 

759. Lucinda, dau. of Enos; m. James McCarroll, at Emily, Victoria, 
Ontario, Canada. He d. in 1857, and she d. in 1846. Their chil. were 
Eliza, Rebecca, Augusta Ann, Martha, Mary, Harriet, Lucinda, John, 
James, and William. The latter took his mother's name and calls himself 
William L. Atwater. He was a carpenter and lived in San Francisco. 
He m. April 19, 1875, Cornelia Jane, dau. of John G. Fletcher; d. in 1895. 
He d. in 1914. Their chil. are. 

Edna L., b. Aug. 28, 1876; m. John Mahoney. She d. in 1908. 
Louis, b. Dec. 15, 1878; m. and divorced. 
Adolphus G., b. March 6, 1882; m. and no chil 


760. Susan, dau. of Enos ; m. March 26, 1840, Solomon Barnabas 
Williams, b. May 5, 1798; d. July 9, 1873. She d. Dec. 25. 1889. Lived in 
Sheffield, Ohio. 

762. Ulysses, son of Enos; m. Jan. 5, 1840, Elizabeth Nichols; d. Oct. 
24, 1876; (2) March 28, 1877, Exnmie Coville; d. March 8, 1885; (3) Nov. 
19, 1885, Juliette A. Dewey; d. April 18, 1898; (4) June 20, 1898, Marv 
Policy. He d. March 21, 1899. He lived at Ashtabula, Ohio. 

1341. Sylvester, b. July 15, 1842. 

1342. Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 11, 1844; m. Thos. Fay. 

1343. Myron Lewis, b. Dec. 8, 1847. 

1344. Mary Lucina, b. July 4, 1850; m. Owen Cunningham. 

1345. Samuel Hosea, b. Dec. 8, 1857. 

76:J. .Myron, son of Enos; m. Adelia Dyer; (2) 1875, Mrs. Susan 
Campbell, who d. in 1895. He died at his home near Wanatah, Laporte 
( Miinty. lnd., Mar. 6, 1897. 

1346. Josephine G., b. Sept. 29, 1845; m. Wright Long. 

1347. Maria L., b. Jan. 14, 1843; m. James Speer. 

1348. Eugene, b. July 16, 1850. 

1349. Adelaide Hortense, b. Apr. 22, 1853; m. James Powell. 

1350. Lewis Frederick, b. Tan. 15, 1856. 

1351. Ernest E., b. Mar. 15, 1863. 

764. Phoebe Eveline, dau. of Enos; m. 1838. Norman B. Cross. 
They lived at Mapleton, Mich. He was b. June 20, 1820, and d. in 1873. 
Shed, in 1878. 

766. Emily Amelia, dau. of Enos; m. July 7, 1845, Archibald Reed 
Harper, b. Jan., 1815; d. Jan. 2, 1894. She d. Ocl. 11. 1894. 

767. Samuel, son of Enos ; m. 1855, Mary J. Magill. He was a farmer 
and lived at Whitewater, Wis. She was b. Oct. 30, 1840; d. Oct. 14, 1900. 
He d. May 25, 1902. 

1352. Eva Belle, b. May 31, 1862; m. James Parkin. 

1353. Archibald Jerome, b. July 5, 1864. 

761). Orrin, son of Arnold; m. July 6, 1835, Mary R., dau. of James 
Brooks. He lived at "Atwater's Mills", Southington, Conn., and d. Sept. 
20, 1879. She d. Mar. 28, 1904, aged 93 years. 

1354. James A., b. Nov. 15, 1842. 

1355. Orville A., b. Oct. 11, 1844. 

1356. Thomas B., b. March 7, 1X46. 

1357. Walter C, b. April 4. 1849. 


770. John A., son of Arnold; m. Feb. 3, 1834, Cornelia, dau. of Anson 
and Lydia ( Montague) Matthews. He lived at South End, just below 
the cemetery in Southington. He d. Jan. 10, 1899. She d. Dec. 14, 1874. 

1358. Charles N, b. Feb. 3, 1835. 

1359. William M., b. Nov. 9, 1836. 

1360. Heman R., b. Sept. 12, 1846. 

1361. John F., b. July 30, 1848. 

772. Clarissa, dau. of Jeremiah; m. Nov. 28, 1837, Rev. O. B. Butter- 
field, of Southbury, Conn. He d. Nov. 14, 1849, aged 45. She d. Jan. 

16. 1871 

77:J. William, son of Jeremiah; m. Nov. 15, 1842, Catherine Ault, b. 
May 28, 1823. He was a druggist in New Haven, Conn., and d. Sept. 10, 
1877. She (1. Apr. 15, 1905. 

1362. Caroline Augusta, b. March 17, 1851; m. Frank M. Ward. 

774. John Phelps, son of Jeremiah; d. May 23, 1897; m. July 27, 1845, 
Lucy lam Phelps (dau. of Charles and Eliza Houghton of West Town- 
send, Vt.), b. Jan. 14, 1828; d. Aug. 26, 1897. He was a physician; lived 
in Cincinnati, O., New Haven, Conn., and Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where 
he died, his will is probated, and they are both buried. Four chil. d. 

1363. Edward Storrs, b. April 10, 1853. 

1364. Lucy Jane, b. Aug. 10, 1S65 ; unm. 

77.">. (ieorge Merwin, son of Charles; m. Oct. 31, 1841, to Minerva 
Merwin (dau. of Noble H. Merwin and Minerva Buckingham) ; d. June, 
1843; (2) Oct. 31, 1850, Harriet (dau. of Jacob Brodhead and Eliza 
Bleekcr), b. Aug. 8, 1826. He was a merchant; lived in Springfield, Mass. 
He (1. Jan. 14, 1902. She d. Jan. 15, 1900. 

1365. Harriet Brodhead, b. Nov. 8, 1853; m. George Walter Green. 

1366. Mabel Bleeker, b. Nov. 28, 1857; m. Albert Weaver. 

770. David Fisher, son of Charles; m. in Sharon, Conn., Sept. 14, 
1848, Sarah A. Sears (dau. of Dr. John and Almira Gould, of Sharon), 
b. June 5, 1X28; d. Feb. 13, 1910. He graduated from Yale College in 
1839, and received the degree of M. D. from the same institution in 1842 
He has practiced in Brooklyn, N. Y., Cleveland, Ohio, Bridgeport, Conn., 
and Springfield, Mass. He d. May 2, 1916. 

1367. Man Merwin, b. Jan. 25, 1852; unm. 

1368. Charles Brewster, b. July 4, 1857. 

777. James Chaplin, son of Charles; m Oct. 16, 1845, to Christine 


S.. dau. of Harvey Spencer, b. March 11, 1824; d. Mar. 1, 1894. He d. 
Nov. 12, 1911. He was a merchant and lived in New York. No children 

778. John, son of John; m. Mar}-, dau. of Jeremiah and Phoebe 
Rogers. They lived in Junius, Genesee County, N. V., hut afterwards 
removed to Castalia, Ohio. He d. about 1876. She d. 1836. Both buried 
in Marquette, Ohio. He was a farmer. 

1369. John Henry, b. Nov. 18, 1825. 

1370. Miles. 

1371. Mary Jane. 

1372. Jeremiah. 

77!). Thomas, son of John; graduated at Hobart College, Geneva, 
X. Y. He became a lawyer and went West. He was with his uncle 
Joshua at St. Louis, Mo., a short time and settled afterwards at Hennepin, 
Putnam County, 111. He practiced law in the same courts with Abraham 
Lincoln, the great liberator. He was a judge of the county court. He d. 
about 1845. His children are all dead. 

780. David C, son of John; m. April 4, 1833, Mary, dau. of Capt. 
Thomas Barden and Olive Benton, b. Aug. 14, 1812; d. Dec. 18, 1893. 
He d. Oct. 6, 1854. He was a carpenter and joiner and lived at Warren, 
Ohio. He was a town clerk in Bazetta, Ohio. 

1373. Maiitha Ann, b. April 8, 1834; d. Mar. 1, 1855; m. Feb. 28, 

1854, Norman P. Brown. 

1374. Silvanus B., b. March 20, 1835. 

1375. Olive Moriah, b. Sept. 21, 1840. 

1376. Ethan, b. Feb. 23, 1844. Lives at Beaver Crossing, Neb. 

781. Martha, dau. of John; m. Aug. 25, 1831, Ellis Pierce. He d. May 
29, 1874. She d. July 29, 1869. They lived in Southington, Ohio. 

785. Julia Ann, dau. of Joshua; m. May 5, 1835, Edward Mitchell 
West. They lived in Edwardsville, 111. He d. Oct. 31, 1887. She d. 
Mar. 3, 1877.. 

787. William Henry, son of George; m. Oct. 16, 1867, Hannah E. 
Carpenter, of Bristol, Conn. They lived in New York. He d. May 19, 

1377. Augustus Wood, b. Aug. 27, 1868. 

1378. Georgia, b. Feb. 12, 1872. 

788. John Clinton, son of George; m. June, 1883, Mrs. Helene Low- 
d<n. He d. Aug. 13, 1898. 


789. Edward West, son of George; m. June 28, 1881, Grace, dau. of 
Jonathan and Manilla Fowler, of Westfield, Mass. They lived in Brook- 
lyn. He d. March 6, 1926. 

1379. Ruth A., b. June 10, 1886. 

790. Carlos, sun of Lucius; m. Hannah Larkin. He lived in Bristol, 
Conn. He d. Dec. 11, 1875. She d. Dec. 31, 1871, aged 12 years. They 
had fourteen children, two pairs of twins, trie survivors being as follows: 

1380. Mary, b. 1810; m. Orrin Treat ; <1. Aug. 25, 1878, aged 60. She 

d. June 24, 1893. 

1381. Alary Angeline, b. Dec. 19, 1819; m. Orrin R. Treat. 

1382. Harriet, b. 1820; d. Nov. 14, 1905; m. Jesse Farnswor'th. 

1383. Lucius E., b. Mar., 1835. 

1384. Lucian E., b. Mar., 1835. 

791. Lucius, son of Lucius; m. Oct. 11, 1820, Angeline Norton, b. 
Nov. 10, 1804; d. Feb. 6, 1889. He was a farmer, lived in Berlin, Conn., 
and d. Dec. 2, 1878. 

1385. Sophronia, b. Mar., 1821; d. Mar. 26, 1848; m. Hiram Welch. 

1386. Bryan, b. June 7, 1826. 

1387. Lucius, b. July 3, 1832. 

1388. Angeline N., b. April 1-1, 1841; m. James H. Arnold. 

792. Rhoda, dau. of Lucius; m. Feb. 28, 1826, Allen Bunnell. He 
was a carriage maker, and lived in Burlington, Conn. He d. May 20, 
1893. She d. Nov. 16, 1879. 

79:i. Mary, dau. of Lucius; m. March 22. 1826, Sheldon Wooster 
Twitchell, of Oxford, Conn. He d. in Bristol, Conn., Jan. 8, 1878. She 
d. Feb. 18. 1888. 

794. Emily, dau. of Lucius; m. Thomas Coe Hart. She d. Sept. 21, 
1837, aged 29. They had two children, one of whom was Watson Hart. 

79,">. Julia, dau. of Lucius; m. Aug. 21, 1844, John Crandall, of. Dur- 
ham, a farmer, h. Feb. 1, 1815; d. April 3d, 1889'. She d. March 28, 1900. 

790. William, son of Lucius; m. Dec. 25. 1840, Elizabeth Kinghouse, 
b. Feb. 20, 1824; d. Sept. 13. 1910. He d. Feb. 11, 1869. They lived in 
Havana, 111. They had twelve children, those growing up being: 

1389. Lewis, b. Jan. 30. 1846; d. Nov. 20. 1917. 

1390. Edwin Wm.. 1.. Jan. 24, 1842. 

1391. Catherine, b. Apr. 5, 184S ; m. George Todd. 

1392. Julia, b. Sept. 30, 1850; m. Nathan B. Douglas. 


1393. John Peter, b. Dec. 18, 1853. 

1394. Sheldon, b. Jan. 16, 1856. 

1395. Emma Louisa, b. Oct. 5, 1859; m. C. W. Roundtree. 

798. Caroline Elizabeth, dan. of Caleb; m. Calvin Goddard. He was 

a promotor of several large enterprises and was an accomplished account- 
ant. He d. April 5, 1892. She resides in Wallingford. 

800. Edgar, son of Caleb; m. Elizabeth Barry, his cousin. He re- 
sided in St. Paul, Minn., and Denver, Col. He was in the Commission 
business. He d. Nov., 1920. 

1396. Huntington Choate, b. Aug 4, 1885. 

1397. Garret Barry, b. May, 1891. 

801. Henry Day, son of Joshua; m. Oct. 10, 1866, Mary Louisa, dau. 
of Thomas Steele and Mary Ritter. His occupation was comptroller of 
Savings banks in New York state. He lived in Brooklyn, N. Y., and d. 
Nov. 21, 1913. She d. July 6, 1923. 

1398. Henry Day, Jr., b. March 31, 1875. 

1399. Louise Sedgwick, b. Nov. 19, 1876; m. K. L. Snedeker. 

802. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua; m. Jan. 18, 1855, James Reed 
Spaulding, of Catskill. N. Y. She d. June 10, 1898, leaving one daughter, 
Mary Atwater. 

804. Catherine Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Cooke; m. Dec. 23, 1866, 
Reuben W., son of Nathaniel Chadbourn and Ruth Hill. They reside in 
Columbia, Wis. 

805. Thomas Cooke, son of Thomas Cooke; m. Nov. 6, 1866, Clara, 
dau. of George Parkin and Ann Broughall. He was a conductor and lived 
in Cleveland, Ohio. He served in Battery "D" (Konkle's Battery), First 
Ohio Volunteer Artillery, from Sept. 18. 1861, to Oct. 18, 1863. He d. May 
24, 1913. 

1400. Anne, b. Jan. 6, 1868; m. Edward S. Worthington. 

1401. George Parkin, b. Sept. 8, 1874. 

1402. Harriet, b. Aug. 22, 1876; m. Jay Johnson Dimon. 

807. Harriet H, dau. of Thomas Cooke; m. July 19, 1870, Cassius M. 

808. Sarah Kirtland, dau. of Edgar; m. in 1868, Frederick Royal 
Manning, son of Royal and Sally Rose. He d. March 2, 1898, aged 71 
years. He was a partner in the firm of J. S. Ward & Co., who had store- 
houses near Hamilton Ferry, Brooklyn, N. Y. He was connected with 


this firm for thirty years. He suffered for seven years from a paralytic 

stroke. Slic d. in 1921. 

X12. Elizabeth Helfenstein, dau. of William; m. Lucius C. Ashley. 
a lawyer of Providence, R. I., and New York. He d. Feb. 27, 1842. No 

818. Laura Atlelia, dau. of William ; m. June 1, 1886, Walter Blunden 
Kirkman, son of Rev. Thomas R. Kirkman and Eliza Anne Wright, b. 
Oct. 18, 1851; d. Dec. 25, 1899. 

K14. Win. Edward, son of Wm. Jesse; m. Jan. 21), 1885, Martha La- 
vernia Wilkes. They live in Chattahoochee, Fla. 

1403. Charles Jefferson, b. Nov. 30, 1885; m. June 1, 1910, Sarah 

Ann Greene. One child. Opal Greene, b. Aug. 16, 1914. 
They live in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. 

1404. Eugenia Gertrude,- 1.. Apr. 16, 1887; m. Oct. 1, 1919, Oliver 

Evans McKeon. 

1405. William DeWitt, b. May 30, 1889. In mercantile business 

1406. George Malcolm, !>. Nov. 12, 1891; m. July 6, 1915, Etta Louis, 

Nixen. He is a farmer. 

1407. Margaret Mae, b. Dec. 14, 1894; trained nurse. 

1408. Elton Lunsford, b. Jan. 6, 1896. 

1409. Ressie Lucille, b. June 28, 1898: school teacher. 

Rev. A. H. Hancock, Pastor Methodist Church, Chattahoochee, Fla., says: 

"I first met and knew W. E. Atwater at the Tallahassee District Conference held 
al Chattahoochee, Fla., May the 6th A. D. 1915. Since that time I have been closely 
associated with him, both as a personal friend and as a worker in the church. 

"He is recognized as one of the very best, efficient and most faithful lay workers 
in (In- Florida Conference. He has been a consistent member of the Methodist Epis 
copal ( hitrch South for fifty-seven years and, has served his church in almost every 
office. He has served as Chairman of the Board of Stewards for thirty years and, as 
Sunday School Superintendent for thirty-five years. Has been elected by his Church 
and gone as a delegate six times to represent his Church at Annual conference and, 
ten times oi more to District Conference as a delegate in the interest of his Church 

"Very feu men have served their Church, their Master and their fellow-man so 
well as he. and none better. His success as a Christian has been a marvel to hL 
f iends and neighbors, but we are beginning to learn that the secret of his success 
;■-. a Christian leader among all classes and ages and, especially the young folk, and. 
in the Sunda\ School is in his knowledge of the Bible and his consistent life of 
prayer, in his home, Church and Community. 

"lie is a man of high moral, civic and religious pride. Nothing but the best pleases 
him anil nothing but the best will he have. His life picture is best seen in his home 
and in the life of his seven splendid children, all of whom rise up and call him 

"The northern section of the land of flowers has been made better by the life ami 
influence of this Godly man, and, we who know him and love him most stand to 
honoi linn ami to say with his children blessed art thou." 


815. Charles Robert, son of Wm. Jesse; m. Nov. IS, 1892, Lillian 
Vera Opry. Both d. 

1410. Robbie Iola, b. Dec. 1, 1897; m. Nov. 27, 1917, Fitz Hugh Lee 


1411. Lorraine Opry, b. Sept. 25, 1900. 

1412. Dora Elsie, b. Feb. 7, 1903. 

1413. Clarice Marguerite, b. Feb. 22, 1906. 

816. Francis Barton, son of Wm. Jesse; m. Feb. 21, 1894, Margaret 
S. Rives. He is d. 

1414. Jessie Catherine, b. Dec. 9, 1894; m. Feb. 5, 1914, Earle Moon. 

One child, Bobbie Earle, b. Nov. 28, 1916. 

1415. Francis B., Jr., b. Oct. 24, 1896. 

1416. W. C. Rives, b. June 5, 1900. 

1417. George Switzer, b. Dec. 13, 1902. 

1418. Ralph Edward, b. July 8, 1905. 

1419. Margaret Elizabeth, b. Mar. 30, 1913. 

818. Henry Russell, son of Henry S. ; m. Mary A. Coan. They took 
up their residence in Cedar Vale, Kan. Their home was destroyed by 
fire soon afterward. Mr. Atwater's father was ill in bed with double 
pneumonia, and was carried to a neighbor's house, but expired in a few- 
hours. Of his mother he says she was fairly educated, could paint and 
draw, was a good piano player and her writing was like copper-plate. 
Mr. Atwater visited his uncle, Phineas, at Norfolk, N. Y., when seven 
years old. He remembers often asking his grandfather to see the scar 
in his breast when he was laid low by a British bullet when New Haven 
was attacked. He had been an educator since sixteen years old, and had 
been superintendent of public instruction in his county. He d. March 25, 
1919. She d. Jan. 11, 1921. Both buried at Cedar Vale, Kansas. 

1420. H. Clarkson, b. Mar. 15, 1875. 

822. Luman, son of Luman ; m. Mary Jane Murphy. They lived near 
Guysboro, Nova Scotia, where they d. and are buried. They had one son, 
John, who m. Ida Randall, d. in 1893; (2) Harriet Strople. One dau., b. 
1893 ; m. James Johnson. No children. They lived at Bayfield, N. S. 

824. Ruflls William, son of Luman; m. Priscilla Leighton, b. Dec 

20, 1818. They lived in Steuben, Maine. 

1421. Caroline P., b. Nov. 9, 1840; m. John Dunbar. 

1422. Mary Jane, b. July 12, 1846. 

1423. David G, b. Mar. 14, 1847. 

1424. Albert J., b. Feb. 15, 1849. 

1425. Asenath, b. Dec. 19, 1851 ; m. Wright. 


L426. Lydia, b. Feb. 22, 1854; m. William Hopkins. 

1427. Laura, b. Jan. 11, 1856; m. Walter Jones. 

1428. ( -harks Fremont, b. Jan. 27, 1858. 

1429. Anna Bell, b. May 5, 1860; m. Joseph Stanley. 

KU.k John Kiisha, son of Adolphus; m. Sarah Amelia Strople. He 
lived in Guysboro, Nova Scotia. He d. Nov. 4, 1876. She d. April, 1882. 

1430. Esther Annabella, b. Aug. 18, 1848; m. Neil Sutherland. 

1431. Henry Wellesley, I.. July 3, 1851. 

826. liufus William, son of Adolphus; m. Grace Lavinia . Lived 

in Bayfield, Nova Scotia. 

1432. George William, b. Feb. 17, 1846. 

X27. Joseph Adolphus, son of Adolphus; m. 1850, Sabrina Elizabeth 
Taylor. They lived near Bayfield, Nova Scotia. He d. May 8, 1894 
She (1. Feb. 3, 1910. 

1433. Mary E., b. May 31, 1851; m. Feb. 3, 1886, John Myers. 

1434. Rhoda A., b. Dec. 17, 1852; m. 1895, Donald McLean. 

1435. Sophia E., 1>. Jan. 10, 1856; m. David Rood. 

1436. Emma E., b. Jan. 19y 1860; m. David Sutties. 

1437. Sarah A., b. Jan. 6, 1861; m. Alex. Pepper. 

1438. Henry M., b. Mar. 6, 1864; m. Margaret Drake. 

1439. Joseph G., b. July 31, 1868. 

1440. William R., b. Sept. 3, 1870; m. Oct. 14, 1891, Margaret 


SliS. Stephen, .on of Adolphus; m. Christena Frazer ; (2) Esther, 
dan. of Thomas and Armenia Rice. They lived in Bayfield, N. S. He 
d. Oct. 22, 1890, aged 69 years. She d. June 22, 1912, aged 71 years. 

1441. Mary, b. Sept. 14, 1852; m. Jan. 11, 1876, D. H. Mathesou. 

Three surviving chil., all married. 
Issue by second marriage: 

1442.' Ella Christena. b. Jan. 14, 1866; m. Sept. 18, 1899, Kenneth 
John McKay, of Baddeck, N. S. Two chil., Floyd Atwater, 
1). June IS. 1894; Evelyn Esther, b. Mar. 1, 1905. 

1443. Herbert George Chipman, b. Sept. 12, 1869. 

1444. Lewis Edwin, b. Feb. 22, 1869. 

1445. James Thomas Rice, b. Feb. 9, 1871; lives in Johannesburg, 

South Africa. 

1446. Emerson William, h. Jan. 2, 1874; d. July 7, 1886. 

1447. George Wilson, b. May 20, 1876; d. Oct. 8, 1878. 

1448. Harold Edgar, b. Jan. 16, 1881; m. Aug. 21, 1911, Jessie Sher- 

man. Lives in Ottawa, Canada. 
144') Aubrey W., b. Aug. 26, 1883. 


829. Thomas Henry, son of Adolphus; m. Aug. 1, I860. Ann Milligan, 
(1. 1874; (2) Oct. 11, 1877. Margaret Kirby. By his first wife, who was 
from Liverpool, England, (where the} were married) these children; 

1450. Margaret, b. Nov. 10, 1861 ; m. James Harvey. 

1451. Alexander, b. Oct. 1, 1867. 

830. George Adolphus, , n of Adolphus; m. Mary McClarnan. Lived 

in Bayfield, Nova Scotia. He d. May 31, 1917. 

1452. Thomas, b. - — , m. Ann Guinan. Lives in New York. 

1453. Sarah, b. July 26, 1873. 

1454. Esther Elizabeth, b. Feb. 13. 1877; d. - -; m. Wm. Dawson; 

(2) Wm. Shannon. 

831. James Randall, son of William; m. May 9, 1844, Mary J., dau. 
of Capt. Robt. Boles and Rebecca Ryel, b. June 7, 1824; lived at Man- 
chester, Guysboro County, Nova Scotia. He was postmaster for forty 
years. She d. Jan. 4, 1916. He d. Dee. 2i<, 1907. She was 92 years and 
he 90 years at time of death. 

1455. Elisha Randall, b. Nov. 24, 1846. 

1456. Charles James, b. Dec. 6, 1848. 

1457. Samuel Joshua, b. Oct. 1, 1851. 

1458. John Coggswell. b. Oct. 14, 1854. 

1459. Rebecca Boles, b. Dec. 22, 1858; m. Albin Macphie. 

1460. Frederick Porter, b. Jul)- 22. 1860. 

1461. Manson Bigelou, b. July 20, 1863. 

832. William Collins, son of William, m. Mar. 30, 1845, Susan A. 
Daniels; d. May 3, 1846; (2) June 3. 1848, Mary J. Grant, b. June 30, 
1.830; d. Sept. 15, 1902. They lived in Sangerville, Me. 

1462. George \\ ., b. 1846, living somewhere in Australia. 
Issue by second marriage: 

1463. Mary Susan, b. Mar. II. 1849; m. Wm. K. Edgerly. 

1464. Charles Henry, b. Sept. 28, 1850. 

1465. Walter Grant, b. Oct. 19, 1853. 

1466. Catherine Josephine, b. Nov. 13, 1864; m. Blake. 

1467. Joseph Edgar, b. Feb. 12. 1871. 

1468. Lillian Lucinda, b. May 15, 1873. 

833. Joseph Babson, son of William, lives at Elks Falls, Elks County, 
Kansas; m. Jan. 19, 1872, Martha Green, dau. of Robert Bradford and 
Elizabeth Waddell, b. Oct. 1, 1840. 

1469. Con D., b. Dec. 15, 1874. 

1470. Baxter L., b. Nov. 1, 1880. 

1471. Katie F., b. Sept. 18, 1883. 


1472. Cortuna, b. Jan. 1, 1886; m. Fred A. Kassin ; one dau., Constant 

Hnel, b. 1910. Lives in Genoa, Kansas. 

1473. Ethel R., b. Sept. 28, 1891. 

S;U. Constant Loyal Tuttle, son of William; lived in Newburyport, 
Mass.; m. Dec. 2, 1850, Sarah Ellen Bartlett, b. April 4, 1834; d. June 
17, 1859; (2) Feb. 20, 1864, Ellen M. French Langley, d. Dec. 4, 1906. 

I fe was a carpenter. 

1474. Henry William, b. Dec. 17, 1851. 
[ssue by second marriage: 

1475. Bertha Josephine, b. Jan. 28, 1865; m. Howard Sherburne. 
1470. Lily Clarinda, b. Feb. 26, 1868; m. George P. Phillips. 

1477. Bradford Clark, b. Jan. 23, 1872. 

*:{.->. .Mary Ann, dau. of William; m. Sept. 8, 1858, Joseph Hall. They 
lived in Minneapolis, Minn. She d. Sept. 7, 1908. He was b. June 2, 
1834; d. June 2?, 1883. 

Joseph Edgar, b. Feb. 4, 1860. 
Alice Helen, b. July 5, 1862. 

H'Mi. James William, son of Alvarus ; m. May Padwau. He was a 
carpenter in Ogdensburg, N. Y., and d. April 2, 1866. 

1478. John J. 

1479. Belle. 

x:i~. William It., son of Alvarus; m. Mary Gritney. They lived near 

Boylston, X. S. He d. May 8, 1891. 

1480. John Joseph, b. Feb. 8, 1853. 

1481. Esther Ann, b. Nov. 4, 1854; m. Charles Abbott. 

1482. Alvarus Ward, b. March 15, 1860. 

1483. Abigail C, b. Mar. 27, 1859; m. George Meyers. 

1484. William, b. Mar. 2, 1861; m. Eliza Graham. Lived in Lynn, 


1485. Edward Steel, b. June 12, 1863; m. Minnie Sawer. 

1486. 11 at tie. b. 1868; m. A. V. Walker. 

1487. Margaret, b. 1867; m. Angus Ringer. 

1488. Charles, b. 1873; m. 1912, Lizzie Barton; no chil. 

1489. Kveriu, b. 1875; m. Jennie Haydcn ; no chil. 

h:',h. Charles Alverus, son of Alvarus; m. Feb. 4, 1868, Almira Em- 
maline Torrey, of Intervale, N. S. He d. Dec. 30, 1900. 

1490. Joseph Alverus, b. Jan. 15, 1869; m. Emily McPherson. 

1491. Join. Harvey, b. Oct. 21, 1870. 

1492. ("hades Alonzo, b. May 27, 1872. 


1493. Emma Amelia, b. Aug. 14, 1876; m. Charles Cunningham. 

1494. Margaret Abigail, b. Aug. 22, 1878; m. George Cunningham. 

1495. James Henry, b. April 6, 1883; m. Rosie Carter. 

1496. Manson Bigelow, b. Nov. 14, 1884; unm. 

1497. Sarah Almira, b. Aug. 30, 1889; m. Edward Harden. 

840. William A., son of Dennison; m. Dec. 25, 1873, Emma Davidson; 
d. Nov. 27, 1903; (2) 1905, Catherine B. Cameron. No children. He 
lived in Salem and had been on the police force for twenty-seven years. 
He d. Jan., 1923. 

841. Emma, dan. of Ward; m. Edward Skelton. She d. Feb. 7, 1907 
William Ward. 

842. Sarah Jane, dan. of Ward; m. Duncan Kennedy. She d. Feb, 
1908. Their chil. : Elnora, Ward, Charlotte, Ella, Ida and lua. 

843. Charlotte A., dau. of Ward; m. Henry Cole and had one son, 
Dwight H. She m. (2) Daniel Kennedy, and had Frank, Clarence and 

Mildred. She d. 1863. 

844. William IJ., son of Ward; m. Calista Post. Lived in LaCrosse 
County, Wis. He d. April 8, 1917. She d. April 10, 1918. 

1498. Elmer E., b. Nov., 1858. 

1499. James T., b. May 5, 1861. 

1500. Leonard F., b. Oct. 8, 1865. 

1501. Grace M.. b. June 3, 1880; m. Harry M. Jewell. 

845. Joseph E., son of Ward; m. Mar. 18. I860, Henrietta Seger. He 
was graduated from Appleton College, Wis. He was in the civil war, 
joining Co. K. First Wisconsin Cavalry and was assigned a captaincy. 
He practiced law in Wisconsin and Oregon, in which state he settled in 
The Dalles, where he died, June 28, 1891. She d. Jan. 23, 1910. 

1502. Maude, 1). July 20, 1861 ; m. Win. C. Eddon. 

1503. Mae, b. March 27, 1S64; m. George F. Ross. 

847. Harriet, dan. of Ward; m. Henry Robison. She d. in 1908. 
Their chil. : Leroy, Will, Fay, George, Mary, Tom, Archie, Raleigh, 
Bertha and Ruby. 

84J). David .M., son of Richard; m. April 23, 1868, Lizzie A., dau. of 
George Field and Mary G. Leete, b. Feb. 5. 1844. He was employed in 
ihe New Haven Custom House. 


850. .Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Luman; m. Sept. 5, L861, James II. 
Smith. One child, Harry Atwater, b. July 31, 1865; d. Mar., 1907; m. Feb. 

12, 1907. Mary \V. Peters. 

852. Emma Cornelia, dau. of Luman; m. June 19, 1872, Theodore 
W. Freeh. She lives in Bound Brook, X. J. 

John Luman, b. July 2, 1873. 
Theodore W. Freeh', b. July 25, 1878: 

853. Alice Eliza, dau. of Luman; m. Jan. 24, 1870, Herbert L. Hub- 
bard. Dead. No chil. 

854. George Whittlesey, son of Luman; m. June 22, 1910, Charlotte . 
Arline Hemingway. He was a grocer and meat dealer in East Haven 
Conn. He d. Oet. 27. 1925 

855. Carrie, dau. of Luman; m. in New Haven, Oct. 2, 1894, William 
H., son of Jonathan Brooks and Abbie Savage, b. Dec. 5, 1859. The/ 
lived in New Haven and he was an engineer. Dead. 

850. Albert William, son of Albert; m. 1855, Julia Eliza, dau. of 
George Brush and Maria E. Seymour, of Montreal, b. June 20, 1834; d. 
Oct. 21, 1881. He was lost on the steamer "Pacific" in Feb., 1856. 

1504. Albert William, b. May 19, 1856; mini. ; lives in Montreal, 

Can. He is an advocate and King's counsel for the city 
of Montreal since 1898; Batonnier Montreal Bar, 1915-16; 
Batonnier General, Province of Quebec. 1916; Educ. ; Mc- 
Gill University; B. A., 1877; B. C. L. (Medalist) 1880; 
called to Bar, 1881; Alderman, Montreal, 1895-6; Member 
Legislature, Quebec, 1896-1901 ; Member of Government and 
Provincial Treasurer, 1896-7; one of Commission to prepare 
charter for City Montreal, 1898. ( "ounscl for Montreal 
Board of Trade. Address: 160 St. James Street, and 425 
Mackay street, Montreal. 

857. Henry William, son of Edwin; m. June 24, 1857, Etneline Mason 
Warren, b. Apr. 11, 1833, of Providence, R. L. in Montreal. He d. May 
6, 1903. 

1505. Hattie Childs, b. Aug. 30, 1860; m. Charles E. Scarff. 

1506. Emily Millard, b. Aug. 30, 1862; m. Andrew Henderson 


1507. Lucy Warren, b. July 21, 1864; m. James Henry Sherrard. 

1508. Edith Russell, b. Oct. 22. 1872; unm. ; lives in Montreal. 


858. Sarah Jane, dau. of Edwin, m. April, 1860, C. S. Blackmail, of 
New Haven. He d. Dec, 1906. She d. June, 1909. 
Alfred A., b. April. 1861. 

860. Henry Miner, son of Hiram; m., 1859, Helen Mar Walker, in 
Norfolk, N. Y., d. San Rafael, 1924. He with his two brothers carried 
on their father's business. In the California gold rush he went to Cali- 
fornia in 185S, where he remained until 1859, when he returned to Norfolk 
to be married. Returned to California in 1881, where he look up farming. 
Died April 18, 1883, at Tomales, Cal. 

1509. Clara Lillian, b. July 11, 1861; m. Henry Fletcher. 

1510. Lizzie Gertrude, b. July 18, 1863; m. James W. Cochran. 

1511. Jennie Emily, b. March 24, 1866; m. Thomas Abies. 

861. Edwin H., son of Hiram; m. Oct. 22, 1860, Louisa C. Yale, b. 
Maj r 3, 1839. He was a merchant at Norfolk, N. Y., and had been town 
clerk, Justice of the peace and supervisor. He d. Jan. 30, 1903. She d. 
Nov. 10, 1913. 

1512. Horace G., b. June 14, 1873; unm. 

1513. Grace Y., b. Aug. 26, 1875; m. Alfred Y. Soule. 

862. Lucius Lyon, son of Hiram; m. Sept. 4, 1874, Emma Gordon 
Briley, dau. of William and Jane Briley. He d. Sept. 11, 1892. 

1514. Hiram Miner, b. Sept. 15, 1876. 

1515. Henry Lucius, b. Dec. 28, 1884. 

1516. Fanny Louise, b. Apr. 22, 1886; m. Ellsworth Maxfield. 

863. Edgar Warren, son of Ambrose; m. Feb. 21, 1854, Martha G 
Cline, b. June 25, 1832; d. May 12, 1914. He d. at Burlington, Vt, May 
23, 1905. 

1517. Jennie M., b. Sept. 10, 1856; m. E. Horace Ladd. 

864. Osborn Thomas, son of Ambrose; lived in Burlington, Vt. ; m. 
Jan. 1, 1856, Genevieve Hosmer. He d. Nov. 14, 1867. She m. (2) Jan. 
1, 1881, Homer F. Wethefby. 

1518. Ella, b. Oct. 10, 1857; m. Sept. 12, 1873, Frank S. Warren. 

866. Elizabeth M., dau. of Ambrose; m. Dr. P. J. Kent. She d. Aug 
4, 1896. He d. May 4, 1919. Besides two sons, who d. in infancy there 
was born Arthur Atwater, b. Dec. 3, 1873. He was educated at Worcester 
Polytechnic Institute, (Degree of Electrical Engineer, University of Ver- 
mont, 1924) ; m. Mabel Lucas, Philadelphia, 1906. Established the At- 
water Kent Manufacturing Works in Philadelphia, May, 1902, for the 
manufacture of telephones and small volt meters. Added the manufacture 


of other small electrical instruments, among them, the (Jnisparker [or 
which the John Scott Medal was awarded in 1914. Manufactured pan- 
oramic sights, clinameters, fuse setters and angle of sights for the arm\ 
during the world war. Incorporated his business, changing the name to 
the Atwater Kent Manufacturing Company. Started manufacturing Radio 
Receiving Sets in 1922. Member, Committee on General Problems of 
Radio Broadcasting, Third and Fourth National Radio Conferences 1924- 
1925. Sponsored multi-station broadcasting of world's greatest musical 
artists beginning October, 1925. Honorary degree of Doctor of Engin- 
eering from the Worcester, (Mass.) Polytechnic Institute. Trustee Mont- 
gomery School, Drexel Institute and University Hospital. Clubs : Phila- 
delphia Country, Radnor Hunt, Merion Cricket, Raquet, Union League, 
Corinthian Yacht, and New York Yacht club. 

Chil. : A. Atwater Kent, Jr., Elizabeth B., Virginia T. and J. Prentiss. 
Permanent home, Ardmore, Pa.; Summer home, Kenncbunkport, Maine. 
Office, 4700 Wissaluckon Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa. 

8«7. Henry Harrison, son of Ambrose; m. April 27, 1863, Mary F. 
dau. of Hugh and Agnes Farmer McCafferty, of New York, b. in Savan 
ah, Ga., April 27, 1838. He d. March, 1921. She d. Aug. 17, 1021. 

1519. Charlotte May, b. May 29, 1865; m. F H. Van Dyke. 

1520. Florence I., 1>. July 2'^, 1872; unm. 

1521. Edith Roslyn. b. Oct. 21. 1873; m. Lyman W. Atwater. 

1522. Henry H., Jr., b. Jan. 13. 1879. 

868. Mary Caroline, dau. of Luman R. ; m. Oct. 11, 1888, Charles 
Bert Kelsey. She d. Aug. 23, 1915. They resided in Grand Rapids, where 
he is cashier in the People's Saving Bank. Their dau., Anne Farnsworth, 
b. March 20, 1897; m. Jan. 19, 1920, Lindsay Stevenson McRae; one child. 
Mary Anne. 1). Mar. 7, 1921. She m. (2) Jan. 12, 1925. Lieutenant (\ M. 

86J). Wilbur Olin, son of William Warren, m. Aug. 26, 1874, Marei.i, 
dau. of Abram Woodard. He d. Sept. 22, 1907. 

1523. Helen Woodard, b. May 29, 1876; unm. 

1524. Charles Woodard. b. April 23, 1885 

877. Mary, dau. of Hiram II.. m. Sept. S. 1904, Chas, Abner Buck 
They live in Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Margaret Waring, b. June 3. 1905. 

878. Lawrence Wetmore, son of Hiram H. m. June 15, 1914, Alice 
Wark Kirk. They live in Brooklyn 


879. Stella Cornelia, dau. of Frederic Augustus; m. June 10, 1876, 
James Kingsbury, M. D., b. in Enmore, Newtown, Sydney, Aus., Mar. 
26, 1858. 

Ada Cornelia, b. Feb. 26, 1877; m. in Stanmore, Sydney, Aus., Sept. 

16, 1902, W. A. Hunter. 
Stella Victoria, b. Xov. 6, 1883 ; m. in Enmore, Newtown, Sydney, 

Aus, Dec. 29, 1919, T. A. Ferguson. 
Vera Naomi, b. Dec. 29, 1886; unm. 

881. Hubbard (iale, son of Frederick Augustus; m. April 11, 1894, 
Mattie Angelo, b. Sept. 2?, 1874; divorced; (2) Beulah Dimmock. He 
lives in Los Angeles, where he is a dentist and is holding the chair of 
operative teacher in the University of California. 

1525. Lyndall Gale, b. Sept. 25, 1903. 

1526. Eugene, b. Dec. 7, 1907. 

1527. Frederic H. B., b. Jan. 16, 1912. 

883. Frank (Jlasgow, son of Lyman Wetmore ; m. Oct. 4, 1893, Hattie 
E. Camp, b. Dec. 6, 1866. He was employed in the Chemical National 
Bank, New York, for over forty years, and was a member of Co. H, 
23rd Regiment, New York, from 1890 to 1895. 

1528. Constance, b. Dec. 21, 1894; m. Aug. 5, 1922, George Frederick 


1529. Frank G., b. June 22, 1896. 

1530. Eliot Camp, b. May 16, 1898; m. Aug. 14, 1926, Kathryn Ce- 

celia Reynolds. 

884. Lyman William, SO n of Lyman Wetmore; m. Aug. 22, 1914, 
Edith Roslyn Atwater. They live in Brooklyn, N. Y. 

885. Elizabeth, dau. of Lyman Wetmore, m. Oct. 15, 1906, Charles 
Delapierre. They live in New York. 

Dorothy, b. Sept. 24, 1907. 
Robert Atwater, b. Sept. 4, 1910. 

886. Kuth C, dau. of Elnathan ; m. Dec. 3, 1821, George Rowland, of 
New Haven. 

887. Rebecca Shipnian, dau. of Elnathan; m. Nov. 7, 1825, Peter 
Spencer Shaw. He d. Feb. 22, 1840, aged 46. She d. Aug. 5, 1882. They 
lived in New Haven. 

888. John Knox, son of Jonathan; d. Nov. 4, 1844; m. July 16, 1828, 
Charlotte, dau. of Abel Ward Atwater, b. Sept. 1, 1804; d. March 10, 


1876. They had one son who was acting ensign on a monitor in the time 
df the Civil War. He went down in it and his remains were never v.- 
r<>\ ered. He was 35 years old. 

880. Norman Morrison, son of Jonathan; m. Jan. 19, 1832, Sarah 
Reed, b. in Coxsackie, Greene Co., N. Y., Sept. 21, 1807 ; d. Dec. 17, 1898. 
He A. July 8, 1858. 

1531. Theron Skeel, b. Sept. 12, 1841. 

1532. Sarah, b. April 9, 1845; m. John J. Cocke. 

1533. Henry Green, b. Dec. 19, 1849. 

890. Klisha M., son of Jonathan; m. June 5, 1834, Elizabeth Budding- 
ton, d. Oct. 24, 1858, aged 45; (2) Oct. 26, 1860, Phoebe Williams, b. 1829; 
• 1. April 5, 1879. Lived in Chittenango, N. Y. He d. March 4, 1889. 

1534. Charles B., b. April 7, 1835. 

1535. Samuel Hobart, b. Feb. 10, 1846. 

1536. Anna K., b. June 7, 1849; m. John Q. Adams. 

898. ftlisha, son of Thomas; m. May 18, 1838, Margaret Wright, b. 

Feb. 2H, 1821, of Mechanicsburu, Penn., and removed to Henry Co., 

Illinois. He- d. Jan. 15, 1884. 

1537. Eli Beecher, b. April 10, 1839. 

1538. Thomas Jefferson, b. Oct. 15, 1841. 

1539. George Wright, b. Aug. 10, 1843. 

1540. John A, b. Sept. 19, 1845. 

1541. Klnora Rebecca, b. Sept. 23, 1848; m. Norton R. Fenny. 

1542. William Clark, b. June 5, 1850. 

1543. Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 25, 1852; m. Horatio N. Boyd. 

1544. Robert Wilson, b. Sept. 5, 1854. 

1545. Stephen Douglass, b. Nov. 6, 1858. 

1546. Frank, b. Oct. 15, 1860. 

804. Nancy Kichards, dau. of Thomas; m. April 1, 1818, Amos Foote 
Barnes, b. in Waterbury, Conn. He was a wholesale grocer in New 
Haven. He d. Oct. 5, 1890; she d. April 15, 1893. 

80.">. Thomas Beecher, son of Thomas; m. Nov. 20, 1844, Hannah M., 
dau. of 1'arl Stevens and Maria Buck, b. Dec. 20, 1824; d. Jan. 19, 1855; 
(2) Nov. 2, 1857, Grace A., dau. of Alonson Bartholomew and Nancy 
Macumber. He d. July 11, 1875. 

1547. Ella Maria, b. July 8, 1849; m. Sept. 11, 1877, Lewis H. Patten. 
1548 Mary Bassett, b. April 4, 1852; m. March 22, 1874, Charles C. 

Stevens, son of David and Phebe Johnson, b. April 1, 1845. 
154Q. Susan Lewis, b. June 15. 1865; m. Henry E. Foote. 


896. Sarah Beeeher, dau. of Thomas; m. April 26, 1853, William 
Wittsline Clark, b. in Middletown, Aug. 2. 1818. He was a captain of a 
whaling vessel and lived in New Haven. He d. July 28, 1868. She d, 
Oct. 12, 1865. 

897. James Bull, son of William; m. Anna Bond. Lived in Williams- 
burg, N. Y. Both dead. 

1550. James Bull, Ik July 23, 1849. 

898. William, son of William; m. Dec. 15, 1852. Margaret A. Stack- 
pole. She (1. Nov. 4, 1879. He d. May 13, 1883. 

1551. Fanny Bradburn, 1». Feb. 8, 1856; d. July 25, 1886; m. Dee. 

21, 1882, Paul B. Crugcr. 

1552. William, b. June 25, 1860. 

900. Charles W., son of David; m. Dec. 23, 1832, Sarah, dau. of 
Abiathar Shirley and Abigail Ransdell, b. Feb. 22, 1812. He d. April 12, 
1859. She d. June 8, 1879. They lived in Huron, Ohio. Two unmarried 
daughters; Martha and Caroline, twins, b. 1848. 

1553. John, b. Oct. 17, 1838. 

1554. Abigail Shirley, b. 1840; m. James M. Devine. 

1555. Charlotte, h. 1844; m. Apr., 1870, Charles F. Kelley. 

901. Charlotte, dau. of David; m. Adolphus Underwood, of Eatonton, 
Ga. She d. in 1882. Their chil. were Charles, Adolphus, d., John At- 
water, David Atwater, Caroline Atwater, and Charlotte Elizabeth, d. 

902. Sarah Pond, dau. of David; m. James Maxwell DeYine. She 
d. in New Brunswick, N. J., 1865. Their chil. were : Charles, John, Mary 

903. Isaac Punderson, son of Abraham ; m. Lucy Brace, dau. of 
Horace Brace and Polly Ambler. He was horn in Poultney, Vt, and re- 
moved to New Albany, Ind. 

1556. Horace Brace, b. May 19, 1820. 

1557. Frank Dwight, b. March 23, 1836. 

1558. Mary. 

905. Franklin Truman, son of Abraham; moved from Vermont to 
Conneaut, Ohio. Who he married could not be ascertained. Said to ha\ e 
been a silversmith. 

1559. Truman Franklin. 


906. William Glover, son of Timothy Glover; m. in Cromwell, July 
6, 1835, Marietta, dau. of Samuel White and Betsey Smith, b. Nov. 6, 
1817; d. Nov. 27, 1852; (2) Jan. 12. 1854, Mary M., dau. of Joel Hubbard 
and Phila Smith. He was a mechanic and lived in Meriden. 

1560. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Sept. 13, 1836; m. George Brainard ; (2) 

Gamaliel Snow. 

1561. George Atwell, b. Jan. 26, 1842. 

907. Sylvester B., son of Phineas; m. 1839, Frances Harriett Arnold, 
of Great Barrington, Mass. They lived at Guilford Center, N. Y. He 
d. Feb. 14, 1844: She was b. Mar. 24, 1815; d. Sept. 12, 1872. 

1562. Susan Cornelia, 1>. Nov. 14, 1841 ; m. Edward T. Hooker. 

1563. Frances Harriet, b. May 10, 1843; d. June 21, 1866; num. 

912. Laura Ann, dau. of Flamen ; m. Nov. 8, 1830, Thomas H. Brooks, 
of Cheshire, b. Sept. 13, 1800; d. Sept. 7. 1874. She d. March 26, 1887. 

913. Samuel Augustus, son of Flamen; m. Sept. 17, 1837, Susan G. 
Preston, b. 1818; d. Feb. 8, 1851, aged 33; (2) Feb. 2. 1852, Hannah 
Hi she, p, d. Sept. 5, 1902, aged 86. He d. July 2, 1859. 

1564. Edward Augustus, b. April 20, 1839. 

1565. Emerett Maria, b. Dec. 5, 1840; m. John W. Blakeslec. 

1566. Mary Cornelia, b. Nov. 25, 1844; m. John A. Peck. 
Issue by second marriage. 

1567. Abbie Louise, b. Dec. 30, 1855; m. Jacob D. Walter. 

915. Cleona, dau. of Amzi; m. Dec. 23, 1822, John Rudolph. She 
d. Nov. 8, 1842. They lived near Garrettsville, Ohio. He m. (2) Mrs. 
Sallie Starks. He d. in Hiram, at the home of his son lames, Oct. 30, 

J) Hi. Darwin, son of Amzi; m. Harriet Clapp, b. Sept. 14, 1829. She 
d. Jan. 28, 1X54; (2) Mrs. Betsey W. Treudley, Feb. 7, 1855. He was 
born and lived at Mantua (later Mantua Station), Ohio, and d. May 
2X, IS 73. 

1568. Orris Clapp, b. Sept. 6, 1833. 

1569. Mary, b. Oct. 15, 1835; m. George W. Neely. 

1570. John Milton, b. June 3, 1837. 

1571. Amzi, b. Nov. 9, 1839. 

<)17. Matilda, dau. of Amzi; m. Noble Haven, Oct. 3, 1833. She d. 
April 9, 1890. Noble Haven, b. at Crown Point, Essex Co., N. Y.. July 

12, 1809; d. Sept. 15. 1896. 

JUS. Silvia, dau. of Jotham; m. Oct. 5, 1826, Dr. Homer Earle. She 
d Oct I, 1S73 They went Hast after marriage, and lived at Paxton, 


Mass.; iv turned (?) 1831 to her mother's in Mantua after the death of 
her fattier, where he practiced medicine. They afterward (after the (?) 
mother's death, 1834) removed to Newton Falls, Ohio. Doctor Earie 
was born in (?) 1799, and died at Monticello, Minn., in 1872. 

919. Julia, dau. of Jotham; m. Sept. 19, 1833, Simon Stough. She 
.1. Dec. 31, 1838. 

1)20. Eliza, dau. of Jotham; b. Tan. 16, 1816; m. Dec, 1X42, Anson 
Bosworth. She d. Tan. 24, 1844. Xo children. 

1)21. Lucinda, dau. of Jotham, b. May 17, 1810; m. March 7, 1841, 
Jacob S. Smith. He d. Sept. 21, 1897. They lived in Braceville. Ohio. 

1)22. Lucy, dau. of William ; m. William Walter Woodworth. Had 
one son, William Atwater, b. July 4, 1844; m. Dec. 28, 1871, Elizabeth 
K. Willis. Lived at White Plains, N. Y. 

1)23. William Lyman, son of William; lives in Stockbridge, Mass. ; 
hi. Dec. 7, 1847, Isabella A., dau. of Andrew McWilliams. She d. in 
Springfield, Mass., Mar. 9, 1905. 

1572. James Fowder, b. Oct. 22, 1848. 

1573. Charles, b. July 10, 1854. 

1574. Lucy, b. Oct. 26, 1857; m. Matthew D. Fields. 

1575. Catherine C, b. Aug. 14, 1865; num. 

1)24. Harriet P., dau. of William ; m. Jan. 7, 1864, George W. Camp- 
bell, of Pittsfield, Mass. He d. in Feb., 1880, leaving two daughters, Mrs 
Grace Van Norden, of New York, and Elizabeth. She d. May 14, 1911. 

1)25. Eunice A., dau. of Edward; m. Aug. 1, 1889, J. R. Copelin, of 
Mendon, 111. He is a retired farmer. She d. Feb. 19, 1904. 

1)20. Luciiula, dau. of Belah ; m. Apr. ZS, 1838, Emery D. Mann. They 
lived in Naugatuck. He was b. May 8, 1806; d. Dec. 21, 1875. She d. 
Apr. 26, 1873. 

928. Clarissa, dau. of Belah; m. March 2S, 1836, Stephen H. Nichols; 
d. Dec. 29, 1841, aged 26. She d. July 5, 1862, aged 49. 

1)21). Miriam, dau. of Belah; m. Nov. 29, 1853, Wm. Burr Hoadley, 
b. June 15, 1830. Resided in Naugatuck. He was a farmer. She 1. 
Mar. 18, 1894. He d. Jan. 28, 1909. 

931. Merritt Buckingham, son of Ira; m. May 22, 1845, Charlotte 
Smith, b. May 21, 1824; d. April 24, 1899. He d. Feb. 22, 1898. 

1576. William Clarence, b. Dec. 27, 1857. 

1577. Charlotte Rowena, b. Nov. 12, 1866; m. Louis A. Pratt. 


932. William W., son of Ira; tn. Nov. 4. 1844, Man Elizabeth 01m- 
slead, b. July 3, 1823. He was a clergyman; lived in New Haven; was a 
graduate of Yale College, and d. Mar. 17, 1874. She d. June 27, 1883. 

1578. William Olmstead, b. Nov. 22, 1848. 

1579. Francis Ebenezer, b. Jan. 5, 1851. 

1580. Lillian Elizabeth, b. June 9, 1850, m. Charles 1.. Blake. 

1581. Leonard Eugene, b. May 31, 1861. 

93-4. Charles Julius, son of Ira; m. Louise Hart Whittlesey, b. 
March 23, 1847. He was a merchant at Woodbury, Conn., and d. Nov. 
14, 1887. 

1582. William Whittlesey, 1.. Sept. 7, 1880; m. Feb. 4, 1916, Bertlna 

M. Van Dueson. Live in Oakland, Cal. 

935. Frances Harrietta, dau. of Ira, m. Oct. 8, 1858, Horace D. 
Curtiss, b. July 24, 1842. He was a manufacturer and resided in Wood- 
bury, Conn. He d. Aug. 14, 1906. 

937. Charles, son of Amos; m. Sept. 17, 1849, Caroline A. Merrill, 
b. Sept. 3, 1835. He d. Dec. 7, 1863. She m. (2) Mr. Tuttle; (3) Sept. 
26, 1879, David A. Norton. 

1583. Caroline M., b. July 30, 1851; m. Edwin Young. 

1584. Noriden C, b. Aug. 21, 1854. 

1585. Julia C, b. Nov. 13, 1856. 

1586. Elsie L., b. July 16, 1861. 

1587. Emily P., b. Nov. 13, 1858; m. Wm. 11. Ireganowan. 

938. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Anan; m. April 24, 1843, William 
Nichols, of Waterbury, b. Jan. 26, 1817. Hi- d. in Naugatuck, Aug. 13 

939. Marshal David, son of Anan; m. Nov. 13, 1851, Eliza Rosalea 
Allen, dau. of Minot Mitchell and Catherine Allen, of Woodbury, Conn. 
She (1. April 23, 1852. He kit New York, Nov. 20, 1855, on the steamer 
"Empire City," for California, arrived at San Francisco, Dec. 17; was 
engaged most of the time in mining till May, 1862, when he went to 
Virginia City, Nevada, and was engaged in contracting to haul ore from, 
and wood and timber to, the mines on the Comstock. Went back to 
California late in 1869, where he engaged in farming, mostly wheat 
raising, but later in dairying and stock raising. In the spring of 1870 he 
returned to Woodbury, Conn., and on April 27, 1870, m. Laura Angenett 
Allen, sister of his first wife. She d. Sept., 1925. He d. Feb. 7. 1905. The 
town of Atwater, Calif, was named after him. 


1588. Eliza Allen, b. Aug. 18, 1872; m. Dec. 20, 1899, Frederick 

William Henderson, a lawyer by profession of Merced, 
Merced County, Cal. 

940. -Margaret Augusta, dau. of Anan ; m. Oct. 8, 1850, in Bethany, 
to Ervin Mix, of Wallingford. She d. April 26, 1860. He d. April 
14, 1896. 

941. Adaline, dau. of Anan; m. Moses Sargent Stickney ; he is dead. 
She d. Nov. 16, 1918. They had five children : Addie Rebecca, Walter, 
Henry Cowell, Sarah (dead), Jennie. Addie Rebecca m. Dwight Doo- 
little, and they have five children : Robert, Helen, Charles, Frank and 
Clarence Atwater. Walter is married and lives in Derby, Conn. ; had 
three children, one died. Jennie is married. and has one child and has 
lost one. 

942. Franklin Benjamin, sou of Anan; m. July 10, 1859, Elizabeth, 
dau. of Cyms and Mary Barnes. He was a farmer and d. June 18, 1891. 
She resided in Bridgeport. She d. Feb., 1906. 

1589. Nellie Alice, b. Feb. 19, 1860. 

1590. Georgianna, b. May 12, 1864. 

1591. Marshal Frank, b. April 4, 1866. 

1592. Iola, b. Jan. 17, 1868. 

943. Emily J., dau. of Garrett; d. Apr. 7, 1910; m. Edward G. Cowles, 
d. Feb. 19, 1913. Their children were Arthur; m. Frances Wells; William, 
m. Anna Taylor; Cora, m. Oct. 5, 1881, Benjamin A. Welch, has two sons, 
Leon Cowles, b. June 20, 1882, m. Edith S. Packard ; and Harold Benja- 
min, b. May 20, 1888; m. Elizabeth Brown. 

944. Abigail, dau. of Garrett; m. John Burges. Their children were 
Man r , m. Mr. Fair; Ella, m. Mr. Fessenden ; Belle, m. Mr. Bullard, and 

945. .Maria L., dau. of Garrett; m. David Orcuit. She d. Sept. 24, 
1861. Two sons, Frank and R. D., both dead. 

946. John J., son of Garrett; m. 1861, Harriet Wiles, d. 1894; (2) 
Dec. 25, 1895, Fanny Dayton. They lived in Maine, X. Y. He is dead. 

947. Olive A., dau. of Garrett, d. Dec. 26, 1907; m. Marcus Lewis, 
d. Apr. 18, 1909. One dau., Iva, m. Aug. 15, 1901, Clarence Conrad, and 
had two sons, Robert, b. Aug., 1913, and Clarence, b. July 5, 1917. Live 
in Cortland, N. Y. 


1)48. Charles G., son of Garrett, m. Esther Mareaus. Lived in Maine, 
N. Y. One son, Floyd, dead, and one dau. Cora, m. Ralph Carley, who 
have four children, Roger, Esther, Howard and Ralph. He is dead. 

<>4<>. Lucius, son of Thaddeus; m. Sept. 29, 1883, Julia M. Downes. 
Lived in New Haven. He d. Aug. 10, 1872. Mentions son Edwin D., d. 

Sept. 2, 1834. 

<)50. Mary Elizabeth, dan. of William Cutler; m. June 13, 1843, 
George Hotchkiss, b. Oct. IS, 1812, son of Stephen Hotchkiss and Ma-y 
Griswold. He d. Oct. 5, 1899; she d. March 10, 1893. Mr. and Mrs 
Hotchkiss spent their lives in New Haven. 

951. John Hoadley, son of William Cutler; m. June 9, 1853, Jane 
Barber, b. July 22, 1828. He d. April 24, 1897. They lived in New York. 

1593. John Albert, b. Feb. 13, 1854. 

1594. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 5, 1855; d. May 22, 1925; m. Wilfred 


1595. William Cutler, b. July 4, 1861. 

1596. Flsie Welling, b. June 26, 1866; mini 

1597. Jane Leonard, 1>. July 17, 1X70; m. H. C. Perrine, Jr. 

952. Sarah Watrous, dan. of William Cutler; m. Apr. 3, 1862, William 
E. Dickinson, of Algonquin, Ontonagon Co., Mich. She d. at Algonquin, 
Ian 7, 1863. Mr. Dickinson remarried. 

953. Harriet Hoadley, dan. of William Cutler; m. Oct. 28, 1852, 
William Henry, son of Wilhelm Gottfried Philip and Maria Marks, b. 
in Brooklyn. Aug. 15, 1829; <1. in Brooklyn, Sept. 22, 1882. She d. Jan. 
2?, 1907. Mr. Philip was an artist of no mean ability. The earlier yeais 
of their married life were spent in Italy, where Mr. Philip studied sculp- 
ture and painting. After returning u< this country the}* settled in Brook- 
lyn. He made busts from life (if Abraham Lincoln, Admiral Farragut 
General Grant and many other prominent peopl 


Pauline, b. Aug. 3, 1860; m. Sept. 21, 1884, Edward Lapidge, b. in 
London, Eng., son of Edward Lapidge and Alice Staines. They 
have two daughters, Alice Harriette and Mabel Grace, m. Edward 
Winans, of Arlington, N. J. They have one son, Clarence Ernest. 

Edward Lapidge, d. Mar. 28, 1926. 

Eloise Virginia, b. Jan. 18, 1863; d. March 4, 1873. 

Mary Evelyn, b. Aug. 4, 1866; niun. 

Alice Atvvater, h. June 1. 1870; m. Oct. 20, 1897, Thomas Oliver Davy 
Live in Briarcliff Manor, N. Y. 


954. Jeremiah William, son of William Cutler; m. Oct. 25, 1853, 
Jane Louisa Carpenter, b. July 20, 1836, dau. of Charles Mead Carpenter 
and Charlotte Underhill, d. May 26, 1922. Mr. Atwater resided at River- 
side, Conn., for many years, but was engaged in real estate business in 
New York City. He d. Aug. 10, 1902. 

1598. Jeremiah Charles, b. Oct. 12. 1866. 

955. Martheiia, dau. of Joseph; m. Nov. 28, 1840, Isaac Harris. She 
d. Feb. 6, 1866. They had twelve children, all of which are dead except 
Ally E., b. June 8, 1859; m. Sept. 15, 1881, Warren Addison. 

Walter, b. Aug. 1, 1883 ; m. Apr. 29, 1910, Pearl Showers. 

Kathlyn, b. Apr. 9, 1911. 

Warren Earl, b. Aug. 8, 1918. 
Edward, b. Aug. 8, 1885; m. May 22, 1915, Clara Hester. 

Charles Edward, b. Aug. 8, 1916. 

956. Thomas, son of Joseph; m. 1852, Sarah Duncan. Two children 
d. unm. They lived near La Harpe, 111. 

1599. Nancy A., b. July 28, 1854; m. Millard Duncan. 

1600. Martha E., b. Jan. 17, 1859. 

1601. Angelo, b. July 4, 1861. 

1602. Cordelia, b. Nov. 8, 1866; m. Angelo Freeman. 

1603. Rachel Alice, b. Jan. 6, 1868. 

957. James, son of Joseph; m. Mar. 26, 1854, Ann Hadleston, b. Apr 
30, 1830; d. Mar. 26, 1904. He d. Apr. 3, 1866. 

1604. Joseph, b. Aug. 23, 1859; m. Emma Grate. No chil. 

1605. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 3, 1855; m. Jan. 28, 1875, Samuel Lembach. 
James Z., b. June 4, 1877; m. Feb. 7, 1906, Clara Kern. 

Doren R, b. Jan. 26, 1908. 

Ivan J., b. Mar. 4, 1910. 

Mildred L., b. Jan. 19, 1916. 
Edward A., b. Sept. 20, 1881 ; m. Sept. 13, 1905, Ethyl Smeasy. 

Rosa L., b. June 11, 1906. 
Merle M., b. Apr. 5, 1884; m. Oct. 16. 1907, Percy Viech. 

Max L., b. Feb. 12, 1909. 

Kenneth F, b. Oct. 3, 1911. 

Jessie R„ b. Nov. 18, 1913. 
Vesta A., b. Jan. 8, 1887; m. Mar. 11, 1908, Ray Nordstrom. 

Ina E., b. May 11, 1909. 

Joseph B., b. July 30, 1911. 

Guy R., b. Jan. 8, 1914 ; d. Oct. 6, 1918. 
Lillie E., b. Jan. 1, 1890; m. May 13, 1012, James Callon. 

James L„ b. Nov. 29, 1914 


Ruth A., b. ( >it. 3, 1893; ra. July 16, 1912, Joseph Huff. 

Irene E., b. Jan. 2, 1914. 
Guy H., b. Sept. 24. 1896; m. Mar. 27, 1917, Ruth Foote. 

Ernesl E., b. Oct. 3, 1917. 

1606. Lilly lane. b. Feb. 23, 1862; m. Lewis Melvin. Their chil. : 

Virgie Garnet, b. Jan. 31, 1886; Frances Flossie, b. Sept. 5, 
1888; Carr, b. Dec, 1890, m. Lydia Wolf; James Dewey, b. 
June 22, 1898; Holland and Hollas, b. July 2, 1904 ; Lewis 
Dak-, b. May 31, 1906. 

«).->«. William E., son of Joseph; m. Nov. 28, 1858, Lucretia P. Tim- 
mons. He lived in La Harpe, 111. He d. July 13, 1877. Five chil. d. unm. 

1607. James Lucius, 1.. Dec. 25. 1860. 

1608. l\uli\ Josephine, b. May 28, 1866; m. Freeman D. Gates. 

1609. Mary Lurana. b. Oct. 24, 1868; m. Henry D. Blythe. 

1610. Frances Ida, b. Aug-. 23, 1870; m. Wilford P. Anderson. 

1611. William Henry, b'. April 10, 1874. 

1612. Millie Ellen; m. Ethcram Dorothy. 

!)."><). Mary, dau. of Joseph; m. Jan. 10, 1852, Cosby Duncan. Lived 
in Illinois. 

960. Loraine, dan. of Joseph; m. Sept. 15, 1859, William Duncan, 
1). Sept. 3, 1X41. Lived in Illinois. 

Marthenia, b. Sept. 3, 1861. 

961. John .1., son of Joseph; m. April 18, 1866, Mary, dau. of Obidiah 
and Sarah Dunn. He lives in La Harpe, 111., is a farmer; also all o! 
his sons. One dau. d. in infancy. 

lol3. Joseph Lafayette, b. Mar. 8, 1867. 

1614. Durinda C, b. Jan. 31, 1869; m. Charlie W. Cassingham. 

1615. John lames, b. Mar. 2, 1872. 

1616. Arietta Permilda, b. Feb. 22, 1875; m. John II. Rhea. 

1617. William Lee, b. Dec. 18, 1877. 

1618. Willis N., b. Nov. 28, 1882. 
161'). Delbert, b. Feb. 7, 1885. 

1620. Fred R., b. May 5, 1888. 

!)«;?. Jeremiah John, son of Job Mansfield; m. Nov. 3. 1N4 ( >, Mary 
W. White, b. Oct. 10, 1827; d. Sept. 13, 1862; (2) March 2S, 1864, Frances 
< '. Moulthrop, b. Dec. 18, 1837. He was a merchant tailor in Xew Haven. 
He d. Nov. 14, 1896. 

1621. Emily, b. March 15. 1865; m. Willoughby M. Babcock. 

1622. F ranees Butler, b. June 2, 1867; unm. 

1623. Mary White, b. Aug. 27, 1869; m. Dr. H. F. Smith, of Hartford 


1624. Catherine Rich, b. Jan. 23, 1872. 

1625. Grace, b. April 7, 1874; unm. 

1626. Georgine, b. March 3. 1877: unm. 

1627. Jessie, b. Dec. 8, 1879; unm. 

J>64. Jeanette Mary, dau. of Job Mansfield; m. June 17. 1851, Edward 
S., son of Samuel Tuttle and Luanda Thorpe; he d. Tan. 9, 1856; (2) 
Jan. 1, 1,862. Rev. Smyth Dayton. She d. Jan. 17. 1898. 

J>65. Lydia Anne, dau. of Job Mansfield; m. April 11, 1854, James 
Percival, son of Samuel Barker and Mary Ann Kirkham ; b. May 2, 1831 
He was a carriage maker and lived in New Haven. He d. April 1, 1869. 

966. Henry Lockvvood, son of John Starr, lived at Atlanta, Ga. ; m. 
Oct. 5, 1857, Delia Ventris, d. Aug, 13. 1913. He was a carriage dealer. 
No children. He d. Feb. 20, 1914. 

J)67. Alfred Ebenezer, son of John Starr; m. Jan. 12, 1865, Mary 
Beatrice, dau. of James Ballard Sherrod and Mary Caroline White, b. 
March 31, 1842. He d. July 8, 1900. He was a carriage dealer. 

1628. Olivia Stansel, b. Feb. 2'?, 1871 ; m. Nov., 1893, Isaac S. Farish ; 

d. Jan. 31, 1897. 

968. John Starr, son of John Starr, b. June 29, 1845; m. Nov. 14, 
1870, Margaret Celia, dan. of Hezekiah Thomas and Margaret Stevens. 
She was b. Aug. 7. 1843, in Bethany, Conn., and d. Nov. 14, 1877. He d 
Nov. 4, 1925. He was an accountant in New Haven. 

1629. Ellen Hattie, 1>. Nov. 16, 1872; m. Thomas E. Goudy. 

J)6«. James, son of Stephen Harris; m. Oct. 3, 1853, Mary Grace 
Stewart, dau. of James Stewart and Anna Lathrop, b. May 6, 1828. His 
occupation was a farmer. She d. Oct. 19, 1902. He d. Nov. 24, 1905. 

1630. Clifford James, b. Nov. 8, 1858. 

1631. Clayton Welles, b. Jan. 23. 1.864. 

})70. Frances M., dan. of Titus; m. Aug. 20, 1860, William P., son 
of Royal and Harriet S. Fowler, of Westfield, Mass. 

5)71. Franklin UViss, son of Titus; m. Sept. 3, 1860, Amelia J., dau. 
of Eli H. Osborn and Julia Blair. He was a farmer and lived at West- 
field, Mass., where he d. March 9, 1893. She d. July 1, 1900; aged 59 

1632. Frank Vincent, b. June 29, 1861; m. May 2, 1897, Regina de 

Solio, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He lives in London. 

1633. Nellie Frances, b. March 1. 1863; m. E. C. Bissell. She d. 

Dec, 1922. 

1634. James Holland, b. Sept. 16, 1869. 

1635. Henry Wilson, b. Dec. 4. 1875. 


972. Wells, sou of Noah; m. Frances Jane Aiken. He d. March 1, 
1864, in Russell, Mass. 

!>7r>. Dwight M., son of Jeremiah; m. Dec. 29, 1869, Ella, dan. of 
Leonard and Lucinda Bemont. Lived in Westfield. Mass. Was a whip 
manufacturer. He d. July 17. 1917, in Oakland, Cal., after a lingering 

1636. Henry Cook, b. Sept. 26, 1874. 

!>7<». .lames Henry, son of Jeremiah; m. Nov. 27, 1873. Tirzah, dau. 
of Horace Birge and Lucy E. Stiles, b. Apr. 4, 1856. They lived in West- 
field. Mass. She m. (2) Dec. 19, 1887, Frederick K. Rood. 

1637. Angelo Edward, b. Oct. 7, 1875. 

079. Ellen M., dau. of Leonard; m. Sept. 2X, 1870, R. M. Chesley. 
She d. Nov. 20, 1901. 

980. Albert Chamberlain, son of Leonard; m. June 4, 1866, Margaret 
Carswell, b. Oct. 15, 1845. He is a traveling salesman and lives in Iowa 
City, Iowa. 

1638. Bert Leonard, b. March 7, 1867. 

1639. Walter Eldredge, b. May 30, 1870. 

1(40. Helen Louisa, b. Dec. 15, 1872; m. Charles C. Shrader. 
1641. Mary C, b. May 15, 1878; m. Frederick ( ". Carlson. 
Id42. Margaret, b. Jan. 2, 1881; m. George M. Ingham. 

981. Dennis Hedges, son of Leonard; m. Jan. 26, 1887, Ella C. Ryder, 
1). Aug. 23, 1845. He was a traveling salesman, and lived in Red Bank. 
X. J. He d. Aug. 1, 1918. 

1043. Frances Eliza, b. Apr. 4, 1888; num. 

1044. Benjamin Leonard, 1>. May 13, 1890. 

9K2. Leonard Cornelius, SO n of Leonard; m. Jan. 15, 1890. II attic A. 
Moore, b. March 4, 1859. He resided in Westfield, Mass.. and his oc- 
cupation was quarrying marble. He d. Jan. 13, 1926. 

1645. Allen Moore, b. Oct. 28, 1891. 

1646. Leonard, 1.. Nov, 20, 1893. 

J»x:j. James Billings, son of Leonard; m. May 14, 1885, Lucy Gould 
Collins. He graduated from the Westfield High School in 1875; received 
his A. B. degree in 1879 from Williams College and in 1882, his M. D. 
degree from tin Medical Department of the University of the City of 
Xew York. He is a member of the American Medical Association, Mass- 
achusetts Medical Society, a fellow of the American College of Surgeon*;. 
the surgeon for the Xew York Central road at Westfield, consulting 


physician and surgeon to Noble Hospital and Shurtleff Mission, and for 
the period of the war with Germany, chairman of the Medical Advisory 
Board for district No. 6, State of Massachusetts. 

Dr. Atwater has practiced his profession in the town of Westfiekl, 
with the exception of the first three years since his graduation from Medi- 
cal School, and is practicing at the present time. 

1647. Collins, b. Sept. 10, 1886. 

1648. Jeanette I.., b. Aug. 3, 1889; m. Apr. 19, 1913, Harry M. [ves, 

of Danbury, Conn. He d. Sept. 1, 1914. 

1649. David, b. Nov. 3, 1894. 

984. Lucy Prances, dau. of Leonard; m. July 3, 1895, Rev. Lyman 
Horace Blake. She d. Jan. 10, 1908. 

985. Margaret Clark, dau. of Leonard; m. Sept. 5, 1893, Dr. Gilbert 
Norris Jones, d. Jan. 26, 1924. She lives at Wellesly Hills, Mass. 

Margaret Norris, b. Apr. 28, 1894; m. John Dutton Little. One dau. 
Margaret Gilbert, b. Apr. 2. 1924. 

989. George Leonard, son of Joseph; m. May 11, 1892, Maud D, 
dau. of Tristem D. Brown and Maria Caple, b. Nov. 15, 1870. He was a 
tailor, hut is now a farmer in Canandaigua, N. Y. 

1650. Frances Ahnira. h. March 4, 1893. 

1651. Emma Caple, b. April 11, 1895. 

990. Joseph William, son of Joseph Hall; m. Betsey Ann Burnham. 

He d. about 1854. He lived in Cheshire, Conn. 

1652. Kirtland \Y., b. Dec. 25, 1840. 

1653. Truman, b. 1854; m. July 29, 1876, Emma J. Neal, d. May 7, 


991. Miles Barber, son of Cornelius; m. Lydia S., dau. of Ira and 
Philanda Stone Atwater. Lived in Shanesville, Ohio. He d. Dec. 26, 
1878. She d. Jan., 1879. One son, William Alonzo, who became de- 

993. John Todd, son of Chauncey ; m. in 1834, Matilda, dau. of Capt 
Wyman Hill. b. 1814. They lived in Sheffield, Ohio, where she d. in 

1654. Chauncey Wyman, b. Apr. 15, 1836. 

1655. Almon B., b. Nov. 19, 1845. 

1656. John Wilbur, b. Aug. 4, 1848. 

994. Lyman Charles, son of Chauncey; m. Feb. 2. 1842, Honora 
Blood, and resided in Kelloggsville, Ohio, only a few miles from the 


place of his birth, all his lifetime. He d. Feb. 8, 1901. She d. June 23, 

1875. One son, Charles \\ '.. m. Julia Colby, who d. in 1911. He d. 
in 1908. 

995. Laura, dan. of Chauncey; m. Hiram Covill, in the year 1855, 
when they went to the then far-off West, took up three hundred and sixty 
acres of land just outside the city of Topeka, in what was called "The 
Mission," erected a log house thereon, and ;i- the years went by built a 
more commodious one. Hiram ("ovill was among those who lell in battle 
during the Civil War and Laura Atwater was left a widow with one son, 
Allen, whom she educated at college, while she herself carried on the 
farm and later erected a fine brick residence. She d. in the winter of 

1876. Her son Allen and his wife have been living on the old farm until 
within a few years. 

1000. Charles Abel, son of Lyman; m. 1845. Susan Jane Dawson, b. 
Nov. 22, 1825. He d. Sept.* 30, 1863. She m. (2) his brother, Miles L. 

1657. Caroline Elizabeth, b. Jan. 21, 1846; m. Thomas J. Dodge. 

1658. Julius Lloyd, b. Jan. 7. 1848; m. Mary K. Dodge. 

1659. Thomas Lyman, b. Mar. 3, 1850. 

1660. Man- Ann, b. Dec. 16, 1853; m. Perry (lark. 

1661. Mariah Eliza, b. Feb. 4, 1855; d. Feb., 1879; m. John Maclain 

1662. Myron Scott, b. Apr. 7, 1857; m. Clarissa Offord. 

1663. John L. C, b. Jan. 15, I860; m. Nancy E. Dobbins. 

1001. Miles L., son of Lyman; m. March 1, 1849. Harriet, dan. of 
J. W. Baldwin and Liddie Wiseman, b. Dec. 8, 1831, d. Nov. 19, 1904, 
aged 73. (2) Susan Jane Dawson, widow of his brother, Charles. She 
d. in 1887. He was a farmer and lived at Lewisville, Polk County, Ore- 
gon. He d. April 19, 1888. 

1664. Lewis H., b. March 12, 1850. 

1665. James L., b. Feb. 4, 1852. 

1666. Emma J., b. Sept. 4, 1855; m. <.. T. Hollister 

1667. John William, b. Sept. 20, 1861. 

1668. George, b. Sept. 21, 1869. 

1002. Lucius K., son of Lyman; m. Mar. 14. 1855, Elizabeth C 
Rounds. He d. Nov. 3. 1911. They lived in Ipava, 111. Sin was b Apr, 
20, 1838. 

1669. Francis M.. b. Dee. 4. 1856. 

1670. James A., b. May 28, 1859. 

1671. Harvey H., b. Nov. 21, 1861. 

1672. Ellsworth G., b. April 4, 1864. 

1673. Sarah J, b. Dec. 20, 1866; m. Heim W. Hale 

1674. Emma E., b. Feb. 14, 1870; m Frank Shaw 


1675. Burleigh E., b. Mar. 16, 1874. 

1676. George O., I). Nov. 9, 1876. 

1677. Laura C, b. Feb. 9, 1886; m. Fred Kelly. 

1003. Caroline E., dau. of Lyman; m. Isaac O. Smith, b. Apr. 5.. 
1821. She (1. Oct. 7, 1917. 

1004. Marcus, sun (if Lyman; m. Lucinda Dodge. He disappeared 
and was never heard from. She d. in 1861. 

1678. Lyman J., b. Feb. 25, 1861 , 

1679. Frank F. ; num. 

1680. William If.; num. 

1003. John Wesley, son of Lyman ; m. Rose Thompson. Lived in 

1681. Harvey. 

1682. John. 

1006. .lames, son of Lyman; m. Ellen Littlejohn. She d. July 26, 
1907. They lived at Havana. 111. Had two boys and two girls, but all 
are dead. He d. 1921. 

1010. Hollister, son of Marquis; m. Jan. 1, 1844, Frances M. Blan- 
chard, b. at Whitingham, \'t., March 10, 1821; d. Oct. 15. 1888. He .1. 
March 15, 1895. 

1683. Herbert Josiah, b. Feb. 5, 1845; d. Sept. 23, 1848. 

1684. Ella M., b. June 25, 1848; m. Egbert N. Coy. 

1685. Charles H.. b. Jan. 11, 1857; d. Feb. 18, 1867. 

1686. Clarence Eugene, b. May 30, 1858. 

]t^X7. Clara Adell, b. Jan. 24, 1860; d. March 24, 1861. 

1011. Laura, dau. of Jared; m. Oct. 24, 1833, Edmund Bradley, of 
Hamden. She d. Feb. 20, 1899, aged 88. He d. Oct. 1, 1863, aged 57. 

1012. Ruth 1)., dau. of Jared; m. Nov. 10, 1833, Leverett Hotchkiss. 
She d. July 9, 1835. Left one child, Mary Amelia. 

1013. Betsey, dan. of Jared; m. Jan. 13, 1849, Charles G. Atwater, 
who d. April 4, 1874. (2) Samuel A. Baldwin, of New York state, a 
carpenter by trade who d. in November, 1893. She d. in 1904. 

1014. Alfred, son of Samuel; m. Dec. 31, 1835, Lucy B: Avery. She 
d. Mar. 4, 1896. He d. Dec. 13, 1892. 

1688. Julia A., b. Dec. 7, 1836; d. Mar. 25, 1866; m. June 26, 1862, 
Dwight H. Hitchcock. FTe d. 1864. 


1689: Amelia L., b. May 13, 1X45; m. Oct. 2. 1867, Ransom B. Moore, 
d. March 4, 1X73. 

1690. Samuel Henry, 1). June 7, 1X54. 

1016. Edwin, son of Samuel; m. Feb. 26, 1854, Ruth Ford, d. July 
5, 1900. He- was in the furniture business in Hunter. He d. Apr. 6, 1876. 

1691. Helen, b. Oct. 9, 1856; num. 

1692. Viola, b. July 9, 1X59; num. 

1693. Sidneyetta, b. Oct. 2, 1861; m. Oct. ( >. 1898, Geo. McKelvie, 
d. Dec. 27, 1901. 

1018. Sarah JJ., dan. of Samuel; m. Anson Hitchcock, b. April 9, 
1820; d. in Windham. X. Y., April, 1864. 

1021. Emerett, dan. of Samuel; m. Mar. 13, 1856, Piatt Osborn Hitch- 
cock, at Windham, N. Y. He was b. May 10. 1X32. He d. June 4, 1915. 
She <1. Feb. 12, 1917. 

1022. Samuel Wooster, son of Stephen Wooster ; m. Feb. 4, 1857, 
Marietta, dan. of Eben Beers and Lois Johnson. He d. Nov. 21, 1X69. 
She d. Mar. 7, 1903. 

1694. Frederick W., b. Aug. 31, 1858. 

1695. Lucina Hunt, b. Feb. 24, 1860; m. John S. Patterson. 

1696. Elmer Ellsworth, b. Jan. 20, 1862. 

1697. Piatt Romain, b. Oct. 31. 1863. 

1698. Alfred Eugene, b. Sept. 21, 1866. 

102.*. Amelia H.„ dau. of Stephen Wooster; m. Sept. 7. 1868, Samuel 
Brown. She d. Mar. 7, 1903. Lived in Jewett, N. Y. 

1024. George Camp, son of Elam; lived in Plymouth and Bristol, 
Conn.; m. Aug. 15, 1832, Adeline, dan. of Roger Norton and Almira Root, 
b. June 21, 1813; d. April IS, 1X93. He d. Nov. 9, 1885. Five chil. died 
without issue. 

1699. Almira Chloe, b. Nov. 13. 1X32; m. Everett Horion, of Bristol 

1020. Henry, SO n of Wyllys; m. Oct. 1, 1837, Catherine, dau. of Ben 
jamin Fenn and Keturah Dunbar, b. Oct. 11, 1817; d. Mas 11. 1863. He 
d. Apr. 25, 1865. 

1700. Theresa, b. March 20. 1839; m. Henry S. Minor. 

1701. Eugene, b. Sept. 8, 1843. 

1702. Dorence, b. Feb. 3, 1X45. 

1703. Catherine, b. Nov. 24, 1849; m. Orson Dikeman. 

1704. Richard, b. Fch. 23, 1853. 

1705. Francis, b. Dec. 3, 1858, 


1027. Betsey, clau. of Wyllys; m. Apr. 7, 1844, Stephen Fenn, of 
Plymouth, Conn. She d. Nov. 5, 1895. 

1028. Willis, son of Wyllys; m. Jan. 31, 1856, Marietta, dan. of Riley 
Scott. He lived in Plymouth, Conn.; by trade was a carpenter. He d. 
Feb. 28, 1911. She d. Mar. 11, 1903. 

1706. Wesley H., b. Oct. 4, 1858. 

1020. Martha Richardson, dan. of Wyllys; m. June 17, 1866, Arthur 
DeWolfe. They resided in New Britain, Conn. He d. Oct. 1, 1014. She 
d. April, 1925. 

1030. Stephen, son of Timothy; m. Jane Turtle, of Bristol, b. May 
27, 1832, d. Aug. 22, 1857; (2) Helen A. Billings, b. Oct. 27, 1840, d. Aug. 
0, 1910. Removed to Fennville, Mich. He was a farmer. 

1707. Charles Ives, b. Dec. 29, 1862. 

1708. Clifford Elbert, b. Aug. 23, 1867. 

1031. Leonard, son of James; m. Nov. 25, 1833, Anna Maria, dau. 
of John Chatterton and Blondena Wright, b. Feb. 11, 1810; d. Sept. 12, 
1879. He d. Aug. 12, 1889. He was a merchant at Ithaca, X. Y. 

1709. Jane Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1835; m. Francis Norton. 

1710. Ellen, b. Feb. 15. 1837; m. Francis Norton. She d. Feb. 1. 1926. 

1711. Julia, b. July 20, 1838; m. Joseph C. Burrit. 

1712. Frederick, b. July 1. 1842. 

1713. Edgar Avery, b. May 8, 1844. 

1714. Horace, b. May 5, 1846. 

1715. Sarah Emily, b. April 8, 1858; m. George S. Rankin. 

1716. William James, b. April 6, 1850. 

1717. Minnie Chatterton, b. March 15, 1853; num. 

1032. Nancy, dau of James; m. May 29, 1846, John R. Mitchell; b. 
Jan. 7, 1802; d. Jan. 10, 1878. She d. March 7. 1873. He was a' mill 
owner and lived at Ithaca, X. V. 

Edward R., b. March 20, 1847. 

John J., b. May 24, 1849; m. Oct. 16, 1873, Lizzie Holsey. He is a 
druggist at Detroit, Mich. 

1033. Benjamin Avery, son of James; m. Oct. 15, 1840, Sarah Ann 
Phillips, niece of Gen. Israel Putnam. He was a merchant at Ithaca, 
N. Y. He d. Nov. 5, 1883. She d. Feb. 26, 1897. Five chH. d. young. 

1718. Sarah Emily, b. July 12, 1841; m. Don Alonzo Williams. 

1719. Agnes Christine, b. Sept. 26, 1842; unm. 
1720. Ledyard Jay, b. April 21, 1847. 


1721. Man- Cowdry, b. June 24, 1852; unm. 

1722. Joachim, b. Nov. 4, 1853 ; unm. 1918. 

1723. Clara, b. Nov, 29, 1856; d. May 15, 1915; m. Lincoln E. Pat- 


1034. Franklin, son of James; m. Olive Martin. Both dead. They 
had two daughters, Susie and Frances. Susie, b. July 1, 1852; m. Feb. 
6, 1878, James Emanuel Henriques. They have two sons. Frances had 
no children. She and her hushand are hoth dead. 

1035. Dewitt Clinton, son of James; m. Jan. 20, 1847, Sarah, dan 
of Isaac and Mary Magee Tichenor, b. Sept. 30, 1825. He lived at Waver- 
ly, N. Y. ; was a merchant, veterinary surgeon, liveryman, town super- 
visor, alderman and trustee Presbyterian church. He d. Oct. 19. 1809. 
She d. Jan. 2, 1901. 

1724. Harriet Eliza, b. Dec. 7, 1847; m. James E. Guyer. 

1725. Isabella Tichenor, b. Sept. 26, 1850; m. Harvey G. Fessenden. 

1726. Ella Louise, b. April 29, 1854; unm.; trained nurse. 

1727. Anna Jane, h. Dec. 1861; m. Jan. 2, 1901, Charles C. Strong 

1728. Lewis DeWitt, b. July 26, 1864. 

1036. Fanny, dan. of James; m. John Penny. They had two daught- 
ers, Fanny and Alice. Both arc married and have children. Alice m 
Burge H. Hurd. Fanny d. Jan. 20, 1891. 

1037. David D., son of James; m. March 28, 1849, Olive L., dau. of 
E. F. Simon and Abigail O. Marshall, b. Sept. 13, 1825. He, his wife 
and two daughters lived and died at Cortland, N. Y. 

1038. Mary, dau. of James; m. Jan. 17, 1849. Luther Judson Sanford, 
b. Mar. 5, 1825, d. 1910. She d. Apr. 29, 1879. 

Charles Judson, h. March 20, 1850, d. Jan. 5, 1896; m. Helen Brown 

Fanny Atwater, b. Feb. 9, 1855. 

Ella Louise, b. Dec. 25, 1856. 

James Atwater, b. Sept. 13, 1858; m. Ella Jones. 

Mary, b. May 28, 1867. 

1039. Edward, son of James; m. Susan Martin. He served in Civil 
war. They had no children. Both dead. 

1040. Hnfus King', son of James; m. Sept. 11, 1858, Sarah Ledyard 
Jones, b. March 29, 1835. He was a merchant, and d. Dec. 6, 1887, at 
Riverside, Cal. She d. Sept. 20, 1920. 

1729. Hiram Wells, b. Oct. 1, 1861. 
1730 William Edward, b. April 8, 1864 


1731. Wenona King, b. Jan. 17, 1S67 ; m. Charles W. Ekins. 

1732. Lucy Avery, b. July 20, 1880; m. W. L. Jencks. 

1042. Laura, dau. of John; m. Lemuel Sutherland; b. May 22, 1819; 
d. 1847. She d. Nov. 30, 1881. Lived at Newark, Wayne Co., N. V. 

John Atwater, b. July 11, 1833; m. Harriett Cleghorn, of Canada, b. 
June 17, 1833; d. June 15, 1901. 

Susan Remer, b. May 22, 1836; m. Amos H. Green, b. Oct. 6, 1822; 
d. March 7, 1883; one son, Sutherland, b. Nov. 20, 1869; d. Feb. 
12, 1878. 

Laura Lucetta, b. May 16, 1856; m. Samuel Fones Rice, b. July 25, 
1852. Lived at Elmira, N. Y. One dan., Bessie, b. Oct. 10, 1884. 

Margaret, b. Jan. 21, 1858; d. Dec. 11, 1896; m. Frederick Jones Brad- 
shaw, b. Aug. 21, 1851. Lived at Columbus, O. Children : Harry 
James, b. May 19, 1878; Fanny May, b. June 13, 1879. Harry J., 
m. Florence Jones, b. Feb. 13, 1879; Fanny May m. Douglas Alex- 
ander Ingraham, b. Oct. 15, 1870; one dan., Margaret, b. Oct. 15, 

Walter Blessner, b. Feb. 4, 1876; m. Frances Fralick; lives at Newark, 
N. J. One son, Edward Lewis, b. Apr. 16, 1905. 

1 04:?. Eliza Sutherland, dan. of Horace; m. Sylvester Childs, who 
d. Sept. 0, 1849, aged 32; (2) Harrison Tuan. Two children, Frances 
Josephine and Sylvester, were horn to Mr. and Mrs. Childs. 

1044. Spaft'ord L., son of Horace; m. Mar. 20, 1850, Mary Spriggs 
h. Oct. 27, 1850; d. Sept. 8, 1901. He d. Mar. 7, 1911. 

1733. Atlas Worth ington, b. Mar. 27, 1851. 

1734. Lewis Spriggs, b. May 29, 1853; m. Mary Scully. 

1735. Edson Richard, b. Mar. 27, 1855; m. Xettie Buchanan. 

1736. Willis Byron, b. Aug. 27, 1860. 

1047. Julius, son of Goodyear; m. Mary Anna Anthony. He d. Oct. 
1, 1868. Their children were Charles, Emma and Julius. 

1048. Lucy Jane, dau. of Goodyear; m. Nov. 1, 1855, Elias Dodd. 
They lived in Venice, N. Y. Two sons, Fred, b. May, 1857, and James 
M, m. Mary Hall. 

1049. Mary Anna, dau. of Goodyear; m. James Nichols. One dau., 
Ada, m. Wilson Mosher. 

1050. Timothy J. G., son of Goodyear; m. Phebe Jane Nichols; she 
d. Dec. 24, 1889. 

1737. Minnie, m. Daniel Hunter, who have one dau., Edith. 


1051. Eugene L., son of Richard Newman; m. May 13, 1872. Rosetta 
Malison. He lives in Rochester, N. Y. 

1738. Clarence, b. Feb. 26, 1878. 
1730. 1. Zora, b. Feb. 3, 1885. 

1052. Ella, dau. of Richard Newman; m. Scott Malison. They live 
al Warsaw, X. Y. 

1054. Lucy A., dan. of Richard Newman; m. Dec. 18, 1895, Clarence 
Gale. They live in Moravia, N. Y. 
Nina At water, b. Nov. 3, 1896. 
Mary Amelia, b. Feb. 27, 1899. 
Ethel Louise, b. Feb. 9, 1904. 

1 055. Mary, dan. of Lewis; m. Sept. 18, 1862, Lyman Williams. Lived 

in Ithaca, X. Y. 

Ella, 1>. June 12, 1863; m. Dec. 27, 1893, William Iredell Smith. One 
son, Rexford Williams, b. Oct. 31, 1894. 

Fanm Mary, b. Aug. 11, 1870; m. May 9, 1894, Jerry Williams Tour- 
tellot. She d. Nov. 6, 1913. Two dau.: Helen Williams, b. May 
27, 1899; m. June 19, 1918, Laurence June; one son, Laurence, Jr, 
b. Mar. 5, 1919. The second dan.. Mary Margaret, b. Sept. 19, 1903; 
m. May, 1924, Martin Donovan. 

1056. Frank J., son of Lewis ; m. Apr. 9, 1873, Ada Corning. Lived 
at Manchester, Iowa. He d. Aug. 1898. 

1740. Lewis Corning. 

1058. Frederick Clay, son of Samuel; m. 1880, Verda Mont Kelsey. 
He lived in Newark, N. J., and was in the grocery trade. He d. Oct. 13, 
1909. She d. Jan. 10, 1908. 

1741. Fred Clay, Jr., b. Aug. ZS, 1881. 

1742. Nelson James, b. July 24, 1880. 

1743. Charlotte Belle, b. Apr. 10, 1889; m. Clarence G. Yoran. 

1744. Julia Kelsey, b. Apr. 12, 1896. 

1745. Joseph Young, b. Nov. 13, 1898. 

1060. Samuel Nelson, son of Samuel; m. Jan. 10, 1893, Katherine De 
Nye, dau. of Cornelius T. Williamson and Helen Schaffer, b. June 29, 
1865. He lived in Newark, N. J., president Atwater & Carter, grocers. 
lie d. Apr. 13, 1907. She lives in Orange, N. J. 

1746. DeNye Williamson, b. Aug. 14, 1894. 

1747. Kenneth Nelson, b. Feb. 11, 1896. 
1748 Donald Williamson, b. Oct. 6, 1900 


1062. Lisette L., dau. of Jason; m. May 2, 1837, Dr. James H. Jer 
omc, of Trumansburg, N. Y. She d. July 30, 1863. 

1063. Mary (J., dan. of Jason; b. Jan. 25, 1819; m. Sept. 5, 1838, 
Sanford P. Allen; moved to Michigan; d. Dec. 16, 1847. 

1064. Stephen Decatur, son of Jason; m. May 1, 1850, Julia A., dan. 
of Isaac Beers. He d. Feb. 24, 1889. 

1749. Charles Hall, b. Aug. 4, 1852. 

1750. Fred Beers, b. May 4, 1854. 

1065. Jason .r., son of Jason; m. May 4, 1844, Eliza C. Dnnlop. He 
d. May 19, 1864. 

1751. Minnie J., b. Dec. 25, 1844; m. \Y. W. Pierce. 

1066. Samuel T., son of Jeremiah; m. Sept. 1, 1841, Matilda, dan. 
of James Mead and Sabra Lester. He was a weaver and farmer at 
Lansing, N. Y. She was b. July 23, 1819; d. Oct. 7, 1900. He d. Nov. 
18, 1897. 

1752. Emma, b. June 25, 1848; m. Amos S. Hurlbut. 

1753. Jennie, b. July 19, 1855; m. Walter S. Havens. 

106S. Dwight J., son of Jeremiah, m. Almira Cook; (2) Mrs. Jane 
Lewis Curtis, d. Dec. 15, 1854; (3) Mary Lewis, d. Oct. 16, 1924. 

1754. Kate, m. G. L. Adams. 

1069. John Bowman, son of Jeremiah; m. Aug. 25, 1851, Lauretta 
Allen, 1). April 14, 1829. Both dead. He was a promotor and inventor 
and resided at Morgan Park, 111. 

1755. Arthur Jerome, b. May 8, 1858. 

1756. Edith May, b. June 13, 1865; num. 

1070. Wilson D., son of Jeremiah; m. Jan. 12, 1846, Mary Clark, d. 
July 3, 1898. He d. Feb., 1892, aged 76. 

1757. Ella E., b. Sept. 12, 1846; m. Nov. 1, 1882, William Tremaine. 

b. Nov. 20, 1861. 

1071. Willis (Joodyear, son of Jeremiah; m. Oct. 6, 1858, Catherine 
Snyder, 1>. Sept. 10, 1833. He lived in Elmira, N. Y. He d. June 6, 1907. 

1758. Frank Dwight, b. Oct. 25, 1859. 
1750. Snyder Peter, b. June 4, 1862. 

1760. Clara Eveline, b. Sept. 27, 1868; m. Fremont Van Derzee. 

1761. Floyd Alden, b. Oct. 13, 1875. 


1072. Darius Adams, son of Jeremiah; m. Nov. 13, 1860, Fidelia Jam' 
Lyon. He was a carpenter and lived in Elmira, N. Y. She was |>. Tune 
4,' 1840; d. Nov. 13, 1877. He d. Dec. 29, 1891. 

1762. Burton \\ ., b. July 11, 1862. 

1763. Lina U., 1». May 2, 1869; d. Aug. 1, 1924; m. March 14, 1888 

Levelle C. Mills. 

1764. Charles A., b. Dec. 20, 1871. 

1765. Lucia A., b. June 4, 1875; m. Kelsie E. Lawrence. 

1766. Zora B., b. Feb. 19, 1844; m. July 15, 1917, Noserwan Maraiyia. 

1078. Ambrose Cotter, son of Jeremiah; m. July 4, 1883, Emma 
Baker, b. May 4, 1854. He was a farmer and lived at Groton, N. Y. He 
d. Dec. 19, 1913. She lives at Ludlowville, N. Y. 

1767. Lucy T., b. Dec. 16, 1884; m. Philip Crim. 

1768. Bertha, b. Feb. 28, 1886; m. Archie R. Gillen. 

1769. Eugene, b. April 12, 1887. 

1770. Ralph A., b. July 14, 1892. 

1771. John B. t b. March 9, 1894. 

1772. Mary, b. Dec. 14, 1895; unm. 

1074. Alonzo IJ., son of John C,.  b. April 6, 1805; m. Nov. 24, 1825, 
Tamar E. Benjamin. 1.. Aug. 11, 1804; d. Sept. 24, 1888. He lived In 
Genoa, N. Y., and was a mason and farmer. He d. Feb. 14, 1878. 

1773. Alonzo M., 1.. May 28. 1828. 

1774. Norman B„ b. Aug. 11, 1830. 

1775. Jason G., b. Sept. 26, 1834. 

1776. Emily (.".. b. Dec. 12. 1841 ; num. 

1777. W. Hudson, b. Apr. 20, 1844. 

1070. John G., sou of John <i.; m. Sept. 9, 1841, 1'amelia Goodyear, 
b. Aug. 7, 1820; d. Nov. 23. 1857; (2) Aug. 6, 1858, Julia McGuigan, d. 
July 29, 1877. He was a farmer at Genoa, X. Y.. and d. Apr. 12, 1890. 

1778. Lois Augusta, b. Nov. 12, 1843; m. Adelbert H. Smith. 

1779. George Weston, b. Sept. 20, 1849. 

1780. Jesse Gifford, b. Feb. 14, 1853. 

1077. Eliza E., dau. of Newman; m. Sept. 14, 1871, Andrew J. Rhein- 
hold, of Winsted, ( 'onn. 

1078. Abigail Augusta, dau. of John Osborn ; m. Oct. 3, 1832, Chester 
Atkins, of Hamden. Their children were Abigail and Louisa. He d. 
July 2. 1873. 

1070. Eliza Ann, dau. of John < >sliorn ; in. Dr. John Tuttle, of Ww 

York City; (2) William Peck. 


1080. Emeline, dau. of John Osborn; m. Nov. 29, 1829, Benjamin 
Warner, of Hamden. He was b. Aug. 29, 1801 ; d. Tan. 25, 1860. She d. 
in New Haven, April 25, 1897. Mrs. Warner was a lady of the old 
school, of active body and mind always keen and alert. Much beloved 
through all her life of nearly ninety years, she was greatly missed and 

1081. Daniel Leonard, son of John Osborn; m. Aug. 22, 1830, Rosolia, 
dau. of Eber and Clarrissa Brooks Blakeslee, b. May 8, 1810. He cl 
April 18, 1850. His widow, Rosolia, m. Nathan Tibbals, Dec. 28, 1853, 
and died April 18, 1889. 

1781. Leonard Augustus, b. Nov. 9, 1831. 

1082. George Willard, son of John Osborn; m. Nov. 28, 1830, Emeline 
Dorman, b. Nov., 1808; d. Oct 13, 1885. He d. Feb. 5, 1862. Lived in 
New Haven. 

1782. Jane Louisa, b. July 23, 1832; d. May 26, I860; m. Hcmy 


1783. George Lovell, b. May 28, 1841. 

1784. Emma Lucinda, b. Aug. 22, 1843; m. Morgan Nichols Atwal^r. 

1785. John Burton, b. March 12, 1846. 

1083. John Elizur, son of John Osborn; m. Mary J. Hill in 1830; 
d. June 6, 1850; (2) Deney Hill. He d. June, 1852. 

1786. Morgan Nichols, b. Sept. 16, 1843. 

1787. Castine Euretta, b. Jan. 26, 1847 ; m. George M. Ailing. 

1084. Raymond, son of Marcus E. ; m. Mary Hicock. They lived in 
Pittsfield, Mass. 

1788. Frederick, b. Apr. 24. 1850. 

1087. William E., son of Marcus E. ; m. Dec. 30, 1864, Eliza N. Ross. 
They lived in Pittsfield, Mass., where he died. She m. (2) Sept. 30, 1874, 
Charles Dickinson. 

1789. James Peter, b. Nov. 23, 1865. 

1090. Allen H., son of Leverett, b. in Riga, N. Y. ; m. April 19, 1832, 
Eliza Ann, dau. of Phineas M. Parmelee and Mary Meigs Wood. He d. 
Oct. 3, 1889 at Frankfort, S. Dak. He served four terms in the Wiscon- 
sin Legislature. 

1790. Berton Carlos, b. May 4, 1843. 

1791. Josephine, b. May 4, 1845; m. Jared G. Hinckley. 

1792. Melina Elizabeth, b. June 30, 1847; m. Lee 1. ("lark. 

1793. Emery Allen, b. Aug. 10, 1849; num. 


1794. Regina Idalene, b. Oct. 15, 1851; m. Aaron Hoover. 

1795. Horatio Ward, b. July 2, 1854. 

1796. Echabod Hiram, b. Oct. 12. 1850. 

1797. Lillian Eliza, b. May 8, 1860; m. Jared G. Hinckley. 

1095- Josiafa Wolcott, son of Lyman; m. Fanny, dan. of Henry 
Blawnot; (2) Mahala, dan. of Titus Case and Amy Reed; (3) Clara, 
sister of Mahala; (4) Widow Sarah Dowd. He was a farmer at Bark- 
hamsted, Conn. He held the offices of constable, grand juror, selectmen 
and representative. 

1798. Josiah Wolcott. b. Dec. 16, 1838. 

1799. Harriet F.. b. March 7. 1840; m. Asahe] Humphrey. 

10«)7. Sarah Louise, dan. of Lyman; m. Sept. 4, 1838, Martin Rust. 
Lived at Barkhamsted, Conn. She d. Oct. 31, 1851. He d. Dec. 21, 1851. 
Lucinda, b. 1840; m. Sept. 27, 1854, Leonard Doolittle. 
Mary, m. Nov. 28, 1874, George Curtis. 
Martha, m. March 28, 1874, Frederick Driggs. 

1098. Ruth Livia, dan. of Jared; m. Mar. 22, 1849, Ira, son of John 
R. Johnson and Lucy Tuttill, b. May 8, 1825. He was a farmer at Byron, 
X. Y., and d. Oct. 2, 1870. 

1099. Jared Allen, son of Jared; m. (Jet. 8. 1856, Mary Jane, dan. of 
Amos G. Crampton and Prudence Tew, b. Apr. 2S, 1833. They lived in 
Leroy, N. Y., and he was a stone mason. He d. June, 1917. She d. Apr. 
27, 1909. 

1X00. Lyman ]., b. Sept. 2>i, 1858. 

1801. Jennie M., b. Feb. 26, 1865; m. Charles F. Brown. 

1802. Nettie B., b. Aug. 26, 1866; num. 

1100. Alonzo Edwin, son of Jared; m. Nov. 8, I860, Sarah II. Hamb- 
lin, b. July 20, 1X32; d. January 8, 1913. He d. June 3, 1910. 

1X03. Flora K., b. Mar. 26, 1863; m. 18X5. Ezekial Fordyce. 

Linnie Blanche, b. May 21, 18X9. 

Fay, h. 1894. 
1804. Codes E., b. Mar. 2, 1800; m. Lives in St. Louis, Mich.. 

Virgil A., h. Oct. 26, 18X0; m. 
1X05. Jennie Ruth. b. Oct. 16, 1900. 

1102. David, son of Daniel; m. Dec. 29, 1X42, Betsey, dan. of Paul 
Wilder, b. Jan. 30, 1X20; d. Nov. 7. 1X05. He d. Dee., 1X73. They lived 
at Clarendi in, Vt. 

1806. Alonzo D., b. Feb. 9, 1844. 
1X1)7. Alfred H, b. Sept. 16, 1845. 


1808. Lorette F., b. Nov. 26, 1849; m. Moreland E. Lane. 

1809. Myron P., b. Feb. 28, 1852. 

1810. Charles W., b. Aug. 9, 1856. 

1811. Laura B.. b. Aug. 24, 1861; m. Elisha Leffenwell. 

1104. Socrates, son of Daniel; m. Mar. 30, 1850, Lydia A. \\ endover 
dau. of Thomas and Margaret Levesse, b. July 17, 1831. They lived at 
Minden, Neb. She d. Feb. 2, 1893. He d. Jan. 4, 1905. 

1812. Erastus Wellington, b. July 8, 1856. 

1813. Orlando Dallas, b. Dec. 31, 1865. 

1109. Royal, son of Daniel; m. Sept. 24, 1854, Sarah F. McDowell. 
He lived in Franklin, Penn., and later in Robins, Iowa. He was killed 
in a runaway accident July 7, 1885. She was b. Aug. 13, 1831, and d 
Oct. 14, 1893. 

1814. Daniel W., b. Nov. 9, 1856. 

1815. Ayres B., b. May 30, 1858. 

1816. Laura M, b. Jan. 7, 1865; m. M. I). Pember. 

1817. Charles S., b. Nov. 15, 1866; mini. 

1818. Louise C, b. Aug. 6, 1868 ; m. George Sines. 

1819. James R., b. Sept. 1, 1880. 

1110. Asa, son of Daniel; m. Dec. 25, 1877, Susan M. Brown. They 
lived at Wells, Vt. No children. He d. Jan. 8, 1908. She d. Nov. 2, 1916. 

1111. Jonathan, son of Jonathan; m. May 20, 1877, Flora E. Preston. 
Lived in Middletown, Vt. He d. Jan. 26, 1892. She m. (2) June 20, 
1894, Wm. Cooper, of Wells, Vt. 

1820. Flora S., b. Feb. 15, 1878; m. Oct. 9, 1895, Myrlle D. Cooper 

b. May 11, 1872. He is a farmer at Middletown, Vt. Their 
chil. are: Viola E., b. May 26, 1898; Vera M., b. Sept. 14, 
1900; Hazel M., b. Apr. 12. 1902; Lee J., b. Aug. 3, 1903; 
Roy R., b. Feb. 28, 1905. 

1111. Mary, dau. of Stephen; m. Orlando Tanner; removed to Illinois, 
where both died. 

1115. Sarah, dau. of Stephen; m. George Ware. Both dead. Thev 
had two children, both married. 

1116. Lyman, son of Stephen; m. Jane, dau. of Ephraim Gilmorc and 
Laura Ingraham, b. Nov. 17, 1822; d. June 27, 1882. He was a farmer 
and lived in Ludlow, Vt. No children. 

1118. Elnathan Reynolds, son of John; m. April 15, 1858, Rosa 
Patience Smith, b. Nov. 19, 1835; d. July 12, 1896. He was a lawyer and 


clergyman; also editor of Christian Intelligencer; lived in Brooklyn. He 
d. Nov. 29, 1899. 

1821. Julia Lawrence, b. Mar. 7, 1859. 

1822. Rosa Reynolds, b. Oct. 12, 1860. 

1823. Maria Louisa, b. Tan. 23, 1863. 

1S24. Anna Grant, b. June 5, 1865; m. May 15, 1897, Lewis R. Knapp. 
He d. May 28, 1902. 

1825. Clara Parsons, 1). July 16, 1869; m. James Turner Ackerman. 

111!). Cornelius Rush, son of John; m. Apr. 8, 1852, Mary Malvina 
Mull, b. Feb. 24, 1827, of Tribes Hill, X. Y. He d. Feb. 12, 1887. She 
(1. Jan. 21, 1917. 

1826. Maurice Hooker, b. Oct. 11, 1854. 
hX27. Louise, b. July 8, 1856; uiim. 

1828. Cornelius Rush, b. June 8, 1858. 

1121. Nancy, dau. of Elnathan; m. 1837, John McFee, who d. July 
15, 1841 ; (2) 1844, James E. Shader. She d. 1887. 

1124. John B., son of Elnathan; m. Nov. 5, 1856, Sabrina, dau. oi 
John Dillenbeck and Maria Lintner, b. May 24, 1836; d. Apr. 24, 1903 
He was a farmer at Fulton, N. Y. He d. May 7, 1913. 

1829. Tda A., b. Dec. 5, 1858; m. E. W. Parker. 

1830. George Elnathan, b. Dec. 15, 1861. 

1831. John Clarence, b. Oct. 15, 1875. 

1S32. William Rice, b. Oct. 13, 1881 ; num., chief electrician Ameri- 
can company's woolen mills, Fulton, N. Y. 

112.1. Mary Louise, dau. of Philo Judson; m. Apr., 1849, Alfred H. 
Alexander, of Xew Marlboro, Mass. She d. Nov. 18, 1903. He d. Nov., 

Alice, b. June 9, 1852; d. Feb. 29, 1856. 

Ada, 1.. May 31, 1858; m. Dec. 31, 1881, Harrison H. Golding, son 
of Levi and Mary Cunningham. They live in Mill River, Mass. 
Avis I., b. Apr. 9, 1883; m. June 6, 1901, Arthur E. Haynes, and 
have Alfred M., b. Apr. 7, 1902; Katherine Race, b. Sept. 4, 
1904; Marguerite, b. Oct. 2, 1906; Evelyn, b. Dec. 14, 1915; Alice 
Golding, b. 1892, m. 1914, Reginald H. Tuthill, and have Alex- 
ander H., b. Dec. 26, 1918, and Beverly Louise, b. Sept. 22, 1923. 
Frederick G, b. July 27, 1862; m. Anna Huggins. No children. 

112(i. .lames, son of Philo Judson; m. Catherine Bunt. He lived in 
Egremont, Mass. He d. Dec. 10, 1896. She d. 1877. 

1833 lessie A., b. Dec. 12, 1856; m. Charles Buckhee. 
1834. Sherman G, b. June 18, 1865. 


1835. Henry, b. Nov. 18, 1857. 

1836. Emma Stella, b. Oct. 1, 1802; m. William Palmer. 

1837. Hattie Louise, b. July 2, 1870; m. Kphraim Barber Baldwin. 

1127. Elias H., son of Philo Judson ; m. 1864, Lucinda Marks. They 
lived in Highlands, N. J. He d. Apr. 18. 1892. 

1838. Albert, b. Oct. 22, 1805; unm. 

1839. Eliza, 1). June 8, 1807; m. Rob't. Lewis. 

1840. Moses, h. Apr. 0, 1808; unm. 

1841. Frederick, b. Nov. 9, 1870. 

1128. Albert A., son of James Young; m. Nov. 4, 1803, Mary Alice 
Woodford, b. July 25. 1840. He was a whipmaker and lived at Westficld, 
Mass. He d. Jan. 18, 1899. 

1842. William F... b. Pel,, li, 1869. 

1129. George I'., son of James Young; m. Mar. 10, 1875, Dora, dan. 
of Edwin and Anna Hull. He was a whipmaker and lived at W'estfield, 

1130. Frances Louise, dau. of James Young, m. Nov. 9, 1870, Hemy 
C. Gallup. They lived in Holyoke. She d. May 2'?, 1902. 

1131. Edward ('.. son of James Young; m. Dec. 20, 1883, Carlo M. 
Weston of Bangor, Me. He is a sheet metal contractor and lives i.: 
Springfield, Mass. 

1843. Julia Maud, b. Nov. 26, 1884. 

1844. Lucretia Max, b. July 10, 1887; m. Samuel G. Camp. 

1845. Alice Mitchell, b. Nov. 8, 1889. 

1846. Elna Caroline, b. June 30, 1892. 

1847. Madora Louise, b. Mar. 15. 1897. 

1132. Daniel A., son of Tultle ; m. Emeline Yickery. He was a 
farmer and merchant and d. about 1890. She was b. May 1, 1810, and 
d. in 1864. They lived in Stephentown, X. Y. 

1848. Mary Eliza, b. June 10, 1844; m. Henry M. Chapel. 

1849. William Henry, b. Feb. 14, 1847. 

1850. Martha Elinor, b. Nov. 7, 1850; m. Reuben H. Finch. 

1851. Emeline Priscilla, b. Mar. 7. 1853; m. Albert Cross. 

1852. Silas Isaiah, b. Aug. 19. 1855. 

1133. Emily, dau. of Tuttle; m. William M. Stillwell, of Portchester. 
Buried in Evergreen cemetery, Dec. 8, 1907. Had daughters, Ida, who 
married Jules Bonjour, and has several children, and also had daughter, 
Minnie, d. Nov. 10, 1898, aged 32 years. Mr. Stillwell d. Apr. 22, 1888 
aged ?7 yrs., 5 mo., 11 days. 


1137. Allow Nelson, s n of James Lewis; m. Martha Millspaugh. 
He d. Oct. 25, 1925. 

1853. Mary S.. b. Sept. 28, 1873; m. Sigmun Constine and had Felix, 

Dorothy, Sarah and Lonis. 
1S54. Louis \l., b. Jan. 5, 1876. 

1855. Sarah M., b. Mar. 27, 1878; m. Frank S. Miller. 

1856. Henry S., b. Sept. 27, 1882. 

1138. Sally Rebecca, dau. of James Lewis; m. Dee. 21, 1861, James 

Arnold. She d. Aug. 14. 1870. 
Harriet, b. Oct. 6, 1868. 

1139. .lames Griffin, son of James Lewis; m. Oet. 4. 1871. Henrietta 
Snedeker. Lived in Binghamton, N. Y. 

1857. Grace Viola, b. April 8, 1873; m. July 27, 1895, Edwin Adel- 

bert Barnes. 

1858. Charles 1)., b. June 10, 1.882. 

1141. Uriah E., son of Daniel E. ; m. Harriet Lambert. He lived i.i 
Klmira, X. V. He d. May 2, 1915. 

1859. Harry K., b. Dec. 20, 1866. 

1860. Delia, b. May 13, 1876. 

1143. Edward, son of Daniel E. ; m. 1787, Mary Streeter. Live ii 
Chicago, 111. 

1861. Clifford Leroy, b. June 11, 1888; m., no chil. 

1862. Esther, b. Aug. 27, 1898; m. Oct. 7, 1925, Edward Healy. 

1 145. Edward Weaver, son of Stephen; b. in Rochester, X. V.; m. in 
Seneca Balls, X. Y., Sept. 25, 1872, Fannie A. Langworthy (dau. of William 
and Sarah Wood), b. July 29, 1851; d. April 14, 1885. In 1862 he en- 
listed in Company I, 11th Regiment R. I. Volunteer Infantry and saw 
active service in Eastern Virginia. From 1863 to 1871 he represented 
the American Wood Paper Co., of Providence, R. I., at their Royersford, 
Pa., mill. In 1874 lie removed to western New York, living in Palmyra 
four years and Fairport eight years, and in 1886 settled in Batavia, Gene- 
see emmty. In 1886 he became connected with the Johnson Harvester 
Co., of Batavia, X. Y '., was elected trustee and treasurer in 1891, vice- 
president in 1898 and president in 1907, continuing to hold the positions 
of president and treasurer up to the time of his death, which occurred on 
September 2, 1910. 

1863= William Langworthy, h. Aug. 15, 1873. 

1864. Edward Congdon, b. Oct. 9, 1876. 

1865. Alice Elizabeth, b. Nov. 18, 1878; m. E. Dean Hickox. 

1866. Frances Randolph, b Aug. 3, 1883; m. William D. Clapp 


1146. Richard Mead, son of Stephen; m. Sept. 30, 1867, Abby Sophia 
Greene, dau. of Christoper A. and Sarah Ann Chase, b. Dec. 12, 1844. 
Abby Sophia Greene is a lineal descendant of Roger Williams of Rhode 
Island. By the death of his father when Richard was ten years old he 
was obliged to work for his support through school and college life. 
He graduated from Brown University in 1865, and was elected a trustee 
of his college in 1878. On leaving college he engaged in the glass man- 
ufacturing business in New Jersey and continued there until 1890. In 
1X90 he retired from the glass business and took his family to Germany 
were they lived three years. In 1892 Mr. Atwater was appointed secretary 
and director of the Semet-Solvay Co. of Syracuse, N. Y., and took an 
active part in the introduction of the By Product Coke Ovens in the 
United States. In 1893 he was a judge of glass products at the Colurn- 
bian Exposition in Chicago. In 1900 he left the United States and be 
came the European agent for a large American harvesting machine com- 
pany, and resided in Paris for six years. In 1904 he attended the meet- 
ing of the International Chemical Congress in Berlin, Germany, and was 
elected an honorary vice-president. In 1906 he retired from business 
and settled on a large farm at Chadds Ford, Pa., on the site of the Battle 
of the Brandywine. He d. Nov., 1922. 

1867. Sophia Mead, b. Sept. 4, 1868. 

1868. Christopher Greene, b. Dec. 23, 1869. 

1869. Ethelwyn Morrill, b. July 14, 1871 ; m. Arthur H. Cleveland. 

1870. Richard Mead, Jr., b. May 16, 1873. 

1871. David Hastings, b. Nov. 8, 1875. 

1872. Anna Dorothea, b. June 27, 1877; m. Edward W. Smith. 

1873. Maxwell Wanton, b. Dec. 10, 1878. 

1874. Elizabeth Arnold, 1>. June 14, 1880; m. Norman W. Bardeen. 

1875. Marjory Garrison, b. Aug. 24, 1883; m. E. C. Rossmasslcr. 

1148. Anne Caroline, dau. of Stephen; m. May 29, 1877, Rev. J. If 
Mason, who in 1876, closed a seven-years pastorate with the First Baptist 
church in New Haven. She is the Caroline Atwater Mason who has at- 
tained considerable reputation as an authoress. 

Mary Atwater, h. Oct. 17, 187N. 
Ruth Little, h. Nov. 25, 1883. 

1149. William Levi, son of Levi H., m. Nov. 1, 1869, Emily, dau. of 
Harrison and Adelia Bennett of Somerset. No children survive them. 
She d. 1905. He was a very successful architect and builder. Later 
was a grain dealer, and was several terms supervisor of the town of 
Somerset, with much satisfaction from the community. He d. Mar. 4, 


1150. Elizabeth H.. dau. of Levi H.; m. Mar. 10, 1869, Albert F... son 

of Henry H. and Julia A. Frost, of Somerset, X. Y. 

Mary Julia, b. Mar. 22, 1X70; m. Mar.. 1890, Jefferson 1.., b. Aug. 24. 
1867, son of Jas. A. and Harriet J. Dickinson, of Newfane, X. Y. 
Bertha Clara, 1). Dee. 4. 1890. 
Raymond Albert, b. Aug. 13, 1892. 
Dorothy Esther, b. Oct. 27, 1895. 

Wilfred Albert, b. July 2, 1871; m. Mar. 17. 1897, Josephine, dau. of 
Theron and Hannah Dobbs, of Somerset, X. Y. He is a fruit 
grower and farmer, filling places of trust in the church and com- 
munity. Has been master of the local grange and interested and 
active in educational lines. Children are: 

Clifford Elmore, b. Dec. 28, 1899. 

Lillian Grace, b. May 28, 1902. 

Hannah Elizabeth, b. May 25, 1905. 

Henry Hoag, b. Jan. 14, 1S74 ; m. June 18, 1901, Mary Alice, dau. of 
Prof, and Mrs. \Y. T. Tuttle of Leaf River, 111. Graduated from 
Xorthwest University of Evanston, 111., in 1901. Served several 
years as superintendent for Grand Prairie Seminary and other 
schools in 111., and is now pastor of 1st M. E. church at Eargv), 
N. Dak. Children are: 

Wilfrid Tuttle, b. Aug. 25, 1905. 

Henry Hoag. b. Oct. 3, 1907. 

Arthur Atwater. b. Aug. 5, 1909, 

Anna Hoag, b. July 19, 1877; m. Sept. 9, 1914, Willis Thompson 
Mann, formerly of Somerset, now proprietor of "Grand River 
Orchards," of Geneva, O., one of the leading fruit growers of the 
stale. She devoted some time to work in Buffalo Woman's Hospital 
as nurse, but her health giving out she went to Alaska with her 
sister, and there, becoming interested in similar work at Valdez. 
served a year or more in the Episcopal Hospital at that place. 

Grace Maria, b. Dec. 11, 1880, was graduated from Genesee Sem. at 
Lima, X. Y., in 1901. Spent several years in teaclhng in 111. and 
m. Valorous Alderman Paine of Bay City, Mich., Dec. 11, 1906. 
They have resided in Yaldcz and later in Juneau. Alaska. 

1151. .Maria Louise, dau. of Levi H.; m. Oct. 2?. 1870, Horatio Berry, 
of Brooklyn, X. Y. After a lingering illness sbc died Feb. 28, 1881, 

leaving two sons : 

Charles Atwater, b. Aug. 5, 1877, m. Carrie, dau. of ( 'barles A. and 
Sophia Decker, Sept. 23. 1903. Their children ait: 
Elizabeth Atwater, b. Dec. 3, 1908 
Catherine Yreeland, b, July 11. 1910. 


George Washington, b. Feb. 22, 1879; m. Oct. 12, 1903, Genevieve, 
dau. of Howard and Nettie W. Cadmus, of Brooklyn, N. Y. He 
is assistant secretary of the Irving Trust Co., New York City. 

Donald Cadmus, b. Jan. 9, 1905. 

Annette At water, b. Sept. 11, 1909, d. Sept. 24, 1909. 

1152. Myra J., dau. of Levi Hoag; m. Dec. 11, 1878, George Balder- 
ston. He is a nurseryman at Colora, Md. 

Alary, b. Nov. 16, 1879. 

Edward, b. Mar. 21, 1881; m. 1910. Anna E. Dwight. They live in 

Frieda, N. D. 
Alice, b. Nov. 22, 1882. 

Jane Canby, b. April 21, 1886; missionary W. China since 1915. 
Bertha, b. Jan. 1, 1888; florist, Colora, Md. 

Anne, b. Sept. 11, 1889; trained nurse, Rockefeller Institute, N. Y. 
Levi Hoag, b. May 8, 1891; m. 1915, Anna E. Runner. Chil, Helen 

G, b. 1916; Robert L, b. 1917. 
Sarah, b. Sept. 26, 1892 ; m. 1915, Wm. A. Harks. Live in Milwaukee, 

Ruth, b. Feb. 7, 1895 ; teacher Banncrville, Ohio. 
George, b. Tune 19, 1896; banker, Colora, Md. 
Harlan, b. Jan. 28, 1898; d. 1898. 

1153. Stephen, son of Levi Hoag; m. Dec. 13, 1882, Henrietta P. 
Williams. Her father, Henry Williams, enlisted early in the civil war 
and contracted fever of which he died. Stephen was a young man of 
earnest christian character and high principles. He attended school at 
Westtown, Pa., and after his marriage settled on the home farm in Som- 
erset, N. Y., where he raised fruit quite successfully. He soon became 
a helpful member of the community in which he lived and served several 
years as Sunday school superintendent of his church where he did con- 
scientious work. His untimely death occured May 14, 1899. 

1876. Henry Levi, b. Feb. 28, 1884. 

1877. George Edward, b. Oct. 25, 1885. 

1878. Mary Cornelia, b. Nov. 17, 1890; m. Harold Lewis. 

1154. Sarah E., dau. of Levi Hoag; m. May 14, 1883, Elwood Balder- 
ston. They reside at Colora, Md. He is a farmer and dairyman. Was 
a member of the Maryland legislature 1916-7, is secretary of the Cecil 
Farmers Club of Cecil Co., Md., and a member of the Farmers National 
Congress, Washington, D. C. 

Mark, b. May 2, 1890. A graduate Haverford College, Pa., 1912, 
spent a year at Harvard and is now professor of Physics and dean 
of Guilford College, X C. 


Lloyd, b. Jan. 10, 1X93. A graduate of Westtown school, spent two 
years Penna. State A.g. College, short course in agriculture, expert 
farm manager, Colora, Md. 

Richard Mead, b. June 16, 1898, graduate Westtown School, senior 
year Haverfonl College, I'a.. 1918. 

1155. Bertha B., dau. of Levi Hoag, m. Oct. 17, 1895, Cyrus Cooper. 
of Columbianna, Ohio. He is a minister of the Society of Friends. 
They have one son, Samuel. 

1156. Ida Dorcas, dau. of Joseph If.; m. Oct. 9, 1879, George Broome. 
She d. Jan. 7, 1900. 

11,">8. John Larson, son of John; resides in Chicago, 111.; m. March 
2?, 1874, Emma Frances, dau. of Alfred Little Scranton and Mary Jane 
Lamb, b. Jan. 18, 1854. He is a minister and manufacturer, and inventor 
of the Vive cameras, which have become known all over the world. He 
was the first mayor of Western Springs, 111. Four children not mentioned 
are dead. She d. suddenly at Chicago, Nov. 22, 1923. 

1879. George Brooks, b. March 1, 1879; m. May 19, 1921, Minnie 

Schutz, of Postville, Iowa. 

1880. John Mead, b. Dec. 7. 1882; m. June 19. 1920, Clara Winifred 


1160. Emma Mabel, dau. of John; m. Feb. 21, 1895, Charles Harvey 
Truesdell, a lawyer in La Porte, Ind. He d. Jan. 15, 1912. 

Margaret, 1.. Feb. 10. 1896; m. June 24, 1922, Donald Wair, of I. a 

Porte, Ind. One dau., Margaret Cornelia, b. Apr. 21, 1923. 
Charlotte, b. Dec. 20, 1898; mini 

1161. Willard Taft, son of James; m. Aug. 10, 1881, Sarah Ella, 
dau. of Joseph Shepard Pierce and Matilda Weaver. He was treasurer 
W. S. Nott Co., of Minneapolis, Minn. He d. Aug. IS, 1911. 

1881. James, h. June 8, 1882. 

1882. Florence Fay, b. April 28, 1885; m. William Benjamin Pieper 

1883. Helen Louise, b. March 4, 1887; m. John Ernest Tatam. 

1884. Pierce, b. May 17, 18%. 

1885. Lois Taft, b. Oct. 19, 1898; m. James Mx Rae. 

11(>2. Charles -Nelson, son of James; m. Sept. 12, l.X&X, Mary, dau. 
of Doctor Thomas Snowden and < Catherine < . Wood, b. Aug. 4, 1865 
He was a naval officer. He d. Apr. 22, 1919. 

1886. Katherinr Snowden, b. Nov. 3. 1889; m. Lybrand Palmer 


1887. Mary Taft, I.. March 31, 1892; m George Albert Marlins,, n 


116:}. Edwin Charlton, son of James; m. Oct. 17, 1888, Alice Newton, 
dan. of Thomas N. Van Valkenburg and Frances Amelia Lewis, b. May 
5, 1865. He is manager of the Nott-Atwater Refining and Belting Co. 
of Spokane, Wash. 

1888. Thomas Van V., b. Oct. 24, 1889. 

1889. Dorothy Sylvia, b. June 1, 1891. 

1890. Irving Taft, 1.. Nov. 2, 1892. 

1164. Irving James, SO n of James; m. June 24, 1890, Florella, dan. of 
Henry C. Tucker and Clara Warren, b. June 24, 1865. He is an insurance 
agent at Lockport, N. V. 

1891. Claire, b. Sept. 29, 1S91 : unm. 

1892. Eleanor Hay, b. Dec. 31, 1893; unm. 

1893. Elizabeth Tucker, 1.. May 24, 1895; unm. 

1894. Lucia, b. Nov. 19, 1897; unm. 

116r>. Charles, son of David; m. July 3, 1826, Sally Blair, b. May 
27, 1803; d. April 14, 1830; (2) Sept, 1, 1830, Sophronia Blair, b. Aprii 
19, 1810; d. March 27, 1883. 

1895. Harry, b. March 10, 1827. 

1896. Mary, b. April 9, 1832; m. William Swarts. 

1897. Adaline, b. Nov. 2, 1833; m. Edward Eldridge, 

1898. Martha Jane, b. Dec. 2?, 1835: m. George Harvey. 

1899. Isaac Edgar, b. Oct. 8, 1839. 

1900. David H., b. April 12, 1842. 

1901. Benjamin, b. Nov. 3, 1845. 

1902. Sally, b. Jan. 19, 1848; m. James Z. Besecker. 

1903. Charles J., b. July 10, 1852. 

1166. Philander, son of David; m. Sept. 11, 1831, Mary Underwood. 
She d. 1882. He lived at Ithaca, X. Y. Had one son. Jerome, who m. 
Betsey Kenyon, d. April, 1910. They lived at Chenango Forks and had 
one son, George W .. who m. Sept. 15, 1872, DcFlta Prince. No children. 
Both dead. 

1167. Angelina, dan. of David; m. Noah Spalding Billings. She 

d. in Aurora, 111., in 1874. He was sheriff of Kane County, 111., for many 
years. No children. 

1168. Fidelia, dau. of David; m. Nov. 13, 1831, Benjamin Rogers, b. 
Feb. 23, 1801. Lived at Whitney Point, X. Y. Had seven children. 

1161). Mary Jane, <lau. of David; m. A. Knapp. She d. Sept. 15, 1847. 
Lived near Whitney Point, X. Y. 



1170. Chester, son of David; m. Anna Eldridge. They lived <»t 
Whitney Point, N. Y. He d. 1912; she d. 1915. No children. 

1171. Sarah Maria, dan. of David; m. Curtis Mead Butler, 1). in 1817. 

1172. Orrin, son of David ; m. Polly Cole, of Binghamton, N. Y. 

1179. George H., son of Jesse; m. Phebe Willis. Lived at Elmhurst, 
111. He d. Feb. 18, 1898. 

1904. Alfred I., b. Feb. 28, 1854. 

1181. Edric, son of Stephen; m. about 1835, Polly Aldricb. They 
lived in Kalamazoo, Mich. He d. Jan. 9, 1892. 

1905. Edwin, b. Aug. 19, 1838. 

1906. Nelson, b. 1840. 

1907. Ann, b. 1845; m. Monroe Barnes 

1908. John, b. 1849. 

1182. Lydia M., dan. of 
Stephen; m. Albert T. Pearsall. 
Both buried in Lawrence, Kan- 




Eugene, m. Elizabeth Sow- 
ders. Two chil., Char- 
lotte Meadows and Alice 
Adeline, m. William 
Henderson Noe ; Elsie, 
m. Harry M. George. 


Martin Van Buren, m. Lu- 
anda Fleming ; chil.. Eu- 
gene, Frank, Mrs. A. T. 
Ibbetson, Mrs. Albert 
Young, Mrs. Allie Bray, 
Mrs. William Grove, Al- 
bert and Roy. 

Cornelia, m. ; one 

dau., Mrs. Chas. Stinc- 

Evdia M. Atwater Pearsall. 

1183. Oliver C, son of Stephen; m. Emily C, dau. of Benjamin Hale, 
b. March 23, 1819. He was a farmer; lived in Oshtemo, Mich. He d 
Jan 10, 1895. 


1909. Ellen M., 1). July 27, 1847. 

1910. Frederick W., b. Jan. 1, 1851. 

1911. Charles H., b. March 9, 1854. 

1912. Harriet, b. Oct. 14, 1859. 

11S.~). Thomas S., son of Luther; m. Hannah Enos ; d. Nov. 25, 1875, 
aged 71 years and 6 mos. He d. Sept. 25, 187(1 They lived at Howe, Ind. 

1913. Margaret, b. May 7, 1834; m. Andrew C. Leighton. 

1914. Myron, b. Oct. 27, 1841. 

1915. Charles Lyman, b. April 1, 1843. 

1916. John E., b. 1845; d. Aug. 15, 1895. 

1186. Theron, son of Luther; m. 1842, Annie Sen lion. He lived in 
Williamson, X. Y., and d. 1871. 

1917. Olive L, b. 1844; m. Matthew Kilchin. 

1918. Orrin, b. Feb. 27, 1849. 

1919. Alonzo, b. 1851. 

1920. Willis A., b. 1855. 

11S7. Levi, son of Luther; m. 1840, Margaret Waldron. He d. 1858. 
She d. 1880. Lived in Sodus, N. Y. 

1921. Emma Caroline, b. 1849; m. Wm. L. Bliss. 

1922. Jennie Amelia, m. Lewis Bishop; one son, Harvey Gore, Brig. 

Gen. U. S. A. 

1923. Gilbert L., b. April 5, 1850. 

1924. Harriet Hortence, m. John Souerby. 

1925. Anna Louise, m. Chas. Travis, Weaverville, X. C. Four chil. : 

Cula, Marion, Jennie, and Waldron. 

1191. William, son of Luther; m. Feb., 1854, Martha A. Craven, of 
Leeds, England, b. May 9, 1834. She d. April 20, 1903. He d. Jan. 4, 
1918. They lived in Shipshewana, Ind. 

1926. Alice Adella, b. Nov. 1, 1855; m. Nov. 16, 1873, Jacob S. Lupoid. 

1927. Addie X., b. Oct. 26, 1866; m. Nov. 14, 1894, Charles Eaton. 

1928. Alida Viola, b. Oct. 16, 1871; m. Dec. 19, 1896, Harry Machan. 

1929. Edgar D., b. Feb. 12, 1862 ; m. Sept. 27, 1896, Belle Hays ; one 

son Otis, b. Oct. 12, 1904. 

1930. Clara Belle, b. Nov. 4, 1859; m. William E. Fowler. 

1195. Loren, son of Zimri m. Elizabeth . They lived in La Porte, 

[nd. He d. Dec. 10, 1888. 

1931. Florence. 


1196. James Harmon, son of Zimri, m. Amanda Rice. He d. Feb. 
17, 1892. She d. Oct., 1899. Lived at Howe. Ind. 

1932. Frank B., b. Dec. 20, 1850. 

1933. Wm„ b. Oct. 31, 1857. 

1^34. Harriet L., b. Sept. 12, 1879; m. Elisha Burr. 

1935. Edward E., b. May 31, 1862. 

1936. James Benjamin, b. Jan. 21, 1864. 

1198. Emily Lydia, dau. of Zimri; m. Mar. 1, 1850, Allen Morse. He 
d. Nov. 27, 1857; (2) Feb. 18, 1860, Omar A. Kimball. They lived at 
Howe. hid. She d. May 27, 1910. They had one dau., Lillian, who m. 
X. A. Parkham, Howe, Ind. 

1201. Frank Marion, son of Benjamin; m. April 12, 1876, Ellen A. 
i ioodnow. They lived in Williamson, N. Y. ; afterwards at Oswego, N. Y. 
He d. June 6, 1907. 

1037. Grace, b. April 15, 1879; m. Sept. 7. 1898, Charles A. Rogers. 

Have 3 boys ; 2 girls. 
193S. Laura Ella, b. July 14, 1882 ; m. Mar. 28, 1906, Geo. W. Slight. 

Have one boy; one girl. 

1939. Ivy May, b. Mar. 2, 1884; m. Oct. 21, 1911, Edmund Culver 

Morse. Have two girls. 

1940. Alice B., b. June 13, 1886. 

1941. Jeannette, b. Oct. 14, 1887; m. Jan. 28, 1914, Merritt J. Belden 

Have one girl. 

1208. Richard «., son of Caleb; m. Lydia Grace, b. Sept. 27, 1813; 
d. Feb. 2, 1895. Lived in Circleville, Ohio. He d. Dec. 28, 1852. 

1204. Dewitt C, son of Caleb; a physician in Concordia, Cloud Co., 
Kas. ; m. Aug. 17, 1856, Susan M. Sheldon. He d. March 21, 1880. 

1942. Aurelia Jane, b. Oct. 16, 1857; m. Apr. 20, 1873. Nathan C. 


1943. Eveline Henrietta, b. April 29, 1859; m. May 12, 1878, Eugene 

E. Howard. 

1944. Florence, b. Feb. 27, 1861; m. Julian H. McGeorge. 

1945. Douglas S., b. Jan. 28, 1867. 

1946. Lucy Brown, b. Oct. 30, 1868; m. July 4, 1885, Geo. \\ . R. 


1947. Anna Belinda, b. Jan. 4, 1871. 

1948. Laura Estrella, b. Sept. 22, 1872. 
1949 Ulysses Grant, b. Dec 7, 1879 


1206. Lucy Maria, dan. of Caleb; m. May 17, 1853, David Meeker 
Brown, b. June 3, 1817; d. Feb. 11, 1873. He was a merchant at Cincin- 
nati, Ohio. She d. in Indianapolis, Apr. 3, 1915. 

Douglas Atwater, h. Feb. 12, 1854. 

Lewis, 1). Tune 4, 1855; Episcopal clergyman at Indianapolis, Ind. 

1209. .Maria, dan. of Edward M. ; m. in Buffalo, Oct. 13, 1875, John. 
B. Lyman. 

Edward A., b. Sept. 17, 1876; m. June 1, 1903, Genevieve Lyman. 

[Catherine, b. Aug. 17, 1881. 

John Beattie, Jr., b. May 17, 1883. 

1211. .lames Archibald, son of Edward M., m. Oct. 16, 1892, Virginia 
Sage. Lives in New York. 

1950. Grace Virginia, b. Dec. 16, 1893; m. Chester B. Williamson, 

of New Rochelle, N. Y. One son Chester B. 

1951. Madalaine, b. Feb. 1, 1895; m. Donald B. Warner. One son, 

James A. 
1<)52. Georgianna, b. June 22, 1896. 

1212. Lizzie Blair, dan. of Edward M. ; m. in Buffalo, April 20, 1882, 
Thomas G. Perkins. Live in Buffalo. 

Marion, b. August 29, 1883. 
Allen Seymour, b. July 4, 1885. 
Mildred, b. Sept. 29, 1888. 

1213. Granger Smith, son of Edward M.; m. Feb. ZZ, 1889, Edith 
Graham, b. Oct. 15, 1870. Lived in Brooklyn, X. V. He d. March 4, 1920. 

1953. Granger Smith, Jr., b. Aug. 2, 1889. 

1954. Maud Livingston, b. Nov. 18, 1891; m. Apr. 17, 1920, Raymond 

K. Sterling. No chil. 

1955. Edward Macombcr, b. March 13, 1905. 

1214. Kate Boughton, dan. of Edward M.; m. in Buffalo, Oct. 10, 

1894, Edward Ingalls. They have one child, Edward Ingalls, Jr., b. 
June 8, 1903. 

121.">. Henry Charles, son of Albert T. ; m. Dec. 10, 1879, Amy Mar- 
garet Corey, b. Apr. 3, 1863, in Liverpool, Eng. He commenced his 
business career as clerk in a bank in New Haven, Conn., was bookkeeper 
and salesman in a wholesale fruit house, and ' in 1878 went to Florida, 
raised an orange grove, which was destroyed by the "great freeze" in 

1895. He d. in Waldo, Fla., Aug. 4, 1910. 


1956. Ella A., b. Sept. 29, 1880; m. James Armistead. 

1957. Edith R., b. Dec. 29, 1890: m. Calvin Silcox. 

1958. Susie Jane, b. Jan. 4, 1892. 

1959. Albert T., b. Oct. 10, 1895. 

1960. Mary L„ b. May 7, 1897. 

1961. Henry C, 1.. Dec. 25, 1898. 

1962. Lilburn Ralph, 1.. Nov. 8, 1910: 

121«. William Albert, son of Albert T.; m. Nov. 2'?, 1880, Ida Nor- 
man Wood, b. Aug. 31, 1859, d. Dec. 31, 1925. He was a dry goods mer- 
chant at Lincoln, Neb. He <1. Sept. 10, 1925. 

1963. Dorothy Fay, b. Jan. 6, 1884; m. Harry T. Jones. 

1964. James Wood, b. Dec. 22, 1892; unm. 

1217. Ella Augusta, dan. of Albert T. ; m. James T. King. Lived at 

Jacksonville, 111. No chil. She d. Nov., 1906. 

1218. Carrie T.. dan. of Albert T. ; m. Oliver C. Simmons; (2) E. C. 
Kingsbury. Lived in Chicago. She d. May 1, 1916. One dau., Susan 
Atwater Simmons, m. E. B. Minis, of Ridgewood, N. J. Two daughters, 
Barbara and Caroline. 

121J). Frances Jennie, dan. of Francis T. ; m. June 20, 1877. William 
E. Albertson of Norristown, Pa.; d. Aug. 12, 1880. 

1220. William Tweedy, son of Francis J.; m. April 27, 1886, Minnie 
Frances Greene. Lived in Buffalo. He d. March 3, 1914. 

1965. Margaret W., b. Aug. 22, 1888; m. Richmond D. Moot; (2) 

F.dw ard B. Greene, J r. 

1221. Charles, son of Charles; m. Oct. 8, 1863, Josephine, dau. of 
Harvey Montgomery and Mary E. Rochester. He was a merchant and 
lived in Denver, Col. He d. Aug. 12, 1876. 

1222. Howell. SO n of Charles; m. April 2f<. 1864, Harriett Stark, dau. 
of Benjamin Wiggin Chase and Anne Williams. She d. Oct., 1919. He 
.1. May, 1920. 

1966. Harriet Howell, b. April 23, 1866; m. Frederick Wallace Para 

1 ( )(>7. Benjamin Chase, b. May 19, 1867. Last heard of was in 

1968. Theodora, b. Any. 17. 1870; m. Edward Gilbert King; (2) 

J. Howard Attcrbury. 


1224. Mary, dau. of Charles; m. May 31, 1866, Edward G. King, of 
Providence, R.. I. He d. Sept., 1871. She d. Jan., 1872. They had four 
chil. : 

Fredericka, b. Feb. 19, 1867; Edward; Gilbert, b. April 5, 1868; and 
William. Fredericka married George R. MacCleod and had two 
daughters, Frederika and Kathleen. She divorced Mr. MacCleod 
and has since married in California, where she now lives. Edward 
King married his first cousin, Howell's daughter Theodora. Thty 
had two sons. They were divorced and Edward married again. 
Theodora lives in Lutherville, Md. 

1225. Eleanor Hoot, dau. of Charles; m. July 13, 1870, Charles Shel • 
ton. Lived in New Haven. (2) Henry M. Keyes. of Amherst, N. H. 
She d. Apr. 13, 1924. 

Anna Louise Casilear, b. May 6, 1871; m. Dec. 4, 1890, George B. 

Woodson. Live in Naugatuck, Conn. Chil. : Elinor Casilear, b. 

Feb. 1, 1893; Margaret Montgomery, b. Nov. 13, 1898, (m. Mar. 

19, 1921, John J. Z. Darby of Philadelphia, have one son, John 

Ziegler, b. Nov. 21, 1922); George Brainard. b. May 16, 1910; 

Montgomery Atwater, b. Jan. 23, 1912. 
William Roderick, b. Oct. 26, 1891. 

1226. "William Montgomery, son of Charles; m. Julj 6, 1892, Emma 
Benton Hayden, b. April 25, 1872. Live at Miami, Fla. 

1969. William, b. June 4. 1903. 

1970. Margaret, b. June 29, 1904. 

1971. Montgomery, b. Jan. 18, 1906. 

1972. Charles Francis, b. Jan. 7, 1913. 

1227. Annie Wilcox, dau. of Charles; m. Jan. 2, 1887, David Daggett 
They live in New Haven, Conn. 

David Lewis, b. Apr. 9, 1888; m. Apr. 2o, 1919, Frances White Gamble 
of Haverford, Pa. Two chil.: David, b. Oct. 16, 1921. and Frances 
Daisy, b. Dec. 9, 1923. 

1228. William Charnley, son of Henry; m. Feb. 14, 1864, Mary Brya^ 
Bassett, b. Dec. 31, 1842; d. March 14, 1875; (2) Oct. 19, 1876, Isabella 
Canfield. He was in the insurance business in Derby, Conn., and had 
held the offices of mayor of Derby, judge of probate and selectman. He 
d. Mar. 19, 1909. She d. Dec. 6, 1917. 

1973. Henry, b. Oct. 26, 1866. 

1974. Thomas Elmes, b. Dec. 17, 1867. 

1975. Tames Bassett, b. June 30, 1871. 


Issue b_\ second marriage: 

1976. Mary Sterling, b. July 21, 1878; m. Frank M. (lark. 

1977. Katherine Isabella, b. Dec. 5, 1879; m. Ralph II. (lark. 

1978. William Sterling, b. Feb. 4, 1886. 

122J). Henry, son of Henry; m. Feb. 13, 1867, Josie Boyd, dau. of 
Harmon K. Wells and Caroline Bogart, b. March 19, 1844. In early life 
he was paymaster on the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, 
and then went to Detroit, Mich., and entered the hardware trade which 
be mastered successfully until the death of his father when he returned 
to Birmingham; Conn., to manage the big iron and steel business his 
father had established. Later he established the Bridgeport Malleable 
Iron Company, retaining his connection with it from 1879 until his re- 
tirement in 1905. He was police and fire commissioner in Bridgeport for 
twenty years, and also a member of the board of Apportionment and tax- 
ation, and a member of the Connecticut Legislature in 1877. He was 
trustee for fifteen years of the People's Savings Bank and was for four 
years its president. He was a Mason of high standing and one of the 
oldest members of Xew Haven Commandery, Knights Templar. He d. 
March, 1921. 

1979. Fred, b. Dec. 28, 1870. 

1230. .Martha Charnley, dau. of Henry; m. April 7, 1875, James Bull, 
son of Asa Basket and Lucy Bull ; b. Oct. 14, 1841 ; d. Sept. 29, 1877. He 
was a merchant and lived in Derby, Conn. (2) Feb. 18, 1892, Edward 
Morton Oldham. 

James Bull, b. Nov. 8, 1877. 

1231. Charles Klines, son of Henry; m. Nov. 2, 1X75, Helen Genoin, 

dau. of W'm. E. Downes and Jane Maria Howe, b. March 29, 1852. They 
lived in Xew Haven. He d. Aug. 2, 1908. She d. Feb. 20, 1915. 

1980. Jean Howe, b. Sept. 7, 1870. 

1981. Helen Charnley, b. May 11, 1879. 

1282. Sarah Denman, dau. of Henry; m. Jan. 19, 1882, Edward {):■.). 
-on of Edward Lewis ami Lucy M. French, b. Feb. 18, 1849. He is a 
merchant and lives in Xew Haven. 

Martha Charnle} Atwater, b. May 9, 18x8, m. June 23, 1909, ( ,erald 
Beckwith Curtis, b. Feb. 22. 1882. 
Sarah Lewis, b. Feb. 1?, 1911. 
Frederick Whitney, b. Aug. -1. 1912. 
Florence Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1916; 4. June 23, 1916. 


Barbara Atwater, b. March 30, 1891; m. May 17, 1913, Horace Barnes 
Hewlett, b. June 27, 1889. 
Barbara Lewis, b. Mar. 30, 1914. 
Horace Wilson, b. July 27. 1915. 

1238. Isabel Taylor, dau. of George; m. Aug. 2, 1866, Henry Elliott 
Thacher, son of Capt. John Thacher, of Cape Cod, and Hannah (Elliott') 
Thacher, of Philadelphia. He d. Feb. 24, 1867. (2) June 10, 1880, Syl- 
vester G. Whiton, son of Ashbel and Jerusha Whiton, of Westford, Conn. 
She d. Mar. 1, 1890. 

Walter Humstone, b. July 2, 1881. 

Helen Atwater, b. June 11, 1888; d. Dec. 25, 1921 

1235. Helen Frances, dau. of George; m. Oct. 19, 1881, Clarence 
Eugene Kirby, son of Caleb and Margaret ( Myers) Kirby. 

Wallace Myers, b. Sept. 17, 1887; m. Oct. 12, 1921, Wilman Vaughan ; 
one dau., Sibyl, b. Dec. 31, 1924. 

1230. Percy (Jeorge, son of George; m. Oct., 1884, Ellen Kelley. He 
d. June 17, 1896. 

1982. George Percy, b. June 11, 1885. 
1983.. Mary Elizabeth, b. April 22, 1887. 

1984. Helen Ida, b. . 

1237. Frederick Holland, son of George; m. July 31, 1888, Florence 
Boorum, dau. of John Lowe Boorum and Eliza Van de Water (Whitin?) 
Boorum, dau. of Mason Whiting. Florence is a lineal descendant of Rev. 
Jonathan Edwards on the mother's side. He d. Mar. 26, 1901. 

1985. Raymond Edwards, b. July 29, 1891. 

1238. Ida Wyman, dau. of George ; m. Nov. 20, 1890, Richard Howard 
Carstens, son of Mathias Carstens, a native of Flensburg, Schleswig- 
Holstein, who came to America in his sixteenth year, and of Sarah 
(Isaacs) Carstens. 

Arthur Hale, b. Jan. 2, 1894; m. June 4, 1919, Marjorie Madder; one 
child, Janet Hale, b. Apr. 4. 1923. 


1239. Robert Henry, son of Charles Henry; m. June, 1858, Caroline 
Augusta, dau. of Major L. A. Sykes. He d. October, 1899. 

1242. David Jiidson, son of Lyman Hotchkiss; m. Sept., 1884, Eliza- 
beth Smith, of Bethlehem, N. Y. He d. Nov. 6, 1891. No children. 


124:;. Edward Sanford, son of Lyman Hotchkiss; m. June 7, 1876, 
Gertrude Vanderpoel, dau. of Dr. Lewis William Oakley and Henrietta 
Baldwin, b. Aug. 12, 1854. He graduated from Princeton University in 
1862, and From the Law School of Columbia University in 1866; and was 
admitted to bar of New Jersey same year. He began the practice of law 
in Elizabeth, X. I. He was appointed in 1896 judge of the District Cou^ 
in Elizabeth and served on that bench until 1906 when he was appointed 
judge of the Court of Common Pleas, which office he held until he re- 
signed in January, l n 13, on account of failing health. He was president 
of \'i w Jersey Slate Society of the Sons of the American Revolution 
from January, 1909, to January, 1913. He died at Elizabeth, N. J., June 
3, 1913. Slu- d. Oct. 12, 1922." 

1986. Henrietta Baldwin, b. April 1, 1879; m. May 17, 1906, Herbert 

Underwood Farrand, of Elizabeth. 
Sanford.Atwater, b. June 28, 1910. 
John Carroll, b. Aug. 31, 1912. 
Jane Oakley, b. Sept. 22, 1917. 

1987. Edward Sanford, b. April 30, 1882; m. Feb. 20, 1909, Jeanette 

Sheldon Brown, of Elizabeth. He graduated from Prince- 
ton University in June, 1904, and from the New York Law 
school in 1906, and began practice of law in Elizabeth same 

Edward Sanford, 3rd, b. Dec. 14, 1909. 

Charles Brown, b. May 19, 1914. 

1244. Addison, s,,n of Lyman Hotchkiss; m. Nov. 15, 1888, Amelia 
Haywood, eldest child of Thomas Fletcher Wright and Susan Jane Hay- 
wood, b. April 4, 1858. He d. in the summer of 1898. 

1988. Lyman Hotchkiss, b. March 30, 1890. 

12tr,. .Julim- L., dau. of Elizur P.; m. Sept. 28, 1882, Chester Case 
Lord, son of Benjamin Lord and Antoinette Case. They removed t-j 
Montrcat. X. C, when- she d. in Sept., 1900. 

1246. Hattie li., dau. of Elizur P.; m. Oct. 15, 1891, Charles Coit 
Tyhr. son of Lemuel Tyler and Mary Danielson Coit. They reside in 
Bridgeport, Conn. 

1247. Nellie Adeline, dan. of Elizur P.; m. Sept. 28, 1892, William 
Harmon Carrier, b. Sept. 21, 1867. They live in Glastonbury, Conn. 

1248. Charles Barnes, son of Marvin; m. Jan. 1, 1852, Bloumy C 
Kniffir. Lived in Greenwich, Ohio. She d. July 1Q, 1Q08, ased 74. He 
d. Nov. 17, 1889. 


1988. Cecelia Jane, b. .Mar. 17, 1853; m. John K. Hester. 

1989. Frances Josephine, b. May 3, 1856; m. Han ford Terry. 

1990. Lydia Alma. b. Nov. 6. 1858; m. Frank Titterly. 

1991. Luella Ardell, b. June 22, 1860; m. Henry Miller. 

1992. Charley Brink, b. June 22, 1860. 

1993. Alfred Ellsworth, b. Feb. 6, L868 

1994. Oscar Starin, b. Nov. 13. 1869. 

1995. George Henry Peck, b. Aug. 4, 1872. 

1996. Marvin Ray. h. Feb. 19, 1876. 

1249. Ellen A., dan. of Charles Townsend ; m. Nov. 2?, 1854, Charles 
Caw, of Pittston, Penn., where he was a merchant. He was h. Oct. 30, 
1833; d. July 11, 1910. They had ten children, eight of whom were living 
in 1918; there were twenty-eight grandchildren, twenty-one now living, 
ten great grandchildren, eight now living. On Aug. 3. 1917, their cont- 
inued ages aggregated 1,000 years. 

Archibald Falconder, b. June 21, 1856; m. Sept. 25, 1878, Eva Brenton. 
He was vice-president Temple Iron Coal Co., Scranton, Penn., 
and d. Julj 18, 1894. 

Frank Earl, h. Dec. 17. 1882; m. Dec. 2?, 1917, Janet MacMillan. 

Lives at < Bresson, I 'enn. 
Grace Brenton, b. July 2'?, 1884; m. Sept. 3. 1908, Frank E. Rut- 
ter, of Scranton, Penn. Both killed Sept. 2, 1913. New Haven 
R. R. wreck. 

William Henry, b. May 1, 1858; m. Dec. 10, 1881, Jennie Kenyon. 
Bookkeeper for Simpson & Watkins Coal Co. Burned to deatu 
Dec. 14, 1897, while putting papers in vault to save from fire. 
Chil. : Bessie Grey, b. Oct. 21, 1883; Charles Benham, b. Aug. 20. 
1885; Wm. Kenyon, b. Aug. 20, 1886; m. July 3, 1913, Rebecca 
Watsinger; they had Rebecca, b. July 29, 1914, and Adeline, b. Aug. 
17, 1916; Harry S. Law, b. Dec. 30. 1S90; m. July 3, 1913. Alma 
Reese Scranton; Royal E. Law. b. May 16, 1896. 
John Howell, b. Apr. 5, 1860; m. in 1883, Laura Hileman, d. Sept. 
30, 1909. Lived in Pittston, I 'enn. Is in insurance business. Ruth 
Hileman, b. May 19, 1885; m. Oct. 4, 1910, Robert Bonney, of 

Gretchen Helen, b. Feb. 2, 1887, Wilson college graduate. 
Joseph, b. Dec. 1, 1891. 
Elizabeth Cornelia, b. Apr. 8, 1862; m. May 22, 1884, Thomas Hamer 
Watkins, of Pittston, Penn. He is an extensive coal operator. 
Charles Law, b. Feb. 11, 1886; Yale graduate; served in an am- 
bulance corps in France, 1916-1917 and won Croix -de Querre. 
Volunteered for further service in 1917; m. Feb. 22, 1919, 
Marie Mathilde Bader; one son, Thomas Hamer, b. Mar. 25, 


Gladys Marian, b. Sept. 22, L887; m. May 4. 1911, Charles Sey- 
mour, ni" New Haven, Conn. He is a professor of history at 
Yale college. Three chil. : Charles, b. Feb. 10, 1912; Elizabeth, 
b. Feb. 26, 1914; Sarah, b. July 4. 1916. 
Mary Sherman, b. Sept. 10, 1864; m. Mar. 21, 1887, Geo. W. Cros 
of Moundsville, W. Va. 

Lorine May, b. Apr. 16, 1889; m. June 10, 1911, Edward K. Morse. 
Lived in Brooklyn. Chil.: Margaret Evelyn, b. Aug. 2, 1915. 

Ellen A., m. Aug. 10, 1915, J. Harper Fullerson, of Plainfield, 
X. J. One son, Stuart Harper, b. May 12, 1916. 

Charles P., b\ Max 2, 1867; m. May 14. 1890, Minnie Perry. Rep- 
resents Busser Tank Co., of Ft. Wayne, Ind. Lives at Kingston, 
I Vim. 
Marjorie Ellen, b. June 7, 1895; m. Feb. 15, 1917, Roscoe Frantz, 
wholesale grocer of Kingston, Penn. Chil.: Malcolm Perry, 
b. Oct. 13, 1897; enlisted in aviation service at 19; received 
four promotions in nine months; embarked for France in Sept., 
1917, in charge of 1,200 men. 
Kenneth Watkins, b. Sept. 26, 1903. 
Ellen M., b. Dec. 16, 1869; m. Feb. 7, 1894, Herman A. Warner of 
Pittston, Penn. Removed to Decorah, Iowa, where he is a mer- 

Barton Kerr, b. Nov. 18, 1894. 
Charles Law. b. Aug. 23, 1896. 
Robert MacMillan, b. June 21, 1872; unm. 
Anna Nugent, b. May 27 ', 1874; unm. 

James ( '., b. Aug. 5, 1875; m. July 4, 1901, Annie Estelle Lewi-, lie 
is with tin- Cross Engineering Co., of Carbundale, Penn. 
Elizabeth, b. May 30, 1909; Gordon Warner, b. June 6, 1911. 

1250. Henry Heaton, son of Charles Townsend; m. May 3, 1856, 

Addie A. Daily. They lived in IYtaluma, Cal. He d. Aug. 10. 1897. 

1997. Frank If., b. Jan. 15. 1857; m. July 25, 1882, Carrie S. Cadwell. 
They live in San Francisco, Cal. 

1251. Elizabeth, dan. of Charles Townsend; m. Nov. 21, 1857, Solon 
Woodward. The) lived in Sandwich. 111., hut afterward returned to 
Carbondale, Penn. Two chil. d. young. He d. Sept. 25, 1882. She d. 
Ian. 15, 1919. 

Archie (dark, b. Aug. — ; m. June 29, 1898. May Frances Gove. 

Chil.: Frances May, b. June 14. 1901; Lloyd Cove, b. Mar. 14, 1903. 

Carrie Angeline, b. Jul) 29, 1864; m. Dee. 23, 1894. Harry C. Robin- 

5( '11. 


Vellie Marian, b. Nov. 29, 1869; m. Nov. 3, 1898, Dr. W. A. Spencer. 

Chil. : Walter Alan. b. Oct. 16, 1912. Live at Carbondale, Penn. 
John Willis, b. Feb. 44. 1872; m. Mar. 20, 1895, Anna Liston. 
Herbert Solon, b. Mar.. 1870; m. Oct. 5, 1912, Frances Knapp. One 

dau. d. in infancy. 

1252. Angeline Maria, dau. of Charles Townsend ; m. Dec. 27, 1857, 
Wm. C. Gurney. She d. Jan. 10, 1863. Had three children, oldest one, 
Fred, lives in Binghamton, N. Y. 

1253. Charles Landon, son of Charles Townsend; m. Sept. 24, 1866, 
Mary, dau. of Chauncey Derby and Esther P. Carey, b. July 23, 1843; d. 
Feb. 14, 1895. He was a merchant at Scranton, Penn. He d. May 29, 

1998. Etta May, b. July 22. 1867; m. Fred L. Steenback. 

1999. Nellie Lozena, b. Mar. 18, 1871 ; m. William Grant Smith. 

2000. Charles Edward, b. Feb. 15, 1873. 

2001. George Miner, b. Jan. 26, 1875. 

2002. Ina Elizabeth, b. Jan. 29, 1883. 

1254. Frances Clarissa, dau. of Charles Townsend; m. July 5, 1867. 
George Woodward. They lived in Moline, 111. She d. Oct. 30, 1887. 
One surviving son. Robert Atwater, a jeweler, lives in Sandwich, 111. 

1255. William .Marvin, son of Charles Townsend; m. Nov. 6, 1872, 
Angeline Saunders. They lived in Pittston, Pa. He d. Apr. 28, 1919. 
She d. Sept., 1924. 

2003. Archibald Law, b. Aug. 10, 1875. 

2004. Robert Ernest, b. Jan. 18, 1880, 

2005. Oscar Severson, b. Jan. 3. 1883. 

2006. Benjamin Harry, b. Jan. 13, 1892 

1256. Mary Cornelia, dau. of Charles Townsend; m. Oct. 6, 1875, 
John J. Ryman, of Dallas, Penn. She d. Dec. 23, 1885. He d. May, 1919 

Edith, b. June 1, 1878; m. Sept. 7. 1905, Albert G. Stone, of Ithaca. 
N. Y. He is cashier of Tompkins County National Bank. 

Edna M., b. Aug. 11. 1880, m. Oct. 10, 1906, Lloyd G. Gage, of Butte, 
Mont. He is a mining engineer in Aregripa. Peru. She d. Oct. 1, 
1912, leaving one dau., Mary Cornelia, b. Aug. 6, 1908. 

1257. Katherine, dau. of Edward Mortimer; m. June 17, 1877, 
Rudolph Harmes, M. D., b. June 3, 1856. He d. Feb. 15, 1883. They 
lived in Hallsted, Penn. 

Edward Atwater, b. July 16, 1880; m. June 5, 1912, Jessie M. Cal- 
lender. Their chil.: Margaret Callender, b. June 2, 1914; Edward 
Atwater, Jr., b. Mar. 4, 1916; John MacXair, b. Feb. 21, 1922. 


1258. Anna, dau. of Edward Mortimer; m. Dec. 28, 1881, George W 

Phillips, son of Thomas and Ann Williams; b. Mar. 10, 1855. He was 
superintendent of schools at Scranton, Penn. She d. Mar. 7, 1913. He 
d. Nov. 28, 1923. 

1239. Minnie Evelyn, dau. of Edward Mortimer; m. Oct. 29, 1885, 
Henry M. Kessler, of Cleveland, Ohio. He is a chemical manufacturer 
They live at Fayetteville, X. V. 

Charles Raphael, b. June 11, 1889; m. Oct. 20, 1911, Edna A. Kollmer. 

Katherinc Atwater, b. Aug. 10, 1895; m. May 6. 1921. Staniei ; 

one son, Henry R., h. Feb. 14, 1922. 

1260. Charles fsaac, son of Joshua; m. Dec. 14, 1862, Mary J., dau. 
of Milton Coombs and Elizabeth Crawford, b. Sept. 11, 1846; d. Oct. 14, 
1873; (2) 1884 Amanda J., dau. of R. F. Hughes. He is a printer and 
lives at North Lime Rock, Ark. 

2007. William H., b. Dec. 30, 1863. 

2008. Sarah E., b. May 7, 1866. 
Issue by second marriage : 

2009. Lilly May, b. Sept. 13, 1885; m. W. G. Basket; (2) W. L. 


2010. Grover E., b. Jan. 12, 1887; m. and d., leaving dau., Nellie. 

2011. Albert Earl, b. Feb. 13, 1891; m. Fanny Taylor; 3 chil., George, 

Clara and Mildred. 

2012. Lena Leoti, b. July 23, 1898; m. Robert Miller; 2 hoys, Carthel 

and Maynard. 

1201. William Brewster, son of Joshua; m. May 30, 1870, Florence 
Addie Lihby. They lived at Long Reach, California. He d. Oct. 14, 1916 

2013. William R., b. Feb. 22, 1872. 

1202. George E. L., son of Joshua; m. Nov. 9, 1870, Eva, dau. of 
Hiram Forbes and Caroline Chapman. He lives at Nampa, Idaho. She 
d. Oct. 6, 1915. He m. (2) Mrs. Phoebe Wickoff. She d. Nov. 6, 1924. 

2014. Daisy M., b. Feb. 28, 1875; m. Loren P. Riddick. 

2015. Edward Francis, b. Jan. 18. 1881; m. Feb. 14, 1911, Fay 

Gwendolyn Nesbil. He d. Dec. 6. 1924. One dau., Marguer- 
ite, b. Feb. 18, 1915. 

1204. John Birdseye, son of Isaac; m. Sept. 20. 1889, Miriam Cahill. 
He is a graduate of Yale 77, and practiced law al Minneapolis, Minn. 

1205. Randolph King, sun of John Stone; m. June 20. 1889, Grace 
Leonine Gamier, b. Sept. 11. 1870. He d. July 1. 1912. He lived in 
Green, N. V 


2016. Madeline Thelma, b. May 10, 1891 ; m. Apr. 5, 1922, James I. 


2017. Gerald King, b. Apr. 23, 1893. 

2018. Grace Irene, b. Oct. 2, 1897; m. Oct. 15, 1923, Charles F. 


2019. Marjorie Gamier, b. Aug. 14, 1908. 

1266. Eli, son of Lucius; m. Dec. 25, 1865, Martha M., dau. of 
Chauncey P. Turner and Martha M. Congden, b. July 10, 1845. He d. 
July 10, 1873; was a farmer at Prescott, Wis. She m. (2) Jeffrey W. 

2020. Lucius Chauncey, b. Dec. 23, 1868. 

2021. Mary Minerva, b. Sent. 27, 1870; m. Wra. H. McClelland. 

1268. Jonathan Squire, son of Erasmus; m. Nov. 23, 1870, Alice 
Jane, dau. of George Atyeo and Charlotte Hitchcock. He lived in Throops- 
\ i He, N. Y. He d. Oct. 2S, 1916, in Zimmerman, Minn. She d. June 29, 

2022. George Erasmus, b. April 15, 1880. 

2023 Mary Sibyl, b. April 8, 1883; m. F. J. DeWitt. 

1269. Lucius Luther, son of Erasmus; m. Jan. 28, 1897, Mabel 
Frances, dau. of Henry Elson and Sarah Randley, b. Sept. 26, 1871. He 
lived in Rochester, N. Y., and was a general insurance agent. She d. 
Feb. 7, 1911. He d. Sept. 2, 1911. 

2024. Agnes Mary, b. Dec. 18, 1897; m. Aug. 3, 1918, Floyd Andrus. 

2025. Frederick Elson, b. Aug. 26, 1899. 

2026. Allen Munroe, b. July 11, 1907. 

1270. Henry Erasmus, son of Erasmus; m. Oct., 1874, Addie, dau. 
of Joseph Bentley and Harriet Dean. He was a farmer. He d. in 1882 
They resided in Throopsville, N. Y. 

2027. Joseph, b. Sept. 13, 1875; whereabouts unknown. 

1271. Allen Eli, son of Erasmus; m. July 11, 1877, Lizzie Chatfield, 
dau. of Julius Robbins and Delia Ursula Cannon, b. April 16, 1859. He 
is a Methodist clergyman; five years general secretary Y. M. C. A.; town 
superintendent of schools; state superintendent of Junior Epworth League. 
He is dead. 

1272. Lydia Blanchard, dau. of Erasmus; m. Dec. 8, 1880, Louis 
Eugene Fiero. Lives in Syracuse, N Y 


127:*. Julius Judson, son of Thomas Judson; m. Oct. 24, 1871, Julia 
Frances Bell; b. March 22. 1851. He is a carpenter and lives in Yakimi, 

2028. Elizabeth, 1). Aug. 4, 1873. 

2029. Orrin Truman, b. July 13, 1877. 

2030. Alta Loretta, b. Dec 25. 1880; m. John D. Raher 

1274. William Henry, son of Thomas Judson; in. Aug. \9, 1889, 
Nettie A., dau. of F. H. Merriman, 1>. On. 17, 1871. He lives at Yakimi, 
Wash., and is a railroad postal clerk. 

2031. Byrel E, b. April 15, 1891. 

1275. Helen .Maria, dau. of Thomas Judson; m. July 26, 1881, 
Charles Wilson, son of Andrew Jackson West and Martha Ellen Alverson, 
h. Nov. 19, 1857. They reside in Milwaukee, Oregon. 

Harry Atwater, b. June 18, 1885. 
Merle Judson, h. Aug". 15, 1890. 

127(>. Fred (J., son of Thomas Judson; m. Dec. 11, 1890, Edith M.. 
dau. of William Leavitt and Mary Smith. He lived at Prescott, Wis., 
where he was a carpenter. He has been town treasurer and district clerk. 
He now lives in Minneapolis, Wis. 

2032. Ethel May, b. March 29, 1892. 

2033. Charles William, b. Aug. 18, 1896; m. Aug. 6, 1921, Louise M. 


2034. Leon Judson, b. Sept. 29, 1897; m. Apr. 12, 1925, Ulah Upper. 

2035. Graydon Francis, b. Sept. 4, 1899. 

1278. Amos Townsend, son of Isaac Townscnd ; m. Feb. 12, 1884, 
Addie Doddridge, dau. of William Doddridge Plattenburg and Margaret 
Irene Ward, b. Aug. 2. 1859. He lived in St. Louis, hut was in the live 
stock commission business in Chicago. IK' was secretary Kvans-Snydcr- 
Buel Company, of St. Louis. Chicago, Kansas City and Omaha; president 
St. Louis Live Stock Exchange; secretary National Cattle and Horse 
Growers' Association of the United States, both in St. Louis. Mrs. At- 
water and daughter now live in Alhamhra. Cal. 

2036. Margaret Ward, b. May 20, 1890. 

127!). Charles Horace, sun of rsaac Townsend; m. Oct. 11, 1883, 

Lizzie l.ee, dan. < > l" Ozias G. Strong and Bcthena I'avy. He was a cashier 

and bookkeeper in Quincy, 111., and d. Sept. 23, 1892. She d. in spring 
of 1896. 

2037. Mary Louise, b. Sept. 10, 1886; m. Roj Fanning. He was 

killed in France. One dau.. Elizabeth. The mother is also 


1280. Edwin Hollis, SO n of Hollis Jacob; m. Nov. 16, 1882, Nettie, 
dau. of Richard Mack and Amanda Frost. He is a farmer at Ganges, 

2038. Hollis Mack, b. Nov. 14, 1886. 

2039. Charles Edwin, b. Jan. 30, 1S89. 

2040. Leon Webster, b. July 26, 1892. 

1281. Charles Henry, son of Hollis Jacob; m. March 15, 1887, Nancy 
J., dau. of Clark W. June and Elizabeth Reynolds. They live at Kala- 
mazoo, Mich. 

2041. Bertha May, b. Sept. 30, 1891. 

2042. Warren Webster, b. Sept. 22, 1896. 

1283. Willis !>., son of Addison V, b. Sept., 1881, May Wheeler; d. 

Aug. 10, 1908; (2) Mrs. Viola Douglas. Lives at Camp Don-las, Wis. 

One dau. by first wife. 

2043. Ella. 

1286. Reuben R., son of Addison N. ; m. Dee. 26, 1888, Carrie Phelps. 

2044. Minnie, b. Nov. 10, 1885; m Kenneth Owen. 

2045. Irving C, b. Nov. 28, 1886. 

2046. Addison J., b. Nov. 29, 1889. 

1289. Julia A.., dau. of Addison N. ; m. Jan. 26, 1898, O. C Harring- 
ton. Lives in Chicago, 111. 

Maud E., b. Aug. 15, 1901. 
Velva, b. June 3, 1902. 
Myrtle, b. Dec. 30, 1904. 

1290. Charles .Manning, son of Addison N. ; in. Dec. 6, 1906, Maude 
Manger. Lives in Camp Douglas, Wis. 

2047. Dora, b. May 29, 1908. 

2048. Richard E., b. Dec. 15, 1909. 

2049. Loyd Elmer, b. July 10, 1911. 

2050. Ruby Alice, b. June 21, 1913. 

2051. Curtis Lyle, b. Feb. 10, 1915. 
Mildred Arline, b. May 22, 1918. 

1292. Eva A., dau. of Irvin; m. in 1888, Henry R. Ferris, of Franklin, 

Nellie M., b. Oct. 8, 1888. 

1293. Jennie M., dau. of Irvin; m. \h\\ 1, 1897, F. A. Sparkman, of 

Franklin, Tenn. No children. 

 1 -> " 


1295. Herbert David, son of Manning; m. June 29, 1910, Elizabeth 
Case Teed. He is a druggist in Elmira, N. Y. 

2052. Robert Eugene, b. Jan. 7, 1913. 

2053. Elizabeth Louise, b. July 27, 1914. 

2054. William David, b. July 28, 1916. 

1298. .Temiie B., dau. of Elijah Sanford; m. Oct. 6, 1898, Edwin 
Pearsall. Lives at Trumansburg, N. Y. 

1299. Herman David, son of Elijah Sanford; m. Feb. 20, 1902, Minnie 
E. Vaun. Lives at Trumansburg, N. Y. 

2055. Helen M., b. Nov. 23, 1905 ; unm. 

2056. Sanford Howe, b. July 8, 1908; unm. 

1300. Franklin Sanford, son of Edgar F. ; m. June, 1891, Mary 
Estella Foote, b. Aug. 14, 1859, dau. of Walter Foote and Jane Tanner. 
He d. Aug. 7, 1901. Lived in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. 

2057. Edgar Foote, b. July 19, 1893. 

2058. Walter Sanford, b. Mar. 8, 1897. 

2059. Emma Estelle, b. Sept. 15, 1898; m. Robert L. Wolcott. 

1302. Arthur Stanley, son of Edgar F. ; m. May 28, 1891, Anne E., 
dau. of Daniel Rowe and Margaret Frances. He is an electrician and 
lives in Cleveland. 

2060. William R., b. Apr. 28, 1901 ; unm. 

1303. Clarence Elwood, son of Edgar F. ; m. Dec. 2, 1891, May 
Marks, b. Sept. 7, 1863. He is in the printing business in Chicago. 

2061. Frederick Richard Tupper, b. Dec. 29, 1892. 

2062. Julia Harriet Tupper, b. Jan. 13, 1902. 

1304. James Mitchell, son of Horace; m. April 24, 1872, Elizabeth 
Martha, dau. of Ogden Price and Martha Church. He lives on State 
street, New Haven, and is a market gardener. She d. Dec 17, 1920. 

2063. James Horise, b. May 9, 1873. 

2064. Charles Ogden, b. July 11, 1875. 

2065. William Church, b. Sept. 30, 1877. 

1305. Edwin liassett, son of Horace; m. April 24, 1872, Sarah Janet, 
dau. of Ogden Price and Martha Church. He lives on State street, New 
Haven. No children. They celebrated their golden wedding, April 24, 



1306. George Bennett, son of Horace; m. Nov. 7, 1883, Florence 
Edith Story. They live on State street, New Haven. 

2066. George Franklin, b. Mar. 28, 1888. 

2067. Ruth Marjories, b. June 8, 1891; unm, 

1307. Lewis Elihu, son of Horace; in. Aug. 30, 1898, Mary Sieden- 
thal. They live at Riverside, California. 

1300. Huldah Deborah, dan. of Albert 
Ailing; m. June 11, 1873, George L. Stanley; 
d. Sept. 8, 1923. He was a contractor in 
cement work in Ashtabula, Ohio. She d. 
Nov. 3, 1926. 

Leila Atlanta, b. Sept. 9, 1877; m. Clark 

Cadle; d. March 24, 1903. 
Arba Porter, b. Mar. 18, 1881 ; m. Lulu 

Edgar Albert, b. Nov. 25, 1882; m. Ediii 

Fae, dau. of Eri and Fanny Grimes 

Watson, 1). Dec. 4, 1884. He is a 

leading architect in Youngstown, Ohio. 

Two chil. : Letta May, b. May 3, 1914; 

Richard Eri, b. Sept. 25, 1922. 

Huldah D. Stanley. 

Dress and fan belonged to 

Abigail C. Bradley. 3rd wife 

of Stephen Atwater. 

1310. Jared James, son of Albert Ailing; m. Aug. 14, 1867, Hattie, 
dau. of John D. Root and Sarah P. Harmon; d. Jan. 8, 1922. He was a 
farmer and lived at Boynton, Fla. He d. Dec. 29, 1918. 

2068. Albert Ailing, b. May 27, 1868. 

2069. Hattie Belle, b. June 3, 1870; m. Herman Hotze. 

2070. Harmon Gordon Root, b. Sept. 19, 1877. 

2071. Frank Edward, b. Nov. 25, 1879. 

2072. Fannie Emily, b. Nov. 25, 1879; m. Alvah R. Statler. 

1311. Sarah Emma, dan. of Albert Ailing; m. Apr. 2, 1889, Seldon 
Cone. He d. Jan. 25, 1892. She d. Aug. 18, 1919. 

1312. Ezra Ailing, son of Albert Ailing; m. Corda C. Philips; d. 
Aug. 5, 1925. He lived in Cleveland, Ohio. 

1313. Schuyler Edgar, son of Albert Ailing, m. June 19, 1906; Mini 
Bell Herrick. He d. July 13, 1917, leaving no children. 


1315. Arthur Edison, son of Nathan S. ; m. Nov. 3, 1878, Clara M. 
Collester, b. Jan. 7. 1858. He d. Jan. 18, 1884. 

2073. LaVerne Nathan, b. Feb. 13. 1883. 

1316. Olin Jared, son of Lyman A., m. Jan. 1, 1889, Isabel! McKin- 

iiimi; (2) May 6, 1914, Jennie Marie Mclntyre. He lives in Hopkins, 

2074 Veria Perle, b. Nov. 11, 1X90; m. July 7, 1910. Fred C. Walter. 

1317. Ida Delia, dan. of Lyman A.; m. Jan. 19, 1887, Otis A. Parmelee. 

Hazel B., b. Jan. 4, 1892; m. Oct. 12. 1912, James H. Wilcox. She 

(1. Apr. 11, 1916, leaving a son, Roger W.. b. Mar. 26, 1916. 
Wayne A., b. May 9, 1894; m. June 15, 1915. Maida Miller. 
Olive C, b. Dec. 13, 1898. 

1319. .May Olivia, dau. of Henry J.; m. May 18, 1890, Rev. Charles 
Lincoln Morgan, a graduate of Beloit College in the class of 71 and of 
the Yale Divinity school class of '75, then pastor of the First Congrega- 
tional church of Moline, 111., and later of the Central Congregational 
church of the Jamaica Plain district of Boston, Mass., now of the Fir^-t 
church of Elgin, 111. Their children have been ; 

Reginald Atwater, b. July 3, 1891. 
Miriam, b. July 15, 1892. 
Barry Lincoln, b. July 29, 1894. 

1320. Lilla Haines, dau. of Henry J.; m. June 21, 1888, Frederick 
Sanford Calhoun, a graduate of the Yale class of '83, and who until his 
death on Nov. 13, 1899, was engaged in the wholesale drug business in 
New Haven; (2) July 18, 1903, George Marston Weed of Newton, Mass., 
a graduate of the Harvard class of '86, and the Boston Lmiversity Law 
School of '89, now practicing law in Boston with his brother, Alonzo R., 
under the name of Weed & Weed. 

Donald Atwater, b. June 15, 1895, at New Haven 

1321. Charlotte Ford, dau. of Henry J.; m. April 20, 1896, Alonzo 
Rogers Weed, who in 1904 was elected mayor of Newton, Mass. He was 
a graduate of the Harvard class of '87 and of the Boston University Law 
school, class of '90, where he has since been one of the lecturers. Under 
the firm name of Weed & Weed he practices law with his brother, George 
M., in Boston, Mass. 

Anne Atwater, b. Jan. 11, 1899. 
Alonzo Rogers, Ir, b Ian 16. 1904. 


1322. Edward Irving", son of William J.; m. Eliza Mather Brooks 
Lives in New Haven. 

2075. Margaret Brooks, b. Nov. 30, 1891; m. Dec. 29, 1915, George 

Albert Stetson. 

1323. ttliza Barnes, dan. of William J. ; m. Harry Lardner Sterrett, 
1). Nov. 12, 1<%4. Live in Bridgeport, Conn. 

1325. Florence Ames, dan. of John M. ; m. Frederick W. Rutty. Two 

dan., Millicent B. and Anna Atwater, who m. Walter R. Comfort, who 
had one dau., Millicent Barnes, m. Clarence F. Milheiser. 

132«. (ieorge S., son of David; m. Dec. 18, 1884, Elizabeth, dan. of 
William Brown. Lives in Milwaukee, Wis. 

2076. Cecil Brown, b. July 26, 1886. 

2077. Marie Helen, b. Feb. 15, 1888; m. Louis D. Hunter. 

2078. Jessie Dunn, b. Jan. 1, 1890; m. Whitney Hubbard. 

1327. Will K., son of David; m. Florence Hurthal. No children. 
Lives in Massillon, Ohio. 

132K. Charles M., son of David; m. April 2, 1891, Alice M. Fowles. 
She (1. May 21, 1901 ; (2) Dec. 9, 1902, Arline E. Sihila, b. July 1, 1882. 
Lives at Massillon, Ohio. 

2079. Karl W., b. May 12, 1892. 
Issue by second marriage: 

2080. Helen Louise, b. Jan. 21, 1905. 
208L Mary Virginia, b. June 14, 1913. 

2082. David Austin, b. July 28, 1915. 

1330. Thomas Josiah, son of Jonathan W. ; m. Josephine Sherwood; 
(2) Mrs. S. A. Cowen. He d. Mar. 20, 1914. He was a finisher of shovel 
handles and later was a farmer. He lived in Edinboro, Penn. His 
widow lives in Portland, Ore. 

2083. Frank Wetherbee, b. May 19, 1863. It is said he is married 

and has two children. 

1333. Burnett Brownell, sou of Jonathan W. ; m. Eliza James, of 
Reno, Penn. He d. in 1903. The family consisted of three daughters, 
one deceased. 

1335. Edith Eliza, dau. of Jonathan W. ; m. Nov. 2, 1864, Robt. H. 
Ferry. They lived in Shippenville, Penn. 

Jonathan, b. June 16, 1866; m. Dec. 25, 1890, Cora Updegraff, b. July 
21, 1870. They have two chil. : Wm. Leroy, b. Oct. 2, 1891 ; James 
W'avne, b. May 5, 1894. 


1336. William, sun of Asaph; m. Amanda Sharp Dravo. He d. on 
July 6, 1886, and she on Mar. 19, 1895. Both arc buried in Versailles 
Cemetery at McKeesport, Pa. He was quartermaster sergeant of the 
McKeesport Rifle Gray--, Sixty-third Penn. Regiment, serving from Aug 
1, 1861, to Sept 1, 1862. 

2084. Asaph Sherwood, b. Mar. 30, 1871. 

1338. Thomas, son of Asaph; m. Jan. 9, 1878, Sarah Field. Lives in 
Los Angeles, Cal. 

2085. Samuel H., b. Feb. 17, 1881. 

1341. Sylvester, son of Ulysses; m. Martha Davve. Had two daught- 
ers, Jennie and May. Jennie, m. Frank Whitney. She d. of consumption, 
leaving two daughters. May, m. William Fay and left at her death one 
girl named Cora. Sylvester m. (2) Caroline Ford. They have three 

1343. Myron L., son of Ulysses; m. Oct. 26, 1867, Ella, dau. of Isaac 
Starkweather and Jenett Downing. He is a mill-man and farmer, an 1 
lives at Rock Creek, Ashtabula County, Ohio. 

2086. Nettie E, b. Dec. 28, 1869; m. John Gilbert. 

2087. Nellie, b. May 24, 1871 ; m. 1888, George Hallam. 

2088. Ralph, b. May 6, 1875. 

2089. Dora Bell, b. March 19, 1878; m. Alfred Berg. 

2090. Jay, b. July 30, 1888. 

1344. Mary Luclna, dan. of Ulysses; m. July 4, 1870, Owen Cunning- 
ham. He is an iron molder and lives in Ashtabula. 

1345. Samuel Hosea, son of Ulysses; m. 1874, Elmina Blasbie. No 

children. Live in Akron, Ohio. She d. May 8, 1914. 

1340. Josephine Gertrude, dau. of Myron; m. 1871, Wright Long, 
of Bethany, Mo. She d. Nov. 30, 1897. 
Sylvia, b. Jan. 9, 1872. 
Bertha Bell, b. Oct. 7, 1873 ; d. Oct., 1S74. 
Alphonzo W., b. Jan. 12, 1875. 
Carlos Adelbert, b. Feb. 6, 1877. 
Izola Estelle, b. July 16, 1878. 
Bessie Luella, b. June 16, 1881. 

1347. Maria Ij., dau. of Myron; m. James Speer, of Crescent, Cal. 
She d. 1906. They had one son and one daughter, Janus and Erleta. 


1348. Eugene A., son of Myron; in. June 11, 1879, Nellie A., dau. of 
Leonard Bailey. He was a photographer at St. Louis, Mo. 

1349. Adelaide Hortense, dau. of Myron; m. Mar. 25, 1883, James 
Powell, of Brownsville, Ore. Live at Crescent, Cal. Have one daughter, 
who m. Frank Wilson. They have four children: Ida May, b. Mar. 30. 
1911; Dora Adelaide, b. Nov. 11, 1912; Charles Franklin, b. May 3, 1914; 
Lester, b. July 22, 1917 

1350. Lewis Frederick, son of Myron ; m. March 9, 1875, Annie 
Laura Pierce, d. Oct. 28, 1913. Residence Selma, Cal. He d. May 20, 
1920. He was educated in the public schools of Indiana, and graduated 
from the business college of Painsville, Ohio. He was a teacher for a 
number of years, later taking up newspaper work, which vocation he con- 
tinued to follow. In 1899 he moved to Tennesee, and in 1904 to New- 
castle, Cal. In 1911, he founded the "Signal" at Atwater, Cal., with his 
son, "the blind editor," assisting him. His wife d. Oct. 28, 1913. In 1917 
he moved to Selma, where he and his son edited the "Selma Enterprise" 
until his death in 1920. His wife was characterized by love of knowledge, 
ambition and determination of purpose. 

2091. Mae, b. Feb. 12, 1876; m. Feb. 12, 1898, G. E. Howe. She d. 

Oct. 7, 1921, at Savoy, Mont. 

2092. Myron L., b. Tan. 7, 1893. His is a sad story of blighted hopes 

and ambitions, and high courage, as the opportunities for 
the blind are so limited. For the past several years he has 
been seeking for some form of work that he might do to 
earn his living and that time might not hang so heavily on 
his hands. Since his father's death he has Tieen practically 
without employment, as it was impossible for him to con- 
tinue the editorial work without assistance. He makes his 
home with his brother-in-law, Mr. Howe, of Lakcport, Cai. 
His education has been gained through his finger tips, with 
the embossed reading for the blind, and by others reading 
aloud to him. He is fond of literature, music and travel. 

1351. Ernest E., son of Myron ; m. Nov. 24, 1892, Zadie I. Winslow, 
b. Sept. 9, 1864, d. Apr. 4, 192-1. Dependent on his own resources at the 
early age of thirteen, Mr. Atwater has made his way unaided since that 
time. Procuring his education in the public schools of Indiana, and the 
Valpraiso Normal, and later from the older school of experience. For 
a time he worked in a photographic studio in Chicago, and later assisted 
his brother Eugene in the work and various photographic experiments 
Leaving his brother, he accepted a position with the C. H. Dean Co., a 
stationery supply firm, continuing with them for three years, and occupy- 


ing several positions of trust before he was twenty. Moving to Nebraska 
while the country was in the making, he saw it develop from a barren 

prairie to one 'of the richest agricultural districts in the country. Here 
he was for a time In the employ of the Chicago and Northwestern Rail- 
way Co., then engaged in merchandising. He married in the fall of 1892, 
Zadie I. Winslow, who was a descendant of Edwin Winslow, of May- 
flower fame, and of Daniel Boone of Kentucky. She was a teacher, a 
lover of literature and all forms of nature, and a thorough student. To 
this union one daughter, Nellie Joy, was horn. In 1902 they moved to 
a beautiful country home at Bordeaux, near Chadron, Neb., where they 
resided until her death in 1924. 

Early in 1925 he and his dan. moved to Corning, California, where they 
have a store, being partners in business, and have a lovely home, each 
being devoted to the other. Mr. At water's life has always been marked 
by that firmness of mind, truthfulness and fair dealing, which have ever 
been characteristic of the family. He has a keen sense of humor, a gift 
for narration, and is an entertaining conversationalist. 

2093. Nellie Joy, b. Feb. 26, 1897. At an early age Miss Atwalcr 
formed studious habits and a love for good books. This 
was encouraged by her mother, who for many years taught 
and assisted her daughter with all her studies. Entering 
the Chadron Normal at tin age of fifteen, her eyesight lie 
came affected, and she was obliged to give up all school 
work. However, she continued her studies at borne, and 
devoted herself to her parents, remaining at home with them 
until lur mother's death in 1924. In 1925 she went to Cali- 
fornia and became interested with her father in the Atwater 
Variety store at Corning. She is a lover of nature and 
literature and owns a fine private library to which she is 
constantly making additions. 

1352. Eva Belle, dan. of Samuel; m. Oct. 22, 1880, James Parkins. 
Live at Independence, Kansas. 

Fannie M., b. 1882. 
Ethel Hattie, b. 1885. 
Madge Glen, b. 1887. 
James Clifford, b. 1889. 
Archie Grey, b. 1892. 
Grace Maria, b. 1894. 

1353. Archibald .1., son of Samuel; m. Oct. 13. 1885, Elizabeth, dau. 
of Edward J. Van Swearinger and Martha 1. McAllister, b. Nov. 2?. 1869. 
He was a grocer at Long Beach, Cal. He d. Nov. 26, 1916. 


2094. Edna Mabel, b. July 16, 1886; m. F. M. Parkins. 

2095. Dwight Samuel, b. July 15, 1894. 

2096. Marian Katherine, b. May 18, 1898; m. Hugh R. Etzell. 

2097. Hubert Maxwell, b. Oct., 1907. 

1354. James A., son of Orrin; m. Oct. 3, 1867, Ellen L. Curtis, who 
d. Nov. 27, 1875. Lived in Plantsville, Conn. He d. March 15, 1920. 

2098. Mary A., b. March 28, 1874; m. Sept. 20, 1905, Dr. Clinton B. 

Knapp. She lives in Newark, X. J. 

1355. Orville A., son of Orrin; m. Oct. 11, 1871, Alice N. Powell, J. 
Apr. 4, 1920. Lived in Plantsville, Conn. He d. May, 1924. 

2099. Florence E.. b. Aug. 16. 1874; num. 

1356. Thomas B., son of Orrin; m. Oct. 18, 1893, Bessie E. Brown 
Lived in Southington, Conn. She d. Sept. 27, 1908. He d. Dec. 22, 1925. 

1357. Walter C, son of Orrin ; m. Nov. 18, 1873, Carrie T. Bemis. 
Lived in Plantsville, Conn. He d. Aug. 1, 1909. She d. Feb. 14, 1910. 

1358. Charles X., son of John A. ; m. Oct. 24, 1866, Flora Ann Covert. 
They lived in Unionville, Conn. He d. March 28, 1903. She lives in 
Hartford, Conn. 

2100. Rosabel, b. Feb. 21, 1868. 

1359. William Mortimer, son of Arnold ; m. Dec. 25, 1861, Jane E. 
Martin, b. Sept. 25, 1841 ; d. May 25, 1890. He lived in New Haven and 
was an undertaker. He d. Jan. 17, 1905. 

2102. M. Mortimer, b. March 28, 1867. 

1360. Heman R., son of John A. ; m. May 27, 1874, Mary Ella Sher- 
man. They lived in Seymour, Conn. He d. Jan. 16. 192r>. 

2103. Mabel Erne, b. Sept. 9, 1884. 

1361. John F., son of John A.; m. Jul} 18, 1878, Mary K. Blocher. 
They live in Southington. He is dead. 

2104. Cornelia M., b. June 27, 1879, m. Howard Edward Ives. 

1362. Caroline Augusta, dau. of William; m. Nov. 30, 1880, Frank 
Minott Ward. He d. at Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 3, 1895. She d. Jan 
8, 1900. 

Frank Atwater, b. Feb. 8, 1882, m. July IS, 1906, Beata McDowell. 

1363. Edward Storrs, son of John Phelps, m. Jan. 20, 1880, Caroline 


Park Swift, dau. of Charles W. and Mary S. Messier, of Poughkeepsic, 
b. Nov. 17, 1857. They lived in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He d. March 31, 

2105. Morton, b. Jan. 11, 1882. 

2106. Lucy Lovell, b. March 30, 1883 ; m. Sept., 1908, Dr. Eben Clay- 

ton Hill. 

2107. Eliot Doremus, b. March 28, 1886. 

2108. Evelyn, b. May 17, 1891; m. Sept., 1915, Dr. A. G. Cummins. 

1365. Harriet Brodhead, dan. of George M. ; m. Sept. 30, 1880, 
George Walter Green, of New York. He d. in Springfield, Mass., Dec. 
13, 1903. 

Walton Atwater, b. Nov. 4, 1881 ; m. June 23, 1904, Eleanor Munroe. 
Horace, b. Oct. 30, 1888. 

1366. Mabel Bleeker, dau. of George M. ; m. Dec. 19, 1893, Albert 
Weaver, of New York City. 

Howard Atwater, b. Sept. 1, 1894. 

1368. Charles Brewster, son of David Fisher; m. Jan. 19, 1892, Mao- 
Granger Stebbins, dau. of James and Eunice Sylvia Alvord, of Spring- 
field, b. May 5, 1863. They live in Springfield, Mass. 

2109. Margaret Sylvia, b. Nov. 2, 1894. 

1369. John Henry Hobart, son of John; m. Agnes Shay, of Castalia, 
Ohio, b. in 1825 ; d. Dec, 1852. He was a carriage maker, and lived in 
Vacaville, Cal. He d. Mar. 8, 1911. 

2110. John H., b. April 27, 1852; m. Jan. 13, 1880, Annie, dau. of 

C. H. Ransom and Susan Slaughter. He is secretary- 
treasurer and manager of the Chattanooga (Tcnn.) Trust 

1372. Jeremiah, son of John; m. Mary Jane Button. He is a farmer 
and lives at Castalia, Ohio. 

2111. Charles. 

2112. Sallie. 

1374. Silvamis B., son of David C. ; m. May 1, 1861, Sarah A., dau. 
of John Roberts and Mary Shields. He lived at New Boston, 111., and 
was a farmer and teacher. He d. June 13, 1908. She d. Dec. 17, 1887. 

2113. May, b. April 13, 1862; m. John P. Hardin. 

2114. Clio, b. Nov. 3, 1868; m. E. J. Fulton. 


1381. Mary Angeline, dau. of Carlos; m. July 11, 1839, Orrin Roger 
Treat, b. March 28, 1818 ; d. Aug. 25, 1878. 

Joseph Orrin, b. April 25, 1843; m. May 16, 1866, Ada Maria Wood- 

1388. Lucius E., son of Carlos; m. Apr. 6, 1862, Elmina D. Matthews. 
They lived in Forestville, Conn. He d. Sept. 8, 1889. She lives in Forest- 
ville, Conn. 

2115. Nina D., b. Oct. 13, 1867. 

2116. Hattie E., b. Jan. 5, 1870. 

2117. Louis R., b. July 17, 1873. 

1384. Lucian E., son of Carlos; m. Apr. 13, 1871, Sarah Louisa Bel- 
den, b. Dec. 12, 1841. He lived in Forestville, Conn., and d. Dec. 18, 1882 
She d. in 1907. 

2118. Jesse Farnsworth, b. Sept. 18, 1876. 

1386. Bryan, son of Lucius; in. Oct. 1, 1849, Mary Jane Sage. He 
was a farmer in Berlin, Conn. She was b. May 5, 1829; d. July 2. 1902. 
He d. July 21, 1903. 

2119. Mary Eleanor, b. Aug. 17, 1852. 

2120. Carrie Isabel, b. Sept. 13, 1854; m. W. H. Riley. 

2121. Grace Emeline, b. Apr. 10, 1857; m. Dr. Charles A. Gillen. 

2122. Bryan Hoadley, b. Nov. 11, 1859; num. 

2123. Walter Lucius, b. July 11, 1865; m. Apr. 5, 1893, Flora C. 


1388. Angelina Norton, dau. of Lucius; m. Oct. 2, 1860, James H. 
Arnold, of Berlin, Conn., b. Feb. 8, 1839; d. a prisoner of war at or near 
Goldsboro, N. C, Feb. 17, 1865, aged 26 years; (2) May 2, 1868, Huber 
Bushnell, son of Hiram Bushnell and Beulah M. Case, b. May 1, 1843. 
He is a farmer at Berlin, Conn. 

1390. Edwin Win., son of William; m. Sept. 10, 1868, Ellen Cynthia 

White, b. Feb. 21, 1851. They live in Albion, Neb. He d. Aug. 24, 1919. 

2124. Mildred, b. Jan. 7, 1869; m, Wm. G. Matthews. 

2125. Bessie, b. Aug. 7, 1871 ; m. Francis M. Gross. 

2126. Arthur Theodore, b. Aug. 5, 1874. 

2127. Lulu Maud, b. Feb. 7, 1876; m. David C. Sabin. 

2128. Edna Mabel, b. Sept. 11, 1877; m. F. H. Gillett. 

2129. Nellie Esther, b. Feb. 26, 1879; m. Francis J. Houtz. 

2130. Edwin, b. Nov. 17, 1883. 

2131. Wilfred Milton, b. June 4, 1885. 

2132. Emma May, b. Dec. 13, 1886; m. Martin W. Brown. 

2133. Ethel Gertrude, b. June 3, 1889; m. Albert Davis. 


1391. Catherine, dan. of William; m. 1869, George Todd. She d. 
Jan. 17, 1886. 

Eva Lillian, 1.. July, 1870; d. 1890. 

Emma Estella, b. Aug., 1875 ; m. 1897, Frank Thomas. She d. in 

1907. One dau., Frances Ethel, b. Oct. 12, 1899. 
George Herbert, b. May, 1883. Living Minott, No. Dak. 

1392. Julia, dau. of William; m. 1872, Nathan B. Douglas. She d. 
May 11, 1880. They had five chil., three dying in infancy, Ida May and 
Stephen A., twins, were b. Sept. 4, 1873. Stephen A. d. in 1908. Ida 
May m. Mar., 1916, R. L. Vauters. Lives at Montezuma, 111. 

1393. John Peter, son of William; m. in 1877, Joetta Dare. They 
reside in Havana, 111. 

2134. Nellie, b. 1879; m. John E. Patchen. 

2135. John F, b. 1881. 

2136. Carl L., b. 1883. 

2137. Pearl E., b. Oct. 25, 1885 ; m. George Day. 

2138. Harry L., b. May 1, 1887. 

2139. Walter B., b. 1889; m. Nov. 25, 1920, Brenda W. Flick. Live 

in Indianapolis, Ind. 

2140. Eva D., b. Mar. 4, 1893; m. Roy D. Nisghwinger. 

2141. Maria E„ b. 1895; m. Cliflford Switzer. 

2142. Eugene L., b. 1897. 

1394. Shelden, son of William; m. Iris L. Jones, b. Mar. 31, 1858; 
d. Oct. 30, 1913. He lives in Havana, 111. 

2143. Viola E., b. Feb. 26, 1881; m. Mar. 11, 1900, James M. Smith. 

2144. Erna Perl, b. Aug. 19, 1883; m. Aug. 26, 1903, John D. Bell. 

2145. William, b. Oct. 6, 1885. 

2146. Henry, b. July 7, 1887; m. Aug. 11, 1910, Verna Ringhouse. 

2147. Mabel Golden, b. June 26, 1889; m. Herman G. Messman. 

2148. Garnet, b. Jan. 23, 1893; m. Feb. 20, 1913, Jacob Hinness. 

2149. Shelden Jr., b. Nov. 15, 1897. 

1395. Emma Louisa, dau. of William; m. Jan. 29, 1880, Charles 
Woodford Rountree. They live in Havana, 111. He d. April 7, 1908. 

Ardaline, b. Jan. 9, 1881 ; m. Oct. 16, 1898, Albert Wills. Live near 
Stanhope, Iowa. 
Emma C, b. Aug. 12, 1899. 
Leona L., b. Sept. 3, 1901. 
Muriel L., b. Sept. 2, 1903. 
Lester R., b. July 19, 1905. 
Sterling C, b. Sept. 9, 1907. 


Ralph E., b. Jan. 16, 1909. 
Caroline A., b. Aug. 10, 1913. 
Elizabeth H., b. Sept. 17, 1882; m. Mar. 21, 1906, John A. Henry 
Live near Princeton, Iowa. 

Mildred Velma, b. Jan. 1, 1907. 
Charles William, b. April 20, 1909. 
Frances Elizabeth, b. Feb. 5, 1915. 

Charles J., b. July 16, 1887; m. June 15, 1916, Amy Hoffman. They 
live at Havana, 111. 

Elsie Marie, b. June 12, 1917. 
Velma A., b. Nov. 10, 1894; m. Nov. 19, 1914, Samuel J. Henry 
Live at Bettendorf, Iowa. 

Genevieve C, b. Nov. 20, 1916. 

1396. Huntington Choate, son of Edgar; m. June 5, 1911, Anita 
Trumbull Dodge. Live in White Plains, N. Y. 

2150. Jean Trumbull, b. June 14, 1912. 

2151. William Choate, b. July 18, 1917. 

1397. Garrett Harry, son of Edgar; m. Wilhelminah Thudickun. 
Live in Los Angeles, Cal. 

2152. Garrett Barry, Jr. 

2153. Carol Mary. 

1398. Henry Day, son of Henry D. ; m. Dec. 17, 1902, Jessie Rhoades, 
dau. of William Carey Clarke and Mary Hawkins, b. May 15, 1878. He 
is a jeweler and lives in Cambridge, Mass. 

2154. William Clarke, b. Jan. 25, 1905. 

2155. Mary Rhoades, b. April 10, 1906. 

1399. Louise Sedgwiek, dau. of Henry D. ; m. April 27, 1903, Edwin 
Lendon Snedeker, son of John D. and Marv Snedeker, of Brooklyn, 
N. Y. 

Lendon, b. Oct. 10, 1904. Graduated June, 1925, from Harvard Col- 
lege, and same year entered Harvard Medical School. 
Margaret Louise, b. July 24, 1906. 
Sedgwick, b. Apr. 11, 1909. 

1401. George Parkin, son of Thomas Cooke ; m. Nov. 19, 1901, Marie 
Louise, dau. of David M. Carey and Rebecca Dorsey. He is an Episco- 
pal clergyman, rector of Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y. He 
spent his early years in Cleveland, Ohio. He graduated from Kenyon 
College in 1895, receiving the degrees A. B., 1895; A. M., 1899, D. D.. 
1918. The University of Akron conferred the degree of Literary Doctor 
in 1924. Immediately after his ordination by Bishop Leonard of Ohio, 


he became rector of the Church of Our Saviour, Akron, Ohio, which 
had only about fifty communicants and today has more than 1,000. Dur- 
ing Dr. Atwater's rectorship a new church and parish house was erected. 
For five years Dr. Atwater was grand prelate of the Grand Commandery 
of the Knights Templar of Ohio. He is a member of the national com- 
mission for the revision of the prayer book and has represented the 
Diocese of Ohio at four general conventions. He has written three 
books, "The Young Crusaders"; "The Young Crusaders at Washington"- 
"The Episcopal Church ; Its Message for Men of To-day." He has con- 
tributed articles to the Atlantic Monthly and other magazines. 

2156. David Thomas, b. Aug. 22, 1902. 

2157. Mary Frances, b. July 16, 1911. 

1402. Harriet, dau. of Thomas Cooke; m. Nov. 26, 1901, Rev. Jay 
Johnson Dimon, of Washington, D. C. 

Philip W., b. Sept. 9, 1902. 
Richard, b. July 27, 1904. 

1405. William Pewitt, son of William Edward; m. May 25, 1922, 
Lulu Mittie Hentz. 

2158. Leida Helen, b. June 22, 1924. 

2159. Martha Hentz, b. July 16, 1925. 

1408. Elton Ltmsford, son of William Edward; m. Dec. 29, 1915, 
Claudia Ethel McKeown. 

2160. Claudia Marion, b. Oct. 2, 1917. 

2161. William Edward, 2nd, b. Nov. 24, 1919. 

2162. Marjorie Fletcher, b. Oct. 3, 1923. 

1420. H. Clarkson, son of Henry Russell, was educated at St. John's 
Military School, Salina, Kansas ; Kansas State University, Lawrence, 
Kansas; Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minnesota. Ordained Dea- 
con in Grace Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas, by Bishop Frank Rosebrook 
Millspaugh, D. D., Trinity Sunday, June 2, 1901; Priest (ditto) Feasl of 
the Ascension, May 8, 1902 ; Archdeacon Northern Kansas 1902-5, Rector 
St. Peter's, Pittsburg, Kansas, 1905-7; St. Peter's, Detroit, 1907-1918; 
St. Matthias', Detroit, September, 1918. Built churches at Cedar Vale, 
Blue Rapids and Washington, all in Kansas. Married to Mary Ellen 
Cheney, teacher in the College of the Sisters of Bethany, Topeka, Kansas, 
in College Chapel, by Bishop Millspaugh, on Feast of the Circumcision 
(Jan. 1st), 1902. 

Mr. Atwater writes, "I wonder if you have had from me such information as was 
mine from my father during his lifetime as traditional with the family. As I have 
it from him it is as follows: 

"Russell Atwater received from the crown a grant of land known as the 'Russell 


Grant' and colonized it. He was an ardent patriot while his brothers were tories. 
When, the British attacked New Haven he was shot through the left lung and re- 
ported as dead but recovered and afterwards served as a member of Continental 

"His sons were Phineas and Henry Smith. The latter, my grandfather, was an 
Episcopal clergyman and held parishes at Kent, White Plains and New Haven. I 
am told that at New Haven his picture hangs in the sacristry of St. Paul's church. 
Dr. Bennett recently told me that he had the 'preaching bands' which he i used to 
wear and which he found in a prayer; book in the chancel. He had only one son, 
Henry Russell, my father, and he in turn had but one child, myself; two girls hav- 
ing died in infancy."' 

2163. Julia Margaret, b. Oct. 2?, 1902. 

2164. Paul Russell, b. June 10, 1904. 

2165. William Clarkson, b. Apr. 11, 1908. 

2166. Alary Jane, b. Dec. 2, 1911. 

1423. David G., son of Rufus William; m. Aroline Harriman Ross, 
b. Apr. 12, 1854; d. March 10, 1918. He is a farmer and lives at Steuben, 

2167. William Luman, b. Sept. 3, 1874. 

2168. Elden Roberts, b. Oct. 12, 1882. 

2169. Ralph Staples, b. Sept. 15, 1888. 

2170. Lulu, b. Sept. 2, 1890; m. Nov. 23, 1890, Bickford. No 


1424. Albert J., son of Rufus William; m. April, 1859, Marie G. 
Leighton ; (2) Dec. 31, 1881, Catherine E. Wells. The first wife is living 
in Oakland, Cal. He first engaged in seafaring life, but later learned the 
trade of a mason. He was in business for thirty years in Lynn, Mass 
He d. July 3, 1915. 

2171. Cott L, b. Sept. 25, 1874; m. June 1, 1899, Lillian Gabelman , 

one son, Aremas, b. Oct. 3, 1900. 

2172. Clara B., b. Feb., 1881 ; m. Arthur Harris. 

2173. Leroy W r ells, b. June 5, 1886; m. June 17, 1911, Gertrude C. 

Higgins. He is an electrical engineer and lives in Boston. 

2174. Harold Doughty, b. July 28, 1898. Is an automobile engineer. 

1428. Charles Fremont, son of Rufus William; m. Ruth E. Driska, 
b. June 12, 1868. He d. April 9, 1908. 

2175. Frances Priscilla, b. March 23, 1892. 

2176. Phila Violet, b. July 15, 1896. 

2177. Charles Fremont, b. Aug. 19, 1902. 

2178. Irma Marie, b. Aug. 6, 1904. 

2179. Pauline Margaret, b. Sept. 15, 1907. 



1430. Esther Annabella, dan. of John Elisha; m. Neil Sutherland. 
She d. Feb. 1, 1893. 

Cecil Sydney Atuatcr, 1). Oct. 3, 1878. 
Claude Keble, b. Sept. 6. 1880. 
Edna Sarah Amelia. 
Claire, b. 1887. 


1431. Henry Wellesley, son of John Elisha; m. Nov. 4. 1878, Mary 
Elizabeth Pratt, of \"e\\ Ross, X. S. He d. Oct. 31. 1925. lie was ed- 
ucated at KiiiL; '^ College, Windsor, X. S. ; ordained deacon 1875, at St. 
Luke's Pro-Cathedral, Halifax, X. S. ; priest, 1S77, by the Bishop of 
Nova Scotia. Appointed (1) Incumbent of St. Bartholomew, Louisburg, 
C. B. ; (2) Incumbent of Christ Church. New Ross, N. S. ; (3) Rector 



of St. John's, Port Medway, N. S. ; (4) -Incumbent of St. John Baptist's 
church, Barbadoes, B. W. I.; (5) Principal of Gordon's Indian Boarding 
School and Priest-in-charge of the Mission of St. Luke, Gordon's Indian 
Reserve, Sask., Canada. 


FEBRUARY, 1926. 

The Reverend Canon Henry Wellesley Atwater, Principal of Gordon's Indian Resi- 
dential School, and Priest in charge of St. Luke's Church, Gordon's Reserve, Pun- 
nichy, Sask., in the Diocese of Qu'Appelle, passed to his rest on Oct. 31st, aged 74 
years. The late Canon was a theological student at King's College, from which he 
went to be ordained Deacon in 1875 and to take charge of the parish of Louisburg, 
N. S. He was ordained priest in 1877, and in 1879 was given charge of Port Med- 
way. After two years in Barbadoes (1883-84) he went to Manitoba and entered upon 
educational and Indian work, rising to the position which he filled until shortly be- 
fore his lamented death. For upward of forty years he carried on a self-sacrificing 
and devoted work which was recognized by his being made a Canon of the Diocese of 
Qu'Appelle, of which Diocese he was the Senior Priest by ordination. He labored 
under pioneer conditions with all the sturdy persistence of a true pioneer and lived 
to see his dreams of a great development in the West come true. Commenting on 
his passing, the Ven. Arch Deacon Knowlcs, of Regina, Sask., said: "Canon Atwater 
was one of the outstanding figures of the province. His knowledge of the West was 
extensive and his work was great. He was greatly beloved by the Indians among whom 
he served." He was imbued with the spirit of a missionary and labored with un- 
remitting zeal. His death leaves a vacancy in the ranks of missionary workers sent 
out by King's. May many King's men be moved to follow in his steps and take up 
their share of the burden of the great missionary enterprise of Holy Church. 

Gordon's Indian Residential School. 

2180. Flora Amelia, b. Feb. 6, 1880; m. Nov., 1903, A/ E. Pitfield, 

of England. 

2181. Beatrice Mary Stuart, b. Feb. 1, 1881 ; now matron of Gordon's 

Indian Boarding School. 


2182. Elizabeth, b. April 26, 1888; now teacher in Gordon's Indian 

Boarding School. 

2183. John Gapper, b. Dec. 29, 1882; farming in Walkerbnrn, Man. 

2184. Edna Leonora, b. March 24, 1892, living at home in Walker- 

burn, Man. 

1432. George William, son of Rufus William; m. Nov. 15, 1883, 
Mary A., dau. of William Miner and Mary Cunningham. Was foreman 
on street railway and lived in Somerville, Mass. He d. Dec. 24. 1913. 
Their children are all well educated and useful citizens. 

2185. Harry Arthur, b. July 7, 1887. 

2186. Ralph Wright, b. June 12, 1891. 

2187. Roy Miner, b. May 4, 1894. 

2188. Inez Marian, b. May 19, 1900. 

1439. Joseph G., son of Joseph Adolphus; m. Dec. 19, 1901, Alma 
Johnston. They live in Bayfield, N. S. 

2189. Raymond Lee, b. Aug. 7, 1903. 

2190. Carrel Crealman, b. June 26, 1905. 

2191. Thelma Louise, b. Sept. 12, 1909. 

2192. Alma May, b. Aug. 15, 1912. 

2193. Clarice Jean, b. June 3, 1914. 

2194. Norman Millard, b. Dec. 11, 1916. 

1443. Herbert George Chipman, son of Stephen; m. Feb. 9, 1901, 
Dottie, dau. of Matthais H. and Rose G. Stamer. He was killed in Mexico 
in April, 1915. 

2195. Herbert George Chipman, b. Jan. 2, 1902; m. June 5, 1923, 

Hazel Miller. 

1444. Lewis Edwin, son of Stephen; m. 1889, Mary O'Sullivan, m. 

(2) June 12, 1893, Mellie Fenton, dau. of Edmund and Emma Rice; m. 

(3) June 3, 1925, Amelia Eunice Semple. He lives in Los Angeles, Cal. 

2196. Alfred, b. 1891. 
Issue by second marriage : 

2197. Herbert Edwin, b. June 8, 1894. 

1449. Aubrey W., son of Stephen; m. July 26, 1911, Esther Mason. 
He lives at Williams, Minn. 

2198. Ella Mary, b. May 27, 1912. 

2199. Alberta Agnes, b. Nov. 23, 1915. 

1450. Margaret, dau. of Thomas Henry; m. July 14, 1885, James 
Harvey. They live in Brooklyn, N. Y. 


1451. Alexander T., SO n of Thomas Henry; m. Bridget Agnes Hanley, 
Aug. 4, 1887. He served for twenty-two years in the police department 
in Brooklyn, N. Y., and when he died, Nov. 11, 1915, was a sergeant. 
His death was due to injuries received while endeavoring to stop a pair 
of runaway horses. 

2200. Nora, b. June 17, 1889; m. Nov. 26, 1913, Francis W. McCarthy ; 

one dau., Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1915. 

2201. Thomas A., b. Mar. 22, 1891. 

2202. Sadie Elizabeth, b. Jan. 3, 1896; unm. 

2203. Veronica, b. May 15, 1902. 

1455. Elisha Randall, son of James Randall; m. Edith McKeough. 
They live in Newport, R. I., where he is a night watchman. 

2204. Charles R., b. June 20, 1888. 

1456. Charles James, son of James Randall; m. May 16, 1883, E. 
Hope, dau. of Rev. H. B. Schaffher and Emma J. DeLapp, b. Mar. 23, 
1866. They live at Boylston, Nova Scotia. 

2205. Harry Barlow, b. Dec. 11, 1885. 

2206. Emma M. DeLapp, 1>. June 8, 1887; m. Ernest Edwin Ross. 

2207. Bernard Frederick, b. Apr. 21, 1889. 

2208. Charles Willoughby, b. Sept. 30, 1893. 

2209. Florence Schaffher, b. Dec. 21, 1897. 

2210. Ralph Best, b. July 7, 1904. 

1457. Samuel J., son of James Randall ; m. 1882, Evalena Dunbar 
Live at Norwalk, Conn. 

2211. Louis R., b. Mar. 28, 1883. 

2212. Warren C, b. Sept. 18, 1886. 

2213. Eva C, b. Nov. 6, 1888. 

2214. Elsie M., b. Feb. 3, 1897; m. Mar. 2, 1918, Willard Silcox. 

2215. Gladys P., b. Jan. 2, 1900. 

1458. John Coggsvvell, son of James Randall; m. Miss Barlow; (2) 
Lillian Foster. Lived in Newport, R. I. No children. He d. Feb. 5, 1920. 

1460. Frederick Porter, son of James Randall; m. Oct. 16, 1893, 
Nellie B., dau. of Wm. A. J. MacDonald and Margaret A. McPhie. They 
live at Boylston, Nova Scotia. 

2216. Ethel Hope, b. July 28, 1894; m. Earle McMinn. 

2217. Mary Kathleen, b. Nov. 19, 1899; m. John Anderson. 

2218. Anna Margaret, b. 1908. 



1461. Manson Bigelow, son of James Randall; m. Isabella H. Mc- 
Donald. Is in the furniture business in Newport, R. I. 
2219. Rollo T., b. Jan. 1, 1000. 

1468. Mary Susan, dan. of William Collins; m. July 3, 1870, William 
Rnfns Edgerly; d. 1810. They lived in Sangerville, Me. 

Addie J., b. Apr. 29, 1871 ; m. Apr. 28, 1888, Clarence Eugene Richards. 

Susie Alta, b. May 10, 1891; m. Chester Clayton Moulton, one 
son, Clarence Chester, b. May 14, 1917. 

Inez Purington, b. Jan. 26, 1893. 

George William. 
Grace Bell, b. Nov, 29, 1873, m. June 20, 1891, M. J. Edward Bearcc. 
Vera Iris, b. July 23, 1893 ; m. Maurice Eugene Skilling. 

Elwyn Eugene, b. May 25, 1914. 

Grace Edna, b. Aug. 20, 1916. 

Dorothy Ava, b. Mar. 4, 1918. 
William Orrin, b. Oct. 23, 1879; m. Sept. 30, 1902, Ethel Mason; one 

son, Frank Lloyd. 
John Merton, b. Nov. 2, 1883. 

Harold Chauncey, b. Jan. 8, 1890; m. Nov. 14, 1914, Octavia Clair 

Helen Maria, b. July IS, 1915. 

Arthur William, b. Oct. 23, 1916. 

June Elizabeth, b. June 15, 1918. 

1464. Charles Henry, son of William Collins; m. Feb. 17, 1882, Eldora 
Blake. Lives in Dexter, Me. He d. Dec. 20, 1913. 

2220. Charles Elbridge, b. Feb. 20, 1885. 

2221. Geneva Melessa, b. Oct. 25, 1888. 

1465. Walter Grant, son of William Collins; m. Dec. 25, 1877, Ella 
E. Watson, b. Dec. 10, 1855; d. Apr. 21, 1892. He d. Apr. 1. 19(M. Thev 
lived in Bangor, Me. 

1122. Ethel May, b. Nov. 29, 1879. 
2223. Aria Fern, b. May 12, 1887. 

1467. Joseph Edgar, son of William Collins; m. Eva Sanborn, of 
Abbott, Me. Have a large family of boys and girls. 

1474. Henry William, son of Constant Loyal Tuttle; lived in East 
Orange, N. J.; m. Oct. 15, 1873, Eliza Gage, dan. of General John Grav 
Burns and Mary Kimball. He was a manufacturer of steel tools. He 
d. Oct. 10, 1910. She d. June 5, 1916. 


2224. William John, b. Feb. 17, 1878; was a book publisher in New- 

York; m. Oct. 25, 1903, Henrietta Kempner. He d. Oct. 
27, 1921. 

2225. Elizabeth Ellen, b. March 30, 1883; m. Harold E. Gunter. 

1476. Lily Clarinda, dau. of Constant Loyal Tuttle ; m. Dec. 24, 1888, 
George Preston Phillips. They reside in Amesbury, Mass. He d. Mar. 
30, 1913. 

Nellie Florence, b. Aug. 1, 1890; m. 1907, Warren O. Titcomb. Chil. : 
Lillian Natalie, b. June 14, 1908; Clifford Warren T., b. Jan. 1, 1920 

Karl Tristram, b. June 25, 1895; m. Apr. 30, 1921, Louise Marion 
Kendall; Chil.: Robert Kendall, b. March 15, 1922; Priscilla, b. 
March 15, 1922. 

1477. Bradford Clark, son of Constant Loyal Tuttle, lives at 7 Collins 
St., Newburyport, Mass. ; m. June 16, 1894, Anna Emma Eaton, b. Oct. 
8, 1872. 

2226. Constant Loraine, b. Dec. 3, 1897 ; m. Kenneth Penn Varney. 

2227. Arthur Clark, b. April 22, 1899 ; m. Sept. 1, 1923, Vonita Louise 


1478. John J., son of James W. ; m. in 1855, Belle Dewar, b. in 1822; 
d. Jan., 1868. He d. March 16, 1862. He was a carpenter at Ogdensburg, 
N. Y. 

2228. Minnie, b. Sept., 1856. 

2229. Thomas, b. Sept., 1856. 

2230. Joseph, b. April 1, 1858. 

2231. William, b. April 1, 1858, 

1480. John Joseph, son of William R. ; m. Miss O'Hara. Lives in 
Glasgow, N. S. Their chil. are Harry and Stanley, both married ; Clarence, 
Joseph, Charles, Blanche, Ethel and Caney. 

1482. Alvarus Ward, son of William R. ; m. April, 1885, Jennie A. 
Ferguson, b. Feb. 8, 1866, dau. of Alexander Ferguson and Mary Mc 
Kinzey. He d. Nov. 13, 1912. Lived in Guysboro, N. S. 

2232. Eva M., b. Aug. 5, 1890; m. Oct. 14, 1917, Albert Cuboe, son 

of Adolph Cuboe and Eva Heinz. 

2233. Florence A., b. Feb. 25, 1892 ; m. George Ryder. 

2234. Winifred E., b. July 13, 18%; m. Henry J. Sheeban. 

1491. John Harvey, son of Charles Alverus; m. June 16, 1895, Nellie 
Sullivan. He is a carpenter at Gloucester, Mass. 



2235. Charles J., b. April 3, 1896. 

2236. Margaret M., b. June 22, 1897. 

2237. Daniel H., b. Dec. 27, 1899. 

1493. Emma Amelia, dau. of Charles Alverus; m. Oct. 9, 1902, 
Charles Milton Cunningham. They live in Goldenville, Nova Scotia. 

Helen Muriel, b. Jan. 16, 1904. 
Manford Wolfe, b. Apr. 15, 1905. 
Charles Alexander, b. Sept. 24, 1907. 
Jennie May, b. Sept. 24, 1907. 
Hazen Raymond, b. Nov. 3, 1909. 

1494. Margaret Abigail, dau. of Charles Alverus; m. Dec. 26, 1899. 
George Cunningham. They lived in Goldenville, Nova Scotia. He d. 

Myrtle May, b. Oct. 23. 1900. 
Earl Stanley, b. June 24, 1902. 

1495. James Henry, son of Charles Alverus; m. May 29, 1912, Rosie 
Emma Carter, of Yarmouth, N. S. They live in Gloucester, Mass. 

2238. John Henry, b. Jan. 4, 1913. 

2239. Mary Sadie, b. Sept. 31, 1914. 

2240. Charlotte Roslie, b. June 17, 1916. 

1498. Elmer E., son of Willi-am B. ; m. Ella Stevens. He d. in Spring 
of 1881, from drowning. 

2241. Dora, b. Feb., 1881 ; m. Guy Lindsay. Has three daughters. 

1499. James T., son of William B. ; m. Nov. 27, 1887, Estella M. 
Pettingill, d. July 3, 1898; m. (2) Oct. 30. 1902, Mary W. Jones. 

2242. Mildred G, b. Mar. 20, 1891; m. Oct. 17, 1915. Elmer G. Edes; 

one son, Alfred W. 

2243. Ansell E., b. Aug. 1, 1894. 

2244. Estella M., b. June 3, 1898; m. Aug. 22. 1917, Amil G. Mullikin. 

Two dau., Mabel A., b. Sept. 4, 1921, Elizabeth J., b. Sept. 
11, 1923. 

2245. Marie R., b. Feb. 16, 1904. 

1500. Leonard P., sun of William B. ; m. April 4. 1888, LinnettJ 

2246. Leslie, b. July 26, 1889. 

2247. Lenore, b. July 18, 1896; m. April 1917. A. E. Kirst ; one son, 

Robert B., b. Dec. 13, 1920. She m. (2) June, 1924, Harry 
E. Privett. 


1502. Maude, dau. of Joseph E. ; m. Nov. 30, 1882, William C. Edden. 
She d. Sept. 19, 1919. They lived in The Dalles, Ore. 

Bessie, b. May 2, 1884; m. Apr. 7, 1917, Emerett Roscoe Lyda. One 

son, Wood Lyda, b. Sept. 25, 1918. 
Retta, b. Nov. 16, 1888; m. Aug., 1910, Harold L. Edmonds. Two 

dau., Maude, b. Dec. 15, 1916; Elizabeth, b. Dec. 25, 1921. Live The 

Dalles, Ore. 
Ralph, b. Aug. 15, 1886; m. Myrtle Robinson. 

1503. Mae, dau. of Joseph E. ; m. Sept. 19, 1894, George F. Ross. 
Live in The Dalles, Ore. 

Frederick Atwater, b. Oct. 7, 1895 ; m. Edith Hooglund. 
Agnes Leona, b. Sept. 20, 1901. 

1505. Hattie Childs, dau. of Henry William; m. June 24, 1885, 
Charles Edmund Scarff. Lives in Montreal, Canada. 

Elsa Marjorie, b. Mar. 29, 1886; m. Apr. 16, 1913, Harold G. D. Ellis 
of St. Johns, N. B. 

Two children, Marjorie Warren, b. May 27, 1914; Harold Rob- 
ertson Scarff, b. Apr. 18, 1916. 
Alfrida Mildred, b. Jan. 23, 1888; m. Feb. 4, 1914, Wm. R. Dean. 

One dan., Barbara Warren, b. Mar. 30, 1916. 
Sylvia Warren, b. Dec. 29, 1893. 
Edith Atwater, b. May 25, 1895. 

1506. Emily Millard, dau. of Henry William; m. June 4, 1904, 
Andrew Henderson Thompson. She is president of the Montreal (Can 
ada) Y. W. C. A. 

1507. Lucy Warren, dan. of Henry William; m. July 24, 1885, James 
Henry Sherrard. Lives in Montreal, Canada. 

Edwin Atwater, b. Mar. 17, 1900. 

1509. Clara Lillian, dau. of Henry Miner; m. Henry Fletcher of 
North Stockholm, N. Y. She d. in 1896. Chil. : Henry, Lute, Belle, 
Helen, William, Jennie and Jessie. 

1510. Lizzie Gertrude, dau. of Henry Miner; educated at Potsdam, 
N. Y., graduated from the State Normal school, then went to San Rafael, 
California, where she engaged in teaching and is in public school work at 
present time. Married James W. Cochran, an attorney, b. at Newark, 
N. J.; d. at San Rafael, 1921. 

Clara Atwater, b. Aug., 1891 ; m. Clayton Hollis. 
Evelyn Elizabeth, b. March 2, 1894; m. Harry Barbier. 


Constanc.e, b. March 30, 1895; d. July 4, 1895. 

Lenorc Gertrude, b. Oct. 10, 1896; m. Sherwood Halsey. 

James W., Jr., b. Nov. 17, 19(H). 

1511. Jennie Emily, dau. of Henry Miner; m. Thomas Abies, of 
Tomales, Cal. 

Henry T., b. July 1, 1892. 
Helen M., 1). March 21, 1894. 

1513. (Jrace Y., dau. of Edwin H.; m. Aug. 26, 1902, Alfred V. Soule. 
Lives in Los Angeles, Cal. 

Lucy Maria, b. Aug. 15, 1903. 
Edwin Atwater, b. July 17, 1905. 

1514. Hiram .Miner, son of Lucius Lyon; m. in 1900, Caroline Bab- 
cock, dau. of Simon and Minnie Burdick. They live in Massena, N. Y 

2248. Edwin Hiram, b. Feb. 1, 1902. 

2249. Helen Minnie, b. July 6, 1903. 

1515. Henry Lucius, son of Lucius Lyon; m. Aug. 4, 1908, Mollie E. 
Wilson, dau. of Thomas G. and Hannah Cook. They live in Massena, 
X. Y. No children. 

151tt. Fanny Louise, dau. of Lucius Lyon; m. June 30, 1915, Ells- 
worth Maxfield, son of George Henry and Emma Sutton. They lived in 
Syracuse, N. Y*. 

Virginia Atwater, b. Apr. 18, 1916. 

George Ellsworth, b. July 21, 1918. 

1517. Jennie M., dau. of Edgar Warren; m. Mar. 2?, 1881, Edwin 
Horace Ladd, of Milwaukee, Wis. He d. Dec. 13, 1903. 

Melvina Horace, b. May 2, 1882; m. June 16, 1917, Etbelwyn Lelin. 

One child, Janet Virginia, b. July 10, 1917. 
Mabel Annette, 1». Apr. 1, 1887; m. Mar. 9, 1910, Win. O. Welch. 

Two chil., Nancy Atwater, b. Sept. 18, 1911; Margaret Ann, b. Jan. 

20, 1914. 

1518. Ella, dau. of Osborn Thomas; m. Sept. 12, 1S83, Frank S. 
Warren. She d. Oct. 2. 1920. 

Herbert Hosmer, h. Jan. 17, 1886. 

1519. Charlotte -May, dau. of Henrj Harrison; m. Jan. 28. 1892 
Frank H. YanUike. She d. Jan. 2, 1917. 


Karl Skillman, b. Dec. 8, 1892; m. Oct. 26, 1917, Lua Stuart Docking. 

of Westerly, R. I. One dau., Mary Louise, b. Sept. 16, 1922. 
Henry Atwater, b. Apr. 17, 1894; m. Sept. 18, 1917, Genevieve Bertha 


1522. Henry Harrison, son of Henry Harrison, m. Jan. 12, 1904, Grace 
Magie. He d. July 31, 1906. 

1524. Charles Woodard, son of Wilbur O. ; m. Oct. 7, 1911, Alice 
Caroline Merriam. He is a lawyer and lives in Plandome, N. Y. 

2250. Catherine Merriam, b. Jan. 19, 1913. 

2251. Robert M., b. June 12, 1916. 

2252. Charles W., Jr., b. Jan. 11, 1920. 

1528. Constance, dau. of Frank G. ; m. Aug. 5, 1922, George Fred- 
erick Ayler. 

Virginia, b. May 8, 1925. 

1529. Frank G., Jr., son of Frank G. ; m. May 7, 1921, Rettie Worrall. 

2253. Dorothy Turner Atwater, b. Oct. 5, 1922. 

1531. Theron Skeel, son of Norman Morrison; m. Sept. 3, 1868. 
Elmyra Maria Donoldson. He d. Feb. 19, 1906, at Plainfield, N. J. She 
d. May 24, 1925. 

2254. Theron Skeel, Jr., b. Nov. 23, 1869; d. Nov. 11, 1925, at New 

York City. 

2255. Henry G., b. March 26, 1879. 

2256. Lulie Adele, b. July 30, 1885 ; m. Archibald D. Duffie. 

1532. Sarah, dau. of Norman Morrison; m. Nov. 24, 1874, John James 
Cocke, of Petersburg, Virginia. He was a lawyer. He served in the 
Confederate army when seventeen years old. He d. in 1906. 

John, b. Sept. 8, 1875. 

Cornelius Collins, b. Oct. 30, 1876. 

Herbert Claiborne, b. Jan. 16, 1878. 

Norman, b. Aug. 23, 1879 ; d. June 16, 1880. 

Nathaniel Colley, b. Sept. 21, 1882. 

Norman, b. Nov. 20, 1884. 

Alexander Reed, b. June 30, 1890. 

1533. Henry G., son of Norman Morrison; m. Jan. 14, 1880, Anna 
Maria Drury, dau. of Le Baron and Eliza S. Drury, at Brunswick, Ga 
He d. July 16, 1904. 

2257. Philip Drury, b. March 17, 1881. 

2258. Henry, b. Sept. 9, 1884. 

2259. Margaret, b. June 26, 1889; m. Frederick A. Preston. 


1534. Charles li., son of Elisha M. ; m. June 6, 1860, Helen A. Wil- 
liams, who d. Apr. 14, 1905. He d. Nov. 1, 1864, while in service of 
United States navy. 

2260. Edward Montgomery, b. Dec. 28, 1862. 

2261. Charles E, b. Apr. 13, 1865. 

1535. Samuel Hobart, son of Elisha M. ; m. Nov. 10, 1870, Louisa 
E. Babcock. He d. Feb. 18, 1884. 

2262. Charles Hobart, b. July 14, 1884. 

1536. Anna K., dau. of Elisha M. ; m. June 30, 1875, John Quincy 
Adams. They live in New York. 

Harriet E., b. Aug. 8, 1876. 

1537. Eli Beecher, son of Elisha; m. Jan. 18, 1862, Nancy Ann Pet 
teys, b. Aug. 8, 1846; d. Jan. 22, 1871. He d. Jan. 24, 1872. 

2263. Frank, still living. 

1538. Thomas Jefferson, son of Elisha; m. Nov. 5, 1868, Susan Y. 
Boyd, b. July 11, 1842. He was in the Civil war and lost a limb. Died 
Jan. 23, 1872. 

2264. Susie L., b. Mar. 25, 1870; unm. 

2265. Thomas J., b. Oct. 15, 1871; unm. Resides in Cambridge, 111. 

1539. George W., son of Elisha; m. Jan. 23, 1866, Harriet M. Showers, 
b. May 28, 1848; d. Nov. 29, 1916. Resided in Kewanee, Cambridge, 
Illinois, Webster City, Iowa, and Superior, Neb. He d. Apr. 20, 1919. 

2266. Cora Lynn, b. Dec. 6, 1866; m. Jerry J. Hadley. 

2267. Estella May, b. Aug. 8, 1871; m. Edward D. Hill. She d. Nov. 

30, 1897. 

2268. Gertie Louella, b. Mar. 15, 1876; d. June 8, 1919; m. Harry 


2269. Charles Barge, b. Mar. 4, 1879; m. Jan. 18, 1903, Rose Collette 

d. Apr. 19, 1919. 

1540. John A., son of Elisha; m. Sept. 7, 1873, Pheby L. Rector, a 
native of Ohio. They reside in Wayzata, Minnesota. 

2270. Arthur E., b. Mar. 29, 1879. 

2271. Frederick, b. Sept. 22, 1882. 

2272. George, b. June 19, 1884. 

1541. Klnora Kebecca, dau. of Elisha; m. Jan. 1, 1866, Norton Rob- 
inson Penny, a native of Long Island. They reside in Wallace, Idaho. 


Margaret Elizabeth, b. Apr. 2, 1872; m. Jan. 8, 1894. Robert Lc<> 
Nottingham. Lives at Dayton, Washington. 

William Kennard, b. Nov. 8, 1894. 

Virginia Lee, b. Jan. 3, 1896. 

Margaret Anna, b. Sept. 15, 1897. 
Nora Ella, b. Dec. 26, 1873; m. July 15, 1897, Grant S. Potter. 

One child, Elnora Bina, b. Oct. 18, 1899. 
Gertrude Azalia, b. Sept. 19, 1881. 
Norton Elisha, b. Jan. 1, 1883. 

1542. William Clark, son of Elisha ; m. Dec. 19, 1872, Eliza A. Mock, 
b. Nov. 16, 1852; d. Apr. 23, 1923. They resided in Cambridge, Illinois. 
He d. Nov. 17, 1914. 

2273. Fannie Belle, b. Apr. 23, 1875; m. Robt. Scott. Live in Bur- 

bank, Cal. 

2274. Roy Mock, b. Nov. 4, 1882. 

1543. Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Elisha; m. Oct. 7, 1869, Horatio N. 
Boyd, b. Wilmington, Del., July 29, 1844. They reside in Belleville, 
Kansas. He served four years and four months during the Civil war; 
was twice wounded; once prisoner of war. 

Georgiana Boyd, b. Nov. 10, 1872; m. Apr. 4, 1901, Arthur K. Limes. 

Fremont, Nebr. 
Mary E., b. Aug. 29, 1876; m. March 6, 1901, Edwin D. Randall. 

One child, Bon Alona, b. Apr. 22, 1902. 
Mabel Portia, b. Aug. 26, 1880; m. Feb. 4, 1904, Rev. J. H. Craven, 

Webster, Kansas. 
Ivel Moody, b. Dec. 14, 1893. 

1544. Robert Wilson, son of Elisha; m. Feb. 24, 1881, Mary Belle 
McNaughten, in Geneseo, 111. Have resided in Cambridge, 111., and are 
now in Logan, Kansas. 

2275. Robert Earl, b. Nov. 15, 1882. 

2276. Bessie Ellen, b. Nov. 8, 1887. 

2277. Margaret Belle, b. Oct. 27, 1890. 

2278. Mabel Gertrude, b. June 20, 1897. 

2279. Rossie Beatrice, b. Nov. 12, 1903. 

1546. Frank, son of Elisha; m. Nov. 14, 1902, Anna Bowen. Lived 
in Des Moines, Iowa. He is dead. 

2280. Frank, lives in Rock Island, 111. 

1549. Susan Lewis, dau. of Thomas Beecher; m. June 15, 1882, 
Henry E. Foote, of Mt. Carmel, Conn. She d. Nov. 7, 1883. 
Grace Elizabeth, b. Oct. 27, 1883. 


1550. James Bull, son of James B. ; m. Aug. 9, 1875, Jennie R, Stui- 
well. He d. Aug. 9, 1876. Lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. 

2281. Anita Bond, b. Dec. 3, 1876; m. Oscar D. Avers. 

2282. Eugene Sutton, b. Mar. 28, 1880. 

2283. William Bull, b. June 21, 1881. 

2284. Jeannette, b. Dec. 10, 1882; m. Wright S. Musson. 

1552. William, son of William; m. July 24, 1885, Frances Ellen Miller. 
Me is a general contractor at Beatrice, Neb. William Claire, their son, 
graduated from Harvard College as a mechanical engineer. In 1917 he 
joined the engineer corps, U. S. A., was appointed second lieutenant. 

2285. Edith May, b. Dec. 29, 1887; m. Henry J. Brandt. 

2286. William Claire, b. Aug. 10, 1889; unm. 

2287. Ruth, b. Aug. 3, 1891; m. Arthur Sonderegger. 

2288. Frances Miller, b. Dec. 10, 1893 ; unm. 

2289. James Grier, b. Jan. 24, 1902; unm. 

1553. John, son of Charles W. ; m. Dec. 25, 1866, Patience, dan. of 
Levi Peck and Orelia Flower, b. Oct. 20, 1846. They live in Netawak?, 
Kansas. He is a farmer. He enlisted in the civil war, Seventh Regt , 
O. V.; was wounded at battle of Winchester and also at Port Republic. 
He was afterward a lieutenant in the 179th O. V. I. 

2290. Charles Levi, b. Dec. 9, 1867; unm. 

2291. John William, b. Nov. 18, 1869. 

2292. Maurice Peck, b. Apr. 7, 1872. 

2293. Leon Emerson, b. Oct. 10, 1875. 

1554. Abigail Shirley, dau. of Charles W. ; m. July 22, 1867, Janus 
Maxwell Devine of New Haven, Conn. 

1556. Horace Brace, son of Isaac Punderson ; m. Aug. 31, 1843, Julia 
Sophia, dau. of Truman Hill and Althea Hull, b. Aug. 25, 1819; d. May 
15, 1894. He d. Dec. 13, 1880. Lived in Chicago. 

2294. Mary Ella, b. April 16, 1848 ; m., 1867, G. L. Lawrence. 

2295. Walter Hull, b. Dec. 2, 1856. 

2296. Charles Clark, b. Feb. 2, 1859. 

1557. Frank Dwight, son of Isaac Punderson; m. Nov. 9, 1864, Eliz- 
abeth Barclay Garnett, of Columbus, Mo., b. April .25, 1836. He was a 
banker in St. Louis, Mo., and a cotton broker in New Orleans, La. He 
d. Feb. 1, 1875, in Canton, Mo. 

2297. Lucy, b. Sept. 13, 1865. 

2298. Mary Virginia, b. Sept. 4, 1867. 

2299. John Garnett, b. Jan. 26, 1869. 


1359. Truman Franklin, son of Franklin Truman ; m. Evelyn Slater. 
He d. 1847. Lived in Ohio. 

2300. Samuel C, b. Oct. 22, 1846. 

1560. Caroline Elizabeth, dau. of William Glover; b. Sept. 13, 1836; 
m. June 6, 1856, George W. Brainard ; d. April 9, 1858. (2) April 10, 
1862, Gamaliel F. Snow, b. Sept. 30, 1820; d. March 25, 1892. She d. 
April 19, 1906. 

1561. George Atwell, son of William Glover; m. Dec. 24, 1898, Ruth 
Merline Graham, of Albany, N. Y. He d. at Bayonne, N. J., Feb. 8, 1921. 

2301. Florence Graham, b. Nov. 19, 1900. 

2302. William Graham, b. Jan. 6, 1903. 

2303. Mary Rutherford, b. March 17, 1905. 

1562. Susan C, dau. of Sylvester B., m. Dec. 21, 1869, Edward T. 
Hooker. He d. at Salem, Wis., Oct. 2, 1886. She d. Oct. 21, 1923. 

Geo. Lyman, b. Apr. 19, 1872; m. Nov. 5, 1904, Bertha Charlotte 
Bork, b. May 16, 1882. They live at Elmhurst, 111. Their chil 
are Lyman Ray, b. June 8, 1906; Edward Trumbull, b. Jan. 17, 
1911; Samuel Huntington, b. Nov. 13, 1920. 

Sarah Frances, b. March 4, 1874; m. Carl G. Krueger. They live in 
Wausau, Wis. Their chil. are : Gretchen Elizabeth, b. May 17, 
1902; Rhoda Edwards, b. Feb. 18, 1905; Richard Hooker, b. Tiny 
6, 1909. Gretchen E., m. June 25, 1923, Donald Hurlbut Hickey: 
one child, James Robert, b. Feb. 24, 1925. 

Susan C, b. Nov. 4, 1876. 

Cornelius H., b. Oct. 4, 1878; m. Aug. 20, 1907, Mary T. Williams 
Children, Mary Ellen, b. Ma*r. 5, 1911; John William, b. Aug. 0, 

Charles Garfield, b. March 5, 1881 ; m. Sept. 16, 1914, Evelyn Francis 
Wilson. Chil., Susan Jean, b. April 3, 1916; Gerald, b. Jan. 21, 
1920; Alice, b. June 22, 1921. 

1564. Edward Augustus, son of Samuel Augustus; m. Apr. 20, 1864, 
Julia L. Hills. Resided at Cheshire, Conn. He lived on the land, 118 
acres, bought of Henry Cook, by Jonathan Atwater, in February, 1702, 
descending to Abraham, to Samuel, to Flamen, to Samuel Augustus, and 
now to George Edward, in all seven generations. The old house was de- 
molished, but a new and more modern one stands on the same cellar. 
She d. June 28, 1918, aged 76. He d. Apr. 12, 1908. 

2304. Edith Lois, b. Jan. 30, 1866; m. Charles L. William:,. 

2305. Preston Henry, b. Sept. 9, 1869. 


2306. May Clark, b. May 13, 1873; in. H. H. Learned. She d. Nov. 

5, 1910. 

2307. Ruth Gertrude, b. Feb. 15, 1881; m. Ernest Hart. 

2308. George Edward, b. Dec. 3, 1883. 

1565. Emerett M., dau. of Samuel Augustus; m. Oct. 22, 1861, John 

\\ . Blakeslee, of Wallingford. 

Emma A., b. April 3, 1865. 
Man- A., b. Apr. 24, 1871. 

1566. Mary Cornelia, dau. of Samuel Augustus; m. Oct. 22. 1836. 
John A. Peck, of Cheshire, Conn. He d. Tan. 5. 1886. 

1567. Abbie L., dau. of Samuel Augustus; m. Oct. 24, 1883, Jacob 
D. Walter, of Cheshire, Conn., and has one dau., Nellie B., unmarried. 

1568. Orris Clapp, son of Darwin ; m. Sept. 3, 1862, Huldah A. Tack- 
son, at Amherst, Ohio, b. March 20, 1834. 

2309. Ellen Bessie, b. Dec. 15, 1868. 

1569. Mary. dau. of Darwin ; m. Jan. 22, 1870, George W. Neely. He 
d. Sept. 20, 1899. She d. Apr. 12, 1900. 

1570. John Milton, son of Darwin ; m. Oct. 1, 1863, Harriet M. Smith, 
at Oberlin, Ohio. Harriet d. Sept. 9, 1887, at Wichita, Kansas; m. (2) 
Jan. 30, 1892, Anna Robinson. John d. Jan. 17, 1900, at Cleveland, Ohio. 

2310. Ernest Richmond, b. Aug. 20, 1865. 

2311. Bertha Mabel, b. Oct. 20, 1869; m. Charles B. Taylor. 

2312. Frederick Eugene, b. May 6, 1872. 

1571. Amzi, son of Darwin; m. Aug. 8, 1870, Cortenia C. Munson. 
He was a minister in the Christian church and professor in the Indiana 
State University at Bloomington, Ind., where he resides. 

2313. Munson Darwin, b. Jan. 22, 1873. 

1572. James F., son of William L. ; m. Feb. 16, 1881, Janet C. Murray, 
of New York. She d. Feb. 25, 1923. 

2314. William Lyman, b. Jan. 31, 1882. 

2315. Janet Isabella, b. Oct. 21, 1883. 

2316. George Campbell, b. Aug. 20, 1885. 

1573. Charles, son of William Lyman; lived in Pittsfield, Mass.; m. 
June 20, 1888, Alice M., dau. of Thomas Allen, b. Jan. 2, 1864 He d. in 
London, Eng, May 1, 1898. 


2317. Allen Russell, b. June 6, 1889. 

2318. Wm. Bradford, b. Oct. 22, 1891. 

2319. Alice Laura, b. May 17, 1893. 

2320. Judith Pomeroy, b. Dec. 29, 1895. 

1574. Lucy, dau. of William Lyman ; m. Oct. 6, 1885, Dr. Matthew D. 
Field. He d. March, 1895. They lived in Stockbridge, Mass. 
Elizabeth Campbell, b. Sept. 21, 1891. 
Rachel Lyman, b. Sept. 19, 1894. 

1576. William Clarence, son of Merritt Buckingham ; m. June 15. 
1890, Allis Pingree, b. Nov. 7, 1859; d. Feb. 5, 1891. He is a dealer in 
land and lumber, and lives in Chicago. • 

2321. Clarence Buckingham, b. Feb. 15, 1891. 

1577. Charlotte Rowena, dau. of Merritt Buckingham ; m. June 25, 
1890, Louis Augustus Pratt, son of Charles R. and Esther Emmons, b. 
Nov. 14, 1851. He lives in Washington. 

Louis Atwater, b. Apr. 25, 1894. 

1578. William Olmsted, son of William Woodruff; m. Jan. 12, 1871, 
Ellen Whipple Sanford, who d. at Newton, Iowa, Nov. 14, 1871 ; (2) 
April 5, 1873, Emily S. Baldwin, of Honolulu, who d. in 1891 ; (3) March 
17, 1892, Annie Eckfeldt Benner. He was general secretary of the postal 
bureau of Hawaii. He d. May 17, 1908, at Honolulu, of Bright's disease. 
She d. Feb. 12, 1922. 

2322. Dora Benner, b. Jan. 23, 1893 ; m. James C. Wallace. 

2323. Juliette Olmsted, b. Jan. 27, 1895 ; m. Stanley L. King. 

2324. William Olmsted, b. Jan. 6, 1897. 

2325. Miley Benner, b. Oct. 10, 1898. 

2326. Curtis Eckfeldt, b. Oct. 10, 1898. 

1579. Francis Ebenezer, son of William Woodruff; m. Jan. 1, 1885, 
Lillian Charlotte Baldwin, b. Oct. 25, 1858, dau. of David Dwight and Lois 
Gregory (Morris). No children. They live in Haiku, Maui, Hawaii. As 
a P. S. Mr. Atwater writes: "My brother, W. O. Atwater's second wife 
was the sister of D. D. Baldwin, my wife's father. He was a graduate 
of Yale college, class of '57, and found his wife, Lois G. Morris, in Bridge- 
port, Conn. She and W. O. A.'s mother were half sisters. Some mixup 
of relationship as you will see." He d. Jan. 28, 1919. 

1580. Lillian Elizabeth, dau. of William Woodruff; m. April 6, 1876, 
Charles Lambert Blake, b. Oct. 8, 1850. They lived in Harwinton, Conn. 
She d. May 23, 1912. 


1581. Leonard Eugene, son of William Woodruff, d. June 7, 1911; 
m. Jan. 9, 1892, Ida B., dau. of Capt. James Lyle of Honolulu. 

2327. Myrtle Lyle, b. Sept., 1893; m. June 16, 1915, Arthur James 

Gullman, of Berkeley, Cal. 

1588. Caroline M., dau. of Charles; m. Edwin Young. Lives in 
Plainville, Conn. 

Alfred L., b. May 18, 1872. 
Charles E., b. Nov. 12, 1873. 
Ida May, b. July 9, 1876. 
Nellie Ray, b. July 25, 1878. 
Carrie, b. Jan. 18, 1881. 

Geo. H., b. Apr. 14, 1887; m. May, 1916, Fanny Belle Wallace. Is in 
naval service. 

1584. Xoriden C, son of Charles; m. Cora Stone; (2) Minnie Ryder; 
(3) June 1, 1893, Estelle S. Spencer. He is an engineer. Lives at Meri- 
den, Conn. 

2328. Bertha Idelle, b. Sept. 27, 1878; m. Howard Stone. 

2329. Carl Walter, b. Apr. 3, 1884. 

2330. Wallace, b. Oct. 3, 1882. 

1591. Marshal Frank, son of Franklin Benjamin; m. in 1889, Mary 
Warner, of Ansonia. Lives in Bridgeport, Conn. 

2331. Elsie May, b. Nov. 8, 1889. 

2332. Frank, b. March 26, 1891. 

2333. Clayton Warner, b. July 15, 1899. 

1593. John Albert, son of John Hoadley ; m. Jan. 26, 1884, Frances 
Woodley Foster, dau. of William Conway Foster and Susan Matilda 
Alden. She was b. Jan. 15, 1862. Occupation, bookkeeper. This is his 
second marriage. His first wife, who is now living in Springfield, Mass., 
was Clara Matilda Worthington. 

2334. Albert Worthington, b. Dec. 23, 1880. 
Issue by second marring : 

2335. Jane Woodley, b. Aug. 31, 1884. 

2336. Carrie Frances, b. Nov. 10, 1887. 

2337. John Hoadley, b. May 15, 1889. 

1594. Mary Klizabeth, dau. of John Hoadley; m. Nov. 14, 1878, 
Wilfred Smith, 1». Aug. 31, 1854, son of Theodore Edward Smith and 
Hannah Louise Camp of Norwalk, Conn. They resided in Brooklyn, 
X. V. She d. May 22, 1925. 

Leonard Atwater, b. May 26, 1879. 


1595. William Cutler, son of John Hoadley ; m. May 1, 1889, Ida 
Wilson Hay, dau. of Jacob Hay and Anne Wilson, b. Oct. 11, 1859. He 
is engaged in the general coal business under the name of William C. 
Atwater & Co., with offices at 1 Broadway, New York. In the past twenty 
five years his business has greatly expanded, so that as owner of mines 
in the Pocahontas Coal Field of West Virginia, he is now mining about 
7500 tons of coal a day, which finds markets all-rail in the West and the 
East and is shipped coastwise and abroad over the piers at Norfolk, Va. 

2338. William Cutler, b. July 18, 1890. 

2339. John Jacob, b. May 22, 1893. 

2340. Margaret Hay, b. Sept. 11, 1894; m. George Daniel Olds, Jr. 

2341. David Hay, b. Nov. 9, 1898. 

1597. Jane Leonard, dau. of John Hoadley ; m. Nov. 16, 1898, Harry 
Clay Perrine, Jr., b. March 8, 1869. They reside in South Amboy, N. J. 
One dau., Emma LaRue, b. Dec. 18, 1899. 

1598. Jeremiah Charles, son of Jeremiah William ; m. Jan. 1, 1901, 
Esther Chaplin Keeler, b. May 10, 1869, dau. of David Luke Keeler and 
Jeanette Noble Allen; d. July 9, 1915. He is dead. 

2342. Charles Keeler, b. Nov. 1, 1901. 

2343. Katherine Louise, b. Mar. 3, 1904. 

1599. Nancy Ann, dau. of Thomas ; m. Feb. 19, 1880, Millard Duncan. 
Charlie L. Duncan, b. Aug. 28,. 1884; m. Aug. 30, 1905, Bertha E.' 

Dukes; no children. 

1602. Cordelia, dau. of Thomas; m. Jan. 26, 1888, Angelo Freeman. 

Alfred, b. Oct. 27, 1888. 

Judd, b. Mar. 7, 1890. 

Ruby, b. 26, 1892 ; m. Nov. 25, 1913, Fred St. Clair. 

James, b. May 5, 1913. 

Cecil, b. . 

Lawrence, b. May 24, 1915. 

Freeman, b. Apr. 5, 1917. 
Bessie, b. Apr. 2, 1894; m. Apr. 5, 1908, Lee Melvin. 

Goldie, b. Apr. 25, 1909. 

Vernan, b. Sept. 22, 1910. 

Thelma, b. Sept. 11, 1912. 

Dale, b. Aug. 10, 1914. 
Lydia, b. Sept. 17, 1896; m. Nov. 25, 1912, Allie Long. 

Charles, b. Nov. 29, 1913. 

Albert, b. Aug. 14, 1915. 

Mildred, b. Jan. 5, 1918. 


Homer, b. Sept. 7. 1897; m. Sept. 4, 1918, Lillian Soreng. 
Clarence, b. Oct. 2, 1899. 
Lawrence, b. Mar. 29, 1901. 
Mabel, b. Mar. 30, 1905. 

1607. James Lucius, son of William E. ; m. Oct. 4, 1883, Kate C. 

2344. James C, b. July 4, 1886. 

2345. Vertie M., b. Nov. 19, 1888; m. Alfred Freeman. 

2346. Oretta B.., b. May 9, 1891 ; m. Elbridge Fletcher. 

2347. Amanda B., b. Sept. 2, 1894 ; m. Robert Langton. 

2348. Henry Z., b. Sept. 20, 1896. 

2349. Lasel R., b. Nov. 23, 1898. 

2350. Ritchey C, b. July 3, 1901. 

1608. Ruby Josephine, dau. of William E., m. Dec. 20, 1883, Freeman 
D. Gates. 

Juanita, b. Feb. 27, 1885 ; d. Aug. 1, 1900. 

Thomas Leon, b. April 9, 1887. 

Leola L., b. Oct. 15, 1891 ; m. Dec. 31, 1915, James Roy Sayr. 

Milo Orson, b. Oct. 2, 1896; d. Apr. 9, 1897. 

1609. Mary Lurana, dau. of William E. ; m. Feb. 27, 1887, Henry 
D. Blythe. 

Valda Lester, b. May 14, 1888; m. April 26, 1913, Mary Elizabeth 
Alton. Two chil. : Leola Idell, b. Sept. 20, 1915; Keith Alton, !> 
April 9, 1918. 

Henry Leslie, b. Nov. 24, 1894; m. Dec. 2, 1916, Vera Ireta Hubbard. 
One son, Laurence Hubbard, b. Nov. 17, 1917. 

Alfred Chester, b. Feb. 25, 1897. 

Kenneth Leroy, b. Nov. 23, 1901. 

Mary Lurana, b. Aug. 1, 1905. 

1610. Frances Ida, dau. of William E. ; m. Feb. 1, 1891, Wilford P. 

Lillie Ellen, b. Dec. 7, 1892; m. June 26, 1912, Orville F. Emery. 

Three chil.; Ruth Irene, b. Sept. 12, 1914; Edna Mae, b. July 12, 

1915; Olen Arthur, b. July 12, 1917. 
Vernon Otis, b. June 1, 1895; m. Mar. 6, 1915, Mattie Hickman. Two 

chil.: Frances J., b. July 29, 1916; Maxine R., b. Jan. 27, 1918. 
Clifford Kenneth, b. Sept. 15, 19<X). 
Albert Lloyd, b. Sept. 2, 1904. 
Daniel Smith, b. Jan. 18, 1906. 
Ida Mae, b. Dec. 15, 1909. 


1611. William Henry, son of William E. ; m. Nov. 30, 1897, Ida Oma 

2351. Henry Dale, b. May 4, 1899. 

2352. Irene Delores, b. April 9, 1908. 

1612. Millie Ellen, dan. of William E. ; m. Feb. 22, 1899, Etberam 
Dorothy. She d. Apr. 11, 1911. 

Coy C, b. Dec. 3, 1899. 
Evert L., b. Oct. 1, 1903. 

1613. Joseph Lafayette, son of John J.; m. Aug. 23, 1896, Laura 
Bessie Anguish ; b. Aug. 23, 1878. 

2353. Roy, b. June 7, 1897. 

1614. Dnrinda, dau. of John J.; m. Feb. 1, 1888, Charlie W. Cassing- 
ham, b. March 26, 1865. 

Ray, b. Nov. 8, 1889; m. Dec. 23, 1911, Cressie Huff, b. March 28, 1894. 

He d. Sept. 19, 1912. 
Clarence, b. Nov. 25, 1891 ; m. April 25, 1917, Belle Farr, b. August 

2(V 1890. 

1615. John James, son of John J. ; m. May 2, 1897, Ora May Black, b. 
Sept. 15, 1876; no children. 

1616. Arietta Permilda, dau. of John J.; m. March 29, 1893, John 
Hamilton Rhea. 

Blanche Isabelle, b. April 27, 1894. 
Daisy Rhea, b. August 22, 1896. 
James Atwater, b. Sept. 2, 1904. 

1617. William Lee, son of John J. ; m. Oct. 4, 1904, Elsie May Sears, 
h. Aug. 6, 1884. 

2354. Lee Estes, b. April 8, 1905. 

2355. Mary Irene, b. August 16, 1908. 

2356. Lloyd Russel, b. April 30, 1913. 

1618. Willis X., son of John J.; m. July 31, 1918, Ada Hunter, b. 
Sept. 3, 1883. 

1619. Delbert, son of John J. ; m. Oct. 24, 1904, Goldie Sears, b. Sept. 
4, 1889. 

2357. Dale, b. Aug. 24, 1913. 


1620. Fred It., son of John J.; m. May 6, 1908, Ina Trout, b. April 
24, 1886. No children. 

1621. Emily, dau. of Jeremiah John; m. July 12, 1891, Willoughhy 
Maynard Bahcock. They reside in Minneapolis, Minn. 

1629. Ellen Hattie, dau. of John Starr; m. Sept. 13, 1903, Thomas 
Eugene Goudey, son of Rev. George Goudey, of Beverly, Mass. They 
reside in New Haven, Conn. 

1630. Clifford James, son of James; m. March 26, 1890, Jennie C. 
dau. of Henry M. Taylor and Elizabeth Perry, of Seymour, Conn., b. 
July 26, 1869, in London, Eng. He has been tax collector and justice of 
the peace for thirty-two years in Seymour, Conn. 

1631. Clayton Wells, son of James; m. Nov. 3, 1887, Mary Louise 
Conant, dau. of Ruel K. Conant and Julia A. Curtis, b. Nov. 3, 1861. He 
is a nurseryman at Agawam, Mass. 

2358. Harold Conant, b. Sept. 17, 1889. 

2359. James Clayton, b. Jan. 3, 1896. 

1635. Henry Wilson, son of Franklin B. ; m. Aug. 20, 1898, Sarah 
E., dau. of John W. and Elizabeth Cook. Is a mail carrier in Westfield, 

2360. William H., b. March 22, 1901. 

1637. Angelo Edward, son of James Henry; m. June 18, 1902, Ann 
Eliza, dau. of Robert H. Rust, and Harriet I. Rood, b. Oct. 10, 1875. 
They live in Cleveland, Ohio. 

2361. Robert Edward, b. June 2, 1915. 

1638. Bert Leonard, son of Albert Chamberlain; m. Apr. 25, 19(H), 
Blanche Cox, of Chicago. He is vice-president Wm. Wrigley, Jr., Co., 
offices, 87 35th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Resides in Garden City, L. 1. 

2362. Helen Blanche, b. Aug. 30, 1901 ; m. Philip K. Wrigley. 

2363. Olive Cox, b. July 19, 1907. 

2364. A. G. Cox, b. Aug. 21, 1910. 

1639. Walter Eldredge, son of Albert Chamberlain; m. Oct. 30, 1901, 
Jessie Clark Wells, b. July 8, 1879, at Milwaukee, Wis. 

2365. Margaret, b. Apr. 8, 1903. 

2366. Katherine, b. Dec. 12, 1906. 

2367. Suzanne, b. May 6, 1920. 


1640. Helen Louise, dan. of Albert Chamberlain; m. Apr. 18, 1900. 
Charles C. Shrader. Lives in Iowa City, Iowa. No children. 

1641. Mary C, dau. of Albert Chamberlain; m. Jan. 25, 1905, Dr. 
Frederick G. Carlson. They live in Mason City, Iowa. 

Walter A., b. Mar. 8, 1906. 
F. Gretchen, b. Nov. 16, 1908. 

1642. Margaret, dan. of Albert Chamberlain; m. Nov. 29, 1905, 
George M. Ingham. Live in Iowa City, Iowa. 

Gordon M. ( b. June 17, 1907. 

1646. Leonard, son of Leonard Cornelius; m. Oct. 7, 1915, Dorothy 

2368. George Hastings, b. June 9, 1918. 

1647. Collins, son of James B. ; m. May 1, 1916, Helen Betts Shipley, 
b. Nov. 30, 1892, dau. of Murray and Martha (Betts) Shipley, of Cin- 
cinnati, Ohio. 

2369. James Collins, b. Feb. 17, 1921. 

2370. Samuel Shipley, b. March 13, 1922. 

2371. Elizabeth Anthony, b. Jan. 4, 1926. 

1652. Kirtland YV., son of Joseph William; m. Dec. 7, 1864, Augusta, 
dau. of Frederick Smith, b. June 5, 1843; d. Feb. 5, 1896; (2) Caroline, 
dau. of Harvey Holcomb, of Sharon, Conn. He lives at Plantsville, Conn 

2372. Henry Davidson, b. Nov. 8, 1869. 

2373. Ada Maria, b. Mar. 28, 1872 ; m. Lawrence Watkins. 

2374. Ida Bell, b. Dec. 11, 1878; m. William Witham, Kensington. 

2375. Fred Smith, b. June 9, 1876. 

1654. Chauncey Wyman, son of John Todd; m. May 1, 1854, Eliza- 
beth, dau. of John Kemp. He d. June 8, 1885; was a life long resident 
of Sheffield, Ohio. She d. Jan. 8, 1907. 

2376. Mettie E., b. Sept. 16, 1856; m. Ora Hunt. 

2377. Mary H., b. Feb. 23, 1857; m. Richard D. Mayberry. 

2378. John J., b. Nov. 9, 1863. 

2379. Elizabeth K, b. May 29, 1866 ; m. Harry U. Hunt. 


1655. Almon 1$., son of John Todd; m. Jane Thompson, of Southfield, 

Fort Erie, Ont., July 2, 1872. Have no children. They live in Pasadena, 

(From Michigan Manufacturer and Financial Record.) 

The announcement is made that Almon Byron Atvvater, for many years the direct- 
ing and advising head of the Grand Trunk Railway lines in Michigan, has retired. 
Mr. Atvvater is long past the scriptural age, and has spent a long life-time in the rail- 
road business. He is one of the few surviving pioneers. His railroad service began 
with the early eastern short lines, which were gradually consolidated into the systems 
of great mileage, and was followed up by experiences in the construction of rail- 
roads which have come to be so great a part of the transportation fabric of this sec- 
tion of the country that the public really seems to believe that they never had a be- 
ginning, but always were in existence. 

It is more than fifty years since Mr. Atwater had an engineer's hand in the making 
of the Canada Southern road from the Niagara frontier to the Detroit River gateway. 
With the exception of a four-year period with the Michigan Central system, Mr. At- 
water's career has been almost wholly with the Grand Trunk system in Michigan. It 
is rather interesting to go over the things thar have happened to that system since he 
became assistant to the president thereof with authority over the American lines. 
The main line of the railroad, across the state, has been double-tracked. The .old 
Pontiac, Oxford & Northern Railroad, which was a sort of transportation orphan, has 
been taken over and made a fairly useful accessory to the business of its section. 
The Detroit & Toledo freight line, owned in conjunction with another railroad, has 
been made one of the great coal-carrying arteries of the southern part of the state. 
The line from Durand to Saginaw has been made a valuable feeder to the business 
of the Saginaw Valley, which it distinctly was not in the days that Mr. Burt and Mr. 
Wright controlled it. Very important and necessary additions — while not enough — 
have been made to the terminal facilities of the Grand Trunk at Detroit, while much 
valuable railroad property has been added at Battle Creek, Flint, Lansing and other 
important points. 

The financial condition of the Grand Trunk Railway has always been such that 
American and Canadian managers had their own tough times in getting the money 
out of the English board of directors for any important improvement or extension. 
After the English gave their resident managers control the situation was not much 
better. Almost immediately after American continental control supervened, the Ca- 
nadian movement, which has culminated in government ownership of the Grand Trunk 
was initiated and budgetary generosity continued to be limited. It was in such a set 
of surroundings that Mr. Atwater, himself thoroughly conversant with the limitations 
of expenditure, had to do what he could toward the development of the property of 
which he was an officer in some proportion to the growth of the business of the state. 
And it is to be recorded on his retirement from service in the evening of his days 
that he did very well indeed. The record that he has left behind him is one of a 
useful life, wholly spent in the making and improvement of American transportation 
facilities, and the very greatest part of it spent in and for Michigan. For that, those 
who approach the subject of railroad construction and development in any frame of 
mind other than the hydrophobic one which has lately been politically popular, cannot 
fail to* appreciate the really helpful influence that Mr. Atwater's life work has been 
in the up-building of this state, its industrial centers and its agricultural areas. 

However, none of these things, interesting as they are, has to do. with the future 
of Mr. Atwater, who is the text of this article. He has done his day's work with 
honor, intelligence and industry, and his neighbors and fellow citizens can only wish 
him happiness and joy in the evening of his life. 


1656. John Wilbur, son of John Todd; m. April 24, 1867, Frances, 
dau. of Wm. Peebles and Anna Wildes. For many years he made agri- 
culture a specialty. In 1890 he leased the farm and moved to Kingsville, 
O., entering into the employ of the McCormick Co., of Chicago, 111. For 
several years was also engaged in business in Cleveland. Later he became 
general agent for the Ohio Farmers' Insurance Co., of Ashtabula, Ohio. 
He d. very suddenly, Feb. 7, 1914, while visiting in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

2380. Jennie Maude, b. March 4, 1872; m. Thomas Dougherty. 

2381. Almon L., b. Jan. 13, 1875. 

2382. Carleton Williams, b. June 19, 1885. 

1659. Thomas L., son of Charles A.; m. Sept., 1871, Marguerite 
Pointer. Lived at Abingdon, 111. 

2383. Ida.b. Jan. 10, 1874; m. Dec, 1890, Walker Bellemy. 

2384. F^ffie, b. Sept. 25, 1875; m. June 10, 1895, William Morrison, 

Abingdon, 111. 

2385. Julius Atwater, b. Oct. 19, 1877; unm. 

2386. Clyde W. Atwater, b. May 4, 1888. 

2387. Emelino, b. Dec. 14, 1891; m. Hobart Jones, Abingdon, 111. 

2388. Ernest Elmer, b. Jan. 15, 1893. 

1660. Mary Ann, dau. of Charles Abel ; m. Feb. 24, 1870, Perry Clark. 
Live at Erie, Penn. 

Elmer Willard Ross, b. June 6, 1876. 
Manda, b. May 29, 1871. 
Orren, b. Dec. 22, 1872. 
Magnolia L., b. May 11, 1878. 
Marshall Leon, b. July 21, 1882. 

1664. Lewis Henry, son of Miles L. ; m. Jan. 3, 1882, Malinda Cath- 
erine Zumwalt. Lives at Monmouth, Oregon. 

2389. Charles M., b. Oct. 26, 1885 ; m. Sept. 8, 1922, Tillie Hoffman. 

2390. John Miles, b. Nov. 11, 1888; m. Aug. 19, 1917, Pearl Butts. 

1665. James L., son of Miles L. ; m. Amelia Zumwalt. He d. in 1912 
in a runaway accident. Lived in Monmouth, Oregon. 

2391. Essie, b. May 6, 1886; m. George Rhodes. 

2392. Hattie E., b. Oct. 15, 1888; m. Philip Sweiter. 

2393. Mamie, b. Oct. 23, 1892 ; m. Frank Schenk. 

2394. Wilma, b. Oct. 21, 1903; unm. 

1667. John William, son of Miles L. ; m. June 10, 1884, Dorothea, 
dau. of Henry Peterson, b. July 29, 1864.. He d. Feb. 21, 1904. 



2395. Arthur Albert, b. Jan. 16, 1886. 

2396. Gertrude, b. April 16, 1888; m. Nov. 12, 1912, George B. Der- 

rcck. Lives at Los Angeles, Cal. 
George B., b. Feb. 16, 1914. 
John William, b. May 3, 1917. 

1669. Francis M., son of Lucius R. ; m. Jan. 4, 1877, G. M. Offord. 
Their chil. : Oscar, Elsie, Etta. 

1670. James A-., son of Lucius R. ; m. Mar. 4, 1880, Cinthy C. Lime- 
baugh, d. Sept. 12, 1890. Their chil.: Minnie, Musie, Lloyd, Maxime. 

1671. Harvey H., son of Lucius R., m. Nov. 5, 1885, Mary F. James 
She d. Dec. 22, 1910. Their chil. : Roy, Eva. 

1672. Ellsworth G., son of Lucius R. ; m. Mar. 29, 1884, Lizzie E. 
Hale. They live in Ipava, 111. Two sons, Charles, Frank. 

1673. Sarah J., dau. of Lucius R. ; m. Dec. 25, 1884, Henry W. Hale. 
Their chil. : Harlie, Bert, Robert, Adda, Dottie, Eva. 

1674. Emma E., dau. of Lucius R. ; m. Mar. 10, 1887, Frank Shaw. 
They live in Ipava, 111. Chil. : Ray, Don, Ortie, Harley, Dorothy, Dwight 

1675. Burleigh E., son of Lucius R. ; m. Oct. 13, 1896, Delia Gilson. 
They live in Ipava, 111. Chil. : Ray, Don, Ortie, Harley, Dorothy, Dwight, 

1677. Laura C, dau. of Lucius R. ; m. Feb. 21, 1898, Fred Kelly. One 
dau., Edith. 

1684. Ella M., dau. of Hollister; m. Egbert N. Coy, d. 1919. She d. 
Dec. 15, 1922. 
Jessie May. 
Herbert Starr. 

1686. Clarence E., son of Hollister; m. July 18, 1878, Catherine 
Naylor Walton, b. Aug. 12, 1860, dau. of Rev. John Walton and Mary 

2397. Eugene Henry, b. April 27, 1879. 

2398. Charles Herbert, b. June 7, 1880; d. June 12, 1882. 

2399. Grace Edith, b. Feb. 19, 1882; m. William Cline Rugg. 

2400. Bertha Agnes, b. Feb. 25, 1884; m. Raymond Daniel Nichols. 


2401. Julia Adell, b. Sept. 26, 1886; m. Clyde Smith Nichols. 

2402. John Hollister, b. Jan. 4, 1889. 

2403. Charles Clarence, b. Feb. 10, 1892 ; d. Jan. 27, 1897 

2404. Henry Herbert, b. Nov. 8, 1894; d. Feb. 13, 1897. 

2405. Freddie Clark, b. March 1, 1897; d. Feb. 13, 1909. 

2406. Clarence Walton, b. Sept. 30, 1899. 

2407. Francis Blanchard, b. July 16, 1903. 

1690. Samuel Henry, son of Alfred; m. July 10, 1878, Selina Myers. 
He lives at Colorado Springs, Col. 

2408. Winifred Moore, b. June 1, 1880. 

2409. Reginald Myers, b. Aug. 6, 1892. 

1694. Frederick W., son of Samuel Wooster; m. Oct. 7, 1884, in Jew- 
ett, N. Y., Mary L. Chase. He organized the Catskill Mountain Telephone 
Company, in 1888, and has been its president ever since. He lives in 
Jewett, N. Y. 

2410. George H., b. Feb. 25, 1887. 

2411. Hiland Chase, b. Jan. 1, 1890. 

2412. Rodger Frederic, b. May 21, 1892. 

1695. Lueina Hunt, dau. of Samuel Wooster; m. May 25, 1882, John 
S. Patterson, of Windham, N. Y. 

Helena M., b. July 11, 1884. Graduate Columbia University with the 
degree of Bachelor of Science. Now teaching in the public schools 
of Suffern, N. Y. 

1696. Elmer Ellsworth, son of Samuel Wooster; m. April 7, 1887, 
Frances A., dau. of Henry P. Lacy and Alathea Pond, b. July 20, 1856 
He is a farmer at Jewett, N. Y. 

2413. Leola M., b. Jan. 14, 1888. 

2414. Florence A., b. April 18, 1890 ; m. John E. Hait. 

1697. Piatt Romain, son of Samuel Wooster; m. April 18, 1886, 
Annie S. Rice. They live in Jewett, N. Y. She d. July 15, 1919. 

2415. Leroy W., b. Nov. 11, 1886. Is a dentist practicing at Farmers- 

ville, N. Y. 

2416. Arthur P., b. Dec. 2, 1889. 

2417. Gertrude K., b. Oct. 2, 1895. 

2418. Doris Lueina, b. Feb. 17, 1907; m. July 3, 1924, Earl Hayes. 

1698. Alfred Eugene, son of Samuel Wooster; m. April 16, 1892, 
Nettie B. Worden. They live in New Britain, Conn. 


1699. Almii-a Chloe, dan. of George Camp; m. Everett Horton, of 
Bristol, Conn. 

Frederic Algeron, b. Oct. 2, 1854; m. Oct. 30, 1893, Annie Cody. 
Bertha Adelaide, b. Nov. 3, 1860; m. Dec. 31, 1878, Frank S. Judd. 

1700. Theresa, dau. of Henry; m. Aug. 22, 1858, Henry S. Minor, 
b. July 17, 1834. Resided in Terryville, Conn. She d. March 21, 1910. 
He d. May 29, 1914. 

Evangeline, b. June 15, 1873. 

1701. Eugene, son of Henry, lived in Southington ; m. Oct. 15, 1866 
Alice Hitchcock. He d. Dec. 14, 1878. 

2419. Aleen Mazy, b. 1868; d. 1923; m. George W. Bennett. 

2420. Ernest B., b. Aug. 9, 1870. 

2421. Clifford E., b. Nov. 1, 1871 ; unm. 

2422. Eugene D., b. Mar. 23, 1874. 

1702. Dorence, son of Henry, resided at Tahiti, Society Islands; m. 
1875, Moetia Salmon. At the age of sixteen, on the outbreak of the war, 
he enlisted in the first squadron of the Connecticut Cavalry, afterwards 
attached to the Harris Light Cavalry of New York. He served for nearly 
his full term, participating in the hard campaigning and sharp battles that 
command experience, and was finally captured and taken to the terrible 
Andersonville prison pen where many brave Connecticut boys met their 
death. In 1868, still suffering in health from his hardships, he was ap- 
pointed United States consul to the Seychelles Islands, in the Indian 
Ocean. Three years later he was transferred to the United States con- 
sulate at Tahiti, in the South Pacific. He was a faithful and valuable 
official in both positions and only resigned after he had served over a 
score of years. He married a Tahitian lady, and by this marriage was 
allied to the royal family. He d. Nov. 28, 1910. 

1703. Catherine, dau. of Henry; m. Jan. 15, 1873, Orson Dikeman, 
who d. June 8, 1900. She resides in W'aterbury. 

Caroline Agnes, b. May 20, 1875; m. George Benjamin. 
Kitty Mabel, b. Nov. 15, 1882; m. Howard May. 

1705. Francis, son of Henry; author, publisher, printer, organizer 
street railroads, press associations, member of American Publishers' As- 
sociation, National Typothetae, publisher of the first ail-American daily 
new'spaper in Cuba, author of History of Plymouth, Conn., and Kent, 
Conn., and also compiler of this volume of Atwater History. In 1879 
he married Helena J. Sellew, to whom was born, May 10, 1880, a son, 
Dorence Keith Atwater, who was drowned at Kennebunkport, Me., Aug. 
23, 1900. 


1706. Wesley Hubert, son of Willis; m. Dec. 10. 1884, Minnie, dau. 
of Stephen Fernald and Martha Lewis, b. Aug. 10, 1865. He is a mer- 
chant in New York and resides in East Orange, N. J. 

2423. Hubert Fernald, b. Dec. 5, 1887. 

2424. Charles Willis, b. Mar. 5, 1892. 

2425. Edna Mabel, b. Aug. 10, 1890; m. Aug. 19, 1919, Eldridge 


2426. Belle Louise, b. Nov. 11, 1894; m. Charles Francis Dahlgren 

1707. Charles Ives, son of Stephen; m. Nov. 30, 1887, Minnie A. 
Dickinson. Lives at Shelby, Mich. 

2427. Wayne I., b. June 4, 1892; traveling auditor Bell Tel. Co. 

2428. Earle D., b. Oct. 10, 1893; clerk State Treasurer's office, Mich 

2429. Charles L., b. Dec. 17, 1896; soldier, allied cause. 

1708. Clifford Elbert, son of Stephen; m. Dec. 10, 1894, Ida Brott. 
Lives at Fennville, Mich. 

2430. Clarence. 

2431. Dorence. 

2432. Ruth M., b. Oct. 3, 1888. 

1709. Jane Maria, dau. of Leonard ; m. Nov. 7, 1867, Frances Norton. 
She d. April 24, 1877; (2) Nov. 7, 1878, Ellen Atwater. He d. Feb. 12, 
1901. She d. Feb. 1, 1926. 

Charles Ladd, b. Dec. 11, 1870. 

1711. Julia, dau. of Leonard; m. Jan. 7, 1874 Joseph C. Burritt. 
He d. May 24, 1889. She lives in Ithaca, N. Y. 

Joseph Atwater, b. June 7, 1876; m. June 7, 1905, Sarah Annie Mc- 
Gowan. He d. June 9, 1925. One son, Joseph Randall Burritt, b. 
Feb. 22, 1907 ; dau. Anna Atwater, b. Feb. 28, 1912. 

1712. Frederick, son of Leonard; m. Jan., 1871, Ella Sausman. He 
d. Mar. 24, 1917. Lived in Ithaca, N. Y. 

2433. Frederick H., b. Jan. 25, 1872. 

2434. Alice Hixon, b. Dec. 20, 1874; m. Edwin A. Wilcox. 

2435. Anna Maria, b. April, 1887; m. William E. Pearson. 

1713. Edgar Avery, son of Leonard; m. Jan., 1872, Caroline Burrit', 
who d. Aug. 5, 1898; (2) Oct. 28, 1917, Mrs. Julia Kelsey Cunningham. 
Lives in Manchester, Iowa. 

2436 Horace Burritt, b. Feb. 17, 1874. 

2437. Laura Ellen, b. March 1, 1876; m. J. F. Jackson. 

2438. Florence Belle, b. Apr. 27, 1879; m. W. K. Triffet. 


1714. Horace, son of Leonard; m. Aug., 1874, Emma E. Walkley, b. 
June, 1852. He d. June, 1886, at Alma, Nebraska. 

2439. Horace Hazelton, b. Oct. 22, 1882. 

2440. Isabelle, b. Feb. 12, 1886. 

1715. Sarah Emily, dau. of Leonard; m. May 31, 1876, George S 
Rankin. Tbey lived at Itbaca, N. Y. He d. Dec. 7, 1915, aged 69. 

Mary Everett, b. Jan. 14, 1878. 
Robert, b. March 23, 1882. 
George Atwater, b. Oct. 6, 1884. 
Everett Horace, b. Oct. 10, 1890. 

1716. William James, son of Leonard; m. Feb., 1879, Louise Corne- 
lius. Lives in Bessemer, N. Y. No children. 

1718. Sarah Emily, dau. of Benjamin Avery; m. Sept. 16, 1861, Don 
Alonzo Williams, son of John and Christine Davis. She d. April 28, 1883. 

Fanny Wenona, b. Aug. 31, 1862; m. Lincoln E. Patterson. Live in 
Ithaca, N. Y. 

1720. Ledyard Jay, son of Benjamin Avery; m. June 15, 1871, Ada- 
line Peck Paret, b. May 20, 1850. He was a dealer in trees and shrubbery 
at Washington, D. C. He d. Apr. 12, 1924. 

2441. Emily Paret, b. Aug. 17, 1873. Writer of books of nature 

stories for cbildren and also stories, poems and articles for 
many magazines. 

2442. Bertha, b. Aug. 11, 1874; m. Frank J. Kessler. 

2443. Charles Ledyard, b. Feb. 2, 1879. 

1723. Clara, dau. of Benjamin Avery; m. Aug. 21, 1890, Lincoln 
Elliott Patterson, son of David William and Helen Maria Lincoln, b. Dec. 
13, 1885; sbe d. May 15, 1915. He m. (2) Apr. 10, 1918, Fanny W. 

1724. Harriet Eliza, dau. of Dewitt C. ; m. May 30, 1872, James E. 
Guyer, of Highland, Pa. That same year tbey moved to Waverly, where 
Mr. Guyer entered the coal business and remained in it until his death, 
April 15, 1915. 

Charles Atwater, b. June 6, 1873; m. Dec. 16, 1900, Maud Wright; 
b. in 1874; (2) Sept. 1903, Esther Jones, of Charlotte, N. C. They 
are living in St. Paul, Minn., where he is in the coal business with 
the M. A. Hanna Coal Company. Have one child, Reynolds Jones. 


Elizabeth, b. Dec. 7, 1874; m. June 26, 1907, William W. Uttley, a 
lawyer of Lewistown, Perm., where the family are living. They 
have two children, William W. and John Guyer. 

Jane C, b. June 22, 1876; m. April 5, 1905, Edwin Griggs Adams, 
of Nintsiu, China, where they lived four years. Two children, 
Harriet Mary and Edwin Griggs, Jr. Mr. Adams is in engineering 
business in New York City and they live in Orange, N. J. 

Sarah H., b. June 18, 1881; m. Aug. 29, 1908, Raymond E. Brooks, 
of Waverly, N. Y. Now in machinery business in New York City. 
They are living in South Orange, N. J. Two children, James Guyer 
and Jane Elizabeth. 

1725. Isabella Tichenor, dau. of DeWitt Clinton; m. Sept. 18, 1877, 
Harvey G. Fessenden, b. July 26, 1844. He d. Feb. 19, 1901. 

Wenona Atwater, b. Nov. 10, 1880; m. June 11, 1905, Duncan G. 
Stanbrough, b. Dec. 2, 1878. 
Constance Atwater, b. April 23, 1907. 
John Boyd, b. April 19, 1909; d. Sept. 27, 1909. 
DeWitt Harvey, b. Sept. 25, 1884; m. Aug. 17, 1915, Elsie Miller, b. 
Dec. 19, 1894. He is publisher of the monthly magazine, "The 
Sketch Book" published in New York. 
DeWitt Miller, b. Oct. 3, 1916. 
Elsie Atwater, b. Feb. 16, 1918. 
Betty May, b. May 1, 1926. 

1727. Anna Jane, dau. of DeWitt Clinton; m. Jan. 20, 1901, Charles 
C. Strong, a druggist at Waverly, N. Y. One dau., Marion Atwater, b. 
Mar. 30, 1903. 

1728. Lewis DeWitt, son of DeWitt Clinton ; m. July 25, 1888, Isabelle 
Douglas, dau. of Moses Lyman and Ella Augusta Douglas, b. Mar. 21, 
1867. He lives at Waverly, N. Y. He has been a banker most of his 

2444. Dorothy Douglas, b. Sept. 18, 1889; m. Granville Reed Swany. 

She d. Jan. 7, 1926. Left one son, Donald R., b. June 19, 

2445. Donald Lewis, b. July 23, 1896;' m. Apr. 11, 1925, Mary Gladys 

Kinyon and lives in Middleport, N. Y. 

1729. Hiram Wells, son of Rufus King; m. June 16, 1887, Alice, dau 
of David Carey and Annetta Wright, b. March 19, 1867. He was a mer- 
chant at Rochelle, 111. He d. Feb. 25, 1918. 

2446. Arthur Carey, b. Nov. 16, 1890; m. Oct. 11, 1922, Florence E. 

Renner. No chil. 

2447. Daniel Carey, b. ; m. Feb. 24, 1923, Vera Edith Lasher. 

One son. 


1730. William Edward, son of Rufus King; m. March 8, 1891, Gratia 
Maud Hall. They live in Pasadena, California. 

2448. Lucile Hall, b. Feb. 19, 1892. 

1731. Wenona King, dau. of Rufus King; m. Nov. 26, 19(18, Charles 
William Ekins. They live at Riverside, Cal. 

1732. Lucy Avery, dau. of Rufus King; m. May 2, 1906, William 
Leavens Jencks.- They live at Artesia, Cal. Two chil., Robert William, 
b. Mar. 22, 1915; Pauline Lucile, b. July 16, 1917. 

1733. Atlas Worthington, son of Spafford L. ; m. May 3, 1888, Luella 
Susan Crouch, b. Aug. 16, 1867. 

2449. Horace Goodyear, b. Oct. 27, 1891. 

2450. Susie Greene, b. Aug. 14, 1897. 

2451. Milo Kline, b. July 4, 1899 ; m. Dec. 6, 1917, Alice Jennie Snyder. 

1735. Edson R., son of Spafford L. ; m. Nettie Buchanan. They live 
at Cortlandt, N. Y. 

1736. Willis Byron, son of Spafford L. ; m. Dec. 20, 1888, Lilly Belle, 
dau. of Samuel Atwater. He was a travelling salesman. He d. Nov. 
19, 1924. 

2452. Elizabeth Carter, b. Oct. 3, 1889. 

1738. Clarence, son of Eugene; m. Mar. 17, 1904, Beatrice Daly. He 
is manager Geo. H. Davis & Co. (wholesale crockery dealers), Rochester, 
N. Y. No children. 

1749. Charles Hall, son of Stephen Decatur; m. Oct. 6, 1878, Luella 
A., dau. of Nathaniel Halsey, of Ithaca. Resides in Ithaca, N. Y. 

2453. Fred Halsey, b. Oct. 3, 1879. 

2454. Clarence Moffett, b. Feb. 6, 1885; m. Josephine Teeter. No 


1750. Fred Beers, son of Stephen Decatur; m. Nov. 27, 1884, Nellie 
Wright. He is a dry goods merchant at Ithaca, N. Y. 

2455. Freida, b. Oct. 6, 1887; m. Brayton A. Porter. 

1751. Minnie J., dau. of Jason J.; m. W. W. Pierce, local editor of 
State Register, Des Moines, Iowa. 

Elizabeth Dana, b. May 20, 1871 ; m. Louis J. Wittner, attorney at 

Des Moines. 
Charles N., b. Dec. 25, 1872; wholesale dealer at Des Moines. 
Emma May, b. Oct. 24, 1875; teacher in Irving school, Des Moines. 


1752. Emma, dau. of Samuel T. ; m. Dec. 2, 1868, Amos S. Hurlbut. 
He is a merchant and farmer at Scipio, Cascade, N. Y. 

1753. Jennie, dau. of Samuel T. ; m. Sept. 8, 1880, Walter S. Havens 
of No. Lansing, N. Y. She d. Aug. 24, 1909. 

1755. Arthur Jerome, son of John Bowman ; m. Nov. 10, 1886, May 
Helen Purdy, b. Oct. 21, 1859. He was a general sales agent of Sundry 
Creek Coal Co., at Morgan Park, 111. ; trustee of the village and member 
of board of local improvements. He d. Dec. 6, 1919. 

2456. Harry Arthur, b. Sept. 3, 1889. 

2457. Elaine Laurette, b. May 25, 1893; m. Benjamin Garritt. 

2458. George Wilson, b. July 19, 1895. 

2459. Corde Althea, b. Sept. 7, 1897; m. Mar. 16, 1918, Richard S. 


2460. Maxine Helen, b. July 30, 1901. 

1758. Frank Dwight, son of Willis Goodyear; m. Sept. 14, 1881, Alice 
Trene, b. Feb. 19, 1857, dau. of James Rolison and Livinia King. He lives 
in Elmira, N. Y. 

2461. Cora Anna, b. Sept. 28, 1884. 

2462. Bertha Grace, b. Feb. 25, 1888; m. June 30, 1923, Lucian Sal- 

vaggio. Reside in Madrid, Spain. No chil. 

2463. Clara Catherine, b. June 25, 1890; m. Dec. 1, 1923, Gordon H. 

Sheedy. Reside in Elmira, N. Y. No chil. 

2464. Agnes Alice, b. May 4, 1892; m. Sept. 1, 1919, Frank Manning. 

Reside in Elmira, N. Y. No chil. 

2465. Mildred Eleanor, b. Nov. 6, 1902; m. Feb. 4, 1921, Robert M. 

Blaisdell. Reside in Elmira, N. Y. No chil. 

1759. Snyder Peter, son of Willis Goodyear; m. Aug. 23, 1887, Mary 
Rowland. He is a member of Atwater Bros., in Elmira, N. Y. 

2466. Edna Belle, b. Nov. 1, 1888; m. Sept. 22, 1909, Arthur Vogt. 

He d. Jan. 6, 1922. No chil. 

1760. Clara Eveline, dau. of Willis Goodyear; m. Oct. 14, 1885, Fre- 
mont Van Derzee. He is a farmer near Trumansburg, N. Y. 

Mabel Rachael, b. June 14, 1887. 

Leon Martin, b. May 8, 1889; m. Apr. 12, 1915, Elizabeth Wixom; 

four chil.: Eugene, b. May 17, 1918; Loyd Duane, b. Jan. 28, 1921 ; 

Ruth Martin, b. Nov. 14, 1922; Elmer Parker, b. Nov. 10, 1925. 
Ruah Anna, b. Feb. 27, 1892. 


1761. Floyd Alden, son of Willis Goodyear; m. June 17, 1899, Lcona 
Kohn. He is with Frank D. (Atwater Bros.) doing largest creamery 
business in Elmira, N. Y. 

2467. Alta Leona, b. April 28, 1900; m. Glenn H. Young. 

2468. Dorothea Olive, b. Dec. 31, 1901; m. June 17, 1926, J. Norman 


2469. Catharine Aldene, b. Nov. 2, 1905. 

2470. Ermina Clara, b. Aug. 17, 1909. 

2471. Bernice Mabel, b. Nov. 17, 1912. 

1762. Burton VV., son of Darius Adams; m. Apr. 20, 1882, Addie B. 
Dodge. Live in Lemon City, Fla. 

2472. Zolman, b. 1884. 

2473. Ruth, b. 1893; m. Thanksgiving day, 1917, Charles Baughman. 

1764. Charles A., son of Darius Adams; m. Oct. 24, 1899, Lena E., 
dau. of Martin Cahill and Mary White. He is a clerk and lives at Hector, 
N. Y. He served as sergeant of Co. L., 3d Regt., N. Y. Vols. Infantry, 
in the Spanish War. Is at present sergeant of the 30th separate Co., 
N. G., N. Y. 

1765. Lucia A., dau. of Darius Adams; m. March 28, 1894, Kelsie 
E. Lawrence. Their chil., Earl C, Lavelle and Gladys. 

1767. Lucy T., dau. of Ambrose Cotter; m. Feb. 1, 1913, Philip Crim 
She d. May 6, 1919. 

Reginald Atwater, b. Mar. 21, 1914. 
Eugene Baker, b. May 6, 1919. 

1768. lierthji, dau. of Ambrose Cotter; m. Aug. 11, 1909, Archie R. 
Gillen, of Groton, N. Y. 

1769. Eugene li., son of Ambrose Cotter; m. Aug. 23, 1921, Helen 

1770. Ralph A., son of Ambrose Cotter; m. Apr. 19, 1917, Ida Elaine 
Putnam, a descendant of Israel Putnam. Lives in Utica, X. Y. He i* 
a special agent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Cm. 

2474. Lucella VV., 1.. Jan. 20, 1918. 

2475. Ambrose, Jr., b. Nov. 16, 1919; d. Jan. 31. 1926. 

2476. Dorothy Louise, 1». Sept. 3. l c )22. 

1773. Alonzo .M., son of Alonzo B. ; m. Dec. 14, 1851, Mary Pickering, 
in Lock Haven, Penn. ; m. (2) Jan. 21, 1876, Alice M. Broughton. He 
d. March 20, 1898. 


2477. Alonzo Hudson, b. 1877. 

2478. Emily Harriet, b. 1881 ; m. Joseph Kertoonis. 

1774. Norman B., son of Alonzo B. ; m. May 31, 1852, Phebe B. 
Tompkins, dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth Lawrence, b. Sept. 19, 1832. He 
was a farmer and produce dealer in Genoa, N. Y., and d. May 15, 1888 

2479. Mary E., b. May 24, 1853 ; m. George R. Cheeseman. 

2480. Norman J., b. June 16, 1855. 

2481. Willis W., b. Apr. 29, 1859. 

2482. Elizabeth T., b. Sept. 14, 1867 ; m. James I. Young. 

1775. Jason G., son of Alonzo B. ; m. March 11, 1862, Mary Elizabeth, 
dau. of Jonathan Tilton and Sophia Tourette, b. Feb. 16, 1838. He is 
a produce dealer and farmer at King's Ferry, N. Y. 

2483. Fred T., b. Mar. 31, 1864. 

2484. Dwight J., b. Aug. 21, 1866. 

2485. Roy A, b. Apr. 1, 1870. 

2486. Ward H., b. Nov. 9, 1874. 

2487. Sophia, b. Aug. 19, 1876 ; m. Lyman W. Franklin. 

2488. Dayton B., b. Feb. 16, 1879. 

1777. W. Hudson, son of Alonzo B., m. Ellen Brown ; d. without 

1778. Lois Augusta, dau. of John G. ; m. Oct. 24, 1865, Adelbert H. 
Smith, of Owego, N. Y. She d. 1924. 

Franklin Atwater, b. Nov. 3, 1866; m. Aug. 7, 1899, Kate Dean. 

Lois Josephine, b. April 7, 1892. 

Dean Hasbrook, b. Dec. 5, 1894. 
Otis Lewis, b. July 26, 1868; m. Nov. 16, 1898, Lena*Milks. No chil. 
Harvey Weston, b. Mar. 26, 1870; m. Dec. 13, 1891, Bessie Stillwell. 

No children. 
Pamelia Augusta, b. Dec. 6, 1871 ; m. Sept. 5, 1894, Warren Counsel'. 

Mildred Augusta, b. Feb. 9, 1899. 
Martin Wesley, b. March 29, 1876; m. July 11, 1800, Martha Hewitt. 
Walter Gardner, b. Jan. 8, 1878. 
Arthur Dwight, b. Oct. 25, 1879. 
Edith Florence, b. June 25, 1882. 
Lois Adele, b. Oct. 18, 1888; d. Feb. 17, 1890. 

1779. George Weston, son of John G. ; m. Nov. 29, 1871, Elizabeth, 
dau. of David Tuthill and Sarah B. King, b. Aug. 23, 1851. She d. Sept 
21, 1916. He lived all his life in Southern Cayuga county. He taught 
school in Genoa and Lansing for eighteen years and was a school com- 


missioner six years. He was always a staunch Republican in Politics, 
past master of the Genoa Masonic lodge, Lansingville grange and of 
Genoa lodge of Odd Fellows. He d. Oct. 7, 1925. 

2489. Ellis King, b. Aug. 26, 1872. 

2490. Asa Jay, b. Sept. 5, 1874. 

2491. David Tuthill, b. Sept. 13, 1879. 

1780. Jesse Gilford, son of John G. ; m. Feb. 3, 1875, Rachel Sill; 
d. Oct. 28, 1877; (2) Sept. 27, 1882, Helen Aurelia Hall; (3) June 4, 1913, 
Mrs. Mary Beach-Curtis. They live at Auburn, N. Y. He has done 
police duty since July 15, 1887. 

2492. Leland Weston, b. Dec. 22, 1875. 

2493. John Sill, b. Oct. 4, 1877; m. Edna M. Neal. 

2494. Harry Hall, b. April 28, 1884. 

1781. Leonard Augustus, son of Daniel Leonard; m. Nov. 9, 1851, 
Harriet E., dau. of William and Sally R. (Conley) Lawrence, of Meriden, 
Conn. He d. Aug. 25, 1858. His widow m. Philo Bristol, July 16, 1859, 
and d. June 23, 1903. 

2495. Augusta R., b. Feb. 28, 1856 ; m. Wm. L. Grant. 

1783. George Lovell, son of George Willard ; m. May 16, 1865, Mary 
Jane Blakeslee. Lived in New Haven. He d. May 20, 1908. 

2496. George Levi, b. March 5, 1866; m. Irene Russell. 

2497. Mary Emeline, b. Oct. 16, 1869; m. June 4, 1888, Richard 

Graham. They reside in New Haven. No children. 

1785. John Burton, son of George Willard ; m. July 10, 1876, Char- 
lotte, dau. of Peter Graham and Angeline Fox, b. Apr. 6, 1856. He lived 
in New Haven, and d. Dec. 1, 1900. 

2498. Charlotte Louise, b. July 2, 1877; m. Jan. 1, 1903, James Ernest 


1786. Morgan Nichols, son of John Elizur; m. Oct. 24, 1873, Emma 
L. Atwater. They lived in New Haven. She d. Dec. 17, 1910. 

2499. Berta May, b. Aug. 21, 1874; m. John Brooks. 

1787. Castine Euretta, dau. of John Elizur; m. June 14, 1865, George 
M. Ailing, of Highwood, Conn. She d. Aug. 27, 1897. 

William H., b. Apr. 7, 1866. 

Cora May, b. July, 1868. 

Harry Dibble, b. Mar. 30, 1878; m. Dec. 31, 1902, Mabel F. Wood. 

Two sons, George Crane, b. Dec. 10, 1903, and Frederick Wood, 

b. Dec. 19, 1907. 


1789. James Peter, son of William E. ; m. Dec. 25, 1890, Minnie A. 
Timbers. He d. at Milton Center, Ohio, Dec. 14, 1913. She m. (2) 
Rollo Miller. 

2500. Maurice B., h. Dec. 24, 1891; m. May 22, 1913, Stella Grace 

Bush. Chil. : Flora Jean, b. Sept. 28, 1915; Faylene, b. July 
12, 1917. 

2501. Paul E., b. Mar. 11, 1896; m. Aug. 27, 1918, Zelina Miller. 

2502. Adelia May, b. Dec. 12, 1900; m. June 4, 1919, Reville R. Reg- 

enold of Swanton, Ohio. 

1790. Berton Carlos, sou of Allen H. ; m. Feb. 5, 1871, Louise Jones 
No children. 

1791. Mary Josephine, dau. of Allen H. ; m. Sept. 28, 1872, Jared G. 
Hinckley. No chil. She d. July 11, 1879. 

1792. Melina Elizabeth, dau. of Allen H. ; m. Sept. 20, 1871, Lee 

Frank L., b. Sept. 2, 1872. 
Fred A., 1). March 8, 1884. 

1794. Begina Idaline, dau. of Allen H. ; m. Oct. 14, 1874, Aaron 

Mary Alice, b. Oct. 4, 1875. 
Nellie Irene, b. July 2, 1878. 
Homer Atwater, b. May 9, 1885. 
Harold V., b. Sept. 14, 1896. 

1795. Horatio Ward, son of Allen H.; m. Feb. 5, 1882, Emily E. 
Hatch. Lives in Chicago. 

2503. Maud J., b. Nov. 6, 1882. 

2504. Ward D., 1). March 25, 1886. 

2505. Allen H., b. Oct. 1, 1891. 

1796. Ichabod Hiram, son of Allen H.; m. Oct. 5, 1893, Ada A 
Mothwig. She d. April 22, 1899. 

2506. Emery W., b. Nov. 17, 1894. 

2507. Effie E., b. Feb. 17, 1897. 

1797. Lillian Eliza, dau. of Allen H. ; m. Aug. 18, 1898, Jared G. 
Hinckley. No children. 


1800. Lyman J., son of Jared Allen; m. Dec. 22, 1887, Margaret 
Isabel!, dau. of Peter I. Brodie and Christy A. Campbell, b. Aug. 31, 1862. 
He was a stock and grain broker and lived at Grand Lodge, Mich. He 
d. May 22, 1916. 

2508. Lyman Peter, b. Nov. 15, 1888. In real estate bus. in Detroit. 

2509. Brodie T., b. Sept. 2, 1891. 

1801. Jennie Marie, dau. of Jared Allen; m. Aug. 2, 1882, Charles 
Frederick Brown, of Morristown, N. J. He is an expressman. 

Lewis Allen, b. May 17, 1889 ; m. Jan. 26, 1910, Carrie O'Brien. Thre.- 
children, Joseph, b. Jan. 6, 1911; Marion, b. May 20, 1912; Allen, 
Jr., b. June 5, 1914. 

Russell Clarence, b. Dec. 31, 1893; m. June 5, 1915, Catherine Murray. 

George Hobart, b. Sept. 7, 1897. 

1806. Alonzo D., son of David; m. Jan. 2, 1867, Mary D., dau. of 
Henry Tuttle and Diadama Ware, b. Feb. 8, 1850. He was a farmer at 
Clarendon, Vermont. He d. July, 1924. 

2510. Edwin Henry, lives in Weston, Vt., b. May 9, 1869; m. Ella 

Russell, d. and has one child, Osa Mary ; m. Moore. 

1807. Alfred H., son of David ; m. Feb. 15, 1867, Samantha Shippy. 
d. 1922. They lived in Wells, Vt. He d. Nov., 1921. 

2511. Lois, b. 1868; m. Egbert Hale of Weston, Vt. Their children 

are: Jennie, b. Nov. 20, 1894; m. May, 1914, Ray Joslyn ; 
one son, Merrell, b. Dec. 29, 1915. She d. 
John, b. Feb. 22, 1903. 
Rollin, b. Feb. 20, 1906. 

1808. Lorette F., dau. of David ; m. March 3, 1874, Moreland E. Lane. 
Residence, Wallingford, Vt. He d. May 7, 1917. 

Rollin C, b. Oct. 28, 1877; m. Feb. 8, 1905, Ethel M. Johnson. She 

d. Feb. 20, 1916; m. twice. Chil., Clayton R., b. Feb. 18, 1906; 

Howard B., b. Jan. 15, 1914; Milton E, b. Feb. 13, 1916. They live 

in Leominster, Mass. 
Bertha M., b. Sept. 8, 1865; m. Feb. 28. 1907, Herbert G. Savery. 

Live in Wallingford, Vt. 

1809. Myron Paul, son (if David; m. March 3, 1875, Hannah J., dau. 
of Sardinus Smith and Louise March; (2) m. May Frances. Lived al 
Wells. Vt. He d. March 9, 1920. 

2512. Alta L., 1). June 22, 1879; m. Albert A. Lamotte, .\hchanicsville. 

2513. Ida May, b. Nov. 11, 1880; m. Feb. 22, 1905, James Alyward 



2514. Iva Dell, b. Jan. 28, 1885; m. May 30, 1910, Palmer Isles, 


2515. Mae W., b. Mar. 5, 1888; m. Feb. 26, 1915, Edgar Parks. 

1810. Charles W., son of David; m. Dec. 24, 1879, Mary Eastman. 

Lives in West Rutland, Vt. 

2516. Harley, m. Mabel Fish. They live in Rutland, Vt. One dau., 


1811. Laura B., dau. of David; m. Jan. 22, 1882, Elisha Leffenwell, 
b. Oct. 11, 1862. They live in Middletown, Vt. 

Ernest M., b. May 27, 1884. 
Charles D., b. May 31, 1886. 
Ole B., b. May 4, 1891. 
Norris W., b. May 16, 1894. 
Clayton E., b. Sept. 30, 1892. 

1812. Erastus Wellington, son of Socrates; m. May 24, 1887, Levina 
Eleanor Collins, b. May 28, 1858. They live at 915 Fulton St., Minneapolis, 

2517. Edna Mabel, b. Feb. 5, 1890; m. Raymond J. Clark. 

2518. Leona Sylvia, b. Dec. 29, 1891 ; m. Gustavis R. Zieman. 

2519. Celia Irene, b. Aug. 2, 1894; m. Ralph Phillips. 

1813. Orlando Dallas, son of Socrates; m. Oct. 15, 1891, Laura, dan. 
of James Wylie, b. May 10, 1874. They live at Minden, Neb. 

2520. Charles Edward, b. Oct. 26, 1892. 

2521. Buford Wellington, b. Oct. 26, 1894. 

2522. Leo Robert, b. Feb. 13, 1897; d. Sept. 1, 1918. 

1814. Daniel W., son of Royal; m. March 7, 1878, Lillian A. Kent, 
who d. Dec. 31, 1888; (2) Feb. 4, 1890, Abigail F., dau. of Charles Burns 
and Sarah Schultz. He has lived in several places, but is now in Reynolds- 
ville, Penn. 

2523. Henry Kent, b. Feb. 20, 1883. 
By second marriage : 

2524. Florence, b. Nov. 13, 1891 ; m. Thomas Davis Jenkins. 

2525. Ralph, b. Aug. 7, 1894; m. June 26, 1926, Edith Yount. 

1815. Ayres B., son of Royal; m. Oct. 12, 18S7, Chloe A., dau. of 
Warren Marsh and Harriet Nye. He is a stock raiser and farmer at 
Marion, Linn Co., Iowa. 

2526. Olive B, b. Sept. 14, 1888; m. Jerome C. Burns. 

2527. Donald M., b. June 11, 1890. 

2528. Josephine F., b. Apr. 13, 1893; m. Harry P. Blackford. 


1816. Laura M., dau. of Royal; m. Oct. 1, 1884, M. D. Pcmber, h. 
June 1, 1860. He lives at Woodlawn, Ore., and is a stone and brick 

1818. Louise C, dau. of Royal; m. Apr. 1, 1900, George Sines, b. 
Jan. 22, 1870. He is a farmer and lives at Egg Harbor, N. Y. 

Sarab, b. Aug. 21, 1904. 

1819. James It., SO n of Royal ; m. Apr. 9, 1904, Emily Marie, dau. 
of Wm. Hawks and Ellen Ann Downey. He resides at Atlantic Citv, 

2529. Flossie Ellen, b. Oct. 1, 1905. 

1825. Clara Parsons, dau. of Elnathan Reynolds; m. Nov. 14, 1894, 
James Turner Ackerman. 

Rosa Ackerman, b. Aug. 31, 1895. 
Mabel Reynolds, b. June 5, 1898. 
Elsie Louise, b. May 26, 1900. 
James Atwater, b. Sept. 20, 1902. 
Clara Turner, b. Feb. 13, 1905. 
Wendell Elnathan, b. Nov. 30, 1908. 

1826. Maurice Hooker, son of Cornelius Rush; m. Oct. 30, 1879, 
Isabel B. Brown, b. Sept. 7, 1856; d. Sept. 12, 1905. No children. Live 
in Greenville, N. Y. 

1828. Cornelius Hush, son of Cornelius Rush; m. Aug. 6, 1879, 
Martha M. Bellows, b. Sept. 17, 1858. Live in Greenville, N. Y. He is a 

2530. Elnathan R., b. Sept. 22, 1883. 

2531. David H., b. Nov. 11, 1886. 

2532. Nancy V., b. July 23, 1881. Nurse, now at Richmond, Va. 

2533. Kenneth C, b. Nov. 15, 1890. 

2534. Robert T., b. Sept. 16, 1897; m. Aug. 24, 1918, Margaret Scott 

Adt, b. Oct. 12, 1897, of Richmond, Va. 

1825). Ida Angelia, dau. of John B. ; m. Dec. 19, 1877, Eugene Wallace 
Parker of Brownsville, N. Y. She d. Aug. 22, 1917. 

Grace Bell, b. July 30, 1880; m. Nov. 12, 1901, Edward B. Everlcigh. 
Lola Louise, b. Nov. 5. 1884; m. Louis B. Bartlett, Adams, N. Y. 
Bina Adelia, b. Apr. 18, 1887; m. Miles Gouseth. 
George Henry, b. Dec. 30, 1888; m. Miss MJcEvoy. 
Rose Wallace, b. Sept. 30, 1891 ; unm. 


1830. George Elnathan, son of John B. ; m. Jan. 1, 1889, Sarah 
Francis, dau. of Albert T. Norris and Mary E. Messier, b. Jan. 9, 1870. 

2535. Helen Francis, b. Jan. 28, 1897; m. Dec. 21, 1917, Edgar Fore- 


1831. John Clarence, son of John B. ; m. July 11, 1900, Viola Mae, 
dau. of Geo. F. Hills and Lozane M. Salisbury. He is a teacher of science 
in the High School system of New York city. 

2536. Marguerite, b. May 4, 1905. 

2537. John Ronald, b. June 21, 1907. 

2538. Leah Elizabeth, b. Jan. 18, 1911. 

1833. Jessie A., dau. of James; m. Apr. 16, 1879, Charles Buckbee. 
He is a farmer and they reside at Alford, Mass. 

Jennie Eliza, b. Sept. 15, 1880. 

1834. Sherman G., son of James; m. Sept. 9, 1890, Mabel, dau. of 
Levi H. Stafford and Emeline A. Ford. She d. Sept. 14, 1894. He lives 
near Suffield, Conn. 

2539. Verne L., b. Feb. 24, 1892. 

1835. Henry, son of James; m. Sept. 14, 1890, Mabel C. Stafford; (2^1 
May 31, 1909, Florence Briggs. They live in Feeding Hills, Mass. 

1836. Emma Stella, dau. of James; m. Jan. 7, 1886, William Palmer. 
They live at Van Duesenville, Mass. 

Alonzo, b. Sept. 30, 1886. 
Ruth, b. July 28, 1893. 

1837. Hattie Louise, dau. of James; m. Mar. 15, 1892, Ephraim 
Baldwin. They live at North Egremont, Mass. No children. 

1841. Frederick, son of Elias H. ; m. July 2, 1897, Ellen Cosgrove. 
They live in Atlantic Highlands, N. J. 

2540. Fred, b. Apr. 1, 1898. 

2541. Mabel L, b. Sept. 27, 1899. 

2542. Harriet B., b. Nov. 19, 1900. 

2543. Hannah A., b. Aug. 6, 1903. 

2544. Lucinda, b. Aug. 24, 1906. 

2545. Evelyn Mary, b. May 26, 1912. 

2546. George H., b. Nov. 3, 1913. 

2547. Jay Cosgrove, b. Oct. 17, 1915. 

2548. Robt. Lewis, b. May 6, 1918. 


1842. William E., son of Albert A.; m. Oct. 21, 1916, Georgianna 
Bates Viets of East Granby, Conn. He is in the hardware business ir 
Wcstfield, Mass. 

1844. Lucretia May, dau. of Edward C. ; tn. June 20, 1912, Samuel 
G. Camp. He is a lawyer and author. They live in Canaan, Conn. 
Elizabeth, b. Sept. 2, 1913. 

1848. Mary Eliza, dau. of Daniel A.; m. June 10, 1865, Henry M. 
Chapel, of Sedalia, Mo. He was born Oct. 28, 1839. 

William, b. Sept. 12, 1868. 
Charles, b. Aug. 28, 1870. 
Lillian, b. April 1, 1874. 
Floyd, b. Sept. 6, 1879. 
Maud, b. May 6, 1884. 

1849. William Henry, son of Daniel A.; m. Jan. 13, 1876, Ella B. 
Haynes, b. July 5, 1849. Lives in Garfield, N. Y. He d. Feb. 28, 1920. 

2549. Gertrude, b. Nov. 10, 1877; m. Benjamin Hoag. 

2550. Calvin Haynes, b. Oct. 4, 1881. 

2551. William Henry, b. Oct. 14, 1883. 

2552. Blanche Ella, b. July 5, 1886; m. Frederick V. Hall. 

2553. Daniel Augustus, b. April 13, 1888. 

2554. John Haynes, b. April 22, 1894. 

2555. Mary Emeline, b. April 2, 1898; unm. 

1850. Martha Elinor, dau. of Daniel A.; m. Nov. 24, 1868, Reuben 
H. Finch, of Chatham, N. Y. He d. Jan. 15, 1899. 

Sue Emma, b. June 10, 1879; m. June 15, 1904, Ernest L. Mather. 
Two chil., Helen Frances, b. Sept. 28, 1906; Grove Alderman, b 
Aug. 15, 1908. 

1851. Emeline 1'riseilla, dau. of Daniel A.; m. Albert Cross, cf 
Stephentown, N. Y. 

1852. Silas Isaiah, son of Daniel A. ; m. Sept. 26, 1883, Agnes L. 
Woodward. No children. Lives in New York. 

1854. Louis M., son of Arlow Nelson; m. March 30, 1902, Ellen M. 

Rutli M.. b. May 11, 1903. 
John M., b. Oct. 28, 1905. 
Roger W., b. July 17, 1909. 


1855. Sarah M., dan. of Arlow Nelson; m. Dec. 27, 1894, Frank S. 
Miller. They live in Binghamton, N. Y. 

Harold A., b. Aug. 22, 1895. 

Linden J., b. Aug. 18, 1898; in. Edward Searles, Lima, Ohio. They 

have one son, Linden Francis. 
Gertrude, b. Sept. 2, 1902. 

1856. Henry S., son of Arlow Nelson; m. Martha Harper; (2) Cora 
Hill, d. June 16, 1917; (3) Nov. 12, 1918, Pearl Browning, b. Aug. 20, 

Ethel R., b. Mar. 22, 1904; m. March 18, 1924, Melvin Graham. They 

live in Lawton, Pa. One dau., Reta Jean, b. May 26, 1926. 

Martha, b. Jan. 16, 1919. 
Ralph, b. Apr. 8, 1923. 

1858. Charles D., son of James Griffin; m. Dec. 2, 1903, Marguerite 
D. Smith. He is employed on D. & H. R. R. Lives in Binghamton, N. Y. 

Deloss Griffin, b. Apr. 13, 1906. 
Shirley Arline, b. Sept. 1, 1909. 
Charles Albert, b. March 15, 1917. 

1859. Harry K., son of Uriah E. ; m. Sept. 12, 1894, Viola Reckles, 
I). July 16, 1871. Lives in Los Angeles, Cal. 

2556. Marsden R., b. April 8, 1897. 

2557. Elliott B., b. Dec. 19, 1898. 

1863. William Langworthy, son of Edward W. ; m. July 6, 1898, 
Mary Mulvaney of Quebec. She d. in East Kingston, N. H., Feb. 27, 
1918; m. (2) May 6, 1919, Katherine Mulvaney. They live at Landover, 

2558. William Langworthy, b. Feb. 14, 1920. 

2559. Edward Clapp, b. Apr. 15, 1921. 

2560. Katherine Mulvaney, b. June 26, 1925. 

1864. Edward Congdon, son of Edward W. ; m. June 26, 1901, Linda 
Orpha Perrin, dau. of Andrew S. Perrin and Belinda S. Williams. He 
graduated from University of Rochester, 1898; member Society May- 
flower, Descendants in the state of New York. Admitted New York 
state bar 1901 ; secretary Massey-Harris Harvester Co.,- Inc. Residence, 
Batavia, N. Y. He d. Sept., 1925. 

2561. Edward Perrin, b. July 5, 1902. 

2562. Helen Hastings, b. March 30, 1905. 


1865. Alice Elizabeth, dan. of Edward W. ; m. April 9, 1901, K. Dean 
Hickox. They lived in Hatavia, N. Y. He d. Mar. 31, 1918. 

Raymond Atwater, b. July 24, 1902. 
Richard Dean, b. July 24, 1902. 
Barbara Atwater, b. Feb. 11, 1914. 

1866. Frances Randolph, dau. of Edward W. ; m. Feb. 26, 1916, 
William D. Clapp. They live in Rochester, N. Y. One dau., Emily Rams- 
dell, b. Oct. 14, 1917. 

1868. Christopher Greene, son of Richard M. ; m. May 5, 1903, Jane 
Power Bunnell. Reside at Tarrytown, N. Y. He was educated at Friends 
School, Providence, R. I., and at Stevens Institute, Hoboken, graduating 
in 1891 with the degree of M. E. He spent nearly a year in Germany 
studying high temperature furnace construction and engaged in this line, 
of work with his father in Pittsburgh, later taking up by-product coke 
oven construction and operation with the Semet-Solvay Co. of Syracuse. 
He was superintendent of several plants, among them that of the Dominion 
Iron and Steel Company at Sydney, Cape Breton. Subsequently he fol- 
lowed the utilization of the by-products, more especially the introduction 
of sulphate of ammonia in agriculture, and has for some years been with 
the Barret Company, New York, as manager of that department. He is 
the author of many technical papers on coke ovens, by-products and their 
utilization, and served for a time as consulting engineer to the Navy 
Bureau of Ordnance during the war. He is a member of the Chemist's 
Club, the Whitehall Club, the American Gas Institute, the American In- 
stitute of Mining Engineers, the American Chemical Society, the American 
Electrochemical Society, and others. 

2563. Janet Dunnell, b. Sept. 6, 1905. 

2564. Sylvia Mead, b. Mar. 18, 1907. 

2565. Abby Wanton, b. Feb. 12, 1911. 

1869. Ethelwyn Morrill, dau. of Richard M. ; m. Aug. 29, 1895, 
Arthur H. Cleveland. She d. Feb. 2, 1900. 

Arthur Horton, Jr., b. 1897. 
Ethelyn Atwater, b. 1900. 

1870. Richard Mead, son of Richard M; m. Sept. 26, 1894, Jane 
Eliza, dau. of Rt. Rev. L. R. Brewer, of Montana. He was educated at 
the William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, and at the Roxbury 
Latin School, Boston, in preparation for Harvard, but in 1890 went abroad 
with his parents to Berlin, where he attended the Technische Hochschule 
at Charlottenburg for four years, receiving the degree of Metallurgical 
Engineer cum laude in 1894. He engaged in his profession in various 


quarters of the globe, residing at different times in London, Paris, West 
Australia, British Columbia, Mexico, Helena, Montana, and Duluth, Min- 
nesota, and for shorter periods in many other localities. Since 1912 he 
has been engaged as the mining engineer for the banking firm of Ladcn- 
burg, Thalmann & Co. of New York, and lives at Scarsdale, N. Y. He 
is a member of the New York Athletic Club, Midday Club, Chemist's 
Club, Rocky Mountain Club, Scarsdale Golf Club, American Institute of 
Mining Engineers, and American Chemical Society. 

2566. Leigh Richmond Brewer, b. Jan. 26, 1899; m. Jan. 31, 1920, 

Grace Draper Smith. 

2567. Richard Mead, 3d, b. Nov. 5, 1901. 


1871. David Hastings, son of Richard M. ; m. Apr. 6, 1904, Beatrice, 
dau. of Charles W. Bardeen and Ellen Palmer Dickerman. His prepar- 
ation for college was received in the schools of Berlin, Germany, and 
Syracuse, New York. He attended Brown University for two years, 
then entered the Medical School of Syracuse University, where he grad 
uated in 1900 with the degree of M. D. He passed two years as interne 
and house physician at the Columbus Hospital, New York City, then 
established himself in practice in Rochester, New York, where he still 
resides. In June, 1918, Dr. Atwater joined the U. S. Army Medical Corps, 
went through the training course at Camp Greenleaf, Chattanooga, was 
commissioned lieutenant and went abroad in September, 1918. He has 
been in charge of a camp hospital at Loches, France. 

2568. David Hastings, b. July 25, 1908. 

1872. Anna Dorothea, dau. of Richard M. ; m. Oct. 16, 1904, Edward 
W. Smith. Reside at Germantown, Penn. 

Sarah Greene, b. May 29, 1906. 
Esther Fisher, b. Aug. 11, 1908. 
Anna Dorothea, b. Feb. 16, 1910. 

1873. Maxwell Wanton, son of Richard M. ; m. May 14, 1903, Mary 
A. Meigs, of Keokuk, Iowa. He attended school in Berlin, Germany, and 
Syracuse, New York, then, in 1896, went to the College of the City of 
London, England, while his brother Richard M. resided there. He then 
entered the State School of Mines at Golden, Colorado, where he grad- 
uated in 1900 with the degree of mining engineer. He remained two 
years in Colorado, being engaged at the Liberty Bell mine near Telluride, 
and then made a trip to visit his parents, resident in Paris. In 1905 he 
associated himself with his brother Richard in the profession of consulting 
mining engineering with headquarters in Helena, Montana, and New York 
City. His work took him all over the Rocky Mountain country of the 
U. S. A. and into Mexico. In 1906 he went to South America where he 


spent a year and a half in Bolivia and Peru. In 1908 he again went to 
Mexico. In 1910 he took charge of the Butte & Superior Mining Co. at 
Butte, Montana, transforming it from an abandoned silver mine into one 
of the most important producers of zinc in the world. He later formed 
the Basin Salvage Co. and successfully worked out the metallurgical 
problems connected with it. He was general manager of the Davis Daly 
Copper Co. of Butte, Montana. He d. June 4, 1919. 

2569. Montgomery Meigs, b. Oct. 21, 1905. 

2570. Elizabeth Joan, b. Feb. 29, 1907. 

1874. Elizabeth Arnold, dau. of Richard M. ; m. Dec. 23, 1901. 
Norman W. Bardeen. Reside at Kalamazoo, Mich. He is general man- 
ager of the Lee Paper Co., at Vicksburg, Mich. 

Maxwell Dickerman, b. May, 1903. 
Norman W., Jr., b. May 21, 1910. 
Elizabeth Atwater, b. Oct. 13, 1913. 

1875. Marjory Garrison, dau. of Richard M. ; m. May 1, 1905, Ed- 
ward Collins Rossmassler. Reside at Scarsdale, N. Y. 

Richard, b. 1906. 
Edward Collins, b. 1907. 
Deborah Ward, b. 1909. 

1876. Henry Levi, son of Stephen; m. Alice Jesson, dau. of John 
Jesson of W. Somerset, N. Y. 

2571. Robert Mead, b. June 26, 1905. 

2572. Fred Stephen, b. Oct. 16, 1910. 

2573. Myra Henrietta, b. April 29, 1912. 

2574. Donald Elwood, b. Jan. 10, 1915. 

2575. Kenneth William, b. Oct. 22, 1916. 

1877. George Edward, son of Stephen ; m. April 16, 1913, Grace, dau 
of Ezra and Cora Coates Martin, of Somerset, N. Y. 

2576. Stanley Norman, b. Jan. 13, 1914. 

1878. Mary Cornelia, dau. of Stephen; m. Nov. 22, 1911, Harold 
Lewis, b. Nov. 13, 1888, son of William Henry and Arietta M. Gaskill of 
Wilson, N. Y. 

Raymond Gifford, b. Sept. 9, 1912. 
May Atwater, b. Nov. 9, 1913. 
Margaret Ruth, b. Apr. 2, 1915. 
Dorothy Eleanor, b. July 3, 1917. 


1881. James, son of Willard Taft; m. Nov. 16, 1910, Ruth Marie 
Belmeur. He is Branch manager of the Pennsylvania Rubber Company 
of America, at Minneapolis, Minn. 

2577. James, Jr., b. Aug. 15, 1911. 

2578. John Belmeur, b. Jan. 28, 1913. 

1882. Florence Fay, dan. of Willard Taft; m. May 7, 1912, William 
Benjamin Pieper. 

Benjamin Atwater, b. May 19, 1913. 
Jane Atwater, b. Jan. 21, 1915. 
David Atwater, b. July 1, 1920. 

1883. Helen Louise, dan. of Willard Taft; m. May 24, 1910, John 
Ernest Tatam. 

John Atwater, b. Apr. 24, 1911. 
Willard Atwater, b. Sept. 8, 1912. 
Nancy Atwater, b. March 27, 1917. 
Judith Atwater, b. March 27, 1919. 
Margaret Atwater, b. Dec. 8, 1921. 

1881. Pierce, son of Willard Taft; m. May 1, 1920, Althea Heitsmith. 

2579. Pierce, Jr., b. Apr. 2, 1921. 

2580. Richard Howe, b. June 7, 1926. 

1885. Lois Taft, dau. of Willard Taft ; m. May 2, 1923, James McRae. 
James McRae, 3d, b. May 24, 1925. 

1886. Katherine Snowden, dau. of Charles Nelson; m. April 20, 1912, 
Lybrand Palmer Smith. He is chief engineer of the U. S. S. Colorado. 

Dorothy Elizabeth Snowden, b. May 4, 1916. 
Katherine Towneley, b. April 20, 1918. 
Rosalind Atwater, b. Dec. 14, 1925. 

1887. Mary Taft, dau. of Charles Nelson; m. March 16, 1921, George 
Albert Marlinson. He is Consul General at Lima, Peru. 

Robert Taft, b. Dec. 16, 1922. 
Mary Snowden, b. Sept. 16, 1925. 

1888. Thomas Van V., son of Edwin C. ; m. July 10, 1915, Sarah 
Elizabeth, dau. of David Munroe and Lydia Elizabeth Williams. She was 
b. Sept. 11, 1892. They live in Spokane, Wash. 


2581. Thomas Van V., b. Jan. 10, 1916. 

2582. David Charton, b. May 12, 1917. 

2583. Barbara, b. July 17, 1922. 

2584. Richard Marshall, b. May 14, 1926. 

1890. Irving Taft, son of Edwin C. ; m. Dorothea Alice Smith. Lives 
in Spokane, Wash. 

2585. Robert Taft, b. Oct. 1, 1922. 

1895. Harry, son of Charles; m. May 27, 1845, Ahhy C. Wiley, b. 
Sept. 17, 1832; d. Mar. 8, 1904. They went to housekeeping on a farm 
in the town of Hinsdale, New York, where they both died and where 
their son still lives. He d. Sept. 10, 1913. 

2586. Lillian E., b. Aug. 8, 1854; m. June 18, 1890, Edgar F. Halli- 

day, b. Mar. 9, 1853. Live at Olean, N. Y. 

2587. Chester, b. Feb. 11, 1871. 

1896. Mary, dau. of Charles; m. William Swarts, who died in the 
Civil war; (2) Daniel Bradford. There were five Swarts children: Omar 
E., m. Rosette Keeslar, had Alice and Abraham; (2) Katy Skives, 2 
Elva m. James Keeslar, who had Elmer, George, Ward, Fred, Stella, 
3 Ida, m. Oct. 8, 1877, Edward Osgood, who had Elinor, b. Aug. 23, 1879; 
d. Feb. 18, 1905; m. June 14, 1899, Martin Eldridge ; Mabel, b. Oct. 8, 1882; 
m. June 8, 1899, Frank Hill and had Nellie Pernilla, Louis Frank; Ruby, 
1). Mar. 2, 1885, m. June 18, 1901, Joseph Warters, and had Harry Francis, 
1). Oct. 4, 1902; Evalin, b. Sept. 14, 1903; obtained a divorce and in 1917 
m. Frank Barker; Benjamin H., b. Aug. 12, 1888, m. Dec. 2, 1912, Nellie 
Byron. 4 Elmer, m. Bertha Woolhizer, and had Nellie, Clara, Mary, 
Orin, Irena, Bethel, Lena and Mildred. 

1897. Adaline, dau. of Charles; m. Edward Eldridge. They had six 
chil. : Zenas, Clarence, Frank, Murton, Eunice, and Flora. Lived at 
Whitney Point, N. V. 

1898. Martha Jane, dau. of Charles; m. George Harvey, and had 
lour chil.: Willis. Wesley. Fred and Cora. She d. Jan. 19, 1873. 

1899. Tsaac Edgar, son of Charles; m. Harriet Radley. They moved 
to Michigan, where she died. He returned to Olean, N. Y., and d. Jan. 
7, 1906. 

1990. David H., son of Charles; m. Margaret J. Cooley. They live-! 
in Pueblo, Cal., where he d. April 3, 1903. 

2588. Fred, b. Mar. 28, 1882; m. June 16, 1913, Louise Kelly. 

2589. Harry. 


1901. Benjamin, son of Charles; m. Mary E. Jordan. He was a 
mail carrier in Alaska for many years. 

2590. Lee, living in Alaska. 

2591. Charles. 

2592. Uruna. Living in Cascades, Idaho. 

1902. Sally, dau. of Charles; m. James Z. Besecker. He d. Mar. 
29, 1904. They adopted her sister, Martha Jane Harvey's daughter, Cora. 
who m. F. W. Magner. They live in Meridian, Idaho, and have one dau., 

John, b. Sept. 13, 1872; m., lives near Erie, Pa., and has four chil : 

One boy, Clifford A, b. Nov. 12, 1899. 
Blanche, b. May 28, 1876; m. James Darkwood ; have a hardware store 

at McCall, Idaho. 
Ray, b. Feb. 17, 1883 ; m. May 6, 1908, Diana E. Jones. 
Mae, b. Sept. 27, 1887; m. Apr. 23, 1913, Bernard Bayles. Lives on 

a ranch near Caldwell, Idaho. 

1903. Charles J., son of Charles; m. June 12, 1882, Harriet Brooks 
He lives at Franklinville, N. Y. 

2593. William, b. Aug. 2, 1883. 

2594. Alta, b. April 28, 1888; m. Frederick A. Barry. 

2595. Pearl, b. Sept. 28, 1894; m. Nov. 25, 1916, Arthur DeWitt. 

2596. Bessie, b. July 19, 1896. 

2597. Wesley, b. March 17, 1898. 

1904. Alfred I., son of George H. ; m. Addie Stevens; d. Dec. 11, 
1899. He m. a second time May 26, 1900. He lived on land that had 
been in the family, bought by his grandfather from the Government in 
Elmhurst, 111. 

2598. Nelson O., b. Apr. 28, 1880; m. and d. ; left one dau. 

2599. Elva, b. Apr. 22, 1882. 

2600. Jesse, b. June 13, 1883. 

2601. George Henry, b. Feb. 27, 1901. 

2602. Berton, b. Aug. 11, 1904. 

2603. Helen, b. July 29, 1906. 

1905. Edwin, son of Edric; m. March 13, 1867, Nettie Andrews, b. 
June 30, 1838. They lived in Oshtemo, Mich. He d. Apr. 16, 1906. 

2604. Eugene Beethoven, b. Feb. 6, 1868, Unm. ; lives at Oshtemo, 



1906. Nelson, son of Edric ; m. Nov. 30, 1864, Melissa M. Barney, b. 
May 15, 1844. He d. June 23, 1904. She lives in Paw Paw, Mich. 

2605. Lillian, b. Dec. 30, 1865; m. Fred H. Beardslee. 

2606. Jay, b. Jan. 7, 1869. 

2607. Clara, b. 1872 ; m. Bert Glidden. 

2608. Bertha, b. 1875 ; m. Ralph Smith. 

2609. Flora, b. 1878; m. Robert Bangs. 

2610. Ella, b. 1881 ; m. Harry Morrison. 

2611. Burt, b. 1884. 

2612. Vern N, b. Sept. 13, 1888. 

1907. Ann, dau. of Edric; m. 1861, Monroe Barnes. She d. 1897 
Anna, m. Richard Sommers of Kalamazoo, Mich. 

1908. John, son of Edric; m. about 1870, Marian DeWater. He d. 
1887. Lived at Wayland, Mich. 

2613. Mabel. 

2614. Bertha. 

2615. Harry. 

2616. Fred. 

1910. Frederick W., son of Oliver C. ; m. Feb. 15, 1873, Hattie, dau. 
of Joseph Morgan and Sarah Vile, b. Feb. 22, 1856. He is a machini.it 
and lives at Kalamazoo, Mich. 

2617. Lena, b. July 27, 1876. 

2618. Grace, b. Oct. 3, 1878. 

1913. Margaret, dau. of Thomas ; m. July 17, 1855, Andrew C. Leigh- 
ton. They lived in Elkhardt, Ind. He d. May 22, 1911, aged 77 years, 
8 months. 

Burton A., b. Oct. 7, 1858. 
Harriet A., h. July 26, 1861. 
Charles S., b. March 22, 1864. 
Andrew Y., b. Nov. 27, 1867. 
Ada A., b. July 2, 1869. 
Nettie L., b. Oct. 29, 1879. 

1914. Myron, son of Thomas; m. Feb. 11, 1867, Ann Brinley, d. Jan 
8, 1908; (2) Jan. 6, 1913, Mrs. Laura Schrock. He was a farmer and 
lived in Lagrange, Ind. He d. Mar. 6, 1921. Two chil. d. young. 

2619. Nellie, b. May 29, 1867; m. Albert J. Voder. 

2620. Thomas, b. March 1, 1869. 

2621. Mary E., b. April 27, 1872. 


2622. Walter W., b. April 18, 1877. 

2623. Jesse. 

2624. Grover J., b. March 17, 1885. 

1915. Charles Lyman, son of Thomas; m. Sept. 1, 1870, Sarah 
Minerva Boor, b.'July 4, 1850; d. Nov. 1, 1889. He d. June 13, 1917. They 
lived in Howe, Ind. His father was a blacksmith by trade but followed 
farming after coming west. Charles was reared on a farm and received 
a fair education. Began working for himself when he became of age, 
followed farming for a time, then erected a saw mill in Van Buren town- 
ship, afterward moving it to Newberry township where he operated it 
until he moved to Lima. In 1878 he suffered a big loss by fire, his business 
rooms burning and later the same year he built two two-story brick 
buildings, one of which he occupied for several years in the hardware 
business. After disposing of this, he retired and spent his time in looking 
after his farms and getting some pleasure out of life. He d. June 13, 1917. 

2625. Arthur S., b. June 14, 1871. 

2626. Augusta A., b. July 8, 1872; m. J. E. Zook. 

1917. Olive L., dan. of Theron ; m. 1867, Matthew Kitchin. She d. 

Clara, m. John Rhea; lives at Paris, Mich., and has one dau. 
Eva, m. Wm. Moore ; lives at Huron, N. Y. ; five chil. 

1918. Orrin, son of Theron; m. Apr. 29, 1875, Annette Leroy, 'b. Nov. 
2, 1853. He d. Dec. 30, 1878. She d. July 24, 1881. 

2627. Edna M., b. Jan. 12, 1876; m. Jan. 12, 1896, John A. Goetzmann. 

They live in West Webster, N. Y. One dau., Anna, b. June 
6, 1898. 

1919. Alonzo, son of Theron; m. 1882, Lavina Soudan. They live 
in Webster, N. Y. 

2628. Maynard L, b. 1893; m. Sept. 20, 1924, Vera Henion. They 

live in Rochester, N. Y. 

2629. Leland A., b. 1897. 

1920. Willis A., son of Theron; m. 1879, Sarah A. Thomas. They 
reside at West Webster, N. Y. 

2630. Inez E., b. 1881; m. W. E. Allen; (2) Arnold E. Guyot ; one 

son, Willis E. Allen, b. 1903. They live in Douglas, Kan. 

2631. Ethel A., b. 1883; m. 1912, Leonard H. Skelton ; lives at El- 

mira, N. Y. 

2632. Esmond B., b. 1894. 


1921. Emma Caroline, dau. of Levi; m. William L. Bliss. She lives 
in Burlingame, Cal. 

William Gilbert; d. 1915; m. Edith Woodman. Two sons, Myron, b. 

1908; Gilbert, b. 1910. Live in Chicago, 111. 
Helen Arnold, m. Dec. 12, 1911, Robert G. Herda. One dau., Jane 

Helen, b. Nov. 11, 1913. They live in Burlingame, Calif. 

1923. Gilbert Luther, son of Levi; m. Mar. 2, 1882, Ella Victoria 
Friend. They live in Philipsburg, Mont. Three chil. d. young. 

2633. Lillian Pearl, b. Dec. 17, 1882; m. Sept. 7, 1910, Adolphus A. 

Rounds. Lives at Pullman, Wash. Two sons, Wilbur At- 
water, b. June 28, 1911; Waldron Pinney, b. July 23, 1915. 

2634. Edna Myrtle, b. Apr. 8, 1887; m. Dec. 23, 1909, George Milten- 

berg, Jr. Live at Salt Lake City. 

2635. William Waldron, b. Nov. 29, 1904; m. Jan. 10, 1924, Mary G. 


1924. Harriet Hortence, dau. of Levi; m. John Souerby. Three 
chil. : Fred W., lives in Hollywood, Calif., three chil. : Marshall, Grace, 
and Fred; Florence, m. Robinson, lives in Atlanta, Ga. ; Guy Gil- 
bert, lives in Hinsdale, 111. 

1930. Clara Belle, dau. of William; m. Oct. 14, 1888, Dr. William E. 
Fowler, b. May 28, 1867 ; d. Aug. 5, 1914. The family live in Grand Rapids, 
Mich. She is dead. 

Leona Atwater, b. Aug. 3, 1889; m. Nov. 7, 1910, Alfred Gustafson. 
Two chil., Clara Luceil, b. May 23, 1912 ; Gerald Edward, b. Aug. 
2, 1914. 
Maurice William, b. June 8, 1895. 
Hewlitt Beese, b. March 28, 1897. 
Hasey Scott, b. Dec. 10, 1899. 
Imogene Verzine, b. Oct. 4, 1901. 

1932. Frank IJ., son of James Harmon; m. Oct. 15, 1873, Augusta 
Rockwood. Lives in Coldwater, Mich. 

2636. Catherine, m. Arch Niverson. 

1933. William, son of James Harmon; m. Marietta Winchell, d. Nov. 
26, 1914; (2) Apr. 15, 1917, Cora Prince. Lives in Kalamazoo, Mich. Is 
a cabinet maker. 

1934. Harriet L., dau. of James Harmon; m. Elisha Burr. Lives in 
Detroit, Mich. Two boys, Charles and Edwin. 


1935. Edward E., son of James Harmon ; m. Lunetta Britton. Lives 
at Galesburg, Mich. 

1936. James Benjamin, son of James Harmon ; m. Alta Stevens. 
Lived in Grand Rapids, Mich., and was accidently killed Sept. 18, 1907. 

2637. Grace, m. May 18, 1904, Roy Reed, of Grand Rapids. Has 

one dau., Margaret. 

2638. William, b. Nov., 1889; m. Grace Church. Two boys, James 

and Francis. 

2639. Ruth, b. June, 1902. 

1945. Douglas S., son of DeWitt C. ; m. Dec. 23, 1891, Laura B., dau 
of Isaac C. Powell and Mary A. Dotson, b. Feb. 22, 1872. He is City 
Constable of Concordia, Kas. 

2640. Carl E., b. March 18, 1893. 

2641. Daisy E., b. Jan. 15, 1896. 

1965. Margaret W., dau. of William Tweedy; m. March 7, 1910, 
Richmond Dana Moot, of Shenectady, N. Y. (2) Nov. 15, 1916, Edward 
B. Green, of Buffalo, N. Y. 

Dorothy Atwater Moot, b. Oct. 24, 1912. 

1966. Harriet Howell, dau. of Howell ; m. March 14, 1888, Frederick 
W. Paramore of St. Louis, Mo. He d. Oct. 28, 1917. She lives in Pas- 
adena, Cal. 

Helen Montgomery, b. Dec. 31, 1889; m. Apr. 15, 1918, Lynn Lloyd 
Rowan; divorced 1921. One son, Lynn Lloyd, b. Jan. 19, 1919. 

1968. Theodora, dau. of Howell; m. Apr. 4, 1894, Edward G. King, 
of Providence, R. I.; divorced; m. (2) J. Howard Atterbury. They live 
in Lutherville, Md. 

Edward, m. and had son, Edward, Jr. 
Howell Atwater King, m. Aug. 5, 1919. 
Charlotte Howell, b. Sept. 29, 1920. 
Mary Louise, b. Nov. 26, 1921. 
Gladys Theodora, b. March 6, 1926. 
Theodora Howard, m. June 21, 1923, Harry Forrest Swope, Jr., of 
Baltimore, Md. 
Helen Seldon, b. June 19, 1925. 

1973. Henry, son of Wm. Charnley; m. Oct. 11, 1891, Lenora A., dau 
of Wm. E. Cole, b. Aug. 21, 1872. He is in business in Hollywood, Cal. 

2642. Marion Cole, b. July 19, 1895; m. Nov. 24, 1920, Wm. M. 

Norton ; one dau., Nancy Jane, b. Nov. 19, 1925. 

2643. Henry, b. Jan. 27, 1900. 


1974. Thomas Elmes, son of Wm. Charnley ; m. May 13, 1896, Char- 
lotte S., dau. of Clement D. Finley and Lillie Blair. He lives in Los 
Angeles and is in the insurance business. 

2644. Wm. Charnley, b. Feb. 20, 1897. 

2645. Clement Finley, b. Feb. 15, 1902. 

1975. James Bassett, son of Wm. Charnley; m. April 12, 1895, Sarah 
Holmes, dau. of Henry Blair and Eliza Shade, b. May 21, 1859. He lives 
at Derby, and is in the insurance business. 

2646. Sarah, b. April 13, 1896; m. John Schenck Voorhees. 

1976. Mary Sterling, dau. of William C. ; m. June 12, 1907, Frank M. 
Clark. Lives in Derby, Conn. 

Charles Merritt, b. Mar. 7, 1909. 
Sterling Atwater, b. July 28, 1912. 
Richard Charnley, b. June 9, 1915. 

1977. Katherine Isabella, dau. of William C. ; m. Sept. 20, 1904, John 
S. Stone, whom she divorced; (2) March 1, 1918, Ralph H. Clark. They 
live in Derby, Conn. 

1978. William Sterling, son of Wm. Charnley; m. Feb. 21, 1910, 
Emma S. Kemper, d. April, 1926. He was secretary of the Charles S 
Kemper Co., of Westport, Conn. 

2647. Sterling Kemper, b. May 11, 1915. 

1979. Fred, son of Henry; m. Oct. 24, 1894, June Lyon of Naples, 
N. Y., b. Jan. 10, 1870. When he was sixteen years old he entered his 
father's office in the Bridgeport Malleable Iron Company where he served 
twelve years. He was next employed by the Burns, Silver & Company, 
and in 1903 organized the Columbia Nut and Bolt Company of which he 
has been vice-president ever since. He served eight years on the Perman- 
ent Paving and Sewer Commission and was Mayor of Bridgeport, Conn., 
years 1922-23. He is connected with nearly all of the Masonic bodies. 

2648. Henrietta, b. Oct. 28, 1896; m. Jan. 5, 1918, Lieut. Joel A. Gold- 

waith of Boston, Mass. Have Joel Cabot, b. Nov. 14, 1918, 
David Atwater, b. Nov. 7, 1921 ; June Lyon, b. Aug. 5, 1924. 

2649. Louise, b. Jan. 30, 1899 ; m. Jan. 14, 1922, Craig Douglas Mun- 

son, of Wallingford, Conn.; Craig Douglas., b. Dec. 13, 1923, 
Marjory Jeanne, b. Nov. 14, 1925. 

1985. Raymond Edwards, son of Frederick Holland ; m. May 16. 
1923, Lucy Sterkin. 

2650. Adele Boorum, b. April 8, 1924. 



1988. Cecelia Jane, dau. of Charles Barnes; m. Mar. 4, 1877, John 
K. Hester. She d. Aug. 11, 1914. They had one dau., Annie Amelia 

1989. Frances J., dau. of Charles Barnes; m. June 22, 1875, Hanford 
Terry. They live in Greenwich, Ohio. They have one surviving dau., 
Lulu M., b. Aug. 9, 1876. He d. May 4, 1901, aged 11. She m. (2) Oct. 
19, 1904, William Ellard ; d. Sept. 13, 1911. 

1990. Lydia Alma, dau. of Charles Barnes; m. Nov. 30, 1873, Frank 
Titterly ; d. July 9, 1904. Their surviving children are: 

Clarissa Caroline Elsie, b. Sept. 9, 1878. 
Grace Sherwood, b. 1881. 
Charley Joseph, b. Nov. 20, 1889. 
Burnice Olive, b. July 6, 1890. 

1991. Lnella Ardell, dau. of Charles Barnes; m. Dec. 6, 1884, Henry 
Miller. He d. at Fostoria, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1914, aged 78 years. 

1994. Oscar Starin, son of Charles Barnes; m. Mar. 3, 1890, Sophronia 
Noble. They lived in Greenwich, Ohio. He d. Dec. 10, 1808. 

1995. George Henry Peck, son of Charles Barnes; m. Jan. 27, 1904, 
Mary Hacket. They had two sons, Charley Brink and Alfred Ellsworth, 
both died in infancy. 

1996. Marvin Ray, son of Charles Barnes; m. May 2, 1897, Christina 
Delancy. They have one surviving son. 

2651. Earl, b. Aug. 20, 1901. 

1998. Etta May, dau. of Charles L. ; m. March 21, 1887, Fred L. 
Steenback, at Scranton, Pa. 

Arthur Leroy, b. May 6, 1888. 

1999. Nellie Lozena, dau. of Charles L. ; m. Sept. 30, 1890, William 
Grant Smith. They live in Dunmore, Penn. 

Edna Ethel, b. Nov. 18, 1891. 
George Irvin, b. Aug. 9, 1893. 
Fannie Myrtle, b. Aug. 7, 1895. 


Mabel Gretchen, b. Dec. 10, 1896. 
Helen Augusta, b. Nov. 23, 1898. 
Charles Edward, b. Feb. 9, 1903. 

2000. Charles Edward, son of Charles L. ; m. March 4, 1901, Mary 
Agnes Blackburn, at Huntington, Ind. They live at Detroit, Mich. 

2652. Ina Elizabeth, b. Feb. 12, 1902. 

2653. Charles T., b. June 11, 1908. 

2001. George Miner, son of Charles L. ; m. Nov. 13, 1895, Mary 
Bossom. They lived at Dunmore, Penn. He d. Feb. 9, 1902. 

2654. Blanche, b. June 25, 1896. 

2655. Mary, b. Aug. 25, 1898. 

2003. Archibald Law, son of William M. ; m. Dec. 28, 1898, Minnie 
Ash, b. Aug. 30, 1874. Live at West Pittston, Penn. No children. 

2004. Robert Ernest, son of William M. ; m. May 30, 1905, Eleanor 
Owens, b. Mar 23, 1878. They live at West Pittston. 

2656. Mary E„ b. June 19. 1910. 

2005. Oscar Severson, son of William M. ; m. Feb. 1. 1907, Elizabeth 
Neat, b. Mar. 24, 1895. They live at West Pittston, Penn. 

2657. Irwin W., b. Nov. 12, 1907. 

2658. Marion E., b. Jan. 22, 1910. 

2659. Elinor, b. Aug. 31. 1919. 

2660. Ruth. 

2006. Benjamin Harry, son of William M. ; m. May 19, 1913, Eliza- 
beth Straehan. Live at West Pittston, Penn. 

2661. Audrey S., b. Mar. 28, 1915. 

2007. William Horace, son of Charles Isaac; m. April 25, 1886, Anna 
Louise, dau. of E. A. Nesbit and Henrietta Faters, b. Feb. 16, 1868. t 

2662. Irma Brewster, b. July 25, 1887. 

2663. Harold E., b. June 11, 1889. 

2664. Marion Elizabeth, b. Sept. 23, 1896. 

2013. William li., son of William B. ; m. Marguerite Carter; (2) 
Dec. 2, 1902, Daisy Dclphine Lander. Lives at Long Beach, Cal. 

2665. Alice Violet, b. Nov. 1, 1897. 


By second marriage : 

2666. Vernon Leon, b. Aug. 10, 1902. 

2667. Lucille, b. May 29, 1904. 

2668. F. Adeline, b. Jan. 7, 1906. 

2014. Daisy M., dau. of George Edward; m. June 16, 1897, Loren P. 
Biddick. They live at Meridian, Idaho. 

2015. Edward Francis, son of George E. ; m. Feb. 14, 1911, Fay 
Gwendolyn Nesbit. He d. Dec. 6, 1924. 

2669. Marguerite, b. Feb. 18, 1915. 

2017. Gerald King, son of Randolph King; m. Oct. 2, 1923, Ruth G 

2670. Barbara Ganier, b. June 10, 1924. 

2020. Lucius C, son of Eli; m. Oct. 20, 1910, Florence May An- 
drews. He is a real estate dealer in Rochester, N. Y. 

2671. Frances Elton, b. Dec. 22, 1912. 

2021. Mary Minerva, dau. of Eli; m. Dec. 28, 1898, William H. Mc- 
Clelland. They lived in Syracuse, N. Y. 

2022. George Erasmus, son of Jonathan Squire; m. June 11, 1910, 
Clara Knutson in Sioux Falls, So. Dakota. He is a teaming contractor 

2672. Earle Raymond, b. Jan. 22, 1912. 

2673. Ralph Ernest, b. June 15, 1913. 

2674. Lloyd Everett, b. July 7, 1915. 

2675. Verne Edward, b. Sept. 20, 1917. 

2023. Mary Sibyl, dau. of Jonathan Squire; m. Aug. 16, 1904, F. J. 
DeWitt. They live in Binghamton, N. Y. 

t Frederic James, b. Oct. 10, 1906. 
Paul Atwater, b. Aug. 31, 1908. 
George Allen, b. Oct. 1, 1912. 

2024. Agnes Mary, dau. of Lucius Luther; m. Aug. 3, 1918, Floyd 
Andrus. He is a Baptist minister. They live at Coraopolis, Penn. 

Robert Floyd, b. April, 1920. 
Walter Elson, b. Sept. 19, 1922. 


20129. Orrin Truman, son of Julius Judson; m. Feb. 21, 1904, Maria 
Edna Greene, b. Dec. 29, 1879. He d. Oct. 10, 1919. They lived in Mont- 
clair, N. J. 

2676. Albert Judson, b. June 9, 1905. 

2677. Frances Marjory, b. Sept. 15, 1908. 

2678. Orrin Truman, Jr., b. May 3, 1911. 

2679. Donald John, b. Oct. 21, 1915. 

2046. Addison J., son of Reuben E. ; m. Dec. 25, 1914, Joan Mr- 
Donald. He is an M. D. at Eugene, Ore. 

2680. Jessie Ray, b. Oct. 15, 1916. 

2681. Phyllis, b. May 24, 1918. 

2057. Edgar Foote, son of Franklin S. ; m. Jan. 29, 1916, Helen M. 
Edick, b. Oct. 25, 1896. They live in Hollywood, Cal. 

2682. Cleon Everal, b. Feb. 25, 1917. 

2058. Walter Sanford, son of Franklin S. ; m. June 1, 1922, Yada 
Eleanor Lawrence, dau. of William Lawrence and Sarah McDougal, b. 
Aug. 1, 1899. They live in Berwyn, 111. 

2683. Susan Irene, b. April 28, 1923. 

2059. Emma Estelle, dau. of Franklin S. ; m. June 17, 1925, Robert 
L. Wolcott. They live in Talmadge, Ohio. 

Robert Franklin, b. July 22, 1926. 

2063. James Horise, son of James Mitchell; m. March 11, 1896, Elsie 
Dell, dau. of J. H. Miller. They reside at Riverside, California. 

2684. Edwin Miller, b. Oct. 22, 1897. 

2685. Jesse Kilborn, b. April 26, 1899. 

2686. Horace Logan, b. Nov. 6, 1901. 

2687. James Winchel, b. June 23, 1906. 

2064. Charles Ogden, son of James Mitchell; m. Oct. 11. 1899, Laura 
Barker Quigley. He lives in New Haven. 

2065. William C., son of James Mitchell ; m. Sept. 25, 1901, Christine 
B. Curtis. They live at 1835 State street, New Haven. 

2688. Helen Elizabeth, b. Aug. 11, 1903; m. Feb., 1921, George 

William Adams. 

2689. Lennard Bryden, b. Sept. 14, 1914. 


2066. George P., son of George B. ; m. Nov. 22, 1911, Ida Louise 
Simpson. They live in New Britain, Conn. 

2690. Franklin Simpson, b. Aug. 24, 1916. 

2068. Albert Ailing, son of .Tared James; m. Nov. 13, 1901, Emily C. 
Daniels. She is mother of Emily Daniels, m. to Harmon G. Atwater. He 
is a civil engineer. Live at Boynton, Fla. No children. 

2069. Hattie Belle, dau. of Jared James; m. July 5, 1901, Herman 
Hotze. Lives in Cleveland. 

Harriet Louise, b. May 1, 1902. 

2070. Harmon Gordon Hoot, son of Tared James; m. Oct. 27, 1902, 
Emily Daniels. Lives at 13621 Blenheim Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. He is 
a contractor and builder. 

2691. Gordon Albert, b. Feb. 9, 1904. 

2692. Windsor, b. Feb. 25, 1905. 

2693. Frances Emily, b. Feb. 3, 1908. 

2071. Frank Edward, son of Jared James; m. June 19, 1906, Bertha 
Kennedy. He d. Jan. 22, 1917, leaving no children. 

2072. Fannie Emily, dau. of Jared James; m. July 22, 1903, Alva R. 
Statler. Live at 4121 Vincent Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. 

Dorothy Elnore, b. Feb. 24, 1906. 
Allen Jared. b. June 16, 1909. 
Frank Edward, b. Apr. 10, 1911. 

2073. La Verne Nathan, son of Arthur Edison; m. June 27, 1905, 
Susan L. Mohler, dau. of Richard Mohler, b. June 2, 1881. Live at Grand 
Rapids, Mich. 

2694. Russell La Verne, b. Oct. 14, 1910. 

2076. Cecil Brown, son of George S. ; m. May 9, 1911, Carrie L. 
Creaser of Brookline, Mass. They live at Natick, Mass. 

2695. George Robert, b. July 25, 1913. 

2077. Marie Helen, dau. of George S. ; m. Louis D. Hunter. Have 
two children, Robert and Elizabeth. They live in Washington, D. C. 

2078. Jessie Dunn, dau. of George S. ; m. Whitney Hubbard of New- 
ton, Mass. They have one dau., Marion. 

2079. Karl W., son of Charles; m. Oct. 17, 1916, -Ruth Segner; b. 
Apr. 19, 1892. 

2696. John Robert, b. Oct. 15, 1919. 

2697. Stephen Knapp, b. Jan. 26, 1924. 


2084. Asaph Sherwood, son of William; m. April '29, 1896, Margaret 
Mary McGettigan, b. Oct. 12, 1872. He is a printer and lives at McKei 
port, Penn. 

2698. Irene Mary, b. May 25, 1897. 

2699. Margaret Josephine, b. Mar. 19, 1899. 

2700. Neil William, b. Jan. 6, 19(11. 

2701. Asaph -Aloysius, b. July 27, 1910. 

2702. Elizabeth Amanda, b. Sept. 6, 1912. 

2085. Samuel H., son of Thomas; m. Aug. 23, 1907, Anna Friedel. 

2703. Walter. 

2088. Ralph, son of Myron L. ; m. May 4, 1893, Lena, dau. of S. T. 
and Lena Hoyt. He lives at Geneva, Ohio. 

2704. Clarence, b. Feb. 19, 1894. 

2705. Floyd. 

2706. Boyd, b. April 29, 1899. 

2094. Edna Mabel, dan. of Archibald J.; m. F. M. Parkins. Live at 
Long Beach, Cal. 

Mildred Jannita, b. May 25, 1908. 
Alethea M., b. Mar. 27, 1910. 
Robert Francis, b. Dec. 5, 1912. 
D wight Atwater, b. Mar. 27, 1914. 
Marjery Aloea, b. Feb. 14, 1918. 

2102. M. Mortimer, son of William Mortimer; m. Apr. 27, 1897, 
Nellie, dau. of B. F. Durbin and Sarah Jane Holmes. 

2707. Marguerite Jane, b. Nov. 16, 1898. Director of Psychology and 

Parole, Penn. Training School, Morganzas, Pa. 

2708. William Benjamin, b. Aug. 9, 1901. 

2709. Helen Dorothy, b. Apr. 17, 1906. 

2104. Cornelia M., dau. of John A. ; m. Oct. 25, 1899, Howard E. Ives. 
They live in Cheshire, Conn. He is a farmer. 

Edward Atwater, b. Sept. 16, 1901. 

2105. Morton, son of Edward Storrs ; m. Mar. 20, 1915, Catherine 
Stewart Vail. Lives in Wayne, Pa. 

2710. Elizabeth Vail, b. Mar. 6, 1916. 

2711. Damaris, b. Dec. 24, 1923. 

2106. Lucy Lovell, dau. of Edward Storrs; m. Sept. 19, 1908, Dr. 
Eben Clayton Hill. No children. They live in Baltimore, Md. 


2107. Eliot Doremus, son of Edward Storrs ; m. Sept. 18, 1915, 
Kathleen Bain. Lives in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 

2712. Carol Swift, b. June 19, 1916. 

2108. Evelyn, dau. of Edward Storrs; m. Sept. 8, 1915, Dr. Alexander 
Griswold Cummins. 

2113. May, dau. of Silvanus B. ; m. May 23, 1899, John P. Hardin, 
son of Minervia and Benjamin L. Hardin. She was a teacher before 
marriage. They live at Keithsburg, 111., where he is engaged extensively 
in farming and stock raising. 

W'm. Atwater, b. May 6, 1891. 
Sarah Marshal, b. Feb. 14, 1893. 
Harvey Humbert, b. Oct. 15, 1894. 

2114. Clio, dau. of Silvanus B. ; m. Mar. 6, 1895, Edward J. Fulton. 
They live in New Boston, 111. 

Clinton Atwater, b. Mar. 7, 1896. 

Violet Irene, b. Aug. 25, 1903 ; m. Dec. 28, 1921, Larence David Dod • 
son ; two chil. : 

Larence Dean, b. Jan. 7, 1923. 

Shirley Eyleen, b. Dec. 20, 1924. 
Thompson Robert, b. Dec. 20, 1905. 
Edward James, b. Aug. 3, 1910. 

2117. Louis K„ son of Lucius E. ; m. June 9, 1897, Sylvia Hart, who 
d. Apr. 28, 1915. Lives near Plainville, Conn. One dau., b. Mar. 4, 1898; 
m. Oct. 24, 1916, Dwight Tuttle, of Southington, Conn. ; one dau., Laslie 
M., b. May 8, 1918. 

2118. Jesse Farnsworth, son of Lucian E. ; m. Rose Fusaris. They 
live in New Britain, Conn. 

2713. Lillian Rose, b. April 7, 1905. 

2714. Hazel Virginia, b. Aug. 31, 1907. 

2120. Carrie Isabel, dau. of Bryan; m. Sept. 13, 1885, William H. 
Riley. She d. May 16, 1894. Lived in Berlin, Conn. 

Pauline S., b. July 29, 1886; m. July 14, 1917, Norman E. Bigelow. 
Anne Marie, b. Nov. 21, 1888; m. June 19, 1913, Albert Newton 

Scripture. One child, Pauline Barbara, b. Nov. 20, 1916. 
DeWitt Atwater, b'. Feb. 19, 1891. Lives in New Britain, Conn. 

2121. Grace Emeliiie, dau. of Bryan; m. May 17, 1884, Dr. Charles 
A. Gillen. Lives in New Britain, Conn. 

Charles Hoadley, b. Feb. 21, 1885. 

Richard Walter, b. June 13, 1887; d. Aug. 6, 1887. 

Grace Salena, b. Nov. 12, 1894; d. Mar. 16, 1895. 


2124. Mildred, dau. of Edwin Wm. ; m. April 2, 1890, William G. 
Matthews. Their children are : Edwin, Clarence, Ray, Mabel. 

2125. Bessie, dan. of Edwin W. ; m. Oct. 10, 1890, Francis M. Gross. 
Their children are Hazel V., Harold M., Francis G., Victor Trnman, 
Bessie Edwina and Frances. 

2126. Arthur T., son of Edwin W. ; m. Dec. 25, 1898, May A. Edlin 

2715. Bernard. 

2716. Archie. 

2127. Lulu M., dau. of Edwin W. ; m. Oct. 3, 1895, David C. Sabin. 
Their children are : Earl, Lysle and Leta. 

2128. Edna Mabel, dau. of Edwin Wra, m. Jan. 4, 1912, F. H. 
Gillett. Their children are Horace and Kenneth. 

2129. Nellie E., dau. of Edwin Wm. ; m. Aug. 10, 1899, Francis J. 
Houtz. Their children are Winifred E. and Jamie Houtz. 

2130. Edwin William, son of Edwin Wm. ; m. Dec. 25, 1906, Bertha 
M. Baker. Their children are Mildred; Malvin and Merlin, twins. 

2131. Wilfred M., son of Edwin Wm. ; m. Nov. 26, 1908, Lulu B. 
Maxwell. Live at Albin, Neb. 

2132. Emma May, dau. of Edwin Wm. ; m. Sept. 29, 1905, Martin 
Walter Brown. Their children are Bonnie Edwina, Edna and Shirley. 

2133. Ethel G., dau. of Edwin Wm. ; m. March 4, 1908, Albert Davis. 
Their children are Wilfred and Warren Albert. 

2134. Nellie, dau. of John Peter; m. 1900, John E. Patchen. He d. 
Sept. 1, 1917. She resides in Peoria, 111. One son, d. in infancy. 

2135. John F., son of John Peter; tn. 1902, Edna Thomas. They 
reside at Washington, 111. 

2136. Carl L., son of John Peter; m. 1907, Emma Sams. They reside 
in Dwight, 111. 

2717. Richard, b. 1908. 

2137. Pearl E., dau. of John Peter; m. Feb. 17, 1904, George Day; d. 
in 1909. She lives in Havana, 111. Two cbil., Lora E., b. Oct. 2, 1904; 
Carl S., b. Mar. 17, 1906. 

2138. Harry L., son of John Peter; m. July 4, 1907, Addie Dew. They 
reside in Havana, 111. 

2718. Myrtle M., b. Apr. 9, 1908. 

2719. Elsie Pearl, b. March 9, 1910. 

2720. Helen May, b. May 12, 1912. 


2140. Eva D., dau. of John Peter; m. Nov. 4, 1911, Roy Nighswinger ; 
divorced in 1916. She lives in Peoria, 111. 

2141. Maria E., dau. of John Peter; m. 1917, Clifford Switzer. They 
reside in Canton, 111. 

2145. William, son of Shelden ; m. Jan. 19, 1908, Edith Edna Carpen- 
ter, b. Nov. 23, 1889. He studied at Eureka college, Eureka, 111., for the 
ministry, has done some lay preaching, but for several years has been a 
teacher in the public schools. 

2721. Charles Wilbur, b. Aug. 26, 1917. 

2186. Ralph Wright, son of George William ; m. Oct. 15, 1920, Dor- 
othy Mae Atkinson. He is employed as structural engineer by McClellan 
& Junhersfeld, Inc.., 68 Trinity Place, New York city, and is a member of 
the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Concrete In- 

2722. Donald Rogers, b. Feb. 17, 1924. 

2187. Hoy Miner, son of George William; m. Dec. 27, 1919, Louise 
Dexter Richardson. Lives at Detroit, Mich. 

Till. Ruth F., b. Sept. 13, 1922. 

2197. Herbert Edwin, son of Lewis Edwin; m. June 29, 1916, 
Gertrude Donaldson. He d. March 18, 1920. 

2724. Marion Rena, b. Apr. 12, 1917. 

2204. Charles H., son of Elisha Randall; m. Cecelia M. Dever. He 
is an insurance solicitor. Lives at Newport. R. I. 

2205. Harry Harlow, son of Charles James; m. June 24, 1914, Ida 

2725. Charles Manson, b. 1915. 

2206. Emma M. DeLap, dau. of Charles James; m. May 15, 1914, 
Ernest Edwin Ross. Live in Edwinton, Ottawa. 

Grant Hilton, b. 1916. 

2211. Louis R., son of Samuel J.; m. Sept. 10, 1907, Edith Stacev. 
Lives at Bridgeport, Conn. 

2212. Warren C, son of Samuel J.; m. Aug. 24, 1911, Freda M. 

2726. Gordon W., b. Feb. 15, 1913. 

2727. Joseph H., b. Nov. 19, 1915. 

2728. Samuel J.; b. Nov. 9, 1916. 

2729. Harriet M., b. Mar. 22, 1918. 

2730. Warren C, b. June 11, 1922. 

2731. Francis X., b. Feb. 1, 1924. 


2225. Elizabeth Ellen, dau. of Henry William; m. July 16, 1910, 
Harold Edwin Gunter. They live in Patterson, N. J. 
Elizabeth Esther, b. Feb. 2, 1912. 
Philip Edwin, b. Apr. 14, 1913. 

2220. Constant Loraine, dau. of Bradford Clark; m. Oct. 17, 1921, 

Kenneth Penn Varney. 

Barbara Loraine, b. Sept. 7, 1924. 

2233. Florence A., dau. of Alvarus Ward; m. May, 1910, George 
Ryder, son of Charles Ryder and Eligia Nichols. 

Eligia J., b. 1911. 

2234. Winifred E., dau. of Alvarus Ward; m. May 12, 1917, Henrj 
J. Sheehan, son of Edward Sheehan and Eleanor Feltz. 

Donald H„ b. Oct. 30, 1918. 

2243. Ansell E., son of James T. ; m. Sept. 14, 1915, Elsie Cobb. 

2732. Dorothy J., b. June 27, 1916. 

2733. Donald A., b. Feb. 16, 1918. 

2734. Marjorie M., b. Nov. 16, 1919. 

2735. Mary E., b. Sept. 24, 1921. 

2246. Leslie, son of Leonard F. ; m. in 1912, Ida Anderson. 

2736. Lilah M., b. Dec, 1912. 

2737. Leonard E., b. Dec, 1915. 

2738. Joyce M., b. Dec, 1917. 

2739. Ida Mae, b. July, 1921. 

2255. Henry Green, son of Theron Skcel ; m. June 5, 1912, Elinor 
D'Arcy, dau. of George Victor D'Arcy Armstrong and Edith Greetham. 
He lives at Westfield, N. J. 

2740. Henry G., Jr., b. Sept. 16, 1913. 

2741. Darcy Elmyra, b. Dec. 4, 1914. 

2256. Lnlie Adele, dau. of Theron Skeel ; m. Feb. 11, 1915, Archibald 
Duncan Duffie, son of Cornelius Roosevelt Duffie. They live at 3SS New 
Scotland Ave., Albany, N. Y. 

Elmyra Adele, b. Dec. 1, 1915. 

Virginia, b. Dec. 22, 1916. 

Cornelius Roosevelt, 2d, b. Aug. 20. 1919. 

Nancy Louise, b. Nov. 27, 1923. 

John Atwater, b. March 31, 1925. 

2257. Philip Drury, son of Henry G. ; m. Mar. 8, 1913, Florence 
Sheffield Morison. He has charge of the Meadow Brook Farms at 

Williamstown, Mass. 

2742. Margery Sheffield, b. June 29. 1915. 


2258. Henry, son of Henry G. ; m. Mar. 29, 1909, Adeline B. Lobdell , 
divorced March 29, 1920. He lives at 5400 Greene St., Germantown, 

2743. Edith, b. Apr. 22, 1911. 

2744. Barbara, b. June 30, 1912. 

2260. Edward Montgomery, son of Charles B. ; m. Nov. 15, 1887.. 
Ella Hill, of New Haven. No children. 

2261. Charles Ellsworth, son of Charles B. ; m. Dec. 8, 1902, Mary 
E. Crosson, of New York. 

2745. Mary Dorothy, b. Nov. 18, 1903. 

2746. Helen Irene, b. Jan. 5, 1906. 

2266. Cora Lynn, dau. of George W. ; m. Aug. 12, 1891, Jerry T. 
Hadley, of Osco, Illinois. ' She d. Sept. 18, 1904. 

2274. Roy Mock, son of William Clark; m. Feb. 11, 1918, Abbie 
Smith ; divorced ; m. (2) July 14, 1922, Esther M. Nelson. They live in 
Burbank, Cal. 

2747. Mabelle Marchial, b. Oct. 16, 1923. 

2281. Anita Bond, dau. of James Bull; m. Oscar D. Ayers. 
Anita Atwater, h. Dec. 26, 1894. 

Herbert, b. Sept. 3, 1896. 
Marvin, b. Dec. 5, 1905. 

2282. Eugene Sutton, son of James Bull; m. Dec. 31, 1906, Mary 

2748. Mary, b. Oct. 19, 1908. 

2283. William Bull, son of James Bull; m. Nov. 8, 1911, Mrs. Lillian 
Piatt. He was an instructor in France of aviation and was the first to 
introduce the hydroplane into China. 

2284. Jeannette, dau. of James Bull; m. July 15, 1915, Wright S. 
Mussen. He d. Nov. 2, 1918. 

William Atwater, b. July 18, 1916. 

2285. Edith May, dau. of William; m. June 27, 1913, Henry J 
Brandt. They live in Chicago where he is a practicing lawyer. 

2287. Ruth, dau. of William; m. Oct.. 20, 1915, Arthur Sonderegger, 
youngest son of Carl, of "Sonderegger nurseries and seed house," Beatrice, 


2291. John William, son of John; m. Dec. 25, 1902, Ethel Bess, dau. 



of William F. Dixon and Rebecca Washburn, b. Jan. 20, 1883. He is a 
dealer in land at Netawaka, Kansas. 

2749. Frances Cora, b. Sept. 21, 1905. 

2750. John William, 1>. Feb. 28, 1913. 

2292. Maurice Peck, son of John; tn. Feb. 27, 1907, Alice Gill. 

2751. Charles Kenneth, b. Nov. 21, 1907. 

2752. Olan Maurice, b. Feb. 14, 1913. 

2293. Leon Emerson, son of John; m. Sept. 10, 1902, Lucille Eva, 
dau. of William F. Dixon and Rebecca Washburn, b. July 24, 1879. He 
was chief clerk in a land office at St. Joseph, Mo. He d. Oct. 3, 1906. 

2753. Dorothy Lucille, b. March 6, 1905. 

2295. Walter Hull, son of 

Horace Brace; m. June 11, 1896, 
Bertha Lord, dau. of Robert 
Morrison and Fayette C. Lord, 
b. Oct. 5, 1865. 

2754 Ruth, b. June 29, 1897. 

2299. John Garnett, son of 

Frank Dwight ; m. in Kirkwood, 
Mo., June 11, 1895, Margaret 
Elizabeth, dau. of John Justice 
Matthews, b. Harch 11, 1870. 
He is a clerk. 

2755. John Garnett, b. Oct. 

10, 1897. 

2300. Samuel C, son of 

Truman Franklin; m. Jan. 15, 
1866, Hannah Garrett, b. in Eng- 
land, Jan. 25, 1850. He enlisted 
at 17 years of age in Co. 1, 41 "t 
Regiment, Ohio Volunteers In- 
fantry, and served through the 
Civil war Lost his left arm in battle of Nashville. He m. (2) 1891, 
Anna Behrens ; d. Nov. 15, 1897; m. (3) Feb. 14, 1910, Minnie E. Faglie. 
He is dead. 

2756. Charles F, b. Sept. 17, 1867. 

2757. Mary Evaline, b. Apr. 10, 1869; m. Fred Windnagel 

2758. Sarah, b. June 25, 1871 ; m. 1X94, Frank Wolf. 

2759. Clarisa M., b. Aug. 26, 1873; m. James Love. 

Samuel C. Atwater. 



2760. William R, b. Dec. 11, 1875. 

2761. James O., b. Aug. 10, 1877. 

2762. Hannah Luella, b. Feb. 10, 1880; m. Howard Hoffman. 
Issue by second marriage : 

2763. Florence M., b. May 31, 1891. 

2764. Ida M, b. Alar. 21, 1893. 
Issue by third marriage : 

2765. Iantha Ruth, b. July 31, 1911. 

2766. Iowatta, b. Apr. 1, 1913. 

William F. Atwater, Charles F. Atwater, James Orlow Atwater. Samuel C. Atwater. Evalfne 

Atwater Windnagel,. Clarisa Atwater Love, Sarah Atwater, Luella Atwatet Hoffman, 

Ida Atwater Finke, Iantha Ruth Atwater. Iowatta H. Atwater 

2304. Edith Lois, dau. of Edward A.; m. C. L. Williams, of Guil- 
ford, Conn. 

Lester Atwater, b. Jan. 20, 1900; m. Harriet Griswold. 

2305. Preston H., son of Edward A. ; m. Minnie Watson. They live 
in West Plantsville, Conn. 

2767. Myrtle Julia, b. Apr. 23, 1892; m. Ralph W. Hurlbut. 

2768. Jessie Louise, b. Sept. 24, 1894; m. Lyle Terrell. 

2769. Frederick Watson, b. Aug. 7, 1896. 

2770. Frances Mary, b. Sept. 11, 1898; m. Frederick Lines. 

2771. Ralph, b. July 25, 1900; m. June 17, 1925, Estelle Newell. 

2772. Edward S., b. March 16, 1905; m. July 17, 1926, Audrey Cook 

2307. Ruth Gertrude, dau. of Edward A. ; m. Apr. 20, 1910, Ernest 
Hart. Live in Burlington, Conn. 
Fay, b. March 12, 1915. 


2308. George E., son of Edward A. ; m. May 27, 1913, Leah B. J one;;. 
They live in Cheshire, Conn. 

2773. George Willard, b. July 16, 1914. 

2310. Ernest Richmond, son of John M. ; m. June 27, 1888, Jennie 
Evelyn Pond, b. Sept. 14, 1865, dau. of Rev. C. N. Pond. She d. Nov. 
25, 1896, at Fenchou-fu, Chansi, China; (2) at (?) Liman, Lizzie Graham. 
This whole family, consisting of parents and four children, was massacred 
in China during the general uprising in that country in July and August, 

2311. Bertha Mabel, dau. of John M. ; m. June 26, 1895, Charles B. 
Taylor, b. Dec. 27, 1867. 

2312. Frederick Eugene, son of John M. ; m. Aug. 14, 1900, Sadie 
Gibson, of New. York; d. May 3, 1901. 

2317. Allen Russell, son of Charles; m. June 6, 1914, Conway Lilly 
dau. of John and Virginia C, of Indianapolis. No children. 

2318. William Bradford, son of Charles; m. March 23, 1913, Clare 
Heckman. She d. June 23, 1917, in Paris. 

2774. Zita Edith Allen, b. Oct. 30, 1914. 

2322. Dora Benner, dau. of William O. ; m. at sea off the coast of Sal- 
vador, Central America, Aug. 18, 1917, James Cunningham Wallace. He 
lives in Oakland, Cal. 

2323. Juliette Olmsted, dau. of William O. ; m. Aug. 18, 1918, Stan- 
ley Lyman King, traffic manager of one of the Pacific Telephone stations 
of San Francisco. 

Stanley Lyman, b. May 8, 1921. 
Juliette King, b. June 23, 1922. 

2326. Curtis Eekt'eldt, son of William O. ; m. July 22, 1922, Gladys 
Yalegra. No chil. 

2328. Bertha Idelle, dau. of Noriden C. ; m. Oct. 3, 1900, Howard P 
Stone. They live in Meriden, Conn. 

Richard, b. May 29, 1901. 
Raymond Charles, b. July 8, 1905. 

2329. Carl Walter, son of Noriden C ; m. Oct. 7, 1908, Mary Ilults. 
They live in Hartford, Conn. 

2775. Ethel M., b. July 15, 1910. 

2776. Roland Carl, b. Nov. 3, 1913. 


2330. Wallace, son of Noriden C. ; m. July 3, 1913, Lena Fritz. They 
live in Hartford, Conn. 

2777. Eleanor Fritz, b. Mar. 15, 1914. 

2778. Estelle M. ; b. Aug. 7, 1916. 

2779. Bertha Idella, b. Dec. 12, 1917. 

2780. Lucy Eva, b. Dec. 12, 1917. 

2334. Albert Worthington, son of John Albert; m. June 9, 1906, 
Sarah Ida Grove, b. July 18, 1880, of Newark, Ohio, dau. of George \Y. 
Grove and Sarah Francis Parr. They live in Chattanooga, Tenn. 

2781. Grove Worthington, b. March 14, 1910. 

2338. William Cutler, Jr., son of William Cutler, graduated from 
New York Law School in 1916; m. June, 1917, Marion Reed, dau. of Mr. 
and Mrs. William Reed, of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; d. Aug. 22, 1919; (2) April 
27, 1923, Eveline S. Foster. He has been associated with Wm. C. Atwater 
& Co., Inc., in the coal business. 

2339. John Jacob, son of William Cutler; graduated from Amherst 
college in 1915, president of class, sophomore, junior and senior years; 
president Student Council, Inter-fraternity league, member of the football 
team and glee club; m. April 26, 1917, Marjory Wilcox, dau. of Mr. and 
Mrs. Robert A. Wilcox, of Fall River, Mass. Two days later sailed for 
France in American Field Service. Volunteered for Camion service un- 
der French army. Was one of the first one hundred Americans in an 
American fighting force in France and was sergeant of the company that 
raised the first American flag in France where it did not fly in conjunction 
with other flags. Was sent to French military school at Meaux, grad- 
uating at the head of his class in August and was made a lieutenant in 
the camion service. Served at the front until October 28, 1917. Re- 
turned to America and enlisted as gunner's mate, 'first-class, in the U. S. 
navy at Newport, R. I. May, 1918, was made an ensign and sent to 
naval academy at Annapolis, from which he graduated in special course 
September 10, 1918. On June 1, 1919 was relieved of his duties as Assistant 
Navigator of the U. S. S. "Aeolus" and his resignation from the navy 
was accepted. He then moved to Maybeury, West Virginia, where be 
was in the coal mining business with his father's concern. In December, 
1919, he went to the New York office where he has since been. Resides 
at 4 Gateway Drive, Great Neck, Long Island. 

John J., Jr., b. June 3, 1919. 
Janet Virginia, b. May 1, 1924. 

2340. Margaret Hay, dau. of William Cutler; m. Nov. 9, 1914, George 
Daniel Olds, Jr. Has two chil., George Daniel Olds, 3d, b. Dec. 23, 1915, 
and Margaret Atwater Olds, b. June 23, 1917. Her husband enlisted in 
the U. S. Navy at Newport in December, 1917. Was made an ensign in 


May, 1918, and September, 1918, graduated as highest honor man in a 
special class of 550 at the Naval Academy. 

2341. David Hay, son of William Cutler; m. Aug. 10, 1918, Eleanor 
Wilder Bartlett. He graduated at Andover, Mass., and sailed for France 
April 28, 1917, in American field service. Arriving in Paris, at request 
for volunteers entered the camion service under the French army and with 
his brother John was one of the first one hundred men in an American 
fighting force in France. He was first class camion driver from the early 
part of May to the first of August, when he was transferred to the ambu- 
lance service and from August 1, to November 1 saw active service in 
the campaign at Verdun, where he was gassed and repeatedly under fire. 
His section of eighteen men on one occasion, in which one man was killed 
and three were injured, received a citation by the French Government for 
bravery. At the end of his service the 1st of November, he had six 
bullet and shrapnel holes through his ambulance, which had gone through 
it while he was driving. 

2782. David Hay, Jr., b. June 10, 1920. 

2783. Damaris Sayre, b. Sept. 15, 1921. 

2784. Sally Anne, b. Feb. 26, 1926. 

2344. James C, son of James Lucius ; m. Nov. 19, 1907, Inez Norden. 

2785. Earl, b. Oct. 3, 1910. 

2786. Elsie, b. July 7, 1908. 

2345. Vertie M., dau. of James Lucius; m. Oct. 2, 1907, Alfred Free- 

Vertie Mercium, b. Feb. 11, 1917. 

2346. Oretta IJ., dau. of James Lucius; m. Aug. 28, 1912, Elbridge 

Velma M., b. Dec. 22, 1913. 
Roy L., b. Dec. 9, 1915. 

2347. Amanda 15., dau. of James Lucius; m. Aug. 13, 1911, Robert 

Jereld E., b. Aug. 29, 1912. 
Dora I., b. Dec. 14, 1916. 

2348. Henry Z., son of James Lucius ; m. Dec. 25, 1917, Ethel Thomp- 
son. No children. . 

2358. Harold Conant, son of Clayton Wells; m. April 2, 1917, Mar- 
garet Atkins, of Madison, Conn. 

2787. Patricia Marian, b. Aug. 7, 1918. 

2788. Margaret Jean, b. June 28, 1919. 


2789. Harold Conant, Jr., b. Jan. 4, 1921. 

2790. Clayton Clifford, b. March 31, 1924. 

2362. Helen Blanche, dau. of Bert Leonard; m. Mar. 26, 1918, 
Garden City, Long Island, Philip Knight Wrigley. He is president of 
the Wm. Wrigley, Jr. Co., of Chicago. 

Ada Blanche, b. Apr. 19, 1923. 
Dorothy Atwater, b. Aug. 7, 192S. 

2372. Henry Davison, son of Kirtland W. ; m. May 4, 1896, Lucy 
Alberta, dau. of Blinn Francis and Lucy Hart, b. Nov. 23, 1869. He i* 
a carpenter and lives in North Guilford, Conn. 

2791. Ruby Louise, b. Nov. 28, 1896; m. Otto Massicotte. 

2792. Esther Lillian, b. Mar. 13, 1898; m. Homer Appell. 

2793. Henry Francis, b. Feb. 15, 1903. 

2794. Homer Hart, b. Aug. 9, 1904. 

2795. Louis Charles, b. June 23, 1906. 

2796. Emerson Joseph, b. Sept. 25, 1907. 

2797. Truman Burton, b. Mar. 3, 1909. 

2798. Warren Raymond, b. June 15, 1912. 

2375. Fred Smith, son of Kirtland W. ; m. Sept. 4, 1897, Nellie 
Greager. Lives in Plainville, Conn. 

2799. Gladys Ada, b. Nov. 2, 1898. 

2800. Clifford Fred, b. Nov. 12, 1900. 

2801. Harold August, b. Oct. 27, 1903. 

2802. Frederick Smith, b. Dec. 4, 1907. 

2376. Mettie E., dau. of Chauncey Wyman; m. Feb. 12, 1889, Ora 
S. Hunt. She lived and died in Kelloggville, Ohio. 

Grace E., b. Oct. 27, 1881 ; m. Dec. 25, 1906, Homer J. Jones. Chil.  
Geraldine Atwater, b. Aug. 25, 1908; Helen Elizabeth, b. Oct. 21, 
1911; Howard Mayberry, b. Dec. 14, 1913. 

Clement W., b. Apr. 7, 1884; m. Aug. 28, 1912, Ethel Hummer. Chil.. 
Whitelaw, b. Nov. 29, 1913, Gladys Angeline, b. Mar. 14, 1915. 

2377. Mary H., dau. of Chauncey Wyman; m. Jan. 18, 1883, Richard 
D. Mayberry, of Conneaut, Ohio. He d. Feb. 7, 1916. She d. Sept. 29, 

J. Graham, b. Sept. 17, 1888; m. Jan. 5, 1911, Jessie M. Sanford. 
Laura June, b. May 17, 1912; Richard D., b. Nov. 8, 1914. 

2378. John James, son of Chauncey Wyman ; m. Nov. 22, 1886, 
Rachel Burlingham. They lived near Ashtabula, Ohio. He was a farmer. 
He d. Aug. 24, 1908. 


2803. Maiza Lilbeth, b. Oct. 9, 1891; m. Mar. 23, 1918, Hans Hober- 

stad ; (2) E. J. Herman. 

2804. John James, Jr., b. Oct. 30, 1893. 

2379. Elizabeth K., dau. of Chauncey Wyman ; m. Sept. 16, 1886, 
Harry U. Hunt. Live at Conneaut, Ohio. 

Sylvia Eliza, b. Mar. 27, 1892. 

Mettie E., b: Apr. 28, 1895; m. Aug. 21, 1897, George Gibson. 

Doris Lenore, unin. 

2380. Jennie Maude, dau. of John Wilbur; m. Aug. 4, 1896, Thomas 
Dougherty, d. Nov. 28, 1899; (2) m. Sept. 27, 1907, Dr. Win. B. Gerow ; 
educated Baptist New Lyme Institute. 

Frances Marion, b. March 8, 1913. 

2382. Carleton William, son of John Wilbur; m. June 1, 1910, Mary 
Baron, dau. of Dr. J. R. Spencer, and Eliza Becker, of Cincinnati, Ohio 
His early education was in Kingsville, Ohio, schools ; graduated from 
Denison University, Granville, Ohio, in 1907, and from Rochester Theo- 
logical Seminary in 1910. He has held the following pastorates; First 
Baptist church, Coudersport, Pa. ; Columbia Baptist, Cincinnati, Ohio, 
first Protestant church organized west of the Alleghanies ; Lincoln Park, 
Cincinnati, Ohio, noted for its institutional religious activities. He is a 
member of board of managers, Ohio Baptist convention ; member of boards 
of several city social service organizations; is an active member in Ohio 
Society Sons of Revolution ; 32d degree Mason and Phi Gamma Delta 
Collegiate Fraternity. 

2805. John Spencer, b. Oct. 12, 1913. 

2386. Clyde W., son of Thomas L. ; m. Sept. 15, 1910, May Cripps, 
d. Jan. 20, 1917; (2) June 29, 1918, Cora M. Eiter. They live in Ft 
Wayne, Ind. 

2806. Marguerite B., b. Nov. 29, 1911. 

2807. E. Juanita, b. Marcli 30, 1913. 

2808. Wanda May, b. Sept. 1, 1915. 

2809. Sidney Virginia, b. Jan. 18, 1918. 

2395. Arthur Albert, son of John William; m. May 22, 1905, Nina 
Frances Bell. Lives in Prince George, Va. 

2810. Charles Arthur, b. March 5, 1906. 

2811. Elizabeth Dorothy, b. Dec. 9, 1907. 

2812. Joyce Nina, b. Jan. 18, 1909. 

2813. Bernice Vivian, b. July 26, 1910. 

2814. Gilbert Bell, b. March 18, 1914. 

2815. Frank Vernon, b. March 31, 1915; d. Aug. 11, 1915. 

2816. Donald DeWalt, b. Sept. 13, 1917. 


2397. Eugene Henry, son of Clarence E. ; m. Dec. 24, 1898, Cynthia 
Elizabeth, dau. of Chauncey and Mary Kincman Shepard, b. at Lakeville, 
N. Y., May 21, 1883. 

2817. Ethel Mae, b. Feb. 13, 1900. 

2818. Clyde Eugene, b. Aug. 11, 1902; m. June 27, 1923, Hazel Hoyt. 

2819. Claude Hastings, b. March 5, 1905. 

2820. Mary Catherine, b. Nov. 17, 1911. 

2399. Grace Edith, dau. of Clarence E. ; m. Sept. 1, 1910, William 
Cline Rugg, son of Melvin and Aurora Rugg, b. Dec. 13, 1881. 

William Donald, b. Oct. 23, 1915. 
Clarence Atwater, b. May 27, 1917. 

2400. Bertha Agnes, dau. of Clarence E. ; m. Dec. 29, 1908, Raymond 
Daniel Nichols, b. April 1, 1882. 

Walter Erwin, b. Feb. 5, 1913. 
Grace Elinor, b. Jan. 12, 1915. 

2401. Julia Adell, dau. of Clarence E. ; m. Aug. 28, 1907, Clyde 
Smith Nichols, son of John and Sarah Nichols, b. Jan. 24, 1879. 

Clyde Harold, b. April 8, 1909. 
Richard Everett, b. Nov. 16, 1911. 

2402. John Hollister, son of Clarence E. ; m. Aug. 24, 1911, Irma 
Isadore, dau. of B. J. and Nellie Griswold, b. Nov. 6, 1890. 

2821. Kathryn Mae, b. Nov. 3, 1918. 

2822. Helen Bata, b. March 16, 1925. 


2406. Clarence Walton, son of Clarence E. ; m. Apr. 3, 1918, Hen- 
rietta, dau. of Francis and Alta Bentley, b. Sept. 13, 1895. 

2823. Francis Trevor, b. April 9, 1919. 

2824. Clarence Gordon, b. June 1, 1921. 

2407. Francis Blanchard, son of Clarence E. ; m. May 20, 1923, 
Florence, dau. of A. W. and Catherine Albaugh, b. March 24, 1899. 

2409. Reginald Myers, son of Samuel Henry; m. July 10, 1919, 
Charlotte Martin Penfield. 

2825. Charlotte Penfield, b. Feb. 6, 1921. 

2410. George H., son of Frederick W. ; m. Sept. 22, 1908, Gladias 
M. Osborn. He is general manager of the Catskill Mountain Telephone 
Company at Jewett, N. Y. 

2411. Hiland Chase, son of Frederick W. ; m. Oct. 21, 1913, Helen G. 
Thompson. He is in charge of the plant of the Catskill Mountain Tele- 
phone Company at Jewett, N. Y. 


2826. H. Morris, b. Aug. 14, 1914. 

2827. Margaret C, b. Oct. 29, 1916. 

2828. John Frederick, b. Feb. 16, 1919. 

2414. Florence A., dau. of Elmer Ellsworth; m. Nov. 4, 1914, John 
E. Hait, a farmer at Hobart, N. Y. 
Martin Elmer, b. June 21, 1916. 
Kenneth Walter, b. Nov. 14, 1917. 
Leslie A., b. Dec. 8, 1920. 
Clayton, b. Dec. 25, 1922. 
Donald David, b. March 25, 1926 

2416. Arthur P., son of Piatt Romain ; m. Nov. 4, 1914, Jessie L. 
Linsley, dau. of Hanford Linsley and Josephine Disten. They live at 
Jewett, N. Y. 

2829. Eunice Rice, b. Sept. 15, 1916. 

2420. Ernest B., son of Eugene; m. Nov. 24, 1892, Carrie E., dau. 
of Isaac Jones and Sarah Newton, b. Sept. 9, 1872. He is a mechanic 
and lives in Southington, Conn 

2830. Earle B., b. Feb. 21, 1898. 

2422. Eugene D., son of Eugene; m. May 5, 1903, Nellie Winne 
Lives in Southington, Conn. 

2831. Dorence \Y., b. July 27, 1904; m. Aug. 11, 1926, Florence G. 


2832. Charles L., b. Oct. 20, 1912. 

2423. Hubert P., son of Wesley; m. Oct. 11, 1911. Deane Miller 
Smith, dau. of Samuel and Sarah, b. Dec. 19, 1887; d. Oct. 17, 1919. He 
m. (2) June 15, 1921, Daisy Eleanor Person, b. Aug. 21, 1888. He is a 
bond broker and lives at Montclair, N. J. 

2833. Eleanor Deane, b. June 21, 1913. 

2834. David Hubert, b. Aug. 24, 1919. 

2424. Charles Willis, son of Wesley H. ; m. Feb., 1920, Gertrude 
Florence Thuebee. 

2835. Charles Willis, b. Aug. 26, 1926; d. Sept. 11, 1926 

2426. Belle Louise, dau. of Wesley H. ; m. Oct. 21, 1922, Charles 
Francis Dahlgren. 

Wesley, b. April 4, 1925. 

2433. Frederick IL, son of Frederick; m. June 2, 1897, Elizabeth 
Smith. He is in the grocery trade in Ithaca, N. Y. No children. 


2434. Alice Hixon, dau. of Frederick; m. 1901, Edwin A. Wilcox. 
They live in Ithaca, N. Y. 

Frederick Atwater, b. Feb. 19, 1902. 
Harold Edwin, b. Oct. 25, 1904. 

2435. Anna Maria, dau. of Frederick; m. June 26, 1918, William E. 

Edward Atwater, b. May 5, 1919. 

2436. Horace Burritt, son of Edgar Avery; m. Oct. 12, 1899, Pearl 
Chase Burdick, b. Nov. 6, 1874. He is a dealer in hardware specialties 
in Manchester, Iowa. 

2836. Robert Burdick, b. June 28, 1901 ; m. Nov. 28, 1924, Elizabeth 

Jane Mines, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson Mines. 

2837. Ruth Janet, b. Sept. 1, 1906. 

2838. Everett Horace, b. Nov. 8, 1908. 

2839. Josephine Shirley, b. Mar. 7, 1917. 

2437. Laura Ellen, dau. of Edgar Avery; m. June 9, 1897, J. F. 
Jackson. He is connected with the traffic department of the Georgia 
Central Railway Co., at Savannah, Ga. 

Helen Esther Hooker, b. Dec. 24, 1899. 
Jesse Atwater, b. May 23, 1901. 
Laurance Frisbie, b. Aug. 7, 1906. 
Mary Atwater, b. June 5, 1908. 
Margaret Clow, b. June 5, 1908. 

2438. Florence Belle, dau. of Edgar Avery; m. Dec. 14, 1905, Will 
Kennedy Triffet. He is a civil engineer, graduating from Montana Col- 
lege at Deer Lodge. He worked on the original government survey of 
Montana. Is now city engineer and water commissioner for the city of 
Whitefish, Mont. 

Frank Howard, b. Dec. 2, 1906. 
Will Atwater, b. June 11, 1908. 
Harriet Belle, b. Dec. 2, 1913. 

2439. Horace Hazelton, son of Horace; m. Sept. 1, 1909, at North 
Brookfield, Mass., Elizabeth Feltham. He is a salesman for the Under- 
wood Typewriter Co. and lives at Caldwell, N. J. 

2442. Bertha, dau. of Ledyard Jay; m. Feb. 20, 1895, Frank J. Kesslcr. 
They live at Easton, Penn. 

Nelson Thomas, b. Jan. 23, 1896. 
Emily Paret, b. July 11, 1897. 
Wm. Harvey, b. Sept. 18, 1900. 
Donald Charles, b. July 13, 1905. 
Milnoe Paret, b. Dec. 18, 1908. 


2443. Charles L., son of Lcdyard Jay; m. June 22, 1910, Helen M., 
dan. of Chester Wilson and Annie Maria Laughman. He is vicar of the 
Church of Advent at Baltimore, Md. 

2840. Helen Janet, b. Apr. 9, 1912. 

2841. William Paret, b. Sept. 16, 1916. 

2842. Charles Chester Wilson, b. Feb. 3, 1917. 

2456. Harry Arthur, son of Arthur Jerome; m. May 9, 1917, Laura 
Marie Gurr. He was educated at Morgan Park Academy, Lewis Institute 
(Chicago) Cornell University, M. E. 1912. He is a member of American 
Society of Mechanical Engineers, Engineers Club of Kansas City, Ararat 
Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He is Chief Engineer of Combustion Equip- 
ment Company and resides at 4439 Jefferson Street, Kansas City, Mo. 

Jane Patricia, b. April 25, 1918. 
William Gurr, b. Jan. 15, 1922. 

2457. Elaine Laurette, dan. of Arthur Jerome; m. Jan. 15, 1916, 
Benjamin Garritt Windsor. He d. Jan., 1920. She lives in Syracuse, 
N. Y., with her mother. 

Robert Thomas, b. Nov. 7, 1916. 

2459. Corda Althea, dau. of Arthur Jerome ; m. Richard Sandring 
Fryer. They live in Chicago. 

Richard Sandring, Jr., b. Oct. 23, 1923. 
George Arthur, b. Sept. 3, 1925. 

2467. Alta Leona, dau. of Floyd Alden ; m. Sept. 20, 1919, Glentt A. 
Young. They reside in Elmira, N. Y. 
Elizabeth Marie, b. June 6, 1921. 
John Floyd, b. Aug. 24, 1923. 
Marguerite Alta, b. March 4, 1926. 

2472. Zolman, son of Burton W. ; m. Elizabeth Frost; d. 1917. He 

lives in Elmira, N. Y. 

2843. Eleanor, b. 1913. 

2844. Henry Francis, b. May, 1917. 

2477. Alonzo Hudson, son of Alonzo M. ; m. in 1906, Mary E. Elliott, 
of Bay City, Mich., d. Feb. 13, 1920. 

2845. Cyrus Bert, b. Oct. 27, 1911. 

2846. Harold Clarence, b. June 28, 1913. 

2847. Wilbert Russell, b. July 12, 1916. 

2848. Thelma Ella, b. May 7, 1919. 

2478. Emily Harriet, dau. of Alonzo M. ; m. Joseph Kertoonis. They 
live at Auburn, Mich. Their chil. are: Julia, Alice, Emily, Margaret, 
Robert L. 


2479. Mary E., dau. of Norman B. ; b. May 24, 1853; m. June 28, 
1871, George R. Cheeseman, of Auburn, N. Y. She d. Feb., 1920. 

Maud A., b. Mar. 23, 1876; m. June 9, 1908, Anson B. Shak, of Auburn. 

N. Y. 
Mabel C, b. Oct. 14, 1877 ; m. H. Todd ; one son, H. Seward, b. Apr. 

21, 1901. 

2480. Norman J., son of Norman B. ; m. Dec. 12, 1877, Lucy E. 
Young. He is a farmer at Atwater, X. Y. 

2849. Ralph W., b. Aug. 1, 1881. 

2850. Ruth Lucy, b. March 6, 1883; m. Charles F. Lewis. 

2851. Phebe S., b. Dec. 13, 1885; m. William J. Bunnell. 

2852. Esther, b. July 13, 1894. 

2853. Gladys, b. April 8, 1896. 

2854. Evelyn I)., b. Oct. 29, 1898. 

2855. Charlotte Elizabeth, 1). Feb. 16, 1901. 

2481. Willis W., son of Norman B. ; m. June 20, 1888, Anna J., dau. 
of Joseph Newberry and Almira C. Haskell, b. Jan. 20, 1861; d. Oct. 22. 
1899; (2) Nov. 18, 1903, Ella L. Wager, of Genoa, N. Y. He d. July 
14, 1926. He lived at King's Ferry, N. Y. 

2856. Norman B., b. Feb. 6, 1890; m. June 30, 1914, Juanita M. Stowe 

No children. 

2857. Joseph N., b. Dec. 28, 1892; m. June 15, 1921, Jennie Ford. 

No children. 

2858. Florence M, b. Jan. 15, 1895; m. May 11, 1920, Ivin Streete,- 

Willis B., b. June 16, 1921. 

2482. Elizabeth T., dau. of Norman B. ; m. Feb., 1887, James I 
Young. They live at Atwater, N. Y. 

2483. Fred T„ son of Jason G. ; m. Jan. 6, 1886, Florence Bradley. 
Lives at King's Ferry, N. Y. 

2859. Emily E., b. Oct. 24, 1886. 

2860. Ward, b. Sept. 5, 1888. 

2861. Anna, b. Dec. 16, 1903. 

2484. Dwight J., son of Jason G. ; m. March 21, 1888, Jessie Chase 
Lives at King's Ferry, N. Y. 

2862. Louise H., b. March 31, 1889. 

2863. Marion E., b. Feb. 9, 1895. 

2485. Hoy A., son of Jason G. ; m. Sept. 25, 1906, Katie Wood. Lives 
at King's Ferry, N. Y. She d. Feb. 11, 1915. (2) June, 1925, Lizzie A. 

2864. Jason G., b. July 5, 1912. 


24X0. Ward H., son of Jason G.; m. Jan. 17, 1910, Florence Phillips. 
They live in Ithaca, N. Y. 

2865. Carlton W., b. Nov. 30, 1910. 

2866. Ronald P., b. Aug. 11, 1912. 

2487. Sophia, dan. of Jason G. ; m. Nov. 22, 19(H), Lyman W. Franklin. 
Lives in King's Ferry, N. Y. 

Harold, b. Dec. 12, 1903. 
Dana, b. Oct. 28, 1907. 
Roswell, b. Oct. 4, 1909. 
Jason Dwight, b. May 31, 1916. 

2488. Dayton IJ., son of Jason G. ; m. Mar. 1, 1899, Lucy Culver, b. 
May 8, 1876. Lives in King's Ferry, N. Y. 

2867. Frances C, b. July 11, 1900. 

2868. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11, 1903. 

2489. Ellis Kins, son of George Weston; m. Oct. 14, 1891, Mattie L. 
Lisk; d. Aug. 2, 1893; (2) March 14, 1896, Daisy N. Reynolds. They 
live at Auburn, N. Y. Is foreman in a contracting and building concern. 

2869. George Burnett, b. Aug. 14, 1897; m. Dec. 29, 1923, Vera M. 


2870. Kenneth Reynolds, b. Oct. 24, 1898. 

2871. Ellis K., b. June 9, 1908. 

2490. Asa Jay, son of George W. ; m. Apr. 18, 1901, Florence Moore; 
d. Sept. 3, 1903; (2) Nov. 18, 1906, Margaret B. Godfrey. Live at Phoe- 
nix, Arizona. 

2872. Asa Godfrey, b. Mar. 8, 1909. 

2873. George Jay, b. Sept. 2, 1911. 

2874. Elizabeth Ann, b. Feb. 18, 1913. 

2491. David Tuthill, son of George W. ; m. May 15, 1901, Ella May 
Newsome. He is ticket agent at the Union Pacific Transfer station at 
Council Bluffs, Iowa. 

2875. Cleo Elizabeth, b. May 22, 1902. 

2876. Jack Harry, 1». June 20, 1905. 

2492. Leland Weston, son of Jesse Clifford; m. Dec. 14, 1904, Marian 
Potter, b. July 23, 1874. He lives in Auburn, N. Y., and is a guard in 
the state prison there. 

2877. Howard J, b. Nov. 7, 1906. 

2878. Sarah Rachel, b. Dec. 20, 1908. 

2494. Harry Hall, son of Jesse Gifford, Yale, A. B., 1905; Yale Law 
school, 1907; member of the law firm of Clark, Hall & Peck, New Haven, 


Conn.; m. July 1, 1908, Martha Elizabeth Russell, dau. of Alexander 
Watson Russell (Civil War Veteran, 38th N. Y. State Vols., Scott Life 
Guards, Co. E), and Maria Louisa Meyers, of Wallingford, Conn. They 
live in New Haven, Conn. 

2879. Russell, b. April 9, 1909. 

2880. Bruce Hall, b. Aug. 26, 1913. 

2881. Elizabeth Hall, b. Sept. 22, 1921. 

2495. Augusta R., dau. of Leonard A. ; m. March 28, 1875, William 
L. Grant. He d. June 25, 1884. Mrs. Grant and Miss Grant reside in 
New Haven. 

2499. Berta May, dau. of Morgan Nichols; m. John Brooks. Lives 
in Wallingford, Conn. 

Viola Leona, b. Feb. 10, 1895. 
Robert Weldon, b. Sept. 20, 1896. 

2517. Edna Mabel, dau. of Erastus Wellington ; m. Mar. 15, 1908, 
Raymond Julius Clark. One dau., Sylvia Irene, b. Jan. 27, 1910. 

2518. Leona Sylvia, dau. of Erastus Wellington ; m. Dec. 4, 1913, 
Gustavus R. Zieman. Two chil., Levina Vivian, b. Aug. 11, 1915; Laur- 
ance Wellington, b. Sept. 1, 1917. 

2519. Celia Irene, dau. of Erastus Wellington; m. Dec. 30, 1915, 
Ralph Phillips. Have one dau., b. Feb. 3, 1917. 

2523. Henry Kent, son of Daniel W. ; m. Nov. 15, 1913, Christine 
Caroline Britenrester. He is manager of a wholesale millinery in San 
Francisco, Cal. 

2882. Henry Kent, b. Sept. 8, 1915. 

2883. Christine Elizabeth, b. March 10, 1917. 

2524. Florence, dau. of Daniel W. ; m. June 26, 1913, Thomas Davis 
Jenkins of Punxsutawney, Penn. He is chief clerk for the Punxsutawney 
Furnace Company and a Thirty-Second Degree Mason. 

2526. Olive B., dau. of Ayres B. ; m. Sept. 11, 1915, Jerome Curtis 

Taylor A., b. June 13, 1916. 
Keith C, b. Sept. 27, 1917. 

2527. Donald M., son of Ayres B. ; m. Sept. 27, 1916, Ethel Irene 

2884. George Ronald, b. July 24, 1917. 


2528. Josephine P., dau. of Ayres B. ; m. Oct. 12, 1914, Harry Paul 
Blackford. They live in Marion, Wis. 
Pauline E., b. Nov. 18, 1917. 

2530. Elnathan R., son of Cornelius Rush; m. 1910, Ella Layman, 
1). Tan. 24, 1887. Lives in Greenville, N. Y. 

2885. Marjorie L., b. Sept., 1911. 

2531. David H., son of Cornelius Rush ; m. Sept., 1910, Florence Mae 
Stickels, b. May 30, 1881. No children. Farmer at Greenville, N. Y. 

2533. Kenneth C, son of Cornelius Rush; m. Oct., 1915, Edith C. 
McClure, b. July, 1896. Is a teacher in the public schools of Albany, N. Y. 

2549. Gertrude, dau. of William Henry; m. Oct. 27, 1899, Benjamin 
Hoag, b. Mar. 15, 1865. No children. Live at Garfield, N. Y. 

2550. Calvin Haynes, son of William Henry; m. Oct. 15, 1904, Elsie 
L. Snow, b. June 22, 1881. No children. 

2551. William Henry, son of William Henry; m. May 30, 1910, 
Emma Adams, b. Sept. 28, 1888. Lives at Stephentown, N. Y. 

2886. William E., b. March 1, 1911. 

2887. Thelma M., b. April 18, 1912. 

2888. Virginia, b. Jan. 11, 1914. 

2889. Julia A., b. Nov. 18, 1915.- 

2890. Mary A., b. Mar. 11, 1917. 

2552. Blanch Ella, dau. of William Henry; m. Jan. 29, 1905, Fred- 
erick V. Hall, b. Sept. 16, 1878. She d. Sept. 18, 1912. 

Irene E, b. Sept. 7, 1906. 
Doris G., b. Nov. 3, 1907. 
Donald F, b. July 11, 1909. 
William F., b. Jan. 15, 1911. 

2553. Daniel Augustus, son of William Henry; m. Dec. 14, 1914, 
Hallie Miller, b. Dec. 15, 1883. 

2891. Royce M., b. Aug. 22, 1916. 

2554. John Haynes, son of William Henry; m. May 13, 1917, Hazel 

L. Hayes, b. Dec. 20, 1895. 

2892. John, Jr., b. Apr. 22, 1922. 

2893. Calvin Benjamin, b. June 22, 1926. 

2594. Alta, dau. of Charles J.; m. Feb. 17, 1904, Frederick A. Barry. 
Viola Pearl, b. April 4, 1907. 
Iniz May, b. April 19, 1911. 
Gordon, b. Aug. 23, 1914. 
Charles Wesley, b. Nov. 30, 1917. 


2606. Jay, son of Nelson ; m. 1890, Rose Eassom. He has been em- 
ployed twenty-five years as operator and freight agent of the grand Trunk 
railroad at Jackson City, Mich. He adopted his sister Clara's daughter, 
Roba H., b. 1887, who married Walter J. Scott of Jackson, Mich. 

2607. Clara, dau. of Nelson; m. 1888, Bert Glidden. They lived at 
Mattewan, Mich. 

Eula, b. 1889. 
Ola, b. 1892. 

Roba H., the mother dying at her birth. She was adopted by her 
uncle, Jay. 

2608. Bertha, dau. of Nelson; m. in 1892, Ralph Smith. They live 
at Paw Paw, Mich. 

Gail, b. 1894; m. in 1916, Sid Sternaman. 
Carl, b. 1896. 

2609. Flora, dau. of Nelson; m. 1909, Robert Bangs. Resides at 
Paw Paw, Mich. 

Dick, b. 1911. 
Martha, b. 1915. 

2610. Ella, dau. of Nelson; m. 1899, Mead Hill, d. Dec, 1901; (2) 
1909, Harry Morrison. 

2611. Burt, son of Nelson; m. Louise Pabst. They live in Salt Lake 
City, Utah. 

2894. Marjorie, b. 1909. 

2612. Vern N., son of Nelson; m. Gladys Broom, of Almena, Mich. 
They live at Lawtor, Mich. 

2895. Clifford, b. 1911. 

2896. Morrice, b. 1916. 

2619. Nellie, dau. of Myron; m. July, 1891, Albert J. Yoder. Lives 
in Hallway, Iowa. No chil. 

2620. Thomas, son of Myron; m. June, 1891, Flora Morris. They 
live at Sublette, Kan. 

2897. Clarence, b. Jan. 13, 1892. 

2898. Elsie Mildred, b. Oct. 10, 1893; m. May 18, 1917, Milburn 


2899. Roscoe, b. Jan. 11, 1904. 

2900. Myron, b. Aug. 2, 1907. 

2901. Lillian Ann, b. Mar. 8, 1909. 

2902. Winter, b. Dec. 28, 1912. 

2903. Mary Rachel, b. May 30, 1914. 

2904. Walter Donald, b. Aug. 23, 1917. 


2621. Mary E., dan. of Myron; m. May 6, 1906. St. Elmo Neely of 
I .arrange Ind. 

Elizabeth, 1). Oct., 1908. 

2622. Walter W., son of Myron ; m. Dec. 23, 1900, Clara Lotte. 

2905. Maynard, b. July, 1901. 

2906. Marvin, b. Jan. 31, 1917. 

2623. Jesse, son of Myron; m. Mar. 9, 1898, Norma Zimmerman of 
Lagrange, Ind. No chil. 

2624. Grover J., son of Myron; m. May 28, 1914; Oakie Marchand. 
Lives at Lagrange, Ind. 

2907. Kenneth, b. Mar. 11, 1915. 

2625. Arthur S., son of Charles Lyman; m. Feb. 15, 1895, Katherine 
Shirley. They live in Howe, Ind. 

2626. Augusta A., dau. of Charles Lyman; m. Oct. 25, 1893, James 
E. Zook. They live in Lagrange, Ind., where he is assistant cashier of 
the National Bank of Lagrange. No chil. 

2632. Esmond IS., son of Willis A.; m. Jan. 7, 1919, Hazel Gaylord. 
They live at Endicott, N. Y. 

2908. Helen Janis, b. Feb. 7, 1921. 

2909. Charles Thomas, b. April 4, 1923. 

2646. Sarah, dau. of James Bassett ; m. Apr. 7, 1918, John Schenck 

James, b. March, 1921. 

Frederick d'Hart, b. May 19, 1924. 


2684. Edwin Miller, son of James Horise; m. Oct. 21, 1923, Margaret, 
dau. of Oswold Kelsey. They reside in Riverside, Cal. 

2910. Margaret Jean, b. Sept. 8, 1924. 

2756. Charles P., son of Samuel C. ; m. Sept. 18, 1888, Rose Detman. 
Lives at Oak Harbor, Ohio. 

2911. Luella, b. 1892; m. 1913, O. P. Rosenberger. 

2912. Hazel, b. 1899; m. 1915, C. Feterman. 

2913. Arthur, b. Oct. 25, 1902. 

2914. Harold, b. Nov. 22, 1906. 


2757. Mary Evaline, dau. of Samuel C. ; m. July, 1888, Fred Wind- 
nagel. Live at Oak Harbor, Ohio. 

Olive, b. 1889. 
Mollie, b. 1890. 
Leonard, b. Aug. 31, 1898. 
Walter, b. March 25, 1905. 

2758. Sarah, dau. of Samuel C. ; m. in 1894, Frank Wolf. Live at 
Toledo, Ohio. 

Franklin, b. 1895; Toledo, Ohio. 
William, b. 1897 ; Clinton, Ohio. 

2759. Clarisa, dau. of Samuel C. ; m. 1896, James Love. Live at Ann 
Arbor, Mich. 

Edith, b. 1899. 
Esther, b. 1903. 
True, b. 1907. 
Beatrice, b. 1910. 
James, Jr., b. 1915. 

2760. William F., son of Samuel C. ; m. Oct. 26, 1899, Louise Maring. 
Live at Oak Harbor, Ohio. 

2915. Wilton S., b. Jan. 5, 1902. 

2916. Raymond W., b. Aug. 14, 1904. 

2917. Morton V., b. Feb. 1, 1917. 

2761. James Orlow, son of Samuel C. ; m. 1900, Clara Vogel. Live 
at Oak Harbor, Ohio. 

2918. Beatrice, b. 1900; m. 1920, George Wood, of Cleveland. 

2919. Luella, b. 1901. 

2920. Crystal, b. 1907. 

2762. Hannah Luella, dau. of Samuel C. ; m. 1889, Howard Hoffman. 
Live at Howell, Mich. 

Mildred, b. 1900. 
Chester, b. 1901. 
Leslie, b. 1902. 
Doris, b. 1903. 
George, b. 1913. 

2767. Myrtle Julia, dau. of Preston H. ; m. Feb. 5, 1911, Ralph W. 
Hurlbut. They live in Waterbury, Conn. 
Ruth, b. Sept. 8, 1911. 
Dorothy, b. Jan. 12, 1913. 
Viola, b. Oct. 8, 1915. 


Howard, b. Nov. 25, 1918. 
Robert, b. Nov. 2, 1920. 
Marjorie, b. Oct., 1923. 

2768. Jessie Louise, dan. of Preston H. ; m. June 14, 1916, Lyle 
Terrell. They live in Cheshire, Conn. 

Richard, b. July, 1920. 

2769. Frederick Watson, son of Preston H. ; m. Feb. 9, 1917, Hazel 
N. Welton. Live in Plantsville, Conn. 

2921. Dwight Preston, b. Jan. 13, 1918. 

2922. Virginia, b. April 17, 1920. 

2923. June, b. Oct. 8, 1921. 

2770. Frances Mary, dau. of Preston H. ; m. Sept. 16, 1920, Frederick 

Muriel, b. Aug. 28, 1921. 
Evelyn, b. Apr. 16, 1923. 

2791. Ruby Louise, dau. of Henry Davidson; m. Sept. 10, 1914, Otto 
Massicotte, of Meriden, Conn. 

Florence Lucy, b. Sept. 21, 1915. 

2792. Esther Lillian, dau. of Henry Davidson; m. June 28, 1914, 
Homer Appell. 

Willard Wesley, b. Nov. 1, 1915. 
Merwin Arthur, b. June 3, 1917. 

2804. John James, son of John James; m. Feb., 1912, Mary Johnston. 
He is in business at Los Angeles, Cal. 

2924. John James, III, b. Apr., 1914. 

2830. Earle B., son of Ernest B. ; m. Oct. 14, 1922, Dorothy Elizabeth 
Baumgart. Lives in Southington, Conn. 

2925. Janet Elizabeth, b. May 25, 1924. 

2849. Ralph W., son of Norman J.; m. Aug. 20, 1902, Charlotte 
Johnson, of Bradford, Penn. She was b. Aug. 6, 1882. They live in 
Syracuse, N. Y. He is on the staff of the Crane Irving Hospital. 

2926. Eula Louise, b. Oct. 18, 1905. 

2927. Ralph Willis, b. May 12, 1907. 

2928. Carl Frederick, b. Sept. 4, 1910. 

2850. Ruth Lucy, dau. of Norman J. ; m. Sept. 5, 1906, Charles F. 
Lewis of Auburn, N. Y. 

Emma Lucy, b. Nov. 24, 1909. 
Maude Irene, b. June 13, 1912. 


2851. Phebe S., dan. of Norman J.; m. Aug. 20, 1907, William J. 
Bunnell, of Lansing, N. Y. 
Donald J., b. Nov. 3, 1908. 

2870. Kenneth Reynolds, son of Ellis King ; m. Aug. 29, 1925, Doris 

2929. Donald Kenneth, b. June 22, 1926. 



2930. Moses Atwater, son of Titus; m. Amy Wilson, b. in 1775; d. 
Dec. 11, 1852. She was the dan. of John Wilson. According to the 
probate records in Hillsboro, N. C, her children deeded to their brother 
Jehiel "land that was bequeathed their mother by John Wilson, her 
father." This was in 1838. Moses lived near Hillsboro on a farm he 
bought from Titus, and d. Sept. 13, 1836. They are buried in the family 
plot not far from Cedar Grove, N. C. 

2931. Wilson, b. Dec. 3, 1797. 

2932. Edmond Brower, b. May 27, 1804. 

2933. Lois, b. Jan. 25, 1809; m. John Strowd. 

2934. Jahaza, b. Mar. 10, 1810. 

2935. Celia, b. 1815; m. Charles P. Strowd. 

2936. Jehiel, b. Mar. 17, 1817. 


2931. Wilson, son of Moses; m. Dec. 23, 1819, Eleanor McCauley. 
He was a local preacher, M. E. church, South. He d. July 31, 1885. 

2937. Wesley, b. June 14, 1821. 

2938. Martha, b. April 28, 1823; m. Manly D. Stroud. 

2939. Matthew, b. April 28, 1825. 

2940. Jane, b. Apr. 11, 1818; m. Britlain Edwards, 

2941. Mary Christena, b. Dec. 29, 1829; m. Samuel Womble. 

2942. Celia, b. Jan. 5, 1833; d. 1905, num. 

2943. Lois, m. Jehu Josiah Womble. 

2944. Eliza, m. Wm. Womble. 

2945. John R, b. Aug. 2, 1839. 

2946. Sarah A., b. Mar. 2, 1841; m. Wm. Moore; (2) Durant 


2932. Edmund Brower, son of Moses; m. Martha Snipes, b. June 
15, 1808; d. April 23, 1858; (2) Sept. 27, 1860, N. A. Moore, b. Dec. 19, 
1822; d. Nov. 10, 1900. He d. Jan. 1, 1893, in Thomaston, Ga. Before 
the civil war he had amassed a large fortune, but the devastation swept 
it away, but his indomitable energy prevailed and at tin time of bis death 
he had recovered so much he was in comfortable circumstances. 


2947. Emeline, b. Sept. 7, 1825; m. Thomas Rose. 

2948. James W., b. June "24; 1827. 

2949. John W., b. Aug. 16, 1830. 

2950. Mary J., b. Aug. 14, 1832; m. Jabez Dallas. 

2951. Thomas J., b. July 1, 1835. 

2933. Lois, dau. of Moses; m. John Snipes Strowd, b. Jan. 31, 1809; 
d. Nov. 26, 1861. She d. Oct. 25, 1877. 

Rosanna, b. Oct. 29, 1830; m. David Dixon. 
Moses B., b. May 21, 1832; m. Mary Oldham. 
Sarah M., b. Sept. 1, 1835; m. John Allen. 

Salina, b. Aug. 9, 1837; d. Aug. 22, 1874; m. Andrew Jackson Wilson, 
b. Dec, 1829; d. Nov., 1906. 

Sally E., b. July 20, 1857; m. Nov. 11, 1874, Alexander Snipes. 
They live in Burlington, N. C. 

Hattie, b. Aug. 25, 1876; m. Mar. 24, 1895, James T. Webster; 

live at Siler City, N. C. 
Jeter, b. Aug. 30, 1878; m. Mar. 3, 1901, Ruth Godfrey. Chi!.: 
Prince Hubert, b. Aug. 3, 1902; Wm. Clarence, b. Mar. 
26, 1905; Marvin Lee, b. Aug. 26, 1907; Allen Gordon, b. 
Dec. 5, 1909; Minter, b. Feb. 1, 1914; Otto Franklin, b. June 
11, 1916; Henry, b. Mar. 8, 1918. 
Nona, b. Dec. 29, 1880; m. Sept. 19, 1906, Wm. M. Glosson. 
He d. Apr. 25, 1913. One son, James Albert, b. Oct. 12, 
1907. She m. (2) Nov. 25, 1914, Thomas M. Moore. One 
son, Thomas Howard, b. Apr. 14, 1916. 
Martha, b. May 7, 1883 ; m. Walter Ivey. 
Ola, b. Dec. 27, 1885; m. A. L. Pickard. 

Floyd, b. Apr. 28, 1890; m. Aug. 30, 1919, Campbell. 

Benjamin, b. Nov. 25, 1892. 

Josephine, b. Feb. 5, 1876; d. Aug. 6, 1909; m. Nov. 11, 1896, 

C. K. Wrenn. Lived Siler City, N. C. Chil. : Earl Reid, 

b. Aug. 20, 1897; Nancy Lois, b. August 12, 1899; m. Mar. 

23, 1918, John W. McCauley, merchant Chapel Hill, N. C. 

Alma Harrold, b. Sept. 15, 1902; Mary and Margaret, b. 

Sept. 22, 1905. Lena Frances, b. June 8, 1908. 
Jennie, b. Oct. 20, 1875; m. Robert T. Lea, contractor, Nor- 
folk, Va. 
Ella B., b. Mar. 18, 1861 ; m. Mar. 15, 1882, A. A. Lambe, mechan- 
ic; lives at Siler City, N. C. Chil.: 
Bessie, b. July 20, 1883 ; m. July 28, 1912, O. E. Shaw, cashier, 
Bank of Broadway, N. C. ; chil.: Winifred and Mary 
Lovic Lelon, b. Apr. 15, 1886; m. Apr. 15, 1912, Lelia Headen : 
he works in Coca Cola bottling works, Charlotte, N. C. 


Chil. : Lelon, Lesley and Martha Louise. 
Clara Irene, b. April 4, 1889; m. June 22, 1911, Rev. E. B. 
Craven, N. C. Conference. Chil.: E. B., Jr.; Jack and 
Mary Stroud. 
Mary Byrd, b. Feb. 25, 1892; m. Apr. 1, 1919, Lieut. Eugene 

Allison, lawyer. Lives at Brevard, N. C. 
Mabel, b. Sept. 25, 1894. Trained nurse, Kingston, N. C. 
Dwight Wilson, b. Aug. 6, 1897. Graduate Trinity College, 
now teller in hank at Broadway, N. C. 
Lulu, 1). June 22, 1869. 
Frank L., b. Sept. 1, 1871 ; m. Mamie Bradshaw ; merchant a< 

Dunn, N. C. 
Charles E„ b. Oct. 13, 1873; d. June 15, 1914; m. Cora Long; 
chil. : Lina, Foy, Charles and Woodrow. 
Martha A. E., h. Nov. 27, 1839 ; m. Carney Clegg. 
Mary J., b. Nov. 22, 1843 ; m. William Petty. 
Sidney Snipes, h. July 23, 1846; m. Martha C. Snipes. Chil.: 

Lizzie Lee, m. James F. Womble, no chil.; Fletcher E., b. May 
19, 1874, m. Sept. 10, 1902, Willa M. Tysor; he d. Apr. 14, 1911 ; 
chil. : 

Mary Lee, b. Jan. 4, 1904; John Sidney, b. April 1, 1905; 
Fletcher Eugene, b. May 15, 1907. 
Carl H., m. Feb. 25, 1903, Margaret B. Atwater. 
John S., h. Dec. 10, 1881; m. Wilhehnina Craft; child, Eleano«- 

Annie Oliver, m. Dec. 24, 1903, Joseph W. Mann. Chil. : Kath- 
ryn, Elizabeth, Annie S., Joseph W., and Mary ; living at Greens- 
boro, N. C. 
Clarence, b. September 2, 1889. 

James Harvey, b. March 8, 1892; m. Apr. 25, 1917, Esther A. 

2934. Jahaza, son of Moses; m. Nov. 11, 1833, Sally Stone. Lived 
in Orange county, N. C. 

He was born and reared at the old Atwater homestead in Orange 
county, about six miles from Chapel Hill, N. C. He had a common 
school education such as conditions permitted in those days, as there 
were few school accommodations in that part of the country. He was 
married to Sally Stone on Nov. 11, 1833. She was a woman of strong 
character, sound principles and was loved by all who knew her. They 
had four children. The last child was Sidney who died when a youth, 
soon after returning from active service in the Civil War. 

Jahaza, one of the best types of Christian gentlemen, was a zealous 
conscientious, faithful class leader at Mt. Pleasant church for years. 
Class leaders were usually selected from men whom the church members 


considered true leaders, those in whom they had complete confidence as 
being able and staunch Christians ready for any emergency or condition 
that might arise. He was full of wit and humor, always enjoying a 
hearty laugh. He showed his feelings plainly, being quite emotional at 
limes. People loved him for his big, kind heart and fairness in all things. 
He was a Whig in politics, but did not seem to care to hold public offices. 
Still he always associated himself with those things which he believed 
were right for common good and the elevation of humanity. He proved 
himself a good master to his slaves, very kind and lenient. His wife, 
a tall, slender woman, was also kind but very strict with the slaves, and 
oftentimes told her husband if he didn't see that they "toed the mark," 
that she would. They loved her but knew that she meant "business" when 
a command or request was made. The children were given as good ed- 
ucations as was possible. During religious services he oftentimes shouted, 
thus giving thanks to God in his own characteristic way. He was a large, 
well built man with gray eyes and dark hair, and firm, kindly mouth. He 
died rather suddenly at the home of his son, John W. Atwater, while in 
the prime of life. His wife died several years prior to this. 

2952. Lois A., b. Aug. 25, 1836; m. W. F. Stroud. 

2953. Carney C, b. Oct. 5, 1838. 

2954. John W., b. Dec. 27, 1840. 

2935. Celia, dau. of Moses; m. Charles Pinkney Strowd. They lived 
near Chapel Hill, N. C. He d. in the fall of 1888. She d. about 1898. 

Isaac, m. Emily Mann. 

Edmund, m. Sallie Foust. 

Lou, m. John Maynard. 

Johnston, m. Adeline Quackenbush, sister of William Quackenbush, 
a noted educator of North Carolina, to whose memory the people 
of Scotland county erected a beautiful monument on Court House 
Square at Laurinburg, N. C. He was one of the faculty of Bing- 
ham School in this state for a number of years before this. 

Annie Amy, b. July 20, 1834; m. William H. Turrentine, b. Aug. 23, 
1822; d. at his home in Orange county, N. C, Oct. 6, 1884. At 
the age of nineteen he embraced religion, soon joined the Metho- 
dist church, and continued a consistent member to the end of his 
days. Quiet in temperament, sincere in his speech, clear in his 
convictions, modest in mien, brave in his conduct, unswerving 
in his integrity, he won and maintained the high regard and un 
qualified confidence of all who knew him. He frequently filled 
the office of superintendent of the Sabbath school, was for some 
time a steward of the Church and was appointed afterward class 
leader, which position he held till his death. One of the most 
eloquent testimonies to his piety is given in the words from his 


home: "He was devoted to his family, especially is he missed in 
his devotional exercises around the family altar." 

Lou Emcline Turrentine, b. Nov. 20, 1857 ; m. Thomas M. Weav- 
er, whose children are Mrs. Lizzie Freeland and Miss Leta 
Weaver, all living. 

Felicia Eliza Turrentine, b. 1859; m. Leroy Craig. Their chil. • 
Ella, Margaret, Gilbert, Johnson and Annie. The mother and 
son Johnson are dead. 

Samuel Bryant Turrentine, b. Nov. 15, 1861. 

William Edmund Turrentine, b. Feb. 9, 1865 ; m. Nora Maynor. 
Their chil. Vernon and Lena, the latter having married a Mr. 
Burns. The mother and father not living. 

Eugene Oscar, b. Mar. 17, 1868, m. Miss Docia Riggsbee. Their 
chil. are Ernest and Pearle, all living. 

Minnie Celia Turrentine, b. April 28, 1871 ; m. Malcolm C. 
Blackwood, b. May 9, 1872. Their chil. W. Clarence Black- 
wood, b. Dec. 26, 1899 ; S. Lawrence and A. Louise Blackwood, 
b. May 5, 1905 (twins) ; Eugene M. Blackwood, b. Sept. 25, 

2936. Jehiel, son of Moses; m. Dec. 10, 1840, Martha C, dau. of 
Nathaniel Warren and Sallie Shaw, b. Aug. 10, 1824. He was a farmer 
at Chapel Hill, N. C, and d. Jan. 17, 1876. 

His father died when he was quite a youth. He was left to manage 
his own and his mother's estates and he proved himself capable of the 
undertaking. His mother lived with him the remainder of her life. He 
was a notable peacemaker. He was a big-hearted man, and delighted 
to relieve the distressed and unfortunate. At his burial a man was 
heard to say "The poor man's friend is gone." 

2955. Edmund Warren, b. Feb. 14, 1842. 

2956. Sophronia Jane, b. Aug. 19, 1843; m. Luther Bynum. 

2957. Rufus Henry, b. July 14, 1845. 

2958. Mary Catherine, b. May 31, 1850; m. Carney Bynum. 

2959. John N., b. Aug. 7, 1858. 

2960. Martha Virginia, b. April 15, 1861; m. J. W. Jenkins. 

2961. James Bobbitt, b. July 16, 1864. 


2987. Wesley, son of Wilson; m. Julia Horton, b. April 24, 1819; 
lived in North Carolina. No children. He was killed by a runaway 
horse and d. June 24, 1893. She d. May 10, 1896. 

2938. .Martha, dau. of Wilson; m. Aug. 11, 1842, Manly Stroud. 
They lived in North Carolina. 


Lethia Ann, b. Mar. 7, 1844. 

Mollie, b. Oct. 27, 1847; m. H. W. Floyd. 

Sarah Jane, b. Oct. 24, 1850. 

Emma, b. Oct. 31, 1852 ; m. E. C. Thompson ; d. 1854. 

Wellons, b. Aug. 24, 1857; m. Dec. 25, 1889, Maggie Thompson; d. 

Aug. 7, 1890. 
Thomas, b. Mar. 25, 1860; m. June, 1908, Katie Edmondson. He d. 

Nov. 12, 1915. 
Matthew, b. Feb. 10, 1862; m. Dec. 23, 1885, Delia Andrews. 
Martha, b. Jan. 1, 1869; m. Dec. 30, 1888, M. G. Bishop. 

2939. Matthew, son of Wilson; m. about 1846, Emily Snipes; d. July 
14, 1862; (2) July 9, 1865, Martha Snipes; d. June 19, 1887; (3) Mary 
Smith, d. Dec. 20, 1908. He d. May 17, 1904. He lived in Orange county, 
N. C, near the first Atwater settlement. He descended from an ancestry 
representing the best yeomanry of the Old North State. He had a large 
vigorous body, strong mind, clear thought and sound judgment, positive 
conviction and unswerving determination. His even balanced tempera- 
ment avoided extremes in thought, word and deed. His program of con- 
duct could have been expressed in the motto, "A day's work in a day s 
time." His well balanced gift of heart and mind made him a leader in 
his community. As county commissioner, as state legislator, and temper- 
ance advocate, school official and church worker, he occupied a position 
standing unequivocally for what he thought to be right and for the public 
welfare. He was a public spirited citizen. Throughout his long life he 
exemplified the sterling traits of character represented by the worthy 
reputation of the Atwater name. 

2962. William B., b. July 13, 1848. 

2963. Marietta, b. Aug. 5, 1850; m. H. Clay Clegg. 

2964. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Mar. 22, 1855 ; m. John Clegg. 

2965. Sophronia Ida, b. Jan. 17, 1857; m. George Morrow. 

2966. Martha Josephine, b. April 10, 1859 ; d. Nov. 19, 1904 ; m. Robert 

G Morrow. 

2967. Emil Anzonetta, b. Nov. 1, 1861 ; m. Isaac W. Pritchard. 
Issue by second marriage : 

2968. Thomas A., b. Nov. 12, 1866. 

2969. Margaret Lulu, b. May 30, 1869; m. Rufus P. Womble. 

2970. James M., b. May 15, 1872. 

2971. Nellie A., b. Nov. 25, 1876; m. Robert Patterson. 

2941. Mary Christcna, dau. of Wilson; m. Jan. 18, 1859, Samuel 
Tyson Womble. She d. Jan. 20, 1908. He lived to be 81 years old. He 
was a prosperous farmer and lived in Chatham County, N. C. 


Rufus Philmer, b. Nov. 16, 1859; m. Sept. 8, 1886, Margaret Lulu, 
dau. of Matthew Atwater. They live at Moncure, N. C. 

James Floy, b. Aug. 30, 1889; m. June 26, 1916, Nettie McCullens. 

One child, May At water, b. April 14, 1918. 
Martha Roberta, b. July 27, 1892; m. July 23, 1914, Rev. Ernest 
C. Durham, of the N. C. Conference M. E. church, South. Two 
sons, Ralph Kilgo, b. May 17, 1915; d. Oct. 11, 1916; Dwight 
Womble, b. Feb. 20, 1917; Ruth Arden, b. June 27, 1919. 
Matthew Guy, b. June 20, 1901. 
Joseph Wilson, b. July 14, 1862; a farmer in Chatham County, N. C. ; 
m. Oct. 18, 1905, Maggie Clegg, dau. of John and Bettie Atwater 
Clegg. They live in Moncure, N. C. 
Mary E., b. Aug. 24, 1907. 
Joseph Wilson, Jr., b. Jan. 29, 1911. 
Harvey Clegg, b. Feb. 15, 1913. 
J. Liddell, b. April 29, 1915. 
Lois, b. Aug. 26, 1917. 
James Fletcher, b. Oct. 13, 1866; a farmer in Lee county; m. Nov. 
19, 1892, Lizzie, dau. of Sidney Stroud, of Chatham county, N. C. 
They have no children. Live in Moncure, N. C. 

2943. Lois Elizabeth, dau. of Wilson; b. Oct. 23, 1833; m. Apri' 
19, 1853, Jehu Josiah Womble. He d. May 16, 1865. She then m. Nov. 
25, 1883, William Jesse Womble, brother of her first husband. He d. 
Nov. 20, 1916. She is still living (1920) and is 87 years of age. 

Cornelius Wilson, b. Mar. 24, 1854; a farmer and merchant in Chat- 
ham county, N. C. ; m. May 25, 1876, Delia, dau. of Alvis Snipes 
of Chatham county, N. C. 

William Clement, merchant of Winston-Salem, N. C, b. Feb. 
12, 1880 ; m. Nov. 18, 1904, Lillian Owen, of Greensboro, N. C. 
They have two chil. : Lois and Jaunita. 

Alvis Marvin, farmer and merchant at Goldston, N. C. ; b. May 
12, 1881; m. Nov. 12, 1904, Emma Paschal, Goldston, N. C. 
Sarah Louise, b. Nov. 13, 1905. 
Linda, b. Oct. 6, 1911. 

Mary Byrd, b. Jan. 10, 1883; m. Nov. 28, 1903, Thomas A. Moore, 
a farmer of Rockingham county, N. C. She d. Nov. 23, 1919. 
[vey Womble, b. Sept. 9, 1904. 
William Benjamin, b. Jan. 17, 1907. 
Lucy Delia, b. Feb. 5, 1909. 
Thomas Anderson, Jr., b. July 10, 1913. 
Annie Olivia, b. April 15, 1915. 
Mary Byrd, b. Nov. 2, 1919. 


Seaton Jehu, hardware merchant, Wagram, N. C, b. Mar. 4, 1885 ; 
m. June 18, 1913, Edith Arey of Iredell county, N. C. 
Edwin Cornelius, b. Oct. 8, 1915. 
Delia Frances, b. Sept. 2, 1917. 

Frank Wilson, farmer, Chatham county, N. C. ; b. July 28, 1886; 

m. June 19, 1918, Fannie Douglass, of Durham county, N. C. 

Wilson Douglass, b. Aug. 20, 1919. 

Lois Jewell, b. Feb. 8, 1889. She was educated at Davenport 

College, Lenoir, N. C. ; m. Aug. 1, 1918, Edward M. Harris, a 

merchant of Goldston, N. C. 

Edward Milton, Jr., b. June 30, 1919. 

Beulah Olivia, b. July 8, 1890, was educated at Davenport Col- 
lege, Lenoir, N. C. ; m. June 21, 1912, J. Graham. 
Abernethy, a druggist of Lenoir, N. C. 
Olivia Abernethy, b. June 19, 1913. 
Margaret Abernethy, b. Aug. 4, 1918. 

Theron, b. June 1, 1892. He served in the U. S. Navy during 
the World War and is now in a bank in Wagram, N. C. 

Annie Lucille, b. Aug. 12, 1895; was educated at Davenport Col- 
lege and Trinity College, N. C. She is teaching in Louisburg 
College, Louisburg, N. C. 

Cornelius Wilson, Jr., b. July 6, 1903. 

Mary Ann, b. Oct. 4, 1856; is noted for her solid piety, Christian 
enthusiasm and good business judgment. She m. Nov. 3, 1881, 
John Barringer, a merchant and miller of Moncure, N. C. To 
them was b. one son, Paul Jehu Barringer, b. Sept. 19, 1884 
He is unmarried; is a successful manufacturer of cotton seed 
oil, at Sandford, N. C, and Reaford, N. C. 

William Fletcher, b. Feb. 21, 1859; was licensed to preach and 
joined the Western North Carolina Conference of the Metho- 
dist Episcopal Church, South, in Nov., 1891, and has served the 
following charges: Wentworth Circuit 1892-1895, Lincolnton 
Circuit 1896-1898, Shelby Circuit 1899-1902, Newton Circuit 
1903-1906, Morganton Station 1907-19;0, Reidsville Station 1911- 
1913, Hendersonville Station 1914-1917, Lincolnton Station 1918 
Mount Airy District 1919 and he is now (1920) serving his 
second year as Presiding Elder on that district. He was one 
of the originators of and a member of the first board of mana- 
gers of the Methodist Mutual Fire Insurance Company of North 
Carolina which was organized to insure church property at 
actual cost. He m. May 15, 1881, Olivia, dau. of Alvis Snipes, 
of Chatham county. 

Bunyan Snipes, b. May 2, 1882. He was educated at Trinity 


College, N. C, and studied law at Trinity College, N. C , 
and Columbia University, N. Y., and is practicing law in 
Winston-Salem, N. C. ; is a member of the law firm of 
Manly, Hendren & Womble of that city. He m. April 29, 
1914, Edith Willingham, of Macon, Ga. They have three 
chil. : 
Lila, b. Aug. 23, 1915. 
William Fletcher, b. Oct. 29, 1916. 
Olivia, b. Aug. 17, 1918. 
Jehu Josiah, b. June 11, 1865; is a farmer and miller at Moncure, 
N. C. He m. Dec. 22, 1886, Emma Cook, of Chatham county. 
She d. Nov. 30, 1901. He m. June 18, 1903, Ida Womble of 
Moncure, N. C. No chil. by last marriage. Four children were 
born to the first marriage. 
Thomas F. is in the railroad service. He was b. Oct. 1, 1887; 
m. Nov. 17, 1909, Elizabeth Bradshaw, of Moncure, N. C. They 
have one son, Thomas F., Jr., b. Jan. 10, 1911. 
Mary Elizabeth, b. June 6, 1889; m. Dec. 4, 1907, Ellis McCargo, 
a farmer of Rockingham county. They have five chil. as. fol- 
lows : 

Lucy Frances, b. Sept. 2, 1908. 
Luis, b. Dec, 1910. 
Nellie Ruth, b. July, 1913. 
John Ellis, b. Feb. 23, 1918. 
Jehu Womble, b. Feb. 23, 1918. Twins. 
Cora Olivia, b. May 16, 1891 ; was educated at Littleton Female 
College; m. Mar. 25, 1914, James Travis, a farmer of Caswell 
county. They have two chil. : 
Emma Guynn, b. Mar. 16, 1915. 
Julia Womble, b. July 16, 1916. 
Emma Frances, b. March 27, 1901 ; m. July 6, 1916, Curvy Gunter, 
of Sand ford, N. C. They have one child. 
Catherine Estell, b. March 28, 1917. 

2944. Eliza Amy, dau. of Wilson; m. Jan. 15, 1856, William John 
Womble. She d. Mar. 12, 1883. They lived in Chatham county, N. C. 

Nancy Eleanor, b. Dec. 16, 1871 ; m. Feb., 1896, James J. Ratliffe, a 
prosperous farmer of Rockingham county. They have no children. 

Samuel Wilson, b. Oct. 30, 1876; a farmer of Lee county, N. C. ; m. 
Dec. 26, 1900, Carrie Barringer of Moncure, N. C. To them were 
born seven children : 

Eleanor Louise, b. Oct. 22, 1901 ; m. Jan. 29, 1919, Ivan Thomas, 
a farmer of Haywood, N. C. 


Amy Eliza, b. July 14, 1903. 
William Jesse, b. Dec. 31, 1905. 
Ruth, b. Oct. 21, 1908. 
Carrie Maie, b. Aug. 30, 1910. 
Samuel Wilson, Jr., b. Aug. 17, 1912. 
John Barringer, b. Oct. 10, 1914. 

The descendants of the three Atwater sisters, Mary, Lois, and Eliza, 
who married the three Womble brothers, 'are nine children, thirty grand- 
cbildren, and thirty-one great grandcbildren now living. All that are old 
enough are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, except Mary 
Elizabeth Womble, who joined the Methodist church in childhood, but 
after her marriage to Ellis McCargo, she joined the Baptist church with 
her husband. Not one has ever been accused of crime; none of them are 
dissipated ; none of them use profane language; none of them are wealthy; 
but all of them are honest, industrious, thrifty, Godfearing, law-abiding 
people, and have the respect and confidence of those with whom they 
live. The three Womble brothers were sons of Cornelius Womble, a 
farmer of Chatham county, N. C. 

2945. John Fletcher, son of Wilson; m. Mar. 19, 1861, Nancy C. 
Bynum, b. Sept. 4, 1839. She d. Jan. 13, 1880. (2) Dec. 2, 1880, Elizabeth 
Long. She d. May, 1894. He d. Apr. 19, 1892. They were members of 
the M. E. church south and frequently entertained the minister. He was 
a regular attendant and active in church work. He served in the civil 
war with the Fifth N. C. Cavalry, fought in many hard battles and was 
made lieutenant. He returned to his farm, was an energetic worker and 
maintained it until his death. He was devoted to his motherless children. 

2972. Thomas F, b. Feb. 15, 1862. 

2973. Alan- E., b. June 27, 1864; m. T. R. Cole. 

2974. Margaret E., b. June 5, 1867; m. J. M. Durham. 

2975. Wilson Bynum, b. Dec. 28, 1871. 

2976. Julia Olivia, b. May 26, 1874; m. W'. A. Maynard. 

2977. Luther Edmund, b. Nov. 13, 1876. 

2940. Sarah Ann, dau. of Wilson; m. Nov. 20, 1860, Wm. H. Moore; 
(2) Feb. 10, 1866, Durant Moore. She d. Mar. 25, 1904. 
William, b. Aug., 1864. 

Margaret E., b. Aug. 19, 1867 ; m. Nov. 7, 1888, T. B. Crowder. Lives 
in Raleigh, N. C. Chil. : Lottie M., b. Nov. 14, 1890; Ralph H., b. 
Aug. 18, 1892; Raymond, b. May 14, 1894; Margaret M., b. Dec. 
29, 1906. 

2947. Emeline, dau. of Edmund B. ; m. Thomas Rose. Both dead. 
Their chil. ; John T., d. ; Edmund W., Atlanta, Ga. ; James W., d. 


2948. James \\\, son -of Edmund B. ; m. Nov. 10, 1850, Antoinette 
Carolina Halloway; d. Nov. 22, 1860; (2) Nov. 2, 1872, Antoinette £. 
Respcss. He lived at Thomaston, Ga. He d. Dec. 21, 1913. The Thomas- 
ton Times in its obituary notice said: 

The deceased was eighty-seven years of age, and is survived by his 
wife, Mrs. Antoinette Respess Atwater; one son, Capt. James R. Atwatcr, 
and six daughters, Mrs. J. Henry Smith, of Griffin; Mrs. Fred Farris, of 
Atlanta; Mrs. George R. Turpin, of Macon; Mrs. William P. Leonard, 
of Talbotton; Mrs. Roland W. Spain, of New York city, and Mrs. A. J. 
King of Macon. 

Besides being one of the oldest and wealthiest of Thomaston citizens, 
he was one of the most prominent, influential and highly esteemed. Not 
only did he stand high in the affections of his home people but wherevei 
he was known men respected and loved him. A citizen of another city 
who is one of the most prominent men in the state and who was a business 
associate of Captain Atwater's said of him : "Few men have lived to better 
purpose, or have had higher regard of their friends and acquaintances 
than Mr. Atwater." 

Captain Atwater was a man of strong convictions and once he took a 
stand in a matter he was almost unshakable. It is said of him that above 
all things he despised a hypocrite and hated all manner of shams. He 
was also a man who loved his friends and would stop at nothing to aid 
them. There are many who owe their business success to his assistance 
and counsel. 

Captain Atwater served through the civil war with distinction. He 
was noted for his braver,- in battle and his efficiency in military tactics 
being made captain of five different companies to perfect their organiza- 
tion. Many of his comrades who arc still living gratefully bear testimony 
to his valorous record. 

After the conflict ended he was active in the politics of Upson coun f y 
serving as county commissioner for twelve years, during which terms of 
service he was one of the first men in the state to refuse a permit for a 
cross road saloon. 

Captain Atwater was also one of the founders of the R. E. Lee Institute 
of Thomaston, and for twenty-three years acted as chairman for the board 
of trustees for that well known institution. 

For years Captain Atwater was a leader in every movement looking to 
the upbuilding and betterment of his -town and county. 

2978. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Apr. 2'?, 1852; m. A. .1. King. 
Issue by second marriage: 

2979. Tames Robert, b. Aug. 16, bX/3. 

2980. Ada Bynum, b. Oct. 3, 1874; m. George R. Turpin. 

2981. Carrie Payne, b. Dec. 3, 1876; m. James H. Smith 

2982. Susan Euginia, b. June 17, 1880; m. Win. P. Leonard. 


2983. Catherine C, b. July 30, 1886; m. Dec. 16, 1909, Fred Farris. 

2984. Naomi, b. Apr. 19, 1891 ; m. Mar. 28, 1913, Roland W. Spain. 

2949. John W M son of Edmund B. ; m. Sept. 4, 1853, Martha U 
O'Neil, b. Nov. 1, 1833; (2) Mar. 18, 1901, Sarah L. Bulls. He lived in 
Thomaston, Ga., and d. Feb. 22, 1915. 

2985. Mary Emeline, b. Feb. 4, 1856; d. Dec. 23, 1896; m. Nov. 2, 

1892, Rev. J. W. Bailey. 

2986. Charles M., b. Dec. 23, 1858. 

2987. Martha E., b. Oct. 18, 1860; m. Sept. 11, 1881, J. C. Fox. 

2988. George E., b. July 26, 1854. 

2989. Abia Cordelia, b. Oct. 28, 1865 ; m. Jan. 8, 1888, Wm. Matthews. 

Have three sons and two daughters. 

2990. Julia Caroline, b. Sept. 30, 1868. 

2991. Edmond Brouder, b. Oct. 30, 1871. 

2992. John Peterson, b. Oct. 21. 1874. . 

2950. Mary J., dan. of Edmund B. ; m. Jabez M. Dallas. He d. Jan. 
26, 1892. She d. Jan. 31, 1913. Their chil. : Thomas Edwin, John, Lee, 
Griffin, Ga. ; Mattie, m. J. B. Stamps, Thomaston, Ga. ; Willie, d. ; Charlie, 
Sallie, m. Smith ; Daisy, m. Dobbs. 

2951. Thomas J., son of Edmund B. ; m. Falva Dawson; d. Sept. 5, 
1879; (2) Nov., 1880, Ellen Preston; d. Sept., 1914. She was Widow 
Scarborough previously. He resided in Anderson, Ga., and d. Feb. 
22, 1919. 

2993. Geraldine Phereba, b. Oct. 29, 1860; m. Dec. 1, 1880, J. Wesley 


2994. Hull Ashbery, b. Jan. 29, 1869. 
2995/ Ezekiel Robartus, b. Oct. 18, 1865. 

2996. Martha Patterson (Dollie), b. July 26, 1870; m. Jan., 1887, 

Sam Wilson. 

2997. Mary Emeline, b. Aug. 1, 1875; m. Sept., 1894, R. R. Russell. 

2952. Lois A., dau. of Jahaza, b. Aug. 25, 1836; m. April 18, 1861, 
William Franklin Strowd, who was born in Orange county, N. C, Dec. 
7, 1832. He was brought up on a farm and followed farming as a voca- 
tion nearly all his life. He was educated in the Bingham school, High 
Hill Academy, and graduated from the Graham Institute. He moved to 
and made his home at Pittsboro, Chatham county, in 1861, shortly after 
his marriage. He was a member of the state constitutional convention 
in 1875. He was nominated for representative in Congress by the Popu- 
lists in 1892, and again in 1894 when he was elected to the Fifty-fourth 
Congress by 18,662 votes, against 14,335 for Charles M. Cooke, democrat. 
He was re-elected in 1896, serving from Mar. 4, 1895, to Mar. 3, 1899. 


He was assigned to the committee on labor. He was generally called 
"Uncle Buck." A cleaner handed man never quit the nation's capitol 
to render his account to a waiting constituency. He was not a politician , 
political life did not appeal to him. He shrank from the limelight smitten 
by its intolerable glare. The city and its crowded streets depressed him. 
He longed for his quiet country home; for his broad acres; the hush and 
stillness, the solitudes of the solemn hills. He was born among the hills 
and he loved them. And so he came again to live among his beloved 
liills to spend his declining years in the joy of their fellowship and to 
sleep beneath their friendly shadow when life's long day was done. He 
was a member of the M. E. church south. After his return to private 
life he spent most of his time with his son at Chapel Hill. For a number 
of years he taught a class of university students at Sunday school and 
succeeded to an unusual degree in quickening and holding their interest 
in the world of life. He d. Mar. 12, 1911. His wife survived him until 
Feb. 7, 1917. She was a devout Christian woman, a Methodist of the 
old school, and highly esteemed by all who knew her. Her declining 
years were spent with her son at Chapel Hill. 

Robert Lee, b. Feb. 1, 1864; m. April 27, 1886, Fannie Headen. They 
live in Chapel Hill, N. C, where he is an honored and respected 
resident. He is vice-president of the Bank of Chapel Hill. 

W. F, b. July 1, 1887. 

W. H., b. June 2, 1889. 

Bruce, b. Aug. 18, 1891. 

Mary Louisa, b. Aug. 2, 1895. 

Grace, b. July 30, 1897. 

Elizabeth, b. Aug. 18, 1902. 

2953. Carney Compton, SO n of Jahaza; m. 1862, Amelia A. Baldwin. 
He d. Jan. 18, 1878. As a man he was distinguished for energy of 
character. Under his management "the desert places were made to re- 
joice and blossom as the rose," barren fields returned remunerative crops 
to reward him for his pains and the richer soil multiplied his gains. He 
was conspicuous for the integrity of his character. He was converted 
at fourteen years of age and continued membership in the church through 
life, though he shrank from any official position in it. As a Christian he 
was sincere in his belief and consistent in his life. Mrs. Atwater died 
at the home of her son-in-law, Rev. S. B. Turrentinc, in Greensboro, N. 
C, March 18, 1907. As a wife she was a model of loving devotion and 
fidelity, and when left by bereavement to walk the lone path of widow- 
hood she carried with quiet grace and dignity the burdens and responsi- 
bilities of her household. So well did she meet the trials of this difficult 
sphere of life that her sorrow became a crown of glory, and her children 
rise up to call her blessed in token of her motherly devotions. For sev- 
eral years prior to her death she was a great sufferer. Pain was her con 


stant companion and physical helplessness imposed upon her the trial of 
being dependent upon the ministering care of her friends. But her great 
afflictions were borne with such a quiet submission and her strength of 
such gentle trust that her weakness became her strength and turned the 
ministry of her friends into a service of joy. In the home of her daughter, 
where she received unfailing devotion and care, she was the light of the 
household. No murmurs jarred the family peace, and no shadow ever 
darkened her room of suffering. Her last days were filled with weariness 
and pain. 

2998. Sallie Lenora, b. Mar. 24, 1864; m. Rev. S. B. Turrentine. 

2999. Cora Julia, b. Apr. 20, 1866; m. Oliver Clegg Bynum. 

3000. Minnie Burnett, lives at 140 College St., Greensboro, N. C. 

2954. John Wilbur, son of Jahaza; m. (1) Apr. 25, 1861, Eugenia 
E. Farrington, b. Aug. 11, 1845; d. Jan. 8, 1880; (2) 1883, Alice Farring- 
ton, b. Nov. 28, 1849; d. May 14, 1888; (3) 1887, Sophronia J. Baldwin, 
b. Oct. 4, 1835. He d. July 4, 1910. 

3001. Alfred Sidney, b. Oct. 17, 1862. 

3002. John Bunyan, b. Nov. 16, 1868. 

3003. Harriet Lee, b. April 1, 1871 ; m. Charles J. Gregory. 

3004. Addie Susan, b. Dec. 18, 1874; m. T. J. Burroughs. 

3005. William M., b. Nov. 20, 1876. 

2955. Edmund Warren, son of Jehiel ; m. Dec. 5, 1861, Margaret A.. 
dau. of Carney Bynum and Margaret Clegg ; b. Sept. 5, 1841 ; d. June 9, 
1908. He d. Nov. 7, 1916. He lived at Riggsbee, N. C, where he was a 
farmer, and held the office of the justice of the peace. Answering the 
call of his country he served in the confederate army as orderly sergeant 
and to the end of his life loved the comradeship of the "old veterans," 
often attending their reunions. After the war he moved to Chatham 
county where he spent the greater part of his life. He joined the Method- 
ist church in early life at Cedar Grove. He was most loyal to his Lord 
and church; a strong, constant friend to ministers; called himself hi* 
pastor's assistant and it was true. He was far-seeing, clear cut in his 
processes of thought and of a philosophic turn of mind. One writer said 
of him: "I have always regarded Mr. Atwater as one of the most genuine 
Christians that I have ever known. He was ripe and ready for the garne r . 
Doubtless he had his defects, but all in all, I have known very few men 
who stood out and above the multitude as distinctly for Christ as he did. 
The spiritual stream of his life ran smooth and deep, and he never allowed 
the straws that floated upon the surface to disturb the serenity of its 

3006. Sallie Warren, b. Oct. 1, 1862; m. Rev. R. B. John. 

3007. Martha Sophronia, b. Oct. 5, 1867; m. Prof. D. M. Weatherby. 

One son, Bruce Atwater, b. Nov. 20, 1897. 


3008. Alary Eliza b. July 4, 1869; m. Prof. J. M. Turner. 

3009. Julia Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1873; m. James W. Murray. 

3010. Fannie Virginia, b. July 28, 1877; m. Dec. 26, 1900, Rev. N 

M. Watson. Two chil. : Neil McCoy, b. Jan. 9, 1909; Fran- 
ces Atwater, b. Mar. 19, 1911. 

3011. Carney Bynum, b. Mar. 2, 1879. 

2956. Sophronia Jane, dan. of Jehiel ; m. March, 1861, Luther Bynum, 
of Bynum, N. C. She d. Oct. 1, 1892. 

Mr. Bynum was a man always interested in the good of bis country 
and church. Mrs. Bynum was unusually timid and retiring;, yet won the 
love and admiration of all who knew her. She delighted in helping any 
in need or suffering. She was proverbially known as "the widows' 
friend." Her only son lives in California. 

Oliver Clegg, b. May 10, 1864; m. Cora Julia Atwater. 

2957. Hufus Henry, son of Jehiel; m. April 25, 1867, Eliza Cora 
Page. He moved from Durham, N. C, to Missouri in April, 1889. He 
was a type known as an old-fashioned southern gentleman. He joined 
the Confederate army and remained until the close, a member of the 
Fifth N. C. cavalry. He was a traveling salesman and was thoroughly 
successful. He died March 15, 1905. He lived at Liberty, Mo. 

3012. William Anderson, b. March 15, 1868. 

3013. Amraa Frances, b. June 28, 1869 ; m. J. M. Johnson. 

3014. Lucy Warren, b. March 16, 1871 ; m. E. H. Jacobs. 

3015. Orian High, b. March 5, 1873; m. Edgar Cave. 

2958. Mary Catherine, dau. of Jehiel; m. Sept., 1867, Carney W. 
Bynum, b. May 28, 1844; d. Aug. 31, 1909. She lives in Raleigh, N. C. 

Mr. Bynum was a typical old-time southern gentleman, his home a 
typical southern country home, and bis wife a typical housewife and 
mother. They always kept open house, the guest chamber was always 
in readiness, and the meals always planned for some possible friend who 
might drop in. It was the preacher's home and they were the preacher's 


Mr. Bynum was a man of unusual executive ability, a vcr> successful 
business man, prominent in all phases of church work. For years he was 
superintendent of two Sunday schools, holding one in the morning and 
the other, four miles distant, in the afternoon. He was easily the leading 
man in his community and undoubtedly served more people than any 
other man of his day. In all bis affairs and undertakings his devoted 
and affectionate wife was with him, a true helpmate indeed. 

Cornelia Warren, b. Jan. 19, 1872; m. Dec. 27, 1899, Garland O. 
Green, a Methodist minister. He d. Sept. 24, 1903; one -on, Gar- 
land O., b. Apr. 21, 1901; (2) June, 1912, Wm. Seaton Rives. They 


live in Raleigh, N. C. She was educated in Greensboro College 
for Women. After teaching for a while in her home town, she 
was happily married to Rev. Garland O. Green, of the North Caro- 
lina Conference. To them were born two beautiful boys. Into 
this home death came and took away the husband and father, and 
the baby boy. It was then that the frail little woman, who up to 
this time had been unusually sheltered from hardships, took up the 
burden of life and entered the business world with a determination 
that spelled success for her. Being an unusually sweet spirited 
woman of fine personality, strong force of character, and a sincere 
Christian, she has made friends wherever known. A few years 
ago she accepted a responsible position in the Methodist Orphanage, 
at Raleigh, N. C. 

Henry Atwater, b. Mar., 1874; m. Annie Lutterlah. Chil. : Henry 
Lutterlah, b. May 4, 1905; Carney Washington, b. Tan. 19, 1907; 
Mary Delia, b. Nov. 13, 1908; Annie Lutterlah, b. Mar. 14, 1913. 

Annie Bangs, b. May 1, 1881; m. Apr. 21, 1903, Dr. J. N. Taylor. 
They live in Graham, N. C. Chil.: Tames Bynum, b. Mar. 6, 1904; 
Wm. Feree, b. Feb. 26, 1905; Henry Wallace, b. Mar. 25, 1909; 
Joseph Miller, b. Oct. 19, 1913. 

2959. John Nathaniel, son of Jehiel ; m. Jan. 3, 1883, Lillie Gannon. 
They live in Raleigh, N. C. 

He is a man of unquestionable character, always standing firm for 
right and honorable living. In earlier life he lost one arm which has 
handicapped him along the line of life for which he seemed most fitted. 
Having been a salesman for many years he was always popular with his 
customers. He is a genial, cheerful Christian man, always fond of children 
and never failing to interest them. Mrs. Atwater, the eldest daughter of 
Rev. W. C. Gannon, of the North Carolina conference, is a graduate of 
Greensboro College for Women. She is a woman of unusual intelligence 
and refinement, and a staunch Christian. She was a teacher before her 
marriage — and since her children are grown and all married, she has 
fallen back to her first love, that of the school room. Her teaching is 
thorough and far-reaching, instilling in her pupils high ideals and illumi- 
nating the path of those in search of knowledge. 

3016. Mary Harris, b. Jan. 25, 1884; m. Aneas Wilton Barrett. 

3017. William Briggs, b. Mar. 8, 1885. 

3018. Charles Bynum, b. July 22, 1887. 

2960. Martha V., dau. of Jehiel; m. Sept. 3, 1903, Rev. J. W. Jenkins 
of the North Carolina conference, M. E. church south. " He d. July 4, 
1906. She was educated in Greensboro Woman's College, Greensboro, 
N. C. Throughout her whole life there was an earnest desire to do 
some kind of mission work. Discouraged by her friends on account of 


her delicate health the idea and ambition still clung to her. She felt that 
she must do something in a worth while way, as she walked along life's 
road. When, without any effort on her part, she was elected as first 
matron of the Methodist Orphanage at Raleigh, N. C, she accepted, be- 
lieving that her opportunity had come. Later, when she gave her hand 
in marriage to Rev. J. W. Jenkins, founder and superintendent of the 
orphanage, she knew that this was her life work, and together they worked 
with unceasing labor until, from a feeble beginning, the orphange had 
grown into proportions that promised perpetuity. Then Mr. Jenkins 
laid down his beautiful life, and bound more closely than ever to the 
product of their united efforts, she has mothered the little orphan 
children who have been denied the love and care of fathers and mother?, 
and brought to them the light and joy of real home life. 

Slight, small, frail in body, but great in soul, Mattie Atwater Jenkins 
has given her whole life for the happiness of others. With a sympathetic 
mind, a hand skilled in helpfulness, a heart that loves wisely, an unusual 
measure of ability in managing and controlling she has shared the hopes 
and heartaches of hundreds of boys and girls who delight to call her 
mother, and in whose lives "Miss Mattie" is a beacon light. She d. Oct. 
28, 1925. 

2961. James Bobbitt, son of Jehiel ; m. Nov. 17, 1878, Nellie East- 
wood Page. He is a farmer, merchant and cotton buyer. From childhood 
Mr. Atwater has been an indefatigable and conscientious worker. Handi- 
capped by frail health in his early young manhood, he worked on amid 
difficulties. After taking a business course he became, when quite young, 
bookkeeper for the Odell Manufacturing Co. at his home. From that 
time on he has filled responsible positions in church, state and business, 
representing his county in the legislature and his church in every import- 
ant position that a layman can hold. Not only is Mr. Atwater loved by 
his home people, but is respected and esteemed by all who come in con- 
tact with him. He is a man who has the courage of his convictions and 
while unusually sweet spirited, is still almost unshakable in his beliefs. 
There is nothing he will not do, no sacrifice he will not make to aid his 

He has been the leader in every movement looking to the uplift of his 
town, county and state. Mr. Atwater married Miss Nell Page, who comes 
of a distinguished and representative family. She is a cousin and foster 
sister of the ambassador, Hon. Walter Page. They have eight children, 
four of whom are living. The oldest son volunteered in the world war. 

He received an academic education in county schools in Chatham, and 
took a business course at Eastman National Business College, Pough- 
keepsie, N. Y. Spent most of his life at Bynum, his present home, serv- 
ing first the Bynum Manufacturing Co., cotton manufacturers, as book- 
keeper, later bookkeeper and general manager, for the J. M. Odell Man- 


ufacturing Co., operating cotton mill and general store. Now engaged in 
mercantile business and operating roller mill and ginnery. In public 
matters he has served his county as county commissioner, member of 
board of education, representative in the state senate, member of 'the 
"Local Exemption Board" in 1917-'18, and "Chairman of County Board 
of Equalization" under "New Valuation Act," 1919. In church relations 
he belongs to Southern Methodist church, serving as steward, trustee, 
district steward, Sunday School superintendent and member of North 
Carolina Conf. S. S. Board. Like most of his kinsmen, he also owns a 
farm and delights in agriculture, hog and cattle raising. 

3019. Frank Page, b. Oct. 7, 1899. 

3020. Warren Eastwood, b. Nov. 13, 1903. 

3021. Robert Bynum, b. May 5, 1916. 


2962. William IJascom, son of Matthew; m. June 1, 1870, Martha 
Helen, dan. of David and Eliza Clegg, b. Dec. 20, 1848. He d. Aug. 5, 
1908. She lives at Teer, N. C. Thomas A. Atwater writes of him as 
follows: "For many years he was one of the community's leading citizens 
and a most successful farmer, living near his father's home in Chatham 
county. He united with the Methodist Episcopal church in early boyhood, 
at old Cedar Grove church, at which place he remained a consistent 
member the rest of his life; was for many years a steward and a faithful 
teacher in his Sunday school. He was of a jovial disposition, always 
looking on the bright side of life ; beloved and respected by all who knew 
him. He was attending services at his church on Aug. 5, 1908, when the 
congregation was called to prayer, volunteers to ask God's blessing upon 
the meeting that day were called for. I think he was the second person 
to respond, and I shall always remember the last words he uttered at 
the close of his prayer when he said, "and may we all meet in heaven." 
He was taken violently ill and carried out of the church by myself and 
others. He died on the grounds in a few minutes, before the services or 
a physician could be had and was buried there the next day. 

3022. Dora Alice, b. May 7, 1871; m. J. S. Morrow. 

3023. Lizzie Bynum, b. May 5, 1873; m. Dec. 24, 1895, A. L. Bell. 

3024. Mary Olivia, b. May 16, 1877; m. Jan. 2, 1901, Claude E. 


3025. Margaret Blanche, b. Feb. 20, 1879; m. C. H. Strowd. 

3026. David Marvin, b. Oct. 31, 1881. 

3027. Carney Bennett, b. Sept. 20, 1882. 

3028. Flora Lerma, b. Oct. 10, 1884; m. Charles Lloyd. 

3029. Mattie Lillian, b. Oct. 24, 1888; m. Bruce Strowd. 


2<)«:5. Marietta, dau. of Matthew; m. Mar. 6, 1867, H. Clay Clegg. 
Live at Moncure, N. C. 

Emily E., b. Alar. 1, 1871; m. Nov. 17, 1889, Charles J. Knight. Live 
at Moncure, N. C. 

Clarence B., b. Oct. 20, 1890; m. Dec. 20, 1916, Jonnievan Dittmar. 
Live at Fort Pierce, Fla. One son, Albert Charles, b. Aug. 
30, 1919. 
t Wallace B., b. Nov. 26, 1892. 
Raymond R., b. Dec. 26, 1894. 
James Ralph, b. Apr. 5, 1897. 
Mary Clay, b. Oct. 3, 1899. 
Frizelle L, b. Feb. 2, 1902. 
Emma Lee, 1). Apr. 9, 1904. 
Mattie Edna, b. Jan. 9, 1906. 
Charles H., b. Dec. 8, 1908. 
Katherine L., b. Aug. 6, 1911. 
Swindell R., b. May 5, 1914. 

Elizabeth M., b. Apr. 17, 1873. 

Lois J., b. Dec. 26, 1875; m. Dec. 1, 1897, N. A. Perry. Live at Pitts- 

boro, N. C. Chil.: Lorene, b. June 2, 1902; Mary, b. July 5, 1907; 

Edwin, b. Fel>. 15. 1912. 

Cornelia B., b. Mar. 18, 1883; m. June 29, 1910, Rev. F. S. Love. 

Went as missionary to Brazil; d. Sept. 13, 1916. Chil.: Cornelia, 

1). May 9, 1912; Mary Harvey, b. July 25, 1914. 
Olivia Lulu, b. Sept. 10, 1885; m. Dec. 26, 1906, W. C. Henderson 

Live at Pittsboro, N. C. Chil.: Kiah, b. Feb. 23, 1908; Cornelia, 

b. Sept. 25, 1909; Grady, b. Dec. 25, 1910; Harry, b. July 4, 1912; 

Leon, b. June 28, 1914; Mary Atwater, b. Mar. 26, 1916; Lois, b. 

Mar. 21, 1918. 
Frank R., b. Jan. 28, 1888; m. Nov. 26, 1916, Lizzie Cole. 
Ernest R., b. July 18, 1890. 
Henry C, b. Sept. 8, 1894. 

2904. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Matthew; m. Dec. 20, 1871, John B. 
Clegg. They live in Moncure, N. C. He was b. May 20, 1850. 

Cornelia E., b. Sept. 17, 1872; m. Nov. 26, 1908, R. A. Speed. 

Robert W., b. April 18, 1880; m. Aug. 7, 1915, Ethel Peterson. One 
dau., Margaret Starr, b. Aug. 10, 1917. 

Maggie W., b. Aug. 4, 1882; m. Oct. 18, 1905, Joseph W. Womble. 
Chil.: Mary E., b. Aug. 24, 1907; Samuel Baxter, b. Oct. 25, 1909, 
d. Nov. 13, 1909; Joseph Wilson, b. Jan. 29, 1911; Harvey Clegg,' 
b. Feb. 15. 1913; James L., b. Apr. 29, 1915; Lois, b. Aug. 29. 1917. 
Alvis B., b. Mar. 19, 1884; m. Feb. 7, 1915, Ollie Gunter. One 
son, John Carlton, b. Feb. 28, 1917. 


Mary E., b. Apr. 3, 1887. 
Grace I., b. June 20, 1892. 
Thomas B., b. May 9, 1894. 

2965. Sophronia Ida, dau. of Matthew ; m. Sept. 28, 1876, George T. 
Morrow, of Mebane, N. C. 

Luther William, b. June 10, 1878. 

Myrtle Emiley, b. June 5, 1880; m. Nov. 22, 1910, Vance Sykes. One 

dau., Myrtle Ruth, b. Aug. 4, 1918. Lives at Savannah, Ga. 
Calvin Newton, b. Oct. 18, 1884; m. Oct. 8, 1912, Bonnie Moore. 

Live at Mebane, N. C. Chil. : Katherine E., b. July 5, 1913 ; Myrtle, 

b. Mar. 13, 1916; Wm. Henry, b. May 13, 1918. 
Thomas Lacy, b. Aug. 12, 1888; m. Aug. 25, 1917, Ethel Kilroy. 

2966. Martha Josephine, dau. of Matthew ; m. in 1877, Robert G. 
Morrow. She d. Nov. 19, 1904. He d. Sept. 16, 1908. 

Jehiel B., b. Dec. 2, 1878; m. Dec. 12, 1906, Lillie N. Crawford. 

Chil.: Ada R, b. Nov. 6, 1907; Robert G., b. July 14, 1909; Herbert 

G., b. June 14, 1911; Ralph W.. b. Apr. 6, 1914; Dwight M., b. July 

8, 1916. 
Ernest E., b. Jan. 18, 1881. 
Mary E., b. June 28, 1883; m. Mar. 27, 1918, David Henry Stewart. 

Live at Whitsett, N. C. One son, David Henry, Jr., b. Sept. 28, 


2967. Emily Anzonetta, dau. of Matthew ; married Isaac Walter 
Pritchard. He is a retired manufacturer and lives at Chapel Hill, N. C. 
He is respected in the community as an upright citizen and has a devoted 

Mary Eleanor, b. Nov. 22, 1883. 

Olivia Josephine, b. July 1, 1885. 

Thomas Benjamin, b. Nov. 8, 1886. 

Julia Maud, b. Dec. 6, 1888; m. Aug. 16, 1916, Arthur P. Bristow, 

superintendent of schools in Va. 
William Grady, b. May 28, 1896; m. Sept. 25, 1926, Sarah Holland 

Vera, b. Feb. 27, 1899; m. Oct. 23, 1926, St. Julien Lachicotte Springs 
Margaret, b. Nov. 4, 1901. 

2968. Thomas A., son of Matthew ; m. Nov. 12, 1890, Annie M. Siler, 
b. Jan. 21, 1869; d. Jan. 15, 1898; (2) Jan. 3, 1906, Isa R, dau. of James 
and Catherine Fulmer, b. Dec. 16, 1883. He was educated at the Thomp- 
son military school, Siler City, N. C, where he met his first wife. He 
settled on a farm, near his father's home in Chatham county, where he 


lived until the death of his wife. Leaving his children in the care of 
relatives he became traveling salesman for the Pomona Nursery of Greens- 
boro, N. C. He canvassed Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, 
Louisiana and Arkansas and was very successful. After his second 
marriage he located in Yazoo City, Miss., but on account of the malarial 
condition, he returned to North Carolina. His father's death occurred 
two years before, so he bought the old homestead with two adjoining 
farms and has prospered ever since. He has seven sons living and is 
doing his share to perpetuate the family name. His post office address 
is Teer, N. C. 

3030. Samuel A., b. Sept. 13, 1891; m. Mar. 30, 1913, Lillian Lloyd. 

Two chil. : Clyde L., b. Oct. 2, 1914, and Annie L., b. Mar 
6, 1918. 
Issue by second marriage: 

3031. Wade H, b. Oct. 4, 1906. 

3032. Martha A., b. Jan. 19, 1908. 

3033. Jeff D, b. Oct. 3, 1909. 

3034. Charles C, b. Mar. 11, 1911. 

3035. Thomas A., Jr., b. July 1, 1913. 

3036. Matthew W., b. July 10, 1915. 

3037. Herman C, b. Oct. 11, 1917. 

3038. Naomi Catherine, b. July 27, 1919. 

2969. Margaret Lulu, dau. of Matthew; m. Sept. 8, 1886, Rufus P. 
Womble. Live in Moncure, N. C. 

James Floy, b. Aug. 30, 1889 ; m. June 26, 1916, Nellie L. McCullers. 
Live in Kansas City, Mo. One dau., May Atwater, b. Apr. 4, 1918 

Martha Roberta, b. July 27, 1892; m. July 23, 1914, Rev. E. C. Dur- 
ham. Live at Goldsboro, N. C. Two sons, Ralph Kilgo, b. May 
17, 1915; d. Oct. 11, 1916; Dwight Womble, b. Feb. 20, 1917; Ruth 
Arden, b. June 27, 1919. 

Matthew Guy, b. June 20, 1901. 

2970. James M., son of Matthew; m. Lillian Anderson. He lives in 
Burlington, N. C. 

3039. Annie May, b. July 14, 1898. 

3040. Henry Anderson, b. Nov. 6, 1899. 

3041. James M., Jr., b. Jan. 6, 1902. 

3042. William Edward, b. Mar. 5, 1914. 

2971. Nellie A., dau. of Matthew; m. Jan. 6, 1897, Robert L. Patter- 
son. They live in Greensboro, N. C, where he is one of the leading 


Frank Atwater, b. Mar. 11, 1898. 


Eugenia, b. Sept. 22, 1900. 
Robert Houston, b. Nov. 19, 1903. 
Mary Louisa, b. Mar. 6, 1910. 

2972. Thomas F., SO n of John F. ; m. Nov. 25, 1886, Annie H. Pugh 
He d. July 2, 1890. 

3043. Varnie L., b. Oct. 21, 1887. 

2973. Mary E., dau. of John F. ; m. Apr. 3, 1881, Thomas R. Cole; 
d. April 7, 1900; (2) Aug. 3, 1910, J. W. Elliott; d. March 22, 1924. (3) 
Nov. 7, 1925, J. T. Lambe. Live in Mebane, N. C. 

Julia, b. Mar. 13, 1882; m. June 7, 1906, Roy M. Brown. Chil. : Roy, 

Julia, Tbomas and Francis Battle. 
Mary Olivia, b. Dec. 17, 1883; m. Dec. 6, 1906, H. C. Elliott. Chil : 

Horace C, Jr., Man- Louise, Rubie and Grace. 
Rolah Ernest, b. Dec. 27, 1886; m. Apr. 12, 1906, Omega Dickey. 

Chil.: Lucille Roney, Rolah E., Jr., and Tbomas Chessie. 
John Pendleton, b. Dec. 18, 1888; m. June 19, 1912, Sallie McCauley 

Chil. : John P., Jr., and Yirgilia. 
Nellie Atwater, b. Apr. 26, 1892; m. Dec. 17, 1914, J. F. Spear. Chil. • 

Louise, and James Finley, Jr., b. June 30, 1922. 
Thomas R., b. Sept. 29, 1895; m. Nov. 22, 1921, Mary Parker; one 

son, Jesse W., b. May 1, 1924. 

2974. Margaret E., dau. of John F. ; m. Feb. 11, 1885, James Manly 
Durham. They live on a farm near Chapel Hill, N. C. 

Carney E., b. July 12, 1886; m. Apr. 10, 1918, Louise Cramer. They 
live in Leahville, N. C. Two sons: Lewis Wilson and Carney 

Nora Olivia, b. Sept. 5, 1887; m. May 3, 1908, Rev. Judson W. Hack- 
ney. She w&s educated at Littleton college. He is serving on the 
Table Rock circuit. Five chil. : Mary Eunice, in school at Morgan- 
town, Raymon, Wilson, David and Ruth. 

Vira Elizabeth, b. Aug. 18, 1891; m. 1921, W. D. Callaway. Live at 
Atlanta, Ga. One son, William, b. Dec. 6, 1923. 

Samuel Rose, b. Aug. 22, 1895 ; m. Jan. 28, 1922, Ivah Jane Tranning. 
Two sons : Samuel David, b. Jan. 1, 1923, and Philip Odey, b. June 
2, 1924. 

Carey Winston, b. Dec. 4, 1897. Student at George Washington Uni- 
versity Medical College, at Washington, D. C. 

Harvey Irving, b. Dec. 10, 1899; m. Dec. 6, 1924, Mabel Hambright, 
of Greenville, S. C. He is a traveling salesman for R. J. Reynolds 
Tobacco Co., and lives at Elberton, Ga. 


Nellie Alma, b. Feb. 10, 1902. Stenographer, lives at Atlanta, Ga. 
Lewis M., b. Oct. 28, 1906. Student at Strayer's Business College at 
Washington, D. C. 

Grady Watson, b. June 28, 1908. Student in High School, Cbapel 

Hill, N. C. 
Paul Reid, b. May 3, 1911. 

2975. Wilson Bynum, son of John F. ; m. Apr. 2, 1902, Lillie Lam- 
beth. Live in Greensboro, N. C. 

3044. Julia Elizabeth, b. June 29, 1903. 

3045. Margaret Lee, b. Mar. 5, 1905. 

3046. John Lambeth, b. May 10, 1908. 

2976. Julia Olivia, dan. of John F. ; m. March 1895, Walter A., son 
of Wagstaff and Julia Rice Maynard, b. Apr. 12, 1863. He was reared 
on the farm and was being educated at Oak Ridge Institute when his 
father died and he had to leave school to assist his mother in caring for 
her younger children and to attend to the farm. From childhood a noble, 
good character was instilled in him and he has been an honorable citizen. 
They live at the old family home on the farm in Caswell county, N. C. 

Reid Atwater, b. Sept. 24, 1896. 

Julia Bynum, b. Mar. 16, 1899; m. June, 1923, Virgil' Warren. 

Walter, Jr., b. Oct. 22, 1909. 

2977. Luther E., son of John F. ; m. July 20, 1899, Mamie Garrison. 
He was left an orphan when epiite young, but with plenty of vim and 
determination, he struggled with adversity, paying his tuition in the Bur- 
lington, N C. public schools doing janitor work, then working in a store 
at small salary, and finishing his education at Oak Ridge Institute, where 
he again earned his way, acting as cook part of the time. He returned 
to Burlington, entering the employ of Williamson, Inc., wholesale grocers, 
one of the largest firms in that line in the state, at $15 per month. He 
was vice-president, drawing as large a salary as any member of the firm 
when he resigned after eighteen years' service. He is now owner of a 
prosperous automobile business and the leader in his line in Alamance 
county, handling the well known Ford car. He is popularly known as 
"Luke." He attributes a large amount of his success to his estimable 
wife, the mother of four boys and three uirls, all living except one who 
died in infancy. 

3047. Annie Lea, b. Nov. 30, 1900; m. Sept. 5, 1922, C. H. Keels, one 

dau., Sarah Wilson, b. June 10, 1923. 

3048. John Wilson, b. Dec. 6, 1901 ; m. Oct. 20, 1926, Carolyn Booth. 

3049. Luther Edmund, b. Apr. 10, 1911. 

3050. Ruth Mae, b. Feb. 1, 1913. 


3051. Robert Nathaniel, b. Mar. 24, 1914. 

3052. Mary Tuttle, b. Sept. 24, 1916. 

3053. Francis Garrison, b. Apr. 20, 1921. 

2978. Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of James W. ; m. Oct. 2, 1871, A. j. 
King. Lives in Culloden, Ga. 

Carrie Lou, b. Sept. 15, 1872; m. April 1, 1894, George Milton Rhodes. 

Wade Judson, b. March 5, 1895. 

Cornelia Morrison, b. April 15, 1908. 
Addie Ellis, b. Nov. 8, 1874; m. July 14, 1895, Dudley Irving Wood- 

John Abner, b. Dec. 10, 1909. 

Antoinette Hammond, b. July 2, 1913. 
Nellie Florence, b. June 2, 1877. Unm. 
Mary Edna, b. Aug. 25, 1879; m. Sept. 19, 1904, William Roscoe Perdue. 

Augustus Rawson, b. April 5, 1906. 

Nell Teresa, b. April 7, 1908. 

William Roscoe, Jr., b. June 24, 1913. 

Aquila Butler, b. Feb. 1, 1883 ; m. May 6, 1909, Miss Margaret Eliza- 
beth Lunsford. 

Sarah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 15, 1911. 
Aquila Butler, Jr., b. Oct. 13, 1914. 

John Thomas, b. Oct. 18, 1885; m. Apr. 18, 1911, Maymie Lunsford. 

Augustus Judson, b. Feb. 8, 1912. 

Frances Helen, b. Jan. 6, 1914. 

John T., Jr., b. Nov. 23, 1915. 

Margaret Elizabeth. 1). June 15, 1917. 

Mildred Lunsford, b. Feb. 22, 1919. 
Augustus Rawson, b. June 15, 1891 ; m. Sept. 28, 1913, Mannie Cran 

Augustus Rawson, Jr., b. April 22, 1917. 

2979. Colonel James K.. son of James W. ; banker, manufacturer 
and state senator, was b. Aug. 16, 1872, in Thomaston, Georgia. In 
childhood and youth, Colonel Atwater's tastes led him to the study of 
literature, and especially history. He was never very strong physically, 
but was more inclined to remain indoors and read than to run out and 
romp with the other boys. He was a good student. At R. E. Lee In- 
stitute, Thomaston, where he graduated in 1890, he finished at the head 
of his class. Observing the restless and brilliant genius of his son, the 
father set himself to the task of training it in the right channels. He 
gave him small tasks to perform, partly to teach him the love of work 
and partly to keep him out of mischief. He took him into his private 
banking room and taught him the banking business. The son was active, 


intelligent and ambitious. It was natural for him to work. In fact, he 
could do almost anything he tried, except remain idle. There are many 
such men in the world — the restless, pushing kind. They are the ones 
who accomplish things, who "bring things to pass." 

The banking business did not occupy all of Colonel Atwater's time 
He took some part in social matters. He joined the Upson Guards, 
Company H, Second Infantry, National Guard of Georgia; was promoted 
to the rank of Captain, and held the position for ten years. Governor 
Terrell appointed him Assistant Quartermaster-General of the state, with 
the rank of Major. In 1907 he was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel as 
an aide on the staff of Governor Hoke Smith ; then after serving on the 
staff of Governor Brown, is now a retired military officer with rank of 
Lieutenant-Colonel. He has been Mayor of Thomaston for nearly twelve 
years. For several years he served as a member of the board of education 
of Upson county. He is also past master of the local lodge of Masons, 
is a Shriner, and past chancellor commander of the local lodge of the 
Woodmen of the World. 

He was president of the Thomaston Cotton Mills in 1901 and the Odessa 
bank of Odessadale ; vice-president Upson County Oil Mills, the Thomas 
ton Cotton Mills (since 1901) and the Upson Banking and Trust Company 
which he founded in 1900. On account of ill health he retired from all 
these positions, except the Thomaston Cotton Mills where he is a member 
of the executive committee of the board of directors. Subsequently he 
recovered and is now in good health again. 

He has a long military record. He was captain of 'Upson guards," Co. 
H, Second Infantry, from Nov. 27, 1899, to July 28, 1906 major and as- 
sistant quartermaster-general, state of Georgia, July 28, 1906, to Oct. 9, 
1907; lieutenant-colonel, aide-de-camp, staff of governor, Oct. 9, 1907, to 
June 24, 1909; again from Sept. 9, 1911, to Nov. 15, 1911, retired; lieuten- 
ant colonel national guard, retired, June 24, 1909, to Sept. 9, 1911. 

On Feb. 14, 1917, he married Annie Elizabeth, dau. of Peter W. and 
Susan Reid Walton, of Madison, Ga. His wife comes from a long line 
of distinguished people, who are direct descendants of George Walton, 
signer of the Declaration of Independence. 

3054. Richmond Walton, b. Aug. 24, 1921. 

2980. Ada Bynum, dau. of James W. ; b. Oct. 3, 1874; m. Jan. 10, 

1894, George R. Turpin. He d. Nov. , 1896. She d. Jan. 20, 1918. 

The children reside at Richmond, Virginia. 

Eugenia Elizabeth, m. William Dabney, Jr., Richmond, Va. 

Frances Caroline. 

George R., Jr. 

James Robert Atwater. 


Walter H. 


2981. Carrie Payne, dau. of James W. ; m. June 19, 1901, James H. 
Smith, vice-president and cashier of the Savings Bank of Griffin, Ga. 

Antoinette Respess, b. Dec. 28, 1902. 
James Henry, b. Aug. 23, 1906. 

2982. Susan Eugenia, dau. of James W. ; m. June 10, 1903, William 
Parker Leonard (M. D.). They live in Talbotton, Ga. 

Martha Eugenia, b. Sept. 9, 1904. 
Carolyn Atwater, b. June 22, 1908. 
William Parker, Jr., b. April 7, 1912. 

2986. Charles M., son of John W. ; m. Dec. 20, 1888, Savannah Isa- 
bella, dau. of C. H. Matthews and Frances A. Green, b. Apr. 7, 1859. He 
is a newspaper writer in Macon, Ga. Their three boys were all in the 
U. S. army fighting for universal freedom in 1918. 

3055. Martha F., b. Aug. 2, 1890; m. Dec. 20, 1911, Wily Harry 

Adams. They live in Dudley, Ga. 
Charles Wyoreth, b. Dec. 17, 1912. 
Phil Albilene, b. Jan. 6, 1914. 
Wily Harry, Jr., b. Mar. 5, 1918. 
Robert Thurston, b. Sept. 12, 1920. 
Martha Frances, b. Nov. 11, 1922. 

3056. Bennier M, b. Dec. 6, 1891. 

3057. Robert E., b. Dec. 30, 1893. 

3058. James A., b. Oct. 5, 1895. 

2988. George E., son of John W. ; m. Sept. 30, 1907, Mrs. Mattie 
Daniel Gober. He d. May 8, 1918. 

3059. Martha Carolyn, b. Sept. 14, 1908. 

3060. Walter Blanford, b. Feb. 23, 1911. 

2994. Hull Asbery, son of Thomas J.; m. Nov. 25, 1888, Laura 
Rosilee Parks, b. Oct. 21, 1867; d. Feb. 19, 1903; (2) Sept. 5, 1916, Mrs 
Daisy Backhouse, d. Feb. 28, 1907; (3) June 29, 1913, Minnie G. Simmons 
Resides at Palatka, Fla. He held for years responsible position with the 
Wilson Lumber company. 

3061. Lena Pearl, b. Aug. 20, 1889. 

3062. Edmund Davis, b. Dec. 5, 1890. 

3063. Annie Laura, b. June 20, 1892. 

3064. Hull Alexander, b. Nov. 10, 1893. 

3065. Hattie Howard, b. Nov. 10, 1893. 

3066. Bessie Clyde, b. Mar. 10, 1895. 

3067. Addie Lou, b. Oct. 10, 1896. 

3068. Iva Mae, b. Jan. 30, 1899. 

3069. Lester Hallie, b. Apr. 2, 1902. 


2905. Ezekiel Robartus, son of Thomas J.; m. Jan. 9, 1898, Blanche 
Perry, 1). Dec. 7, 1870. They live in Andersonville, Ga. Three chil. d. 
in infancy. 

3070. Lois Add, b. Jan. 28, 1902. 

3071. Viva Lillian, b. Jan. 1, 1904. 

3072. Falva Mildred, b. Dec. 21, 1911. 

3073. Emory Wilbur, b. Oct. 29, 1914. 

2998. Lenoia S., dan. of Carney Compton ; m. Jan. 4, 1888, Rev. 
Samuel Bryant Turrentine. She was educated at Greensboro College for 
\\'i mien. 

(Greensboro Daily News, Wednesday, March 19, 1913.) 

Rev. Mr. Turrentine, now president of the Greensboro College for 
Women, was graduated with distinction at the University of North Caro- 
lina with the degree of A. B. in 1884, winning the Greek medal and the 
prize on moral philosophy. Upon finishing a post graduate course in 
moral philosophy, history and English literature he received the degree of 
A. M. from the same institution. Other educational training were a 
theological course in Yanderbilt university and a correspondence course 
in Hebrew in Yale and Chicago universities. The degree of D. D. was 
conferred on him by Trinity college. 

Dr. Turrentine has had varied experience as a successful teacher in the 
state public schools and as teacher and superintendent in high schools. 
He was superintendent of Union Literary academy, Chatham county, 
when the school reached its highest stage of prosperity, including the 
music department and literary curriculum, preparing young men and 
young women for college. He was associate principal of Institute, Car- 
tersville, Ga., including literary, business, and music departments. He 
has been associated in conducting examinations for public school teachers, 
and when elected to the chair of Hebrew and New Testament Greek in 
Trinity college, assisted President John F. Crowell in revising the curri- 
culum of the college. 

Dr. Turrentine has had a wide ministerial and administrative experi- 
ence, his ministerial life embracing circuits, stations and districts and 
constructive leadership and administration in various lines. His first 
charge in conference was King's mountain circuit, and he has served at 
Winston Centenary, Charlotte, Trinity and Greensboro West Market. As 
presiding elder he served four years on the Greenshoro district and is 
now on the Shelby district. 

During his ministry in Greensboro he was associated in leadership of 
aggressive campaigns over the state in behalf oi saving, rebuilding and 
endowing Greensboro Female College, including the raising of numerous 


funds for the institution. For the last ten years he has been a trustee 
of the college, and for the last twenty years a trustee of Trinity college, 
and has been actively associated in administering the affairs of these two 
institutions during the most crucial and constructive periods of their 
history. He has been an influential member of important boards and com- 
mittees in church and conference work. 

As evidence of recognized administrative capacity the following respon- 
sible positions, requiring constructive leadership, were tendered. The 
presidency of Trinity college at the time of Dr. Crowell's resignation, 
the presidency of Greensboro Female college, the editorship of the N. C. 
Christian Advocate and the superintendency of the Children's Home. His 
children are : 

Samuel Bryant, Jr., b. Dec. 9, 1888; m. Nov. 7, 1912, Lucy May Webb, 
b. Dec. 16, 1894. He was educated at the high school in Greensboro 
in 1907. At this time he won several prizes as a short story writer 
and a scholarship to a college for making one of the highest records 
in his class. He is in business with the Majestic Range company 
of St. Louis, Mo. They have two chil. : Jack Webb, b. Aug. 19, 
1913, and Dorothy Mae, b. Oct. 24, 1922. 

Annie Leonora, b. Feb. 28, 1891 ; m. Aug. 19, 1916, Harry J. Simmonds, 
b. Apr. 2, 1885. He is an architect. While incapacitated for active 
service during the war, he offered his services in an architectural 
way to his government. He did work for the naval base and the 
United States Housing Corporation at Norfolk, Va., until the end 
of the war. She graduated from the high school in Greensboro, 
N. C, and won a scholarship at Shorter College, Rome, Ga., ther. 
to a Methodist school, Randolph-Macon College for Women at Lynch- 
burg, Va. ; later to the Greensboro College for Women. Subse- 
quently she studied voice in New York and in Minneapolis under 
Hamlin Hunt. They now live in Greensboro, N. C. 

Wilbur Clinton, b. Sept. 2, 1894 ; m. Apr. 26, 1924, Mary Neyle Daniels, 
b. Aug. 20, 1896. He graduated from Schelley high school and 
Davidson college, N. C, attended the New York School of Music 
and Arts and was associated with the Jefferson Standard Life In- 
surance company and the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance com 
pany of Minneapolis, Minn. He was in the allied service in France. 
He is now holding a responsible position with the former insurance 
company in Minneapolis. 

Julian Atwater, b. Dec. 4, 1898; m. Aug. 15,' 1922, Nellie Goff. Thev 
have one son, Julian Atwater, Jr., b. June 27, 1924. 

Walter William, b. June 18, 1906. 

2999. Cora Julia, dau. of Carney C. ; m. Jan. 16, 1890, Oliver Clegg 
Bynum, b. May 10, 1864. She was graduated from Greensboro (N. C), 


Female College. He lives in Burlingame, Cal., and is a commission cotton 
merchant of San Francisco. He is a graduate of the University of North 
Carolina. He was his mother's only son and from his early life they 
were very companionate. He is a man of sterling principles. 

Pierrie B., b. Oct. 9, 1891. 

Saphronia Amelia, b. Jan. 21, 1894. 

Preston Gray. b. Aug. 11, 1899. 

3001. Alfred Sidney, son of John Wilbur and Eugenia; m. Oct. 24, 
1887, Cena A., dau. of J. V. Roberts of Granville county, N. C. He was 
educated at the Hughes Academy and Bingham school in Orange county, 
N. C. ; studied medicine at the University of North Carolina and graduated 
from the medical department of the Vanderbilt University of Nashville, 
Tenn. He located at Knap of Reeds in Granville county, N. C, where 
he gained a lucrative practice. He died Dec. 11, 1902. He was faithful 
in every relation of life which he sustained. He was an obedient son, 
affectionate husband, compassionate father and sympathetic friend. 

3074. Garland Marvin, b. July 30, 1890; m. June 25, 1913, Celia 

Miltier Winslow. Have one child, Martha Larcena, b. May 
17, 1917. He is a druggist at Washington, N. C. 

3075. John Graham, b. May 7, 1892; m. Dec. 18, 1913, Mary Pearl 

Bullock. He is a farmer at Stem, N. C. Chil. : Maude 
Vivian, b. Aug. 6, 1916; Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1918: 
Cena Estelle and Dena Mozelle (twin girls), b. July 16, 1919. 

3076. Alfred Sidney, Jr., b. March 29, 1894; m. Nov. 15, 1916, Sallie 

Sue Abernathy. Chil.: Alfred Sidney, Jr., b. Oct. 28, 1917; 
Carolyn Eugenia, b. Sept. 18, 1918. He is a traveling sales- 
man and lives at Durham, N. C. 

3077. Hazel Blanche, b. June 17, 1898. She is a teacher and lives at 

Washington, N. C. 

3002. John Banyan, son of John Wilbur; m. May 5, 1892, Burta 
Snipes. They live at Chapel Hill, N. C. 

3078. Roland L., b. May 11, 1894. 

3079. Sallie Ruth, b. May 9, 1897. 

3080. John Wilbur, b. Oct. 9, 1899. 

3081. Grace Snipes, b. Dec. 22, 1901. 

3082. William Paul, b. Sept. 12, 1904. 

3083. Hubert Lee, b. June 13, 1907. 

3003. Harriet Lee, dau. of John W. and Eugenia E. ; m. Dec. 30, 

1897, Charles Joseph Gregory. Her mother died when she was very 
young. She spent the greater part of her childhood days with her aunt, 
Mrs. W. F. Strowd, Chapel Hill, N. C. She had private teachers; went 
to the college at Staunton, Va. Mr. Gregory, son of Josepli and Rebecca, 


was born May 17, 1866. He is a direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell 
on his father's side, and Huguenots on his mother's side. Grandson of 
Thomas L. B. Gregory, editor and publicist. He attended Hormer's Mili 
tary school, Oxford, N. C. ; graduated Bryant and Stratton College 
Baltimore, Md. Taught four years at Oxford, N. C. Taught thirteen 
years in the Marianna public schools. They have lived all of their married 
life in Ark. He has been engaged in mercantile pursuits, and as an 
accountant the greater part of the time. Served four years as city alder- 
man and chairman of finance committee. He is fond of Masonry and is 
past master of Blue lodge and past eminent commander of Apollo com- 
mandery. He is lay reader in the St. Andrew's Episcopal church, Mari- 
anna, Ark. No children. 

3005. William Mebane, son of John Wilbur; m. Jan. 25, 1905, Ada, 
dau. of John B. Smith. He d. June 21, 1911. His childhood days were 
spent on his father's farm in Chatham county. 'Twas here in a Christian 
home, surrounded by nature and her teachings that the foundation was 
laid for a sympathetic, loving, disposition that characterized his early 
manhood and grew with advancing years. When but a youth he con- 
nected himself with the Methodist Episcopal church and lived a life 
consistent with its teachings. Devoted to parents and loved ones he ever 
found in the home circle life's greatest enjoyment. Generous to a fault, 
the suffering or need of a fellowman always appealed to him sometimes 
before consideration was taken for his own well being. No one standing 
in want before him was ever turned away empty handed. Seeking the 
good rather than the evil in all mankind, his motto in spirit was : Judge 
not that ye be not judged and love thy brother as thyself. 

Mr. Atwater was in his thirty-fifth year and a young man who gave 
much promise in life. A student at the Agricultural and Mechanical 
College, Raleigh, when war was declared with Spain, he was among those 
who answered the call for volunteers, and served until peace was declared. 
For several years he had resided in Arkansas where he contracted that 
dreaded disease, tuberculosis. Several months were spent in southwest 
Texas seeking to regain health. Later a course of treatment was taken 
at Chagmont sanatorium, Black Mountain, and normal health was appar- 
ently restored. Less than one month he was stricken with tubercular 
pneumonia, which was the immediate cause of death. He is survived by 
his wife, one dau. 

3084. Marjorie Mebane, b. Nov. 17, 1907. 

3006. Sallie Warren, dau. of Edmund W. ; m. Dec. 30, 1886, Rev. R. 
B. Johns, a Methodist preacher in North Carolina. She d. Dec. 22, 1891. 

Margaret Warren, b. Feb. 3, 1888; m. Dr. N. T. Howard of Southfield, 
N. C. One dau., Margaret John, b. Oct., 1907. 


3008. .Mary Eliza, dan. of Edmund W. ; m. June 17, 1891, Prof. J. 
M. Turner. She d. May 2, 1912. He lives in Smithfield, N. C. Mr. 
Turner is a teacher, an upright, honest man in all his dealings. Mrs 
Turner was intelligent, refined and very musical; was beloved by all who 
knew her. They had two sons, Edmund Atw^ater, the elder son, died 
soon after his mother's death. David, the younger son, lives in Raleigh, 
N. C. He is an attractive young man. 

William David, b. Feb. 22, 1896. Lives in Raleigh, N. C. 

3000. Julia Elizabeth, dan. of Edmund \Y. ; m. Oct. 16, 1897, Jas. 
W. Murray. He d. Jan. 15, 1915. She lives in Burlington, N. C. 

Bynum McBride, b. Dec. 18, 1898; m. Dec. 29, 1924, Ethel Ward. 
Louise Pauline, b. Jan. 23, 1901; m. July 14, 1920, A. Glenn Holt, Jr.; 

two chil. : Mary Louise, b. Oct. 12, 1921, and A. Glenn, Jr., b. Feb. 

14, 1923. 
Dan Hugh, b. Jan. 27, 1903 ; m. Oct. 6, 1924, Kitty Rebecca Loy. 
Mary Jane, b. July 4, 1904. 
Margaret Atwater, b. Oct. 13, 1905. 
Elizabeth Brown, b. Feb. 23, 1912. 

3012. William Anderson, son of Rufus Henry; m. Dec. 11, 1907, 
Dora Marsh Thomason. He is a traveling salesman with headquarters 
at Macon, Mo., and lives in Liberty, Mo. He was educated at Trinity 
College, Durham, N. C, but his parents and sisters moved to Missouri. 

3085. Cora Eugenia, b. Oct. 16, 1909. 

3086. Temperance, b. Apr. 12, 1912. • 

3087. Page, b. Aug. 2, 1915. 

3013. Amma Frances, dau. of Rufus Henry; m. Jan. 7, 1890, Jarrold 
Major Johnson. He d. Dec. 12, 1914, aged 50 years. She lives at Chille- 
cothe, Mo. 

Albert Lander, b. Apr. 25, 1894; m. 1915, Florence Miller. 

Three chil. : Wm. Howard, Ruth Elsa, Robert Lander. 
Howard McConn, b. June 14, 1897. 
Orian Virginia, b. Aug. 16, 1902. 

3014. Lucy Warren, dau. of Rufus Henry; m. Aug. 7, 1897, Edward 
H. Jacobs. He d. Sept. 30, 1917, aged 50 years; (2) John Lewis; d. about 
1923. She lives at Bentonville, Ark. 

Rcyburn Whitfield, b. Nov. 11, 1898. 

3015. Orian High, dau. of Rufus Henry; m. Apr. 3, 1912, Edward 
Cave. He d. Feb. 26, 1916, aged 52 years. She lives at Liberty, Mo. 

3016. Mary Harris, dau. of John Nathaniel; m. June 19, 1907, Aneas 
Wilton Barrett. They live in Conway, S. C. 

Aneas Wilton, b. Aug. 7, 1910. 


3017. William Briggs, son of John Nathaniel ; m. Dec. 26, 1914, 
Mary Clarke. They live at Bynum, N. C. 

3088. John Nathaniel, b. July 27, 1916. 

3089. William Marshall, b. Apr. 20, 1920. 

3090. Lillie Gannon, b. Oct. 21, 1921. 

3091. Mary Frances, b. Sept. 26, 1923 ; d. July 22, 1924. 

3018. Charles Bynum, son of John Nathaniel ; m. Nov. 3, 1916, 
Sallie Belle Dillard. They live in Winston-Salem, N. C. 

3092. Charles Bynum, b. July, 1919. 

3093. Jack, b. 1921. 


3022. Dora Alice, dau. of William Bascum ; m. Nov. 5, 1891, J. S. 
Morrow. They live in Teer, N. C. 

Franklin Carey, b. Feb. 28, 1897. 
James Williams, b. May 28, 1902. 

3023. Lizzie Bynum, dau. of William Bascum; m. Dec. 24, 1895, 
Alfred Lenoir Bell. He is a jeweler and optician at Belhaven, N. C. ; 
also a devoted husband and father. Mrs. Bell was a teacher in Belhaven 
graded school for a number of years; president of the Woman's Mission- 
ary society for seven years; teacher in M. E. Sunday school and a faithful 
church worker. 

Alfred Lemuel, b. June 15, 1898. 

3024. Mary Olivia, dau. of William Bascum; m. Jan. 2, 1901, Eugene 
Claudious Neville. They live in Chapel Hill, N. C. 

Margaret Louise, b. Jan. 27, 1902. 
William Bryant, b. July 4, 1906. 
Bynum Ellbridge, b. June 7, 1908. 
Blanche Irene, b. Jan. 28, 1910. 
Ralph Bunyan, b. July 2, 1911. 
Eugene Claudious, b. Feb. 28, 1915. 
Julia Helen, b. July 22, 1916. 

3025. Margaret Blanche, dau. of William Bascum ; m. Feb. 25, 1903, 
Charles H. Strowd. They live in Frosty, N. C. 

Charles Kennon, b. Nov. 30, 1903. 
Bennette Rose, b. Dec. 27, 1906. 
Martha Louise, b. May 11, 1911. 
James Williams, b. June 6, 1914. 

3026. David Marvin, son of William Bascum; b. Oct. 31, 1881; m. 
Oct. 18, 1906, Isma Andrews. Lives at Teer, N. C. 


3094. William Bennett, b. July 29, 1907. 

3095. Annie Eugenia, b. June 22, 1910. 

3096. Alfred David, b. Dec. 14, 1912. 

3097. Roy Vincent, b. July 11, 1916. 

3028. Flora Lerma, dau. of William Bascum ; m. Jan. 12, 1908, 
Charles Lloyd. They live in Mebane, N. C. 

Grady Eugene, b. Oct. 10, 1908. 
Kemp Atwater, b. Feb. 7, 1911. 
Helen Elizabeth, b. Aug. 22, 1913. 
Dorothy Charline, b. Oct. 7, 1916. 

3029. Mattie Lillian, dau. of William Bascum; m. Oct. 26, 1912, 
Bruce Strowd. Live in Chapel Hill, N. C. 

Robert Lee, b. Nov. 21, 1913. 
Mattie Atwater, b. July 21, 1915. 

3078. Roland L., son of John Bunyan ; m. Oct. 15, 1920, Lila Mae 
Yates. He was killed by lightning, Sept. 1, 1925. 

3098. George Bunyan, b. Sept. 1, 1921. 


553. Obedience, dau. of Samuel Atwater and Ruth Dickerman ; b. 

Dec. 12, 1788; d. April 10, 1868; m. Sept. 13, 1809, Amos White Sanford 

Katherine Obedience, b. Oct. 20, 1831; d. March 10, 1906; m. J. 

Beecher Leek. They had nine chil. : Nellie, Hattie, Katie, Mary 

E., b. Mar. 18, 1862, Abbie N., Albert R., Willie, Charles and 


Mary Eliza, m. Arthur Wilcox; (2) Albert Henry Wall; One 
dau. by first marriage, Arline Parker, b. Aug. 18, 1887 ; two 
chil. by second marriage: Edith May, b. Sept. 11, 1892, and 
Lillian Amelia, b. March 11, 1897. 

Edith May, m. Nov. 1, 1913, Charles McNeill Way; one 

child, Albert Henry Wall, b. May 28, 1915. 
Lillian Amelia, m. Oct. 21, 1922, Louis Chevallier; one child: 
Man- Edith, b. Nov. 30, 1923. 

James John was of the Nova Scotia branch. No more can be ascer- 
tained about him. He had 

James John, m. Eliza Myers. 
Alexander, killed by Indians. 
Harriet, m. Ebin Foote. 


Bessie E., m. Edward Queen. 

James K., m. Elizabeth Donnelly. They live in Westfield, Mass. 
James A., b. May 8, 1899; m. Feb. 17, 1918, Marie Stetson. 

James Mark, b. Mar. 27, 1919. 

Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 10, 1920. 

Dorothy Annette, b. July 15, 1924. 

1182. Lydia M., m. Albert T. Pearsall. These are grandchildren. 

Alice Adeline, dau. of Eugene; m. William Henderson Noe ; two 

chil. : Elsie, b. Aug. 18, 1883, Roberta, b. Oct. 7, 1885. Elsie m. 

June 23, 1908, Harry M. George. Live at Bicknell, Ind. 

Roberta m. Sept. 30, 1907, A. J. Carmichael ; m. (2) July 21, 1922, 

C. H. Bair. One son, Gordon Gayton Carmichael, b. Feb. 5, 1910. 

1505. Hattie Childs, dau. of Henry William; m. June 24, 1885, 
Charles Edmund Scarff. Lives in Montreal, Canada. Sbc d. Nov. 30, 
1926. Born in Montreal, the daughter of Henry W. Atwater, Mrs. Scarff 
was closely identified with communal work here all her life. Philanthropy 
was one of her keenest interests and for years she was a regular weekly 
visitor to the public wards at the Montreal General Hospital. Giving her 
support at all times to all movements in the local musical world, Mrs. 
Scarff was an active member of the Morning Musicale Club. She was a 
zealous worker for the American Presbyterian Church. Surviving her 
are her husband ; also four daughters, Mrs. Harold Ellis, of Rothesay, 
N. B. ; Mrs. W. R. Dean, of Montreal West; Mrs. Herbert A. Jack, of 
Montreal, and Mrs. Gilbert Pearce, of Outremont. 

1968. Theodora, dau. of Howell; m. Apr. 4, 1894, Edward G King; 
divorced; m. (2) J. Howard Atterbury. 

Edward G, Jr., b. Tune 9, 1895; m. June 6, 1918, Ellen Richmond. 

Edward G, III. 
Howell A., b. Sept. 8, 1896; m. Aug. 5, 1919, Gladys Casano. 

Charlotte Howell, b. Sept. 29, 1920. 

Mary Louise, b. Nov. 26, 1921. 

Gladys Theodora, b. March 6, 1926. 
Theodora Howard, m. June 21, 1923, Harry Forrest Swope, Jr., of 
Baltimore, Md. 

Helen Seldon, b. June 19, 1925. 

2311. Bertha Mabel, dau. of John M. ; m. June 26, 1895, Charles B. 
Taylor, b. Dec. 27, 1867. 

Lawrence Atwater, m. Anna Marie Naylor. He is a doctor, lives in 
Ottumwa, Iowa. One son, Charles, b. May 15, 1925. 

Edgar Merle, m. Theresa Broich. He is a doctor, lives in Iowa City, 

Richard Lloyd, m. Juanita Mallot. They live at Orange, Calif. 


2341. David Hay, son of William Cutler; m. Aug. 10, 1918. Eleanor 

W. Bartlett, of Andover, Mass. Resides at 654 High Street, Fall River, 
Mass. He attended Sanford school at Redding Ridge, Conn., Cloyne 
school at Newport, R. I., Groton school at Groton, Mass., and Andover 
school at Andover, Mass., where he was on the football, Lacrosse and 
swimming teams. He also attended Yale college. In Feb., 1918, he went 
to Maybeury, W. Ya., where he was in the Pocahontas coal field at a 
colliery named the Elkhorn Coal and Coke Co., owned by his father. 
Since Nov., 1922, he has been at Fall River as manager of the William C. 
Atwater & Co., Inc., offices in that city. 

2782. David Hay, Jr., b. June 10, 1920. 

2783. Damaris Say re, b. Sept. 15, 1922. 

2784. Sally Anne, b. Feb. 26, 1926. 

903. Isaac P., son of Abraham; b. May 12, 1794, Southington, Conn., 
m. May 1-1, 1808, Lucy Brace, b. June 3, 1797, at Warren, Conn. 

Horace Brace, b. Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., May 19, 1820. 

Azel Hull, b. Portage, N. Y., May 22, 1822. 

Wm. Pitt, b. Evans, N. Y., April 10, 1824. 

Mary Emily, b. Evans, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1826. 

Ruth Amelia, b. Evans, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1829. 

Thirza Delina, b. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1831. 

Franklin Dwight, b. Alden, N. Y., March 23, 1835. 

Horace lirace, son of Isaac P. ; m. Julia Sophia Hill at Hamburg, N. Y., 
Aug. 31, 1843. Died at Chicago, Dec. 15, 1881. 

.Mary Emily, dan. of Isaac P.; m. Charles S. Clark al Silver Creek, 
N. Y. Jan. 26, 1847. Died at Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 19 1852. 

Thirza Delina, dan. of Isaac P. ; m. Win. Henry Parmelee, Nov. 3, 1852 
at Morris, 111. Died at Chicago, Oct. 12, 1916. 

Walter Hull, son of Horace Brace; m. June 11. 1896, Bertha Lord 
Morrisson, dan. of Robert and Fayetta Lord Morrisson, at Chicago. 

Ruth, b. June 29, 1897, m. Jan. 5, 1924, John Fayler French of Boston 
Mass. They have one son, Robert Fayler, b. Dec. 28, 1924. They 
live in Newton Center, Mass. 

Robert Morrisson, b. Dec. 12, 1900. 

Horace Brewster, b. June 19, 1902. 

Lydia, b. Sept. 8, 1904. 


Franklin Dwight, son of Horace Brace; b. 1835, m. Nov. 9, 1860, 
Elizabeth Barkley Garnett, b. April 25, 1836; d. May 7, 1912 in St. Aug- 
ustine, Fla. He d. Feb. 1, 1875, at Canton, Mo. 

Mary Virginia, b. Sept. 4, 1867. Entered The Visitation 1 Monastery in 
St. Louis May 17, 1887. 

John Garnett, 1>. Jan. 26, 1869, m. June 11, 1895, Elizabeth Matthews. 
He is now living on an orange grove near St. Augustine, Fla. 

John Garnett, Jr., b. Oct. 10, 1898; m. June 14, 1921, Celestia Brown. 
He has two children: Julien Garnett, b. April 9, 1922 and John Stafford, 
b. Oct. 28, 1923. He is now living at Fort Pierce, Fla. 



Miss Florence I. Atwater, of Brooklyn, N. Y., No. 1520, has done 
considerable writing, much in poetry. The following pieces are some 
of her selections. 


A monkey was born in Africa 

In the depths of a jungle wild. 
From tree to tree with ability 

He swung when a monkey-child. 

One day he was caught by a hunter bold 

Who shipped him to Italy, — 
A terribly frightened little monk, 

Shut up in a cage was he. 

At last he was bought by an organ-man. 

Who fed him and tamed him too ; 
And many amusing little tricks 

He taught monkey-monk to do. 

He bought him a cute little bright red suit, 
A red and gold hat for his head, 

And when they set out on their organ rounds 
The monk by a string was led. 

He would dance and twirl to the jazzy airs, 
Stop, — and hold out his little hat, 

He expected that everyone, of course, 
Would drop some pennies in that. 

Then up he would spring to the organ top, 
Where stood a bright cup of tin ; 

His little hat he would turn inside out. 
And empty the money therein. 


Children would eagerly crowd around. 

With many a shout of glee 
When they heard the strains of the organ tunes 

For they loved the monk to see. 

But oft in his sleep little monk would dream 
Of his home in the jungle wild; 

Of the happy days he spent in the trees. 
When he was a jungle-child. 

For it wasn't an easy life they led 

Roving the streets all day, 
And sometimes the organ-man was cross 

If the people didn't pay. 

He would jerk the poor little monk along, 

And look very glum indeed 
For what could be done "withouta-da-mon" 

When he had "bambini" to feed? 

So children, dear, whenever you see 
On the streets, as you wander through, 

An organ-man with his little monk, 
Be kind to the monkey, do. 


The sun sinks out of sight at last 
And darkness comes on thick and fast. 
Soon I must say, "Good Night, dear day," 
And my head on the pillow lay. 

But for a little while between, 
I stand and watch what can be seen 
Upon the quiet street below, 
Before I into bed must go. 

The lampman- comes with footsteps quick 
And lights the lamps with his long stick, 
Then brightly flames each jet of gas 
To guide the people as they pass. 

I see the fathers coming home ; 
The lights flash out from room to room ; 
And in one house across the street 
The people sitting down to eat. 


I slip out of our hall-door wide 
And stand upon the stoop outside ; 
No little children are at play, 
For they within their homes must stay. 

The trees look dark and strange at night, 
So dif'rent from in broad daylight, 
And not a sound can now be heard 
From any happy singing bird. 


A round and fuzzy chestnut burr 
Dropped from a tree one day 

And snugly tucked away within 
Three little chestnuts lay. 

Inside the burr was soft and warm, — 

As soft as eider down, 
There must these little nuts remain 

Until they turned dark brown, — 

Until, in fact, Jack Frost had left 

A rime along the ground, 
Then wide the fuzzy burr would burst 

And little nuts be found. 

Well, finally Jack Frost arrived, 

The burr wide open flew, 
And of the world these little nuts 

Were given their first view. 

They looked up at the blue, blue sky, 

And at the great tall tree, 
"How very big the world !" said they, 

"How very small are we?" 

They thought it rather nice to lie 

Upon the fallen leaves 
While Mother Tree sang songs to them 

With every passing breeze. 

She told them that her topmost limbs 

Could see far, far away, 
To where, upon a distant hill, 

A pretty hamlet lay. 


She told them of a river, too, 
Of boats with sails like wings ; 

Of birds that nested in her boughs,— 
And other pleasant things. 

A-many songs she sang to them — 
These little chestnuts brown, 

As through the trees the golden leaves 
Came drifting, drifting down. 

So, there they lay, until one day 
Some boys with hoot and shout 

Came hunting for ripe chestnuts, 
And these little ones spied out. 

They popped them straight into a bag, 
Then onward went with glee ; 

"Oh! Oh!" each little chestnut wailed, 
"What will become of me?" 

Now strange to say, within that bag 
A hole, somehow, had sprung, 

And through it these small chestnuts went 
A-dropping, one by one. 

Kerplunk ! Upon the ground they fell, — 

They didn't care a mite, 
As quickly down among the leaves 

They rolled away from sight. 

And safely hidden there they lay 
Beneath the bright leaves' rim, 

While far above the mother tree 
Sang lullabies to them. 

As time went on, what do you think? 

Where these small nuts had been, 
Three tiny little chestnut trees 

Were very plainly seen. 

They grew up into great tall trees, — 

At least, so people say, — 
And there they stand for aught I know 

Unto this very day. 



It's only a roughly constructed high-chair, 
Yet priceless the treasure we daily place there, — 
A soft little bundle with two restless feet 
That sturdily kick at the shelf neath the seat. 

This bundle has bright laughing eyes, — a wee nose, 
A mouth like a rose-bud, — it gurgles and crows. 
With a spoon in each hand it will strum, strum away, 
Contented and happy, upon the chair-tray. 

Just when the small face is all covered with crumbs, 
And the cream has been sampled by two little thumbs, 
This sticky sweet bundle must love Mother dear, 
Or fondle dear Daddy, if he should be near. 

And as for the huggings bestowed on the cat — 
I wish I could give you a picture of that ! 
Poor puss will submit with all possible grace, 
Then suddenly spring from the strangling embrace. 

But tell me, oh wise ones, with vast wealth untold, 
Think you, you could buy it with all of your gold? 
In spite of the nights it keeps Daddy awake 
Think you there is aught for this treasure he'd take? 

And while this soft bundle within the high-chair 
Requires a patient and unceasing care, 
Yet daily our thanks go to One far above 
For sending us this little bundle to love. 


These are her needles, thimble, spools, 
These are the spectacles she wore, — 
But the dear hands that laid them down 
Will take them up again no more. 

Here in its basket, as of old, 

Lies her crochet-work, neatly rolled, 

How fast the nimble fingers flew 

As back and forth the thread she drew. 


Such dainty doilies, towel-ends, 
'She fashioned for admiring friends, 
Some done with very finest thread 
In patterns made from-out her head. 

Each ev'ning it was her delight 
To sew beneath the lamp's soft light, 
While father greatest interest took 
In reading to her from some book; 

Perhaps Sir Walter Scott's (not new- 
Scarce one but they already knew). 
They far into the night have read 
When all the household was in bed. 

Thus every little work-box thing, 
Both sad and pleasant thoughts can bring 
Of days that ne'er will come again, 
And recollections but remain. 

Once more I sit beside her chair, 
And watch the slender fingers fair 
At fancy-work — or harder tasked, 
So quick to do whate'er was asked. 

And when in illness someone lay, 
What hands so soft and deft as they! — 
Brave little hands — I pray that mine 
May grow as capable as thine. 


The withered leaves drop from the trees 

But few can now be seen, 
The limbs are bare, and everywhere 

A gray sky shows between. 

Of flowers, too, that once here grew 

Not one is to be found, 
Down here below a pure white snow 

Lies sparkling on the ground. 

All summer long I heard the song 
Of robin on some bough, 

With swelling throat he trilled each note- 
Where has he flown to now? 


Way up on high against the sky 

I see a swaying nest, 
But have no fear, no birds are there, — 

They've flown like the rest. 

I do not pine, these eyes of mine 

Can always beauty see, 
In falling rain, in wind-swept plain 

In wildly tossing sea. 

What tho' the brook which in this nook 

Sang happily in June 
Is crusted now with ice and snow, — 

All hushed its rippling tune, — 

In spring, — why then, 'twill flow again, 

My robin's voice I'll hear; 
New leaves will grow, sweet roses blow, — 

Just as they did last year. 


Wy honey chile ! Whar has yo' been ? 

Yo' is a sight fo' sho' ! 
Yd' sartin never got dat way 

A-settin' by de do' ! 

Look at dat aprin Mammy ironed 

Fo' yo', so nice an' neat ! 
Look at dat mud! Wy yo' is splash' 

Fum head down toe yo' feet! 

Been makin' pics ? Lord lov' yo' chile 

Yo' played all morn at thet, 
When little gals is dress' up clean 

Da oughta simply set! 

What's dat yo' say? Yo's sorry? Sho' 

I spose a-course yo' ar' 
But dat aint gwine t'make yo' aprin 

Clean agin ! No Sah ! 

Thar! Thar! Don' cry. Jes tek it off 

An' stek it in de tub, 
An' when yo' Mammy gits a chance 

She'll gin de thing a rub. 


Now chile, yo' listen heah to me, — 
Yo's free toe play an' play 

An' male' mud pies jes all yo' wants 
De morn of every day; — 

But honey, in de arternoons 

When Mammy dress' yo' up, — 

Acts lak yo' is a lady, chile, 
An' set thar on de Stup ! 


Mirandy! Mirandy ! 

Yo'll brek mah heart fo' fair. 
Yo' goes a-sailing pas' mah gate 

With haid up in de air 

And never giv' a look at mc 

A-standing here so glum. 
Mirandy what's I done toe make 

Yo' act lak dat, — how come? 

De little buds am burstin' 

On all de apple trees ; 
De new grass am a-wavin' 

An' a-wavin' in de breeze ; 

De lillies am a bloomin' — 

But what I keer fo' dat 
When de flower dat I loves de bes' 

Is on Mirandy's hat. 

Oh dat hat it am a caution 
As it droops above her eyes, 

Dem eyes so full o' mischief 
Whar de bery debil lies ; 

An' dat flower goes a noddin' 

An' a-beckenin' I swear 
As doe it was a savin' 

"Come an' toiler, if yo' dare" ! 

I stands here night an mawnin' 
An' you' knows it, — yas yo' do, — 

Fo' nothin' else, Mirandy, 

Dan toe catch a glimpse o' yo' ; 


But yo' wouldn't s'pose Fs livin' 

Way yo' passes by mah do'. 
.Mirandy, what's de matter? 

Doane yo' loves me any mo'? 


A quaint old clock on its bracket shelf 

Had solemnly ticked away 
For years and years in the selfsame place, — 

How many I can not say. 

It had queer little peaks around the top 

Like pinnacles on a roof; 
And it held itself in a lordly way 

As of one above reproof. 

Its frame was wood and from top to toe 

A paneled glass door was hung, 
With a painting odd in the lower half 

Where the round brass pendulum swung. 

Its wheels were wood too, and a great iron weight 

Hung pendant on either side, 
Attached to the works by stout gut cord 

And very securely tied. 

A fine old clock with a fine old face 
And a bell that still held its power, 

And rang out sweet and true and clear 
When the old clock struck the hour. 

Long had it stood on its bracket shelf 

And gazed at the room below ; 
It had watched the generations come 

And the generations go. 

It had seen dear grandma with dainty hands 

At work at her knitting there; 
And grandpa, too, with a smile serene 

As he dozed in the big armchair. 

Father and son and grandson, aye, 

And even greatgrandson, too, 
Had carefully wound the clock at night, — 

The last thing that each would do. 


Tiny tots had been lifted up 
To hark to its tick-tick-tock 

And never a one in all that home 
But loved the dear old clock. 

But changes came, as they always will, 
And the last descendant died ; 

The clock was sold to a dealer near 
Who carried it off with pride. 

The old clock gave one last look around 
At the room it no more would know 

And rattled and shook its weights inside 
As if it were grieved to go. 

The dealer placed it upon his shelf 
And rubbing his hands with glee — 

"I am going to fix this old clock up 
And make it like new," said he. 

"I'll take this time-worn dial off 

And put on a dial new, 
And scrape the painting from off the glass 

So the pendulum will show through." 

So saying the clockman locked his shop 
And went away to his home ; 

And the old clock stood there on the shelf 
And stared at the gathering gloom. 

Now maybe a truck passed in the night 

And rattled the clockman's store 
For the old clock toppled from its shelf 
And lay in a heap on the floor. 

No more would its cheerful tick be heard 
Or its bell ring sweet and fair, 

For the poor old clock was still at last, 
And shattered beyond repair. 

The clock dealer found it there next day,— 
All crushed and broken apart!— 

3ut I myself think the poor old clock 
Had died of a broken heart! 






59, 89. 


Adelaid Hortense, 122, 



Abel 45, 

64, 96, 97 




Abel W 

aid, 40, 44, 

55, 82. 


Adelia May, 234. 



Abbie Louisa, 139, 



Addison, 112, 177. 



Abby Wanton, 241. 


Addison J., 184, 255. 



Abia Cordelia, 294. 


Addison Norton, 75, 117, 



Abiah, 44, 55. 




Abiah, : 

39, 53. 


Adolphus, 55 81, 129, 130. 





Agnes Alice, 230. 




30, 31. 


Agnes Christina, 152. 




31, 3Z. 


Agnes Mary, 182, 254. 




31, 33. 


A. G. Cox, 219. 




32, 36. 


Alanson, 89. 



33, 39. 


Albert, 108. 






Albert, 56, 83, 133. 




35, 44. 


Albert, 162. 






Albert A., 75, 76, 119, 186. 






Albert A., 105, 162, 239. 




45, 65. 


Albert Ailing, 186, 256. 






Albert C, 96, 147, 219, 




42, 59. 





34, 41. 


Albert Earl, 181. 




38, 50. 


Albert J., 128, 198. 



43, 61. 


Albert Judson, 255. 




40, 54. 


Albert T., 71, 110, 172, 




39, 53. 





66. . 


Albert T., 173. 






Albert W., 86. 




92, 142. 


Albert William, 83, 133. 




Ann, 59, 90. 


Albert William, 133. 




Ann, 90. 


Albert Worthington, 215, 




Augusta, 102, 157. 





C., 131. 

Alexander, 315. 




Shirley, 138,211. 


Alexander, 130, 202. 





Aleen Mazy, 225. 


Abraham, 35, 42, 

58, 59. 


Alfred, 98, 150, 224. 



Abraham, 58, 89, 



Alfred, 201. 



Ada Bynum, 293, 



Alfred E., 94, 146. 



Ada M 

aria, 220. 


Alfred Ellsworth, 178. 




:, 168, 245. 


Alfred Eugene, 151, 224. 




:, 92, 142. 


Alfred H., 159, 235. 



Lou, 308. 


Alfred I., 169, 246. 



N., 170. 


Alfred L., 106. 




Susan, 296. 


Alfred Sidney, 296, 311. 



Adelaid, 121. 


Alfred Sidney, Jr., 311. 


Alice Adelia, 170. 
Alice B., 171. 
Alice Eliza, 83, 133. 
Alice Elizabeth, 163,241. 
Alice Hixon, 226, 272. 
Alice Laura, 214. 
Alice Mitchell, 162. 
Alice Violet, 253. 
Alida Viola, 170. 
Allen Eli, 115, 182. 
Allen H., 234. 
Allen Hawley, 103, 158, 

Allen Moore, 147. 
Allen Munroe, 182. 
Allen Russell, 214, 265. 
Almira, 56. 

Almira Chloe, 151, 225. 
Almon B., 148. 
Almon L., 222. 
Alonzo, 170, 248. 
Alonzo B., 102, 157, 231, 

Alonzo D., 159, 235. 
Alonzo Edwin, 103, 159. 
Alonzo Hudson, 232, 273. 
Alonzo M., 157, 231,273. 
Alta, 246, 277. 
Aha L., 235. 
Alta Leona, 231, 273. 
Alta Loretta, 183. 
Alvarus, 55, 82, 131. 
Alvarus Ward, 131, 204, 

Amanda, 61. 
Amanda B., 217, 267. 
Amaryllis, 40, 54. 
Ambrose, 33, 40, 56, 57. 
Ambrose, 56, 84, 134, 135. 
Ambrose Cotter, 102, 157, 

Amelia, 62. 
Amelia, 40, 56. 
Amelia, 49, 76. 
Amelia, 56, 83. 




Amelia, 77, 122. 


Annie Lea, 305. 



Amelia Elenor, 82. 


Annie May, 303. 



Amelia L., 151. 


Annie Wilcox, 111, 




Amma Frances, 297, 


. 1824 

Annis, 109. 



Amos, 38, 52, 79. 


Ansell E., 205, 261. 



Amos, 43, 60,, 92. 


Anson A., 102. 



Amos, 61, 92, 141. 


Archibald Jerome, 



Amos Augustus, 48. 

, 74, 

191, 257. 




Archibald Law, 180, 




Amos Townsend, 116, 
Amy, 67. 

, 183. 


Archie, 259. 
Aremas, 198. 



Amzi, 60, 90, 139. 


Aria Fern, 203. 



Amzi, 139, 213. 


Arietta 1'ermilda, 145,218 



Anan, 61, 92, 141, 


Arlow Nelson, 68. 



Andrew Lewis, 119. 


Arlow Nelson, 105, 




Angelina, 108, 168. 

239, 240. 



Angelina Maria, 114, 



Arnold, 50, 77, 122, 




Angelina Norton, 125, 


Aithur, 279. 




Arthur Albert, 223, 




Angelo, 144. 


Arthur Carey, 228. 


Angelo Edward, 147, 



Arthur Clark, 204. 



Anita Bend, 211, 262. 


Arthur E., 209. 


Ann, 67. 


Arthur Edison, 119, 




Ann, 35, 45. 



Ann, 108. 


Arthur Jerome, 156, 



Ann, 169, 247. 




Anna, 37, 48. 


Arthur P., 224, 270. 



Anna, 44, 63. 


Arthur S., 248, 279. 


Anna, 66, 102. 


Arthur Stanley, 118, 




Anna, 49. 


Arthur Theodore, 




Anna, 61. 




Anna, 96. 


Asa, 43, 60, 91. 



Anna, 60„ 91. 


Ash, 104, 160. 


Anna, 114, 181. 


Asa Godfrey, 275. 



Anna, 274. 


Asa Goodyear, 48, 74, 



Anna Belinda, 171. 


Asa Goodyear, 73. 



Anna Bell, 129. 


Asa Jay. 233, 275. 



Anna Dorothea, 164, 



Asaph, 37, 49, 77. 



Anna Grant, 161. 


Asaph, 49. 



Anna Jane, 153, 228. 


Asaph, 77, 121, 189. 



Anna Julia, 53, 81. 


Asaph Aloysius, 257. 



Anna K., 137, 209. 


Asaph Sherwood, 



Anna Louise, 170, 249. 




Anna Louisa, 96. 


Asenath, 55. 



Anna Margaret, 202. 


Asenath, 128. 



Anna Maria, 226, 27 



Athalia, M. M., 97. 



Anna Mix, 62. 


Atlas Worthington, 




Anna Townsend, 73, 





Anne, 37, 50. 


Aubrey W., 129, 201 


Anne, 41. 


Augusta A., 248, 279. 



Anne, 126. 


Augusta R., 233, 276 




Anne, B., 110. 


Augusta Wood, 124. 



Anne Caroline, 106, 



Aurelia H., 98, 151. 



Anne Maria, 51. 


Aurelia Jane, 171. 


Annie Eugenia, 315. 


Aurelia P., 110. 


Annie Laura, 308. 


AyresB., 160,236,276,277. 


Barbara, 77. 

Baxter L., 130. 

Beatrice, 280. 

Beatrice Mary Stuart, 200 

Belah, 60, 91, 140. 

Belinda, 110. 

Belle, 131. 

Belle Louise, 226, 271. 

Belura A., 117. 

Beneroy, 49. 

Benjamin, 108. 

Benjamin, 109. 

Benjamin, 31, 34, 41. 

Benjamin, 35, 44, 63, 64. 

Benjamin, 47, 70, 109. 

Benjamin, 44, 63, 94, 95. 

Benjamin, 70, 109, 171. 

Benjamin, 168, 246. 

Benjamin Avery, 99, 152. 

Benjamin Chase, 173. 
Benjamin Harry, 180, 253. 

Benjamin Leonard, 147. 

Benjamin Todd, 46, 67, 

Bennier M., 308. 

Benoni, 103. 

Bernard, 259. 

Bernard Frederick, 202. 

Bernice Pearl, 117. 

Bernice Vivian, 259. 

Bert Leonard, 147, 2! 9, 

Berta May, 233, 276. 
Bertha, 247. 
Bertha, 86. 
Bertha, 227, 272. 
Bertha, 247, 278. 
Bertha, 157, 231. 
Bertha Agnes, 223, 270. 
Bertha E., 106, 167. 
Bertha Grace, 230. 
Bertha Idelle, 215, 265. 
Bertha Josephine, 131. 
Bertha Mable, 215, 26*. 
Bertha May, 184. 
Berton, 246. 

Berton Carlos, 158, 234. 
Bessie E., 316. 
Bessie, 194, 259. 
Bessie, 246. 
Bessie Ellen, 210. 
Bessie Clyde, 308. 
Bessie May, 115 
Betsey, 118. 
Betsey, 47, 71. 



1780 Betsey, 66. 1838 

1781 Betsey, 48, 73. 

1794 Betsey, 51, 79. 1846 

1798 Betsey, 66. 1851 

1803 Betsey, 49. 1840 

1821 Betsey, 98, 150. 1905 

1822 Betsey, 74, 115. 1862 
1824 Betsey, 99, 152. 1887 

Blanche, 204. 1854 

1896 Blanche, 253. 1876 

1886 Blanche Ella, 239, 277. 1855 

1899 Boyd, 257. 1847 

1872 Bradford Clark, 131, 204, 

261. 1781 

1891 Brodie T., 235. 1784 

1826 Bryan, 125, 194, 258. 1787 

1859 Bryan Hoadley, 194. 1797 

1894 Buford Wellington, 236. 1820 

1874 Burleigh E., 150, 223. 1848 

1850 Burnett Brownell, 121, 1849 

188. 1905 

1884 Burt, 147, 278. 1865 

1862 Burton W., 157, 231, 273. 1886 

1891 Byrel E., 183. 1843 


1702 Caleb, 32, 36, 46. 1864 

1705 Caleb, 31, 34, 40. 1872 

1738 Caleb, 34, 41. 1853 

1741 Caleb, 33, 38, 52, 53. 1886 

1759 Caleb, 45, 66, 101, 102. 1815 

1767 Caleb, 47, 70. 1833 

1778 Caleb, 70, 110, 171, 172. 1894 

1804 Caleb, 52, 80, 126. 1786 
1843 Caleb Huntington, 80. 

1881 Calvin Haynes, 239, 277. 

Caney, 204. 

1893 Carl E., 250. 

1910 Carl Frederick, 281. 

1883 Carl L., 195, 259. 

1884 Carl Walter, 215, 265. 1785 
1797 Carlos, 79, 129, 194. 1786 
1910 Carlton W., 275. 1797 

1885 Carleton Williams, 222, 1803 

269. 1815 

1882 Carney Bennett, 300. 1826 
1879 Carney Bynum, 297. 1839 
1838 Carney C, 286, 295, 309, 1854 

310. 1873 

Carol Mary, 196. 1837 

1796 Caroline, 52, 79. 

1851 Caroline Augusta, 123, 1871 

192. 1824 

1815 Caroline D., 74. 1872 

1830 Caroline E., 97, 150. 1906 

1836 Caroline Elizabeth, 139, 1816 

212. 1837 

Caroline Elizabeth, 80, 

Caroline Elizabeth, 149. 
Caroline M., 141, 215. 
Caroline. P., 128. 
Carrel Creelman, 201. 
Carrie, 83, 133. 
Carrie Frances, 215. 
Carrie Isabell, 194, 258. 
Carrie Payne, 293, 308. 
Carrie T., 110, 173. 
Castine Euretta, 158, 233. 
Catherine, 249. 
Catherine, 39, 53. 
Catherine, 65, 98. 
Catherine, 62, 93. 
Catherine, 55. 
Catherine, 69, 108. 
Catherine, 125, 195. 
Catherine, 151, 225. 
Catherine Aldene, 231. 
Catherine C, 140. 
Catherine C, 294. 
Catherine Clarissa, 112. 
Catherine E. C, 80, 126. 
Catherme Josephine, 130. 
Catherine Rich, 146. 
Cecelia Jane, 178, 252. 
Cecil Brown, 188, 256. 
Celia, 283, 286. 
Celia, 283. 

Celia Irene, 236, 276. 
Charity I., 58, 87. 
Charles, 68, 
Charles, 154. 
Charles, 193. 
Charles, 204. 
Charles, 223. 
Charles, 246. 
Charles, 47, 71, 111. 
Charles, 50, 78, 123. 
Charles, 66, 102. 
Charles, 108, 168, 245,246. 
Charles, 71, 111, 173, 174. 
Charles, 92, 141, 215. 
Charles, 110, 173. 
Charles, 140, 213, 265. 
Charles, 131. 
Charles A., 82, 131, 204, 

Charles A., 157, 231. 
Charles Abel, 97, 149, 222. 
Charles Alonzo, 131. 
Charles Arthur, 269. 
Charles Augustus, 73, 114. 
Charles B., 137, 209, 262. 





















Barge, 209. 
Barnes, 113, 177, 

Brewster, 123, 

Brink, 178. 
Bynum, 298, 314. 
C, 303. 
Clarence, 224. 
Clark, 211. 
D., 163, 240. 
Edward, 180, 25 3. 
Edward, 236. 
Edwin, 184. 
Elbridge, 203. 
Ellsworth, 209, 

Elmes, 111, 175. 
F., 263, 279. 
Fenn, 74, 116. 
Fremont, 128, 198. 
Fremont, 198. 
G., 98, 150. 
G., 75, 118. 
G., 92, 143. 
H., 170. 
H., 150. 
Hall, 156, 229. 
Henry, 72, 112, 

Henry, 130, 203. 
Henry, 116, 184. 
Hobart, 209. 
Horace, 116, 183. 
Herbert, 223. 
Isaac, 115, 181, 

Ives, 152, 226. 
J-, 168, 246, 277. 
J., 205. 
James, 130, 202, 

Jefferson, 127. 
Julius, 92, 141. 
Keeler, 216. 
Kenneth, 263. 
L., 106. 
L., 226. 

Landon, 114, 180, 

Ledyard, 227, 273. 
Levi, 211. 
Lyman, 170, 248, 

M., 294, 308. 
M., 120, 188, 256. 



1885 Charles M., 222. 

1853 Charles Madison, 75, 118. 

1880 Charles Manning, 117, 

1835 Charles N., 123, 192. 
1857 Charles Nelson, 108, 167, 


1875 Charles Ogden, 185, 255. 

1888 Charles R., 202, 260. 

1859 Charles Robert, 81, 128. 
1866 Charles S., 160. 

1908 Charles T., 253. 

1815 Charles Townsend, 72, 113 

178, 179, 180. 

1800 Charles W., 87, 138, 211. 

1856 Charles W., 160, 236. 

1896 Charles William, 183. 

1892 Charles Willis, 226, 271. 

1893 Charles Willoughby, 202. 
1885 Charles Woodard, 135, 


1786 Charlotte, 59. 

1804 Charlotte, 55. 

1804 Charlotte, 136. 

1813 Charlotte, 87, 138. 
1844 Charlotte, 138. 

1831 Charlotte A., 82, 132. 

1836 Charlotte Almira, 84. 
1803 Charlotte Ann, 55. 

1889 Charlotte Belle, 155. 
1901 Charlotte Elizabeth, 274. 

1868 Charlotte Ford, 120, 137. 
1877 Charlotte Louise, 233. 

1865 Charlotte May, 135, 207. 

1866 Charlotte Rowena, 140, 


1788 Chauncey, 64, 96, 148, 


1836 Chauncey Wyman, 148, 

220, 268, 269. 

1821 Chester, 108, 169. 

1871 Chester, 245. 

1755 Christopher, 41, 57. 

1776 Christopher, 57. 

1869 Christopher Greene, 164, 


1743 Chloe, 42. 

1750 Chloe, 38, 51. 

1763 Chloe, 40, 55. 

1814 Chloe, 98. 
1891 Claire, 168. 
1856 Clara, 153, 227. 
1864 Clara, 86. 

1872 Clara, 247, 278. 
1885 Clara A., 117. 

1860 Clara Adell, 150. 


Clara B., 198. 


Cornelia, 57, 85. 


Clara Belle, 170, 249. 


Cornelia M., 192, 257. 


Clara C, 40. 


Cornelius, 64, 96, 148. 


Clara Catherine, 230. 


Cornelius Rush, 104, 161 


Clara Eveline, 156, 230. 



Clara Lillian, 134, 206. 


Cornelius Rush, 161, 237 


Clara Parsons, 161, 237. 


> >  • 

Clarence, 204. 


Cortuna 131. 


Clarence, 226. 


Cott L., 198. 


Clarence, 155, 229. 


Crystal, 280. 


Clarence, 278. 


Curtis Eckfeldt, 214, 265 


Clarence, 257. 


Clarence Buckingham, 214 


Daisy E., 250. 


Clarence E., 150, 223, 270. 


Daisy M., 181, 154. 


Clarence Elwood, 118, 185. 


D? maris, 30. 


Clarence Moffett, 229. 


Damaris, 31, 35. 


Clarence Walton, 224, 270. 


Damaris, 32, 35. 


Clarice Marguerite, 128. 


Damaris, 35, 45. 


Clarissa, 56. 


Damaris, 33, 40. 


Clarissa, 78, 123. 

Daniel, 67. 


Clarissa, 91, 140. 


Daniel, 46, 67, 105. 


Clarissa Frances, 72. 


Daniel, 32,, 35, 45, 46. 


Clarisa M., 263, 280. 


Daniel, 35, 46, 66, 67. 


Claude Hastings, 270. 


Daniel, 67, 103, 159, 160. 


Clayton Warner, 215. 


Daniel A., 105, 162, 239. 


Clayton Welles, 146, 219, 


Daniel Augustus, 239, 277. 


Daniel Carey, 228. 


Clement Finley, 251. 


Daniel Eber, 68, 105, 163. 


Cleo Elizabeth, 275. 


Daniel H., 205. 


Cleona, 90, 139. 


Daniel Leonard, 102, 158, 


Clifford, 278. 



Clifford E., 225. 


Daniel W., 160, 236, 276. 


Clifford Elbert, 152, 226. 


Darwin, 90, 139, 213. 


Clifford Fred, 268. 


Darius Adams, 102, 157, 


Clifford James, 146, 219. 



Clifford Leroy, 163. 


David, 30, 31, 32. 


Clinton Edward, 55. 


David, 30, 32. 


Clio, 193, 258. 


David, 31, 34, 41, 42. 


Clyde Eugene, 270. 


David, 32, 37, 48, 49. 


Clyde W. 222, 269. 


David, ?4, 42, 58. 


Collins, 148, 220. 


David, 33, 39. 


Con D., 130. 


David, 41, 57, 86. 


Constance, 136, 208. 


David, 37, 49, 74, 75. 


Constant Loraine, 204, 


David, 44, 61, 92. 



David, 58, 87, 138. 


Constant Loyal Tuttle, 82, 


David, 69, 108, 168, 169. 

131, 203, 204. 


David. 49, 75, 117, 118. 

Cora, 143. 


David, 49, 77, 120. 


Cora Anna, 230. 


David, 103, 159, 235, 236. 


Cora Eugenia, 313. 


David, 77, 120, 188. 


Cora Julia, 296, 310. 


David, 148. 


Cora Lynn, 209, 262. 


D'avid C, 78, 124, 193. 


Corde Althea, 230, 273. 


David Dennison, 99, 153. 


Cordelia, 144, 216. 


David Fisher, 78, 123, 193. 


Codes E., 159. 


David G., 128, 198. 


Cornelia, 101. 


David Graham, 81. 




David H., 168, 245. 



David H., 75, 117. 



David H., 237, 277. 


David Hastings, 164, 



David Hastings, 242. 



David Hay, 216, 267. 



David Judson, 112, ] 




David M., 83, 132. 



David Marvin, 300, i 




David P., 76, 119. 



David Thomas, 197. 



David Tuthill, 233, 275. 



Dayton E., 232, 275. 


Delbert, 145, 218. 



Delia, 74. 



Delia, 163. 



Deloss Griffin, 240. 


Dennis H., 96, 147. 



Dennison, 55, 82, 132. 



DeNye Williamson, 



Dewitt C, 110, 171, 




Dewitt Clinton, 99, 



227, 228. 



Dolly Ann, 50, 79. 



Don, 223. 



Donald Lewis, 228. 



Donald M., 236, 276. 



Donald Williamson, 




Dora, 205. 



Dora, 184. 



Dora Alice, 300, 314. 



Dora Bell, 189. 


Dora Benner, 214, 265. 



Dora Elsie, 128. 



Dorcas, 36. 



Dorcas, 67, 104. 

Dorence, 226. 



Dorence, 151, 225. 



Dorence W., 271. 



Doris Lucina, 224. 



Dorothea Olivia, 231. 



Dorothy, 223. 



Dorothy Douglas, 228 



Dorothy Fay, 173. 



Dorothy Lucile, 263. 



Dorothy Sylvia, 168. 



Douglas S., 171, 250 



Durinda, 145, 218. 


Dwight, 223. 



Dwight, 102, 156. 



Dwight J., 232, 274. 


Dwight M., 95, 147. 



Dwight Samuel, 192. 



Earl, 252. 
Earl, 267. 


Earl B., 271, 281. 1862 

Earle D., 226. 1816 

Ebenezer, 47, 70, 110. 1881 

Ebenezer, 70. 1864 

Ebenezer, 30, 32, 36. 182G 

Ebenezer, 31, 34, 41. 1905 

Ebenezer, 36, 47, 69, 70. 1862 
Ebenezer, 41. 

Ebenezer, 41, 53, 57, 86. 1823 
Edgar, 53, 80, 126. 

Edgar, 80, 126, 196. 1850 

Edgar Avery, 152, 226, 1902 

272. 1905 

Edgar D., 170. 1843 

Edgar Foote, 185, 255. 1882 

Edgar Foster, 75, 118, 1863 

183. 1853 
Edgar W., 84, 134, 207. 

Edgarine L., 80. 1842 
Edith, 82. 

Edith, 262. 1854 

Edith A., 117. 1808 

Edith Eliza, 121, 188. 1816 

Edith Lois, 212, 264. 1838 

Edith May, 156. 1883 

Edith May, 211, 262. 1850 

Edith R., 135, 136, 1838 

Fdith R., 173. 1860 
Edith Roslyn, 135, 136. 

Fdith Russell, 133. 1834 

Edmond Brower, 283, 292 1869 

293, 294. 1902 

Edmund Brouder, 294. 1856 

Edmund Davis, 308. 18°7 

Edmund Warren, 287. 1842 

296, 312, 313. 

Edna Belle, 230. 1875 

Edna Leonora, 201. 1897 

Edna M., 248. 1893 

Edna Mabel, 194, 259. 1785 

Edna Mabel, 192, 257. 1751 

Edna Mabel, 226. 1793 

Edna Mabel, 236, 276. 1882 

Edna Myrtle, 249. 18^3 

Edric, 109, 169, 246, 247. 1850 

Edson Richard, 154, 229. 1785 

Edward, 60, 91, 140. 1847 

Edward, 99, 153. 1839 

Edward, 106, 163. 1834 

Edward Augustus, 139, 1735 

212, 264,, 265. 1776 

Edward B., 110. 1786 

Edward C., 105, 162, 239. 1789 

Edward Congdon, 163, 1850 


Edward D., 57, 86. 1898 

Edward D., 171, 250. 
Edward Elias, 75, 118. 
Edward Francis, 181, 254. 
Edward Irving, 120, 188. 
Edward M., 71, 110, 172. 
Edward Macomber, 172. 
Edward Montgomery, 209, 

Edward Mortimer, 73, 

114, 180, 181. 
Edward Fayson, 105. 
Edward Perrin, 240. 
Edward S., 264. 
Edward Sanford, 112, 177. 
Edward Sanford, 177. 
Edward Steel, 131. 
Edward Storrs, 123, 192, 

257, 258 
Edward Weaver, 106, 163, 

240, 241. 
Edward West, 79, 125. 
Edwin, 56, 83, 123, 134. 
Edwin, 98, 151. 
Edwin, 169, 246. 
Edwin, 194, 259. 
Edwin Bassett, 118, 185. 
Edwin Benoni, 103. 
Edwin Charlton, 108, 168, 

244, 245. 
Edwin H., 83, 134, 207. 
Edwin Henry, 235. 
Edwin Hiram, 207. 
Edwin Hollis, 116, 184. 
Edwin Miller, 255, 279. 
Edwin William, 125, 194, 

Effie, 222. 
Effie E., 234. 

Elaine Laurette, 230, 273. 
El am, 65, 99. 
Fldad, 57, 48, 72, 73. 
Eldad, 48, 73, 114. 
Elden Roberts, 198. 
Eleanor Hay, 168. 
Eleanor Root, 111, 174. 
Eli, 48, 73, 115, 116. 
Eli, 115, 182, 254. 
Eli Beecher, 137, 209. 
Elias H., 105, 162, 238. 
Elihu, 33, 39, 53. 
Elihu, 39, 53, 81. 
Elihu, 49, 75, 118. 
Elijah, 49, 74, 117. 
Elijah Sanford, 75, 118, 

Eliot Camp, 136. 



1886 Eliot Doremus, 193, 258. 

1746 Elisha, 42. 

1761 Elisha, 43, 60,. 91. 

1780 Elisha, 58. 

1811 Elisha, 87, 137, 209, 210. 

1811 Elisha M., 87, 137, 209. 

1817 Elisha Matthew, 81. 

1846 Elisha Randall, 130, 202, 

Eliza, 64. 

Eliza, 68. 

Eliza, 109. 

Eliza, 283, 291. 

Eliza, 315. 

1794 Eliza, 63, 93. 

1803 Eliza, 64. 
1811 Hiza, 79. 
1816 Eliza, 91, 140. 
1867 Eliza, 162. 

1872 Eliza Allen, 142. 

Eliza Ann, 102, 157. 

1833 Eliza Ann, 77, 121. 

1867 Eliza Barnes, 120, 188. 

1845 Eliza E., 102, 157. 

1838 Eliza J., 97. 

1821 Eliza Sutherland, 100, 154. 

1848 Eliza W., 80. 

Elizabeth, 87. 

1721 Elizabeth, 33, 38. 

1745 Elizabeth, 36, 47. 

1746 Elizabeth, 38, 51. 
1748 Elizabeth, 34, 41. 
1748 Elizabeth, 37, 48. 
1752 Elizabeth, 41. 
1779 Elizabeth, 58. 
1791 Elizabeth, 53, 57. 
1794 Elizabeth, 52. 

1804 Elizabeth, 73. 
1830 Elizabeth, 77. 

1839 Elizabeth, 113, 179. 
1855 Elizabeth, 144. 

1873 Elizabeth, 183. 
1875 Elizabeth, 86, 136. 

1888 Elizabeth, 201. 
1903 Elizabeth, 275. 
1806 Elizabeth Ann, 62. 
1815 Elizabeth Ann, 72. 

1880 Elizabeth Arnold, 164, 


1818 Elizabeth B., 71, 111. 

1889 Elizabeth Carter, 229. 
1907 Elizabeth Dorothy, 269. 
1883 Elizabeth Ellen, 204, 261. 
Elizabeth H., 80, 127. 

1849 Elizabeth H., 106, 165. 
1819 Elizabeth Harriet, 53,81. 


Elizabeth Hunt, 71, 112. 


Emeline, 222. 


Elizabeth Jane, 81. 


Emeline Priscilla, 



Elizabeth Joan, 243. 



Elizabeth K., 220, 269. 


Emerett, 98, 151. 


Elizabeth M., 84, 134. 


Emerett Maria, 139, 



Elizabeth Mary Ann, 40, 


Emerson Joseph, 26S 



Emerson Wm., 129. 


Elizabeth T., 232, 274. 


Emery Allen, 158. 


Elizabeth Tucker, 168. 


Emery W., 234. 


Elizur Punderson, 72, 113. 

Emily, 114. 



Emily, 52, 80. 


Ella, 134, 207. 


Emily, 79, 125. 


Ella, 101, 155. 


Emily, 102. 


Ella, 247, 278. 


Emily, 79. 


Flla A., 173. 


Emily, 75, 118. 


Ella Augusta, 110, 173. 


Emily, 92. 


Ella Christena, 129. 


Emily, 105, 162. 


Ella E., 156. 


Emily, 145, 219. 


Ella E., 86. 


Emily A., 80. 


Ella Louise, 153. 


Emily Anzonetta, 



Flla M., 150, 223. 



Ella Maria, 137. 


Emily C, 157. 


Ellen, 152. 


Fmily E., 274. 


Ellen Augusta, 113, 178. 


Emily Harriet, 232, 



Ellen Bessie, 213. 


Emily H. Matilda, ] 



Ellen Hattie, 146, 219. 


Emily J., 92, 142. 


Ellen M., 96, 147. 


Emily Lydia, 109, 171. 


Ellen M., 170. 


Emily M., 69, 108. 


Elliott B., 240. 


Emily Mary, 90. 


Ellis K., 275. 


Emily Millard, 133, 



Ellis King, 233, 275, 282. 


Emily P., 141. 


Ellsworth G., 149, 223. 


Emily Paret, 227. 


Elmer E., 132, 205. 

Emma, 68. 


Elmer Ellsworth, 151, 224 

Emma, 154. 



Emma, 82, 132. 


Elna Caroline,, 162., 


Emma, 156, 230. 


Elnathan, 58, 87, 136. 


Emma, 106. 


Elnathan. 67, 104, 161. 


Emma A., 85. 


Elnathan R., 237, 277. 


Emma Amelia, 132, 



Elnathan Reynolds, 104, 


Emma Bell, 96. 

160, 237. 


Emma Ct:ple, 148. 

Elnora, 108. 


Emma Caroline, 170 

, 249. 


Elnora Rebecca, 137, 209. 


Emma Cornelia, 83, 


Elsie, 223. 


Emma E., 129. 


Elsie, 267. 


Emma E., 149, 223. 


Elsie L., 141. 


Emma Elizabeth, 77 

, 120. 


Elsie M., 202. 


Emma Estelle, 185, 



Elsie May, 215. 


Emma J., 149. 


Elsie Mildred, 278. 

Emma L., 233. 


Elsie Pearl, 259. 


Emma Louise, 126, 



Elsie Welling, 143. 


Emma Lucinda, 158 


Elton Lunsford, 127, 197. 


Emma Mabel, 107> 



Elva, 246. 


Emma May, 194, 



Emeline, 102, 158. 


PImma M. De Lapp 



Emeline, 284, 292. 



Emeline, 104. 


Emma Stella, 162, . 




1716 Enos, 32, 37, 49, SO. 

1748 Enos, 37. 

17o0 Enos, 43, 59, 90, 91. 

1758 Enos, 46. 

1783 Enos, 49, 77, 121, 122. 

1743 Ephraim, 34, 41. 

1777 Ephraim, 41. 

1883 Erna Pearl, 195. 

1820 Erasmus 73, 115, 182. 

1856 Erastus Wellington, lbO, 
236, 276. 

1909 Ermina Clara, 231. 

1870 Ernest B., 225, 271, 281. 
1863 Ernest E., 122, 190. 

1893 Ernest Elmer, 222. 

1865 Ernest Richmond, 213. 


1886 Essie, 222. 

1894 Esmond B., 249, 279. 
1898 Estella M., 205. 

1871 Estella May, 209. 

Esther, 315. 

1738 Esther, 42. 

1759 Esther, 43. 
1763 Esther, 43. 
1765 Esther, 44. 
1771 Esther, 40. 
1785 Esther, 46, 68. 

1787 Esther, 55. 

1788 Esther, 66. 

1789 Esther, 65, 97. 

1820 Esther, 56. 
1833 Esther, 69, 108. 
1837 Esther, 104. 
1894 Esther, 274. 
1898 Esther, 163 
1854 Esther Ann, 131. 

1848 Esther Annabeila, 129. 


1877 Esther Elizabeth, 130. 

1830 Esther Lemira, 103. 

1898 Esther Lillian, 268, 2S1. 

1821 Esther Maria, 90. 
1844 Ethan, 124. 

Ethel, 204. 

1883 Ethel A., 248. 

1889 Ethel Gertrude, 194, 259. 

1894 Ethel Hope, 202. 

1910 Ethel M., 265. 
1900 Ethel Mae, 270. 
1879 Ethel' May, 203. 
1892 Ethel May, 183. 
1891 Ethel R., 131. 
1904 Ethel R., 240. 

1871 Ethelwyn Morrill, lot, 

Etta, 223. 1886 

1867 Etta Mny, 180, 252. 1861 
1843 Lugene, 151, 225, 271. 1877 
1850 Eugene, 122, 190. 1810 
1887 Eugene, 157, 231. 1783 

1907 Eugene, 136. 1878 

1868 Eugene Beethoven, 246. 1880 

1874 Eugene D., 225, 271. 1863 

1879 Eugene Henry, 223, 270. 1884 
1850 Eugene L., 101, 155, 229. 1878 
L897 Eugene L., 195. 

1880 Eugene Sutton, 211, 262 1861 

1887 Eugenia Gertrude, 127. 1891 

1905 Eula Louise, 281. 1890 

Eunice, 46. 1892 

Eunice, 57, 86. 1852 

Eunice, 58. 1871 

Eunice, 69. 1879 

1687 Eunice, 31. 1874 

1730 Eunice, 32, 37. 1885 

1737 Eunice, 34, 40. 1900 

1744 Eunice, 41. 1872 

1748 Eunice, 36, 46. 1891 

1750 Eunice, 37. 1895 

1753 Eunice, 43, 60. 1897 

1757 Eunice, 43. 1905 

1762 Eunice, 37, 49.. 

1774 Eunice, 41. 1875 

1780 Eunice, 65, 97. 

1781 Eunice, 48, 72. 1849 

1827 Eunice, 61. 

1848 Eunice A., 91, 140. 1789 

Eva, 223. 1813 

1865 Eva A., 117, 184. 1893 

1862 Eva. Belle, 122, 191. 1867 

1888 Eva C., 202. 1900 
1893 Eva D., 195, 260. 1845 

1890 Eva M., 204. 1905 
1785 Evelina, 49. 1888 
1859 Eveline Henrietta, 171. 1908 

1891 Evelyn, 193, 258. 1843 
1898 Evelyn D., 274. 1870 

1875 Everitt, 131. 1817 

1908 Everett Horace, 272. 1855 
1865 Ezekial Robartus, 294, 309 1856 
1778 Ezra, 48, 73, 114, 115. 

1852 Ezra Ailing, 119, 186. 1847 


1906 F. Adeline, 254. 1832 
1875 Fannie Belle, 210. 1908 
1879 Fannie Emily, 186, 256. 1898 
1879 Fannie Harris, 85. 1893 
1801 Fanny, 66, 102. 1892 
1811 Fanny, 64, 95. 1883 
1821 Fanny, 99, 153. 

1856 Fanny tiadburn, 138. .... 

Fanny Louise, 134, 207. 
Fanny Maria, 86. 
Fanny Virginia, 297 
Fidelia, 108, 168. 
Flamen, 59, 90, 139. 
Flora, 247, 278. 
Flora Amelia, 200. 
Flora E., 159. 
Flora Lerma, 300, 315. 
Flora S., 160. 
Florence, 170. 
Florence, 171. 
Florence, 236, 276. 
Florence A., 224, 270. 
Florence A., 204, 261. 
Florence Amelia, 84. 
Florence Ames, 120, 188. 
Florence Belle, 226, 272. 
Florence E., 192. 
Florence Fay, 167, 244. 
Florence Graham, 212. 
Florence I., 135. 
Florence M., 264. 
Florence M., 274. 
Florence SchafTher, 202. 
Flossie Ellen, 237. 
Floyd, 257. 
Floyd Alden, 156, 231, 

Foster Barker, 118. 
Frances, 109. 
Frances, 50, 78. 
Frances, 79. 
Frances Almira, 148. 
Fiances Butler, 145. 
Frances C., 275. 
Frances Clarissa, 114, 180. 
Frances Cora, 263. 
Frances Eliza, 147. 
Frances Emily, 256. 
Fiances Harriet, 139. 
Frances Ida, 145, 217. 
Frances Jane, 72, 113. 
Frances Jennie, 111, 173. 
Frances Josephine, 178, 

Frances Louise, 105, 162. 
Frances M., 57, 85. 
Frances M., 95, 146. 
Frances Marjory, 255. 
Frances Mary, 264, 281. 
Frances Miller, 211. 
Frances Priscilla, 198. 
Frances Randolph, 163, 

Francis, 250. 



1858 Francis, 151, 225. 
1896 Francis B., Jr., 128. 

1861 Francis Barton, 81, 128. 
1903 Francis Blanchard, 224, 

1851 Francis Ebenezer, 141, 

1828 Francis J., 71, 111, 173. 

1856 Francis M., 149, 223. 

1849 Francis Wyman, 112. 
Frank, 209. 

Frank, 210. 

Frank, 223. 

1860 Frank, 137, 210. 
1891 Frank, 215. 

1850 Frank B., 171, 249. 

1836 Frank Dwight, 138, 211, 


1859 Frank Dwight, 156, 230. 
1879 Frank Edward, 186, 256. 
Frank F., 150. 

1896 Frank G., 136, 208. 

1862 Frank Glasgow, 86, 136, 


1857 Frank H., 179. 
Frank J., 101, 155. 

1854 Frank Marion, 109, 171. 
1899 Frank Page, 300. 

1861 Frank Vincent, 146. 

1863 Frank Wetherbee, 188. 
1817 Franklin, 99, 153. 

1837 Franklin Benjamin, 92, 

142, 215. 
1834 Franklin Bliss, 95, 146, 

1847 Franklin Sanford, 118, 

185, 255. 
1805 Franklin Truman, 89, 138 

.... Fred, 247. 
1870 Fred, 175, 251. 
1882 Fred, 245. 
1898 Fred, 238. 
1854 Fied Beers, 156, 229. 
1881 Fred Clay, Jr., 155. 
1866 Fred Clayton, 116. 
1868 Fred G . 116, 183. 
1879 Fied Halsey, 229. 
1888 F:ed R., 145, 219. 
1870 Fred Round, 120. 
1876 Fred Smith, 220, 268. 
1910 Tied Stephen, 243. 

1864 Fred T., 232, 274. 

1897 Fieddic Clark, 224. 

1842 Frederick, 152, 226, 271, 

1850 Frederick, 158. 1872 
1876 Frederick, 162, 238. 

1882 Frederick, 209. 1911 
1830 Frederick A., 57, 86, 136. 1869 

1852 Frederick Clay, 101, 155. 1866 
1899 Frederick Elson, 182. 1841 
1872 Frederick Eugene, 213, 1891 
1872 Frederick H., 226, 271. 1826 

265. 1814 

1863 Frederick Holland, 112, 

176, 251. 1875 

1860 Frederick Porter, 130, 202 1844 

1892 Frederick Richard, 185. 1874 
1907 Frederick Smith, 268. i885 

1853 Frederick Tyler, 95. 1818 

1851 Frederick W., 170, 247. 

1858 Frederick W., 151, 224, 1859 

270. 1902 

1896 Frederick Watson, 264, 

281. 1846 

1766 Freeman, 39. 1849 

1887 Fieida, 229. 


1797 Gamaliel Bradley, 66. 

1890 Garland, Marvin, 311. 1811 

1893 Garnet, 195. 

1800 Garret, 61, 92, 142, 143. 1876 
Garret Barry, Jr., 196. 1895 

1891 Garret Barry, 126, 196. 1846 

1888 Geneva Melessa, 203. 

George, 105. 1843 

1797 George, 49, 76. 

1800 George, 50, 79, 124, 125. 1872 

1869 George, 149. 1864 

1884 George, 209. 1896 
1835 George A., 82, 130. 1877 
1876 George O., 150. 1893 
1842 George Atwell, 139, 212. I860 
1858 George Bennett, 118, 186, 1876 

256. 1877 

1879 George Brooks, 167. 1888 

1897 George Burnett, 275. 1895 
1810 George Camp, 99, 151,225. 1850 

1885 George Campbell, 213. 1896 
1824 George E., 57, 85. 1898 
1851 George E., 115, 181, 254. 1900 

1854 George E., 294, 308. 1793 

1883 George Edward, 213, 265. 1904 
1885 George Edward, 166, 243. 1874 

1861 George Elnathan, 161, 238. 1878 

1880 George Eiasmus, 182,254. 1879 
1888 George Franklin, 186, 256. 1904 

1829 George H., 108, 169, 246 

1835 George H., 77. 1814 

1887 George fJ., 224, 270. 1882 

1901 George Henry, 246. 1857 

George Henry Peck, 178, 

George Jay, 275. 
George Leonard, 96, 148. 
George Levi, 233. 
George Lovell, 158, 233. 
George Malcolm, 127. 
George Medad, 72, 113. 
George Merwin, 78, 123, 

George Miner, 180, 253. 
George P., 105, 162. 
George Parkin, 126, 196. 
George Percy, 176. 
George Raymond, 71, 112, 

George S., 120, 188, 256. 
George Switzer, 128. 
George W., 168. 
George W., 130. 
George Weston, 157, 232, 

George Whittlesey, 83, 

George Willard, 102, 158, 

George Wilson, 129. 
George Wilson, 230. 
George Wm., 129, 201, 

George Wright,. 137, 209, 

Georgia, 124. 
Georgianna, 142. 
Georgianna, 172. 
Georgine, 146. 
Gerald King, 182, 254. 
Geraldine Phereba, 294. 
Gertie Louella, 209. 
Gertrude, 239, 277. 
Gertrude, 223. 
Gertrude K., 224. 
Gilbert L., 170, 249. 
Gladys, 274. 
Gladys Ada, 268. 
Gladys P., 202. 
Goodyear, 65, 100, 154. 
Gordon Albert, 256. 
Grace, 146. 
Grace, 247. 
Grace, 171. 
Grace, 250. 
Grace Augusta, 62. 
Grace Clarissa, 72, 112. 
Grace Edith, 223, 270. 
Grace Emeline, 194, 258. 




Grace Irene, 182. 


Harriet Eliza, 153, 227. 



Grace M., 132. 

134 5 

Harriet Esther, 83. 



Grace Snipes, 311. 


Harriet F., 159. 



Grace Viola, 163. 


Harriet Frances, 92, 141. 



Grace Viiginia, 172. 


Harriet H., 80, 126. 



Grace Y., 134, 207. 

Harriet Hortence, 170, 



Granger S., 110, 172. 




Granger Smith, Jr., 172. 


Harriet Howell, 173, 250. 



Graydon Francis, 183. 


Harriet L., 171, 249. 



Grove Worthington, 266. 


Harriet Lee, 296, 311. 



Grover E., 181. 


Harriet Montgomery, 111. 



Grover J., 248, 279. 


Harriet F., 91, 140. 
Harry,, 204. 



Hannah, 31, 33. 

Harry, 245. 



Hannah, 33, 38. 

Harry, 247. 



Hannah, 35. 


Harry, 168, 245. 



Hannah, 36. 


Harry Arthur, 201. 



Hannah, 33. 


Harry Arthur, 230, 273. 



Hannah, 43, 59. 


Harry Barlow, 202, 260. 



Hannah, 38, 50. 


Harry E.. 77, 120. 



Hannah, 42. 


Harry Hall, 233, 275. 



Hannah, 38. 


Harry L., 195, 259. 


Hannah, 58. 


Harry R., 163, 240. 



Hannah, 67. 

Harvey, 150. 



Hannah, 64. 


Harvey H., 149, 223. 



Hannah, 67. 


Hattie, 131. 



Hannah A., 238. 


Hattie Belle, 186, 256. 



Hannah Cutler, 63, 93. 


Hattie Blakeslee, 113, 177. 


Hannah Eliza, 104. 


Hattie Childs, 133, 206. 



Hannah Hotchkiss, 51 


Hattie E., 194. 



Hannah Luella, 264, 280. 


Hattie E., 222. 

Harley, 223. 


Hattie Howard, 308. 


Harley, 236. 


Hattie Louise, 162, 238. 



Harmon G. R., 186, 256. 


Hazel, 236. 



Harold, 279. 


Hazel, 279. 



Harold August, 268. 


Hazel Blanche, 311. 



Harold Conant, 219, 267. 


Hazel Virginia, 258. 



Harold Doughty, 198. 


H. Clarkson, 128, 197. 



Harold E., 253. 


Heaton, 48, 72, 113. 



Harold Edgar, 129. 


Helen, 151. 


Harriet, 56. 


Helen, 246. 

Harriet, 109. 


Helen Blanche, 219, 268. 


Harriet, 315. 


Helen Charnley, 175. 



Harriet, 47. 


Helen Dorothy, 257. 


Harriet, 77. 


Helen Elizabeth, 255. 



Harriet, 71, 110. 


Helen Frances, 112, 176. 



Harriet, 125. 


Helen Francis, 238. 



Harriet, 77. 


Helen Hastings, 240. 



Harriet, 93, 143. 

Helen Ida, 176. 



Harriet, 82, 132. 


Helen Irene, 262. 


Harriet, 170. 


Helen Louisa, 147, 220. 



Harriet, 126, 197. . 


Helen Louise, 167, 244. 



Harriet Amanda, 115. 


Helen Louise, 188. 



Harriet B., 238. 


Helen M., 185. 



Harriet Brodhead, 123, 


Helen Maria, 116, 183. 




Helen Minnie, 207. 

Helen Woodard, 135. 
Heman, 37, 50, 77. 
Heman R., 123, 192. 
Henrietta, 251. 
Henrietta Baldwin, 177. 
Henry, 99, 151, 225. 
Henry, 71, 111, 174, 175. 
Henry, 111, 175, 251. 
Henry, 162, 238. 
Henry, 174, 250. 
Henry, 208, 262. 
Henry, 195. 
Henry, 250. 
Henry Anderson, 303. 
Henry C., 71, 110. 
Henry C., 173. 
Henry Charles, 110, 172. 
Henry Cook, 147. 
Henry D., 80, 126, 196. 
Henry Dale, 218. 
Henry Davidson, 220, 268 

Henry Day, 126, 196. 
Henry Erasmus, 115, 182. 
Henry Francis, 268. 
Henry G., 208, 261. 
Henry Green, 136, 208, 

261, 262. 
Henry H., Jr., 135, 208. 
Henry Harrison, 84, 135, 

207, 208. 
Henry Heaton, 113, 179. 
Henry Herbert, 224. 
Henry J., 77, 120, 187. 
Henry Kent, 236, 276. 
Henry Levi, 166, 243. 
Henry Lockwood, 94, 146. 
Henry Lucius, 134, 207. 
Henry M., 129. 
Henry Miner, 83, 134, 

206, 207. 
Henry P., 89. 
Henry Russell, 81, 128, 

Henry S., 54, 81, 128. 
Henry S., 163, 240. 
Henry Wellesley, 129, 190 
Henry Wm., 83, 133, 206. 
Henry Wm., 131, 203, 

Henry Wilson, 146, 219. 
Henry Z., 217, 267. 
Herbert David, 117, 185. 
Herbert Edwin, 201, 260. 
Herbert Geo. Chipman, 

129, 201. 



1902 Herbert Geo. Chipman, 

1845 Herbert' Josiah, ISO. 

1875 Herman David, 118, 185, 
Hetty, 62. 

1890 Hiland Chase, 224, 270. 
1802 Hiram, 56, 83, 134. 
1828 Hiram H., 57, 85, 135. 

1876 Hiram Miner, 134, 207. 
1861 Hiram Wells, 153, 228. 
1758 Holebrook, 44, 62, 92, 93. 
1828 Hollis Jacob, 74, 116, 


!SS<5 Mollis Mack, 184. 

1820 Hollister, 97, 150, 223. 

1904 Homer Hart, 268. 

1790 Horace, 65, 100, 154. 

1818 Horace, 75, 118, 185, 186. 

1846 Horace, 152, 227, 272. 
1820 Horace Brace, 138, 211, 


1874 Horace Eurritt, 226, 272. 

1811 Horace Cowles, 73. 

1873 Horace G., 134. 

1891 Horace Goodyear, 229. 
1882 Horace Hazelton, 227, 


1901 Horace Logan, 255. 

1854 Horatio Ward, 159, 234. 

1906 Howard J., 275. 

1841 Howell, 111, 173, 250. 

1870 Hubbard Gale, 86, 136. 
1887 Hubert Fernald, 226, 271. 

1907 Hubert Lee, 311. 
1907 Hubert Maxwell, 192. 

Huldah, 62, 92. 

1768 Huldah, 44. 

1844 Huldah Deborah, 119, 186. 
1831 Huldah Hoag, 69, 108. 
1893 Hull Alexander, 308. 
1869 Hull Ashbery, 294, 308. 
1885 Huntington Choate, 126, 


1845 H. Ursula, 74. 

1911 Iantha Ruth, 264. 

1761 Ichabod, 46, 66, 103. 

1856 Ichabod Hiram, 159, 234. 

1874 Ida, 222. 

1858 Ida A., 161, 237. 

1878 Ida Bell, 220. 

1867 Ida Delia, 120, 187. 

1854 Ida Dorcas, 106, 167. 

1871 Ida Lovena, 117. 
1893 Ida M., 264. 
1880 Ida May, 235. 

1866 Ida Wyman, 112, 176. 1882 

1883 Ina Elizabeth, 180. 

1902 Ina Elizabeth, 253. 1842 

1881 Inez E., 248. 1857 

1900 Inez Marian, 201. 1859 

1868 Iola, 142. 1895 

1765 Ira, 40, 55, 83. 1843 

1783 Ira, 48, 73, 115. 1858 

1787 Ira, 61, 92, 140, 141. 1871 

1836 Irene, 121. 

1908 Irene Dolores, 218. 1864 

1897 Iiene Mary, 257. 1864 

1887 Irma Brewster, 253. 1849 

1904 Irma Marie, 198. 1886 
1840 Irvin, 75, 117, 184. 1821 
1907 Irwin W., 253. 1896 
1886 Irving C., 184. 1848 
1863 Irving James, 108, 168. 1814 
1892 Irving Taft, 168, 245. 1902 

Isaac, 37. 1848 

1718 Isaac, 35, 43, 59. 

1746 Isaac, 42, 58, 89. 1840 

1758 Isaac, 41, 58, 86. 1822 

1818 Isaac, 73, 115, 181. 

1839 Isaac Edgar, 168, 245. 1883 

1817 Isaac H., 56, 83. 1869 

1796 Isaac Punderson, 89, 138, 1873 


1826 Isaac Townsend, 74, 116, .... 

183, 1911 

1853 Isabel, 115. 

1847 Isabel Taylor, 112, 176. 1852 

1850 Isabella Tichenor, 153, 228 1808 

1886 Isabelle, 227. 1860 

1885 Iva Dell, 236. 

1899 Iva Mae, 308. 1872 

1884 Ivy May, 171. 1902 

1885 I. Zora, 155. 1846 

1905 Jack Harry, 275. 1877 
1721 Jacob, 35, 43, 59, 60. 1865 
1810 Jahaza, 283, 285, 294, 295, 1880 

296. 1817 

James, 46, 67, 105. 

James, 250. 1873 

1698 James, 32, 36, 47. 1861 

1734 James, 36, 46, 67, 68. 1871 

1783 James, 47, 71, 110, 111. 1827 

1785 James, 65, 99, 152, 153. 

1791 James, 67. 1814 

1793 James, 49, 75, 118. 

1821 James, 69, 108, 167, 168. 1906 

1824 James, 94, 146, 219. 1892 

1828 James, 105, 161, 238. 1808 

1830 James, 94, 144. 

1839 James, 97, 150. 

James, 167, 244. 
James A., 316. 
James A., 122, 192, 
James A., 110, 172. 
James A, 149, 223. 
James A., 308. 
James B., 87, 138, 211. 
James B., 96, 147, 220. 
James Bassett, 174, 251, 

James Benjamin, 171, 250. 
James Bobbitt, 287, 299. 
James Bull, 138, 211, 262. 
James C, 217, 267. 
James Chaplain, 78, 123. 
James Clayton, 219. 
James Fowler, 140, 213. 
lames George, 81. 
James Grier, 211. 
James Griffin, 105, 163, 

James H., 95, 147, 219. 
James Harmon, 109, 171, 

249, 250. 
James Henry, 132, 205. 
James Holland, 146. 
James Horise, 185, 255. 

James John, 315. 
James, Jr., 244. 
James K., 316. 
James L., 149, 222. 
James Lewis, 68, 105, 163. 
James Lucius, 145, 217, 

James M., 288, 303. 
James M., Jr., 303. 
James Mitchell, 118, 185, 

James O., 264, 280. 
James Peter, 158, 234. 
James R., 160, 237. 
James Randall, 82, 130. 

202, 2C3. 
James Robert, 293, 306. 
James T., 132, 205, 261. 
James Thomas Rice, 129. 
James W., 284, 293, 306. 

307, 308. 
James William, 82, 

James Winchel, 255. 
James Wood, 173. 
James Young, 67, 

Jane, 67, 105. 





1797 Jane, 64. 

1812 Jane, 91. 

1818 Jane, 283. 

1827 Jane, 75, 119. 

1827 Jane H., 98. 

1822 Jane Isabel, 73. 

1870 Jane Leonard, 143, 216. 

1832 Jane Louise, 158. 

1835 Jane Maria, 152, 226. 

1884 Jane Woodley, 215. 

1905 Janet Dunnell, 241. 

1883 Janet Isabella, 213. 

1758 Jared, 37, 49, 75, 76, 77. 
1795 Jared, 49, 76, 119. 

1780 Jared, 65, 98, 150. 

1801 Jared, 67, 103, 159. 

1832 Jared Allen, 103, 159, 235 

1845 Jared James, 119, 186,256 

1759 Jason, 43, 60, 91. 
1787 Jason, 66, 101, 156. 
1801 Jason, 60, 91. 

1834 Jason G., 157, 232, 274, 


1825 Jason J., 101, 156, 229. 

1869 Jay, 247, 278. 

1888 Jay, 189. 

1837 J. Clayton, 74, 116. 

1876 Jean Howe, 175. 

1887 Jeanette, 171. 

1889 Jeanette L., 148. 

1827 Jeanette Mary, 94, 146. 

1882 Jeanette, 211, 262. 

1909 Jeff D., 303. 

1817 Jehiel, 283, 287, 296, 297, 

298, 299. 
1816 Jennett, 71, 111. 
1799 Jennette, 47, 71. 
Jennie, 189. 

1855 Jennie, 156, 230. 
.... Jennie Amelia, 170. 
1876 Jennie B., 118, 185. 
1866 Jennie Emily, 134, 207. 

1870 Jennie Louisa, 85. 

1856 Jennie M., 134, 207. 
1865 Jennie M., 15'), 235. 
1872 Jennie M., 117, 184. 
1872 Jennie Maude, 222, 268. 
1882 Jennie May, 117. 

1900 Jennie Ruth, 159. 

Jeremiah, 124, 193. 

1685 Jeremiah, 31, 34, 42. 

1734 Jeremiah, 35, 44, 62, 63. 

1744 Jeremiah, 38, 50, 78. 

1771 Jeremiah, 45, 64. 

1773 Jeremiah, 50, 78, 123. 










Jeremiah, 66, 102, 156, 

Jeremiah, 64, 95, 147. 
Jeremiah Charles, 144, 216 
Jeremiah John, 94, 145, 

Jeremiah M., 44, 63, 93. 
Jeremiah W., 93, 144, 216 
Jerome, 168. 
Jerome, 100. 
Jesse, 248, 279. 
Jesse, 47, 69, 108. 
Jesse, 44. 
Jesse, 38, 51. 
Jesse, 39, 53. 
Jesse, 69, 108, 169. 
Jesse, 246. 

Jesse Farnsworth, 194, 258 
Jesse Gifford, 157, 233, 

Jesse Kilborn, 255. 
Jessie, 146. 
Jessie A., 161, 238. 
Jessie Cstherine, 128. 
Jessie Dunn, 188, 256. 
Jessie Louise, 264, 281. 
J. K., 55. 
Joachim, 153. 
Job. Mansfield, 63, 94, 

145, 146. 
Joel, 35, 44, 62. , 

Joel, 44, 62. 
Joel, 44, 64, 95, 96. 
Joel, 57, 86. 
Joel, 64, 95. 
Johanna, 31, 32. 
John, 47. 
John, 55. 
John, 128. 
John, 150. 

John, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. 
John, 31, 32, 37, 38. 
John, 32, 37, 50, 51. 
John, 35, 45. 
John, 38, 50, 78, 79. 
John, 45, 65, 99, 100, 101. 
John, 50, 78, 124. 
John, 50, 78. 
John, 67, 104, 160, 161. 
John, 65, 100, 154. 
John, 46, 69. 
John, 78, 124, 193. 
John, 53, 80. 
John, 79. 
John, 66, 101. 


John, 69, 107, 167. 


John, 138, 211, 262, 263. 


John, 169, 247. 


John A., 77, 123, 192. 


John A., 137, 209. 


John Albert, 143, 215, 



John B., 102, 156, 230. 


John B., 157. 


John Birdsey, 115, 181. 


John Bishop, 72. 


John Bliss, 104, 161, 237, 



John Bunyan, 296, 311. 


John Burton, 158, 233. 


John Clarence, 161, 238. 


John Clinton, 79, 124. 


John Coggswell, 130, 202. 


John E., 170. 


John Elisha,, 81, 129, 199. 


John Elizur, 102, 158, 



John F., 283, 292, 304, 



John F., 123, 192, 257. 


John F., 195, 259. 


John G., 66, 102, 157. 


John G., 102, 157, 232, 



John Capper, 201. 


John Garnett, 211, 263. 


John Garnett, 263. 


John Graham, 311. 


John H., 193. 


John Harvey, 131, 204. 


John Haynes, 239, 277. 


John Henry, 124, 193. 


John Hoadley, 93, 143, 

215, 216. 


John Hoadley, 215. 


John Hollister, 224, 270. 

John J., 131, 204. 


John J., 92, 142. 


John J., 94, 145, 218, 219 


John J., 220, 268, 281. 


John Jacob, 216, 266. 


John James, 145, 218. 


John James Jr., 269, 281. 


John Joseph, 131, 204. 


John K., 87, 136. 


John Lambeth, 305. 


John Lai son, 107, 167. 


John L. C, 149. 


John M., 77, 120, 188. 


John M., 239. 




John Mead, 167. 


Joseph, 204. 



John Miles, 222. 


Joseph, 144. 



John Milton, 139, 



Joseph, 182. 




Joseph Adolphus, 82, 129, 



John N., 287, 298, 






Joseph Alverus, 131. 



John Osborne, 66, 
157, 158. 



Joseph Babson, 82, 130. 
Joseph E., 132, 206. 



John Peter, 126, 195, 



Joseph Edgar, 130, 203. 




Joseph G., 129, 201. 



John Peterson, 294. 


Joseph Hail, 64, 96, 148. 



John Phelps, 78, 123, 



Joseph Hoag, 69, 106, 167 


John Romaine, 100. 


Joseph Lafayette, 145, 218 



John Ronald, 238. 


Joseph N., 274. 


Johni, Root, 95. 


Joseph Wm, 96, 148, 220. 



John S., 73, 115, 181 


Joseph Young, 155. 


John. Sill, 233. 


Josephine, 158, 234. 



John Starr, 63, 94, 



Joseph F., 236, 277. 



John Starr, 94, 146, 



Josephine G., 122, 189. 



John Todd, 97, 148, 



Joshua, 30, 31. 




Joshua, 31, 32, 37. 



John W., 284, 294, 



Joshua, 31, 33, 38, 39. 


John W., 286, 296, 



Joshua, 37, 48, 73, 74. 




Joshua, 39, 52, 79, 80, 81. 



John Wesley, 97, 150. 


Joshua, 50, 79, 124. 


John Wilbur, 148, 



Joshua, 52, 80, 126. 




Joshua, 73, 114, 181. 



John Wilbur, 311. 


Joshua, 49, 77, 120, 121. 



John William, 149, 



Joshua, 80. 



Josiah Wolcott, 103, 159. 



John William, 211, 



Josiah Wolcott, 159. 



John Wilson, 305. 


Jotham, 60, 90, 139, 140. 


Jonah, 35, 44, 62. 


Jotham, 43. 


Jonah, 62, 93. 


Joyce Nina, 269. 



Jonathan, 30, 31, 34 

, 35. 


Judith Pomeroy, 214. 


Jonathan, 31, 34, 42 

, 43, 


Julia, 47, 71. 




Julia, 79, 125. 


Jonathan, 34, 42, 58 


Julia, 90, 140. 



Jonathan, 35, 43, 60 

, 61. 


Julia, 71, 110. 



Jonathan, 44, 61, 92 


Julia, 73. 



Jonathan, 40, 56, 83. 


Julia, 152, 226. 



Jonathan, 58, 87, 136 

, 137 


Julia, 125, 195. 



Jonathan, 67, 104, 160. 


Julia, 110. 


Jonathan, 104, 160. 


Julia A., 150. 



Jonathan Squire, 115, 



Julia A., 117, 184. 




Julia Adell, 224, 270. 



Jonathan W., 77, 



Julia Ann. 79, 124. 




Julia Ann, 76. 


Joseph, 204. 


Julia C, 141. 



Joseph, 31, 35, 44, 



Julia Caroline, 294. 



Joseph, 35, 45, 64. 


Julia Elizabeth, 297, 313. 



Joseph, 45, 64, 96. 


Julia Elizabeth, 305. 



Joseph, 44, 63, 93, « 



Julia H., 98. 



Joseph, 63, 93, 144, 



Julia Harriet, 185. 


Joseph, 48, 74, 116. 


Julia Kclsey, 155. 



Joseph, 64, 96, 148. 


Julia Lawrence, 161. 


Julia Margaret, 198. 

Julia Maud, 162. 

Julia Olivia, 292. 

Juliet, 74, 116. 

Juliette Elizabeth, 73, 114 

Juliette Olmsted, 214,265. 

Juline Louise, 113, 177. 

Julius, 154. 

Julius, 100, 154. 

Julius, 222. 

Julius Judson, 116, 183, 

Julius Floyd, 149. 

Karl W., 188, 256. 
Kate, 156. 
Kate B., 110, 172. 
Katie F., 130. 
Katherine, 114, 180. 
Katherine, 219. 
Ktitherine Isabella, 175, 

Katherine Louise, 216. 
Katherine Snowden, 167, 

Kenneth C, 237, 277. 
Kenneth Nelson, 155. 
Kenneth Reynolds, 275, 

Keziah, 37. 
Kirtland W., 148, 220, 


Lasel R., 217. 
Laura, 97, 149. 
Laura, 1C0, 154. 
Laura, 103, 159. 
Laura, 65, 100. 
Laura, 64, 95. 
Laura, 98, 150. 
Laura, 103. 
Laura, 129. 
Laura A., 80, 127. 
Laura Ann, 90, 139. 
Laura B., 160, 236. 
Laura C, 150, 223. 
Laura Ella, 171. 
Laura Ellen, 226, 272. 
Laura Estrella, 171. 
Laura M., 160, 237. 
Laura Maria, 53, 81. 
Laura S. A., 97. 
La Verne Nathan, 187, 

Lawrence W., 86, 135. 
Leah Elizabeth, 238. 












Ledyard Jay, 152, 227, 

272, 273. 
Lee, 246. 
Lee Estes, 218. 
Leigh Richmond Brewer, 

Leland A., 248. 
Leland Weston, 233, 275. 
Lena, 247. 
Lena Leoti, 181. 
Lena Pearl, 308. 
Lenore, 205. 
Leola M., 224. 
Leon Emerson, 211, 263. 
Leon Judson, 183. 
Leon Webster, 184. 
Leona Sylvia, 236, 276. 
Leonard, 99, 152, 226, 

Leonard, 64, 96, 147, 148. 
Leonard, 147, 220. 
Leonard Augustus, 158, 

233, 276. 
Leonard C, 96, 147, 220. 
Leonard Daggett, 71, 112. 
Leonard Eugene, 141,215 
Leonard F., 132, 205, 261. 
Leroy W., 224. 
Leroy Wells, 198. 
Leslie, 205, 261. 
Lester Hallie, 308. 
Leverett, 67, 103, 158. 
Levi, 47. 

Levi, 109, 170, 249. 
Levi Hoag, 69, 106, 164, 

165, 166, 167. 
Lewis, 125. 
Lewis, 66, 101, 155. 
Lewis Bassett, 76, 119. 
Lewis Corning, 155. 
Lewis De Witt, 153, 228. 
Lewis Edwin, 129, 201, 

Lewis Elihu, 118, 186. 
Lewis Frederick, 122, 190. 
Lewis H., 149, 222. 
Leo Robert, 236. 
Lewis Spriggs, 154. 
Lilburn Ralph, 173. 
Lilla Barnes, 120, 187. 
Lillian, 247. 
Lillian Ann, 278. 
Lillian E., 245. 
Lillian Eliza, 159, 234. 
Lillian Elizabeth, 141,214 
Lillian Lucinda, 130. 

IS* J 

Lillian Pearl, 249. 


Lucina Hunt, 151, 224. 


Lillian Rose, 258. 


Lucinda, 77, 121. 

Lilly Belle, 229. 


Lucinda, 91, 140. 


Lilly Belle, 101. 


Lucinda, 91, 140. 


Lilly May, 181. 


Lucinda, 238. 


Lily Clarinda, 131, 204. 


Lucinda Fidelia, 90. 


Lina U., 157. 


Lucinda Myra, 59. 


Linus, 40, 56, 83. 


Lucius, 52, 79, 125. 


Lisetta, 101, 156. 


Lucius, 62. 


Lizzie B., 110, 172, 


Lucius, 93, 143. 


Lizzie Bynum, 300, 314. 


Lucius, 73, 115, 182. 


Lizzie Geitrude, 134/206. 


Lucius, 57, 85. 

Lloyd, 223. 


Lucius, 103. 


Loyd Elmer, 184. 


Lucius Bradley, 120. 

Lois, 46. 


Lucius Chauncey, 182, 254 

Lois, 67. 


Lucius E., 125, 194, 258. 

Lois, 283, 289. 


Lucius Jr., 79, 125, 194. 


Lois, 36, 46. 


Lucius Luther, 115, 182, 


Lois, 38. 



Lois, 42. 


Lucius Lyon, 83, 134, 207 


Lois, 42. 


Lucius R., 97, 149, 223. 


Lois, 50, 78. 


Lucretia May, 162, 239. 


Lois, 67. 

Lucy, 61. 


Lois, 60, 91. 

Lucy, 109. 


Lois, 283, 284. 


Lucy, 39, 52. 


Lois, 235. 


Lucy, 49. 


Lois A., 286, 294. 


Lucy, 48, 72. 


Lois Adel, 309. 


Lucy, 66. 


Lois Augusta, 157, 232. 


Lucy, 91, 140. 


Lois Maria, 59, 90. 


Lucy, 73. 


Lois Taft, 167, 244. 


Lucy, 103. 


Loren, 109, 170. 


Lucy, 140, 214. 


Lorette F., 160, 235. 


Lucy, 211. 


Lorraine, 94, 145. 


Lucy A., 101, 155. 


Lorraine Opry, 128. 


Lucy Ann, 59. 


Louis Charles, 268. 


Lucy Amelia, 74. 


Louis M., 163, 239. 


Lucy Avery, 154, 229. 


Louis R., 194, 258. 


Lucy Brown, 171. 


Louis R., 202, 260. 


Lucy Cordelia, 103. 


Louisa, 41. 


Lucy F., 96, 148. 


Louisa, 73. 


Lucy Jane, 100, 154. 


Louisa, 57, 85. 


Lucy Jane, 123. 


Louisa C, 103. 


Lucy Lovell, 193, 257. 


Louisa Maria, 75. 


Lucy Maria, 110, 172. 


Louise, 161. 


Lucy Root, 71, 111. 


Louise, 251. 


Lucy T., 157, 231. 


Louise C, 160, 237. 


Lucy Warren, 133, 206. 

1 889 

Louise H., 274. 


Lucy Warren, 297, 313. 


Louise Sedgwick, 126, 196 


Luella, 279. 


Lowly, 41. 


Luella, 280. 


Lowly, 48, 72. 


Luella Ardell, 178, 252. 


Lucia, 168. 


Lulie Adele, 208, 261. 


Lucia A., 157, 231. 


Lulu, 198. 


Lucian E., 125, 194, 258. 


Lulu Maid, 194, 259. 


Lucile Hall, 229. 


Luman, 55, 81, 128. 


Lucille, 254. 


Luman, 56, 83, 133. 



1824 Luman, 81, 128. 1899 

1810 Luman R., 56, 84, 135. 1895 

Luther, 70, 109, 170. 1891 

1876 Luther Edmund, 292, 305. 1897 

1911 Luther Edmund, 305. 1864 

Lydia, 62. 1876 

Lydia, 69. 1888 

1715 Lydia, 34, 42. 1891 

1729 Lydia, 36, 46. 1799 

1752 Lydia, 36, 47. 1822 

1756 Lydia, 43, 60. 

1782 Lydia, 46. 1892 
1792 Lydia, 71. 1844 
1798 Lydia, 65, 99. 1863 

1800 Lydia, 61 1884 
1809 Lydia, 64, 95. 1834 

1811 Lydia, 72. 1831 
1854 Lydia, 129. 1802 
1858 Lydia Alma, 178, 252. 1787 
1831 Lydia Anne, 94, 146. 1834 
1860 Lydia Blanchard, 115,182 1861 

1860 Lydia Josephine, 96. 1867 
1813 Lydia M., 109, 169, 316. 1881 

Lydia S., 96. 1889 

Lydia S., 148. 1903 

1815 Lydia S., 73. 1904 

Lyman, 67, 103, 159. 1878 

1759 Lyman, 39, 53. 1830 

1783 Lyman, 48, 72, 112, 113. 1879 

1801 Lyman, 64, 97, 149, 150. 
1830 Lyman, 104, 160. 1891 

1837 Lyman A., 76, 119, 187. 1864 
1820 Lyman Chas., 97, 148. 1867 
1813 Lyman Hotchkiss, 72, 112 1890 

176, 177. 1894 

1890 Lyman Hotchkiss, 177. 1899 

1858 Lyman J., 159, 235. 1905 

1861 Lyman J., 150. 1869 

1888 Lyman Peter, 235. 1897 

1838 Lyman Sanford, 112. 1894 

Lyman W., 86, 135, 136. 1884 

1835 Lyman Wetmore, 57, 86, 1888 

136. 1890 

1871 Lyman William, 86, 136. 1905 

1903 Lyndall Gale, 136. 1898 


Mabel, 102. 1814 

Mabel, 247. 1855 

1738 Mabel, 32. 1895 

1753 Mabel, 43, 60. 1837 

1792 Mabel, 60, 92. 1843 

1879 Mabel Amanda, 117. 1852 

1857 Mabel Bleeker, 123, 193. 1863 

1884 Mabel Effie, 192. 1855 

1897 Mabel Gertrude, 210. 1898 

1889 Mabel Golden, 195. 1888 

Mabel L., 238. 
Madalaine, 172. 
Madaline Thelma, 182. 
Madora Louise, 162. 
Mae, 132, 206. 
Mae, 190. 
Mae W., 236. 
Maiza Lilbeth, 269. 
Malinda, 67. 
Malinda, 104. 
Malvin, 259. 
Mamie, 222. 
Manning, 75, 117, 185. 
Manson Bigelow, 130, 203 
Manson Bigelow, 132. 
M. Antoinette, 74. 
Marcus, 97, 150. 
Marcus E., 66, 103, 158. 
Margaret, 58. 
Margaret, 170, 247. 
Margaret, 130, 201. 
Margaret, 131. 
Margaret, 147, 220. 
Margaret, 208. 
Margaret, 219. 
Margaret, 174. 
Margaret Abigail, 132, 205 
Margaret Augusta, 92, 142 
Margaret Blanche, 300, 

Margaret Brooks, 188. 
Margaret C., 96, 148. 
Margaret E., 292, 304. 
Margaret Ellen, 210. 
Margaret Hay, 216, 266. 
Margaret Josephine, 257. 
Margaret Lee, 305. 
Margaret Lulu, 288, 303. 
Margaret M., 205. 
Margaret Mae, 127. 
Margaret Sylvia, 193. 
Margaret W., 173, 250. 
Margaret Ward, 183. 
Marguerite, 238. 
Marguerite Jane, 257. 
Maria, 49, 76. 
Maria, 77. 
Maria, 110, 172. 
Maria E., 195, 260. 
Maria L., 92, 142. 
Maria L., 122, 189. 
Maria L., 106, 165. 
Maria Louisa, 161. 
Mariah Fliza, 149. 
Marian Katherine, 192. 
Marie Helen, 188, 256. 








3 735 

Marie R., 205. 
Marietta, 288, 301. 
Marion Cole, 250. 
Marion E., 274. 
Marion E., 253. 
Marion Elizabeth, 253- 
Marjorie, 278. 
Marjorie Gamier, 182. 
Marjorie Mebane, 312. 
Marjory Garrison, 164, 

Marquis Lafayette, 65, 

97, 150. 
Marquis Lafayette, 109. 
Marsden, R., 240. 
Marsha Renew,, 121. 
Marshal David, 92, 141. 
Marshal Frank, 142, 215. 
Martha, 53. 
Martha, 56. 
Martha, 78, 124. 
Martha, 283, 287. 
Martha A., 303. 
Martha Ann, 124. 
Martha Carolyn, 308. 
Martha Charnley, 111, 

Martha E., 121. 
Martha E., 144. 
Martha E., 294. 
Martha Elinor, 162, 239. 
Martha F., 308. 
Martha Jane, 168, 245. 
Martha Josephine, 288, 

Martha M., 75, 117. 
Martha Patterson, 294. 
Martha Richardson, 99, 

Martha Sophronia, 296. 
Martha Virginia, 287, 298. 
Marthena, 94, 144. 
Marvin, 72, 113, 177. 
Marvin Ray, 178, 252. 
Mary, 56. 
Mary, 62. 
Mary, 109. 
Mary, 138. 
Mary, 30, 31. 
Mary, 31, 34. 
Mary, 32, 36. 
Mary, 35. 
Mary, 33. 
Mary, 34 41. 
Mary, 36, 47. 
Mary, 33. 








Eliza, 95. 







51iza, 297, 313. 







Elizabeth, 93, 143. 







Elizabeth, 92, 141. 






Elizabeth, 103. 







Elizabeth, 83, 133. 




39, 52. 



Elizabeth, 80. 



40, 56. 



Elizabeth, 137, 210. 






Elizabeth, 143, 215. 




60, 91. 



Elizabeth, 176. 




65, 99. 



Ella, 211. 




79, 125. 



F.meline, 294. 




63, 95. 



Emeline, 233. 




125. . 



Emeline, 294. 




99, 153. 



Emeline, 239. 



104, 160. 



Evaline, 263, 280. 




168, 245. 



Frances, 197. 




94, 145 



G., 101, 156. 



101, 155. 



H., 76. 




Ill, 174 



H., 220, 268.! 







Harris, 298, 313. 




86, 135. 



Irene, 218. 




15 7. 



J., 284, 294. 





Jane, 124. 







Jane, 108, 168. 




A., 117. 



Jane, 77. 



M ary 

A., 192. 



Jane, 128. 




Alice, 106. 



Jane, 198. 




Amelia, 83. 



Kathleen, 202. 




125, 194. 



L., 173. 




Ann, 45, 




Louisa, 72, 113. 



Ann, 59. 



Louise, 105, 161. 




Ann, 53, 




Louise, 183. 



Ann, 75 



Lucina, 122, 189. 



Ann, 82, 




Lurana, 145, 217. 




Ann, 145 

, 222. 



Lyman, 80. 




Anna, 100, 154. 



Merwin, 123. 




B., 87. 



Minerva, 182, 254. 







Olivia, 300, 314. 




C, 147, 




Rhoades, 196. 





84, 135. 



Rosalie, 118. 





, 287, 297. 



Rutherford, 212. 




, 283, 288. 



S.. 163. 





139, 213. 


Mary Sibyl, 182, 254. 





114, ISO. 



Sterling, 175, 251. 




166, 243. 



Susan, 130, 203. 







Taft, 167, 244. 








Virginia, 211. 




E., 80, 126. 



White, 145. 



E., 129. 


Matilda, 90, 139. 




E., 232, 



Mattie Lillian, 300, 315. 




E., 292, 




ew, 283, 288, 300, 




E., 247, 



302, 303. 



E., 253. 



Livingston, 172. 







J., 234. 




Eliza, 162, 239. 


Maude, 132, 206. 


Maurice B., 234. 
Maurice Hooker, 161, 237. 
Maurice Peck, 211, 263. 
Maxine, 223. 
Maxine Helen, 230. 
Maxwell Wanton, 164, 

May, 189. 
May, 193, 258. 
May Clark, 213. 
May Olivia, 120, 187. 
Maynard, 279. 
Maynard L., 248. 
Mead, 46, 69, 106, 107, 

Medad, 48, 72, 113. 
Medad, 37, 48, 72. 
Mehitable, 70, 109. 
Mehitable, 37. 
Mehitable, 49. 
Mehitable, 58. 
Melina Elizabeth, 158, 

Merab, 40, 54. 
Merab, 40, 57. 
Merab, 51, 
Mercy, 30. 
Mercy, 67, 104. 
Merlin, 259. 
Merritt Buckingham, 92, 

140, 214. 
Mettie E., 220, 268. 
Michael, 67. 
Mildred, 259. 
Mildred, 194, 259. 
Mildred Elinor, 230. 
Mildred G., 205. 
Miles, 124. 

Miles Barber, 73, 96, 148. 
Miles L., 97, 149, 222. 
Miley Benner, 214. 
Millie Ellen, 145, 218. 
Milo Kline, 229. 
Milton L., 82. 
Minnie, 154. 
Minnie, 223. 
Minnie, 204. 
Minnie, 184. 
Minnie Burnett, 296. 
Minnie Chatterton, 152. 
Minnie Evelyn, 114, 181. 
Minnie J.. 156, 229. 
Miriam, 43. 
Miriam, 61. 
Miriam, 38, 52. 
Miriam, 43. 



1788 Miriam, 60, 91. 1863 
1831 Miriam, 91, 140. 1860 

1867 M. Mortimer, 192, 257. 1879 

1906 Montgomery, 174. 1863 
1905 Montgomery Meigs, 243. 1897 
1843 Morgan Nichols, 158, 233, 1871 

276. 1840 
1882 Morton, 193, 257. 1880 
Moses, 283, 284, 285, 286, 1880 

287. 1866 

1696 Moses, 31, 33, 39. 1869 

1729 Moses, 33, 39, 53. 1804 

1751 Moses, 43, 60, 91, 92. 1867 

1765 Moses, 44, 64, 95. 1752 

1804 Moses, 64, 95. 1804 

1868 Moses, 162. 1889 
1873 Munson Darwin, 213. 1854 
.... Musie, 223. 

1855 Myra J., 106, 166. 1830 

1818 Myron, 77, 122, 189, 190. 1890 

1841 Myron, 170, 247, 278,279. 1855 

1907 Myron, 278. 

1893 Myron L., 190. 1802 

1847 Myron Lewis, 122, 189, 


1852 Myron P., 160, 235. 1788 

1857 Myron Scott, 149. 1-Sb6 

1892 Myrtle Julia, 264, 280. 1799 

1893 Myrtle Lyle, 215. 1833 

1908 Myrtle M., 259. 1843 


Nancy, 61, 92. 1907 

Nancy, 67. 1844 

1783 Nancy, 58, 87. 1840 
1786 Nancy, 65, 97. 1811 

1789 Nancy, 59. 

1811 Nancy, 99, 152. 1793 

1813 Nancy, 73, 1836 

1820 Nancy, 104, 161. 1871 

1854 Nancy A., 144, 216. 1891 

1893 Nancy Cordelia, 109. 1873 

1837 Nancy G., 103. 1865 

1830 Nancy L., 104. 1826 
1816 Nancy E., 87, 137. 1803 
1881 Nancy V., 237. 1829 
1756 Naomi, 38, 51. 1849 
1891 Naomi, 294. 1877 

1784 Nathan Lewis, 52, 79. 1911 

1831 Nathan S., 76, 119, 187. 1833 

1798 Nathaniel Mix, 63, 94 

1901 Neil Williams, 257. 1844 

Nellie, 67. 

1867 Nellie, 247, 278. 1834 

1871 Nellie, 189. 

1879 Nellie, 195, 259. 1869 

1876 Nellie A., 288, 303. 1883 

Nellie Adeline, 113, 177. 
Nellie Alice, 142. 
Nellie Esther, 194, 259. 
Nellie Frances, 146. 
Nellie Joy, 191. 
Nellie Lozena, 180, 252. 
Nelson, 169, 247, 278. 
Nelson Jymes, 155. 
Nelson O., 246. 
Nettie B., 159. 
Nettie E., 189. 
Newman, 66, 102, 157. 
Nina D., 194. 
Noah, 43, 60, 91. 
Noah, 63, 95, 147. 
Nora, 202. 
Noriden C, 141, 215, 265, 

Norman B., 157, 232, 274. 
Norman B., 274. 
Norman J., 232, 274, 281, 

Norman Morrison, 87, 137 


Obedience, 65, 98. 

Olin Jared, 120, 187. 

Olive, 58, 86. 

Olive, 104. 

Olive A., 92, 142. 

Olive B., 236, 276. 

Olive Cox, 219. 

Olive L., 170, 248. 

Olive Moriah, 124. 

Oliver C, 109, 169, 247. 

Olivia, 120. 

Olivia, 61. 

Olivia Roanna, 92. 

Olivia Stansel, 146. 

Oretta B., 217, 267. 

Orian High, 297, 313. 

Orlando Dallas, 160, 236. 

Orminda Elvira, 75. 

Orrin, 77, 122, 192. 

Orrin, 108, 169.' 

Orrin, 170, 248. 

Orrin Truman, 183, 255. 

Orrin Truman, Jr., 255. 

Orris Clapp, 139, 213. 

Ortie, 223. 

Orville A., 122, 192. 

Osa Mary, 235. 

Osborn T., 84, 134, 207. 

Oscar, 223. 

Oscar Starin, 178, 252. 

Oscar Severson, 180, 253. 

1904 Otis, 170. 

1772 Pamelia, 58. 

1794 Patience, 59, 90. 

1896 Paul E., 234. 

19C4 Paul Russell, 198. 

1907 Pauline Margaret, 198. 

1894 Pearl; 246. 

1885 Pearl E., 195, 259. 

1859 Percy George, 112, 176. 
Phebe, 70, 109. 

1714 Phebe, 35, 42. 

1747 Phebe, 36, 47. 

1747 Phebe, 38, 50. 

1764 Phebe, 37, 49. 

1774 Phebe, 45. 

1831 Phebe E., 74. 

1885 Phebe S.. 174, 282. 

1805 Philander, 108, 168. 

1896 Phila Violet, 198. 

Philetus, 109. 

1881 Philip Diury, 208, 261. 

1801 Philo Judson, 67, 105, 161, 


1699 Phineas, 31, 33, 39, 40. 

1780 Phineas, 40, 56, 84, 85. 

1789 Phineas, 59, 89, 139. 

1791 Phineas, 54, 81. 

i820 Phoebe Eveline, 77, 122. 

1896 Pierce, 167, 244. 

1863 Piatt Romain, 151, 224, 


1774 Polly, 44. 

1785 Polly, 66, 

1804 Polly, 61. 

1869 Preston Henry, 212, 264, 

280, 281. 

.... Priscilla, 67. 

Rachel, 69. 

1737 Rachel, 36. 

1815 Rachel, 108. 

1831 Rachel, 75. 

1868 Rachel Alice, 144. 

1875 Rachel, 189, 257. | 

1894 Ralph, 236. 

1900 Ralph, 264. 

1892 Ralph A., 157, 231. 

1904 Ralph Best, 202. 

1905 Ralph Edward, 128. 
1888 RalpTi Staples, 198. 
1881 Ralph W., 274, 281. 
1907 Ralph Willis, 281. 

1891 Ralph Wright, 201, 260. 

1860 Randolph King, 115, 181, 




Kay, 223. 

Raymond, 103, 158. 

1891 Raymond Edwards, 176, 


1903 Raymond Lee, 201. 

1904 Raymond W., 280. 
1760 Rebecca, 37, 49. 
1766 Rebecca, 44, 62. 
1786 Rebecca, 60. 

1786 Rebecca, 69. 

1795 Rebecca, 49. 

1822 Rebecca, 108. 

1841 Rebecca, 82. 

1858 Rebecca Boles, 130. 

1802 Rebecca Gorham, 62, 93. 

1778 Rebecca Lydia, 44, 63. 
1802 Rebecca Shipman, 87, 136. 

1851 Regina Idaline, 159, 234. 

1892 Reginald Myers, 224, 270. 
1898 Ressie Lucille, 127. 

.... Reuben, 47. 

1728 Reuben, 33, 39, 54, 55. 

1768 Reuben, 40, 55. 

1779 Reuben, 46, 68. 

1863 Reuben E., 117, 184, 255. 

Rhoda, 43. 

1756 Rhoda, 38, 51. 

1766 Rhoda, 37, 49. 

1774 Rhoda, 60, 90. 

1791 Rhoda, 61. 

1800 Rhoda, 79, 125. 

1852 Rhoda, A., 129. 
1802 Richard, 55, 82, 132. 

1853 Richard, 151. 

1908 Richard, 259. 

1826 Richard Bloomfield, 103. 
1816 Richard D., 110, 171. 

1909 Richard E., 184. 

1844 Richard M., 106, 164, 241, 

242, 243. 

1873 Richard Mead, Jr., 164, 


1901 Richard Mead, 3d., 242. 

1762 Richard Newman, 45, 66, 


1816 Richard Newman, 66, 101, 


1901 Ritchey C., 217. 

1897 Robbie Iola, 128. 

1793 Robert, 47, 71, 111, 112. 

1901 Robert P.urdick, 272. 

1893 Robert E., 308. 
1882 Robert Earl, 210. 

1880 Robert Ernest, 180, 253. 

1827 Robt. Henry, 71, 112. 
1834 Robert Henry, 112, 176. 

1905 Robert Mead, 243. 
1897 Robert T., 237. 

1854 Rcbt. Wilson, 137, 210. 

1892 Rodger Frederic, 224. 
1909 Roger W., 239. 

1894 Roland L., 311, 315. 

1900 Rollo T., 203. 

1860 Rosa Reynolds, 161. 

1868 Rosabel, 192. 

1904 Roscoe, 278. 

1903 Rossie Beatrice, 210. 

1790 Roxanna, 63, 94. 

Roy, 223. 

1897 Roy, 218. 

1870 Roy A., 232, 274. 

1894 Roy Miner, 201, 260. 

1882 Roy Mock, 210, 262. 

1828 Royal, 104, 160, 236,237. 

1866 Ruby Josephine, 145, 217. 

1896 Ruby Louise, 268, 281. 

1754 Rufus, 40, 55, 81, 82. 

1845 Rufus Henry, 287, 297, 

1830 Rufus King, 99, 153, 228, 


1811 Rufus William, 81, 128, 


1818 Rufus Wm, 81, 129, 201. 

1762 Russell, 40, 54, 81. 

1909 Russell, 276. 

1910 Russell La Verne, 256. 
1740 Ruth, 41. 

1688 Ruth, 31, 34. 

1756 Ruth, 38. 

1782 Ruth, 65, 99. 

1788 Ruth, 39, 53. 

1888 Ruth, 226. 

1891 Ruth, 211, 262. 

1893 Ruth, 231. 
180/ Ruth, 263. 

1902 Ruth, 250. 
1886 Ruth A., 125. 
1799 Ruth C, 87, 136. 

1812 Ruth Dickerman, 98, 150. 
1881 Ruth Gertrude, 213, 264. 

1906 Ruth Janet, 272. 
1827 Ruth Livia, 103, 159. 
1885 Ruth Lucy, 274, 281. 

1903 Ruth M., 239. 

1891 Ruth Marjorie, 186. 

1815 Rutha Chroe, 99. 

1787 Sabrina, 55. 

1797 Sabrina, 55. 

1831 Sabrina, 103. 

1896 Sadie Elizabeth, 202. 

Sallie, 193. 

1864 Sallie Lenora, 296, 309. 

1897 Sallie Ruth, 311. 

1862 Sallie Warren, 296, 312. 

.... Sally, 61. 

1773 Sally, 39. 

1778 Sally, 48. 

1782 Sally, 66. 

1785 Sally, 58. 
1801 Sally, 67. 
1848 Sally, 168, 246. 

1844 Sally Rebecca, 105, 163. 

1664 Samuel, 30, 31, 35, *36. 

1718 Samuel, 35, 45, 64, 65, 


1740 Samuel, 34, 41, 57. 

1754 Samuel, 45, 65, 98, 99. 
1757 Samuel, 43, 59, 90. 
1775 Samuel, 41, 57, 86. 

1786 Samuel, 65, 98, 150, 151. 
1795 Samuel, 64, 97. 

1823 Samuel, 66, 101, 155. 

1830 Samuel, 77, 122, 191. 

1891 Samuel A., 303. 

1813 Samuel Augustus, 90, 139, 

212, 213. 

1846 Samuel C, 212, 263, 279, 


1881 Samuel H., 189, 257. 

1854 Samuel Henry, 151, 224, 

270. . 

1846 Samuel Hobart, 137, 209. 

1857 Samuel Hosea, 122, 189. 

1851 Samuel Joshua, 130, 202, 


1869 Samuel Nelson, 101, 155. 

1797 Samuel Strickland, 77. 

1814 Samuel T., 102, 156, 230. 
1806 Samuel Tylor, 64, 95. 
1832 Samuel W., 98, 151, 224. 
1908 Sanford Howe, 185. 

Sarah. 57, 86. 

1693 Sarah, 32, 36. 

1710 Sarah, 35, 45. 

1723 Sarah, 35. 

1724 Sarah, 33, 38. 
1727 Sarah, 34, 40. 
1729 Sarah, 33, 39. 
1739 Sarah, 36, 103. 
1745 Sarah, 33, 39. 

1745 Sarah, 36. 

1746 Sarah, 43, 59. 
1 753 Sarah, 38. 

1752 Sarah, 42. 

1753 Sarah, 40. 

1755 Sarah, 39, 53. 



1756 Sarah, 44, 63. 1867 

1767 Sarah, 38. 1827 

1767 Sarah, 41. 1856 

1767 Sarah, 46. 1897 

1777 Sarah, 40, 56. 1865 

1779 Sarah, 47. 1909 

1792 Sarah, 63, 93. 1755 

1793 Sarah, 63, 94. 1861 
1798 Sarah, 67, 105. 1855 
1808 Sarah, 71, 111. 1835 
1811 Sarah, 73. 1805 
1815 Sarah, 57, 84. 1763 
1815 Sarah, 64, 95. 1862 
1822 Sarah, 75, 118. 1823 
1824 Sarah, 57, 86. 1876 

1828 Sarah, 104, 160. 1856 
1845 Sarah, 136, 208. 1875 
1871 Sarah, 263, 280. 1868 
1873 Sarah, 130. 1777 
1896 Sarah, 251, 279. 1821 
1841 Sarah A., 283, 292. 1857 
1861 Sarah A., 129. 1843 

1837 Sarah Abigail, 103. 1828 

1820 Sarah A. E., 97. 

1824 Sarah Alma, 69, 106. 1858 

1889 Sarah Almira, 132. 

1831 Sarah Ann Cimantha, 121. 1705 
1824 Sarah B., 87, 138. 1715 

1824 Sarah B., 98, 151. 1720 

1821 Sarah Ball, 66, 100 i 1751 

1857 Sarah Denman, 111, 175. 1752 
1859 Sarah E., 106, 166. 1758 
1866 Sarah E., 181. 1758 
1807 Sarah Elizabeth, 58, 86. 1782 
1844 Sarah Elizabeth, 122. J 788 
1852 Sarah Elizabeth, 293, 306. 1800 
1855 Sarah Elizabeth, 288,301. 1815 
1841 Sarah Emily, 152, 227. 1822 

1858 Sarah Emily, 152, 227. 1830 
1847 Sarah Emma, 119, 186. 1857 
1866 Sarah J., 149, 223. 1823 

1829 Sarah Jane, 82, 132. 

1836 Sarah Jane, 83, 134. 1858 

1858 Sarah Jane, 107. 1788 

1844 Sarah Kirtland, 80, 126. 

1822 Sarah L., 74, 117. 1792 

1832 Sarah Lane, 81. 

1878 Sarah M., 163, 240. 1781 

1825 Sarah Maria, 108, 169. 1809 
1827 Sarah Maria, 72. 1810 

1838 Sarah Maria, 95. 1812 
1819 Sarah Pond, 87, 138. 1817 
1908 Sarah Rachel, 275. 1822 

1830 Sarah Southmayd, 71, 112. 1825 
1824 Sarah Thomas, 94. 1841 

1826 Sarah Watrous, 93, 143. 1880 

Schuyler Edgar, 119, 186. 180! 

Selencia V. G., 97. 1865 

Shelden, 126, 195, 260. 1821 

Shelden, Jr., 195. 

Sherman G., 161, 238., 1766 

Shirley Arline, 240. 1807 

Sibyl, 43, 59. 1852 

Sidneyetta, 151. 1897 

Silas Isaiah, 162, 239. 1892 

Silvanus B., 124, 193,258 1870 

Silvia, 90, 139. 

Simeon, 46, 67, 103, 104. 1813 

Snyder Peter, 156, 230. 1842 

Socrates, 103, 160, 236. 1769 

Sophia, 232, 275. 1794 

Sophia E., 129. 1907 
Sophia Louisa, 101. 

Sophia Mead, 164. 1782 

Sophronia, 52, 79. J 733 

Sophronia, 125. 1909 

Sophronia Ida, 288, 302. 1870 

Sophronia Jane, 287, 297. 1839 

Spafford L, 100, 154, 229. 1813 

Stanley, 204. 1841 
Stella Cornelia, 86, 136. 

Stephen, 69, 108, 169. 1869 

Stephen, 32, 36, 47. 

Stephen, 34, 41, 57, 58. 1733 

Stephen, 32, 38, 51. 1747 

Stephen, 36, 46, 68, 69. 1774 

Stephen, 45, 65, 97. 1775 

Stephen, 44, 62, 93. 177S 

Stephen, 38, 51, 79. 1801 

Stephen, 46, 68, 105. 1827 

Stephen, 49, 75, 118. 1846 

Stephen, 67, 104, 160. 1856 

Stephen, 69, 106, 163, 164 1869 

Stephen, 82, 129, 201. 1866 

Stephen, 99, 152, 226. 1891 

Stephen, 106, 166, 243. 1818 

Stephen Decatur, 101, 156 1846 

229. 1808 

Stephen Douglass,, 137. 1839 
Stephen Harris, 63, 94, 

146. 1867 

Stephen Wooster, 65, 98, 1862 

151. 1796 

Susan, 47, 71. 1831 
Susan, 62. 

Susan, 66, 100. 1835 
Susan, 77, 122. 

Susan, 72, 113. 1871 

Susan, 58. 1841 

Susan, 104. 1832 

Susan Cornelia, 139, 212. 1827 
Susan Eugenia, 293, 308. 

Susan Howell, 63, 93. 
Susan Lewis, 137, 210. 
Susan M., 92. 
Susannah, 100. 
Susannah, 45. 
Susannah Kimberly, 87. 
Susie, 153. 
Susie Greene, 229. 
Susie Jane, 173. 
Susie L., 209. 
Sybil, 69. 

Sylvester, 89, 139, 212. 
Sylvester, 122, 189. 
Sylvia, 41. 
Sylvia, 63, 94. 
Sylvia Mead, 241. 

Thaddeus, 62, 93, 143. 
Thankful, 35, 45. 
Thelma Louise, 201. 
Theodora, 173, 250. 
Theresa, 151, 225. 
Theron, 109, 170, 248. 
Theron Skeel, 137, 208, 

Theron Skeel, Jr., 208. 
Thomas, 130. 
Thomas, 33, 40. 
Thomas, 42, 58, 87. 
Thomas, 49, 77, 121. 
Thomas, 40, 56, 84. 
Thomas, 58, 87, 137, 138. 
Thomas, : 78, 124. 
Thomas, 94, 144, 216. 
Thomas, 121, 189, 257. 
Thomas, 204. 
Thomas, 247, 278. 
Thomas A., 288, 302. 
Thomas A., 202. 
Thomas B., 87, 137, 210. 
Thomas B., 122, 192. 
Thomas C, 53, 80, 126. 
Thomas Cooke, 80, 126, 

196, 197. 
Thomas Elmes^ 174, 251. 
Thomas F., 292, 304. 
Thomas Gold, 48, 74. 
Thomas Henry, 82, 130, 

201, 202. 
Thomas J., 284, 294, 308, 

Thomas J., 209. 
Thos. Jefferson, 137, 209. 
Thomas Josiah, 121, 188. 
Thomas Judson, 74, 116, 




1850 Thomas Lyman, 149, 222, 

1808 Thomas S., 109, 170, 247. 

1889 Thomas Van V., 168, 244. 
1749 Timothy, 36, 47, 71. 
17S1 Timothy, 42, 58, 89. 
1756 Timothy, 45, 65, 99. 
1799 Timothy, 65, 99, 152. 
1784 Timothy Glover, 59, 89, 


1831 Timothy J. G., 100, 154. 
1726 Titus, 33, 38, 51, 52. 
1759 Titus, 44, 63. 

1761 Titus, 37, 50. 
1792 Titus, 46, 69, 108. 
1801 Titus, 63, 95, 146. 
1796 Truman, 64, 96. 
1845 Truman, 148. 
1909 Truman, Burton, 268. 

Truman Franklin, 138, 

212, 263. 
Tuttle, 67, 105, 162. 

1816 Ulysses, 77, 122, 189. 

1879 Ulysses Grant, 171. 

1782 Urania, 50. 

1832 Urania, 98. 
.... Uriah, 68. 
1847 Uriah E., 106, 163, 240. 
.... Uruna, 246. 

1887 Varnie L., 304. 
1890 Veria Perle, 187. 

1888 Vern N., 247, 278. 
1892 Verne L., 238. 
1902 Vernon Leon, 254. 
1902 Veronica, 202. 

1888 Vertie M., 217, 267. 
1859 Viola, 151. 
1857 Viola Antoinette, 121 

1881 Viola E., 195. 
1904 Vivi Lillian, 309. 

1906 Wade H., 303. 

1882 Wallace, 215, 266. 
Walter, 257. 

1889 Walter B., 195. 
1911 Walter Elanford, 308. 
1849 Walter C., 122, 192. 
1870 Walter Eldredge, 147, 219. 
1853 Walter Grant, 130, 203. 
1856 Walter Hull, 211, 263. 
1865 Walter Lucius, 194. 
1897 Walter Sanford, 185, 255. 
1877 Walter W., 248, 279. 

















































Ward, 55, 82, 132. 1833 

Ward, 274. 

Ward D., 234. 1891 

Ward H, 232, 275. 1845 

Warren C, 202, 260. 
Warren Eastwood, 300. 1885 

Warren Webster, 184. 1881 

Wayne I., 226. 1842 

W. C. Rives, 128. 
Wells, 95, 147. 1897 

Wenona King, 154, 229. 1877 
Wesley, 283, 287. 1889 

Wesley, 246. 1857 

Wesley H., 152, 226, 271. 1850 
W. Hudson, 157, 232. 1905 
Wilbur Olin, 84, 135, 208. 1Qn 8 
Wilfred Milton, 194, 259. 182s 
Willard Taft, 108, 167, 17 93 

William, 87, 138, 211. 1861 

William, 108. 

William, 33, 40, 55. !890 

William, 42, 58, 87. ] 883 

William, 40, 55, 82. 1833 

William, 58, 87, 138. 
William, 49, 74. !840 

William, 70, 109. 1869 

William, 55, 82, 130, 131. 1911 

William, 60, 91, 140. 1856 
William, 40, 57, 85, 86. 

William, 49, 76, 120. lg 64 

William, 78, 123, 192. 1875 

William, 79, 125, 194, 195 18 28 

William, 73, 115. '814 

William, 53, 80, 127. 1903 

William, 109, 170, 249. 

William, 121, 189, 257. 18 41 

William, 171, 249. 1863 

William, 204. 1901 

William, 138, 211, 262. '835 

William, 131. 1S47 
William, 101. 

William, 246. 1858 

William, 195, 260. 1874 

William, 250. 1883 

William, 174. 

Wm. Abner, 82, 132. 1850 

William Albert, 110, 173, 1831 
William Alonzo, 96. 

William Anderson, 297, 1814 


William B., 288, 300, 314, 1878 

315. 1861 

William B., 181, 253. 1847 

Wm. Benjamin, 257. 1873 
Wm. Bennett, 315. 

Wm. Bigelow, 82, 132, 

Wm. Bradford, 214, 265. 

William Brewster, 115, 
181, 253. 

William Briggs, 298, 314. 

William Bull, 211, 262. 

Wm. Charnley, 111, 174, 
250, 251. 

Wm. Charnley, 251. 

Wm. Church, 185, 255. 

William Claire, 211. 

Wm. Clarence, 140, 214. 

Wm. Claik, 137, 210, 262. 

Wm. Clark, 196. 

William Clarkson, 198, 

Wm. Collins, 82, 130, 203. 

William Cutler, 63, 93, 
143, 144. 

Wm. Cutler, 143, 216, 
266, 267. 

Wm. Cutler, 216, 266. 

Wm. De Witt, 127, 197. 

William E., 94, 145, 217. 

William E., 103, 158, 234. 

William E., 162, 239. 

William E., 277. 

William Edward, 81, 127 

Wm. Edward, 153, 22Q. 

William F., 264, 280. 

William G., 75. 

Wm. Glover, 89, 139, 212. 

Wm. Graham, 212. 
Wm. H., 150. 
William H., 97, 
William H., 181, 253. 
William H., 219. 
William Henry, 79, 124. 
William Henry, 162, 239, 

Wm. Henry, 116, 183. 
William Henry, 145, 218. 
William Henry, 239, 277. 
William J., 92. 
William James, 152, 227. 
William Jared, 77, 120, 

W illiam Jesse, 53, 81, 127 

Wm. John, 204. 
Will K., 120, 188. 
William L., 106, 161. 
Win. Langworthy, 163, 



1877 William Lee, 145, 218. 1881 

1874 Wm. Luman, 198. 1886 

1820 William Lyman, 91, 140, 18S9 

213, 214. 

1882 Wm. Lyman, 213. 1814 

1876 William M., 296, 312. 1824 
1848 William Marvin, 114, 180, 

253. 1904 

1858 Wm. Montgomery, 111, 1880 

174. 1800 

1836 Wm. Moitimer, 123, 192, 1833 

257. 1855 

1848 Wm. Olmsted, 141, 214 

265. I860 

1897 Wm. Olmsted, 214< 1850 

1904 William Paul, 311. 1832 
1829 William R., 82, 131, 204. 

1870 Wm. R., 129. 1882 

1901 William R., 185. . 1859 

William Rice, 161. 

Wm. Sterling, 175, 251. 

Wm. Tweedy, 111, 173, 

William W., 56, 84, 135. 
William W., 92, 141, 214, 

Wm. Waldron, 249. 
Wm. Whittlesey, 141. 
Willis, 65, 100. 
Willis, 99, 152, 226. 
Willis A., 170, 248, 279. 
Willis P.., 101. 
Willis Byron, 154, 229. 
Willis D., 117, 184. 
Willis Goodyear, 102, 156, 

230, 231. 
Willis N., 145, 218. . 
Willis W., 232, 274. 

1903 Wilma, 222. 

1797 Wilson, 283, 287, 288, 

289, 291, 292. 

1871 Wilson Bynum, 292, 305. 

1821 Wilson D., 102, 156. 

1902 Wilton S., 280. 

1905 Windsor, 256. 

1896 Winifred E., 204, 261. 

1880 Winifred Moore, 224. 

1790 Wyllys, 65, 99, 151, 152. 

1821 Wyllys, 72, 113. 

1781 Zereviah, 67, 104. 

1846 Zilah M., 97. 

1784 Zimri, 70, 109, 170, 171. 

1884 Zolman, 231, 273. 

1756 Zophar, 46, 66, 102, 103. 

1844 Zora B., 157. 




Abies, Thomas, 134, 207. 
Abernathy, Sallie Sue, 311. 
Abbott, Chas., 131. 
Abbott, Charles, 131. 
Ackerman, James Turner, 

161, 237. 
Adams, Emma, 277. 
Adams, G. L., 156. 
Adams, George Win., 255. 
Adams, John I., 137, 209. 
Adt. Margaret Scott, 237. 
Adams, Wiley Harry, 308, 
Aiken, Frances Jane, 147. 
Albaugh, Florence, 270. 
Aibertson, Wm. E.. Ill, 173. 
AMierty, Albertina, 68. 
Alberty, John, 46, 68. 
Alcott. Solomon, 50. 
Aldrich, Polly, 169. 
Alexander, Alfred H., 105, 

Alexander, J. M., 73, 114. 
Allen, Alice M., 213. 
Allen, Eliza Rosalea, 141. 
Allen, J. Wesley, 294. 
Allen, Laura Angenett, 111. 
Allen, Lauretta, 156. 
Allen, Margaret, 107. 
Allen, Mehitable, 62. 
Allen, Sanford P., 101, 156. 
Allen, W. E., 248. 
Ailing, Amy, 67. 
Ailing, Ebenezer, 35, 45. 
Ailing, Elizabeth. 36. 
Ailing, George M., 158, 233. 
Ailing, Huldah, 76. 
Ailing, Jesse, 36. 
Ailing, Leverett, 66. 102. 
Ailing, Lois, 59. 
Ailing, Mary, 45. 
Ailing, Nancy, 71. 
Ailing, Sarah, 32. 
Anderson, Ida, 261. 
Anderson, John, 202. 

Anderson, Lillian, 303. 
Anderson, Wilford P., 145, 

Andrews, Florence May, 254. 
Andrews, Isma, 314. 
Andrews, Jane, 34. 
Andrews, John, 39, 53. 
Andrews, Nettie, 246. 
Andrews, Noah, 41. 
Andrews, Samuel, 61. 
Andrews, Sarah, 55. 
Andrus, Floyd, 182, 254. 
Angelo, Mattie, 136. 
Anguish, Laura Bessie, 218. 
Ansley, Marcus, 57, 85. 
Anthony, Mary Anna, 154. 
Appell, Homer, 268, 281. 
Armistead, James, 173. 
Armstrong, Elinor D'Arcy, 

Arnold, Eliza Starr, 101. 
Arnold, Frances Harriet, 139. 
Arnold, James, 105, 163. 
Arnold, James H., 125, 194. 
Ash, Minnie, 253. 
Ashley, Lucius C., 80, 127. 
Atkin, Chester, 102, 157. 
Atkins, Eunice, 79. 
Atkins, Margaret, 267. 
Atkinson, Dorothy Mae, 260. 
Atsom, Betsey, 89. 
Atterbury, J. Howard, 173, 

Atyea, Alice Jane, 182. 
Augur, Chloe, 47. 
Augur, Hezekiah, 36. 17. 
Ault, Catherine, 123. 
Austin, John, 30. 
Avery, Lucy B., 150. 
Avery, Thankful, 99. 
Ayer, Harriet. 81. 
Ayers, Oscar D.. 211, 262. 
Ayler, Geo. Fredk., 136, 208. 

Babcock, Caroline, 207. 

Babcock. Elizabeth Thomp- 
son, 112. 

Babcock, Ellen M., 106. 

Babcock, Louisa E., 209. 

Babcock, Lucy Euretta, 116. 

Babcock, Samuel, 73. 

Babcock Willoughby M., 145, 

Babson, Catherine, 82. 

Bachtel, Jacob L. F 77, 121. 

Backhouse, Daisy, 308. 

Badger, Clara, 56. 

Bagg, Richard, 72, 115. 

Bailey,. Avery, 72. 

Bailey, J. W., 294. 

Bailey, Nellie A., 190. 

Bain, Kathleen, 258. 

Baird, John, 76. 

Baker, Bertha M., 259. 

Baker, Emma, 157. 

Baker, Henry, 55. 

Baker, Milburn, 278. 

Falch, Chester, 65, 97. 

Ealderston, Elwood, 106, 166. 

Balderston. George, 106, 166 

Baldwin, Abiah, 44. 

Baldwin, Ambrose, 65, 99. 

Baldwin, Ambrose, 118. 

Baldwin, Amelia A., 295. 

Baldwin, Emily S., 214. 

Baldwin, Ephraim Barber, 
16::, 238. 

Baldwin, Erastus, 66 

Eaiuwin, Harriet, 149. 

Baldwin, Lewis W., 98. 

Baldwin, Lillian Charlotte, 

Baldwin, Samuel A., 150. 

T„-udwin, Samuel E., 92. 

Baldwin. Sophronia J., 296 

Ball, Mary, 42. 

Ball, Sarah, 45. 

Ball, Stephen, 35. 44. 



Balsby, John, 73. 

Bangs, Robert, 247, 278. 

Barber, Hannah, 103. 

Barber, Jane, 143. 

Barden, Mary, 124. 

Bardeen, Beatrice, 242. 

Bardeen, Norman W., 164 

Barker, John, 52. 

Barker, J. P., 94, 146. 

Barker, Sally, 75. 

Barlow, Miss., 202. 

Barnes, Anne Eliza, 120. 

Barnes, Amos F., 87, 137. 

Barnes, Edwin Adelbert, 163. 

Barnes, Eli, 103. 

Barnes, Eliza, 84. 

Barnes, Elizabeth, 142. 

Barnes, Harriet M., 120. 

Barnes, John F., 62. 

Barnes, Monroe. 169, 247. 

Barnett, Jeremiah, 75, 118. 

Barney, Elizabeth, 73. 

Barney, Melissa M., 247. 

Barr, , 121. 

Barrett, Aneas Wilton, 298, 

Barry, Elizabeth, 126. 

Barry, Frederick A., 246, 277. 

Barry, Garret, 53, 81. 

Bartholomew, Eunice, 60. 

Bartholomew, Eunice, 96. 

Bartholomew, Grace A., 137. 

Bartholomew, Mary Saxton, 

Bartlett, Eleanor Wilder. 267. 

Bartlett, Sarah Ellen, 131. 

Barton, Lizzie, 131. 

Basket, W. G., 181. 

Bassett, Elizabeth, 37. 

Bassett, Elizabeth, 76. 

Bassett, Hezekiah, 48, 72. 

Bassett, James B., Ill, 175. 

Bassett, John, 45. 

Bassett, Levi, 43, 60. 

Bassett, Mary, 75. 

Bassett, Mary Ann, 118. 

Bassett, Mary Bryan, 174. 

Bassett, Polly, 75. 

Bassett, Theophilus, 43, 60. 

Bateman, Ransom, 67. 

Bates, Orrin, 63, 94. 

Bates, Timothy, 33. 

Baughman, Charles, 231. ' 

Baumgart, Dorothy Eliza- 
beth, 281. 

Beach, Curtis Mary, 233. 
Beach, Elnathan, 40, 54. 
Beach, Horace, 62. 
Beach, John, 98. 
Beach, Mary, 31. 
Beach, Palmyra, 96. 
Beach, Robert K., 61. 
Beach, Sarah, 42. 
Beach, Thomas, 31, 33. 
Beardslee, Fred H., 247. 
Beck, William, 97. 
Beckley, Silas, 49, 76. 
Beebe, David L., 39, 52. 
Beecher, Isaac, 32. 
Beecher, Lydia, 59. 
Beecher, Sarah, 87. 
Beers, Julia A., 156. 
Beers, Marietta, 151. 
Behrens, Anna, 263. 
Belden, Merrit J., 171. 
Belden, Sarah Louise, 194. 
Bell, A. L., 300, 314. 
Bell, John D., 195. 
Bell, Julia Frances, 183. 
Bell, Nina Frances, 269. 
Belleney, Walker, 222. 
Bellows, Martha M., 237. 
Belmeur, Ruth Marie, 244. 
Belmore, George, 90. 
Bemis, Carrie T., 192. 
Bemont, Ella, 147. 
Benham, George, 48. 
Benham, Lemuel, 42. 
Benham, Lydia, 36. 
Benjamin, Tamar E., 157. 
Benner, Annie Eckfeldt, 214. 
Bennett, Emily, 164. 
Bennett, Geo. W., 225. 
Bentley, Addie, 182. 
Bentley, Elizabeth, 77. 
Bentley, Henrietta, 270. 
Berg, Alfred, 189. 
Berry, Horatio, 106, 165. 
Besecker James Z., 168, 246. 

Bickford, , 198. 

Biddick, Loren P., 181, 254. 
Bigelow, Mary Ann, 82. 
Billings, Helen A., 152. 
Birge, Tirzah, 147. 
Bishop, Clarissa, 72. 
Bishop Elias B., 72, 112. 
Bishop, Hannah, 139. 
Bishop, Lewis, 170. 
Bishop, Samuel, 32. 36. 
Bishop, Stephen, 63, 93. 
Bissell, E. C, 146. 

Black, Lucy J., 108. 
Black, Ora May, 218. 
Blackburn, Mary Agnes, 253. 
Blackford, Harry P., 236, 277. 
Blackman, C. S., 83, 134. 
Blair, Sally, 168. 
Blair, Sarah Holmes, 251. 
Blair, Sophronia, 168. 
Blaisdell, Robt. M., 230. 

Blake, , 130. 

Blake, Charles L., 141, 214. 
Blake, Lyman H., 96, 148. 
Blake, Eldora, 203. 
Blakeslee, George E., 62. 
Blakeslee, Hiram C, 72. 
Llakeslee, John W., 139, 21 :i. 
Blakeslee, Mary Jane. 233. 
Blakeslee, Rosolia, 158. 
Blakley, Rachel, 69. 
1-lanchard, Frances M., 150. 
Blasbie, Elmina, 189. 
Llawnot, Henry, 159. 
Bliss, Mary, 104. 
Bliss, Wm. L., 170, 249. 
Blocher, Mary K., 192. 
Blood, Honora, 148. 
Blythe, Henry D.. 115. 217. 
Boles, Mary J., 130. 
Bond, Anna, 138. 
Bonticou, John, 42. 
Boor, Sarah Minerva, 248. 
Boorum, Florence, 176. 
Booth, Carolyn, 305. 
Bossemeyer, Harry, 209 
Bossom, Mary, 253. 
Bosworth, Anson, 91, 140. 
Bott, Adam, 97. 
Boughton, Polly Benton 67. 
Bourne, Helen Mae, 7^ 
Bowen, Anna, 210. 
Bowen, Nancy, 103. 
Boyd, Hannah K., 81. 
Boyd, Horatio N., 137, 210 
Boyd, Silas, 109. 
Boyd, Susan T., 209. 
Boyden, Betsey, 56. 
Brace, Lucy, 138. 
Bradford, Martha Green, 130. 
Bradley, Abigail, 35. 
Bradley, Abigail, 36. 
Bradley, Abigail C, 75. 
Bradley, Abraham, 43. 
Bradley, Anna, 32. 
Bradley, Anna Naomi, 86. 
Bradley, Catherine Maria, 



Bradley, Ebenezer, 31, 32. 

Bradley, Edmund D., 98, 150. 

Bradley, Florence, 274. 

Bradley, Harvey, 49, 76. 

Bradley, Jonah, 36. 

Bradley, Levi, 59, 90. 

Bradley, Luther, 44. 

Bradley, Marilla, 100. 

Bradley, Martha Tuttle, 35 

Bradley, Moses, 34. 

Bradley, Ruth, 34. 

Bradley, Samuel. 31, 32. 

Bradley, Stephen R., 40, 54. 

Bradley, Susan Morris, 78. 

Bradley, Susannah, 66. 

Bradley, Zebul, 50, 78. 

Brainerd, George W., 139, 

Brandt, Henry J., 211, 262. 

Brewer, Jane Eliza, 241. 

Brewster, Wm., 73. 

Rriggs, Florence, 238. 

Briggs, Mary E., 117. 

Briley, Emma Gordon, 134. 

Brink, Alzina, 113. 

Brinley, Ann, 247. 

Brintnall, Mrs. Sarah At- 
water, 58. 

Brintnall, Willard, 42. 

Bristol, Hannah, 41. 

Bristol, Henry, 35. 

Bristol, Philo, 233. 

Bristol, Susan, 110. 

Britenrester, Christine Caro- 
line, 276. 

Britton, Lunetta, 25Q. 

Brocket, Eli, 48, 72. 

Brocket, Elizabeth, 30. 

F.rodhead, Harriet, 123. 

Brodie, Margaret Isabell, 235. 

Broeson, Dorcas, 77. 

Bronson, Sarah, 98. 

Brookins, Milton, 64, 95. 

Brooks, Eldridge, 226. 

Brooks, Eliza Mather, 188. 

Brooks, Harriet, 246. 

Brooks, John, 233, 276. 

Brooks, Mary R., 122. 

Brooks, Mehitable Smith, 52. 

Brooks, Thomas H.. 90, 139. 

Brooks, Wm. H., 83, 133. 

Broom, Gladys, 278. 

Broome, George, 106, 167. 

Brott, Ida, 226. 

Broughton, Alice M., 231. 

Brown, Azubak, 94. 

Brown, Bessie E., 192. 
Brown, Charles F., 159, 235. 
Brown, David M., 110, 172. 
Brown, Elizabeth, 188. 
Brown, Ellen, 232. 
Brown, Francis, 43, 59. 
Brown, George H, 104. 
Biown, Ida, 260. 
Brown, Isabel B., 237. 
Biown, James Ernest, 233. 
B own, Jeanette Sheldon, 177. 
Brown, Jennie, 120. 
Brown, John D., 63, 93. 
Brown, Lucy, 74. 
Brown, Lydia, 61. 
Brown, Maria, 95. 
Brown. Martin W., 194, 259. 
Brown, Mary G., 249. 
Brown, Maud D., 148. 
Brown, Norman P., 124. 
Brown, Ruth G., 254. 
Brown, Samuel, 98, 151. 
B*-own, Susan M., 160. 
Brownell, Delila Anne, 121. 
Brownell, Francis H., 85. 
Browning, Pearl, 240. 
Brownson, Eli, 37. 
Brush, Jos. B., 71, 112. 
Brush, Julia Eliza, 133. 
Bryan, John, 52, 79. 
Buchanan. Nettie, 154, 229. 
Buck, Chas. A., 86, 135. 
Buckbee, Charles, 161, 238. 
Buckingham, Roanna, 92. 
Buckley, Mary, 115. 
Budding-ton, Elizabeth, 137. 
Bull, Jireh, 58. 
Bull, Lucy, 87. 
Bulls, Sarah L., 294. 
Bullock, Mary Pearl, 311. 
Bunce, Sarah, 119. 
Bunnell. Abner, 39, 53. 
Bunnell. Allen, 79, 125. 
Bunnell, Enos, 38, 51. 
Bunnell. Wm. J., 274, 282. 
Bunt. Catherine, 161. 
Burdick, Pearl Chase 272. 
Burgess, John, 92, 142. 
Burhatn. Amanda S., 119. 
Burkhart. W. L., 181. 
Burlingham, Rachel. 
Burns, Abigail P., 236. 
Burns, Eliza Gage, 203. 
Burns, Jerome C, 236, 276. 
Burn ham. Betsey Anne, 148. 
Burr, Elisha, 171, 249. 

Burritt, Caroline, 226. 
Burritt, Joseph C. 152, 226. 
Burroughs, T. J., 296. 
Bush, Stella Grace, 234. 
Bushnell, Huber, 194. 
Butler, Belinda, 110. 
Butler, Caroline H., 82. 
Butler, Charles, 42. 
Butler, Curtis Mead, 108, 169. 
Butler, Emeline, 102. 
Butler, John, 56. 
Futterfield, O. B., 78, 123. 
Button, Mary Jane, 193. 
Butts, Pearl, 222. 
Bynum, Carney W., 287, 297. 
Bynum, Luther, 287. 297. 
Bynum, Margaret A., 296. 
Bynum, Nancy C, 292. 
Bynum, Oliver Clegg, 296, 

Byrd, Adaline Palmer, 120. 
Byrns, Philip, 82. 

Cadwell, Carrie S., 179. 
Cadwell, Frank W., 83. 
Cahill, Lena E., 231. 
Cahill, Miriam, 181. 
Calhoun, Frederick S., 120, 

Call, Martha, 50. 
Cameron, Catherine B., 132. 
Camp, Chloe, 99. 
Camp, Hattie E., 136. 
Camp. Samuel G.. 162, 239. 
Campbell, Geo. W., 91, 140. 
Campbell, Orrin, 104. 
Campbell. Mrs. Susan, 122. 
Candee, Benjamin, 62. 
Camfield, Isabella, 174. 
Canfield, Miriam. 43. 
Canfleld, Vasie L., 114. 
Carey, Alice, 228. 
Carey, Marie Louise, 196. 
Carley, Ralph. 143. 
Carlson, Frederick C, 147. 

Carpenter, Chet. A.. 117. 
CarpiMiti-r, Hannah K.. 124. 
Carpenter, Edith Edna, 260. 
Carpenter, Jane Louise, 141. 
Carrier, W. H.. 113, 177. 
Carrington, Mrs. Esther N., 

Carstens, R. H.. 112, 176. 
Carswell. Margaret, 147. 
Carter, Charlotte Sarah, 101. 



Carter, Lucinda, 92. 
Carter Marguerite, 253. 
Carter, Rosie, 132. 205. 
Case, Clara, 159. 
Case, Mahala, 159. 
Case, Marietta, 113. 
Cassingham, Charlie W., 145, 

Cave, Edgar, 297, 313. 
Chadbourn, Reuben W., 80, 

Chapel, Henry M., 162, 239. 
Chaplain, James, 50, 78. 
Chapman, Clarissa, 54. 
Chapman, Diantha Goodell. 

Charnley, Martha Slater, 111. 
Charnley, Wm. S., 71, 111. 
Chase, Harriet Stark, 173. 
Chase, Jessie, 274. 
Chase, Mary L., 224. 
Chatterton, Anna Maria, 152. 
Cheeseman, George R., 232, 

Cheney, Mary Ellen, 197. 
Chesley, R. M., 96, 147. 
Childs, Sylvester, 100. 154. 
Choate, Wm. G., 80. 
Church, Grace, 250. 
Churchill. Mary, 79. 
Clapp, Dolly, 50. 
Clapp, Harriet, 139. 
Clapp, Wm. D., 163, 241. 
Clark, Anna, 3S. 
Clark, Billina, 64. 
Clark Dwight D., 74. 
Clark, Elizabeth L., 80. 
Clark, Prank M., 175, 251. 
Clark, Herman D., 77. 
Clark, John, 40, 55. 
Clark, Lee I., 158, 234. 
Clark. Mary, 156. 
Clark, Mehitable, 58. 
Clark. Perry, 149, 222. 
Clark, Ralph H, 175, 251. 
Clark, Raymond J., 236,276. 
Clark Sarah P., 115. 
Clark, Thos. J., 104. 
Clark, Wm. W., 87, 138. 
Clarke, Jessie Rhodes, 196. 
Clark, Mary, 314. 
Clegg, H. Clay, 288, 301. 
Clegg, John B., 288, 301. 
Clegg, Martha Helen, 300. 
Cleveland, Arthur H., 164, 


Cline, Martha G., 134. 
Coan, Mary A., 128. 
Cobb, Elsie, 261. 
Cochran, James W.. 134, 206. 
Cocke, John J., 137, 208. 
Coe, Sallie, 74. 
Cogswell, William, 58. 
Cole, Henry, S2, 132. 
Coie, Leonora A. 250. 
Cole, Polly, 169. 
Cole, T. R., 292, 304. 
Cole, Wm., 106. 
Coleman, W. King-, 120. 
Collester, Clara M., 187. 
Collette, Rose, 209. 
Collins, Levina Eleanor, 236. 
Collins, Lucy Gould, 147. 
Conant, Mary Louise, 219. 
Cone, Seldon, 119, 186. 
Connor, Betsey Drew, 84. 
Connor, Elnathan, 41. 
Connor, James, 70, 109. 
Connor, Michael, 103. 
Connor, Morgan, 55. 
Constine, Sigmun, 163. 
Cook, Abel. 34, 41. 
Cook, Alnura, 156. 
Cook, Apollos, 39, 53. 
Cook, Audrey, 264. 
Cook, Elizabeth, 52. 
Cook, Friend, 52, 80. 
Cook, Harriet Louise. 80. 
Cook, Phineas, 34, 40. 
Cook, Samuel, 38, 51. 
Cook, Samuel W., 95. 
Cook, Sarah E., 219. 
Cook, Thomas B., 39, 53. 
Cooley, Margaret J., 245. 
Coombs, Mary J., 181. 
Coontz, Henry, 110. 
Cooper, Abiah Barnes, 37. 
Cooper, Cyrus, 106, 167. 
Cooper, Myrtle D., 160. 
Cooper, Wm., 160. 
Copelin, J. R., 91, 140. 
Corey, Amy Margaret, 172. 
Cornelius, Louise, 227/ 
Corning, Ada, 155. 
Cosgrove, Ellen, 238. 
Cotter, Betsey, 60. 
Cotter, Thankful. 66. 
Cotter, Thankful Goodyear, 

Covert, Flora Ann, 192. 
Covill, Hiram, 97, 149. 
Coville, Exumie, 122. 

Cowen, Mrs. S. A., 188. 
Cowing, John T., 71, 112. 
Cowles, Calvin, 38, 52. 
Cowles, Edw.. G., 92, 142. 
Cowles, Martha, 52. 
Cowles, Ruth, 89. 
Cox, Blanche, 219. 
Coy, Egbert N., 150, 223. 
Cramer, Joseph, 75. 
Crampton, Mary Jane, 159. 
Crandall, John, 79, 125. 
Crane, Mary Matilda, 106. 
(Vane, Wm. H., 53, 81. 
Craven, Martha A., 170. 
Craw, Adolphus, 69. 108. 
Crawford, Joseph, 49. 
Creaser, Carrie L., 256. 
Crim, Philip, 157, 231. 
Cripps, May, 269. 
Cross, Albert, 162, 239. 
Cross, Norman B., 77, 122. 
Crosson, Mary E., 262. 
Crouch, Luella Susan, 22h. 
Cruger, Paul B., 138. 
Crumb, Waitstill, 71. 
Cuhoe, Albert, 204. 
Culver, Lucy, 275. 
Ccmmins, A. G., 19?, 2b8. 
Cvnningham. Charge *, 132 

Cunningham, George, 132, 

Cunningham, Julia Kelsey. 

Cunningham, Owen, 122, 189. 
Curtis, Christine B., 255. 
Curtis, Dan Collins, 71, 510. 
Curtis, Ellen L., 192. 
Curtis, Horace, 92, 141. 
Curtis, Jane Lewis, 156. 
Curtis, Julia F., 99. 
Curtis, Rhoda, 94. 
Curtis, Samuel, 31. 
Cushman, Ezra, 65, 97. 
Cutler, Mary, 63. 
Cutler, William, 47. 7*. 

Daggett, David, 111, 171. 
Daggett, Elizabeth, 63. 
Daggett, Leonard A., 47. 71. 
Daggett, Freeman, 75. 
Dahlgren. Charles Fiancis 

226, 271. 
Daily, Addie A., 179. 
Da'las, Jabez, 284, 294. 
Daly, Beatrice, 229. 



Dana, Rebecca H., 118. 
Daniel, Emily, 256. 
Daniels, Emily C, 256. 
Daniels, Susan A., 130. 
Dare, Joetta, 195. 
Davidson, Emma, 132. 
Davis, Albert, 194, 259. 
Davis, John, 67. 
Davis, Lucy, 65. 
Dawe, Martha, 189. 
Dawson, Falva, 294. 
Dawson, Susan Jane, 149. 
Dawson, Wm. 
Day, George, 195, 259. 
Day, Ira, 39, 52. 
Day, Zelotes, 63, 93. 
Dayton, Fanny, 142. 
Dayton, Smith, 146. 
Delancy, Christina, 252. 
Delapierre, Chas., 86, 136. 
Denman, Matthias B., 71, 

Denslow, "William, 36. 
Derby, Mary, 180. 
Derreck, George B., 223. 
deSolio, Regina, 146. 
Detman, Rose, 279. 
Dever, Cecelia M., 260. 

DeVine, J. M., 87, 138. 

Devine, James M., 138, 211. 

Dew, Addie, 259. 

Dewar, Belle, 204. 

DeWater, Marian, 247. 

Dewey, Juliette A., 122. 

DeWitt, Arthur, 246. 

DeWitt, F. J., 182, 254. 

DeWolfe, Arthur, 99, 152. 

Dibble, Lucy Ann, 49. 

Dickerman, Eunice, 49. 

Dickerman, Isaac, 31, 34. 

Dickerman, Joel, 65, 98. 

Dickerman, Rhoda, 48. 

Dickerman, Ruth, 65. 

Dickinson, Charles, 158. 

Dickinson, Elisha, 97. 

Dickinson, Minnie A., 226. 

Dickinson, Wm. E., 93, 143. 

Dikeman, Arson, 151, 225. 

Dillard, Sallie Belle, 314. 

Dillenbeck, Sabrina, 161. 

Dimmock, Beulah, 136. 

Dimon, Jay Johnson, 126, 197 

Divendorf, Henry, 104. 

Dixon, Ethel Bess, 262. 

Dixon, Lucille Eva, 263. 

Dobbins, Nancy E., 149. 

Dodd, Elias, 100, 154. 
Dodge, Addie B., 231. 
Dodge, Anita Trumbull, 196. 
Dodge. Lucinda, 150. 
Dodge, Mary E., 149. 
Dodge, Thomas J., 149. 
Donaldson, Gertrude, 260. 
Donoldson. Elmyra Maria, 

Donnelly, Elizabeth, 316. 
Doolittle, Hannah, 35. 
Doolittle, Harriet, 75. 
Doolittle, Leonard, 51. 
Doolittle, Theophilus. 39, 53. 
Dorman, Emeline. 158. 
Dorothy. Etheram, 145, 218. 
Dougherty. Thomas. 222, 269. 
Douglas, Fitzhugh Lee, 128. 
Douglas, Isabelle. 228. 
Douglas, Nathan B., 125, 195. 
Douglas, Viola. 184. 
Dowd. Sarah. 159. 
Downs, Eunice, 61. 
Downes. Helen Genoin, 175. 
Downes. Julia M., 143. 
Downs, Leverett, 61. 

Drake. Lizzie A., 274. 

Drake. Margaret, 129. 

Dravo, Amanda Sharp, 189. 

Drew. J. T.. 56. 

Drew, Lemuel S.. 57, 85. 

Drew. Sallv L.. 84. 

Driska, Ruth E.. 198. 

Drury. Anna Maria. 208. 

Dudley. Henry. 77. 

Duffle. Archibald D.. 208, 261 

Dunhar. Evalena, 202. 

Dunbar. Hall, 6. 

Dunbar. John. 128. 

Duncan. Cosbv. 94, 145. 

Duncan. Millard, 144, 216. 

Duncan. Rachel. 93. 

Duncan, Sarah, 144. 

Duncan, "William, 94. 145. 

Dunlop, Eliza C, 156. 

Dunn. John, 55. 

Dunn. Mary, 145. 

Dunnell, Jane Power. 241. 

Dunwell. Stephen. 42. 

Durbin. Nellie. 157. 

Durham, J. M.. 292. 304. 

Dusling, Susie G., 117. 

Dutton. Daniel. 38, 50. 

Dyer, Adelia, 122. 

Earl, Dr. Homer, 90, 139. 

Eassome, Rose, 278. 
Eastman, Geo. W., 73. 
Eastman, Mary, 236. 
Eaton, Anna Emma, 204. 
Eaton, Charles, 170. 
Eddon, Wm. C, 132, 206. 
Edes, Elmer G., 205. 
Edgell, Mary, 119. 
Edgerly, Wm. R., 130, 203. 
Edick, Helen M., 255. 
Edlin, May A., 259. 
Edson, John, 64, 95. 
Edson, Nehemiah, 64, 95. 
Edwards, Britlain. 283. 
Edwards, Georgia Ann, 81. 
Eiter, Cora M., 269. 
Ekins, Chas. W., 154, 229. 
Eldridge, Anna, 169. 
Eldridge, Edw., 168, 245. 
Elliott, John, 34, 42. 
Elliott, Mary E., 273. 
Elliott, Mary Elizabeth, 82. 
Elmes, Thomas J., 71, HI. 
Elson, Mabel Frances, 182. 
Emerson, Elizabeth, 95. 
Enos, Hannah, 170. 
Etzell, Hugh R., 192. 
Evans, Harriet Tweedy, 111. 
Evarts, Caroline A., 86. 
Faglie, Minnie E., 263. 

Fairchild, Nancy, 56. 
Fanning, Roy, 183. 
Farish, Isaac S., 146. 
Farmin, Walter K., 67, 104. 
Farnsworth, Ann Huff, 84. 
Farnsworth, Ann Maria, 84. 
Farnsworth, Jesse, 125. 
Farrand, Herbert Under- 
wood, 177. 
Farrington, Alice, 296. 
Farrington, Eugenia E., 296. 
Farris, Fred, 294. 
Fay, Thomas, 122. 
Fay, William, 189. 
Feltham, Elizabeth, 272. 
Fenn, Catherine, 151. 
Fenn, Elam, 65, 99. 
Fenn, Stephen, 99, 152. 
Fenton, Mellie, 201. 
Ferguson, Jennie C, 204. 
Ferguson, Martha, 78. 
Fernald, C. ML, 80, 126. 
Fernald. Minnie, 226. 
Ferris, Henry R., 117, 184. 
Ferry, Robert H., 121, 188 



Fessenden, Harvey G., 153, 

Feterman, C, 279. 
Field, Lizzie A., 132. 
Field, Sarah, 121, 189. 
Fields, Matthew D., 140, 214. 
Fiero, Louis, 115, 182. 
Finch, Reuben H., 162, 239. 
Finley, Charlotte S., 251. 
Fish, Mabel, 236. 
Fisher, Abijah, 78. 
Fisher, Paschal, 94. 
Flagg, Sarah, 89. 
Fletcher, Elbridge, 217, 267. 
Fletcher, Henry, 134, 206. 
Flick, Brenda W., 195. 
Foote, Ebin, 315. 
Foote, Henry E., 137, 210. 
Foote, Mary Estella, 185. 
Forbes, Eva, 181. 
Ford, Caroline, 189. 
Ford, Elizabeth, 76. 
Ford, Jennie, 274. 
Ford, Ruth, 151. 
Fordyce, Ezekial, 159. 
Foreman, Edgar, 238. 
Foster, Eveline S., 266. 
Foster, Frances Woodley, 

Foster, Lillian, 202. 

Foster, Amanda Malvina, 

Foster, Wm., 110. 

Fowler, Ann Eliza, 115. 

Fowler, Eli, 64. 

Fowler, Grace, 125. 

Fowler, Porter, 63, 94. 

Fowler, Wm. E., 170, 249. 

Fowler, Wm. P., 95, 146. 

Fowles, Alice M., 188. 

Fox, Amanda Jane, 116. 

Fox, J. C, 294. 

Frances, May, 235. 

Francis, Lucy Alberta, 268. 

Frank, Linnetta, 205. 

Franklin, Lyman W., 232, 

Frazer, Christena, 129. 

Frazier, Electa, 67. 

Freeh, Theodore W., 83, 133. 

Frederick, John W., 74. 

Freeman, Alfred, 217, 267. 

Freeman, Angelo, 144, 216. 

Friedel, Anna, 257. 

Friend, Ella Victoria, 249. 

Frisbie, Samuel, 56. 

Fritz, Lena, 266. 
Frost, Albert E., 106, 165. 
Frost, Elizabeth, 273. 
Fryer, Richard S., 230, 273. 
Fuller, Benjamin, 108. 
Fuller, Joshua, 40. 
Fuller, Lucretia, 105. 
Fuller, Melinda, 97. 
Fuller, Sophia, 108. 
Fulmer, Isa F., 302. 
Fulton, E. J., 193, 258. 
Fusaris, Rose, 258. 
Fusen, Clay, 97. 

Gabelman, Lillian, 198. 
Gade, Florence G., 271. 
Gaines, Edward F., 86, 136. 
Gale, Clarence, 101, 155. 
Gale, Ellen, M., 239. 
Gallup, Henry C. 105, 162. 
Gannon, Lillie, 298. 
Gardiner, Afred, 114. 
Gardner, Jeffrey W., 182. 
Garnett, Elizabeth Barclay, 

Gamier, Grace Leonine, 181. 
Garrett, Hannah, 263. 
Garrison, Mamie, 305. 
Gates, Freeman D., 145. 217. 
Gaylord, Charles, 64, 95. 
Gaylord, Hannah, 57. 
Gaylord, Hazel, 279. 
Gaylord, Nathan, 37, 50. 
Gaylord, Thomas, 42. 
George, Huttlestone, 69. 
George, Ira', 67. 
Gibson, Sadie, 265. 
Gifford, Celia, 102. 
Gifford, Susannah, 100. 
Gilbert, John, 32. 
Gilbert, John, 189. 
Gill, Alice, 263. 
Gill, Samuel, 43. 
Gillen, Archie R., 157, 231. 
Gillen, Charles A., 194, 258. 
Gillett, F. H. 194, 259. 
Gillett, Gordon, 66, 100. 
Gilmore, Jane, 160. 
Gilson, Delia, 223. 
Glidden, Bert, 247, 278. 
Gober, Mattie, Daniel. 308. 
Goddard, Calvin, 80, 126. 
Godfrey, Margaret B., 275. 
Goetzmann, John A., 248. 
Goldsmith, Ephraim, 42. 
Goldwaith, Joel A., 251. 

Goodnow, Ellen A., 171. 
Goodrich, Grant, 74, 116. 
Goodrich, John, 39. 
Goodyear, Betsey, 48. 
Goodyear, Edward, 50. 
Goodyear, Jane, 60. 
Goodyear, Joseph, 45. 
Goodyear, Lowly, 48. 
Goodyear, Mabel, 101. 
Goodyear, Pamelia, 157. 
Goodyear, Sarah, 100. 
Goodyear, Susannah, 65. 
Goodyear, Titus, 45, 65. 
Gorham, Caroline, 112. 
Gorham, Elizabeth, 62. 
Gorham, Isaac, 43, 59. 
Gorham, Orella, 90. 
Gorham, Rebecca, 62. 
Gorham, Stephen, 36, 47. 
Gorum, Prince, 67. 
Goudey, Thomas .'E., 146, 219. 
Gould, Nancy, 74. 
Grace, Lydia, 171. 
Graham, Charlotte. 233. 
Graham, Edith, 172. 
Graham, Eliza, 131. 
Graham, Lizzie, 265. 
Graham, Melvin, 240. 
Graham, Merline, 212. 
Graham, Richard, 233. 
Grannis, Eunice, 65. 

Grant, Mary J., 130. 

Grant, Wm. L., 233, 276. 

Granville, James Alyward, 

Grate, Emma, 144. 

Greager, Nellie, 268. 

Green, George Walter, 123, 

Greene, Abby Sophia, 164. 

Greene, Edward B., 173, 250. 

Greene, Lucy Huntington, S3. 

Greene, Maria Edna, 255. 

Greene, Minnie Francis, 173. 

Gregory, Sarah A., 81. 

Greene, Sarah Ann, 127. 

Gregory, Charles J., 296, 311. 

Gregory, Gilead, 47. 

Gridley, Norris, 90. 

Gridley, Orrin, 90. 

Griffen, Mary Ann, 105. 

Griswold," Irma Isadore, 270. 

Gritney, Mary, 131. 

Gross, Francis M., 194, 259. 

Grove, Ludwin, 49. 

Grove, Sarah Ida, 266. 



Guilmont, Flora C, 194. 
Guinan, Ann, 130. 
Gullman, Arthur James, 215 
Gunter, Harold B., 204, 261. 
Gurney, Wm. C, 114. 180. 
Gurr, Laura Marie, 273. 
Guyer, James E., 153, 227. 
Guyot, Arnold E., 248. 

Hackett, Mary, 252. 
Hadley, Jerry J., 209, 262. 
Hadley, Mrs. Lorain, 57. 
Hadleston, Ann, 144. 
Hait, John E., 224, 271. 
Hale, Egbert, 235. 
Hale, Emily C, 169. 
Hale, Henry W., 149, 223. 
Hale, Lizzie E., 223. 
Hale, Mary Cooke, 112. 
Hale, Phebe, 73. 
Hall, Ashael, 42. 
Hall, Aurelia, 233. 
Hall, Caleb, 31, 35. 
Hall, Caroline Diana. 80. 
Hall, Daniel, 3rd, 33, 39. 
Hall, Elisha, 35, 45. 
Hall, Eliza, 80. 
Hall, Frederick V., 239, 277. 
Hall, Gratia Maud, 229. 
Hall, John, 38. 
Hall, Jonathan, 38. 
Hall, Joseph, 82, 131. 
Hall. Lucy, 98. 
Hall, Phebe, 45. 
Hall, Thomas, 31, 33. 
Hallam, George, 189. 
Halliday, Edgar F., 245. 
Halloway, Antoinette, Caro- 
line, 293. 
Halsey, Luella A., 229. 
Hamblin, Sarah H., 159. 
Hammell, W. H, 87. 
Hammer, Julia, 74. 
Hanley, Bridget Agnes, 202. 
Haraiyia, Noserwan, 157. 
Hardin, John P., 193, 258. 
Harding, Hannah, 70. 
Harding, Martha, 109. 
Harkness, Elizabeth A., 106. 
Harmes, Rudolph, 111, 180. 
Harper, Archibald R., 77, 122. 
Harper, Martha, 240. 
Harrington. O. C, 117, 184. 
Harris, Arthur, 198. 
Harris, Isaac, 94, 144. 
Harris, Mary, 63. 

Harris, Sarah, 46. 
Harrison, Almira F., 91. 
Hart, Alfred, 66. 
Hart, Ernest, 213, 264. 
Hart, Joseph, 55. 
Hart, Sylvia, 258. 
Hart, Thomas Coe, 79, 125. 
Hartley, Thomas E., 69, 108. 
Harvey, George, 168, 245. 
Harvey, James, 130, 201. 
Hastings, Dorothy, 220. 
Hatch, Emily E., 234. 
Hatmaker, Peter, 75. 
Haven, Noble, 90, 139. 
Havens, Walter S., 156, 230. 
Haverly, Jennie B., 75, 118. 
Hawks, Emily Marie, 237. 
Hawley, Abigail, 103. 
Hawley, Samuel, 67. 
Hay, Ida Wilson, 216. 
Hay, Jane, 69. 
Hayden, Edward, 132. 
Hayden, Emma Benton, 174. 
Hayden, Lizzie, 131. 
Hayden, Salo, 109. 
Hayes, Earl, 224. 
Hayes, Hazel L., 277. 
Haynes, Ella B., 239. 
Hays,. Belle, 170. 
Hazard, Harriet, 105. 
Hazlitt, Wm., 75. 
Healy, Edward, 163. 
Heaton, Abigail, 32. 
Heaton, Lydia, 48. 
Heckman, Clare, 265. 
Hedges, Frances H., 96. 
Heitsmith, Althea, 244. 
Helfenstein, Elizabeth, 80. 
Hemingway, Charlotte Ar- 

line, 133. 
Hemingway, Doris, 282. 
Hemingway, Huldah Wood- 
ward, 50. 
Hemingway, Julia Augusta, 

Hemingway, Mary C, 76. 
Henderson, Frederick Wm., 

Hen ion, Vera, 248. 
Henriques, James E., 153. 
Henry, Alexander, 94. 
Henry Anna, 106. 
Henry, John, 115. 
Heintz, Lulu Mittie, 197. 
Herman, E. J., 269. 
Herrick, Mary, 119. 

Herrick Myra Belle, 186. 

Hester, John K., 178, 252. 

Hetric, Ida Oma, 218. 

Hibbard, Frances, 83. 

Hickox, E. Dean, 163, 241. 

Hicock, Mary, 1Q3. 

Hicock, Mary, 103, 158. 

Higgins, Gertrude C, 198. 

Hill, Deney, 158. 

Hill, Cora, 240. 

Hill, Eben Clayton, 193, 257. 

Hill, Edward D., 209. 

Hill, Ella, 262. 

Hill, H. J., 84. 

Hill, Julia Sophia, 211. 

Hill, Mary J., 158. 

Hill, Matilda, 148. 

Hill, Mead, 278. 

Hills, Julia L., 212. 

Hills, Viola Mae, 238. 

Hinckley, Jared G., 158, 159 

Hine, Hezekiah, 60, 91. 
Hinman, Rev., 73. 
Hinman Willis, 58, 86. 
Hinness, Jacob, 195. 
Hinsdale, Charles J., 63, 95. 
Hitchcock, Alice, 225. 
Hitchcock, Anson, 98, 151. 
Hitchcock, Augustus, 59, 90. 
Hitchcock, Bela, 33, 38. 
Hitchcock, Dwight B., 150. 
Hitchcock, Eunice, 63. 
Hitchcock, Hannah, 64. 
Hitchcock, Merab, 89. 
Hitchcock, Oliver, 45. 
Hitchcock, Piatt, 98, 151. 
Hoadley, Erastus, 66. 
Hoadley, Harriet, 93. 
Hoadley, Julia M., 92. 
Hoadley, Wm. B., 91, 140. 
Hoag, Benjamin, 239, 277. 
Hoag, Huldah, 69. 
Hoberstad, Hans, 261). 
Hoffman, Howard, 264, 280. 
Hoffman, Tillie, 222. 
Hogeboom, John, 67, 105. 
Holcomb, Caroline, 220. 
Holcomb, Hattie, 118. 
Holebrook, Lydia, 44. 
Hollister, G. T., 149. 
Holloway, Silas, 57, 84. 
Holmes, Urania, 75. 
Hooker, Edward T., 139, 212. 
Hoover, Aaron, 159, 234. 
Hopkins, William, 129. 



Horton, Everett, 151, 225. 
Horton, Julia, 287. 
Horton, Sarah B., 81. 
Hosmer, Genevieve, 134. 
Hotchkiss, Anna, 72. 
Hotchkiss, Caleb, 35, 42. 
Hotchkiss, Clarissa, 72. 
Hotchkiss, David, 42, 59. 
Hotchkiss, Dorothy, 53. 
Hotchkiss, Eldad, 43, 61. 
Hotchkiss, Eldad, 61, 92. 
Hotchkiss, Eli, 37, 49. 
Hotchkiss, Elias, 43, 60. 
Hotchkiss, Esther, 56. 
Hotchkiss, George, 93, 143. 
Hotchkiss, Hannah, 38. 
Hotchkiss, Jason, 33, 39. 
Hotchkiss, Isaac, 61. 
Hotchkiss, Jonah, 37, 48. 
Hotchkiss, Jonah, 41. 
Hotchkiss, Joseph, 33. 
Hotchkiss, Leverett, 98, 150. 
Hotchkiss, Mary, 33. 
Hotchkiss, Mary, 56. 
Hotchkiss, Orrin, 64, 95. 
Hotze, Herman, 186, 256. 
Hough, Eliza, 79. 
Hough, Henry. 56. 
Hough, Joseph, 34. 
Hough, Julia, 98. 

Houghton, , 41. 

Houtz, Francis J., 194, 259. 
How, Lydia, 57. 
Howard, Eugene E., 171. 
Howe, G. E., 190. 
Hoxson, Nathan, 69, 108. 
Hoy, Marmaduke D., 68, 69, 

Hoyt, Hazel, 270. 
Hoyt, Lena, 257. 
Hubbard,, Herbert L., 83, 

Hubbard, Jane Berry, 65. 
Hubbard, John, 37, 48. 
Hubbard, John L., 95. 
Hubbard, Mary M., 139. 
Hubbard, Rachel, 49. 
Hubbard, Sarah, 48. 
Hubbard, Whitney, 188, 256. 
Hudson, Anna Prindle, 39. 
Hudson, Mr., 39. 
Hudson, Widow, 53. 
Hughes, Amanda J., 181. 
Hughes, Daniel, 44, 63. 
Hull, Aaron, 39. 
Hull, Abigail, 74. 

Hull, Alice, 82. 

Hull, Ambrose, 39. 

Hull, Andrew, Jr., 40, 54. 

Hull, Charles, 33, 39. 

Hull, Dora, 162. 

Hull, Esther, 48. 

Hull, Harriet, 120. 

Hull, Jedcdiah, 38, 50. 

Hull, Levi, 59. 

Hull, Love, 40. 

Hull, Mary, 80. 

Hull, Mary Malvina, 161. 

Hull, Samuel, 38, 50. 

Hull, Sarah, 39. 

Hultz, Mary, 265. 

Humiston, Bede, 66. 

Humiston, Daniel, 36. 

Humiston, James, 36. 

Humiston, James, 32, 36. 

Humiston, Lydia, 65. 

Humiston, Mary, 102. 

Humiston, Patience, 50. 

Humphrey, Asahel, 159. 

Humphrey, Keziah, 94. 

Hunt, Harry U., 220, 269. 

Hunt, Jesse, 47. 

Hunt, John, 47, 71. 

Hunt, Ora S., 220, 263. 

Hunter, Ada, 218. 

Hunter, Daniel, 154. 

Hunter, Louis D., 188, 256. 

Hurd, Lois, 50. 

Hurlbut, Amos S., 156, 230. 

Hurlbut, Ralph W., 264, 280. 

Hurthal, Florence, 188. 

Hutchins, Polly, 74. 

Ingalls, Edward, 110, 172. 
Ingersoll, Anne, 50. 
Ingersoll Edward, 110. 
Ingham, Geo. M., 147. 220. 
Jreganowan, Wm. H., 141. 
Isles, Palmer, 236. 
Ives, Ebenezer, 32, 36. 
Ives, Ebenezer, Jr., 36, 47. 
Ives, Ephraim, 33, 38. 
Ives, Eunce, 99. 
Ives, Hannah, 60. 
Ives, Hannah Moss, 33. 
Ives, Harry M., 148. 
Tves, Howard Edward, 192, 

Ives, James, 35, 45. 
Ives, Joel, 35. 
Ives, Louisa, 55. 
Ives, Miriam, 43. 

Ives, Samuel, 31, 34. 
Ives, Samuel, 59. 

Jackson, Huldah A., 213. 
Jackson, J. F., 226, 272. 
Jacobs, E. H., 297, 313. 
James, Eliza, 188. 
James, Mary F, 223. 
Jarvis, Stephen, 45, 64. 
Jencks, Wm. L., 154, 229. 
Jenkins, J. W., 287, 298. 
Jenkins, Lewis, 64. 
Jenkins, Thomas Davis, 236, 

Jerdan, Wm., 109. 
Jerome, James H., 101, JM!. 
Jesson, Alice, 243. 
Jewett, Harry M., 132. 
John, R. B., 296, 312. 
Johnson, Charlotte, 281. 
Johnson, Enos, 38. 
Johnson, Ezekiel, 109. 
Johnson, Hiram, 59. 
Johnson, Ira, 103, 159. 
Johnson, J. M.. 297, 313. 
Johnson, James, 128. 
Johnson, Kerley, 67, 104. 
Johnson, Mary, 83. 
Johnson, Naomi, 91. 
Johnson, Sarah J., 74, 116. 
Johnson, Thomas, 33. 
Johnson, William, 41. 
Johnson, Alma, 201. 
Johnston, Mary, 281. 
Jones, Abigail, 38. 
Jones, Carrie E., 271. 
Jones, Gilbert N., 96, 148. 
Jones, Harry T., 173. 
Jones Hobart, 222. 
Jones, Iris L., 195. 
Jones, Leah B., 265. 
Jones, Louise, 234. 
Jones, Mary W., 205. 
Jones, Nathaniel, 30, 31. 
Jones, Sarah Ledyard, 153. 
Jones, Simeon, 66. 
Jones, Walter, 129. 
Jordan, Mary E., 246. 
Judd, Immer, Sr., 38. 
Judd, Immer, Jr., 38, 52. 
Judson, Samuel, 60, 91. 
June, Nancy J., 184. 

Kassin, Fred A., 131. 

Keels, C. H., 305. 

Keeler, Esther Chaplin, 216. 



Kelloggs, Laura, 90. 
Kelley, Charles E., 138. 
Kelley, Ellen, 176. 
Kelly, Fred, 150, 223. 
Kelly, Louise, 245. 
Kelsey, Asa, 69, 106. 
Kelsey, Chas. Bert, 84, 135. 
Kelsey, James, 101. 
Kelsey, Margaret, 279. 
Kelsey, Verda Mont, 155. 
Kemp, Elizabeth, 220. 
Kemper, Emma S., 251. 
Kempner, Henrietta, 204. 
Kennedy, Bertha, 256. 
Kennedy, Daniel, 132. 
Kennedy, Duncan, 82, 132. 
Kenney, Margaret, 129. 
Kensinger, Ethel Irene, 276. 
Kent, Lillian A., 236. 
Kent, P. J., 84, 134. 
Kenyon, Betsey, 168. 
Kertoonis, Joseph, 232, 273. 
Kessler, Frank J., 227, 272. 
Kessler, Henry M., 114, 181. 
Ketcham, Vera M., 275. 
Key, Mary, 81. 
Keyes, Henry M., Ill, 174. 
Kilborn, Daniel Parker, 86. 
Kimball, O. A., 109, 171. 
Kimball, Sylvester, 71. 
Kimberly, Marianne, 110. 
King, A. J., 293, 306. 
King, Edward G., Ill, 174. 
King, Edward Gilbert, 173, 

King, James T., 110, 173. 
King, Rachel, 102. 
King, Stanley L., 214, 265. 
King, Urania, 115. 
Kingsbury, E. C., 173. 
Kingsbury, James, 86, 136. 

Kingsbury, Rev. , 66. 

Kinyon, Mary Gladys, 228. 
Kirby, Clarance, 112, 176. 
Kirby, Margaret, 130. 
Kirk, Alice Wark, 135. 
Kirkham, Walter B., 80, 127. 
Kirst, A. E., 205. 
Kirtland, Jared P., 52, 79. 
Kirtland, Jared Potter, 79. 
Kitchin, Matthew, 17*1. 248. 
Kitzmiller, Mary, 77. 
Knapp, A., 108, 168. 
Knapp, Clinton B., 192. 
Knapp, Helen M., 120. 
Knapp, Lewis R., 161. 

Kniffen, 102. 

Kniffer, Bloumy C, 177. 
Knott, Esther, 71. 
Knott, John, 43. 
Knox, Jennette, 87. 
Knutson, Clara, 254. 
Kohn, Leona, 231. 

Lacy, Frances A., 224. 
Ladd, Edwin Horace, 134, 

Lamb, Sarah, 53. 
Lambert, Harriet, 163. 
Lambeth, Lillie. 305. 
Lamotte, Albert A., 235. 
Lander, Daisy Delphine, 253. 
Lane, Moreland E., 160, 235. 
Langdon, John, 48. 
Langley, Ellen M. French, 

Langton, Robert, 217, 267. 
Langworthy, Fannie A., 163. 
Lansing, Benjamin, 74. 
Larkin, Hannah, 125. 
Larrier, A., 53. 
Lasher, Vera Edith, 228. 
Lathrop, Jermaine, 109. 
Law, Charles, 113, 178. 
Lawrence, Diana, 110. 
Lawrence G. L., 211. 
Lawrence, Harriet E., 233. 
Lawrence, Kelsie E., 157, 231. 
Lawrence, Sidney, 57, 85. 
Lawrence, Vada Eleanor, 255. 
Layman, Ella, 277. 
Leaning, Esther, 73. 
Learned, H. H., 213. 
Leary, Sarah L., 81. 
Leavitt, Edith M., 183. 
Leek, Julia Maria Mansfield, 

Leete, Sydney W., 63, 93. 
Lefcenwell, Elisha, 160, 236. 
Leighton, Andrew C, 170, 

Leighton, Marie G., 198. 
Leighton, Priscilla, 128. 
Lemback, Samuel, 144. 
Leonard, Wm. P., 293, 308. 
Leroy, Annette, 248. 
Lewis, Charles F., 274, 281. 
Lewis, Ebenezer, 50. 
Lewis, Edward, Jr., 175. 
Lewis, George, 87. 
Lewis, Harold, 166, 243. 
Lewis, John, 313. 

Lewis, Marcus, 92, 142. 
Lewis, Mary, 68. 
Lewis, Mary, 156. 
Lewis, Robert, 162. 
Lewis, Sarah, 77. 
Libby, Florence Addie, 181. 
Lilly, Conway, 265. 
Limebaugh, Cinthy C, 223. 
Lindsay, Guy, 205. 
Lines, Frederick, 264, 281. 
Linsley, Jessie L., 271. 
Lisk, Mattie L., 275. 
Little, Edward, 35. 
Littlejohn, Ellen, 150. 
Lloyd, Almon J., 63, 95. 
Lloyd, Charles, 300, 315. 
Lloyd, Lillian, 303. 
Lobdell, Adeline B., 262. 
Lockhart, Jane, 97. 
Lockwood, Anna, 60. 
Lomb'ra, Mitchell, 57, 86. 
Long, Wright, 122, 189. 
Loomis, Riley, 63, 94. 
Lord, Chester C, 113, 177. 
Lotte, Clara, 279. 
Louesa, Betsea, 115. 
Love, James, 263, 280. 
Lowden, Mrs. Helene, 124. 
Lucas, Sally, 48. 
Lupoid, Jacob S., 170. 
Lyle, Ida B., 215. 
Lyman, Emeline Sophia, 72. 
Lyman, John B., 110, 172. 
Lyman, Mrs. Rachel, 60. 
Lyon, Asa, 40, 56. 
Lyon, Fidelia Jane, 157. 
Lyon, June, 251. 

MacDonald, Nellie B., 202. 
Machan, Harry, 170. 
Macphie Albin, 130. 
Mack, Nettie, 184. 
Maclain, John, 149. 
Macomber, Abiah, 93. 
Macomber, Margaret, 58. 
Macumber, Susan, 47. 
Magie, Grace, 208. 
Magill, Mary J., 122. 
Malisori, Rosetta, 155. 
Malison, Scott, 101, 155. 
Mallery. Louisa, 100. 
Mallory, Calvin, 43. 
Mandeville, Jeremiah Clark, 

Manger, Maude, 184. 
Mann, Emery D., 91, 140. 



Manning, P. R., 80, 126. 

Manning-, Frank, 23Q. 

Manning-, Joseph, 67, 105. 

Mansfield, Abigail, 31. 

Mansfield, Lois, 46. 

Mansfield, Uri, 65, 97. 

Mapes, Helen, 231. 

Marchand, Oakie, 279. 

Mareaus, Esther, 143. 

Maring, Louise, 280. 

Marks, Lucinda, 162. 

Marks, May, 185. 

Marlinson, Geo. Albert, 167 

Marsh, Chloe A., 236. 

Martin, Grace, 243. 

Martin, Isaiah, 69. 

Martin, Jane E., 192. 

Martin Lucretia, 108. 

Martin, Olive, 153. 

Martin, Susan, 153. 

Mason, Esther, 201. 

Mason, John H., 106, 164. 

Mason, Julia A., 89. 

Massicotte, Otto, 268, 281. 

Matheson, D. H., 129. 

Mattern, Edward, 117. 

Mattern, Ale, 117. 
Matthews, Cornelia, 123. 
Matthews, Elmina D., 194. 
Matthews, Levi, 41. 
Matthews, Margaret Eliza- 
beth, 263. 
Matthews, Savannah Eliza- 
beth, 308. 
Matthews, Wm., 294. 
Matthews, Wm. G., 194, 259. 
Maxfield, Ellsworth, 134, 207. 
Maxwell, Emily, 77. 
Maxwell, Lulu B., 259. 
Mayberry, Richard D., 220, 

Maynard, W. A., 292, 305. 
McCafferty, Mary P., 135. 
McCarroll, James, 77, 121. 
McCarthy, Francis W., 202. 
McCauley, Eleanor, 283. 
McClarnan, Mary, 130. 
McClelland, Wm. H., 182, 254. 
McCIure, Edith C, 277. 
McDonald, Isabella H., 203. 
McDonald, Joan, 255. 
McDowell, Sarah F., 160. 
Mcfee, John, 104, 161. 
Mcfee, Joseph, 104. 
McGeorge, Julian H., 171. 

McGettigan, Margaret Mary, 

McGuigan, Julia, 157. 

Mclntyre, Jennie Marie, 187. 

McKay, Kenneth John, 129. 

McKay, Margaret, 82. 

McKeegan, Elizabeth, 118. 

McKelvie, Geo., 151. 

McKenzy, Mary, 108. 

McKeon, John K., 55. 

McKeon, Oliver Evans, 127. 

McKeough Edith, 202. 

McKeown, Claudia Ethel, 

McKinnon, Isabell, 187. 

McLean, Donald, 129. 

McMinn, Earle, 202. 

McNaughter, Mary Belle, 210. 

McPherson, Emily, 131. 

McRae, James, 167, 244. 

McWhorter, Joseph, 65, 100. 

McWilliams, Isabella A., 140. 

Mead, Anna, 120. 

Mead, Hannah, 46. 

Mead, Matilda, 156. 

Meigs, Mary A., 242. 

Merriam, Alice Caroline, 208. 

Merriam, Lucy, 58. 

Merriam, Marshall, 41. 

Merrick, Jonathan, 38. 

Merrill, Caroline A., 141. 

Merriman, Caleb, 38. 

Merriman, Caleb, 50. 
Merriman, Elizabeth Ben- 
ham, 34. 
Merriman, Nettie A., 183. 
Merriman, Sarah, 33. 
Merriman, Thomas, 41. 
Mershon, James R., 92. 
Merwin, Mary, 78. 
Merwin, Minerva, 123. 
Messenger, Mrs. Sarah, 103. 
Messman, Herman G., 195. 
Meyers, George, 131. 
Miles, John, 41. 
Miller, Elsie Dell, 255. 
Miller, Frances Ellen, 211. 
Miller, Frank S., 163, 240. 
Miller, Hallie, 277. 
Miller, Hazel, 201. 
Miller, Henry, 178, 252. 
Miller, Mary, 94. 
Miller, Robt., 181. 
Miller, Rollo, 234. 
Miller, William, 48. 
Miller, William, 74, 117. 

Miller, Zelina, 234. 

Milligan, Ann, 130. 

.Mills, Levelle C, 157. 

Millspaugh, Martha, 163. 

Miltenberg, George, Jr., 249. 

Miner, Hannah, 83. 

Miner, Mary A., 201. 

Mines, Elizabeth Jane, 272. 

Minor, Henry S., 151, 225. 

.Minor, Seymour Z., 74. 

Mitchell, Abigail S., 83. 

Mitchell, Betsey, 57. 

Mitchell, John R., 90, 152. 

-Mix, Anna, 44. 

Mix, David. 36, 47. 

.Mix, Dorothy, 43. 

Mix, Elihu, 58, 87. 

Mix, Elizabeth, 32. 

Mix, Erwin, 92, 142. 

Mix, Mehitable, 34. 

Mock, Eliza A., 210. 

Mohler, Susan L., 256. 

Montgomery, Emilie, 111. 

Montgomery, Josephine, 173. 

Montgomery, Mary, 111. 

Moody, James, 67. 

Moon, Earle, 128. 

Moore, -, 235. 

Moore, Durant, 283, 292. 

Moore, Florence, 275. 

Moore, Hattie A., 147. 

Moore, N. A., 283. 
Moore, Ransom B., 151. 
Moore, Wm., 283, 292. 
Moore, William B., 57, 85. 
Moot, Richmond D., 173, 250. 
Morgan, Charles L., 120, 187. 
Mjorgan, Hattie, 247. 
Morgan, William, 49. 
Morison, Florence Sheffield 

Morris, Flora, 278. 
Morris, Rita Ann, 82. 
Morrison, Bertha Lord, 263. 
Morrison, Harry, 247, 278. 
Morrison, "William, 222. 
Morrow, George T., 288, 302 
Morrow, J. S., 300, 314. 
Morrow, Robt. G., 288, 302. 
Morse, Allen, 171. 
Morse, Clarissa, 91. 
Morse, Edmund Culver, 171. 
Moseley, Hannah, 95. 
Moss, Anna, 51. 
Moss, Bowers, 43 
Moss, Hannah. 37. 



Mops, Mary, 52. 
Moss, Phebe, 44. 
Moss, Timothy, 42. 
Moss, Titus, 42. 
Mothwig, Ada A.. 234. 
Moulthrop, Frances C, 145. 
Mulford, James H., 62, 93. 
Mullikin, Amil G.. 205. 
Mulvaney, Katherine, 240. 
Mulvaney, Mary, 240. 
Mulvihill, Freda M., 260. 
Munroe, Sarah Elizabeth, 244. 
Munson, Cortenia C 213. 
Munson, Craig- Douglas. 251. 
Munson Geo. P., 72, 113. 
Munson, Jabez. 32. 37. 
Munson, Joshua, 35. 45. 
Murdock, James, 44, 63. 
Murphy, Mary Ann, 81. 
Murphy, Mary Jane 128. 
Murray, James W., 297,313. 
Murray, Janet C, 213. 
Musson, Wright S., 211. 262. 
Myers, John. 129. 
Myers, Selina. 224. 

Neal, Edna M.. 233. 
Neal, Emma J.. 148. 
Neat, Elizabeth. 253. 
Neely, George W.. 139, 213. 
Neely, St. Elmo, 279. 
Nelson, Esther M., 262. 
Nesbit, Anna Louise. 253. 
Nesbit, Fay Gwendolyn, 181, 

Nettleton, Lyman. 57. 86. 
Neville, Claude E., 300. 314. 
Newberry, Anna J.. 274. 
Newell, Estelle, 264. 
Newman, John W., 97. 
Newsome. Ella May, 275. 
Newton Eunice. 39. 
Newton, Thomas. 42. 
Nichols, Clyde Smith. 224, 

Nichols, Elizabeth. 122. 
Nichols, James. 100, 151. 
Nichols, Patience, 104. 
Nichols, Phebe Jane. 151. 
Nichols, Raymond Daniel, 

223, 270. 
Nichols, Stephen H.. 91, 110. 
Nichols, Wm., 92, 141. 
Nisghwinger, Roy D.. 195. 

Niverson, Arch, 249. 

Nixen, Etta Louise, 127. 
Noble, Sophronia. 252. 
Norden, Inez. 267. 
Norris, Sarah Francis, 238. 
Norton, Adeline, 151. 
Norton, Angeline, 125. 
Norton, David A., 141. 
Norton, Francis, 152. 226. 
Norton, James J.. 182. 
Norton, Wm. M., 250. 

Oakley, Gertrude Vanderpoel, 

Offord. Clarissa, 149. 
Offord, G. M., 223. 
O'Hara. Miss. 204. 
Olds, Geo. Daniel, Jr., 216, 

Oldham. Edward Morton, 175. 
Olmstead. Mary Elizabeth, 

O'Neal. Martha G., 294. 
Opry. Lillian Vera, 128. 
Orcutt, David. 92. 142. 
Osborn, Abigail, 50. 
Osborn, Amelia J., 146. 
Osborn, Gladias M., 270. 
Osborne, Lucy. 66. 
Osborn. Reuben. 43. 
O'Sullivan, Mary, 201. 
O'Sullivan. Mary, 262. 
Overton, Vashti, 109. 
Owens, Eleanor, 253. 
Owen. Kenneth, 184. 

Pabst, Louise. 278. 
Packard, Larkin, 61. 
Padway. May, 131. 
Page. Eliza Cora, 297. 
Page, Nellie Eastwood, 299. 
Pag-e, Reuben, 58. 
Paine. Mrs. Rebecca. 90. 
Palmer. Wm., 74. 115. 
Palmer. William. 162, 23S. 
Paramore, Fred'k Wallace, 

173. 250. 
Paret. Adaline Peck, 227. 
Park, John H.. 103. 
Parker. Eliphalet, 32, 35. 
Parker, E. W.. 161, 237. 
Parker, Rachel, 70. 
Parkin, Clara, 126. 
Parkin. James, 122, 191. 
Parkins, F. M.. 192, 257. 
Parks. Edgar, 236. 
Parks, Laura Rosilee, 308. 

Parmele. Ruth Caroline, 87. 
Parmelee, Eliza Ann, 158. 
Parmelee. M. H., 103. 
Parmelee, Otis A., 120, 187. 
Patchen, John E., 195, 259. 
Patten, Lewis H., 137. 
Patterson, James, 103. 
Patterson, John S., 151, 221. 
Patterson, Lincoln E., 153, 

Patterson, Robert, 288. 303. 
Payne, David M.. 60, 92. 
Pearsall, Albert T.. 109. 169. 
Pearsall, Edward, 118, 185. 
Pearson, Wm. E., 226, 272. 
Pease, Catherine T., 110. 
Pease. John, 36. 
Pease, John, 43. 
Peck, Annie, 93. 
Peck, Elizabeth, 64. 
Peck, James, 60, 91. 
Peck, Jesse, 44. 
Peck, John, 34. 
Peck, John, 44, 62. 
Peck. John A.. 139, 213. 
Peck, Mary, 33. 
reck, Mehitable, 47. 
Peck, Nicholas, 36. 
Peck, Patience, 59. 
Peck, Patience, 211, 262. 
Peck. Rebecca, 92. 
Peck. Roger, 38. 
Peck, Ruth, 31. 
Peck, Sally. 86. 
Peck. William, 59. 
Peck, William, 102. 157. 
Peckham. Hannah B., 94. 
Peebles, Frances, 222. 
Pember, M. P.. 160, 237. 
Penfleld, Charlotte Martin, 

Penny. John, 99. 153. 
Penny, Norton R., 137. 209. 
IV-pper. Alex, 129. 
Perkins, Thomas G.. 110, 172. 
Perrigo. Amanda. 75. 
Perrin, Linda Orpha, 240. 
Perrine. H. C, Jr.. 143. .216. 
Perry, Blanche, 309. 
Perry, Clara Winifred, 167. 
Perry, Sabrina, 104.  
Person, Daisy Eleanor, 271. 
Peterson. Dorothea, 222. 
Pettibone, Huldah, 70. 
Pettingill. Estella M., 205. 
Pettys, Nancy Ann, 209. 



Phellis, Charles F., 182. 

Phelps, Carrie, 184. 

Phelps, Horace, 117. 

Phelps, Lucy Jane, 123. 

Philips, Corda C, 186. 

Philip, Wm. H., 93, 143. 

Phillips, Florence, 275. 

Phillips, Geo. P., 131, 204. 

Phillips, Geo. W., 114, 181. 

Phillips, Ralph, 236, 276. 

Phillips, Sarah Ann, 152. 

Pickering, Mary, 231. 

Pieper, Wm. Benjamin, 167, 

Pierce, , 77. 

Pierce, Annie Laura, 190. 

Pierce, Ellis, 78, 124. 

Pierce, Sarah Ella, 167. 

Pierce, W. W., 156. 

PingTee, Allis, 214. 

Pitfleld, A. E., 200. 

Pitkin, Truman, 58, 87. 

Piatt, Lillian, 262. 

Plattenburg, Addie Dodd- 
ridge, 183. 

Pointer, Marguerite, 222. 

Polley, Mary, 122. 

Pomeroy, Harriet, 91. 

Pomeroy, Robert, 64. 

Pond, Charlotte, 87. 

Pond, David, 60, 91. 

Pond, Gad, 33. 

Pond, Jennie, Evelyn, 265. 

Pond, N. S., 99. 

Porter, Brayton A., 229. 

Porter, Elizabeth, 34. 

Post, Calista, 132. 

Post, Truman, 51, 79. 

Potter, Marian. 275. 

Powell, Alice N., 192. 

Powell, James, 122, 190. 

Powell, Laura B., 250. 

Powell, Wm., 76. 

Pratt, Louis A., 140, 214. 

Pratt, Mary Elizabeth, 199. 

Pratt, O. Louise, 117. 

Prescott, James, 37, 49. 

Preston, Chas. H., 90. 

Preston, Ellen, 294. 

Preston, Flora E., 160. 

Preston, Frederick A., 208. 

Preston, Susan G., 139. 

Price, Ann, 101. 

Price, Elizabeth Martha, 185. 

Price, Sarah Janet, 185. 

Prince, Cora, 249. 

Pritchard, Isaac W., 288, 302. 
Pruett, Goldson, 97. 
Pugh, Annie H., 304. 
Punderson, John, 30. 
Purdy, Fanny, 99. 
Purdy, May Helen, 230. 
Putnam, Ida Elaine, 231. 

Queen, Edward, 316. 
Quigley, Laura Barker, 255. 

Race, Katherine, 105. 
Radley, Harriet, 245. 
Raher, John D., 183. 
Rairdon, John, 69. 
Randall, Elisha, 55. 
Randall, Ida, 128. 
Rankin, Geo. S., 152, 227. 
Ransom, Annie, 193. 
Raymond, George, 47. 
Read, Theron N., 87. 
Reckles, Viola, 240. 
Rector, Pheby L.. 209. 

Reed, Mr. , 105. 

Reed, Marion, 266. 
Reed, Roy, 250. 
Reed, Sarah, 137. 
Reeve, Mrs. Amanda, 73. 
Regenold. Reville R., 234. 
Reid. Allen C, 115. 
Remer, John. 100. 
Renner, Florence E., 228. 
Respess, Antoinette E.. 293. 
Reynolds, Catherine Cecelia, 

Reynolds. Daisy N.. 275. 
Reynolds, Hannah. 67. 
Rhea, John H.. 145, 218. 
Rheinhold, Andrew J., 102, 

Rhodes, George, 222. 
Rice, Amanda, 171. 
Rice, Amos, 37. 
Rice, Annie S., 224. 
Rice, Esther, 123. 
Rice, Julia A., 80. 
Rice, Lucy, 58. 
Rice, Polly, 98. 
Richards, Bethia. 66. 
Richards, John. 87. 
Richards, Dr. L. R., 73. 
Richardson, Louise Dexter, 

Richmond, Jemima, 69. 
Ricks, Augustus J., 77, 120. 
Ridder, Margaret, 114. 

Riley, W. H, 194, 258. 
Ringer, Angus, 131. 
Ringhouse, Elizabeth, 125. 
Ringhouse, Verna, 195. 
Ritchey, Kate C, 217. 
Rives, Margaret S., 128. 
Roberts, Cena A., 311. 
Roberts, Sarah A., 117. 
Roberts, Sarah A., 193. 
Robbins, Lizzie Chatfield, 

Robinson, Anna, 213.. 
Robinson, David, 30, 31. 
Robison, Henry, 82, 132. 
Robinson, Wm., 104. 
Rockwell, Lydia, 31. 
Rockwood, Augusta, 249. 
Rogers, Benjamin, 108, 168. 
Rogers, Chas. A., 171. 
Rogers, David, 109. 
Rogers, Mary, 124. 
Rolison, Alice Irene, 230. 
Rood, David, 129. 
Root, Carolina A., 95. 
Root, Francis, 77. 
Root, Hattie, 186. 
Root, Lucy Curtis, 71. 
Root, Zimri 56, 83. 
Rose, Thomas, 284, 292. 
Rosenberger, O. P., 279. 
Rosewell, Lydia, 34. 
Ross, Caroline Harriman, 

Ross, Eliza N., 158. 
Ross, Ernest Edwin, 202. 260. 
Ross, George F., 132, 206. 
Rossmassler, E. C, 164, 243. 
Round, Olive M., 119. 
Rounds, Adolphus C, 249. 
Rounds, Elizabeth C, 149. 
Roundtree, C. W., 126, 195. 
Rowe, Abigail, 41. 
Rowe, Anne E., 185. 
Rowe, Ezra C, 72, 113. 
Rowland, George, 87, 136. 
Rowland, Mary, 230. 
Royce, Enos, 58, 86. 
Royce, Stephen, 40. 
Roys, Lydia, 57. 
Rudolph, John. 90. 139. 
Rugg, Wm. Cline, 223, 270. 
Russe"ll, Ella, 235. 
Russell, Irene, 233. 
Russell, Mary, 39. 
Russell, Mary Elizabeth, 276. 
Russell, R. R., 294. 



Rust, Ann Eliza, 219. 
Rust, .Martin, 103, 159. 
Rutty, Fredk. W.. 120, 188. 
Ryder, Ella C. 147. 
Ryder, George, 204, 261. 
Ryder, Minnie, 215. 
Ryman, John J., 114, 180. 

Sabin, David C, 194, 259. 
Sackett, Julia, 96. 
Sackett, Lydia, 64. 
Sackett, Nancy, 95. 
Sage, Mary Jane, 194. 
Sage, Virginia, 172. 
Salmon, Moetia, 225. 
Saltonstall, Mary, 44. 
Salvaggio, Lucian, 230. 
Sams, Emma, 259. 
Sanborn, Eva, 203. 
Sanborn, Parmelia A., 115. 
Sanford, Amos White, 65, 98. 
Sanford, Ellen Whipple, 214. 
Sanford, Evelyn. A. B., 101. 
Sanford, Frances, 118. 
Sanford, Harriet, 113. 
Sanford, Isaac R., 59, 90. 
Sanford, Luther Judson 99, 

Sanford, Samuel, 60, 90. 
Sanford, Susan, 112. 
Saunders, Angeline, 180. 
Sausman, Ella, 226. 
Sawer, Minnie, 131. 
Sayre, Damaris, 30. 
Scarff, Charles E, 133, 206. 
Schaffer, E. Hope, 202. 
Schenk, Frank, 222. 
Schooly, Benjamin, 77. 
Schoonmaker, Elizabeth W., 

Schutz, Minnie, 167. 
Scott, Margaret, 38. 
Scott, Marietta, 152. 
Scott, Robert, 210. 
Scranton, Emma Frances, 

Scullon, Annie, 170. 
Scully, Mary, 154. 
Seabrook, Joseph, 53, 81. 
Sears, Elsie May, 218. 
Sears, Goldie, 218. 
Sears, Sarah A., 123. 
Sedgewick, Olivia, 78. 
Seger, Henrietta, 132. 
Segner, Ruth, 256. 
Sellew, Helena J., 225. 

Semple, Amelia Eunice, 201. 
Shader, James E., 161. 
Shankland, Vintentia, 97. 

Shannon, Win., 130. 
Shapley, Royal, 69. 
Shaw, Frank, 149, 223. 
Shaw, Peter S., 87, 136. 
Shaw, Sarah, 56. 
Shay, Agnes, 193. 
Sheedy, Gordon H., 230. ' 
Sheehan, Henry J., 204, 261. 
Sheldon, Huldah, 90. 
Sheldon, Mehitable, L09. 
Sheldon, Susan M., 171. 
Shelton, Chas., Ill, 174. 
Shepard, Cynthia Elizabeth, 

Shepard, Samuel, 67, 104. 
Sherburne, Howard, 131. 
Sherman, Dinah, 36. 
Sherman, Jessie, 129. 
Sherman, Mary Ella, 192. 
Sherman, Michael, 46. 
Sherrard, James Henry, 133, 

Sherrod, Mary Beatrice, 146. 
Sherwood, Cyrus, 77. 
Sherwood, Josephine, 188. 
Shipley, Helen Betts, 220. 
Shippy, Samantha, 235. 
Shirley, Katherine, 279. 
Shirley, Sarah, 138. 
Shogo, Neal, 97. 
Showers, Harriot M.. 209. 
Shrader, Charles C, 147, 220. 
Sibila, Arline E., 188. 
Siedenthal. Mary, 186. 
Silcox, Calvin, 173. 
Silcox, Willard, 202. 
Siler, Annie M., 302. 
Sill, Ann, 121. 
Sill, Rachel, 233. 
Simon, Olive L., 153. 
Simmons. Minnie G., 308. 
Simmons, O. C, 110, 173. 
Simpson, Ida Louise. 256. 
Sines, George, 160, 237. 
Skelton, Edward. 82. 132. 
Skelton, Leonard II. , 248. 

Skid more, , 79. 

Skinner, Caroline Eunice, 116. 
Skinner, Mary, 109. 
Skinner, Monroe I., 74. 
Slater, Evelyn. 212. 
Slight, Geo. W., 171. 
Smith, Abbie, 262. 



Abel, 46. 
Ada, 312. 

Adelbert 11., 157, 232. 
Aug-usta, 220. 
Charlotte, 140. 
Chas., 75, 118. 
Daniel, 36. 
David, 58. 
Deane Miller, 271. 
Dorothea Alice, 215. 
Edward W., 164, I'll'. 
Elizabeth, 176. 
Elizabeth, 271. 
Grace Draver, 242. 
Hannah J., 235. 
Harriet M., 213. 
H. F.. 145. 
Isaac O., 97, 150. 
James H., 83, 133. 
James H., 293, 308. 
James M., 195. 
Laban, 62. 
Levi, 41. 
Lucius, 58. 
Lybrand Palmer, 167. 

Lyman, 91. 

Marguerite D., 240. 

Marie G., 110. 

Mary, 288. 

Peter B., 40, 56. 

Ralph, 247, 278. 

Rosa Patience, 160. 

Wilfred, 143, 215. 

William G., 180, 252. 
Snedeker, E. L., 126, 196. 
Snedeker, Henrietta, 163. 
Snipes, Burta, 311. 
Snipes, Emily, 288. 
Snipes, Martha, 283. 
Snipes, Martha, 288. 
Snow. Elsie L., 277. 
Snow, Gamaliel, 139, 212. 
Snowden, Mary, 167. 
Snyder, Alice Jennie, 229. 
Snyder, Catherine, 156. 
Snyder, Elizabeth, 113. 
Sonderegger, Arthur, 211. 262. 
Soudan. Lavina. 24&. 
Souerby. John, 170. 219. 
Soul.'. Ahred Y.. 131. 2H7. 
Southworth, R. Wm., 72. 
Spain, Roland w., 294. 
Spalding, Noah Billings, 108, 

Sparkman, E. A., 117, 184. 



Spaulding-, James R., 80, 126. 
Speer, James, 122, 189. 
Spencer, Ansel, 91. 
Spencer, Christine S., 123. 
Spencer, Estelle S., 215. 
Spencer, Mary Baron, 269. 
Sperry, Lemuel, 43. 
Sperry, Uri, 43. 
Spriggs, Mary, 154. 
Squires, Patience, 38. 
Stacey, Edith, 260. 
Stackpole, Margaret A., 138. 
Stafford, Mabel, 238. 
Stamer, Dottie, 201. 
Stanley, George L., 119, 186. 
Stanley, Joseph, 129. 
Starks, Mrs. Sallie, 139. 
Starkweather, Ella, 189. 
Statler, Alvah R., 186, 256. 
Stearns, Alfred, 50, 79. 
Stebbins, Mary Granger, 193. 
Steele, Mary Louisa, 126. 
Steenback, Fred L., 18Q, 252. 
Sterkin, Lucy, 251. 
Sterling, Raymond K., 172. 
Sterrett, Harry Lardner, 120, 

Stetson, George Albert, 188. 
Stetson, Marie, 316. 
Stevens, Addie, 246. 
Stevens, Alta, 250. 
Stevens, Chas. C., 137. 
Stevens, Ella, 205. 
Stevens, Hannah M., 137. 
Stevens, Lois, 103. 
Stewart, Mary Grace, 146. 
Stickels, Florence Mae, 277. 
Stickney, Moses S., 92, 142. 
Stillwell, Wm. M., 105, 162. 
Stone, Cora, 215. 
Stone, Eber, 48, 73. 
Stone, Howard, 215, 265. 
Stone, John S., 251. 
Stone, Philanda, 73. 
Stone, Sally, 285. 
Storrs, Clarissa, 78. 
Storey, Florence Edith, 186. 
Stough, Simon, 90. 140. 
Stow, Ichabod, 30, 31. 
Stowe, Juanita M., 274. 
Straehan, Elizabeth, 253. 
Street, Edwin, 71, 111. 
Street, Samuel, 34, 40. 
Street, Samuel, 36, 46. 
Street, Titus, 40, 54. 
Streeter, Ivin, 274. 

Streeter, Mary, 163. 
Strickland, Ascha, 77. 
Strong-, Chas. C, 153, 228. 
Strong, Lizzie Lee, 183. 
Strople, Harriet, 128. 
Strople, Sarah Amelia, 129. 
Strople, William, 55. 
Stroud, Manly D., 283, 287. 
Stroud, W. F., 286, 294. 
Strowd, Bruce, 300, 315. 
Strowd, C. H, 300, 314. 
Strowd, Chas. P., 283, 286. 
Strowd, John, 283, 284. 
Studwell, Jennie R., 211. 
Sullivan, Nellie, 204. 
Sutherland, David, 69. 
Sutherland. Lemuel, 100, 154. 
Sutherland, Neil, 129, 199. 
Sutliff, Henry, 56. 
Sutties, David, 129. 
Swany, Granville Reed, 228. 
Swarts, Wm., 168, 245. 
Sweiter, Philip, 222. 
Swift, Caroline Park, 193. 
Swift, Cornelia, 101. 
Switzer, Clifford, 195, 260. 
Sykes, Caroline Augusta. 176. 

Taft, Jane L., 108. 
Talmadge, Hannah, 42. 
Talmage, Phebe, 41. 
Tanner, Oilando, 104, 160. 
Tatam, John Ernest, 167, 244. 
Taylor, Betsey, 75. 
Taylor, Charles B., 213, 265. 
Taylor, Fanny, 181. 
Taylor, Isaac, 57, 86. 
Taylor, Jennie C, 219. 
Taylor, Sabrina Elizabeth, 

Taylor, Susan F., 117. 
Teed, Elizabeth Case, 185. 
Teet, John G., 81. 
Teeter, Josephine, 229. 
Tenbrook, Mary Denman, 71. 
Tenney, Nathan C, 171. 
Terrell, Ephraim, 37, 58. 
Terrell, Lyle, 264, 281. 
Terry, Hanford, 178, 252. 
Thaler, Max. 96. 
Thatcher, H. E., 112, 176. 
Thomas, Edna, 259. 
Thomas, Margaret Celia, 146. 
Thomas, Sarah, 63. 
Thomas, Sarah A., 248. 
Thomason, Dora Marsh, 313. 

Thompson, A., 46. 

Thompson, Andrew Hender- 
son, 133, 206. 

Thompson, Elijah, 62, 92. 

Thompson, Ethel, 267. 

Thompson, Eunice, 39. . 

Thompson, Hannah, 37. 

Thompson, Helen G., 270. 

Thompson, Hezekiah, 62. 92. 

Thompson, James, 62. 

Thompson, Julia, 75. 

Thompson, Lydia, 120. 

Thompson, Maria, 64. 

Thompson, Rose, 97, 150. 

Thudickun, Wilhelminah, 196. 

Thuebee, Gertrude Florence, 

Tibbals, Nathan, 158. 

Tichenor, Sarah, 15 3. 

Tiffany, Almira, 96. 

Tilley, Lucy, 102. 

Tilley, Rhoda, 100. 

Tilton, Mary Elizabeth, 232. 

Timbers, Minnie A., 234. 

Timmons, Lucretia P., 145. 

Tinker, Anna, 102. 

Titterington, Geo. W. R., 171. 

Titterly, Frank, 178, 252. 

Todd, George, 61. 

Todd, George, 125, 195. 

Todd, Lois Tuttle, 46. 

Tompkins, Phebe B., 232. 

Torrey, Almira Emmaline, 

Torrey, Christena, 82. 

Townsend, Ebenezer, 40. 

Townsend, Isaac, 37, 49. 

Townsend, Jacob, 48, 72. 

Townsend, Jeremiah, 44, 63. 

Tower, Robt. R., 53, 81. 

Townsend, Sarah, 62. 

Travis, Charles, 170. 

Treat, Orrin, 125, 194. 

Treat, Philsuebus, 36. 

Tremaine, Emmons, 109. 

Tremaine, William, 156. 

Treudley, Mrs. Betsey W., 

Triffet, W. K., 226, 272. 

Trout, Ina, 21 n. 

Trowbridge, Amos, 62, 93. 

Trowbridge- Amos H., 71, 

Trowbridge, Daniel, 43, 59. 

Truesdell, Chas. Harvey, 107, 



Tryon, Abiah, 39. 
Tryon, Sarah, 40. 
Tuan, Harrison, 154. 
Tucker, Plorella, 168. 
Tucker, James W., 47. 
Tucker, Lucy Ann, 114. 
Turner, J. M., 297, 313. 
Turner, Martha M., 182. 
Turnure, Elizabeth A., 86. 
Turpin, George R., 293, 307. 
Turrentine, Samuel B., 296, 

Tuthill, Elizabeth, 232. 

Tuttle, , 141. 

Tuttle, Abigail, 35. 
Tuttle, Chas. Seymour, 81. 
Tuttle, Edward S., 94, 146. 
Tuttle, Ephraim, 38, 51. 
Tuttle, Esther, 40. 
Tuttle, Jane, 152. 
Tuttle, John, 102, 157. 
Tuttle, Jude, 36, 46. 
Tuttle, Mary. 55. 
Tuttle, Mary D., 235. 
Tuttle, Polly, 51. 
Tuttle, Thaddeus, 40. 56. 
Tuttle, Timothy, 32, 36. 
Tuttle, Titus, 36, 46. 
Twitchell. Sheldon W., 79. 

Tyler, Chas. C, 113, 177. 
Tyler, Delia V., 81. 
Tyler, Elnathan, 37. 
Tyler, Lathrop, 33. 
Tyler, Panthia, 64. 
Tyler, Samuel, Jr., 33, 40. 

Underwood, A. A.. 87, 138. 
Underwood, Mary, 168. 
Upper, Ulah, 183. 
Upson, John, 38. 

Vail, Catherine Stewart, 257. 

Valegra, Gladys. 265. 

Van AJstyne Nancy. 104. 

Van Derzee, Fremont, 156, 

Van Dueson, Bertha M., J 41. 

Van Duyn, John, 75, 117: 

Van Dyke, F. H., 135, 207. 

Van Schaick, Chas., 74. 

Van Schaick, Delia, 116. 

Vni Swearinger, Elizabeth, 

Van Valkenberg, Alice New- 
ton, 168. 

Van Valkenburg, Arthur, 117. 
Varney, Kenneth Penn, 204, 

Vaughn, Stephen, 70, 109. 
Vaun, Minnie E., 185. 
Ventris, Delia, 146. 
Veth, Louise -M., 183. 
Vickery, Emeline, 162. 
Viets, Georgianna Bates, 239. 
Vogel, Clara, 280. 
Vogt, Arthur, 230. 
Voorhees, John Schenck, 251, 


Wadsworth, Faith, 38. 
Wager, Ella L., 274. 
Waldron, Margaret, 170. 
Walker, A. V., 131. 
Walker, Helen Mar., 134. 
Walker, Rebecca, 79. 
Walker, Thomas, 34. 
Walkley, Emma E., 227. 
Wallace, James C, 214, 265. 
Walter, Fred C. 187. 
Walter, Jacob D., 139, 213. 
Walton. Annie Elizabeth, 307. 
Walton, Catherine Naylor, 

Ward, Alfred, 66, 100. 
Ward, Frank M., 123, 192. 
Ward, Henry C, 111. 
Ward, Mary, 33. 
Ware, George, 104, 160. 
Waring, Margaretta M., 85. 
Waring, Sarah J., 86. 
Warner, Benjamin, 102, 158. 
Warner, David, 66, 102. 
Warner, Donald B., 172. 
Warner, Mabel, 102. 
Warner, Mary, 215. 
Warner. Randall. 
Warren, Emeline Mason, 133. 
Warren, Frank S., 134, 207. 
Warren, Harriet, 72. 
Warren, Martha C, 287. 
Watkins, Lawrence, 220. 
Watson. Ella E., 203. 
Watson, Minnie, 264. 
Watson, N. W.. 297. 
Way, George, 102. 
Wear, Joseph, 109. 
Weatherby, D. M.. 296. 
Weaver, Albert, 123, 193. 
Weaver, Jane, 112. 
Weaver, Mary L., 106. 
Weed, Alonzo R., 120, 187. 

W T eed, George Mars ton, 187. 
Weeks, Vonita Louise, 204. 

Weist. Margaret. 95. 
Welch, Hiram, 125. 
Wells, Catherine E., 198. 
Wells, Jessie Clark, 219. 
Wells. Josie Boyd, 175. 
Welton, Hazel N., 281. 
Wendover, Lydia A., 160. 
West, Chas. W., 116, 183. 
West, Edw. M., 79, 124. 
Weston, Carlo M., 162. 
Wetherby, Homer F., 134. 
Wetmore, Delia, 57. 
Wet more, John P., 40, 57. 
Wheeler, May, 184. 
White, Ellen Cynthia, 194. 
White, Marietta, 139. 
White. Mary W., 145. 
White, Rev. Moses C, 73. 
Whitehead Tabitha Holt, 34. 
Whitman, George, 40. 
Whitman, James L., 82. 
Whitney, Frank, 189. 
Whitney Mrs. Harriet B., 85. 
Whiton, S. G., 112, 176. 
Whittlesey, Louise Hart, 141. 
Wilcox, Edwin A., 226, 272. 
Wilcox, Marjory, 266. 
Wilcox, Ozias, 33. 
Wilder, Betsey, 159. 
Wildman, Joseph, 49. 
Wiles, Harriet, 142. 
Wiley, Abbie C, 245. 
Wilkes, Maitha Lavernia, 

Willard, Elizabeth, 55. 
Williams, Anna, 60. 
■Williams, Charles L., 204, 

Williams, Davenport, 43. 
Williams, Don Alonzo, 152, 

Williams, b'ahny W.. 227. 
Williams, Helen A., 209. 
Williams, Henrietta P., 166. 
Williams, Lyman, 101, 155. 
Williams. Phoebe, 137. 
Williams, Reuben, 60. 
Williams. Solomon B., 77, 122. 
Williamson, Chester B., 172. 
Williamson, (Catherine De 

Nye, 155. 
Willis, Phebe, 169. 
Wilson, Amy, 283. 
Wilson, Helen M. 273. 



Wilson, Henry C., 115. 
Wilson, Mollie E., 207. 
Wilson, Sam, 294. 
Winchell, Daniel, 41. 
Winchell, Marietta, 249. 
Windnagel, Fred, 263, 280. 
Windsor, Benjamin Garritt, 

230, 273. 
Wing, Sarah, 57. 
Winne, Nellie, 271. 
Winslow, Aaron, 61. 
Winslow, Celia Miltier, 311. 
Winslow, Zadie I., 190. 
Winter, H. H., 98. 
Winter, Moses, 98. 

Witham, -, 105. 

Witham, William, 220. 
Wolcott, Alexander, 42. 
Wolcott, Anna Sperry, 32. 
Wolcott, Robert L., 185,255. 
Wolf, Prank, 263, 280. 
Womble, Jehu Josiah, 283, 

Womble. Rufus P., 288, 303. 
Womble. Samuel, 283, 288. 

Womble, Wm., 283, 291. 
Wood, George, 280. 
Wood, Ida Norman, 173. 
Wood, Katie, 274. 
Woodard, Marcia, 135. 
Woodford, Mary Alice, 162. 
Wooding, Uri, 61. 
Woodruff, Henry, 158. 
Woodside, Mary B., 74. 
Woodward, Agnes L., 239. 
Woodward, George, 114, 180. 
Woodward, Solon, 113, 179. 
Woodworth, Wm., 91, 140. 
Worden, Nettie B., 224. 
Worrall, Rettie, 208. 
Woithington, Clara Matilda, 

Woithington, Edward S., 126. 

Wright, , 128. 

Wright, Amelia Haywood, 

Wright, Catherine Stone, 111. 
Wright, Margaret, 137. 
Wright, Nellie, 229. 
Wright, Susan Arms, 91. 

Wright, Wm., 73, 114. 
Wrigley, Philip K., 219, 268. 
Wylie, Laura, 236. 

Tale, Elizabeth, 41. 
Yale, Louise C, 134. 
Yale, Sarah, 33. 
Yale, Sarah S., 80. 
Yates, Lily Mae, 315. 
Yoder, Albert J., 247, 278. 
Yoran, Clarence G., 155. 
Young, E., 46. 
Young, Edwin, 141, 215. 
Young, Glenn, 231, 273. 
Young, J. Norman, 231. 
Young, James I., 232, 274. 
Young, Lucy E., 274. 
Yount, Edith, 236. 

Zieman, Gustavus R., 236, 

Zimmerman, Norma, 279. 
Zook, J. E., 248, 279. 
Zumwalt, Amelia, 222. 
Zumwalt, Malinda Catherine, 
